EDITORIAL: How DC Should Handle Their Cinematic Universe

EDITORIAL: How DC Should Handle Their Cinematic Universe

Before DC kicks off more of their films/TV shows, you have to wonder what type of plans they have for the long run. Check out this full-fledged blueprint I made(w/ mock posters) that will hopefully look similar to the real thing!

Editorial Opinion
By Souperboy45 - Jan 30, 2015 01:01 PM EST
Filed Under: DC Comics
Disclaimer: This is a very long article, but I urge you to stick around because I think you guys will at least like the posters. I worked very hard on all of this and hopefully you guys can give me some feedback!

I'm very excited to see DC dive into their upcoming slate of films. There is so much material that they can adapt from the comics, and it will be interesting to see what direction they take with everything they have coming up. There is so much potential when you think about it, and it sounds like Geoff Johns and company really want to do something special. Here is a list of movies and shows that I think would make a solid DC Cinematic Universe. It's mostly based on stuff that's already supposed to be coming out, but I added my own spin and fan-casts to some of them.

Now I love everything that Marvel is doing, and I'm also looking forward to the future of their cinematic universe, but I don't think DC should necessarily follow the same system that Marvel does. From what I've heard, it sounds like each movie will be an event itself and further drive the overall story of the universe(Man of Steel leads into Batman V Superman, Batman V Superman/Suicide Squad leads into JL/Solo Batman Movie, etc.). So I don't think they'll really be doing phases like the Marvel movies, and I would be totally fine with this idea. I also think it might make the scope of each movie bigger if they include other major and minor characters from the DCU. As long as it makes sense and it's written well, I think that could be a really cool aspect that would seperate DC from Marvel a little bit. On the other hand, while DC shouldn't "copy" Marvel, they should look to how they became so successful: By taking risks with their characters and hiring thoughtful and intelligent filmmakers to put togther all of these awesome stories on the silver screen. So while I don't think copying Marvel's multifilm formula is necessary, DC could definitely benefit from looking to their rival's methods when it comes to hiring the film crew. You simply can't deny Marvel's success in that area.

Anyway guys, here is each piece of the puzzle that I think should make up DC's film universe. As I said before, it's loosely based on their upcoming film slate and set of TV shows rumored to be coming out(along with what they already have released, for context/completeness). This list also assumes that the TV shows and films are in the same universe, because that's how I think it should be. Plus, it made it easier for me as far as simplicity goes, and I don't think it really changes too much anyway(Gotham would never really crossover with anything since it's before Batman and the main DCU, Arrow and Flash are like the "lesser" street heroes, Constantine is underground, etc.). For the record though, I would be really excited if they did commit to the "Multiverse" thing and converged them at some point down the road, if it was done right(believe me, it could be).

Just so you guys know I did NOT make all of these posters. I made about 85% of them(not including the official ones) and used some awesome manips by other fans to make more manips for other fans! The Supergirl, BVS, JL(concepts of the first and second one), Suicide Squad, Man of Tomorrow, and The Batman posters were made on DeviantArt.

I know this is like half fan-fic, but this is more about the layout of DC's universe based on ACTUAL upcoming stuff, for the most part. So that's why I put this in editorial.

Okay, without further adieu, here is what I think the DC Cinematic Universe should look like up until 2027.

Let's start with the very beginning:

Arrow(TV Show)(2012)

Oliver Queen returns to Starling City after being stranded on an island for 5 years. With the help of his friends and allies, he vows to protect his city from injustice by becoming the vigilante known as the Green Arrow.

Why it works:
I didn't really know what to make of Arrow when it first came out, but it is probably my favorite show on today and I hope it will be here for a long time. I really like Amell as Oliver as well as the other characters like Meryln, Slade, Felicity, Diggle, Roy, etc. The show has really built up a solid universe and I really love the flashback element of it. Green Arrow is perfect for TV in my opinion, and I can't wait to see where it goes.

Man of Steel(Movie)(2013)

After being sent to Earth as a baby from his home planet Krypton, Clark Kent finds his place in the world with the help of his adoptive parents. After the Kryptonian military leader known as General Zod sets out to colonize Earth, Clark must find the strength in himself to ultimately become the hero known as Superman.

Why it works:
I know a lot of people didn't really like Man of Steel, but it's personally one of my favorite movies and I think for a modern take on Superman it was just right and it was a huge breath of fresh air after Superman Returns. I'm glad they took it in a new direction and Henry Cavill was fantastic as Superman in my opinion. This was a good platform for the DC movies to kick off from and I think it's the definitive Superman origin story.

