My Three Least Favorite Marvel Movies

My Three Least Favorite Marvel Movies

My first article! And short reviews for Marvel movies I believe aren't up to par.

Review Opinion
By Nightwing2513 - May 03, 2015 01:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Comics

Often, Marvel is praised as having no fault by the people.  While they have made tremendous movies, such as Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy, and The Avengers, they have had missteps that are overlooked at times by the fanboys and general public.  THERE WILL BE SPOILERS AND THESE ARE MY OPINIONS.

#3: Iron Man 3

 Iron man's most recent and possibly last solo outing was a huge disappointment to me.  There are things about the movie that rub me the wrong way like the Mandarin twist, Pepper getting superpowers, and Tony destroying all his suits at the end.  But those are minor gripes that get the fanboy in me riled up.  Something important to know: I believe Iron Man 3 is a good movie.  It just isn't a good Marvel movie.  
Iron Man 3 is a terrific buddy cop movie.  Tony's chemistry with Rhodey is impeccable and Rhodey finally gets some character development that was sorely lacking in Iron man and its sequel.  Unfortunately, as a marvel movie, It just isn't impressive.  It doesn't move phase II forward at all.  It dwells on the past, focusing on Tony's psychological problems created by the events of the Avengers.  While this was a good idea, it was executed poorly.  
The villain in the film, Aldrich Killian was quite underwhelming. While not as underwhelming as Malekith, and quite a step up from Iron man 2's villains, he was still a terrible villain and badly written.  While the pace of the film is good and the movie looks good, it was underwhelming and an unfortunate way to start Phase II

#2:  Captain America: The First Avenger

 What a mess! While Iron Man 3 was a good movie that just didn't fit into the overal Marvel Universe, Captain America is just a bad film but necessary for further great Marvel movies to exist.  I understand this, but I still can't enjoy this film.  Again, casting and chemistry are quite good, but this film is plagued by slow pace, terrible villain, weak action, and weak script.
Granted, some of the action in the film is good, but most of it bored me to be honest.  I might be in the minority for disliking this movie so vehemently, but it bores me to tears.  This movie doesn't have many redeeming qualities to me, except that it set up the Avengers quite well.  The script was quite corny at times and predictable.  All in all, a pretty bad movie.

#1: Iron man 2

 Well, i'm sure we all knew this was coming.  the biggest misstep and the one everyone acknowledges.  Iron Man 2.  Too much set up! Too much comedy! Too rushed! These are problems everyone brings up.  
First, I think the set up was fine.  It didn't get in the way of the experience of the film, it got you hyped up for seeing more of this world that is being built. So good job.
Second, the comedy, when it worked, is a redeeming quality. third. This thing was rushed to the max. Incredible rush job.  
The story was bad. The villains were bad and the main character became entirely unlikable.
Tony Stark took 1 step forward to becoming a good person by the end of Iron Man and took 2 steps back in Iron Man 2, as did his relationship with Pepper Potts.  Gwenyth Paltrow became unbearable to watch after she was a bright spot in Iron Man.  I don't blame her though, because her character was abysmal.  The entire film felt quite rushed and the characters and moments added, didn't add anything to the story.  I do not see Iron Man 2 as a standalone Iron Man movie honestly.  I see it as a bridge to the Avengers.  Almost a prelude to it.  
The visual flare this movie has is quite memorable though.  Some scenes can be spotted by people and they will say "Oh ya! That's from Iron Man 2. That was so cool!" That is a complliment to the movie. Overall, this is the weakest movie in Marvel's cinematic universe.  An incohesive, unlikeable, crapfest, but a good set up for the world of Marvel.  

So, these are my three least favorite Marvel movies.  Leave your comments or criticism in the comments below.  This is my first article and would love feedback.  
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tonytony - 5/3/2015, 7:03 PM
i agree with those 4
ClumsyToaster - 5/3/2015, 9:24 PM
lol Captain America doesn't belong anywhere on this list. The worst 3 Marvel films are:
3-The Incredible Hulk
2-Iron Man 2
1-Thor: The Dark World
ClumsyToaster - 5/4/2015, 3:04 AM
It was a really solid film, I just think people weren't ready for a return to the classic Comic Book Hero and really didn't understand his character until The Winter Soldier came around.
nibs - 5/4/2015, 7:33 AM
Cap 1 was TERRIBLE, and I agree with this list 100%.

IM 2 - 3/10
CA: TFA - 3/10
IM 3 - 4/10

@themarvelite @clumsytoaster Red Skull looked awesome, but he is the worst MCU villain to date and 0 thought was put into him and his storyline. The ending to that movie is absolute shit. I actually have a massive list of problems with this movie, which were exacerbated by the terrible skinny-steve CGI.
I can understand why people still enjoyed it, especially if emo-camp is your thing, but to say you don't understand why people didn't like it just blows me away.
DellRusk - 5/4/2015, 8:24 AM
Cap 1 was great.
kingofgrills - 5/4/2015, 9:47 AM
You are in the minority on Captain America, because it was a great film. It was a great period piece, firmly planting the roots for Cap's moral grounding and perspective on war and the corruption that power brings.

No, it was probably not the complete over-the-top CGI fest you crave, but for those who can focus for an entire film, it told a great story that fed directly into Avengers.
ClumsyToaster - 5/4/2015, 10:57 AM
Really Red Skull is the worst? Worse than Whiplash who did nothing? Worse than Abomination? Worse than [frick]ing maliketh?
nibs - 5/4/2015, 11:35 AM
Yes, worse than the racist Whiplash who had little motivation. Way worse than Abomination. Worse than Maliketh.

