How would Robin work in the new Batman movies?

How would Robin work in the new Batman movies?

Now before you go and say "Robin sucks and it will never work with Chris Nolan," let me explain my take to show that it would work with Chris Nolan's idea of his Batman world...

Editorial Opinion
By TheGeekMan - Jul 07, 2010 08:07 AM EST
Filed Under: Batman

First, the the story of Robin is as tragic as Batman, even worse with the loss of his entire family. He is a circus traveler so he has no home. Essentially when his parents are murdered at the carnival, he is basically homeless and orphaned.

This is the idea of a Robin that could work in the Dark Knight's World:

Now you have a depressed, vengeful, acrobatic, trained kick-boxer, lonely teen who is a person that is hustling for money, including bike races, etc. Now this kid is equipped with nothing more than his clothes and armored bike jacket, that "conveniently" is semi-dark red and black. He is encountered by Batman during his vengeful endeavor and sees Batman’s route is the way to go. Now during the whole time Batman knows who this mystery vigilante is, but doesn't see him as a threat but rather a bad adolescent kid that doesn't listen. Robin tries to tag along with Batman, but Batman is able to separate in his ‘ninja’ mode from Robin. Over time, Robin catches on. He learns quickly from Batman, and keeps up from time to time. (Batman’s abilities are not diminished. He is still able to ‘shake’ him the majority of the time.)

Robin never discovers that Batman is Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne never decides to take Robin under his wing. Rather, he feels that this kid is too much of a risk for his dual identity. In the course of Batman's battles, he encounters a situation that he isn't prepared,. He gets trapped and knows that this is it-- he is going to bite the big one. Robin being the one always chasing down Batman, finds him and rescues him. Batman still being himself doesn't thank him but notices that Robin is now valuable but not to the point of being a partner but rather an ally that he can ask for assistance at times.

So really the only way Robin can work is that Robin is his own person, and he really isn't Batman's partner but rather this vigilante who seems to get himself into trouble with the criminals, and can handle his own, at times. Batman really encounters him because he is either rescuing him from being killed, needs his help at certain moments, or Robin is following him. Now the conclusion of the story should be that Robin ends up working for Bruce Wayne because he notices this is the right way that he should receive money. Dick Grayson eventually discovers a hidden "bat-cave" within Bruce Wayne's building. Thus he discovers Batman's true identity. Dick sees this as an opportunity to continue his vengeance on his family’s killer. He proceeds to steal a spare Bat-suit. Then he renames himself Nightwing. This could lead to an off shoot film that would be cool in itself.

Now I suck at drawing but I would love to describe the Robin that could work as a Nolan-esque Robin. Picture this guy who is a 6'0 athlete, with biker armor jacket that's semi-dark red and black, with gloves, black armored leather pants, with black steel toe boots. He uses a one strap back pack to carry his gear (the strap is conveniently dark yellow) and at times carries a staff to fight with or really picks up anything that is available to knock his opponents out. He has a black t-shirt that he uses for his mask, kind of a Zorro look. This idea of a "contemporary” Robin could work in the Chris Nolan movie, as a one-time deal instead of being a boring partner for the next few Batman movies.

What are your thoughts? (Hope Chris Nolan reads this)

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flames809 - 7/7/2010, 8:49 AM
easy make him dark
tazmaniak - 7/7/2010, 8:53 AM
It kinda sounds like you're combining Tim Drake and Dick Grayson.If a character has to be changed that much to fit in Nolan's Batman, he probably shouldn't be in there.Also, I doubt Batman would allow a kid vigilante to run around unchecked.
AshleyWilliams - 7/7/2010, 9:09 AM
That's changing the character too much. Just don't have him in the movie. Wait until they reboot Batman into a world that can include Dick Grayson,Mr Freeze,Clayface,Killer croc,etc.
LEEE777 - 7/7/2010, 9:40 AM
Dude this isn't FAN-FIC?

