The Ultimate Batman v Superman Review

The Ultimate Batman v Superman Review

A Scene-by-Scene, Play-by-Play breakdown and review of Batman v Superman.

Most of this is me typing by train of thought as I watch the movie
This is VERY long so take your time and enjoy.

Review Opinion
By TyrantBossMedia - Mar 31, 2016 03:03 PM EST
Filed Under: Batman vs. Superman

Batman v Superman: The Yawn...oops...Dawn of Justice

Copyright © 2016,




- The Bruce Wayne parents murdering flashback pretty similar to the way it was shot in Batman Begins. Only a dream, Bruce Wayne's recollection. Best way they can do it...but they only needed to for the dummies who have no clue of the back story.

- Mask of Zorro movie poster outside the theater (wasn't that Bruce's inspiration for becoming Batman? I heard that somewhere.)

- The movie playing that night was Excalibur. Quite fitting since Batman becomes The Dark Knight. Excalibur came out in 1981 unless it was a rerelease and Bruce was about 10 in that scene maybe so that would make Bruce Wayne about 45 years old that's about right.


CUT TO: Indian Ocean

- Quick jump to retrieval of Kryptonite....that scene was shoehorned in there and made no sense. That would have been an interesting early way to tease Aquaman. Reminded me of the cut from the destruction of SHIELD to the cut of Tony Stark fixing the power cable in The Avengers. Honestly wouldn't have minded an Aquaman cameo just to place him in the film early....if he was going to play more of a role of course.

- That underwater scene made no sense. Why include it? Unless the guy who gets the kryptonite comes into play later in the movie. Either way.....go from the Wayne Parents murder to the Indian Africa. That's a lot of jumping around within the first 12 minutes.


CUT TO: Africa??

- Is that Bono at the African Warlord's place who takes Jimmy Olsen's film?

- Why is Jimmy Olsen NOT using a Digital Camera? No reporter uses film today.

- So Jimmy Olsen is a CIA agent now?

- And...he's dead. (Bye Bye Jimmy Olsen)

- So Bono and his gang are what? CIA too? They just killed the Warlord's henchmen. Why? That makes no sense.

- Enter Superman with Superhero landing pose......which Superman doesn't have to do because.....he's Superman and doesn't need to catch himself landing any special way.

- And Superman kills the Warlord. He could have heat visioned the gun out of his hand. He could have moved faster than a speeding bullet and taken the gun. If he can move so fast to kill the guy by knocking him through a wall....why couldn't he just move that fast and disarm the guy without killing him. Already don't like what Snyder is doing with Superman.


CUT TO: U.S. Capitol Building

- Now we are in a senate hearing back in the U.S. Another locale in the first 15 minutes.


CUT TO: Lois' apartment

- I don't know any woman who curls up in a bathtub hiding her goods when she is alone, but whatever.

- Clark Kent came home. So they live together.

- I like when Lois didn't know who Clark was. This early on it just feels strange. Not terrible....but strange. It's like they are fast forwarding the entire comic universe.

Lois says, "I just don't think it's possible for you to love me and be you" but Clark just said "the woman I love could have been blown up or shot" I guess it is possible for him to love her and be Superman. 

What about "The woman I love could have been killed"...why specifically "blown up or shot"?

So we go from a very serious tone to Clark jumping in the bathtub. Okay. A bit odd based on the seriousness of the tone, but...



Bats pouring out of a chimney at yet another location. Cops arrive and there is a batarang in the wall of the house.

Somebody is holding women captive. There are shouts upstairs.

I dig the dark and scary. That's very Batman.

The way this is shot reminds me, in lighting and tone, to the Maroni storage yard scene in Batman Begins.

So wait....Batman has been around for 20 or so years. Why is a cop shooting at him. Don't they know by now he catches the bad guys. By this point in Batman's tenure he was working with Commissioner Gordon.

Okay....rookie cop I guess..."I never saw him before" other cop "How about you don't shoot the good guys" Okay. That's fine.

Saw it in the trailer, but WHY is Batman branding anyone??? Batman is not a sadist.



Bat Cave.

Introducing Alfred. I already like the way Jeremy Irons is playing the character. And I like their exchange. 

Already showing some detective work as they should. Nolan kind of slacked off on that after Batman Begins. He had a small taste of it when there should have been a lot more.

Okay....a little bit of exposition to explain why Bruce has started branding people. Not a good explanation, but....I guess it's Superman's fault?!?!



Clark Kent's apartment.

Those have to be some of the most PERFECT fried eggs I have ever seen. I guess Superman is a Super chef as well? news story reporting the Bat Branding causing criminals to be beaten up in prison. Clark hears that. So let me guess....THAT is going to be what turns Superman against Batman?!?!?!

Contrived so far.



Lexcorps. Young Lex Luthor playing basketball on his indoor court in his office building.

So this is the SON of Lex Luthor. So where is Lex Luthor?!?! That's who we want to see, not this young Zuckerberg wannabe.


CUT TO: Lex Lab

What does Lex's dad growing up in East Germany have to do with the providence of Lex Jr. finding a piece of kryptonite at the crash site?

(Lex...what does chewing gum have to with the secrets of the universe. Sorry, couldn't resist)

Question: WHY did Superman leave ANY traces of the world engine from krypton at the crash site? Why would he risk any human getting their hands on anything that advanced?

I have a problem with that.

Sorry..I can't hear Holly Hunter speak without thinking of Elastigirl.

Okay....and they tied back in the discovery of the giant block of kryptonite at the bottom of the Indian Ocean. But they didn't need that scene earlier. Lex just told you everything that was important from that scene. It was found at the bottom of the Indian Ocean. 

Cut that earlier scene and the movie flows better.

Okay....and Lex just tied in his East Germany comment by comparing Superman to an East German Tyrant. Got it.

Okay, didn't mind the scene. "You don't have to use a silver bullet, but if you forge one you won't have to depend on the kindness of monsters." Okay....

The more I watch this the more I would love to see a fan cut of just the Batman stuff and Just the Superman parts stitched together. I bet they would be two better movies.


25:31 in. I will stop now and reply to this comment with part 2 later.


Okay back for round 2 of my play-by-play of Batman v Superman as I watch it online.


As always




A few things from yesterday that I thought about after I finished watching and I wanted to go back and comment on...


- When the "rookie" cop sees Batman perched up on the wall in the room, why does he shoot right away. Yes there was a report of shots fired at the scene before they got there, but cops don't shoot at a person not holding a gun or pointing a weapon at them. That's not standard protocol. But the first reaction of the rookie cop is to shoot? And his veteran cop partner just plays it off like it's normal.

I know....Hollywood. You have to overdo everything.


- When they cut to the scene of the house where the cops pull up there is a shot of a chimney with a ton of bats flying out of it. My first thought that I did not type was "Bats in the Belfry" another term for "Crazy". Does that indicate that Bruce Wayne is going crazy after the Superman thing. Later Alfred does attribute the Superman appearance with his sudden change toward criminals.

Another way of saying it..... is Bruce going "Bat shit crazy" ..sorry couldn't resist.


- In addition to not getting rid of the world machine that the Kyrptonians used....why didn't Superman get rid of Zod's body? He was the last person to touch it, he was by himself basically. He could have flown that body into the sun. So why does he allow the authorities to get their hands on the body of an alien that has his SAME biology? As badly as he was treated growing up for being different you would think Superman would be more wary of humanity. That makes NO sense.


- Lex Luthor, Jr. says entire too much too fast in his short scene with the senator. That is some rapid fire exposition. Maybe that could have benefitted from ...I don't know...splitting this into two different movies??


- I do like that Lex Jr's assistant in the lab refers to the green fragment (kryptonite) as a "radioactive xenomineral". That is exactly how DC defines Kryptonite.


- They took the remains of Zod to Amreed?? Does anyone know what that is? Does that have any place in the DC universe and am I spelling it right?


- They do show video of someone cutting open Zod's body with what I think was a laser. Now I have to think of two issues here. 

1) How are they cutting his body open with a laser if he like Superman.

Answer: Well, He's dead so maybe his body is not strong anymore.


2) But then.....if he is dead and his cells are not maintaining their structure....then why do they degrade when put in contact with kryptonite? If he is dead then his cells are dead? So......if his cells are alive.....then wouldn't he be impossible to cut open with earth made means??? 

See...makes no sense.


- Who is the random woman testifying at the senate hearing. She sounds like she is Jamaican or African. Why not have the guy from Wayne Enterprises who couldn't move his legs. He would be a MUCH more sensitive figure to present to a senate panel. But they give us this woman who has NO relation to the story. 

Since she is one of maybe two black speaking actors in this movie so far (Perry White has not appeared yet) I would hate to think she was shoehorned in just for diversity. If she doesn't further the story why have a nobody character talking to the Senate? 

Again...things Zach Snyder does make no sense.


- Also noticed that as Lex Jr. is referencing the giant block of kryptonite they found at the bottom of the ocean (Tesseract anyone??) he exclaims "Beautiful" at that moment they cut to...Mercy Graves. I think that's supposed to be her. Not very subtle, but yeah...she is pretty.


- The senator (Holly Hunter) also mentioned the "Metahuman Thesis". So they have just introduced that which allows them the in to introduce Flash, Aquaman, etc.


- Of course they have to show Cavill making breakfast with his shirt off. They have to show once again that he really is built that way and the suit is not just padding. They did the same thing in Man of Steel.


- I was also informed someone here that all of the CUT TO's in the movie bothered him and putting them in must have made me crazy. Just to show HOW many scene changes were in the first 25 minutes of the movie, I am going to go back in and insert all of the CUT TO's where they belong so you can see for yourself. It was ridiculous.


