Editorial: Redefining the Caped Crusader

Editorial: Redefining the Caped Crusader

How should WB go about rebooting Batman in a way that not only honours Chris Nolan’s work, but creates a character that fits within a much larger universe – both physically and mentally – and still brings something new to the big screen history of the Caped Crusader? Hit the jump to check out my take on this issue.

Editorial Opinion
By Transforminator - Jun 21, 2013 10:06 AM EST
Filed Under: Batman

With Christopher Nolan’s epic ‘The Dark Knight’ trilogy now having come to an end and official confirmation via David S. Goyer about it being separate from the new DC Cinematic Universe (DCCU), Warner Brothers have found themselves in a tight situation involving Batman. Not only do they have to worry about bringing about a new iteration of Batman – one who is more in line to be on a team of gods – but also have to reach the bar set by the Nolan films. From a critical standpoint, this presents a bigger challenge than making a Superman movie that one ups the Donner films – which critics and likeminded audience members cannot seem to get past. Nevertheless, here is my idea to tackling this situation.

Overview of What’s Been Done Before
In order for the new Batman to hold a place in the audience’s hearts, new elements and a new story have to be told that cannot be subject to comparisons to what has come before. Let’s take a look at some major elements that have been portrayed in Batman movies since Tim Burton’s Batman (1989) up until The Dark Knight Rises (2012).

Batman Begins (2005) was literally – as JeremyJahns put it – the CPR of a franchise. Nolan and company successfully redefined this new era of CBMs and with it they gave us a pretty good origin story for the Caped Crusader. Seeing as ‘The Dark Knight’ trilogy is a point of comparison to almost all CBMs nowadays in everyone’s eyes, it’s a safe bet to say that moviegoers are already aware of the iconic murder of the Waynes and what followed in its aftermath.

The Joker
Again this point brings us to the second film in the Nolan trilogy, The Dark Knight (2008). In what was – arguably – the greatest CBM of all time, came an even greater villain in the form of Heath Ledger’s Joker. As such, an attempt to re-introduce the character on the big screen would draw relentless comparisons to Ledger’s performance which could ultimately hurt this reboot. It is only wise to give it another couple years before making such a move.

Let this also be a reminder that when Ledger was first cast as the Clown Prince of Crime, there was much dismay and countless concerns over rivalling the performance of Jack Nicholson’s Joker in Batman ’89. It was our good fortune that Ledger more than delivered, but there is no guarantee that such a feat can be achieved again with an even higher standard established. Then why take the risk?

Much like Tim Burton’s Batman and Batman Returns (1992) and Nolan’s trilogy, the focus was kept primarily on Batman. Even when Nolan decided to give a nod to Robin, it was through an original character that didn’t take away from the central character himself – Batman. Robin did, however, make appearances in Batman Forever and Batman & Robin, which were both failures in the eyes of CBM fans and even general movie audiences. There were too many characters that the story needed to flesh out which hindered the final product not to mention the extreme campiness of the characters relationship with Kilmer’s and Clooney’s Batman – WB would be wise to not include these side characters in the very first post-Nolan Batman movie.

Proposed Solution
Step 1 - Introduce Batman in Justice League

With Superman now established by Man of Steel (2013), it's only a matter of time before other non-Batman DC properties get the green light for the big screen in WB’s lead up to the Justice League. Instead of receiving his own pre-JL film, which will not allow the memory and impact of Nolan’s trilogy to fade a little, Batman should instead BE INTRODUCED in Justice League similar to how Martian Manhunter was introduced in Bruce Timm’s Justice League The Animated Series (2003-2006). His character should be mysterious and intriguing enough to leave viewers yearning to see more of this new spin on the character in his own solo film – in the same sense that was the Hulk in the Avengers (2012).

