CBM Question Of The Day: Where's All Of The Sci-Fi, Fantasy And Horror News?

CBM Question Of The Day: Where's All Of The Sci-Fi, Fantasy And Horror News?

Some have noticed that a couple of new sister sites have popped up, and many are wondering where some of the latest Star Wars and Lord of the Rings news has gone and why it was moved in the first place...

By NateBest - Feb 25, 2022 11:02 AM EST
Filed Under: Community

While I've discussed this topic in a few different comment threads, I thought it would be more efficient to tackle it all in central location rather than repeating myself and having the same discussions over and over.

At the beginning of the month I launced two more sites (SFFGazette.com, FearHQ.com) and added them to the BLS Network ("Best Little Sites"). Sister sites aren't anything new, as AnimeMojo.com, GameFragger.com, and TheRingReport.com have been online for years. I'd like to give a little rundown of each, and then address the reason that I've chosen to layout the site architectures the way that I have. SPOILER ALERT! Those that believe it's about "clickbait" or attempting to make more money off of CBM users are likely to be dissapointed.

First, I would like to mention one thing that some users may not know - ALL of my sites content is created by users like you. Anyone and everyone can contribute and there's even the possibility to earn money doing so. Think of something along the lines of YouTube, but writing instead of recording videos. Please visit the Partner Page if you're interested in contributing. Some of the best contributors currently writing for the sites started off doing it for fun and the love of the topics that they covered. Some have even gone on to do things and meet people that they never dreamed was possible.

Second - If you have an account on any of the sites, you have an account an all of the sites! There's no need to create seperate accounts for each site. They all run on the same codebase and share the same user database.

Unfortunately I don't have the universal login working yet (login on one site logs you into all of them), but it's in the works. It's a one-man shop, so it sometimes takes me longer to get to things than I would like. 🤓


I bet that you didn't know that Anime Mojo was one of THE original sites launched along with CBM back in 2003. Crazy, right?! As the title suggests, Anime Mojo primarily focuses on Japanese anime, manga and light novels - pretty much anything related to those three topics, including video games and live-action adaptations. I relaunched it back in 2015, updating both the frontend and backend to the same layout and codebase that I use for CBM.

I launched Game Fragger back in 2008 as "HolyFragger.com". It was really the first sister site launched that was on the same basic codebase that I had created for CBM around that same time. I created it for two reasons. 1) I REALLY like video games... almost as much as I like comic books. I wanted a place where I could cover some of my favorite games at the time (Gears of WarDiablo, etc.). I also loved creating wallpaper and images for games, so it gave me a place to post my work as well. 2) I wanted to see if I could create a site from the ground up and build it, by myself, by posting content and creating wallpaper. I eventually changed the name for something a little more generic, and here it is today.

The Ring Report came online a few years ago (2017) more out of the interest of users and contributors than any grand scheme of mine. I grew up with my grandfather taking me to the local Portland and Eugene professional wrestling matches and watching the WWF on TV. I even watched it a bit into my twenties after I got married, but my wife at the time banned it from the home when we had our first child (something about it being too violent). With my stint in MMA and some local matches here, the thought was to have it cover anything and everything that happens in a ring, whether it's professional wrestling, MMA, boxing, or something else entirely.

This brings us to the two new sites. I'm going to discuss them briefly here as there's not much history to share since they're brand new.

Toonado is one of the more recent sister sites added to the network. I launched it in 2018 after coming to the conclusion that some of the more child-friendly shows and content needed a home. Plus I wanted a site that my children could visit for the shows that they were interested in... Not to mention the great cartoons and animated movies from the 80s that I grew up with (TransformersG.I. JoeThundercatsJayce and the Wheeled WarriorsRobotechSilverhawks, etc.). It's pretty fun to see so many things that I enjoyed as a boy be brought back for my own children to enjoy. Granted, it's pretty hit-or-miss, but it's a fun time nonetheless. While CBM *could* have continued to host a lot of that content I had two issues with it; 1) I feel like it reinforces the stereotype and incorrect belief that comic books are only for kids, and 2) I know how out of control the comments can get. I didn't want my young children, or anyone elses, running into that pit of vipers if I could somehow prevent it.

I was born in the 70s and raised in the 80s by a step-father who LOVED horror movies. I remember as a young boy going to bed terrified to go to sleep because I thought Freddy Krueger would visit me in my dreams. Hiding behind the couch after I was told to go to bed so that I could see what happened with the spooky house in The Amityville Horror. Don't even get me started on The Exorcist! While I don't watch a lot of horror movies nowadays, I do have a fondness for the genre and a love for creepy things (Stranger Things). As some of the contributors can attest, a horror site has been on the list for sister sites for several years.