Okay....back to the play-by-play


starting again at 25:31



- A bunch of newspaper articles. "Superman Prevents Missile Strike", "Heroic Superman Rescue", "Bruce Wayne Rescues Employees... (sub caption) man pulled from the rubble" so we can assume that refers to the Zod battle. All headlines from The Daily Planet.

There is also photo of a woman with long reddish hair front and center among the articles. Who is that? Is it someone Superman saved? Don't know yet.

- Someone is working on something involving duct tape and a wire or rope. Pull back to reveal part of a figure of a man. He takes a photo off the wall of what looks like the guy from Wayne Enterprises who had his legs smashed posing with what appear to be his wife and child.

- YUP..that's him. He lays the picture by the memorial to the dead from the Zod/Superman battle. So we are assuming his wife and kid died in the attack?? But wasn't he at work? So they were there with him?

- So I guess the photo from earlier is of his wife?

- Why is the guy dressed in a green Vietnam era army jacket and olive drab ski cap? Is Snyder trying to make him seem like a Vietnam vet? He is in a wheelchair next to a jet black monument with named engraved. This looks VERY much like a Vietnam vet next to the Vietnam veteran's memorial in DC.

Is this an homage, or is Snyder just playing with our heart strings. As a vet myself...I can think of about 100 other ways they could have him visiting a memorial without making him look like a wounded war veteran. 

- Okay...I get it.....Snyder shows him upset about the death of his wife and daughter....which still makes no sense....then has him laying their photo by the memorial, but hit us in the face with him being upset as he turns and angry glare toward the giant Superman statue in front of the memorial. We get it Zach...not everyone is happy with Superman and the guy is angry. We get it. is the frying pan...hit us over the head with it next time.


So far the movie is painting Superman (the vision of hope and inspiration) out to be the bad guy. Got it.


So how can a paralyzed guy leap out of his wheelchair to grab the hand of the Superman statue? You need your legs to leap.

He climbs the arm....apparently he has become amazingly strong in only 18 months.

And a cop sees him...tells him to get down.

There are two cops now.

They don't try to pull him down? Then he throws the spraypaint cap at them and they say, "Can we get some backup here?"?? They RADIO For backup.

Yes cops, please give us back up for a cripple climbing a statue because we have no way of stopping him ourselves.

Snyder...making cops look incompetent again.

Cop yells, "Hey, Hey....don't do it!!"..... and of course the guy is spray painting the statue. This is probably where the "False God" comes from.

Um......the cops would have pulled him down by now Snyder. Sigh.

Knowing that this is the guy who spray painted "False God" kind of takes away the impact of the image shown in the trailers. 

In the trailers it was just a random someone who painted that on the statue and it showed that ANYONE could be upset with Superman. Here is just shows one guy with an grudge. Kind of minimized the impact of the visual.

CUT TO: Daily Planet Newsroom

Lois has a phone call, Perry White wants Kent to write a story on sports.

"Underdog dreams dashed 10 yards between Gotham and glory" is how he wants the headline to read. I say foreshadowing being that Batman will be the underdog in the fight with Superman. 

WAIT...BREAKING NEWS that someone spraypainted the Superman statue!?!?! BREAKING NEWS!?!?! I haven't seen more ridiculous breaking news since Fox decided everything was breaking news.

So in the news footage you can show the crippled guy being carried into a police car by cops, but they had plenty of time to stop him as he was climbing but did not.

I know......all for the sake of the script I guess.

- The chyron for the news story is "Heroes Park Hate Crime" ????? Hate Crime?

Isn't the Senate investigating Superman? 

- Guy yelling from the cop they are trying to put him in..."I work for Bruce Wayne! I work for Bruce Wayne!" I can't help but think of "I work for Dick JONES...Dick JONES!!!!" (Robocop reference for all who didn't get it)

- The guy has a felony charge of making terrorist threats? does the reporter know what the guy has been charged with if he hasn't even been booked yet. The cops don't charge you with stuff until they book you or write up a citation. Horrible writing.

- They are already scrubbing off the FALSE GOD spraypaint so I guess we won't see that great shot from the trailer.

- Okay Clark Kent is watching and concerned.

- Perry White says, "Poor son of a bitch" and immediately wants the headline to read "End of love affair with man in the sky?" OVER GRAFFITI?????

Hell I bet Banksy would LOVE to have that kind of an impact.

- Clark is very upset. We know this because he put his head down.

CUT TO: LexCorps

Some senator talking to Lex Jr.

He says there are ways we can help each other. What's your wish list?

Lex Jr. says, "Access to the wreck of the crashed Kryptonian ship"

Didn't they have access to that already or was that just the world machine thing?

Senator says, "Done"

Oh...that easy.....another very short scene that should have taken place earlier.

CUT TO: Fly by shot over what appears to be an athletic sports dome

CUT TO: Lex Jr. pulling up to a heavily guarded dome where I assume they are housing the Kryptonian ship?

CUT TO: Lex entering the access tunnel to the ship?

Smoke...dramatic music.....ship revealed.

CUT TO: Lex talking to the Senator from before again adding yet another demand.

"The complete remains of the alien for testing"

Senator: "You want Zod's body"

But didn't Lex Jr. already have cooperation with the company that was holding the body? That's how he tested Kryptonite in the first place.

CUT TO: Cryostatis champer USAMRID with Mercy walking in front of it.....must house Zod's body. So I guess Lex Jr. got that too.

CUT TO: Lex Jr. Standing over the naked body of Zod.

Am I the only one that has an issue with him standing over the guy's private area and looking down like he's working on that area for some reason?

Oh...okay...he is testing kryptonite on Zod's dead hand.

How is the Kryptonite lighting up? Did they already find a way to make a laser?

It cuts over Zod's finger

CUT TO: Lex Jr. opening a Jolly Rancher back with the Senator at LexCorp

Then he sticks the Jolly Rancher into the Senator's mouth??? Why? Odd


Bruce Wayne at some fight club thing.

Black fighter vs White fighter (Dark vs Light symbolism)??

The White Fighter is WAY bigger than the Black fighter and Wayne pushed the Black fighter back into the arena.

Black fighter opens a can of whoop as. Wayne is eyeballing the russian gangster who throws his money down in disgust.

Bruce talking to Russian gangster at the bar and records his voice. Okay some detective stuff. 

CUT TO: The Daily Planet

(He's right....these cuts are driving me insane)


I am going to break here



Okay so back to the Daily Planet.

News meeting. Clark Kent is trying to convince Perry White to cover a story about who he called The Vigilante.

Perry dismisses it. Lois shows up with a bullet. 

So some black market rounds and a mystery.

Let's add ANOTHER plot into this already plot heavy movie.

So far: 

Plot 1: Batman is getting very dark even for him
Plot 2: Batman is not happy with Superman
Plot 3: The Senate is investigating metahumans and the Superman fight
Plot 4: Lex Jr. has discovered Kryptonite
Plot 5: Superman is not happy with what Batman is doing
Plot 6: Some people, or at least one person so far, are not happy with Superman
Plot 7: Lois doesn't think Clark can love her and be Superman
Plot 8: Bruce Wayne is pursuing some Russian gangster
Plot 9: Lois is investigating the black market bullets used in a desert attack



CUT TO: Senator Holly Hunter being let into Lex Jr's study

Okay so we learn that Lex Luthor is not in prison, he is dead???

"This is my father's room. I left it just the way it was. The magical thinking of orphan boys."
Senator is not giving Lex Jr. the import license

Horribly placed line "The Red Capes are coming" Still hate that line

Senator: "Take a bucket of piss and call it granny's peach tea" ?????

That seems horribly out of place.

I know she was referring to the "weapon of assassination" but horrible analogy.

Then a ham handed segue into a Heaven vs Hell painting
and there is your "Devils come from the sky" line

This whole scene was too quick and too forced. 


Bruce Wayne in a cemetary? Very over grown if it is one.

I think this is another dream.

Notice when Wayne walks into the mausoleum. There is an angel on the wall behind him in blue with a red cape and wings. That mirrors Lex Jr's previous "Devils come from the sky" line.

I WAS RIGHT!!!!! Martha Wayne was killed in 1981 as per her headstone.

So a giant Man Bat pops out of the crypt and attacks Bruce.

35 years later and Bruce is still have such horrible dreams?

Don't you think that Batman would have healed just a bit in 35 years?

I can understand such vivid dreams when he first becomes Batman, or when he is younger, but 35 years later after fighting so much crime and beating so many criminals.?


CUT TO: Wayne wakes up from his dream
Sleeping with some random woman, and drinking.

I didn't think Batman drank.

Even in Miller's Dark Knight Bruce drank after he retired, but stopped drinking once he came out of retirement. So why is Bruce drinking now?

Clearly Snyder does not understand Batman either.


CUT TO: Men's room
Lois Lane enters to talk to a senator

This Senator was the general or colonel at the end of Man of Steel

CORRECT: pretty much EVERY shot is a close up.

There are rarely any establishing shots. Most everything are tight shots or two shots.

It's quite claustrophobic.

Now I could see doing that for any shot involving Bruce Wayne to show how he is keeping within himself and switching to wider shots for Superman who is very open and accepting to the public....but for everyone it is just silly.

And now the Senator reveals that Superman is being blamed for the African warlord's people dying. So yes...Senators not happy with Superman.


CUT TO: Wayne Manor? Bruce's bedroom.

Alfred finds an empty bottle of booze.