Step 2 - Solo Batman film post-JL

In this film, it should be established that Batman is a couple years into his career at this point similar to the hit 2009 video game – Batman: Arkham Asylum. One element that SHOULD return in this reboot is Goyer’s non-linear flashback storytelling technique – albeit streamlined. What does that mean exactly? Well for one, Man of Steel already used this style of storytelling and to use it again would only make the film feel repetitive and a ‘copy’ of not only MOS but also Batman Begins. While pondering over this dilemma, the answer came to me when I realized the key to using flashbacks in this film lies in the villain, which will be discussed later on in this article.

The focus of this film should be around the idea of ‘What if Batman quit?’ It may sound like a slap across the face, but it’s actually been done before with marvelous results! This is where I took inspiration from the episode titled “Perchance to Dream” from the award-winning ‘Batman the Animated Series’. To recap for readers who have no clue where I’m going with this, Bruce Wayne wakes up one day to realize that his parents were never killed and he never became Batman. The episode delves into Bruce Wayne’s deepest desires to lead a normal life where he has a family and the persona of Batman was NEVER a part of his life. Eventually, being the detective he is, Wayne is able to put the pieces of the puzzle together and get back to reality (For more information click here).I believe this episode on its own has all the right plot elements that can be translated onto the big screen to make a compelling Batman story that explores the themes of family, betrayal, purpose of life and Batman’s inner torment to maybe hang up the cowl.

Now what purpose would the flashbacks serve? In order to avoid a 4 hour film, the flashbacks will retell Batman’s origin, and visit key moments from his early years including moments from Justice League at appropriate times in the movie. This not only provides the audience an understanding/refresher on Batman’s origins and his ‘year one’, but will also seamlessly examine the aftermath and fallout of the events that transpired in Justice League – from Batman’s perspective of course. The really cool thing in this situation is that the flashbacks could actually mirror reality throughout the story. The revelation of his parents being alive all of a sudden can be offset with a flashback of what really happened to Bruce’s parents – an example of how the flashback sequences can be presented in a new fashion.

Step 3 - Consider The Villian

Of course, with any story you need to have the right villain. It seems this is the idea the people over at WB are going for as well according to Goyer’s statement on choosing the villain for Man of Steel. They tend to write the story first then decide upon which villain best suits the needs of the story.

Mad Hatter
Taking him straight from the Batman episode mentioned earlier, the Mad Hatter is the perfect candidate who is capable of putting Batman in a situation like this. Hatter has been known throughout his comic history as a person who uses mind-controlling devices to torture or manipulate his victims. Furthermore, he hasn’t had a live screen debut at all in the 20+ of years of Batman movies we’ve received! If done correctly, a grounded and realistic interpretation of the Mad Hatter could very well be an effective substitute for the Joker. On the flip side however, you would need to come up with a convincing motive behind Hatter’s actions – which I’m sure can be thought of easily.

Bonus: Deathstroke
The one problem with the aforementioned villain is that he does not pose a physical threat to Batman. To solve that, we could see various sequences where Batman goes head to head with the master assassin in his 'year one' flashback sequences similar to the upcoming Batman: Arkham Origins. As an added bonus, a connection could be made to the Arrow universe with their Deathstroke – the possibilities are endless!

Regardless, there can be some really neat sequences in the film that test Batman’s limits both mentally and physically and maintain his power level that is established in Justice League.

Ending Remarks
Well there you have it, my solution to the Batman problem. Admittedly, it sounds a lot simpler on paper than actually translating it into a coherent story on screen. However, with that being said, I do believe that this may truly be an innovative and new way of looking at the character that not only honours the movies that have come before but also allows a new take on one of the greatest superheroes of our time!
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AshleyWilliams - 6/21/2013, 10:32 AM
I like some of your ideas.

BTW, Arkham came out in 09.
Transforminator - 6/21/2013, 10:36 AM
Thanks! I'll update that right now.
GreenLantern519 - 6/21/2013, 10:40 AM
I disagree with Mad Hatter being the main villain for a reboot. He's not my least favorite Batman villain, but he's definitely up (or down?) there. They should make Black Mask/Deadshot the villains and loosely follow the storyline of the Arkham Games since that's one of today's really popular iterations of Batman. Wasn't there already a rumor that the new movie would be based on Arkham Asylum?
LEVITIKUZ - 6/21/2013, 10:53 AM
I agree and disagree with parts.

