Alphadog's Prediction For THE AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON & Beyond

Alphadog's Prediction For THE AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON & Beyond

Gather around and watch the magnificent oracle Alphadog predict what's going to happen in Avengers 2 and afterwards in the MCU.

Editorial Opinion
By Alphadog - Oct 06, 2013 11:10 AM EST

After the release of the Avengers most fans jumped to the conclusion that Thanos was going to be the big baddy of the Avengers sequel. There were still a number of people who realized how ridiculous that idea was and focused on figuring out which traditional Avengers villain Joss Whedon had chosen for the next installment. Finally this year at San Diego Comic Con the title for next Avengers film was announced as being Avengers Age of Ultron. Now, I have a lot of things to say about this so I’m going to divide my ideas. First of all is my analysis of the information we currently have about the movie.

So right now we know two things for certain about the movie. We know that Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver will have a considerable role in the movie and that Ultron is going to appear. Ultron is traditionally portrayed as a good robot created by Henry Pym that turned psycho and started to kill every single human he found. The idea behind him is that the heroes created their own worst enemy. Currently in the MCU Ultron has yet to be introduced. Considering the whole gimmick behind him it is a bit strange for Joss to introduce him right out of the bat and make him become a genocide machine half through the movie, which brings up my theory that there’s going to be another villain supporting the movie up to at least the middle. That villain could be pretty much anyone, but based on what has happened and what looks to happen in the sequels to Cap and Thor the villain or rather villains will be no other than the Maximoff twins.
(on a side note, please have a big final fight between the whole team and Ultron. Don't repeat the first movie and have them just fight his army)

Avengers: Age of Ultron
Up to now in Phase 2 there’s been a consistent theme of someone directly attacking what the heroes love most. In Iron Man 3 Tony’s life was completely turned upside down, and everyone who he loved was either attacked or kidnapped. In Thor 2 it looks like Malekith is trying to destroy both Midgard and Asgard, and finally in Winter Soldier it seems that SHIELD and the government are being infiltrated by an evil organization (So someone is going against all that Steve stands for). Avengers Age of Ultron will probably be about trying to be more efficient and finding more heroes. I believe that Ultron will be created at the beginning of Avengers 2, by either SHIELD or Stark to protect people of these acts of terrorism. In the movie there will probably be a secret organization like AIM or Zodiac attacking SHIELD facilities using alien technology and variations of the extremis serum. The Twins will probably be superpowered agents of this organization that become heroes halfway through the movie and help defeating the enemy. Throughout the movie Ultron will be helping our heroes fight these terrorist and eventually near the end will go bersek seeing humans cause this much chaos and fighting eachother and maybe even kill one of our heroes. After this event I believe that the Avengers will disband and disappear leading to Phase 3. SHIELD is likely to also be terminated and replaced by HAMMER.

Phase 3
After the events of Age of Ultron three things will happen. 1 Secret Societies with advanced technology and superpowers will start to arise and defunct organizations like HYDRA will be reborn by men like Baron Zemo. 2 HAMMER will start investigating the world and will find things like Wakanda. 3 New heroes will be born in the place of the Avengers and people like Henry Pym and the Rising Tide will discover the secrets of their own political leaders. This idea would connect movies like Inhumans, Doctor Strange and Antman, at the same time setting the stage for the third Avengers movie and for the sequel to Cap.
Now here are some of the movies I believe we will see.

Ant man
Since this one is already confirmed this isn’t really predicting so much as speculating, or are those two the same thing. Anyway, this movie will be an espionage thriller based on the test reel and will probably be the most connected with AOU. I see Henry Pym being one of the scientists responsible for the creation of the robot and in this movie I assume he will help Scott Lang infiltrate Government facilities and access secret files of H.A.M.M.E.R. projects. At this point I also believe there will already be a gang like MAGGIA stealing alien weapons and using them.