Wine cellar line lifted directly from The Dark Knight Returns

Wayne tapping Russian's phone. Russian talking to Lex Jr. (Alexander Luthor) God I hate that.

I will say I LOVE Jeremy Irons as Alfred.

Ben Affleck is going an very nice job as Bruce Wayne so far. I am close to forgetting that he is Affleck so that's a good thing.

Invitation to Lex Jr's party.

Park Ridge Lane

Park Ridge, DM 33862 (So DM makes Metropolis in a district of it's own like Washington DC).

But the 33862 Zip code is for Lake Placid, Florida

Interestingly this movie Wayne's bedroom is shown numerous times just off of a calm (or placid) lake.


CUT TO: Bat Cave. 

Bruce reveals the suit

Walks past the Robin outfit in a glass case which we saw in the trailers

"HA HA HA The Joke's on you Batman" clear reference to The Killing Joke


CUT TO: Bruce driving away in his sports car 

Passed an old burned out Wayne Manor in the distance


CUT TO: Wayne pulling up at Lex Jr's party.

So Clark Kent is covering the event.

It has been 18 months, and he is a reporter for the Daily Planet.

The Daily Planet has HEADLINES that say Bruce Wayne saved workers of his company during the Superman fight.

How does Clark Kent NOT know who Bruce Wayne is?? Makes no sense.


CUT TO: Person giving speech in party

Lex takes the stage and there is the shot of Gal Godot in the crowd.

Eyes meeting with Bruce Wayne.

Okay, Bruce doing some Batman spying stuff. I do like that Superman can hear the transmission.

So he can hear that transmission....but doesn't know who Bruce Wayne is?????

Okay...I'll move on. PLOT HOLE..... okay now I'll really move on.


Reference in Lex Jr's speech of Prometheus stopping Zeus from destroying mankind.

Subtle huh?


Server banks are pretty easy to get to. Why are they right next to the kitchen.

Bruce caught. 

EMC ISILON storage units are VERY expensive cloud servers.


Back to Lex Jr's speech.

Eisenberg is playing him a bit too crazy even for a Luthor.


More subtlety: They are playing the song "Night and Day" at the party.

Dark vs Light, Day vs Night....get it?


Bruce Wayne meets Clark Kent

"Don't believe everything you hear son"

I don't mind this exchange. Most of the movie should just be this.

Mind games between the two of them then a number of fights throughout.

All this other subplot crap just dilutes what could have been a great movie.


Now I know that Lex Jr. knows who Batman and Superman are....or seems to, but if he didn't....why would he know who Clark Kent is? Kent is just a nobody reporter. Wayne is a billionaire. Kent was not invited he was assigned to cover the party.


"You should not pick a fight with this person".... not very subtle.

I would like it better if the references were more nuanced and less in your face, but Snyder knows how to dumb it down for the audiences. Hollywood usually thinks we are stupid.


"You can hop the harbor.." over to Metropolis.

So is Gotham like Jersey City and Metropolis NYC?

If they are so close....why doesn't Superman stop crimes in Gotham as well.

If they are so close and Superman can hear anything he wants....why does not NOT KNOW WHO BRUCE WAYNE IS?!?!?!?! Sorry...I couldn't let it go.


So Bruce Wayne is brilliant right? He pretty much knows that Clark Kent is Superman. So why doesn't he realize that Kent can hear what Alfred is communicating to him?


So now Wonder Woman (Diana) is onto Bruce Wayne as well?

So she stole his hacking thing?


Okay so Superman sees a disaster on a news report En Espanol and goes to help. That takes him off Bruce Wayne's trail.

Diana zips off in her car with Bruce's device.


CUT TO: Superman saving someone from a fire.

Hero worship for Superman in a Latino country.

Many have faces painted like skulls


He clearly is in Mexico.

The faces are painted for the Day of the Dead

Lex's party invite said November.

November 2 is Day of the Dead (Dia de los muertos) for adult souls.

November 1 is Dia de los Inocentes which honors lost children

November 1 in the Catholic religion is also know as All Saints Day.

Halloween, the day before is when the ghosts rise and people dress up in costumes.

Halloween is the dark........All Saints Day is the light.

I don't mind the symbolism.....but keep hammering it home there Zach.


V.O. about a savior or messianic power. There you go.

All Saints Day.....Superman as a Christ figure.


CUT TO news report

Cutting back and forth between the news report and Superman dragging a boat by the chain in the north pole much in the same way Christ is represented carrying the cross.

And then cutting to more news coverage and shots of Superman saving people.

So a bunch of people opining about Superman and the hero worship and his place in society.


Again...THIS would have been a great way to go for Man of Steel 2. Superman establishing his place in the world.

Shoehorning it into this movie is just a waste.



Clark Kent watching this news coverage and not very happy.


CUT TO: Jail cell

The cripple made bail apparently.


Going to stop back later...



Cripple in jail asks "Who paid"
CUT TO: some house

Lex Jr. waiting for the guy, maybe it is the guy's house. But Lex Jr. is in a wheelchair.
So Lex is recruiting that guy.

CUT TO: Senator Holly Hunter's office
Now that cripple is in the wheelchair Lex Jr. was in. Gave it to him.
Senator walks in where he is waiting in her office.
"He made me half a man. Let me face him"

Daily Planet News Room
Perry white pissed at Kent for pursing the Batman story.
Kent: "When the Daily Planet was founded it stood for something"
But Kent has been here for only 18 months....

Perry White says, "This is not 1938" direct reference to the first Superman Action Comics.
"Nobody cares about Clark Kent taking on The Batman"

CUT TO: Museum
Diana being introduced to the sword of Alexander

Enter Bruce Wayne
So Diana is interested in Lex Jr. because he has a photo that belongs to her?
So their reason to insert Wonder Woman is because Lex Jr has one of her pictures?????

Military grade encryption so she knows what that is.
Lots of little sort sound bites but not much in substance.
I don't like the way this was written. It was written like I am reading a number of memes.

Notice when Diana walks away her dress has a gold band around her waist, around her arm (to represent her WW bracelets) and around her neck (to represent her crown).
She walks away toward a statue. I wasn't able to place that statue but I will try more later.

Bruce Wayne using his decryption device and hearing a strange signal.

Another Bruce Wayne dream.
Desert, smoldering city, Batman climbs a hill. Omega of Darkseid engraved in the sand.
Dream of him getting Kryptonite from LexCorp and being taken captive.
Soldiers have Superman patches on their arms.
Nazi helmets
Why is Batman shooting so many people????
What are the strange flying creatures?
Very strong flying creatures

Batman chained up. We saw this in the trailer
Superman lands, everyone bows. Superman burns up everyone with his heat vision.
Unmasks Batman. "She was my world and you took her from me"
Superman punches his hand through Bruce's chest.

Bruce wakes up to the FLASH giving him a message??????
This Flash looks pretty stupid. "It's Lois, Lois Lane. She's the key"
"You were right about him." "Find us Bruce"
Makes no sense for this movie.
Mirrors "Crisis on Infinite Earths" scene.

I am quickly learning that they just shoehorned in many references from many different DC comics just to say they did it. Many are out of place but they did it anyway.

CUT TO: Bruce Wakes up from his dream within a dream
Decryption complete.

CUT TO: Daily Planet. Clark is handing something wrapped in a "Bat Brand of Justice" newspaper headline.

CUT TO: Wayne accessing LexCorp files

CUT TO: Kent going through photos of beat up criminal.
Judge Jury Executioner Justice?

CUT TO: Wayne going through LexCorp files
Ship White Portuguese which is what Diana called Lex Jr.

CUT TO: Wayne and Alfred discussing White Portuguese
carrying the kryptonite rock.
And Wayne mentioned the rock found in the Indian Ocean again....more of the reason we don't need that one scene of someone finding the rock.

Saw this in the trailer...If there is a 1% chance....absolute certainty.

Bruce says 20 Years in Gotham to Alfred meaning he began as Batman at 25 since he is about 45 now.
How many good guys left, how many stayed that way. Probably a reference to the Red Hood.
Again...don't mind the Batman stuff on its own.

CUT TO: Daily Planet
Kent is missing Why even have that scene?

CUT TO: Lois under a bridge meeting Mr. Secretary
Hands bullet to former General from Man of Steel.

CUT TO: White Portuguese ship
My GOD....Snyder actually had a had establishing shot of Batman standing on a crane over the shipyard.
LexCorps crate being loaded on a truck.
Batman with a rifle. The Dark Knight Returns
Intro Bat Mobile
Wilhlelm Scream

This car chase is horribly shot and edited. All close ups.
Batman has now killed like 6 people
9 people
We can't even enjoy the Bat Mobile. The don't shoot it well enough.
13 people
thought it was 15 but somehow those two guys survived
and here is Superman

Bat Mobile runs into him, bounces off. Saw that in the trailer
Um....flaming gas pumps Bruce...might want to run.
" Do you will"

CUT TO: Batmobile returning to bat cave.
Homing signal

CUT TO: Truck pulling into garage with kryptonite in crate
So...the back of the truck was Torn off by the Bat Mobile.....landed on two guys....they survived. And his little tracking device is still on the back of the truck?? Lucky huh?

CUT TO: Bruce examining tracking signal

CUT TO: Lex Jr opening crate with kryptonite

CUT TO: Senator press conference
CUT TO: Lois watching live
CUT TO: Clark watching in the news room
CUT TO: Lex Jr. in his lab with Kryptonite

CUT TO: Ma Kent in Kansas
"People hate what they don't understand"
"Be anything they need you to be"
"You don't owe this world a thing"
Snyder really does not understand Superman at all.
What is it with Kent's parents. One tells him that maybe he should have let kids die.
The other is telling him that he owes the world nothing.
Very selfish for a self absorbed society.

