The Avengers: The story of a life long fan being let down

The Avengers: The story of a life long fan being let down

With all of this success, was The Avengers that good? Hit the link to find out.

Review Opinion
By XxBLACKMASKxX - May 14, 2012 03:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Avengers

I will start off by saying that I am not a casual user of the site and that aside from my username, I am no Nolanite. I have grown up on the basis of being a fan of both DC and Marvel, and never truely understood the difference between the two universes until long after my childhood. However, I'm not here to give you all the story of my life. I'm here to tell you why I am extremely disapointed with The Avengers.

First off, let us talk about The Avengers success. The Avengers is only a month in and has already grossed more than The Dark Knight and smashed all opening weekend records. So now that this is stated, I'll get to the real article. By all means The Avengers was a great action flick, but not deserving of its success. Unfortunately, so many people were excited and are fans, that we practically convinced ourselves it was good. So before you scroll down to the comments and complain, let me tell you why I fell this way. The movie itself was rather drawn out until the final action sequence, with little build up. Mind me I loved the action sequence, but not the rest of the movie. The story itself was bland, the plot holes were filled, but little detail was put into the story. Most if not all of the movie I could tell what was going to happen next, simply because the script was that plain. The story went like this: bad guy is introduced, bad guy tries to corrupt heroes, heroes decide to band together to fight evil, good guys win. Rather boring isn't it. Now that was not all of my problems. I found that the CGI on the Hulk wasn't that great, mind me the rest of the CGI was great. Also, several times in the movie I could tell they were on a set with a green screen and set pieces beside that.

Now even though I had these problems, The Avengers was a good movie. Yet, not deserving of its success. Now I'm not going to sit here and give you the reasons why I think The Dark Knight Rises like many of you expect. I enjoy all comic book movies. The big picture is that we all grew up waiting for this great moment, the moment where we see all of our favorite heroes banding together on the big screen. But at the end of the day, I was let down.

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TheLoveDoc - 5/14/2012, 3:29 PM
I was a little disapointed as well. However, as Michael Bay has shown us all, money does not speak for how good a movie is.
marvel72 - 5/14/2012, 3:46 PM
the movie wasn't perfect no comic book movie is,but i loved it i've waited years to see an avengers movie & i finally got one.

personally i think its the best comic book movie ever!
OdinsBeard - 5/14/2012, 3:56 PM
awww baby want a bottle?

maybe if you learned how to write you might understand the movie better.
golden123 - 5/14/2012, 3:58 PM
If you're going to write up a three paragraph article, then at least make each paragraph meaty. Also, isn't this article more of a review than an editorial? All you do is briefly tell the basics of your history as a fan, list, in paragrpah form, why you were dissapointed in the movie, and then declare that it was not worthy of it's success because you were let down.

Anyways, I would have to disagree with you on most all acounts. The story was bland and filled with little detail becuase you are focusing on the series of events that make up the overall problem and solution that the united heroes face. You aren't paying any attention to the character arcs. The movie was made with the idea the observation that The Avengers comics work well due to the brilliant interactions of Marvel's top superheroes. The characters are the main focus of the movie. The audience knows and was expecting this. People didn't walk into that theater thinking, "man, this film is going to be an awesome alien invasion film." Nobody said, "Hmmmm, I wonder how the heroes will topple the infinitely more powerful Loki this time." People went into the theater thinking "Dude, this movie is going to rock as when the superheroes meet face to face." Everybody was thinking, "Hmmmm, I wonder how Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor will play along with each other". The movie delivered in the character department which is why, I think, the movie deserved it's success.

By the way, I'm confused. When you say, "Unfortunately, so many people were excited and are fans, that we practically convinced ourselves it was good", it makes me think you didn't think the film was good, but you seem to use the more mildly viewed wording of "let down" when you refer to your expierence of the movie. Can you clear that up?
Tainted87 - 5/14/2012, 4:00 PM

If you want to voice your disappointment, write a REVIEW. This is half a paragraph describing two things you didn't like. Why do we need this?
golden123 - 5/14/2012, 4:00 PM
In case anybody cares...
3)The Avengers
2)X-Men: First Class
1)The Dark Knight
Knightrider - 5/14/2012, 4:00 PM
@Thelovedoc That is very true, too many comments seem to read "It's made lots, that proves its the best film ever made" I loved it, but that's saying money earned proves quality is crazy, Avatar is number 1 at the moment and that script is very film 101, in it's approach.

I know people have been jumping up and down when people say the script was simple, however if they had added complexity the film wouldn't of worked. So not really sure what the basis of the defence of the simple story is. I know people say "You can break down any movie into a sentence or two" Yes I agree the difference is you can simplify a complex story into a paragraph, but it is harder if impossible to turn a simple story and turn it into something complex.