The Flash(TV Show)(2014)

When Barry Allen gets struck by a bolt of lightning formed from a particle accelerator cloud, his life zips into high gear. Barry gains the power of the speed-force, and decides to take up the mantle of The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive!

Why it works:
This show is spectacular. I don't think I've ever seen a show have such a strong start and it's so good I feel like I've been watching it for years. Like Arrow, they're taking a lot of cues from the comics and it's so awesome to see this character come to life every Tuesday. It's a good contrast to Arrow, but at the same time is just as entertaining. Grant Gustin is great in the role, and while I am looking forward to seeing what Ezra Miller does with it, I think Gustin could totally hold up with the folks on the big screen. The rest of the cast is good too, and I think this show will only get better in the future.

Constantine(TV Show)(2014)

John Constantine is not an ordinary detective. He operates specifically in the underground world of dark forces and the supernatural. Solving one mystery at a time, John uses his skill and knowledge of the mystical world to do some good for our world.

Why it works:
Constantine is a really entertaining show, and I'm sad to see that it might get cancelled. I like the character and Matt Ryan's portrayal of Constantine, and I hope to see the show continue in some way. It's good to have a show focused on this corner of the DC universe and I really would like to see where they would take it if it got renewed.

Gotham(TV Show)(2014)

After Thomas and Martha Wayne are ruthlessly murdered, detective Jim Gordon vows to their son, Bruce, that he will find the criminal who killed his parents. Taking place in the early DC Universe, "Gotham" explores the different events of the fateful city where the Caped Crusader would one day be born.

Why it works:
Gotham is a show I didn't really like after the first few episodes, but since then it has grown on me completely. I love the dynamic of Gordon and Bullock, and it's cool to see all of the crime that takes place in Gotham and how it became the infamous city we all know. I'm not a huge fan of the Bruce storylines but they've kept those to a minimum which make the show worth watching. I have a feeling this show will only get better.

Supergirl(TV Show)(2015)

By day, Kara Kent spends her time trying to fit into normal society, but when people around her are in need, she suits up as the heroine Supergirl. Kara uses her own style and traits when fighting crime to step out of the large shadow of her Kryptonian cousin, Kal-El.

Why it works:
I am so glad they're doing a Supergirl show, as I think it works better than making an entire movie dedicated to her. I think it will be interesting to see how they seperate it from other shows and if done right, it could be really cool. I'm sure Superman won't show up or even be mentioned, but if everything went my way I would put Cavill in the Pilot and set up the show from there. Not that this show needs Superman to survive, but it would add a nice arc to Kara's story throughout the series. Either way, this should be an awesome show!

Titans(TV Show)(2015)

Led by Batman's greatest ally, Nightwing, the Teen Titans consist of a lesser-known group of teenagers-turned-superheroes including Beast Boy, Raven, Star-Fire, Arsenal, and Kid-Flash. Protecting different corners of their city one crazy adventure at a time, the Titans find their strength as a team and discover how much potential they really have.

Why it works:
I think the idea of a Teen Titans show is great and I'm glad we're finally getting one. Like "Super-Girl" I don't think we'd get any mention of Nightwing's parent-hero Batman, but in a perfect world it'd be awesome if this was the former sidekick to Ben Affleck's Bruce Wayne. Though it'd be cool enough seeing Nightwing in live-action anyway so I won't complain too much. I normally would pick Joseph-Gordon Levitt to play Dick Grayson, but since he was already John Blake in TDKR, I think Adam Driver would be a good pick for the role. The team dynamic would set this show apart from others, and a well-made Teen Titans show would just be fantastic. I mean, even a more darker, serious, live-action version of the Cartoon Network animated series would be fine for me to be honest.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice(Movie)(2016)

In one of the biggest showdowns of all time, Batman and Superman find themselves pitted against eachother under complicated circumstances. When Lex Luthor plans to tear each hero down from the inside, Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent have to put their differences aside and do what it takes to truly be the world's finest heroes.

Why it works:
I'm pretty sure everyone is going to see a movie that has both Batman and Superman in the title. This is going to be a big step for DC and will show if they can really hang with the likes of Iron Man and The Avengers. I am really looking forward to Batfleck as well as Eisenberg's Lex Luthor. This is probably my most anticipated movie of all time and I expect it to shut up all of the people who ever doubted it. I have faith in Zack Synder and I think he'll right the wrongs that people knocked MOS for in good fashion.