Lois covert bench meeting with Senator/General from MOS
Desert was a set up
Bullet metal developed by LexCorp
Lois "Go on record"
Senator "Not a chance"
Dear God do we have to have a scene like this in every movie where a reporter talks to a government official?
"All the President's Men", "JFK", etc, etc
Set up to frame Superman???

CUT TO: Cripple being wanded going into hearing
Soledad O'Brien slumming. Used to be a big deal on CNN....fired because she was horrible.
CUT TO: Bruce watching interview with cripple from his conference room.

CUT TO: Senate hearing building Lex Jr and Senator
So yes...that Asian woman is Mercy

CUT TO: Wayne conf room
He has been sending checks to this guy every month from the "Victims Fund"
He returns the checks with notes scribbled on them.
Superman arrive
CUT TO: Diner where Ma Kent works apparently
CUT TO: Capital building
Lex "Biggest Lie Power can be innocent"
Superman lands
Crowd cheers

CUT TO: Kent Conf room
"Another one came this morning Mr. Kent"

CUT TO: Inside hearing room
Superman enters looking rather huge
Senator Holly Hunter speech. 
"Today is a day for truth" from trailer

Jar of Piss on the Senators seat???
Okay so that's the piss reference coming back to her. Still no sense.

Explosion in the hearing room.
CUT TO: Ma Kent scared in Diner
CUT TO: faces of horror watching outside
CUT TO: Wayne in conf room opening article "You let your family die"
Well dammit that wasn't from the Joker after all it was from that crippled guy. How lame.
Pissed of Bruce Wayne

CUT TO: Lexcorp
There was a fire and a shootout
Kryptonite stolen

CUT TO: Lois watching CNN
So the cripple snuck the explosive in his wheelchair.
Superman "Thinking I was here to do good. Superman isn't real"
What the HELL!!! Didn't we get past this angst ridden crap with Superman in MOS??
Lois, "This means something" touching the S.
"It did on my world. I don't think it means much anymore" 

CUT TO: Lex Corp
Lex Jr opens up a chamber on the Kryptonian ship?
Lex Jr takes charge of ship and access to Kryptonian archive.
Lex, "Good teach me"

Now it's time for the training montage. I will break again.




- Bruce Wayne hitting a tire wth a Sledgehammer
- Computer rendering of Kryptonite rock
- Bruce Wayne doing weighted pull ups (his groans sound like Bale's Batman voice)
- Laser
- Wayne pushing cart of 45 pound weights
- Laser
- Wayne pulling tire with rope
- Kryptonite gas in a box
- Wayne with Grenades
- Wayne pulling tire with rope
- Wayne finishing testing laser
- Wayne throws off bar with four 45s on each side 405 pounds total
- Lots of weights dropping dumbbells, plates, etc



Wayne approaching kryptonite that looks like a Christmas ornament



Wayne opening the Metahuman file...just sits down and goes to it right away.

I guess he knew it was there all along?

- Diana
Hey she looked at that security camera JUST long enough to give us a perfect about that.

- Belgium 1918 and she looks the same. And Steve Trevor.

There are Four Icons in the Methuman file 

WW for Wonder woman
C for Cyborg
Bolt for Flash
Triangle for Aquaman

So why does Lex Jr know all of the icons for the metahumans?

CUT TO: Lex Jr unzipping the body bag of Zod.
Apparently the Krypton ship...that had AMAZING security in MOS now can be infiltrated simply by a voice command


If you remember a shape shifting robot was trying to kill Clark Kent when he dared to walk into a 20,000 year old ship. He had to push in his superman chip thing to get it to stop and he needed super strength to fight against in order to do that.

So why can Lex Jr just walk in and say...."Hi I'm Alexander Luthor" and be giving total command?  OH that's right.......the script.

The ship from 20,000 years ago didn't do that with Superman in MOS

Lex pulls the body of Zod into the water for genetic analysis.

I find it interesting that Zod's broken neck is quite stable for a broken neck.

So Lex Jr knows to put his blood on the face of Zod?

Council of Krypton says the robot

Lex Jr: "And where is the council or Krypton?"

AI: "Destroyed sir"

Lex Jr: "Then proceed"

AI: " got it.


So Lex learns how to make a Doomsday mutant how? Was that in the Kryptonian records...even though the Krypton council forbade it from being allowed?
Then the machine tells him it is illegal. He says....where are they...the machine says...they're dead.
So Lex says, Well then do it. And the machine...who has orders pre programmed says.....OH...Okay.. whatever you say boss.
I guess they needed it to quickly for the script.

CUT TO: Daily Planet news room

Brunette reporter writing story that questions if Superman is guilty of letting the Capitol blow up?  STILL painting Superman as an enemy.  1 hour and 21 minutes in.....just over halfway and Superman is mopey, angry, perturbed, blamed, hated, cursed, accused, angst ridden, surly and kills people.  NOT SUPERMAN...sorry Snyder.


No sign of Clark. And now people are burning Superman in effigy on CNN?

Weren't those people JUST praising him and worshiping him as a god 2 seconds ago?

Boy they really want to paint Superman out to be the bad guy in this movie.

CUT TO: Snowy Mountain range

Clark walking in the mountains by himself

There is a man stacking is his father....who died in a tornado


For a dead man.....he sure has put on some weight in the belly.
He is building a pile or rocks.
If he builds it....will Superman come? (get it?)

You know...Clark could be having this conversation with his actual LIVING Father if he hadn't let him die.

BUT WAIT....Clark's dad said his mother gave him faith in this world.

But this is the same mother that told Clark "You don't owe these people anything"

So why can't he just have this talk with her?  

So Clark was hallucinating? Was it a ghost? Makes no sense.

Just have him talk to his mother instead.  Stupid.


CUT TO: Alfred walking toward burnt out Wayne manor

Wayne is inside sitting in the dark

"You know you can't win this. It's suicide"

Sorry...had to recall Marlon Brando (Jor El) "You cannot ignore these Facts. It's it's genocide" from Superman 1978

"This is about the future of the world...this is my legacy"

The first Waynes were hunters.

Exit Bruce


CUT TO: Diner

Martha Kent closing down
more stories about Superman on the TV
Someone is abducting Martha Wayne

Why doesn't Martha scream. Superman would have to hear her right?

CUT TO: Some building

Bruce in his Batman Armor
Slams his Kryptonite spear
Turns on the Bat Signal

Suddenly it's raining.....of course...because the fight of the century has to be in the rain because we don't want to see it without rain making it harder to see.

pan up to the bat signal.

This reminds me of the scene they showed first at Comic Con


CUT TO: Wide shot of Lex Jr watching the bat signal go up from Gotham City from across the harbor.

Lex Jr calls "The Knight is here"


CUT TO:  The Daily Planet

Lois leaving for the night.

Someone cleaning the floors. It is the Russian.

You know I do that all the time...just walk up to janitors doing the floor and say, "Hey you look familiar"
Especially when their back is turned to me and I can't see their face.
God this is horrible.

CUT TO: Helicopter flying over the city

Lois is in the helicopter with the Russian.
Skyscraper helipad. Lex Jr is waiting

And it's a LEX helicopter

Okay so Lex Jr knows she knows about his bullets

And now more cryptic rambling from Lex Jr.
The shortest path to Superman is a pretty little road called Lois Lane

Then he pushes her off the building. did he know that Superman was close enough to get there in time?

How did Lex Jr. know that Superman wasn't very busy doing something else?

Oh that's right........the script told him so.


Superman sets her down, they kiss in public....oddly the streets are totally empty.

How about that.

Superman flies back up and Lex Jr is sitting indian style on the helipad and starts a kitchen timer.

Superman: "I'll take you in without breaking you which is more than you deserve"

Such an angry Superman....for no reason.

Superman acting so tough is like a human acting tough against an ant. There is no reason to act tough. The ant knows you can squash him and you know you can squash the ant.

So acting tough is beneath it is for Superman.


"Black and Blue, Fight Night. God vs Man"  I HATE Eisenberg's Luthor

He is annoying as all F.


SO WAIT!!!..........the catalyst for the fight........the ONLY reason Superman fights to save his Martha Kent.

So why the set up? Why make Superman distrust Batman the entire movie.

Why make Batman hate Superman the entire movie.  

Why the set up if the ONLY reason to fight is to save his mother?????

That is ALMOST as stupid as Anakin Skywalker turning to the dark side to save Padme's life.  Not for power, not for the lure of the dark side...just so he can stop her from dying. is this reason.


Superman is so fast he can bring Lex to Batman, have Batman torture him to get the info out of him, and then fly super fast to save her.  

He can fly Luthor up into the upper atmosphere so he starts to lose his oxygen.

Luthor will crack and he can fly at super speed to save Martha.

WAIT.....if Superman can hear anything around the can he not hear his mother, gagged or not, sobbing?




Just so stupid


CUT TO: Martha Kent

She is not even gagged. The Russian has her and puts a VERY expensive counter down in front of her. He doesn't need to do that. He can use his watch....but to make it dumb enough for the audience.....let's put this big counter on a table.

Non gagged Martha can just start talking to the Russians and say....Please don't kill me.....sob a bit...and Clark could hear her.  He knows now to listen for her voice.

But ....nevermind....the script.


CUT TO: Daily Planet

There is something happening at the ship. It is sending massive power surges.

I wondered......why is the ship still in the middle of Metropolis????