Doctor Strange
This will probably be disconnect from the rest of the movies and will only focus on exploring the magic side of the universe. One thing I do have to say is that I’d like Strange to be one of the people that were presumably giving medical assistance in New York after the invasion showing how truly devastating it was and there could also be cameo of the Damage Control.

Captain America 3: The Serpent Society
Presuming Steve survives or that he will be replaced by Bucky, it would be nice to finally see Baron Zemo appear on screen and Arnim Zola in his Robot body with perhaps even Baron Strucker as an old days Nazi (cause who wouldn’t want that). Zemo could be a descendant of a pre-World War 2 HYDRA leader that was killed by Red Skull, who now rebuilds HYDRA from the few members left. The Serpent Society should appear to. (But the title is refering to HYDRA)

Thor 3: One More Ballad
There are still a ton of villains that Thor could face so anyone of them would be fine seeing as though this wouldn’t connect with the rest. Maybe a second Aesir-Vanir War commanded by a more radical version of Absorbing man that instead of absorbing materials changes appearance like the gods of Norse mythology and can get as big as the hulk or as durable as stone. He could be like a prince from another realm with a vendetta against Thor. Or in a more traditional way, a civil war caused by Enchantress with the help of the trolls. Thor could go to earth to battle a slightly altered version of the Wrecking Crew transformed by Enchantress and when he comes back he finds Asgard invaded by trolls and other things. Just don’t go all big with Surtur. Try to be more creative and save him for the last movies. Also introduce Betta Ray Bill

Not much of a stretch, this could be like a Shakespearean tale of a civil war for the throne of Attilan. Out of all this is the one that most excites me from a dramatic and aesthetic point of view. This movie could also explain the powers of the Maximoff twins if necessary but I believe that it would be better to leave their past a mystery.

Black Panther
There are two ways it could go. 1 The government discovers a secret civilization or 2 The Government has been hiding a whole city for decades. Either way Wakanda would not be known to the world in the beginning of the movie because otherwise we would have had heard of them by now. The main villain would probably be Klaw with someone like Man-Ape posing has an internal threat.

Planet Hulk
With Iron Man 3, the most profitable solo series ended so marvel would naturally be inclined to make a sequel to The Incredible hulk with his growing popularity. This could be a Planet Hulk type of thing with Bruce being sent to space by HAMMER and falling on Sakaar. They could give Bruce more screen time and have him try to survive in the arena transforming into the hulk at last second. It would also be interesting comparing Hulk with Banner by interacting with Caiera or seeing him respond to being in a highly exotic world with weird aliens.

Guardians of the Galaxy 2
If next year’s space adventure is successful than it could span at least a trilogy exploring space and have the team fight Korvac and meet Adam warlock just to have him turn into the psychotic Magus in a future installment. If the High evolutionary doesn’t appear in the first movie than he could also be a very fascinating villain to see them face.

Avengers 3 Dark Reign
Even with Loki and Ultron gone we still have great guys for the Avengers to fight like their counter parts, the Masters of Evil. If they don’t appear on AOU, than this would be the right time for them to be introduced. This movie could mix the story arcs of Dark Reign, Under Siege and Ultimates 2 having a version of the Masters of Evil (with maybe a less corny name in the Style of Thunderbolts) attack the Triskelion and let loose the villains in captivity. This would tie together the loose ends of Phase 1 presented in the prelude to Avengers with The Leader being one of their members and use the technology that SHIELD confiscated to create a Gamma World type event. This would prompt the return of the avengers with an all new team. Kang could also be a villain maybe having him orchestrating all of this in order to form the New Avengers and prepare them for a big event that is going to take place. He could have the time gem with him somewhat explaining how he travelled to the past and keep setting up Thanos for a future entry.


So that turned into more of a hole filled fan fiction then a proper thought out prediction, but there are still a lot of things in there that I believe will happen. Do you agree with any? Let me know bellow and if you liked this article and want more don’t forget to hit the thumbs up button. In the meantime you can read my other articles about which superheroes I think deserve their own show or how I would do the Star Wars sequel trilogy by clicking on account or the links bellow, till next time true believers.