The Sci-Fi an Fantasy Gazette covers anything and everything sci-fi and/or fantasy related. I'm a BIG fantasy and sci-fi fan going back to watching the first Star Wars as a boy and reading lots of fantasy beginning in 5th grade when I got into novels (The Hobbit, Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever, etc.). I also got very much into Dungeons & Dragons a year later and still read quite a bit and play to this day.

My uncle David passed away last month. Some of you may know him by his sci-fi writing name "David Wolverton" as he wrote books such as The Courtship of Princess Leia and On My Way To Paradise. Others may know him by his fantasy pen name of "David Farland". The author of the best-selling series The Runelords and Of Mice and Magic. His sudden passing prompted me to launch the Sci-Fi and Fantasy site to give lovers of those genres a place to go and share that same fondness. It was launched in part as a tribute to him and the magic that created and shared with others.


I'm constantly amazed at how many people are of the belief that everything revolves around money. If you took the time to read any of the above you'll notice a theme emerge - I create sites to cover things that I'm interested in or passionate about. Money has very little to do with it. If it did, I would be creating sites for a very different industry and user base.


That's probably the one question that I've seen pop up a few times over this last month and what's prompted me to write this. It's a fair question, but to answer it I need to go back to the beginning...

I mentioned earlier that Anime Mojo was initially launched back in 2003 alongside Comic Book Movie. The thought was that there would be a multitude of sites. Each one dedicated to its own genre and topic. These sites would in turn all connect to a central hub. Think of the wheel on a bicycle if you will, with each site being a spoke on that wheel. Each site would be dedicated to it's own niche and they would all share content between one another for people that might be interested in those other genres. If they were, it was only a click away.

In reality what ended up happening was that CBM took off like a rocket ship, so all of my time and resources went towards it. Fixing bugs, adding new features, optimizing things, redesigning, etc.. CBM consequently became the "Hub", but it's really always meant to have been one of the spokes...

I know that there are some web sites out there who prefer to keep everything under one roof, and even some here who have voiced that same opinion. While I completely understand that line of reasoning, I've received a lot of feedback, both on the site and via email, from users who like having their content segmented.

I myself, as a user, fall into that second group as well. I'm not a fan of sites that throw the entire kitchen sink at me and it's for one simple reason; I have a hard time finding what I'm actually interested in because it's lost in the shuffle with the hundreds of posts covering other topics that I'm not interested in.

In the end, it really has very little to do with CBM or its users. The new sites are for new users to find their way to the topics and content that they enjoy. With any luck they'll realize that they are also interested in superheroes and the other genres and topics and join those communities and sites as well.

Note that there will be times that topics crossover and appear on both sites when it makes sense. I completely expect Star Wars comic book news and reveiws to appear on both SFF and CBM. Video games based in the Marvel Universe should appear on both CBM and Game Fragger. Bautista appearing in the next Guardians of the Galaxy should have content appearing both on CBM and The Ring Report. I think you get the idea.

Will this upset some users? Based on my experience with the community, and online behaviour in general, I'm sure it will.

Will it make some users happy? Along the same lines as the above, I'm sure it will.

I long ago came to the conclusion that there will be unhappy users regardless of what I do. If history is to serve as an example, the changes in the way that the comments on the site work over the years has proven it out repeatedly.

Will it make some users unhappy enough that they leave? I hope not. I think CBM has the best community online. Hands down. No contest. I hope others feel that same way and will continue to come and enjoy reading and discussing their favorite superheroes and shows.

The fact that a lot of other sites don't even allow users to comment absolutely blows my mind. Some see it as too much work or legal risk. I, for one, love coming to the comments and seeing what others like, or dislike, about a topic.


You may already know about some of the plans that I have for CBM and my network of sites. Such things as an updated design and site layout for desktop and mobile, as well as some new features that will make things a bit more personal and interactive. Adding more sites is really the tip of the iceberg, as I go back to a lot of my original thoughts and designs for how I want things to work.


Please feel free to share your thoughts below. I'll make sure and check in throughout the day and answer any questions or concerns that may come up.

As always, sharing opinions is encouraged. Trolling, attacking other users, or being rude just to be rude isn't allowed.

As some may have noticed, I've removed most of the mods and only have a select few that are able to remove and edit comments. NO, contributors aren't able to do so. You can stop blaming Josh for deleting your comments. He hasn't been able to do so for years. 🤣

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Evansly - 2/25/2022, 11:09 AM
I'll just stay here thanks.
Mrcool210 - 2/25/2022, 11:10 AM
It was a lot nicer to just have it all here.
HeavyMetal4Life - 2/25/2022, 11:12 AM
@Mrcool210 - I agree
MarkCassidy - 2/25/2022, 11:42 AM
@Mrcool210 - It kind of still is all here, though. I mean you just have to scroll down a bit further to find all of the other sites on the main hub.
regularmovieguy - 2/25/2022, 11:56 AM

Y’all are putting an extra step in between, making it less user friendly.