If Superman didn't destroy it then why didn't the government have him move it for them into a secure military base away from the population?

Or why didn't the military hook it up to a large number of helicopters and have it flown out?

The script?

WAIT.....Lex Jr walks onto the ship and pushes in the chip and it starts talking to him and lets him take over the ship.

And you mean to tell me that in 18 MONTHS scientists did not discover that the black crystal chip thing in the kryptonian ship? Lex is the ONLY person to touch it or push it in to activate the ship? Nobody else pushed it???

NOBODY?!?!  So stupid.

Why wouldn't they?    Let's say it together.......the script.


CUT TO: Diana walking out of a revolving door

It's amazing there happen to be TVs EVERYWHERE in this movie.

And they always seem to be on the news story that is important to the plot at that time.

How about that.


CUT TO: Lois Lane running to a cab.

Now the city is suddenly flooded with activity.
But when Superman saved her and kissed her...the city was empty. Hmmmmm

How about that.

Superman arrives. "Lois I have to go to Gotham to convince him to help me...or he has to die"

Wait a second? If you think he is dangerous enough that you feel he HAS to die...then why would you want him to help you in the first place?

This is like it was written by an 8 year old.

"No one stays good in this world"

What does that mean?
Does that mean that Superman is saying he is no longer good?

Does that mean that Batman is no longer good....but you didn't think he was anyway Superman?

But it is the same thing that Bruce Wayne said to Alfred basically.

What the hell are they doing?

Superman flies off

Why did he even have to talk to Lois about that? He had under an hour 34 minutes to save his mother.  So he felt it was important to find Lois Lane first and tell him that he was going to try to CONVINCE Batman to help him?

Why would he waste that time? I know....the audience needed exposition I guess.

Why not just fly to Batman and say, "I don't want to fight you, I need you to help me save my mother." That is exposition enough.

Then if Batman attacks you have Superman not fight him hard enough to kill him just to toy with him because he needs him alive to save his mother.

I still don't understand why he needs Batman......but I covered that plot hole already.




CUT TO: Diana on a computer in her apartment

Bruce Wayne emailed Diana.  How did he get her email?

"Cracked Luthor's Drive, found your photograph. But it doesn't belong to you...."

and he emails her the photo.

" IS you"

No kidding Bruce. I think she knew that. 

"Who are you?"

Wait...there was a metahuman file on her. It didn't have ANY other information about her except for a photo?

It had her it knew her name.
It had video surveillance of her for several years......but it didn't have any information?

That makes no sense.


Then he emails her a link to all of the files of metahumans
So the REVEAL of the other metahumans is via EMAIL????

This reminds me of the SHIELD files they gave to Tony Stark and Captain America so they could learn about the other Avenger members.

The Flash - looked silly. Why the Flash logo when there is not footage of him in his suit.

Aquaman - 21, 701 Feet down Mariana Trench...... Aquaman would just reveal himself to a probe?  Nope...he would call the fish to do the job for him if he didn't want to be seen.

Why does Aquaman hold his breath?

I saw a more convincing underwater hero in 1981 Clash of the Titans with Poseidon


Cyborg - How about that...Miles Dyson created Cyborg. I guess Terminator wasn't enough.

What is the cube? Doesn't Dyson know by now to stop tinkering with mysterious stuff he doesn't understand.

Why is it in movies that people do video logs of everything.  Oh yeah...script.


Diana looks quite amazed.  You mean she has been alive since before 1918.

She is a child of the gods. So you don't think she would know some of this?

Wouldn't Poseidon have told someone about Aquaman at least???


CUT TO: Batman watching the is raining.

CUT TO: Lois asking for a chopper to Gotham.

So it is pouring in Gotham but clear skies right across the bay.....but it doesn't look like it's raining when you look at Gotham from Metropolis. Oh whatever.


CUT TO: Gotham. 

The scene from the Comic Con...but Superman's eyes aren't red and glowing.

Why did Superman land so hard. He really didn't have to.

Batman "Well, Here I am"

Superman "Bruce please. I was wrong. You have to listen to me. Lex wants..."

He steps on a Pulse weapon trap.

breaks a manhole cover in half and breaks the emitters.

Walking toward Batman


Superman "You don't understand. There's no time."

Face to face

Batman "I Understand"

Superman shoves him and sends him flying.

Why would he do that if he is trying to enlist his help???

Machine guns pop up and shoot at Superman from all directions

He flies up and uses his heat vision to destroy them all

Batman gets up

Superman lands near him walks up to him, grabs him and flies up through a building.

WHY is Superman doing that when he is trying to get Bruce to help him???

Then he throws him through the bat signal breaking it.

"Stay down. If I wanted it you'd be dead already"

So I guess you knew that flying him into a building and throwing him through a bat signal would not kill him????

Batman lets off a gas canister

Superman flies through the cloud.  I guess the cloud was made of lead dust that Superman couldn't see through?

Batman is not there.
Batman must be SUPER quiet for Superman to not hear him moving into position.

Batman from behind him fires a bullet at him

Superman catches it and it explodes a kryptonite gas in his face.

Superman on his knees gasping

Batman, "Breathe it in. That's fear" "You're not brave"

Superman throws a punch.

Batman blocks it (we saw this in the trailers too)

"Men are brave"

Okay and Batman kicks his ass a bit


There is a pause and Superman already fought off the Kryptonite gas.

He throws Batman through another wall.
That must be some strong armor

He throws Batman through a floor and like 5 other walls.

Seriously?!?! No concussion for Batman yet?

Superman lunges....Kryptonite grenade #2 hits Superman

Oh..that quick...mask is broken. You can see Bruce Wayne's face.
Just one eyes so the audience knows it is Ben Affleck actually in the Armor.

The one eye thing reminds me of when Robocop was getting beaten up by ED-209 and only his eye showed.
But that was different because before that you never knew there was a whole face behind that mask.
But Robocop was well made.

These comic book just can't keep a hero masked can you?

Batman grabs a ceramic sink......yeah...that's going kill him when your steel suit didn't.


Hey.....Zach Snyder had everything else thrown into this he has the kitchen sink?  :)


So THAT knocks Superman unconscious????
Batman JUST Threw him through 6 solid, concrete pillars?


He just so happens to be on the exact floor where he can throw Superman down the middle of a winding staircase.

He ziplines down to him.

Now Batman is dragging him

Batman is talking about his parents
"My parents taught me the rules only make sense if you force them to"

That is a phrase that would have been a nice foreshadow I guess.

Batman swings Superman through like 6 concrete pillars.

Now Batman has his kryptonite spear.


CUT TO: Helicopter outside of the building where they are fighting.
How does she know where to go? I mean flew in on a helicopter that was using the bat signal as guidance.
The bat signal was destroyed like 2 minutes into the fight.

Lois lands and is running in.


CUT TO: Batman approaching Superman with glowing spear

"You were never a god"

He steps on Superman's throat like in the comics.
"You were never even a man"

He cuts Superman's cheek with the spear and raises it over his head.

Superman speaks, "You are going to let him kill Martha"

Batman stops

Batman: "What does that mean? Why did you say that name?"

Superman: "Find"

And since Snyder thinks the audience is too dumb to realize it...

- Flash to the shot of Bruce Wayne outside of the Wayne Mausoleum from his dream.
- And the grave of Martha Wayne 1946-1981. So Martha was only 35 when she died.
- And flash back the killing of his mother again.

Seriously?!?! Do we really need to do that????

Batman pissed, yells "Why did you say that name!!"

Lois comes running in

So how does she know where to land and EXACTLY where to run?   Oh...the script.

Batman "MARTHA! Why did you say that name!!"

"Why did you say that name!"

Lois kneels before him and begs "Stop"
"It's his mother's name"

Why did you need Lois there to say that. Why didn't Superman just tell him.
How about "You're going to let him kill my mother"
"Promise me...after you kill me...that you save my mother...Martha Kent"


Batman gets off of Superman

Yells and throws his spear


CUT TO: New reporters outside of the containment center for the Kryptonian ship

SERIOUSLY!?!?! THAT stops the fight.

Your mother's name is Martha so that's it...we're all good now?

I bet if the Joker or Riddler knew that all they had to do was say their mother was named Martha they could have avoided beat downs for decades.

So Stupid.


And for a movie called Batman v Superman....that is one very short fight in a 2 hour 23 minute movie.

Fight starts at 1h 38m which is when Superman arrives and steps on the trap.

It ends when Batman throws away the spear at 1h 47...I will round up to 1h 48 since it is close.

So they fight for 10 MINUTES!!!! The fight for 6 percent of the movie???? 

This is almost as bad as marketing Revenge of the Sith to feature Darth Vader and only showing the suited Vader for a few minutes.

What a RIP OFF.


Okay...taking a break



A quick add on before I dive into it.

I thought of this last night.

- The Black senator that Lois speaks to that used to be the general/colonel at the end of MOS?  At one point she calls him Mr. Speaker.  Now wait a second..... it has only been 18 months since the end of MOS.  He was still an Army officer after that when Superman took down the drone in front of him.

So in that time he ....ran for office....was elected....won....and was voted to be the Speaker of the House?!?!?!

Since Lex's party is in November....and elections are usually in November....that means he was probably elected a year ago.  Unless the sitting Senator died...then they had a special election. But when did he get out of the military? Did he quit right away? Was he forced out?  

I know it's not really that important, but that one of those things that just sticks out to me and takes me out of the movie a bit because I have to ask questions.


Also...that fight scene with Batman and Superman.
Snyder weakly wrote the catalyst for the fight, and wrote a weak way out.

