Must Have Quotes in the Next Marvel Movies

Must Have Quotes in the Next Marvel Movies

Straying from the source material is sometimes needed for the comic to film transition; but there are a few lines of dialogue I feel should definitely make their appearance.

Editorial Opinion
By multipurposeponi - Jan 31, 2010 10:01 AM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Comics

Everyone likes to repeat their favorite dialogue. Be it from a movie, book or TV show some phrases just strike a memorable cord. Comic book quotes are no different, especially when the line embodies the character it came from. We've already heard a few: "It's clobbering time," from the 2005 film Fantastic Four, "With great power comes great responsibility," from Sony's Spider-Man and "I'm the best there is at what I do, and what I do isn't very nice," from the craptastic X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Over the next five years we will see an explosion of Marvel movies: Thor, The First Avenger: Captain America, Iron Man 2, Spider-Man, X-Men First Class, Deadpool and The Avengers; and those are only the ones that are already in the planning stages. I've chosen to highlight a few of the characters in these projects and the quotes I feel would fit well in the new films. After a bit of research (many thanks to and's Message boards), here they are:

Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Some of us might die today. But what I'm asking ya to do is fight with everything you've got -- goin' up against an enemy of unknown power. And I want each and every one of you to know -- I've never been prouder of any force I've led into battle."

"What happened to this country? When did the a$$holes start running things? How did they get away with the piss-ant little rules they make us live by? Why do they use ten words to hint at what just one would say? I feel like I blinked and someone turned the place into the United States of Pu$$ies..."

*Ok, yeah, Fury shouldn't say Pu$$ies in any of the flicks, but that's easily fixed. I just didn't want to alter the quote.


"I have taken thy measure, villain, and found it . . . lacking."

“For Odin, for Asgard!”

Captain America

"In your warped, twisted mind, you think of combat as a game … some sort of noble sport. Well, it’s not! It’s a grim, dirty business … But it’s a business that no one knows better than I do”

"I can't surrender, I don't know how."

"Captain America is not here to lead the country. I'm here to serve it. If I am a Captain, I'm a soldier. Not of any military branch but of the American people. Years ago, in a simpler time, this suit and this shield were created as a symbol to help make America the land it's suppose to be... To help it realize its destiny."


“That’s what I love about this city. Every time I need to hit someone really, really hard, some jerk steps up and volunteers.”

"If only I were more intimidating. . I could practice talking like Christian Bale! 'I am the Spider! I own the night! Your worst nightmare come to life and you're looking right at' --- cough! hack! How can he keep that up for an entire movie?"

And of course. . .


The best way to quote Deadpool is to show the comic panels themselves. . .

Use the comments section to add your favorite comic character quotes that you feel would work particularly well in a live action movie. There is one phrase I have yet to mention, but I think I'll leave it up to you to decide who deserves to say it:

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mwkcope - 1/31/2010, 10:56 AM
Damn,Nick Fury has a little bit of a potty mouth!
WESTpro - 1/31/2010, 10:58 AM
Haha Spiderman is hilarious (something the movies forgot), I certainly hope that the next Marvel movies have quotes, quotes just make a movie even better (look at The Big Lebowski i quote that movie all the time).
crazyish - 1/31/2010, 10:59 AM
i am not sure about Sam Jackson saying pu$$ies i dont want avengers turning into Transfromers 2 but other then that i am cool with the rest of them especially spidermans and Deadpools they were pretty good
LEEE777 - 1/31/2010, 11:01 AM
Craptastic X-Men Origins, i like that lol! : P

Cool stuff and CAPTAIN AMERICA Should say the line "Avengers Assemble!!!" (first)
DogsOfWar - 1/31/2010, 11:09 AM
Thunder, Thunder, Thunder

Thundercats, HOOOOOOOO!!!!

Woops,sorry wrong movie.

How about Green Lantern-gotta hear Kilowag say poozer!
DogsOfWar - 1/31/2010, 11:13 AM
JoshWilding - 1/31/2010, 11:15 AM
Personally, I wouldnt say that any of these (apart from, "For Odin, for Asgard!") are must have quotes but they are all pretty good. I'm more interested in them making sure they get the characters personalities right (and dont make the same mistake as some of the other CBM's like Elektra or Spider-Man have done) rather than just quoting the comics! :P

The only one that is really essential is of course this one though...

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MisterFixit - 1/31/2010, 11:21 AM
LoL Robin saying "gosh" like in the old tv show
DogsOfWar - 1/31/2010, 11:29 AM

Cagefighter2099 - 1/31/2010, 11:40 AM
Deadpool has to mention something about Bea Arthur. And if anyone goes over to youtube and types in Deadpool and friends you'll find some funny stuff. I think to break the forth wall Deadpool should do the whole PSA thing you see @ that site. Check it out, that and justsomerandomguy.
jjmeylar - 1/31/2010, 11:46 AM
I agree with all of those quotes. Also, I agree that the best way to quote Deadpool is to bring comic panels straight to the film.

Loki: "Outside of the world you know, there exists the realm eternal, Asgard. The shining light of the Nine Worlds, Asgard is home to the gods... all of whom bow down before the AllFather, Odin. Odin's lifeblood flows through Asgard, and Asgard is Odin. His power is all, and he keeps the Asgardian realm safe. But once each winter, the AllFather must rest and enter the Odinsleep. While Odin slumbers, his absence leaves Asgard vulnerable and this is when the wicked descend upon his kingdom. For seven days, an onslaught of trolls, giants, dark elves and demons seek to take control of the Nine Worlds. But they are eternally defeated by HIM... my arrogant, oafish brute of a step-brother... THOR!"
That should be in "The Avengers". Loki should explain it to someone. I dunno who. But someone.

