Brett Ratner Wouldn't Change A Thing On X-Men: The Last Stand

Brett Ratner Wouldn't Change A Thing On X-Men: The Last Stand

The widely criticized director doesn't have any issues looking back on the X-Men movie.

By DogsOfWar - May 21, 2010 09:05 AM EST
Filed Under: X-Men 3 The Last Stand
Source: Empire

Ratner has been making the rounds promoting his "remixed" Bollywood film Kites where he took a two hour and 40 minute movie down to just 90 minutes for an American release. Those pesky X-Men questions keep popping up everywhere. Here are some excerpts that apply to his superhero resume.

IESB interview:
IESB: Are there any other comic book properties you would like to turn into film?

Brett: "I love comic books. I love superheroes. I grew up reading about them and watching cartoons. I would love to do another comic book movie. It's absolutely living out childhood fantasies. That's all it is."

IESB: If you could go back and do X-Men 3 differently, would you?

Brett: "No. I loved it! I'm right, and they're wrong."

Webchat from Empire
Supernova: Was X3 an enjoyable experience for you? How do you feel about the direction the franchise has gone since then (X-Men Origins: Wolverine) and also the direction that it is heading (X-Men: First Class)?
"I love the X-Men series, and I'm a fan and I'll go see any X-Men movie opening weekend. I'm not as fanatic as all you people out there in live-webchat land. I know how difficult the process of making a movie is, and how you can't please everyone. So I'm more tolerant, and try to just sit back and enjoy any X-Men film as any regular audience member."

Harry Fender: You were developing Superman before Bryan Singer, and he was obviously working on X3 before you took it over. Do you ever wonder what might have happened had you both stayed with the original project?
"I would have been hated much less than I am today. But I hope that both our films will get a second life in the year 2020. And that they're re-released in 3D."

Chip Denver: I've heard all kinds of wild rumours about the reason why Jean Grey doesn't speak in the second half of X3... what's the real story?
"I have no idea. It wasn't a plan that she was mute."

Rgirvan44: Tom Rothman: good boss?
"The best. He backed me 100%. The producers were questioning some of my ideas, and he listened to both sides and at the end of the day deferred to me. Which is why they're still on the franchise and I'm not - just joking. He really cares about X-Men and movies in general, and is a great boss to have when your back is against the wall."

Harry Fender: Did you ever film a death scene for Cyclops?

jebutlin: A lot of people say that X3 became a bit overloaded with characters. What are your thoughts on those criticisms?
"The more the merrier."

Harry Fender: What would your take on Superman have been?
"My version of Superman was a script written by JJ Abrams, which took place predominantly on Krypton, which is something that we hadn't seen before."

Brett Ratner is also working on Beverly Hills Cop 4 and developing a biopic on Hugh Hefner. Many thanks to The Geek Files for their compilation article idea.
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MassExecutions1 - 5/21/2010, 9:56 AM
How much deeper does this guy want to hole he is digging with fans to get?
Matador - 5/21/2010, 9:58 AM
That's why Ratner my dear boy you deserve a Ratzee with a dash of X-mas poo.
Shaman - 5/21/2010, 10:01 AM
I think we've been over this enough. He's mentionned this so many times in the past that he's not ashamed of what he directed and wouldn't have changed a thing. Especially not for the "bitchy fans" he despises so much.

Oh and... Beverly Hills Cop 4??? Dude... weak. Why don't you just name it Beverly Hills Rush Hour and have Eddie and Chris as partners? That'll give ya a buck or two for sure. Hell, throw in Chris Rock while your at it and call it Beverly Hills Lethal Rush Hour. What? You want Tracy Morgan too? Now you're just being dumb and cop-ing out.
TANKGIRL - 5/21/2010, 10:01 AM
if i back to 2006 i wouldn't watch x-3 painfuly to watch that movie
McLovin - 5/21/2010, 10:02 AM
It's official. The Douchebaggery Award for making a poor CBM and not owning up to it goes to Brett "I got my head up my own ass" Ratner.
DasBoot - 5/21/2010, 10:15 AM
I think my main problem with X-3 was the villains (except for Magneto & Pyro). Juggernaut was lame, and poorly presented. Callisto was played by an annoying actress. And how stupid of a power is it to be able to turn into a porcupine?! Oh, and the script was really bad in some parts. Jussst my opinion though :)
StephenJ - 5/21/2010, 10:17 AM
he sucks.. X3 sucked.. and I am sure his take on Superman would have sucked
ecksmanfan - 5/21/2010, 10:31 AM
Interesting about what he saidnregarding Cyclops though.