And the fight was WAY too short. 6% of the movie...that's it. 10 minutes.

Pretty lame. we go....


Still at the containment center, another news reporter telling us what we are seeing.
It seems like Snyder is using the news media to offer most of the exposition in this film.


 CUT TO: Ma Kent....Martha....I guess that's what Clark calls her now.
The GIANT CLOCK is counting down past 10 minutes.

So let me see....

When they showed her the clock there was 34 minutes left.
Clark had to fly and talk to Lois....just so she can run to the building in Gotham to save him....because script needed that to happen.

Then Batman and Superman fought for 10 minutes.

So....34 - 10 minute fight 24 minutes.  Clark talking to Lois and then flying to the about 14 minutes elapsed in there.

Honestly....10 minutes left was not a bad estimation.

It's better than the magical 10 second countdown in most movies.

So why are the Russians igniting flamethrowers? That makes no sense.
A small wooden warehouse....a flamethower and a confined space??
Usually flamethowers are used as a deterrant.  Silly.


CUT TO: Superman talking to Batman

"Luthor wanted your life for hers. She's losing time"

Lois chimes in with exposition about the scout ship.

"The scout ship is drawing power from the city"


She is not in Metropolis. She left before anything huge happened and before there were any power outages. She hasn't been watching the news.

And she deduces that it has to be Lex?  How does she know that?

Oh.....right...the script.

Batman to Superman "They need you at that ship. I'll find her"

Superman "My mother needs me" don't you mean that "Martha needs me"
Oh now you are calling her mother?

Oh that's right...the need for you to call her that is over because.....the script found a way to get out of the fight.


Batman stops him "I make you a promise. Martha won't die tonight"

Superman flies away


CUT TO: Batman getting into his bat plane

Alfred chimes in. He apparently was listening in and has tracked the Russian's phone to a warehouse.
Interesting. I didn't see the Russians using their phone.  I guess it was GPS. Okay.

AND...that're locked onto it.  Batman couldn't ask Alfred to do speed things up Snyder just made Alfred do it. Well there is about 20 minutes left so they have to get moving that still have Doomsday to fight, Luthor to capture, Wonder Woman to introduce and a movie to finish off.  HOLY CRAP

Lois is left behind and is standing just above the kryptonite spear........but Batman threw that across the room.  And they left Lois standing where they were fighting. So how did the spear just appear at her feet.   I know.....I know.....

And she takes it with her.


CUT TO: Russians with Ma Kent

"I'm afraid this is goodbye"

Has 10 minutes elapsed already??

"And everytime we say goodbye you die a little"
I get it he is quoting the song that was faintly playing in the lobby of the Daily Planet building while he was buffing the floors.


We hear the bat plane outside the warehouse

Russians have some 50 Cal machine guns firing from trucks. Batman didn't detect those flying up?  Oh they had tarps over the guns...never mind. smh

Batman fires some huge ass machine gun...3 more guys dead.

Batman's body count 16

"You have to take it Alfred" So Alfred is taking control of the bat plane.

We saw this in the trailer.
Alfred "Thermal imaging is showing me two dozen hostiles on the third floor" 


But why didn't thermal imaging show Alfred that men had guns outside of the warehouse?  sigh.

"Why don't I drop you off on the second"
Batman jumps through the window. so far.


CUT TO: Tons of armed Russian gangsters waiting for Batman to come in.

The whining music in the background as they are waiting for Batman to come in sounds very similar to the undertones of the music from The Dark Knight.

Floor explodes.....I'm going to watch the fight first.

Wait....So Batman is kicking some ass
Disabling weapons. Doing some Batman shit.

The a big guy kicks in the door.
But he WAITS until Batman is able to throw a batarang and take out another guy.

After Batman turns around THEN he pops the safety on a grenade?  Why give Batman the chance to turn around.  Choreography...that's why.

Batman throws a somebody at him and knocks the grenade loose and BOOM.

Okay the timing on the grenade was pretty accurate. You have 5 seconds from release of the safety before a grenade explodes. So from the time he released the safety to the time the grenade exploded was about 6 seconds.  Not bad.

You want to get really Die Hard 2.....all those grenades thrown in the cockpit....John McLaine should have been dead several times over.

Pretty damn cool fight scene. I wish we had more fight scenes like that showing how bad ass Batman really is in the Nolan movies.

The only major issue I had was when Batman grapplings the crate and throws it by pulling the grapple. There wasn't enough slack on the grappling wire to make it realistic enough.

I LOVED the guy trying to shoot him in the head and being stopped by the armor.

I LOVED that he was actually stabbed in the shoulder.

Very well done.

CUT TO: Russian mob boss Locked in room with Ma Kent and one of his henchmen
with an M-60 Machine gun. That fires 7.62 MM rounds. They can penetrate 6 mm into APC Armor so Batman being shot with those would be brutal.

And Batman smashes through the wall and takes the man out.

Russian threatens to kill Ma Kent "Believe me I'll do it"

Batman "I believe you" and he fires one shot into the gas canister on the back of the flamethrower blowing up the boss.

He dove on Ma Kent to save her so she is not fried up.
That was very quick reaction by Batman. He can move faster than an exploding gas can.

I don't know how many Batman killed in the 24 man takedown, but with the mobster

17 Dead


Batman to Ma Kent "It's okay. I'm a friend of your sons"??

Grammatically it should be "It's okay. I'm a friend of your son"  She doesn't have more than one son.

Ma Kent "I figured.....the cape"

Many damsels in distress in this movie.


CUT TO: Lois still in the place where Batman and Superman were fighting.
She finds a pool somehow and drops the kryptonite spear in there.
That was a big coincidence.

Now wait.....She found something that cut her Super boyfriend's cheek and could kill him.
Why would she leave it anywhere for someone to find?

This is going to pop up again later I bet.  How stupid.


CUT TO: Kitchen timer going off. Ah hour has passed.

Bell rings and Superman smashes in through the ceiling to meet Lex Jr.
And there is your Hollywood countdown. 30 seconds left for what Lex Jr. is doing to be finished.

"Late...and one bat head short"

Good...20 seconds...the countdown is accurate and spot on. 10 seconds did elapse

Bell rings. Lex Jr "Hello break the bad news"

Batman "I'd rather do the breaking in person"

So Batman got all the way to Metropolis in about 20 seconds???

Countdown is a bit off. The counter had to wait until Batman was done talking so we could clearly hear it say 10 seconds to animation.  Oh well...only one second biggie.

Superman "You lose"

Lex Jr complains that Batman was not able to kill him

Man vs the Devil will do it. Superman can hear the machine counting down 30 seconds to animation.
Clearly something is happening with the machine.
Lex turns to the machine and says "So the devil will do it"
So Superman had 30 seconds to destroy the machine. And while it is doing final power up...why didn't he just fly into the machine and destroy it????

I has to finish for the script...but it makes no sense.

So the lights go out in the city...and it takes 60 SECONDS...1 WHOLE MINUTE for the Doomsday to be brought to life. Why didn't Superman just destroy the machine before it finished.
So Superman had 1 minute and 30 seconds to destroy that machine and kill Doomsday.

Stupid. Just stupid.

So Superman watches this thing being born.
I guess he was as curious as everybody else in the audience.

It looks like a cross between an Troll and an Uruk Hai from Lord of the Rings

Why does the Doomsday know to attack Superman and doesn't just attack Lex Jr.?

How did Lex Jr learn how to make him again? He asked the ship to teach him everything...well Kryptonians have been around for at least 20,000 years based on the ship they found on Earth in MOS.

So Lex learned 20,000 years of history, science, math, english, culture, etc. in a matter of minutes? And he learned how to make this thing?

No sense.

I thought the power went out in Metropolis.  Why is the power back on?
I guess it came back on again after the Uruk Hai Doomsday was made?

So they are conveniently fighting in front of the Superman memorial.

That is destroyed and Doomsday throws Superman through a very well lit building.
So much for Superman's popularity after destroying Metropolis 18 months ago.

1000 dead the first time

Here we go again

Speaking of did they rebuild Metropolis so quickly in 18 months.
Hell it took NYC 10 years to build the Freedom Tower at Ground Zero and it took about 4 years to build the 9-11 Memorial.

Boy...movies is magic.

Holy Crap...Military Aircraft got there in mere minutes.
Um....sorry helicopters don't fly that fast. Jets take time to to copters.
Since I served in an attack aviation unit....I kind of have a clue about that.



Diana in an airplane putting her bag in the overhead.
Once again TV news offering exposition.

Sorry...airlines don't have TVs running on the runway. They usually play after take off.

CUT TO: Apache helicopters firing a shit ton of ammo at Doomsday...before they even really know what it is.
I mean the think was born like 2 minutes ago and they have already deployed attack aviation to fight it??


CUT TO: Diana watching it on the news

CUT TO: Doomsday emits some kind of exploding power thing.
Thank God we have Cooper from CNN to narrate for us.  

CUT TO: Batman flying toward Metropolis. he wasn't at Lex's door. He just happened to call him at exactly the right time.
"What's happening Alfred"

CUT TO: Alfred in the bat cave.
Sighs "How best to describe it"


CUT TO: Diana walking with a purpose down the ramp.
A flight attendant is serving drinks.... which they don't do until after takeoff.

When everybody is on the plane they shut the door. The ramp would not be up.

Flight attendant calls her "Excuse me, Miss Prince"
So I guess the flight attendant knows her by name.


CUT TO: Smoldering LexCorp tower.
Superman hits Uruk Hai Doomsday and flies him into space.