Thor: [after knocking Hulk back with his hammer] Rock giants crumble under the blow of the mighty Mjolnir. I fear this brute won't be as obliging.
DogsOfWar - 1/31/2010, 11:49 AM

Theiveslikeus - 1/31/2010, 11:56 AM
Captain America must say "You think this letter on my head stands for France?"
DogsOfWar - 1/31/2010, 12:03 PM

Awkward cover
MercWitaMouth88 - 1/31/2010, 12:12 PM
Deadpool-"AHHHHHHHHHH DIE DIE UNHOLY LIVER SPOTS...DIE....DIE....DIE.....Its one thing to bring back a bunch of wannabe wiseguys to life and hurl them in my direction......but when i get snookered into grabbing an eyeful of two...NAKED....OLD....OLD...PEOPLE....SOMEONES GONNA DIE!!!"
crazyish - 1/31/2010, 12:13 PM
those comic panels are freaking awesome. god i love shoddy silver age comics
InTylerWeTrust - 1/31/2010, 12:29 PM
Jesus LOL, that Spidey riff on Bale is classic. Pure classic.

"For Odin, for Asgard!" Is a must for me.

And Cap must have some type of glorious and inspiring Return of the King-like speech in the movie :)

MarkCassidy - 1/31/2010, 12:35 PM
I like all of these quotes but there are others (particularly from Cap) that I would rather see in his movie, mainly the "No..YOU move" speech..I think that sums him up the most..and its just an awesome speech. I also will be disappointed if I don't hear "You think this A stands for France?" hah, I know its from the more aggressive/assholeish Ultimate Cap, but its a classic.
Thor2011 - 1/31/2010, 12:40 PM
here's is mine

Captain America :

"Surrender? SURRENDER? You think this letter on my head stands for France?"

"I can't surrender. I don't know how!"
AngryRob - 1/31/2010, 12:43 PM
I agree with theives, do you think this letter stands for France?!
BIGBMH - 1/31/2010, 1:14 PM
"My common sense is tingling" hahaha That's a great one! I'll have to use it some time. Here's another one from Ultimate Spider-man that would be funny. Maybe not a straight quote but changed around a bit.
Kingpin: Who sent you?
Spider-Man: Uh...Uh...Carson Daly.
Kingpin: I don't know who that is.
[After Spider-Man is thrown out a window]
Electro: Anything else, boss?
Kingpin: Yes. Find this Carson Daly person and destroy him.
Electro: Yes, sir

Maybe use Ryan Seacrest instead of Carson Daly.
jjmeylar - 1/31/2010, 1:31 PM
Also, for Deadpool, they need him saying something about Bea Arthur.
whytry2hard - 1/31/2010, 1:34 PM
Deadpool - "AAAAAAAAGHHH!! Packing chips! That's the greatest weapon on the face of the planet -- styrofoam packing chips! Just imagine getting nailed by some of these babies! Oh the humanity!"
BIGBMH - 1/31/2010, 2:40 PM
@MPP and Ror, that's my favorite Cap quote. I haven't read that much that features him, but that quote to me is character defining. Not sure how it would fit in with anything other than Civil War, but if they make a Civil War movie, it's a must.
The thing about France is really funny, but I'm not sure about it. I don't like Ultimate Cap's attitude as much as normal Cap and I don't want him to come off the wrong way. However, in the heat of battle, people aren't exacetly their normal selves so it may be appropriate for him to say it in such an intense situation.
Simonsonrules - 1/31/2010, 2:53 PM
Should Branagh go with the Elizabethan English, we'll undoubtedly here "I SAY THEE NAY" from Thor at some point.
Set2Fallfirst - 1/31/2010, 3:12 PM
@multi GREAT ARTICLE favorite quote is spidey and you GOT YOUR DREAM A REBOOT : ]
JoshWilding - 1/31/2010, 3:54 PM
ROR: A classic is right man! :) Though I want Cap to mainly have the 616 personality I'd love to see some of the Ultimate side as well!

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ThoroughbredSteele0 - 1/31/2010, 3:57 PM
For me, if I dont hear one good "HAVE AT THEE" followed by mjolnir flying across the screen, I'll be disappointed.

for deadpool, anything will do as long as he breaks the fourth wall a few times.

and cap should definitely be the first to say avengers assemble, anybody else would be the closest thing to blasphemy as you can get in the comic book world.
Set2Fallfirst - 1/31/2010, 4:01 PM
@josh the person they cast for CAP needs to be able to make me want to cry and be inspired with every word that comes out of his mouth :] so i agree with your cap choice
georgia49th - 1/31/2010, 4:52 PM
Mine is
Bartender; "If you don't mind me askin mister, how'd you come by that scar?"

Jonah Hex replies: " Damned toothpick slipped, how's about that drink?"

Bartender: "Gulp, y-y-yes s-s-sir, c-comin right up."
Simonsonrules - 1/31/2010, 5:17 PM
Excuse me. I meant "hear" not here. @Landsdowne: There is a famous Apocalypse by that name. Do you know it?
bsprecher - 1/31/2010, 5:21 PM
Fun stuff!
bsprecher - 1/31/2010, 5:23 PM
I know, I know, Samuel L. Jackson is a "bad mutha-shut your mouth," but he is not and never will be Nick Fury to me or to anyone else who started reading comics before Marvel's Ultimate crap came out.

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