Yes there were slow points, and story wasn't a thinker, but I think it never marketed itself to be anything more than an action flick, so I went in to the movie with the mindset to sit back and relax and be taken for a ride.
XxBLACKMASKxX - 5/14/2012, 4:06 PM
Please feel free to let me now what is wrong with my grammar.
XxBLACKMASKxX - 5/14/2012, 4:07 PM
I enjoyed the movie, but expected more. That is what I meant to say.
XxBLACKMASKxX - 5/14/2012, 4:08 PM
If all you have to say is that my article is too short, just don't comment. Nobody wants that or the overused and cliche troll face. At least have an informative comment.
TheLoveDoc - 5/14/2012, 4:11 PM
So many Marvelites....
Thanos005 - 5/14/2012, 4:43 PM
Just because YOU don't like it, doesn't mean it deserves less success. You do not set the standard. The majority does, and the majority loved the movie. If you don't like it, fine. You don't have to. If you want to openly say you were let down, say it. But to say that it deserves less success just because YOU were not blown away is such a self-righteous concept. The rules of the words don't bend for you, or any of us.
ThunderKat - 5/14/2012, 4:57 PM
You contradict yourself repeatedly. Which tale of superheroes or myths doesn't follow the pattern of division whether its between people or within the hero and then he/they unite/marshall their forces to fight the bad guys?
Did you not see that something greater appears to be in play (amidst the credits)?
Were they supposed to die/lose to be different?

I'm not trying to be rude. Think out your editorial and explicate further, rather than waiting for the comments. You'll get a lot more people to understand your side as well as be on your side.
Tainted87 - 5/14/2012, 5:03 PM
I just watched "The Skin I Live In". Fantastic movie, in some ways better than the Avengers.

What's my point? Do I offer any suggestions on how the Avengers could be better? Why am I talking about a foregin film which has nothing to do with the Avengers?

ELABORATION is required!
Now you don't want to see that troll face (first time I've ever used it or anything like it, by the way), but you yourself are trolling on this site with an article that is shorter than my usual comments on this site.

You say the Avengers was a let-down, ok. Differing opinions don't bother me, they only pique my curiosity. I want to learn MORE about why you thought it was a let down. I don't care about the money it's making, and although yes, that does mean it is successful, that doesn't instantly qualify it as good or bad (relative terminology anyway).

I'm all for the minority expressing their opinions. I clicked this article thinking you would really expound on it, offer something that other articles/reviews are missing, and even guide me towards your line of thinking. Instead, I got an article that comes off as whiny, like a spurned fanboy, or some spoiled brat who didn't like his Christmas present.

You want an informative comment?

I think yossarian pretty much told you what I would have, had I really cared enough to review your silly "editorial". You oversimplified everything.

Consider this. I work at McDonald's as an Area Manager. I encounter extremely stupid customers and about as equally dumb employees every day. I've witnessed this event at least twice a day:
Customer: "I want a number 2."
Order Taker: "Was that a meal or just the sandwich?"
Customer: "Uh, the Quarter Pounder."
Order Taker: "Ok, would you like to make that a meal today?"
Customer: "Sure."
Order Taker: "What size would you like that?"
Customer: "Um, whatever way it comes."
Order Taker: "Well the meal comes in either medium or large."
Customer: "What does that mean: 'medium or large'?"
Order Taker: "I'm referring to the size of the drink and fries that come with the meal."
Customer: "Oh, well just regular."
Order Taker: "So... medium then?"
Customer: "Sure, we'll go with that."
Order Taker: "What would you like to drink with that meal?"
Customer: "Diet Coke."
Order Taker: "Alright, if the screen is correct, your order comes out to $6.42 at your first-"
Customer: "How come you charged me for the Diet Coke? Doesn't the drink come with the meal?"
Order Taker: "Yes, but what you're seeing on the screen is the meal broken down. Meals have a drink and a fry..."
Customer: "Ok, but I want a receipt."

How could this have been averted? What should the order taker have done? What should the customer have done differently (if anything)? Do you even care? Exactly.
Ashes2Phoenix - 5/14/2012, 5:04 PM
@Everyone: He actually does have a point to a certain extent my problems with the film are the similarities it had with some recent films. Let me elaborate:

The ending battle was awesome but the actual story at this point plays out exactly like Transformers 3. The villain opens a portal allowing the invasion to begin. It was all a bit wishy washy for my liking. Also what got on my nerves was the fact that when Iron Man throws the nuke into the mothership all the other aliens malfunction exactly like Star Wars Episode 1. It was all a bit unoriginal for my liking and I expected more considering this was something that had never really been seen before on film.