Suicide Squad(Movie)(2016)

Amanda Waller, secretive leader of the underground defensive government division known as Checkmate, recruits a group of violent anti-heroes to send them on specialized op missions. In exchange for taking part in the "Suicide Squad", each member is offered a new chance at life.

Why it works:
At first I thought it was questionable when I heard DC was going to make a Suicide Squad movie, but now I really am excited for it. The cast is great, the storyline sounds interesting, and I think David Ayer is the perfect person to helm this kind of movie. With all of the talent involved it's hard to think this could turn out bad. Looking forward to Smith as Deadshot and Leto as the Joker as well, as they'll hopefully be featured in other movies after this one.

Hourman(TV Show)(2016)

Scientist Rex Tyler, raised in upstate New York, lands a job researching vitamins and hormone supplements. A series of discoveries and accidents lead him to the vitamin "Miraclo" that gives him superhuman abilities for one hour.

Why it works:
I've always been intriguied by the concept of Hourman, and it'd be a perfect show for a channel like Syfy. He'd also be a good fit for the DCU because he's a different type of character and you could do a lot with him. I think John Krasinski would be a good choice for Rex, and I could see him pulling off a character like this well.

Lobo(TV Show)(2017)

While being an arrogant and self-centered Czarian, who enjoys crude violence and intoxication, Lobo is the lone survivor of his race. Cultured and well-educated, although ruthless, Lobo is an interstellar mercenary and bounty hunter who sets up shop on earth to find any code of honor he may have left.

Why it works:
How cool would it be if there was a Lobo show on HBO? It'd essentially be R-Rated and it'd be fun watching the adventures of a character like Lobo. A movie would be cool too, don't get me wrong, but an epically vulger TV show would be a good start for sure.

Wonder Woman(Movie)(2017)

Gifted with a wide range of superhuman powers as well as superior combat and battle skills, Princess Diana of Themyscira is a warrior princess of the Amazons. When Ares, the God of War, invades Themyscira bent on destroying Diana's homeland, she must take a stand for her people and uphold her title in an ultimate war of the Gods.

Why it works:
A Wonder Woman movie is long overdue, and I personally can't wait for it. I think Gal Gadot will do "wonders" with the part and she seems genuinely excited to play Wonder Woman which is a good thing in my book. She seems committed to the role and will show that in this movie as well as BVS. If this movie could have like a Thor meets 300 meets Lord of the Rings type of vibe, and of course add its own unique tone, I'd be a happy camper.

Justice League(Movie)(2017)

When the Kryptonian android B.R.A.I.N.I.A.C. invades Earth, the very existence of the human race is up for grabs. Only one force in the universe stands a chance against Brainiac's extraterrestrial power: The Justice League. When Superman, Batman, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and Aquaman team up to stop Brainiac and his horrible plans for mankind, the fate of our world will rest in their hands.

Why it works:
It's a Justice League movie.


As the King of Atlantis, Orin(also known as Arthur) vows to protect the Seven Seas. With his wife Mira at his side, life in Atlantis is flourishing under Orin's leadership- that is until the creature Black Manta threatens to destroy everything he lives for. Facing the ultimate trial of his time as King, Orin discovers the truth surrounding his past and learns the true meaning of sacrifice.

Why it works:
I've always wanted an Aquaman movie, and I want it even more now that Jason Momoa is going to play him. I don't think they should do a complete origin story, but maybe do an "Incredible Hulk" type thing where they go through all of that rather quickly and focus on his first big challenge as being a King. No matter what they end up doing though, I think this movie will surprise everyone.

Krypton(TV Show)(2018)

Taking place years before the legend we all know was even born, this drama follows the Man of Steel's grandfather as he brings hope and equality to Krypton, turning a planet in disarray into one worthy of giving birth to Superman.

Why it works:
I think the idea of a show centered on Krypton at an early time period is pretty neat and they could do some cool things with it. It doesn't have to be "Smallville" all over again but it could have some cool nods here and there to the eventual demise of Krypton and Zod and stuff. It probably would be best as a 1-3 season show but either way I'd still get excited for something like this.

Booster Gold(TV Show)(2018)

Michael John Carter was born poor in 25th century Gotham City. Trying to find a sense of glory in his life, Michael time-travels to the past using knowledge of historical events and futuristic technology to stage high-publicity heroics. Michael, who dubs himself "Booster Gold" learns to become a true hero weighed down by the reputation he created for himself.

Why it works:
A Booster Gold show would be awesome if it was in good hands. I'm sure a lot of actors would play the role well but lately I could really see Jensen Ackles as a good Michael John Carter. With a good supporting cast and good writers, I really think people would enjoy a show like this.