Anyways...he's a dick bag. Moving on....
Talontd - 5/21/2010, 10:32 AM
What an @sshole...
Spock - 5/21/2010, 10:32 AM
ONe CBM I dread watching is Electra! That was more a flop then X3.
A7 - 5/21/2010, 10:37 AM
well what do you expect him to say..."you're right my worked sucked"?
ecksmanfan - 5/21/2010, 10:49 AM
@A7- Shia LeBouef has done that...twice now. So why not?
HelaGood - 5/21/2010, 10:55 AM
HelaGood - 5/21/2010, 10:56 AM
@ecksmanfan LOL!
fanboiii - 5/21/2010, 11:00 AM
Ratner loves his own poo. He saves them in jars and has a whole wall on display. On the opposite wall, he has an X-3 poster and DVD he personally signed. Ratner calls it his Golden Room.

Singer admitted he had some missteps with Superman Returns, yet Ratner thinks his X3 was flawless.

@ecksmanfan Ratner would want Shia LeBouef in all his movies. When the bad reviews pour in, Ratner will be like, "Shia, look what you did!"
Stumblin - 5/21/2010, 11:08 AM
The one thing I hated most of X3 was Juggernaut. He was under used, no Colossus vs Juggernaut, instead he runs into a wall and knocks himself out. Seriously, that's just damn weak.
LEEE777 - 5/21/2010, 11:14 AM
KEV @ X3 was better than BORIGINS! : P

Well maybe not! : D
HelaGood - 5/21/2010, 11:28 AM
i confirm @LEEEEEEEEEE's statement

jjmeylar - 5/21/2010, 11:36 AM
I disagree with Hela and Leee. I thought Origins was MUCH better. If I could change ONE thing about X3: I'd have Ratner killed off in pre-production.
JoshWilding - 5/21/2010, 11:54 AM
I hate you Brett Ratner. :P

To be fair though, a lot of the action scenes were very well filmed and it didnt help that he had an awful script to work with. Full blame for how the movie was cant be completely laid at his feet IMO.
HelaGood - 5/21/2010, 11:56 AM
@JJMeylar LMAO!!
DCMarvelFreshman - 5/21/2010, 12:16 PM
I agree with Brett. That film was done decent and was the best out of them all. As a matter of fact, I only watched the previous two because of how much I liked the Last one. I love the Juggernaut part.

But I didn't read the comics, so u guys may know better than me. I just thought the film was decent.
Faust1973 - 5/21/2010, 12:23 PM
X-3 should have been Wolverine: Origins, but better...
Draximos - 5/21/2010, 12:28 PM
Man he's so.... jeez, I just hate him more all the time. X3 is one of the worst comic book films of all time.
I don't know what some of you dipsticks are thinking, the ones of you who are like 'yeah it's a great movie' you are seriously settling. Shall I list the problems with this movie alphabetically or in order of significance? #1- totally new production crew, for the most part anyway, and I think that's partially why the rest of the problems happened.. #2. It is simply not proper to kill, if any of the X-men, Professor X and Cyclops!!! This totally had me pissed! #3- the totally screwed up storyline! For one thing, Dark Phoenix was a firebird that possessed Jean Gray, NOT a split personality!!! Come on! And with all the new characters they threw in they definitely didn't get enough screen time, much less any character development. Wolverine was a lot like this too.

Overall X-men 3 is just horrible. Immediately putting Brett Ratner up there with Joel Schumucker.
DogsOfWar - 5/21/2010, 12:29 PM
All the mutants didn't bother me. I just didn't like the pacing and like Josh said, the script was not very good.

The hardest part of the movie is what most of us comic book fans have a hard time swallowing-the huge changes in our beloved character that seemed mostly unnecessary.