Also, whilst Tom Hiddlestone did a great job of playing Loki, Loki was treated as a bit of a joke in the film. By this happening you never felt worried for the heroes, it was all just a bit bland in that regard. i laughed my ass off at The Hulk smashing Loki but I feel in a way that was not a good idea. When you are laughing at the main villain it kind of kills the tension.

The parts they got right they did well and made up for some of those things I was a bit disappointed with. The acting, dialogue and action sequences were spot on. Would I say it was the best comic book movie ever ? No. Why ? Because Spider-Man 2, X-Men 2, Batman Begins, and TDK are better because their stories have a great variety to them, in my opinion.
Kalel219 - 5/14/2012, 5:10 PM
Urgh...Can't stand people who write things like and then people agree with it.

SCOURGE - 5/14/2012, 5:11 PM
I found the movie to be terrible. I thought Hawkeye and the Black Widow were wasted. Hawkeye gets turned into a bad guy in the first five minutes and then gets cured by a blow to the head? Can you say cop out?

I kept flashing to Star Wars at a couple of different points (when the aliens fall over dead because the mother ship gets blown up and when Iron Man appears to be dead). I thought Coulson's death was cheesy and contrived. I thought they should h I thoughtave made Maria Hill bitchier and I found the humor to be over done and distracting.

On a scale of 1-10 this movie was a 3
Ashes2Phoenix - 5/14/2012, 5:12 PM
Lol, what happened to the right of free speech ? If he was let down, he was let down. You lot obviously were not so what does it matter ?
OdinsBeard - 5/14/2012, 5:22 PM
"Now even though I had these problems, The Avengers was a good movie. Yet, not deserving of its success. Now I'm not going to sit here and give you the reasons why I think The Dark Knight Rises like many of you expect."

BlackMask@ learn where to put your commas and your periods. Speaking of periods it sounds like you were on yours when you saw this movie. Plus I’m pretty sure you forgot a word or two in there. And it's not just about grammar, it’s about structure. And the amount of contradictions you put forth is insane. "The movie itself was rather drawn out until the final action sequence, with little build up." - so you were mad that the movie spent the entire first two acts building up to the fight scene yet there was little build up? And you state your opinion as being over-all disappointed with the film then say: "The Avengers was a good movie" - yet it was a complete and total let down? So much so that you, a non-casual user of this site (whatever that means, I think another type-o) felt compelled to write an editorial about it?

“The plot holes were filled” – wtf does that mean? Did you read the first draft of the script? What plot holes are you talking about? And if they were “filled” then they would cease to be plot holes therefore never existing to begin with…

Yeah, everyone is entitled to their opinion, I get it, yours is just stupid (in my opinion). Thousands of people worked their asses off for years to make this movie happen and it was damn good. It delivered in every aspect you could realistically ask it to deliver on yet according to you it is unworthy of its own earned success? Sorry I now think you’re a complete and utter idiot.
gravedigger9906 - 5/14/2012, 5:33 PM
The movie was fun, awesome action, but i was was a little let down too, at least for all the hype it got. Marvel did a great job setting it up and i think thats why it was so sucessful. Not samual jacksons best performance, the other actors were great. I agree, i didnt feel a great threat to the heroes, as a matter of fact, loki's army seemed more like a small group of b list thugs. i also thought the hulk/loki scene was funny but it does take away the threat you should feel from the main villian. this shouldve been bigger for an avengers movie. thor or hulk couldve handled this threat on their own. i did enjoy it but no more than thor, the first avenger, or god forbid i say it, even green lantern.
Ashes2Phoenix - 5/14/2012, 5:55 PM
That's not my point. To me you have not explained complexity, you have just explained the story which I was already aware of. It didn't do it for me. It just felt very bogged down by too many characters and lets face it, it was never going to be an easy task. How people feel about movies is subjective. One person can dislike it, whilst one hundred love it. Does that make either parties opinion invalid ? No because there is no right or wrong opinion.

Alos please don't question my intelligence on a forum because it actually makes you look incredibly stupid. Questioning someones intelligence about a film is extraordinarily juvenile. I don't have the same opinion as YOU, so that makes me stupid ? Truly inspiring.

I have to disagree with you about The Dark Knight. That was a film that had real complexities because it spent time developing it's characters and more importantly it's main antagonist. The film was full of meaning and depth. The amount of symbolism was exceptional. I don't want to turn this into a Marvel vs DC war because I am a fan of both. The Avengers for me did not have the meaning I crave in a film. Also you do know you are talking to one of the biggest Lost fans in the world right ? So please don't talk to me about only understanding spoon fed, simple films and TV because Lost was one of those shows that most people still don't understand.