Green Arrow: Escape from Supermax(Movie)(2018)

Oliver Queen is framed for a terrorist crime he didn't commit. Due to the severity of the crime, he is sent to one of the highest secure prisons in the world: Supermax. Filled with enemies from his past along with new threats in the present, Oliver must use his skills and assets to find a way out, no matter what the cost is.

Why it works:
A Green Arrow movie with Stephen Amell is probably unlikely, but it would be really cool if it happened. Especially with a type of movie like Supermax. Amell is one of those actors who really enjoys playing his character and I think he deserves to play GA on the big screen one day.

Man of Tomorrow(Movie)(2018)

Superman returns in a race against time when Lex Luthor develops a plan with the government to protect the Earth from alien threats. Luthor also plans to run for president, with the intent of turning the world against Superman. In order to stop Lex once and for all, Clark must find a way to bring humanity back to his side.

Why it works:
It'd be nice to see where the Superman story goes after BVS and Justice League. I think a storyline similar to the Smallville Season 11 comic "Guardian" would be interesting because it's engaging and original. I know people are tired of Lex being the villain but as long as the movie holds up well that shouldn't really be a problem anyway. I'm eager to see more of Clark's journey and I definitely want to see more Superman.

The Atom(TV Show)(2019)

Ray Palmer uses his shrinking ability to his advantage over his enemies. After someone replicates the techology he uses to shrink, Ray must use his mind and scientific ability to retrieve it, leading him to a mystery beyond anything he imagined.

Why it works:
Obviously when you make an "Atom" show you don't want it to be a direct copy of Ant-Man, but I think Netflix would be a good choice to do a show like this because you can take it in a lot of different directions. I love Routh as Palmer on Arrow and I hope we get some type of spin-off with him in the future. It would be even more awesome to see him show up in the movies at some point, as I really like the character of Atom and think he's a big part of the DCU.

The Batman(Movie)(2019)

After Victor Freis attacks Gotham City in an effort to locate a cure for his dying wife, Batman must suit up and find Freis after he kidnaps Barbara Gordon. With the help of his most trusted allies Nightwing and Robin, Batman will do whatever it takes to find Barbara and stop Victor, who now calls himself Mr. Freeze.

Why it works:
I think Mr. Freeze is deserving of another live-action outing after Batman and Robin, and if his character was written well, could be really awesome in this universe. I know Benedict Cumberbatch is playing Dr. Strange, but I made this before that casting was made. Either way, I think he would be the perfect guy to play Freis. I like the idea of Daniel Radcliffe as Tim Drake too(I know he's supposed to be young but you'd have to think this is very deep into Bruce's time as Batman). I would be fine with something that resembles the animated Sub-Zero movie, but obviously that's more complex and thrilling. Oh and I'd really like to see Ben Affleck direct a solo Batman movie.


Billy Batson goes to school like any other normal boy, but when he is given the power of the Gods, he is able to take his spirit and put it to the test when the powerful being Black Adam aquires his same abilities. Billy discovers what it means to have the heavy responsibility of being a hero, while also finding his strength and courage in this epic, fantasy adventure.

Why it works:
Some people think that Shazam is too much like Superman, but his story is different enough so that it wouldn't feel like a rehash of Man of Steel or anything. Love the casting as Dwyane Johnson as Black Adam, and I really think anyone could play Captain Marvel. I put Kellan Lutz on the poster because he was the only guy I could picture, but I'm sure there are others just as suited for the role. The story could be really cool and if the tone is right, Shazam would make a great movie in my opinion.

The Blue Beetle(TV Show)(2019)

Jeremy Reyes, a bullied high school student from Metropolis comes across experimental armor technology developed by Ted Kord. After the "Blue Beetle" suit goes haywire, Jeremy's friends and family are in grave danger. With the help of Kord, Jeremy learns to control the armor and finally stand up to his fears.

Why it works:
I think I speak for everyone when I say a Blue Beetle show would be awesome. Again if this was all in the same universe, he could crossover with Booster Gold and the other heroes. Not that the Blue Beetle story itself isn't good enough to make a TV series though, because it is. Avan Jogia seems like a good fit to play Jeremy too, but this is another role that could pretty much go to anyone. Can't wait until they finally get this show off the ground!

Justice League: Part 2(Movie)(2020)

Aside from helping people when they are in need, the Justice League works as a team to minimize the threats that enter our world. But how do they protect threats from within? When somone aquires plans to neutralize each member of the League, the heroes must save themselves before it's too late.