And yeah, ROBIN is never needed, WB should just make a NIGHTWING movie! : P
McLovin - 7/7/2010, 10:01 AM
This is how I think Robin could work. Batman is kicking some guys teeth in, when out of no where this kid tries to help him by beating on the guy while he is already knocked out. Batman starts to walk away and the kid tugs on his cape and says: Batman! I'm your biggest fan! I've been training for a couple of years now and I want to be your partner!!!". Batman turns around and in a vicious growl says "Let go of the cape ... DICK!!!".
EpicMan - 7/7/2010, 10:09 AM
I dont think he should be 6' tall or even as big as Bale. A leaner, 8 year younger look. He has to be Acrobatic! And.... Batman 3 and 4 ruined robin for me. He would have to be really messed up, and i think he should fight Bale when they first meet because batman interfered with him dishing out justice. While i think Batman should win the fight, he could be intrigued by "robin/nightwing's" fighting style, outlook on life, and the crime in Gotham.
TheGeekMan - 7/7/2010, 10:54 AM
Not bad EpicMan..
TheGeekMan - 7/7/2010, 10:55 AM
Yea these are just ideas because knowing Chris Nolan and Christian Bale, they won't include Robin at all. Robin would have to be either a off shoot movie role or they would have to bring Robin into a reboot Batman movie...Like what NightAvenger mentioned.
RoscoeFolgers - 7/7/2010, 12:31 PM

After that does he grow up and become a supervillain named Syndrome?
cchriswake13 - 7/7/2010, 1:02 PM
Robin sucks and he would never work in Chris Nolan's world
McLovin - 7/7/2010, 1:23 PM
@ Roscoe - hmmm possibly ... except he would go by the name Dickwad!!!
Jayisawesome - 7/7/2010, 1:43 PM
No matter how hard anybody will try robin will never work
ecksmanfan - 7/7/2010, 3:31 PM
Not a horrible idea, but like others of said, if you have to change the character that much, just to include him, then what's the point. If there were a way to forego the idea of Robin and get the character to Nightwing, then there might be a chance. But to me...there is no Nightwing without Robin.
odie00 - 7/7/2010, 4:42 PM
ok ok. robin could work. i think most people are afraid cause its a kid in a weak ass outfit. robin came in a year later after batman first appeared so for people say that hes not needed thats bull. come on now. and im not just saying cause im a fan of robin, at least just dick grayson's robin. i hated jason todd, he was a little whinny brat and im just not too big on tim drake. haha i do however enjoy damien as robin just because hes a little sh!t. obviously it would be dick grayson being robin. there are good versions of him in a lot of comics, like dark victory when he straight up took his bo staff and cracked joker in the face and knocked his teeth out that was amazing. or frank millers version of him in all star batman and robin. it could wor, people just dont want it to
McLovin - 7/7/2010, 5:33 PM
Robin's sole existence was to "lighten" Batman up a bit. The appeal of the Nolan films is that he made him really dark again. To introduce Robin in a sequel would be a step backwards and completely asinine.
TheDurkinKnight - 7/7/2010, 5:40 PM
Great article man, but it actually sounds semi-similar to Batman Forever
lalosuper3001 - 7/7/2010, 5:53 PM
How bout this: Dick Grayson's parents die during the show, and the Doctor tells Bruce Wayne he should adopt him and turn him into a masked hero like himself. Then the Doctor leaves in his TARDIS. :).
odie00 - 7/7/2010, 8:31 PM
nolan said no robin because he felt that bruce wayne was still too young to have him, and also felt that robin was too young to be introduced but thats just an excuse because robin is about 8-12 years old when batman gets him depending on which origin you go by and bruce himself is like late 20's to early 30's. in the dark knight i believe bruce is suppose to be 29.
Omegatron - 7/7/2010, 10:05 PM
So annoying! reobin is good just because of 2 stupid movies (Yes Batman Forever and Batman & Robin) Robin not being good for 2 movies doesnt make him a bad person. Infact most people dont even know why they hate robin, they just hate him because people say that 2 movies he's been in weren't good like to all those people and they know who they arrrre can go F-BOMB themselves. Also Robin can be done in Nolan universe only thing is Batman is too youg right now that all and Dick Grayson is styll a circus freak at the moment but as soon as the third movie is done and Nolan probably leave and Warners finds a new director i can guarentee that by the 5th film Batman and Robin will be a Duo. So everybody just stop with this Robin shenanigans because they are just upseting people and they'res no point if Nolan says no he says no just "F" all this Robin rumors,Articles and Threads onece and for all.(Robin is a part of Batman's life he'll always be there)
GreenieGobbie - 7/8/2010, 12:29 AM
I always thought Robin can be done in this way (<--click there)

