The Dark Knight Rises Predicted to Beat The Avengers at Box Office

The Dark Knight Rises Predicted to Beat The Avengers at Box Office

Box Office Mojo, one of the Internet’s most widely-used sites for financial information pertaining to movies, is predicting???

By AUSSYACE - May 03, 2012 11:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Batman

Well, if one guy was going to take out a whole team of superheroes, you’d have to assume it would be Batman.

Box Office Mojo, one of the Internet’s most widely-used sites for financial information pertaining to movies, is predicting that Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises will make something in the neighborhood of $500 million, stopping short of overtaking records set by The Dark Knight but out-grossing this weekend’s summer box office kickoff The Avengers by somewhere in the neighborhood of $80 million.

The site’s summer domestic box office forecast predicted that the comic book adaptations would come in at #1 and #2, while two other comic book movies (The Amazing Spider-Man and Men in Black III) would score the third- and fifth-highest takes of the summer. In between the pair, Box Office Mojo expects Disney/Pixar’s Brave to pull in $260 million and the fourth-place ranking for the season.

Back in April, movie theater industry site Fandango found that The Avengers had topped The Dark Knight Rises as the most-anticipated movie of the year among fans, but many fans argued that those results were skewed, since the study was done at the height of the hype for The Avengers, which comes out more than two months earlier than The Dark Knight Rises. With a new trailer hitting theaters at midnight (ironically WITH The Avengers) and the Bat-PR campaign about to kick into high gear, Nolan’s third outing into the Bat-verse is likely to gain momentum quickly.

One factor that may play a defining role in which movie makes more is repeat customers; while so far The Avengers has ludicrously good buzz and many fans saying they can’t wait to see it again, the widespread availability of bootleg copies on the Internet a week before the film’s release probably dampens some of that for casual moviegoers.

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Kalel219 - 5/3/2012, 11:48 PM
Suppose it's only fitting given after this is released, DC will be back to square 1 with Batman in the eyes of comic fans. Causal movie goers will go see what they think will be "Batman 4"
samster10001 - 5/3/2012, 11:57 PM
Not surprised. I'm sure the Avengers is a terrific film and am planning to see it tomorrow but when the dust from the summer movie season ends it won't be the film that leaves the kind of imprint that TDKR will leave. The Avengers will be known as the second best marvel movie next to Iron Man but that's about it folks. Its being way overhyped right now because the damn thing just came out in theaters.
Alexandre - 5/4/2012, 12:12 AM
bro i loved the avengers and really thought it was so good and am very sure it'll make a fortune but man.......batman is just a badass. and its probably gonna make more because of imax but who [frick]ing cares they're both gonna be awesome.
loki668 - 5/4/2012, 12:13 AM
Only the "mine is better than yours" crowd gives a shit about the the box office money. The rest of us want to see TWO successful cbms. I want both of these films to be successful but, more importantly, I want both of these films to be GOOD. Let the fair-weather wannabe fans and company muppets worry about who makes more. The real fans want good films. [frick] the rest of the dumb shit.

Lord Loki has spoken
arsonjack - 5/4/2012, 12:13 AM
avengers was disappointing, hope TDKR is better.
KalEl26 - 5/4/2012, 12:27 AM
I just came back from watching The Avengers, which was awesome, but my theatre didn't get the new TDKR trailer we got the one that was released in December. I was quite disappointed by that. Did this happen to anyone else?
Thorstov - 5/4/2012, 12:30 AM
There isn't a chance in hell TDKR will beat TA.I just saw Avengers and there isn't anything Nolan can possibly make him do,other than pulling Hulk out of his utility belt, that will make this more money.NO WAY- Avengers was too good on too many levels,plus add in Batman with no Joker and all it can hope to do is beat ASM,not the total badassery that was Avengers.
Thorstov - 5/4/2012, 12:30 AM
No ASM or TDKR trailers in my theater either.
Ha1frican - 5/4/2012, 12:33 AM
@Arsonjack I think you saw the chimpanzee movie....
GizmoEl - 5/4/2012, 1:07 AM
Im sure TDKR will beat The Avengers.. but I don't think it can come close to being as enjoyable.