CUT TO: War room

Mr. Speaker/Senator/former General says "He's taking it into space"
Another general says "We can go to key red Mr. President"

Oh yeah...the president called earlier

"They are high enough where we can nuke them with no casualties"
Mr. Speaker "One casualty Mr. President. Superman"

So now they care about Superman all of a sudden?

POTUS "God have mercy on us all"

So they are going to fire the nuke....OVER THE CITY
Um...what about the fallout? That will shower the city?

And you think Climate Change is a problem.  Wait until you detonate a nuke in the sky

CUT TO: The quickest key insertion in an nuclear silo I ever saw.

Looks like a scene out of the movie "Wargames"

CUT TO: War room people concerned and one female soldier crossing herself.

POTUS "Fire at will"

Holy SHIT!! That is the quickest most callous President I ever saw. Just blindly at will.  Well at least he said "God have mercy on us all"

They are moving at RAPID PACE to squeeze all this in. They only have 24 minutes to go so Snyder is making us drink from a firehose.  This is horrible.


CUT TO: Missile launch

CUT TO: Superman fighting Doomsday in space pushing him further and further into space. Okay..thank God Superman did that because the President sure didn't think about detonating a nuke in the upper atmosphere.

Superman holds Doomsday...nuke hits him and Explodes.

Assuming they are 62 miles up which equals should take the Nuke 13 seconds to reach they were over that a bit...and that make sense since Superman keeps pushing Uruk Hai Doomsday further into space increasing the distance and time for impact.


CUT TO: Bat plane flying under a bridge and Batman sees the nuclear explosion.
Batman "Oh God"


CUT TO: Lois walking out of the fight building to see a white glow in space.
Something hits the ground

CUT TO: War Room
Army woman "Projectile one impact strikers island east of metropolis"
So it lands in Gotham city.
So Gotham City is East of Metropolis. Got it.

"That's unihabited"

Thanks for the exposition. Nice way for the filmmakers to cover that NOBODY is going to be killed in this battle.
Except for the civilians in the office at Heroes Park that Superman was thrown into by Doomsday.

"Projectile 2. No apparent reentry"
Projectile 2 is Superman

"Sir it's moving"


CUT TO: Uruk Hai Doomsday on Striker's Island
He is growing his spikes and lots of electrical stuff happening to him.
Another big blast from Doomsday.

CUT TO: Superman floating in space, looking very skeletal.
So a Nuke can screw up Superman that easily???  Since when?

CUT TO: War room...Mr. Speaker is named Calvin.
tells the POTUS we can't hit it we just make it stronger.
"I'm saying it's unkillable"

Um...did you try everything? a Nuke is not the strongest weapon you have.

Oh yeah...and you sacrificed Superman before you ever really knew what the creature was. I mean he was born and 10 seconds later you attacked him.  Total rush job.


CUT TO: Batman in his Bat plane
He flies over Doomsday and Doomsday shoots lazers from his eyes.
Batman narrowly avoids it.


CUT TO: Aflred in the batcave.
"Alfred, it's Kryptonian. Only Kryptonite weapons can kill it"
Batman says he only has the spear left.
He has to get Doomsday to chase him back to the spear...back to the Kryptonite.

CUT TO: Bat plane shooting at Doomsday.
Doomsday leaps and flies after him shooting lasers from its eyes.

CUT TO: Superman floating in space.
Sun peaks around the earth...hits Superman. He heals and his eyes light up.

CUT TO: Doomsday in Gotham shooting eye lasers at the Bat Plane
He finally hits it.
Bat plane crashes badly. Somehow Batman is just fine.


CUT TO: Uruk Hai Doomsday landing in front of the wrecked bat plane
Batman "Oh shit"

Uruk Hai Doomsday fires lasers from his eyes.
They don't hit Batman. Something stops them.
Wonder Woman lands and stopped them with her bracelets.

Nice reveal there actually.

Slams her bracelets together a shock wave knocks Doomsday back.

Enter Superman, he flies in and knocks Doomsday into an oil tank.

The entire oil refinery blows up.

CUT TO: Lois looking concerned
WHY? We don't care about her now. Focus on the heroes that we want to see.

She runs back into the fight building with a purpose. Why? Did she read the script?
then she falls in the water....which makes no sense.
I think this falls in the "give her something to do" category

CUT TO: Wonder Woman
to Batman "Why did you bring him back to the city?"
Batman "The port is abandoned. There's a weapon here that can kill it"

Wait....if the port is abandoned how come the oil drums carry oil still. There is no one there to maintain them.

CUT TO: Lois running to the pool to fish out the Kryptonite spear.
How does she know what they are fighting. She hasn't seen the news and nobody told her.  I guess she read the script.

CUT TO: The Heroes
Superman to Batman "Did you find the spear"
I guess he heard Batman and Alfred talking while he was floating unconscious in space.

or...he read the script.

Wonder Woman "I've killed things from other worlds before"
"Is she with you...I thought she was with you" line from the trailer.
Works better here than in the trailer.

I like how Wonder Woman is all business.

Doomsday explodes again. I guess he is getting stronger.
Why is Doomsday always exploding? Couldn't they just show him growing without shoving some massive ridiculous light show in our face?

CUT TO: The Fight building
It crumbles from the explosion.
Lois ducks under the the water is going to stop boulders of rubble from hitting her.  So stupid.

Superman should have just flown in an got the spear quickly.

CUT TO: The fight between Superman and Wonder Woman and Doomsday.
Too much...too fast. They need so just slow it down a second or two so we can process it and embrace it.

It would be cooler.  Just because they CAN move as fast as you want...doesn't mean they have to Snyder.  Remember your failure with MOS.

CUT TO: Lois still under the water. She must have great training to hold her breath that long. Lois is pounding on stone trapped under water

CUT TO: Superman shooting eye lasers at Doomsday
Doomsday gets the upper hand.

Superman is about to strike again but hears Lois pounding.

CUT TO: Lois stil pounding
She goes unconscious

Superman flies in lifts off the debris and saves her
MIRACULOUSLY she just spits out water. What a convenient save.
No mouth-to-mouth, no super kiss, nothing..she just heals herself.

Superman dives into the water to get the spear

CUT TO: Doomsday vs Batman
Batman just running for his life basically
Why have Doomsday? That is my problem. Only Superman and Wonder Woman can really take him on.
If you would have just saved Doomsday and have him beat up The entire Justice League in a Death of Superman movie then have Superman sacrifice himself to save the team and the world....that would have been SO much better in another movie.

CUT TO: Superman getting the spear.
He is unconscious just by holding the spear.
Wait....he wasn't unconscious being so close to the spear when Batman cut his cheek with it.  Why is he unconscious now?

Lois pulls him out of the water. Throwback to Superman II.
Lois throws away the spear.

Superman sees Doomsday putting the hurt on Wonder Woman.
She hits him with her sword and he only gets stronger.  I guess her sword emits energy too?

CUT TO: Superman and Lois
Superman "I love you" "This is my world" "You are my world"
Lois begging him...barely
Superman flies off and grabs the spear.

CUT TO: Wonder Woman holding Doomsday with her magic lasso.
Tell me the truth Doomsday..does this movie suck......YUP it sure does.

Batman hits him with his last Kryptonite grenade

How is Superman able to fly with the kryptonite spear when just swimming with it knocked him out?
The same reason Brandon Routh was able to pick up an island of kryptonite and fly it into space I guess.

Superman hits Doomsday in the chest with the spear.
Wonder Woman holding

Doomsday yells
Ejects a giant spike from his hand and stabs Superman in the chest

Superman screams
pulls the spike deeper into him as he forces the spear through Doomsday
Doomsday dies and falls holding Superman in his hand.

AND...Superman is dead.

Sigh.....let's cram yet ANOTHER comic book storyline into the same movie.
The Death of Superman should be an entirely different movie altogether.

CUT TO: Batman and Wonder Woman approaching dead Superman

CUT TO: Lois approaching. Wonder Woman looks at her sad. Lois sobs

CUT TO: Batman lowering Superman off the rubble.
Lois crying over his body.

See this is ANOTHER reason this movie sucks.

Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman should have been fighting for quite some time together before this.  That would have made this death FAR more powerful.
This is about as pointless as Kirk dying in Star Trek Into Darkness. We don't care.
Spock shouldn't care. He was just beating his ass the movie before.

Batman was just trying to kill Superman..... So now he's dead. So actually Batman got his wish.
Oh...that's right...their mom has the same name...they're friends now.

Pull out on Wonder Woman standing over Lois hugging Clark's dead body.


CUT TO: The shackled feet of Lex Jr.
His head being shaved for prison.  Why are they doing that?
Unless he has lice they are not going to shave his head processing him into prison

Oh that's right...he needs to be bald right?
I would have liked it better if the radiation from the Kryptonian ship made him lose his hair.

That must have pissed off Eisenberg having to shave off his head for two small scenes at the end of the movie.
UPDATE: And now we hear he may not even show up in The Justice League Part 1.

CUT TO: Daily Planet news presses
Perry White picks up the latest edition
Superman Dead headline
opens the paper
Article on Clark Kent reported "Killed Reporting Gotham Battle"
Lex Luthor Jr. arrested for connection with capital bombing.

How did they find that out???

No curiosity...Kent shows up right after Superman shows up? Kent dies when Superman dies?
How do they know Kent is dead? Who told them? Did they find his body?

CUT TO: Fly over of Kent Kansas house
Viewing for Clark Kent
Well...they must have found Clark's body then? They don't show his full corpse.
Is he wearing his glasses in the casket too? They usually don't put glasses on a corpse.
So I guess everyone that came to the viewing can see he looks like Superman?
Oh...that's right...everyone in Smallville already knew he was Superman. Thanks MOS.
I guess they didn't show his body so we wouldn't ask the glasses question.