Anyways good article, but I don't like the fact that Robin would save Batman. Batman can usually defend himself, and get out of anything. Well that's at least the Batman i want to see. Not Batman as a damsel-in-distress. Yes I know what damsel means, I was just trying to make a point.

But good article. It was very creative. :)
McLovin - 7/8/2010, 7:23 AM
No to Robin. Not now. Not EVER!

McLovin - 7/8/2010, 7:33 AM
TheGeekMan - 7/8/2010, 8:21 AM
You know McLovin, Robin can be as dark as Batman or even worse, because if you switch Robin's life into a real life scenario, what happened to Robin, would mess up any kid to the point where vengeance would be all what he would want day in and day out. This character could easily be a great ally to Batman and a cool one in the movies, the only thing is that we have to take our minds off the fact that Robin was ruined, not as a character, by the 70's Batman TV Shows, the Batman Forever, and Batman & Robin movies. Those portrayals were just wrong, and has really put a damper on the image of how Robin could have been. So don't knock the character based on these bad attempts because, remember what people said about Heath Ledger's portrayal as The Joker, and noticed how great that character turned out to be....
McLovin - 7/8/2010, 8:32 AM
@ GreekMan - I see your point (but you got a laugh out of that picture above didn't you ;-)

I really never liked Robin in the comics either though. I think the best thing that ever happened to Robin was him becoming Nightwing. The character was even killed off in the 80's cause that is what the readers wanted.

I also don't think Batman needs Robin. I like Batman as the silent loner, who doesn't need anybody. I think the moment you start to turn him into a mentor/father figure, you start to loose that part of the character. I wouldn't mind Nightwing showing up, but to have to introduce the character from the beginning would really slow things down (IMO) and would also take time away from Bats and his villains. So I say no Robin. Respectfully ;-)
TheGeekMan - 7/8/2010, 8:59 AM
Yea "Bird of Paradise" got me laughing...
marvel72 - 7/8/2010, 9:34 AM
@ thegeekman batman 3 they should do a james bond style opening that features robin,where he gets all pissed off about being treated more like a child sidekick than an adult.
so he goes all dark & moody.
by the end of the movie his nightwing.
or do a movie called nightwing,that shows the robin to nightwing transformation.
odie00 - 7/8/2010, 11:47 AM
@Mclovin- ok i laughed at the bird of paradise lol, but thats besides the point. and the robin that got killed off was jason todd and he was the one voted to die because no one liked that robin, and even now they brought his character back but hes like a complete badass but im still not a fan of jason todd just cause as robin he was a whiny little punk.

look dick grayson saw his parents die right in front of him just like batman saw his parents die so they are both very very similar but different at the same time. and bringing robin into the movie could make sense. batman now is on the run from the law and everyone is gonna blame him and so hes like all messed up now with everything going bad from the dark knight that robin "lightens" him up a little but once they see dicks parents die bruce or batman knows what he has to do. maybe something similar to what frank miller did in all star batman and robin
TheGeekMan - 7/8/2010, 11:54 AM
@ odie00 - You are going somewhere with this and I'm liking the idea, and I feel dumb missing that little info. Batman is now a fugitive, so having another vigilante that feels that Batman let everyone down and he has to take up the mantle, that could be a perfect intro to Robin, but little does Robin know Batman did what he needed to keep the scum in jail....