While the Joker has been done, we need him. Joker is just too great of a villain.

While Robin hasn't worked, I think its best to introduce Dick as Nightwing & Jason dead. If Cap can have Falcon, Thor can have Sif, & Iron Man can have War Machine as partners than Nightwing can work with Batman. The other reason we need Dick as Bats ONLY sidekick is because he is exactly like Bruce compared to his sidekicks in the origin. Bruce became Batman the night his parents died and Dick became Robin/Nightwing the night he died. Bruce & Dick have a bond. Also have Jason already dead. Jason did nothing as Robin but get killed by Joker.

While I do like Mad Hatter and that episode, I think the best way to go is Riddler. Riddler should be like in the Arkham games. Less spandex one piece more Jigsaw. Riddler could have set bombs on buildings, captured doctors and cops making Batman trying to figure out the riddles Riddler set on them to free them. We can also have like Clayface, Deathstroke, Bane, & Croc guarding some of the captured forcing Batman to push it in a sense. Bats has 2 minutes and must defeat Croc while freeing the hostage or disabling the bomb on the building. Talk about Thiller.

Good article though.
TheYoungMan - 6/21/2013, 11:00 AM
I think it's a virtual lock that the next Batman villain will be the Riddler.

Also, I agree that WB should introduce the new Batman in the JL movie before moving on to solo Batman movies. That way the comparisons to Nolan's Batman wouldn't be too severe right away.
TheOneAboveAll - 6/21/2013, 11:02 AM
John Blake was a character from the comics. A city cop who appeared in one issue of Batman during the 60's
LEVITIKUZ - 6/21/2013, 11:04 AM

Was his first name Robin?
Transforminator - 6/21/2013, 11:27 AM
Thanks for the approval Levi :)
Transforminator - 6/21/2013, 11:42 AM

The Incredible Hulk lucked out cause it was still set up as part of the MCU from the beginning, the character became awesome (general audience perspective) later on in the Avengers.

With the TDK, there's just too much explaining to do and continuity concerns to address IMO. But I do understand the sentiment behind having this Batman return.

Anyhow, thanks for the compliment!
Forthas - 6/21/2013, 12:28 PM
I have thought long and hard about this and I don't see a successful way to reboot Batman especially in the Justice League for the very simple reason that the general audience will not recognize it as a reboot just a recast. It will then draw huge amount of time and effort to clarify questions...Why he is not retired? Where is Selena Kyle? How is he rich when he gave away all his money?

But let's say I am wrong and people do accept him as a reboot, then people will not feel as though they know anything about him other than the basics. which invites a new set of questions. Where is Robin? Is there a Robin? What is the Bat Mobile like? What is different about him than the previous iteration of Batman? In order to answer those questions they would have to be addresses in the film thereby making it more of a Batman film than a Justice League film. You can't just say that people know who he is. People know who Superman is (heck he had a movie in 2006), but would you have suggested that they introduce a new Superman in a Justice League movie? Why then make Man of Steel?

I was initially very much on board with a reboot but the more I think about it, the more I believe that if WB can in any way convince at least Bale to reprise the role, it is in their very best interest and his also. Rebooting comes with tons of obstacles that can just be avoided by using what they have. I KNOW...they have stated otherwise, but there is still time to reconsider and put forth their best effort to integrate the Dark Knight Nolan Batman and make it happen.
MrReese - 6/21/2013, 1:21 PM
Good article.Daniel Davis always reminded me of The Mad Hatter in The Prestige.

Transforminator - 6/21/2013, 1:57 PM
@BlackJack I think the Robin and Joker could/should wait for the second film in the series. It be a lot easier to establish Batman first then focus on Robin as I mentioned regarding the need to flesh out Batman's mythology properly. And thanks for the compliment!