Avengers was PERFECT. I hope they hit a billion, but I don't give a rats ass if they don't. Frankly, it'd be disappointing if Batman DIDNT beat Avengers since TDK already made a billion bucks.
Kalel219 - 5/4/2012, 1:32 AM

The Dark Knight is one of, if not the most overrated cbm of all time and I say that as a huge fan. It didn't leave a imprint, it left a "OMG LEDGER WAS SO AMAZING" and nothing more.
samster10001 - 5/4/2012, 1:57 AM
@kalel129- I. Didn't see it that way. But I'm talking about the series as a whole and not just TDK. After BB this whole reboot craze begin and gave us some great reboots like star trek and some not so good reboots like conan the barbarian. That's how well the character and story was handled that people saw the oppurtunity to do the same with some other properties. But ill go ahead and echo the words of a fellow T'ber on CBM and just say "to each there own".
Kalel219 - 5/4/2012, 2:02 AM
I wouldn't say BB started the whole reboot craze, more the writer strike a few years back did...but as you said, to each their own
danyu - 5/4/2012, 2:32 AM
The main reason The Dark Knight did so well initially was because of the Joker. The character had critically acclaimed recognition even before The Dark Knight.

-Rises won't have the Joker. There has been significant negative feedback on multiple accounts for the trailers and prologue so far.

-Box Office Mojo's estimates have been wrong numerous times specifically dealing with superhero-type movies. So I wouldn't place bets on them.

-Not saying the film will be incredible or make loads of money, but Rises seems to be doing the opposite of what Avengers has. Rises seems to be losing steam rather than gaining.

-Spider-Man will in a way take some of the crowd away from Rises. Though I should add that I'm sure Rises will make more money than Spider-Man.

-All of the above points that I made lead me to assume that The Dark Knight Rises will actually do less than the Avengers on probably all accounts.

Believe what I say or not, odds are it'll happen this way.

RidiculousFanBoyDemands - 5/4/2012, 2:49 AM
I saw this on IGN awhile ago. I figured one of the power users already posted it on here. I still find it funny how catty they can all be.
samster10001 - 5/4/2012, 3:22 AM
@danyu-what significant negative feedback? The prolouge was received pretty well aside from the Bane voice issues that now seem to be tweeked for the final product. And I don't remember too much negative feedback for the latest trailer. The movies not losing steam either. It dosent even come out for another two months. By July it'll be the biggest deal in film just like the Avengers is now. It seems like the only movie out of the three major cbms coming out this summer that's losing steam is TASM. The new trailer has IMHO cemented as shit. Just sayin.
Kalel219 - 5/4/2012, 3:50 AM

If you look at the comments, just as many people are saying they are now excited for ASM due to the new trailer as there are as many saying they just don't feel the excitement they were expecting for Rises
vampireknight75 - 5/4/2012, 3:55 AM
i love me some dark night,but the avengers was the comic book movie i have been waiting for,this is the golden age of comic book movies and the avengers is a highpoint,looking forward to the darknight and spiderman but avengers set the bar!
samster10001 - 5/4/2012, 3:58 AM

You're probably right. I wouldn't know I guess because I haven't been looking at all of the comments. Lol!! Sounds good though. I hope TASM is good because I was never a huge fan of Raimi's spidey.
danyu - 5/4/2012, 4:06 AM

I honestly can't help you man if you can't see that The Dark Knight Rises has lost steam. I'm not saying the movie won't be the biggest deal on the planet when it's actually out, but I just don't see it doing better than the Avengers. That goes for United States Domestic, and Worldwide.

When a trailer receives significant mixed reactions that's a direct impact on people who will go see the movie. Both trailers for The Dark Knight Rises have received these kind of reactions. Just because you like them and/or the prologue doesn't mean the majority of the rest of the world does.

When people make petty complaints that focus on Bane's voice or how they barely see Batman in a trailer or how they think the Batpod shouldn't fly since it's basically a square or how an oblivious football player can't notice an entire football field collapsing behind him or how they don't like Catwoman's outfit or how there isn't a Joker, that is significant negative feedback, especially for how often these comments come up.