Why it works:
I think a Tower of Babel/Justice League: Doom storyline would be perfect for a Justice League sequel because it focuses on the heroes more than anything else. It would add a new dynamic to the team and make a really interesting film. This is probably a film I wouldn't have Synder direct, because it'd be more of a "who did it" type thriller film. I think the League should grow in each movie they're in and this would be a good way to do that.

Birds of Prey(TV Show)(2020)

While Batman focuses on threats that are beyond Gotham, Oracle, Black Canary, and the Huntress take over his vendetta. When Harley Quinn develops a plot to destroy Gotham, the Birds of Prey must make their stand.

Why it works:
I know the first Birds of Prey show wasn't that great, but the concept was neat and there were a few things they did right. I think a soft remake would be pretty cool to see in the future with the characters featured on Arrow. Again, as long as there were thoughtful people behind a project like this, it could turn out really good.

Static(TV Show)(2021)

Doused with an experimental chemical in a gang war he was caught up in, high school student Virgil Hawkins gains a variety of electromagnetic powers and becomes a costumed crusader against crime. Virgil names himself "Static", and with the help of his friends, balances the responsibilities of being a teenager and a superhero.

Why it works:
I actually really like the character of Static Shock and I think the Netflix treatment for this kind of series could turn out great. I think Jaden Smith would be a decent fit for the role and I'd be interested to see what he could do with it if they ever did this. This is one of those shows that would appeal more toward adolescents but I think the general public would enjoy it. I know I would.

The Green Lantern Corps(Movie)(2021)

On the planet Oa, the Green Lanterns use the power of will to fight against their enemies, but when Oa is ambushed by an unknown alien threat, the Green Lanterns set out on a mission into deep space to find the culprit and stop them before the next attack.

Why it works:
I think this is the type of movie that would be DC's "Guardians of the Galaxy". It would be focused heavily in space and be a type of adventure, mystery film with the four main Green Lanterns. I really like Chris Pine as Hal Jordan along with Idris Elba as John Stewart and I think they'd make a good team. I feel like Kyle Raynor and Guy Gardner could be played by a lot of people but I could see Sean Faris and Garret Hedlund playing them, respectively. This would be a good way to differentiate from the last GL movie and could be the next best space adventure with a good director behind it.

The Death of Superman(Movie)(2021)

When the violent alien creature Doomsday is unleashed, all hell breaks loose in the city of Metropolis. Being an unstoppable force, no single being is able to stand toe-to-toe with Doomsday, except Superman. As the entire world watches, Superman and Doomsday fight to the death as Kal-El finally meets his maker.

Why it works:
I think the Death and Return of Superman storyline is so rich that it just has to be made into a movie at some point. I know there are rumors that Zack Synder is already planning on introducing him in BVS, but I think a whole film dedicated to the Death and Return storylines would work the best. I just hope to one day see Superman and Doomsday fighting on screen, that would be a dream come true for sure.

Legion of Superheroes(Movie)(2022)

A group of super-powered time travelers from the 31st century find themselves stuck in the past while on a mission to save their future. They are forced to remain there after contracting a pathogen that could destroy the citizens of their century, and must find a way to get back unscathed.

Why it works:
A Legion of Superheroes film would be awesome because there are so many characters and storylines to choose from. Obviously you gotta have the main three, and I wouldn't even mind if it only centered on them, but there's just a lot of potential with something like this, especially when you consider the future/past storyline.

Batman Beyond(Movie)(2022)

Terry McGinnis is an athletic 17-year old high school student in a futuristic Gotham City. The elderly Bruce Wayne is now a recluse living in bitter isolation in Wayne Manor, with his only companion is his guard dog, Ace. When Terry finds out that his father was murdered, he seeks Bruce's help to get revenge by taking on the Batman mantle.

Why it works:
I know people have wanted a Batman Beyond movie for a long time now, and I hope Warner/DC seriously consider doing one someday. This would probably mainly take place in the future but it'd be cool if they drew parallels from Bruce's early days as Batman through flashbacks or something with Terry learning to become the new Batman. A lot of possibilites for something like this and I'd definitely want to see Batman Beyond in live action one day!

The Flashpoint Paradox(Movie)(2023)

When time travel allows a past wrong to be righted for Barry Allen and his family, the event's temporal ripples prove disastrous, creating a fractured, alternate reality where the Justice League was never formed, several heroes are scattered or dead, and a war between the Atlanteans and Amazonians threatens all life on Earth. Barry must team up with a grittier, more violent Batman to restore the original timeline and ultimately save the world.