X3 was okay, it just left you wanting something with a little more flavor.
1chris2 - 5/21/2010, 12:35 PM
if they would have made the juggernaught the juggernaught and he had to fight the x-men,and cyclops did not die,and they did not leave us hangin with the professor in some other body,and the other characters got more story like angel,and colossus,and explain why hank turned from a human in x-2 to a blue beast in x-3,and what happened to nightcrawler, then it might have been a decent film. i think the director of splice should do a grant morrison version film.just saying. i also think wolverine would have be great if they would have just kept the characters the way they were in the comics as much as possible. instead we got deadpool/baraka the merc with no mouth or costume, we got a cameo of gambit, we got the blob whos power was super punches not his powers from the comics wich was his weight and height,and they changed wolverine origins on how he lost his memories how dumb was that. i would have love to see blob stand in front of that tank as a huge behemoth and it fire just to strike his big @$$ stomach and the shell return to the tank.or the deadpool from the comic,and more gambit.alright im done ranting. i just wish hollywood would make films with great stories,actors/casting,effects,and keep close very close to source material,and not leave plot hole and continuity problems,and leave us hanging at the end of a film for a sequel just to say we are not doing a sequel. those are my big problems with hollywood. and how about making more films that are darker,and seriouse, like the dark knight,splice,and others like that? we needs some good monster film/killer animal flicks, but only if taken seriously. peace my friends.
fanboiii - 5/21/2010, 12:39 PM
X3 was trash. X2 is without a doubt the best in the franchise. When people say there were too many mutants in X3, they mean characters weren't being developed and it was basically a ton of cameos as main characters get pushed aside or killed. Don't know how people forgot how bad the action in X3 was. It was so fake like cheap kung fu movies done with strings. It was a bad movie and even worse for comic book fans. Story, direction, action, everything was weak.

PedoRAT: Mmm I love my X-MEN. You're wrong. I am right.
odie00 - 5/21/2010, 12:47 PM
x3 is NOT better the the first 2, screw that. and it wasnt because of all the mutants in fact im glad they added a bunch. but they made pyslocke a bad guy in there and added quill who isnt very big at all. juggurnaut was so weak kitty took him out which was gay, and they made him a mutant which he isnt and they never made him and xavier brothers like they are or step siblings either way. yeah i didnt like cyclops dying that was weak tho not a big fan of the character anyways. xavier technically didnt die, he put his mind into that old guys body in the end. colossus doesnt even talk in the film haha, guess they did that because the guy who was casted wasnt a very good actor i heard. so see there are many reasons why this movie was crap
DasBoot - 5/21/2010, 12:54 PM
@DCMF that's a surprise! What comics do you read?
marvelguy - 5/21/2010, 12:57 PM
Does anyone think that a director would come out and say his vision of something stunk? Actors get away with it because they have very little control over script and visuals. He's also going to claim that his "Red Dragon" was better than "Manhunter." You think actors have big egos? Directors with some level of success are ridiculous.
Superheromoviefan - 5/21/2010, 12:59 PM
X-Men 3 is a bad movie. The guy has screw the X-Men. He isn't even a good director.
Only one thing is certain: he is an idiot stubborn.
Destroyer14 - 5/21/2010, 1:08 PM
Why do a lot of people not like this movie? It was by far the best X-Men movie.
HeyVanity - 5/21/2010, 1:14 PM
I didn't think it was so bad. I'm pissed that he killed off Cyclops (especially after X2, where he was gone the entire movie), but aside from that I liked it much better than the first one, at least. Ratner's still acting like a childish bag-of-douche, though.
HeyVanity - 5/21/2010, 1:17 PM
Oh, and Juggernaut blew scrotum.

Still a hell of a lot better than Origins...
dancingmonkey08 - 5/21/2010, 1:29 PM
wow, just wow, I used to think people were way too hard on him, but now I see he deserves every bit of criticism, the bastard
Shaman - 5/21/2010, 1:56 PM
dancingmonkey08- Welcome to the club, my friend! Kool-Aid, cheesies and funyuns are on the right, the sega genesis is plugged in over there. Make yourself feel right at home. The "magician" should be here any minute ;)
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