..not bad..
odie00 - 7/8/2010, 12:10 PM
@thegeekman- thanks! i definitly try to think about all the possible ways for robin to be in a nolan film and work and i finally thought of that. it could work just some people are ignorant about the idea of robin.
TheGeekMan - 7/8/2010, 12:27 PM
@odie00 - Well it's due to the fact that Robin has been tainted by the 70's show and bad Batman movies that the idea of Robin turns people stomachs, but this is a comic book character and the beauty about the comic book world, the character is as good as the writer makes him. I'm really sure they can make Robin fit into the Dark Knights gloomy world, keep Batman true to his mysterious, brutal ways, with another vigilante that is just as grimy but does it the "street" way...
McLovin - 7/8/2010, 12:52 PM
My biggest issue is that time taken away to develop another vigilante is time taken away from Batman and his villains so ....

TheGeekMan - 7/8/2010, 1:43 PM
It's not taking time away from Batman, notice how Nolan introduced was flawless. His character in the movie is how a vengeful man would act if he was framed, listened to his wife die, and then be physically disfigured...such a person would act the same and unfortunately get himself killed early too, like in the you see how quickly Nolan introduced the character, didn't take the flavor away from the movie and/or the image of Robin can work out the same too...
odie00 - 7/8/2010, 2:39 PM
@thegeekman- exactly what i was thinking about two-face..they could do the same thing with robin, he sees his parents die, is all pissed off and obviously wanting vengeance, batman seeing this decides ok he is just like me and i have to do something about this.

people have to remember all 3 male robins were all orphans like batman..well not tim drake at first but eventually his dad is murdered and then becomes an orphan
Jib7z - 7/8/2010, 8:04 PM
I'm going to have to yell, kick, and scream a nice big whopping NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dude, Grayson is like 12 when Batman finds him. WTF are you smoking? Great idea, it really is, but as a true Dick Grayson fan (yes, the secret identity, not only as Robin, or Nightwing, or as the current Batman, ALL of them), that whole scenario would just plain piss me off. And i'm sorry, but your idea sounds way too much like Batman Forever for my liking. Once again, its a good idea, at least you're thinking.
TheGeekMan - 7/9/2010, 8:12 AM
My vision of Robin in the Nolan films, or any film where they are trying to make Robin be a "what if he existed in real life" character, is simply just reflecting just what my thoughts are "if Robin really existed this is how he would be like". Now the vision that was made in Batman Forever got the character semi-right, on how Robin could have been if he was real, slightly. Unfortunately, the movie sucked, and the director did a terrible job portraying the characters. Now as far as the suit goes, Robin, if he was to exist along with Bruce Wayne (Batman)wouldn't have a fancy, skin tight suit, Robin would be more dirty (remember he's really young, and out for vengeance)and he doesn't have much money so he would use what he currently has, and copy Batman's style of being this brute, scary person of the night, in order to gather information about his killer's where about.
McLovin - 7/9/2010, 11:08 AM
So ... not like this ...

TheGeekMan - 7/9/2010, 11:58 AM
thetrubatman14 - 7/9/2010, 5:26 PM
yea man i agree with you some what.
but you gotta be very true to the story i mean you have to eventually introduce red hood. so on and so fourth but i mean night wing has to appear eventually!
he is the awsomest character ever! =)
but you gotta add robin in the dark knight franchise eventually under nolan or not. hopefully under. hes apart of the legacy that we grew to love
odie00 - 7/10/2010, 12:48 PM
umm you dont need red hood at all. the original red hood was joker, when he was a pity criminal and used the red hood outfit up until he transformed. then jason todd used the red hood or his version of it in under the red hood which is now being made into the animated movie. but obviously if there ever was a robin in the nolan films it would definitly be grayson. jason todd was weak as robin, hints why the fans killed him off.
TheGeekMan - 7/12/2010, 6:06 AM
But hey guys, very soon, a good friend of mine that is a great comic book drawer will provide me a visual of the real life Robin, that I've envisioned. This picture will provide the idea of what I think will work with the idea of "What if Robin existed in the real world".
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