Woah great find! Im liking the look of Davis - really fits with the realistic/non campy vibe DC is going for. And thanks for your approval!
NBAfanaddict - 6/21/2013, 5:47 PM
Good article! While I'm partial to origin stories, introducing Batman hulk-style in JL is a concept I hadn't considered before, and actually sounds plausible, and enjoyable.
AshleyWilliams - 6/21/2013, 6:08 PM
No problemo man.
superherofan21 - 6/21/2013, 6:12 PM
I'd like to see a Joker/Harley team up for the reboot. Yeah, I know it might be a little too soon to introduce a new Joker, but I really like the idea.
LEVITIKUZ - 6/21/2013, 9:39 PM
No starting with Robin, start with Nightwing and Jason dead. Jason needs to exist but at the same time he never did anything as Robin. He's only known for being dead.

Batman & Nightwing team up.

If we can Iron Man & War Machine and Cap & Falcon, we can have Batman & Nightwing.
kong - 6/22/2013, 3:22 AM
We need Black Mask as the villain. I really never want to see Mad Hatter on film. We have a bunch of other characters other than the ones used in the Nolan films. It does't matter who was in the Burton/Schumacher films. That was long enough ago that we can reboot them. KIller Croc, Poison Ivy, Black Mask, Deadshot, Deathstroke, Harley Quinn, Clayface, Zsasz (he was in Batman Begins, but only in 2 scenes. Didn't even do anything but sit in a court and walk out of a cell).
LEVITIKUZ - 6/22/2013, 11:21 AM

Here is what I meant about Joker, you need something in this film that confirms he exists. If I had to write a Batman Reboot script, I would have the first scene like the beginning scene in The Dark Knight where Batman takes down Scarecrow. Mine would have Batman and Joker, Joker doing something and it ends with the Police arresting Joker. End first scene, no more Joker.

Joker to Batman is what Goblin is to Spidey and Lex is to Luthor. We need to state Joker exists. In Raimi's Trilogy, the Goblin and Norman and Oscorp had a huge influence. Even in TASM we know Oscorp and Osborn exists which means Goblin exists. We know Lex exists in MOS but we don't see him. Even in Batman Begins we see the Joker card which confirms Joker exists. That's something that should be done. A little egg that confirms he exists.
LEVITIKUZ - 6/22/2013, 11:26 AM
And Lex is to Superman not Luthor.

Forthas - 6/22/2013, 1:05 PM
@ fangz

You absolutely DO need to explain Batman and how he is different from the Dark Knight Movies. Al you need do is go to the reviews of The Amazing Spiderman and the knock on it was that it was not that different from the Raimi version, or at least not different enough to warrant a sequel. You are contradicting yourself…it is the very fact that there is no continuity with begins and it WON’T erase their memory of the character is the whole problem.

Your statement that it would be shown to people as the movie went along is part and parcel of wht I stated earlier. If you have to spend a lot of time rediscovering Batman “as the movie went along” then it takes away from the Justice League which is supposed to be what the movie is about. How the team formed, how they get along with each other, how they deal with a menace no one of them can handle and how they resolve that. That is a two and a half hour movie. It you have to add in there why there is all of the other questions I mentioned earlier…now you have a three and a half hour movie that will focus too much on one character.
The made a Superman film because they had “a good Superman story to tell?” It’s his origin story! This contradicts what you just stated about Batman. Everyone knows the story, it has not erased the memory of the Donner and later Singer Superman. So I still don’t see what the point is. On top of that the movie hints at the larger DC universe. It is clear that they made the movie in the hopes of creating the larger universe. The style of man of Steel is identical to the Dark Knight with the flashback non-linear story telling. They both share the same “realistic” approach. It makes NO sense to risk confusing or making an inferior Batman that critics will focus on and will make the movie suffer as a result.
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