Ma Kent puts photo of Pa Kent in the casket with Clark.

She sobs

I am assuming he wasn't embalmed? But they went to a funeral home.
Did the mortician see the gaping hole in Clark's chest where Doomsday stabbed him?
That sometimes requires an explanation.
Did the mortician see him without his glasses...most likely.
Nevermind...everyone in Smallville already knows he is Superman. That's right.

CUT TO: Lois lying on Clark's old bed looking at a model of the solar system above her.
Ma Kent enters

Ma "Clark had this sent here so he could surprise you"

Hands Lois an envelope
Of course it was an engagement ring. Stevie Wonder could have seen that coming.

CUT TO: Funeral for Clark Kent
interspliced with Military honors funeral for Superman
Bagpipes "Amazing Grace"
Throwback to Star Trek II Wrath of Khan Spock's funeral
pull back American flag to reveal silver S logo on casket

So is Clark buried in Arlington or in Kansas?
His body was in Kansas

CUT TO: Kansas
Bruce and Diana show up.
Bruce "The circus is back east"
Diana "they don't know how to honor him except as a soldier"
Bruce "I failed him in life. I won't fail him in death"

How did you fail him Bruce??? You were trying to kill him, but he wasn't depending on you for anything really except to save his mother...which you did.

Bruce: "Help me find the others like you"
Diana "Perhaps they don't want to be found"
Bruce "They will and they'll fight. We have to stand together"
Diana "100 years ago I walked away from mankind. From a century of horrors"
"Man made a world where standing together is impossible"
Bruce "Men are still good"

So Bruce has restored his faith in mankind. And one afraid of metahumans or aliens like he's cool with it.

I am kind of stung by the previous line "if we even believe there is even a 1 percent chance he is our enemy, we have to take it as an absolute certainty and we have to destroy him."

CUT TO: Fly over of Metropolis
Hey..Snyder used another establishing shot. What is that 3?

Wayne V.O.  "We fight, we kill, we betray one another, but we can rebuild"
"We can do better" 

Shot of candelight vigil

"We will. We have to"

Pan over crowd of crying mourners
Pan to....Black stone Superman logo memorial
Written on it "If you seek his monument look around you"

This slogan from a world of people who hated Superman.

Then I think of Ma Kent "You don't owe these people anything"

CUT BACK TO: Diana and Wayne in Kansas
Diana "The others like me, why did you say they'll have to fight"
Bruce "Just a feeling"

CUT TO: Lex Jr in jail all bald now
a voice "Turn around and face the wall"
"Place your forehead against the wall, hands behind your back so I can restrain you"

The lights in the jail flicker

Batman is there suddenly????
Lex Turns around

Batman "Whatever you do, wherever you go. I'll be watching you"

Lex Jr. "But the bell's already been run and they've heard it. .... ding dong the god is dead"

Batman was going to brand him, but punches his logo into the wall instead.

Lex Jr "The bell cannot be unrung. He's hungry. He's found us.  And he coming!"

The ding ding thing is pretty queer.

I guess Lex Jr is talking about Darkseid??? How would he know?

CUT TO: cops taking evidence out of Lex Jr's home.
His father's room. The painting of the devil coming from the sky has been reversed.

CUT TO: Kansas graveyard to Clark's open gave and Lois who drops dirt into it.

Lois walks away.

CUT TO: Clark's coffin
the dirt Lois dropped onto it suddenly starts to float away???

So I guess Superman is not dead.........well DUH....they are already making Man of Steel 2.

Oh if Snyder hasn't already gone crazy with the Christ analogy in the first two movies.
Imagine him handling Superman's resurrection.

So when Superman comes back is he still going to be miserable?


Yeah....pretty brutal

Messy movie. Could have and should have been a LOT better.
Zach Snyder screwed this up and DC force fed us too much to advance the future storylines.
I wish they would have taken their time.


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DerekLake - 3/31/2016, 8:41 PM
UM, thanks... I guess?

I think some of the editing/narrative/"Cut to" problems could have been solved by having like scenes together. Particularly, a lot of the Lex scenes seemed like they could have been grouped together. The scenes where he meets the senators, the montage scenes, the final prison scenes. Other scenes could have followed the same pattern, by focusing on one character at a time instead of jumping back and forth between them. Ultimately, though, it felt like they cut too much, eliminating many of the transitions that were originally in the story.
DerekLake - 4/2/2016, 11:43 AM
@TyrantBoss - Oh, well I know. That's my point. Some of those "Cut to's" were back to the same scene. For example, Lex is explaining Kryptonite to the two senators, then it cuts to something else, then it cuts back to one of the senators asking Lex what he wants. That should have been grouped together in the movie, rather than breaking it up in the way that they did.

So I was saying that the editors of the film should have done a better job, and that was one way they could have.
DudeOfSteel16 - 4/1/2016, 8:15 AM
Sadiki - 4/1/2016, 5:54 PM
I was reading it but there's a chunk missing from the middle of the movie. What happened?
danield222 - 4/2/2016, 7:12 AM
@TyrantBoss -

After the cripple made bail theres immediately the Bruce Wayne Rocky training Montage. Between those there's like an Hour of the movie missing.
Jawtug - 4/1/2016, 7:15 PM
This review would actually benefit from a next button. Very thorough, prob should have just recorded a commentary and made a video.
ElJefe - 4/1/2016, 9:23 PM
Yep, you weren't kidding. I shared on Twitter.
Sadiki - 4/2/2016, 10:42 AM
That was a fun read. There are a couple little things that I think you misinterpreted. Doesn't really change the fact that the movie's not good though.

For example: the reason the African lady was talking at the hearing and not the crippled guy was because those hearings weren't about the Zodd battle but the incident in Africa at the beginning of the film.

And I think Superman told Lois Batman "has to die" is not because Batman was such a big threat but because he was considering just following Lex' instructions. Man that thing with him not being able to find Martha was was dumb though. At first I thought Lex must have put her in a lead lined room but nope, she's chilling in a warehouse right next door. Smh
SwiggitySw00ty - 4/3/2016, 3:57 PM
@Sadiki - And Superman says he didn't kill any of the terrorist, along with Martha saying he is not a killer, and saving Lex after doing the same thing.
SwiggitySw00ty - 4/3/2016, 3:55 PM
It was clear confirmed multiple times in the film that Superman didn't kill any of the terrorist.
SwiggitySw00ty - 4/4/2016, 3:25 AM
@TyrantBoss - If Superman tackled him he would have hit Lois since she was right in front of the guy. He just grabbed him and broke through the walls himself while carrying him along with him. Common sense deduces that we won't suppose to read it as him killing the guy.

-Notice how Lois doesn't bring it up in the conservation about him killing terrorist which she is clearly upset about.

-Notice how the senators don't bring it up and are just attacking him over the ones that got gunned down.

-Notice how Superman has a problem with Batman acting as judge, jury, and executioner.

-Notice how Martha says he is not a killer.

-Notice how Superman saves Lex from Doomsday, after he endangers Lois AND his mother. Similar to what the terrorist did.

If the warlord did die...why does everyone in the movie act like he didn't and why isn't this behavior of Superman consistent through out the rest of the movie? I want you to address ALL of these points.
SwiggitySw00ty - 4/4/2016, 6:20 AM
@TyrantBoss - Your concession is accepted. :)
Lhornbk - 4/3/2016, 9:02 PM
*sigh* for someone who watched this online in order to do a review (btw, nice of you to admit that copyright laws mean nothing to you), you obviously didn't pay very much attention. Lois Lane does NOT call the general from MoS "senator" or "speaker." (Oh, and just as a Consitutional fyi, a Senator can't be the Speaker of the House, and the leader of the Senate is the Vice President. The head Senator is called the Majority Leader. There is also the President Pro-Tem in the Senate, but that is mainly a ceremonial position only.) She calls him "Secretary Stanwick" or "Mr. Secretary." My guess is that he was elevated to either Secretary of Defense or Secretary of Homeland Security.

I'm not gonna take the time to answer all of this, but I will say that your zeal to discredit this movie got away from you. You mention the Kryptonite spear several times as a possible plot hole, wondering how either Lois or Superman would know to use it on Doomsday (other than, in your lame attempt at sarcasm, reading the script.) It really wouldn't be that hard to figure out for either of them. Superman knows that Doomsday is made of mostly Kryptonian DNA (he saw him born in the scout ship afterall), and he knows how dangerous the spear was to him. So he would know that the spear was the only chance to kill Doomsday. As for Lois, she knew that something was happening in the Kryptonian scout ship. A few minutes later this monster chases Batman back to that area. It wouldn't be a stretch for her to guess what Batman was up to. She dropped the spear in the water in an attempt to get rid of it (and yes, that was not the brightest idea ever. She would have been better off keeping it with her to put in a lead container and give to Clark later.) So it really wasn't out of the question for her to realize that the monster was Kryptonian and that the spear was needed to kill it.
Yaf - 4/3/2016, 11:09 PM
You torrented the movie and spent an unreasonable amount of time putting this together, didn't you?
Yaf - 4/4/2016, 3:21 PM
@TyrantBoss - Yeah, you definitely did.
Yaf - 4/4/2016, 5:34 PM
@TyrantBossMedia - Yup. I'm right. I'm definitely right.
Yaf - 4/4/2016, 6:17 PM
@TyrantBossMedia - I ain't no clown, punk.
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