PS: Also vote the poll bellow for what villain you want to see the Avengers face the most on the big screen.

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BrowniesExplode - 10/6/2013, 12:07 PM
No planet hulk film until he fight the leader and the abomination.
Lhornbk - 10/6/2013, 1:46 PM
Well......let's No to almost all of it. They just started a Shield TV show, so unless it suddenly flops, they're not gonna suddenly get rid of Shield. Unless they're using misdirection, they've already said they won't have Pym be involved with making Ultron. And more than likely Ant-Man will flop, big time, which will kill making films like the Inhumans. I do see Black Panther getting made eventually. And I definitely don't see them doing a Planet Hulk film before doing another regular Hulk film, if ever.
EdgyOutsider - 10/6/2013, 2:18 PM
No Planet Hulk. Avengers are going to face, Thanos in the third movie. Enchantress and Executioner should NOT be the Thor 3 villains. No serpent society in Cap 3. I like the Baron Zemo background idea. Just not the idea of the serpent society appearing, that would be stupid for a movie.
Alphadog - 10/6/2013, 2:40 PM
It says a lot about people's atention when they don't notice that this article is about Avengers Age of Ultron, the rest is just a continuation. Anyway

@MCUfan1 The Incredible Hulk is one my favorite films of phase 1 and i'd love to see a follow up to it, but i don't see marvel investing in the Leader as the main villain for a hulk movie. At most a member of the Masters of evil like i said.

@Lhornbk As much as i like the series, i have big doubts that it's going to reach a third season which would start after Avengers 2. Eventually the series would mess with the continuity of the movies. But if marvel really wants to they could continue the series by having the team become like the modern howling commandos fighting against the goverment, that would mesh things up. And they said that Pym wouldn't be in AOU, not that he wouldn't create Ultron. Get your facts straight.

@MrSundayNight I like Daredevil but stop dreaming. Inhumans has a lot more chances of getting made, Feige even talked about what the movie could be about.

@EdgyOutsider 1 Thanos is not going to be the villain of the third movie. He's going to be saved for big finale which is certanly not going to be third movie. 2 What's your problem with the Enchantress? 3 The Extremis soldiers were a lot like the Serpent Society so it wouldn't be at all farfetched to have them as secondary villains.
ToxicCap - 10/6/2013, 3:32 PM
Is the first picture from a comic book? Because I keep seeing it and I dont know what it is
ToxicCap - 10/6/2013, 3:32 PM
I meant the 2nd picture
WYLEEJAY - 10/6/2013, 4:16 PM
I don't think they will use The Masters of Evil. At least not the name. It doesn't make sense nowadays. A lot of villains don't consider themselves EVIL. A name like The Revengers would sound a lot better. And the Serpent Society works great in the books, but I have a hard time picturing them in the MCU. They wear costumes that represent snakes. Nobody in the MCU so far really wears a costume. Except Captain America. If you take their costumes away, they lose everything that makes them interesting. You could say that with the Avengers being exposed to the public, it could escalate and more people will start to dress up. Remember what was said in the Dark Knight?
Alphadog - 10/6/2013, 11:32 PM
Seriously, has anyone read the article.
@WYLEEJAY i already said that in the article about the Masters of Evil, and of course the Serpent Society won't have costumes in the movie but it is ironic that Captain America is the one their going to fight.
@CaptainZamerica i think it's from an early issue of Dark Avengers vol 1. Norman looks at that painting in his headquarters when he's deciding who to join the team.
ruadh - 10/7/2013, 9:17 AM
I am definitely behind some Dark Reign. COuld be awesome. I'm even happy to have a "dark" version of the movie team, rather than a page-to-screen adaptation of the comic.
ToxicCap - 10/7/2013, 3:31 PM
@Alphadog thanks man
GinjaNinja - 10/8/2013, 9:38 AM
Kang the Conq
Masters of Evil
Dr. Doom

That's the level needed villains for the Avengers imo
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