Why it works:
The Flashpoint comic and animated movie are both great, and I hope to one day see a big-budget movie of that story. It's original, it's thrilling, and its just plain awesome and everyone would love it. There's so much you could do with this story and if needed, this could be like a "Days of Future Past" in the sense that it could redo a few things. I don't think it'd have to come to that though, but it would be an option. Either way though a "Flashpoint" film of some sort has to happen.

The Justice Society of America(Movie)(2023)

When members of the golden-era group of superheroes known as the Justice Society are being hunted by a villain of their past, they are forced to come out of retirement and solve the mystery together. With the help of the modern day Justice League, the Justice Society vows to seek true Justice for their fallen allies.

Why it works:
A Justice Society movie would be interesting because it would open up a new portion of the DCU that isn't explored in movies too much: the past. The heroes and their relationships with eachother would be the best part of a movie like this. If it was some kind of mix between Watchmen and the "Absolute Justice" episode of Smallville that'd be what I want to see. If DC gets successul enough I really think they should tackle this one.

Young Justice(TV Show)(2023)

After being appointed by their older, more experienced counterparts, our young heroes join forces with the Justice League and act as a "B-team" to deal with undersized threats and situatons.

Why it works:
The Young Justice animated series had so much success that I think a live action serious could really work. The relationship between them and the Justice League would be cool, and this is one of those shows that could go on for a while and still be fun to watch. It wouldn't matter if this one was on Netflix or network television, I just want to see a Young Justice show at some point in my life.

Aquaman: Throne of Atlantis(Movie)(2024)

Believing Atlantis to be under attack, Aquaman's brother, King Orm, declares war on the surface world. Aquaman's allegiances are then torn between his brother and the Justice League, who are overwhelmed when the east coast of the United States is swallowed by the ocean, along with the Atlantean royal troops who begin to march against humankind. Faced with a difficult decision in front of him, Arthur must find a way to seek peace between his home world and the human world of which he vowed to protect at all costs.

Why it works:
The Justice League animated movie and the comic storyline of Throne of Atlantis was really good, and it added more depth to Aquaman's awesome story and it'd be the perfect type of sequel to an Aquaman movie if they ever decide to do one.

Dark Universe(Movie)(2024)

After John Constantine encounters the Enchantress and her plans to eliminate the Justice League, he goes on a search to find a group of supernatural individuals who are equipped for the job of defeating her. With the help of Swamp Thing, Madame Xanadu, Deadman, Zatanna, her father Zatara, and the Spectre, John aims to stop the Enchantress before she does any serious damage to the universe. 

Why it works:
I don't know much about Justice League Dark, but from what I do know I think it would make a good movie, especially with the lesser known, but compelling characters in it. Plus, anything that Guillermo Del Toro is behind is usually pretty good. I'd also really love it if they had Matt Ryan reprise his role, but again that isn't likely. *sigh*

Batman: A Death in the Family(Movie)(2024)

Bruce Wayne begins having nightmares about the night the Joker murdered Jason Todd, the second Robin. When a brutally violent anti-hero known as the Red-Hood appears in Gotham, Batman and the Nightwing vow to find him, leading to a bigger revelation that is all connected to that fateful night when Jason died. For the first time, Batman might have to break his only rule.

Why it works:
The Batman: Death in the Family/Red-Hood storyline is very dark and would be perfect to make a movie out of. I always hoped Nolan would do it, but it would still be sweet to have one either way. I also really like the character of the Red-Hood and he could be a really awesome movie villain.

Green Lantern: Blackest Night(Movie)(2025)

As the war continues between the colored Lantern Corps, an ancient prophecy that transcends the Guardians of the Green Lantern Corps themselves begins to take shape. Black power rings start to spread across the universe as the dead begin to rise from their graves. As dead allies and enemies are being resurrected they use their memories and emotions of the living world to bring the entity of Death, Nekron, back to life. Hal Jordan must lead a team of heroes and Lanterns to stop Nekron before he gets to Earth.

Why it works:
A movie based on Blackest Night would work because the comic is very cinematic in itself. It's also a really interesting story that focuses on a lot of heroes and other characters. The scale of it would be huge as well, and it just seems like the perfect story to adapt into a movie to me.