Maybe some guys are visiting those sites but I’ll get that news on Reddit if I have to.
MarkCassidy - 2/25/2022, 12:00 PM
@regularmovieguy - I'm not sure what could be more user-friendly than.. Scrolling! In fact, you're probably going to get access to more articles within each specific genre this way because less stuff will get lost in the shuffle now there's less content being posted on CBM.

I'm just highlighting the positives. It will take a bit of getting used to.
regularmovieguy - 2/25/2022, 12:03 PM

You're doing your duty as a salesman, haha. I'm just telling you what I see from my perspective.
Dotanuki - 2/25/2022, 11:18 AM
Thanks for taking the time to address this. Personally, I like everything on one site much better. Going back and forth between 3-4 sites to get the same articles that were located on CBM isn’t preferable to me.
Mrcool210 - 2/25/2022, 11:20 AM
@Dotanuki - Especially when you have to make a new account for each site.
NateBest - 2/25/2022, 11:24 AM
@Mrcool210 - There's no need to make a new account!

All of the sites share the same backend and user database, so you're able to login with thr same account 😉

I don't have the universal login working (log into all sites at one place), but it's coming!
Mrcool210 - 2/25/2022, 11:30 AM
@NateBest - Well I'm glad there an added feature. Cause last I remembered that wasn't always the case. But hey maybe I will go back and forth if it does share all users
tripttwe - 2/25/2022, 2:14 PM
@NateBest - I get it. I like it. Thanks for taking the time out to explain. For people who don't like reading:



Instead of searching for pet supplies next to hair products, you have a pet smart, and a beauty supply store. Your user name and password is like a Sam's card, which grants access to all sites.

DrReedRichards - 2/25/2022, 11:20 AM
While not a fan of all those extra sites, I do appreciate the fact that our account is carried over without needing to register all over again.
SimplyAz - 2/25/2022, 11:22 AM
You've always engaged with users when they tagged you on here, as I have a few times.
Which is always good to see.

Like a lot of people I liked seeing CBM as a site that caters for all genres etc.

Although I comment less on here nowadays, the comment sections always been the most interesting part for me.

I'm glad you took the time to ask.

SimplyAz - 2/25/2022, 11:24 AM
My condolences for the passing of your Uncle @NateBest
UXASIS - 2/25/2022, 11:23 AM
I have to say, that it is more convenient to have all the news here (and I'm talking only about SFFGazzette where there are all the interesting SW and LOTR news, which are very liked).

On the other hand I remember a few people complaining that this is a cbm site and that this content has nothing to do here.

I agree with BOTH opinions, hear me out.

There are some articles which have something in common with cbm - for example Star Wars have a lot of comic books, so technically speaking, they are cbm's. Or there are interesting projects from famous cbm directors or actors (Nolan Movies, or tv shows with famous actors, idk Reacher is quite popular and has some fans here).

But then there are news, or in particular interviews about some animated features that are for 5-year olds, and that have NOTHING to do with CBM's or any famous actors/pop/sci-fi culture). And I'm not sure if anyone is interested in that content (I know I'm not).

So yeah, I'd bring it all here, but I'd filter out everything which doesn't have ANY ties with cbm's, which Star Wars and maybe even LOTR do (cough, Amanda Waller is in the show, cough).
UXASIS - 2/25/2022, 11:26 AM
I also go on these news articles to comment with other cool users, but there is almost no one to talk with on sffgazzette. I guess it will take some time, but the articles would have much more views here.
bkmeijer2 - 2/25/2022, 12:56 PM
@UXASIS - I do read stuff on SSFG, but I'm just too lazy to fix my login (keeps saying my login is invalid).

Anyway, know that I'm out there Ux
UXASIS - 2/25/2022, 2:56 PM
@bkmeijer - Yeah, I haven't figured the logging on that site yet.

Great to hear, someone also wants to comment.

The more, the better.
Armageddon26 - 2/25/2022, 11:26 AM
Personally, I liked everything all in one place. If I’m going to go to another site for news and comments it’ll probably just be Twitter. Checking this site became like a routine, and I don’t feel like adding another one to it
NateBest - 2/25/2022, 11:49 AM
@Armageddon26 - That's a fair point. I didn't even touch on the social side of things.
DeadClunge - 2/25/2022, 11:29 AM
Merge them, I see more fans of anime on this site than on anime mojo.