Those villains all had motivations, albeit flimsy and offensive. Those villains also all had plans that were threatening, and not just a map with cities marked off and a mysterious, inexplicable tesseract that powers weapons which we don't see or hear about. Those villains had backgrounds, even if they were racist or stupid. Red Skull had none of this, just a loose explanation that he was an evil version of Captain America and his evil was made evil-er by the serum.
And that's just my probs with Red Skull, the movie is still riddled with issues. Peggy Carter (although awesome and redeemed in Agent Carter) was a shit character in this movie, I hate cheese and camp (but understand if that is your thing), and this movie was loaded with it. A lot of garbage about this movie seemed so stretched out and should've been an intro to the avengers movie like in the Ultimate Avengers cartoon, meanwhile a lot of the interesting plot points were shown in a montage. The ending was terrible, no real threat, and red skull not stopped by steve, but because he touched the stupid tesseract. Then steve crashes, gets dug up, and just when it's about to get interesting, the movie ends. Bah, I could go on and on.

Every time I have these discussions the pro side always makes interesting points that make me think 'maybe it wasn't as bad as I remember' and then I re-watch it, and it's just as bad as I remember, maybe worse. I've seen it 4 times now and it's 3/10 every time.
ClumsyToaster - 5/4/2015, 12:43 PM
Okay, you're high.
Nightwing2513 - 5/4/2015, 3:39 PM
Thank you for all the comments on my first post! Really appreciate it! I didn't enjoy Captain America as much as the other films because of its pace really. I have tried to go back and watch it many times and I always end up bored 1/3rd of the way through. Just my opinion though. Perhaps, a period piece just isn't for me.
TheKnightRules - 5/5/2015, 3:00 AM
So you think thor 2 was better than captain america?Why did i even click this article?
nibs - 5/5/2015, 8:16 AM

I rewatch it because I love CBMs and I've watched the MCU start to finish 3 times, at least. I still watch CA TFA (3/10) IM2 (3/10) and IM3 (4/10) when I go through them. I'm weird like that, I guess. Not sure how it makes me full of shit? Seems like I'm being pretty honest.

That's cool that you like it, I've already said that I can at least understand why people do like it. But for some reason people on this site really have trouble grasping that different people like different things. Is it really that hard to imagine that, while I love CBMs, I enjoy different aspects of them than you do? I made my points above, and you made yours. I don't want a comic book on screen. I want an adaptation that elevates the material. Doesn't seem like a great reason to tell me I'm full of shit.
Nightwing2513 - 5/5/2015, 10:27 AM

I did think Thor 2 was better. But not by much. I thought Thor 2 was more entertaining and fun than Captain America. But ya Thor 2 had a ton wrong with it.
CombatWombat - 5/5/2015, 11:24 AM
You know, I have to agree with you about Cap 1. It was on TV just the other night, and it wasn't that good. They got the character of Steve Rogers right -- the portrayal of Cap was perfect in that movie. But the rest of the movie was ... eh.

The villains were super cartoony (Red Skull could have been scary but he was really kind of campy) and the CGI they used to make Chris Evans skinny was downright awful in some scenes. They really should have used a body double for that bit.
CombatWombat - 5/5/2015, 11:25 AM
BUT that movie did pave the way for the far superior Cap 2, so it's kind of hard to complain without seeming like I'm nitpicking.
Nightwing2513 - 5/5/2015, 12:25 PM

I agree. And the nostalgic hue the movie has just takes me out of the movie at times. But I also agree that this movie is vital to the MCU. It spawned many superior pieces of work like The Winter Soldier, and Agent Carter.
TheKnightRules - 5/5/2015, 6:29 PM
@ nightwing
Sorry i caught your post a bit late.Frankly cap 1 is a good film for me,i wont rank it among the worst 3.Where thor 2 doesnt give us anything apart from a bit loki and a half brother of gollum named malekith.cap has a lot of character developement and red skull was played to perfection.But we have our own choices.
VictorMancha - 5/6/2015, 2:17 AM
I would put Thor the Dark world there too.

Funny how to minor characters can ruin a movie. Darcy and that intern
nibs - 5/6/2015, 5:33 AM

Agreed, Red Skull actually looked awesome, but he really was just a cartoon villain. Maybe worse.

But I also agree that Cap 2 was pretty great. A solid 7/10 and my second favorite MCU movie (after IM1).
Nightwing2513 - 5/6/2015, 10:44 AM

No worries! And true! Everyone has their own opinions
TheKnightRules - 5/6/2015, 10:53 AM
You know its good to have these friendly chats rather than flame wars and personal insults.great.looking forward to have some more articles from you and carry this on.

Still though,cap 1 was better.;-)
Nightwing2513 - 5/6/2015, 7:15 PM

Thank you! I appreciate that! Yeah, I didn't wanna come on here and just start wars, you know?
Nightwing2513 - 5/17/2015, 8:16 PM

I agree with your Hulk points but I actually think its an underrated film by itself. I completely agree that it feels off. But I dont think its a bad movie. And at the time of its release and looking back on phase 1, minus the Avengers, it fits well.

Although, It really doesn't fit well when you add in the Avengers and Phase 2. Ed Norton was a good Bruce banner imo. But i could never see him interacting with RDJ and having this awesome banter that Ruffalo and RDJ have in the Avengers movies. It just would never work.
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