New Gods: A Cosmic Odyssey(Movie)(2025)

Being one of the most poweful and feared human beings in the universe, Darkseid has one purpose to fulfill: Locating the Anti-Life Equation. But when his home planet Apokolips begins to die, he must put his quest on hold. With the help of the Demon, Orion, Lightray and Forager of the New Gods, Darkseid must seek out other planets to start anew. What starts as a desperate galaxy hunt quickly turns into a race against time when a cosmic entity hell-bent on destroying time itself crosses their path.

Why it works:
I think Darkseid is such a rich, and deep character that it just wouldn't be enough to have him always be the antagonist in every movie he's in. I think a movie where he is the main character trying to find a new planet to colonize(which would eventually lead him to Earth later) would be interesting and something that hasn't quite been done before. Plus the New Gods stories are just spectacular and would totally fit into a movie storyline like this. I think this movie would end with Darkseid getting his hands on the Anti-Life equation, to set up the crisis movies.

Green Lantern: Brightest Day(Movie)(2026)

After the Black Lanterns and Nekron are defeated, several of the beings that were resurrected must find a life to go back to. When Lex Luthor discovers a White Lantern charger, the Justice League has to find a way to power it before he does. The newly resurrected heroes agree to help the Justice League, in a battle that could threaten the existence of the entire Lantern Corps. All of the heroes of the DC Universe are brought to the forefront as a catastrophic event lies on the horizon.

Why it works:
As far as I'm concerned, if you're gonna do a Blackest Night movie, you might as well do a Brightest Day one. The story is pretty interesting anyway, plus It'd also be an original story to do since it wouldn't be just a simple Justice League movie. Obviously they wouldn't do it exactly like the comic, but a movie with the main Brightest Day storyline would definitely work down the road.

Justice League - Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part 1(Movie)(2026)

While on a man-hunt to destory every known universe, the Godly being known as the Anti-Monitor seeks to eliminate time and space as we know it. With the help of the Legion of Superheroes, the Justice League forms a contingency plan to ensure the survival of humanity. On Earth-Two however, a hyper-opposite version of the Justice League known as the Crime Syndicate is enlisted by the Anti-Monitor to destroy every Earth except for one: Earth-Prime. The Crime Syndicate has an alterior motive, though, and every decision each hero and villain in the DC Universe makes will have a domino effect that could reshape the very fabric of reality.

Justice League - Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part 2(Movie)(2027)

After the Justice League stops the Crime Syndicate from destroying Earth-Prime, an unstoppable  entity makes it's way to Earth-One: Superboy Prime. After a battle with the Justice Society of America and the Teen Titans, Superboy-Prime is killed when the spirit of the lord of evil, Darkseid, tumbles through time itself to turn our world into Apokolips. In order to stop Darkseid from manifesting dark spirits and other evil Gods through the Anti-Life equation, the Justice League must embark on a suicide mission through time and space to change the fate of the world. With the power of the speed-force, the will of the Green Lantern Corps, and the courage of humanity, our heroes find themselves on a spectacular journey to put things right once and for all.

Why it works:
A crisis movie, or multiple crisis movies would be a dream come true for me. I love all of the crisis storylines and if they did a movie, I think instead of doing each one, they could combine a few of them into one and make like an ultra-super-mega crisis film. It would involve pretty much all of the heroes I went through on this list and would probably be the biggest movie ever. At least if I were in charge. The scale is huge, the stakes are high, and pretty much everything would be riding on the heroes in this. I think the crisis storylines are a huge part of the DC Universe and I have to hope they have something like this planned down the stretch. Sure, it'd be hard to do, but with time and dedication a crisis movie like this could truly be something special.

Alright people, there you have it. This is what the DC Cinematic Universe would look like in my mind if I was the man in charge. I love DC Comics, and I really hope they can legitimately compete with the other comicbook movies coming out in the next few years. I'm eager to see what they do as far as the layout goes and I look foward to seeing all of these characters interacting on screen.

I told you this article would be long, but I hope you guys at least had fun with it with the inclusion of the posters. I thought if you were gonna sit there and read my boring, stuffy sentences at least you could have a visual to go with it. Plus it's nice to see all of this in one contained article. Tell me what you thought about this editorial as well as your general thoughts on the DC Universe! Is there anything I missed? Do you like the posters/fancasts? Do you guys not agree with some of my picks? Let me know! I hope you had as much fun reading this as I did putting it together!


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Souperboy45 - 1/30/2015, 8:58 PM

Haha I'm sure they have something up their sleeve...but yes they should have lol.

Yeah I know what you mean about the DITF/Red Hood thing. I just figured since it'd be taking place after all of the shit Batman already went through by that point it'd be better to do it in one film. Of course with full flashbacks of moments from DITF.