I think you're underestimating the importance of the CBM.com community. All of the comic book info can be found elsewhere (maybe not as fast) but the community here and the sharing of opinions is what keeps people coming back lol

So yeah merge them....please 😂
heisei24 - 2/25/2022, 11:43 AM
@NoWayClunge - Plus most of the stuff posted on animemojo were quite outdated, most anime fans flock to ANN for the news.
DeadClunge - 2/25/2022, 11:49 AM
@heisei24 - yep, it's a ghost town over there.
NateBest - 2/25/2022, 12:05 PM
@heisei24 - AnimeMojo has been pretty slow as of late because I haven't been posting over there. Apparently none of the contributors like anime as much as I do :P

That and I got a little tied up earlier this month with datacenters going down and getting a backup datacenter and servers and load balancing set up for the sites.
Dotanuki - 2/25/2022, 11:30 AM
Will the formatting problem be addressed? I use Safari on iOS and the comment posts no longer format correctly when they are published. Words are truncated and continued on the next line rather than the whole word carrying over. This seems to have started 2-3 weeks ago, or at least that’s when I noticed it. Makes reading comments annoying.
NateBest - 2/25/2022, 11:51 AM
@Dotanuki - Yes, this is a recent issue thanks to people posting long lines of unbroken text that was breaking the comments out too wide for the screen.

I modified the CSS to break the text regardless, but it's a bit choppy right now. I'm looking for another way that keeps the words chunked together.
NateBest - 2/26/2022, 4:58 PM
@Dotanuki - I just rolled up some new code for formatting/styling. Let me know if the comments are still whacko!
Dotanuki - 2/27/2022, 1:48 PM
@NateBest - sorry, for the late reply. Looks good now!! Ty
vegetaray - 2/25/2022, 11:34 AM
@NateBest …You and I haven’t always seen eye to eye on things but it’s still great that you interact with, and take user input into consideration…Still going to keep frequenting your boards even if I have to visit separate sites to do it…
Mugens - 2/25/2022, 11:34 AM
I'm in between the pros and cons. Yes, I believe that some sites could easily be combined and kept under one tent as it were, but I also think that other sites need to be separate. Whichever way it ultimately flows, I'm sure I'll be able to adapt.
SheepishOne - 2/25/2022, 11:37 AM
Would it be possible to include a page here for each sister site, and embed them with an iframe or something?

It would eliminate the need to bounce around from site to site, for those minimalists who like everything to be in the same location.

You could pass our usernames and passwords through the iframe to keep us logged in, and with iframes, the other sites would still have viewership logged. Just thinking out loud.
NateBest - 2/25/2022, 11:53 AM
@SheepishOne - It's funny that you mention this as I had the very same thought earlier this morning. Something like that may be feasible... I'll have to think it through and do some testing.
SheepishOne - 2/25/2022, 2:37 PM
@NateBest - I think it would be worth the effort, gauging some of the feedback here.
bkmeijer2 - 2/25/2022, 5:18 PM
@SheepishOne - was thinking a similar thing, but didn't know how to describe. Clearly you seem to know what you're talking about.

I second your idea
NJBlitz - 2/25/2022, 11:39 AM
I understand having it either way, all on one site or separated to each subject but convenience is best found in one place I think.
It’d be like bbc news site or any other news site having one site for sports, one for weather, one for local news, one for world news… they don’t do that.

My experience here has always been to visit this site, I don’t visit the other sister sites. If I begin to notice I’m not seeing news here that I find out later elsewhere, I’ll eventually just ditch this and go where all the news is in one place.
I prefer fewer tabs open, fewer bookmarked sites, fewer places to visit to get what I look for.

1 website can hold 10 different link headers for each subject. Beats having to run, maintain, copy news posts to various sites.

And for the cross postings, that would quickly get annoying when you go to comic book for captain marvel movie news and then visit Scopely go site for Star Wars but it’s bogged with captain marvel news you’ve already read. Silly in my little opinion lol
NateBest - 2/25/2022, 11:56 AM
@NJBlitz - Thanks for sharing, but I don't think your BBC analogy fits... Your using a site/entity that IS a broadcaster/publisher of *all* news in general for your analogy. They started out that way, so it makes sense that they keep everything under one umbrella...
Footguy6449 - 2/25/2022, 11:42 AM
Me and my BFF Quentin both agree that it was better when all the news was here on CBM.
To be fair, he does a shitload of Cocaine and Viagra for Breakfast so you can't always trust him.

ossie85 - 2/25/2022, 11:43 AM

Honestly, it's frustrating enough trying to navigate the advertisements (there are so many intrusive ones, and I do my best to not have an adblocker), I don't want to do that in multiple places.

As I'm not a big commentator, I'm likely to come here less.

All the best though
NateBest - 2/25/2022, 11:57 AM
@ossie85 - You shouldn't be seeing any ads when you're logged in... It's one of the current perks for registering.

If you're seeing something different, please share a screenshot and I'll dig into it!
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