The thing is, by me stating I didn't like certain parts of The Avengers it immediately makes me a hater by your logic. I am not I thought it was good but not as good as some have made it out to be. There are far better CBM's out there. I love the fact we have finally been given an Avengers movie and I am excited to see where this goes but it was not the strongest CBM I have ever seen. Simples.
Howlett - 5/14/2012, 6:06 PM
it's a little bit of a letdown, the story is quiet simple but the action scenes was great. overall I would give it an 8/10. I'm looking forward for TDKR I know it won't disappoint story-wise.
Howlett - 5/14/2012, 6:12 PM
I'm with @golden123 in my opinion X-Men: First Class and Batman Begins is way better than the Avengers.
Ashes2Phoenix - 5/14/2012, 6:15 PM
@SithLord: Agreed.
marvel72 - 5/14/2012, 6:52 PM
marvel films

1st the avengers
2nd iron man
3rd spider-man 2

dc films

1st watchmen
2nd superman the movie
3rd v for vendetta
GreenHalJordan - 5/14/2012, 6:53 PM
THe only problem I had with the movie was the story because it is a pretty simple story. Bad guy comes in, Heroes come in and defeat bad guy, happy ending...OR IS IT?!?!?!? its pretty generic, but I still LOVED it!
MrReese - 5/14/2012, 6:57 PM
The 1st half of the movie kinda lagged 4 me it wasn't till Hulk came out n him n Thor fought that things picked up 4 me.IMO.The Chitauri were just made punching bags n didn't pose no threat what so ever,just for the fact that there was a bunch of em coming out the portal.The Hulk caused more damage than The Chitauri.Lol XD I wasn't disappointed or nothing & I disagree about the Hulks CGI.Did u not c Banner turn into the Hulk n crushes the [frick]in leviathan!!! XD That was just amazing 2 watch!!!!!! XD
MrReese - 5/14/2012, 7:02 PM
BooYah - 5/14/2012, 7:02 PM
It's funny that any movie with a large action sequence gets compared to Transformers. Simple or not I liked the story of the Avenger because all the character arcs made it really fun to watch. The character interactions and the feeling that each hero was there for a reason is why I feel this is not only the best Marvel movie yet but also the best team up super hero movie ever. Also you claim to be a life long fan but yet the only complaint here is what any regular viewer can say. What made this movie a different experience then the comics you grew up with? I'm not trying to imply that you aren't a true fan, I'm just curious.
sonofsamadams - 5/14/2012, 7:16 PM
Oh boy. Marvel Fanboys freak out and act like its the Rapture when somebody criticizes The Avengers. After TDKR, they'll be the new Nolanites. Just wait.
BIGBMH - 5/14/2012, 7:23 PM
The Avengers was a well made movie. We didn't convince ourselves that it's good. We enjoyed it. Critics praised it too. Are they all excited, deluded fans? Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that it's not good. Maybe there are some who elevate its status because they want it to be good, but there is a lot of reason for people to like the movie.

Not deserving of its success? You look at the highest grossing movies of all time and you could make an argument that any of them is not "deserving." Marvel has planned out their universe carefully and built towards this, creating the hype that has fueled the success of The Avengers. That effort deserves to be rewarded if you ask me. It's not like someone placed it on the top of the list for greatest films of all time. Making a lot of money means that people have gone to watch the movie. You said that it's good, yet by saying that it doesn't deserve to be successful, you're pretty much saying that people shouldn't have watched it at all.

Sorry if the movie didn't live up to your expectations, but your argument is weak. You oversimplify the story by summarizing it into one sentence, then suggest that it's boring while completely ignoring the entertaining manner in which the plot unfolds. You basically state in different way that you don't find the story interesting, then nitpick at the special effects. That's your entire argument for why the world is blind to the shortcomings of The Avengers. I could spend time trying to counter it, but I've pretty much addressed a similar argument in an article I've written.
Howlett - 5/14/2012, 7:30 PM

1. X-Men: First Class
2. Spider-Man 2
3. X-Men


1. Batman Begins
2. Superman the movie
3. The Dark Knight
Supes17 - 5/14/2012, 7:43 PM
Honestly, i think that the constant over-hyping by the people on this site kinda ruined it for me.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVED the movie, but I think it could have been better. I would have been fine just watching the second half of the film.
7.5/10. i still think that Iron Man was the best. One of the greatest CBMs ever made. 9/10
Supes17 - 5/14/2012, 7:45 PM
1.Iron Man
2.X-Men: First Class
3.Spider-Man 2

2.Batman Begins
3.The Dark Knight
Numbers 2 and 3 can be switched around depending on my mood
Thanos005 - 5/14/2012, 8:48 PM
Nobody is bashing him for disliking it. It is impossible to please everyone, and while I loved the movie, it does have its flaws, but to say that it literally deserves less success just because HE did not like it it such a self-righteous and entitled thing to say.

It's like saying "I liked the Joker in Dark Knight, but since I liked Two-Face more, Aaron Eckhart deserves the Oscar."

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