I just hope we get Red-Hood on film at some point really!
JacuzziJoe - 1/30/2015, 9:36 PM
Currently watching Supernatural so I didn't read, but I checked out the posters. Jesus Christ man, good on ya for putting so much work into this.
Souperboy45 - 1/30/2015, 9:53 PM

Thank you! This probably took like 3 months total from concept to completion but it was worth it! Hope you get a chance to read the entire thing!
MightyZeus - 1/31/2015, 1:57 AM
I think this is actually really awesome. I would have loved this to happen, it certainly is better than DC's line up and slate.

Also, i'm actually one of those few people that loves Man of Steel, it's one of my favorite comic book movies.
Peel - 1/31/2015, 4:04 AM
It's a nice read and all, but there just isn't any real structure to these movies. You think after they do the first phase of DC movies, they'll just start getting ready for Flashpoint to reboot everything? No offence but that would be a foolish move on WB's part.
SoFresh - 1/31/2015, 4:17 AM
There's no structure to this it was going all over the place.
This universe started with Superman and it should end with him.
Unlike most people on this website I don't wanted a word for word copy of a certain comic book storyline, but I believe this universe should end with...
Kingdom Come.
Souperboy45 - 1/31/2015, 4:21 AM

I actually don't think they'll reboot everything with a Flashpoint movie. I was just saying it's a way to change or converge things, and Days of Future Past was the best example I had since that type of thing hasn't really been done before. Assuming that's very far down the line, it could just be an opportunity to adjust some small things if necessary, and not like a full scale reboot or anything.

kong - 1/31/2015, 4:34 AM
Whoa....a lot of stuff. Hey, if they could keep all the actors for the next 12 years I'd be down.
tokens - 1/31/2015, 8:24 AM
.... all those posters are making me jiggle.
i want all of it.
except jaden as static shock.
and death of superman. Mainly cuz superman returns kinda did that horribly and we all know they'll come back and their deaths dont matter
(thanks whedon!!)
anyways, u and i should go out sometime.
maybe a steakhouse,
go to a rodeo,
maybe have some sex. u know. casual stuff..
neihofft - 1/31/2015, 12:44 PM
Cool posters. Terrible plan. Wreaks of fanboy. next!
JvIce - 1/31/2015, 2:01 PM
I love the Aquaman arts and that's it.
Steelmatic - 1/31/2015, 4:31 PM
Very nice work, a very interesting read and it is easy to tell how much effort was put into it. I enjoyed the posters too, they were very well done and definitely added a lot to the post.

Good stuff!
AgentDaleCooper - 1/31/2015, 4:41 PM
Some of this stuff is beautiful. Especially love Jensen Ackles as Booster Gold.
Brainiac13 - 1/31/2015, 4:46 PM
What about Bradley Cooper as Booster Gold.
Marshmallow - 1/31/2015, 5:14 PM
A few of these ideas Marshmallow does not like.

But Marshmallow loves most of them...even more than doing "butt stuff."

...and Marshmallow loves the "butt stuff."
Marshmallow - 2/1/2015, 4:37 AM
@HurricaneXavier Hee-hee, so could Marshmallow. Hee-hee.

*see previous comment*
BenjiWest - 2/1/2015, 8:48 AM
Finally! Someone else, who appreciates the greatness of Hourman. Well, of course, besides his wife. And yet I wonder, as some ancient group of philosophers once hypothesized, if we knew what the bluebirds really sing about us, would we really sing along?
Lhornbk - 2/1/2015, 11:03 AM
Umm.....no! Just no! No copying all these comic storylines, definitely no Death of Superman nonsense, no to all these other stupid tv shows you want (no, you do NOT speak for everyone in wanting a Blue Beetle show), just no. I'm sorry, but most of these ideas are just stupid. Plus, I hate to break this to you, but if a movie has the words "part 2" in the title, that means it is continuing the storyline from part 1, so you can't really have Brainiac in the one movie then the Tower of Babel storyline in the other (unless you're gonna have Brainiac be the one who finds Batman's secrets to defeating each league member.) I could go on, but you get the idea. This is a fanboy's dream of the perfect DC universe, but most of it would flop with general audiences.
CarolNasc - 3/30/2015, 12:39 PM
amei a escolha do Kellan Lutz para Capitão Marvel e o cartaz tmb,cheguei a publicar no meu twiter e foi curtido,retwitado e respondido pelo própio ator que tmb adorou o trabalho.
agora uma pergunta.Como eu coloco imagens nos meus comentarios?
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