Again though, I'm not saying the movie isn't going to make a ton of money or that the general audience won't love it (even though I think most ARE going to be disappointed) what I'm actually saying here is that Box Office Mojo is wrong. In terms of money - Avengers > Rises. I have spoken my prophecy. Now let it be fulfilled.
samster10001 - 5/4/2012, 4:07 AM

Okay thanks
Frogman - 5/4/2012, 4:30 AM
The majority of negative comments I have seen have been on this site where the Marvel Supremists outnumber the Nolanites (I'm not either, I'm neutral). Every other site I look on (granted it's only 3 or 4 other sites) have been a lot more positive about the trailers than CBM.
marvel72 - 5/4/2012, 4:45 AM
the avengers will be hard to beat its predicted to do $600,000,000 by sunday not bad for a film thats been out for ten days.

the highest grossing cbm's of 2012 (prediction)

1st the avengers
2nd the amazing spider-man(may even get 1st place)
3rd the dark knight rises
AlSimmons - 5/4/2012, 5:24 AM
It won't beat the Avengers simply because WB has inferior marketing compared to Disney.
MrReese - 5/4/2012, 6:12 AM
Of course Batman is gonna out do TA. This is Chris [frick]IN Nolan we're talking about.His name alone gets the general audience going.Only competition is TASM hands down. =)
themann11 - 5/4/2012, 6:45 AM you have more information than Box Office Mojo when it comes to movies and because that's what they do...sure you have an opinion which is biased towards
the The Avengers and that's fine...but the buzz created from the 3rd TDKR trailer and the huge popularity of TDK I say makes their prediction of TDKR making more $$$ than the The Avengers an easy and safe bet...the anticipation for TDKR unreal!
CyclopsWasRight - 5/4/2012, 7:24 AM
marvel72 - 5/4/2012, 7:49 AM
@ timotey

ghost rider 2 was the green lantern of this year,the worse spider-man movie,spider-man 3 still took the most money at $890,000,000 out of the original trilogy.
JatevinM - 5/4/2012, 7:58 AM
People saying that the Joker was the only reason for the Dark Knights success are completely ignoring the fact that the story if the movie was amazing. We all know that with the success of the Dark Knight and all of his other films Nolan already had a huge audience. Nolan's Batman movies appeal not only to the comic book audience but to an general audience as well because if you take out the Batman elements his movies make great psychological crime thrillers. This is why the Dark Knight Rises is going to beat the Avengers as well as the Dark Knight.
Minotauro - 5/4/2012, 8:30 AM
Lol at Spiderman being a trilogy. That crap 3rd film is considered an ending to it? Marvelfans always impress.

@Danyu - I rolled my eyes at your comment. Weak.

@Timotey - I was thinking the same thing. GR wasn't going to be a good movie from the get go. The directors names made sure of that.

Only way TDK loses is in the ratings. TA is setting at a 93%. Below TDK & IM. Will have to wait till then.

MatchesMalone1989 - 5/4/2012, 8:43 AM
Whedon and Nolan are gonns be like RING! BRACELET! CHAIN! WATCH! 9000 WATTS! 9000 WATTS!
Ghostfire - 5/4/2012, 9:06 AM
That sucks bro. I got the new TDKR trailer along with the new Amazing Spiderman trailer too. I guess it just depends on the theatre.
SpiderFan35 - 5/4/2012, 10:38 AM
I would not surprise me, Avengers is awesome for CBM and comic fans but I can see how it would look too comic book corny to regular folk. I think Nolan's movies could attract a wider audience, esp if they liked TDK. I guess we'll see.
DukeAcureds - 5/4/2012, 10:58 AM
I love how that poster points out that The Dark Knight was about the fall of Batman. This is so it makes sense post-The Prestige. Show them something; Take it away; Bring it bacHe kind of forgot to make it clear during the actual film. It's a little hard to look all clever because the whole trilogy was planned when you're retroactively writing the previous films, Mr. Nolan. Especially when each and every film you say that you don't think about any other film and just concentrate on the one you're doing and each and every time you say that you don't plan on doing another Batman film after ther one you're doing.
Sorry. Nolan's prententious asa all Hell.
Gnyah123 - 5/4/2012, 11:18 AM
i got back from see TA and BANG! movie was cool i liked it
and im going again for my lil bros 8th birthday! then off to dave n busters! BANG!
naw but seriously movie was ehhh i give it a 7/10 at most maybe a 8/10 i think it cud of been better but it was pretty good and enjoyale..its a action packed film!

TDKR however is not!..there is action alright but its a story! the ending of batman its more deep and suspense! and the good thing is we dont know anything about it still lol which is good!! keep it that way
and i am 100 percent that this movie will def. beat avengers in box office..i promise u that..avengers jst doesnt have it! it will do transformers 3 numbers at most!
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