Aquaman: Time and Tide

Aquaman: Time and Tide

Some may have read this story awhile back, the beginning of my story following the King of Atlantis.

By Redhood2k10 - Mar 01, 2012 11:03 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Aquaman: Time and Tide:

A mysterious man is seen frantically running through the corridors of the palace as if to elude pursuers, the man is then seen entering a room. As the door closes the man approaches a woman who is also in a frantic state holding a child wrapped in her arms.

“My queen, you must hurry the guards are approaching as we speak.” says the man

“Atlan please, you must keep the guards away if I am to have any chance of getting him to the surface; it’s the only chance Orin will have at a normal life.” replies the queen

“Yes Atlanna, I will do what I must to protect you” replied Atlan

As the duo finish gathering the things they need a loud thud pounds the door (BOOM!).

“Open the door, by law of Atlantis the boy is to be handed over to the palace for possessing the mark.” A guard says.

“Atlan you are the most powerful sorcerer in all of Atlantis; please buy us as much time as you can.” Asks Atlanna.

“You have my word my quee--”

Just then the guards knock down the door just as Queen Atlanna makes her escape leaving Atlan to face the guards.

“Atlan!!! You were the highest ranking sorcerer in all Atlantis; you were to become advisor to the king; so why would you betray the crown for a child that possesses the Mark of Kordax?” asks the Lieutenant.

“The child did not ask for this Lieutenant, I will do everything in my power to stop you and protect the boy.” Says Atlan

Trying not to draw attention to her, the disguised queen hears the sounds of battle and turns to see an explosion in the room she once stood.

As the dust settles, the Lieutenant is seen standing over Atlan’s body, he kneels over the deceased Atlan and closes his eyes while reciting an atlantian prayer out of respect for the sorcerer.

(Cut Scene)
From a bird’s eye view we see a woman running down the shoreline of a coastal city towards a lighthouse off in the distance. From the same bird’s eye view we see soldiers rising from the water in an attack formation. The woman frantically pounds on the door of the lighthouse as a man answers.

” Please, Please you must take him before they do, take Orin before they come and run” says the woman as she hands over the baby to the unsuspecting man.

Holding the child “Look Lady I don’t know what’cha tryna pull, but I can’t take care of no kid, I’m a sailor for cryin’ out loud.

“If you do not run they will kill you simply because you are from the surface world, take Orin and hide until this is over and he will become yours to raise, take care of him fore he will prove to be a treasure for both your world and mine” Atlanna informs.

“My Queen” calls the Lieutenant as he approaches the lighthouse from behind her.

“Lieutenant Xorn, you will not have the boy, Orin is lost to Atlantis now and forever” says Atlanna with a smile on her face.

Off in the distance hiding we see the sailor with the baby watching the events transpire. From his view we see that the woman is chained and bonded as they make their exits into the dark ocean that forms the coast of Mercy Reef.

(Open Credits)

Scene opens with a bird’s eye view of the city, camera pans down into the town and we see how Mercy Reef has changed. The camera heads towards the lighthouse and the beach which is full of people. We see a young man with brown shoulder length hair and tattoos going down both arms from his shoulders to his wrists heading towards one of the trailers on the beach, as he approaches the door of the trailer we see a sign that reads “AC”. Just as he begins to knock; the door swings open and out steps another young man, this young man stands at 6’1’’, 220 pounds with blonde hair and blue eyes; this young man is Arthur “AC” Curry.

“How’s it look out there Miles?” asks Arthur

“Waves are massive A.C., what about you?” replies Miles

“I had the dream again, but this time there was more.” Says Arthur

“What was it this time?” asks Miles

“The same woman running on the beach, except this time someone is following her, then she gets to the lighthouse and she’s holding something in her arms.” Replies Arthur

“Dude don’t even worry about it, waves are massive and girls are everywhere.” Says Miles
The two begin making their way towards the registration table to sign up, but before they can Arthur is stopped by a beautiful brunette.

“Hey A.C. win today and I’m yours tonight” the girl says as she gives a kiss on Arthur’s cheek before he walks away with a grin.

“Dude for your sake you better win” comments Miles in a friendly manner.

Arthur makes his way to registration and is the forth in line. As he turns around he notices five strangers staring at him, just then Miles comes from behind and they begin walking back towards the trailer.

“Did you see those people?” asks Arthur

“Who” Miles responds

Arthur turns to point in the direction of the strangers and notices they are all gone. The competition has already begun and the third participant has finished his run as the judges announce his score.

“7.5” says the announcer

Arthur is up next and he begins to make his way out to the ocean. While sitting in the water Arthur lets two waves go pass sensing the third wave would be the one, as the wave gets closer Arthur makes sure to stay ahead of the breaking point. A.C. catches the wave in the middle and begins carving his way towards the shoulder of the wave; A.C. enters the tube of the wave and begins his tube ride. From the shore Miles witnesses this and knows exactly what Arthur is attempting.

“The 540” Miles says in anticipation

Arthur bullets out of the tube of the wave and begins riding the breaking curl of the wave as everyone onshore screams and applauses. Arthur performs a cutback and carves towards the bottom of the wave then back up, he shoots off the wave entirely and begins his signature trick; the 540. Arthur lands the 540 and begins making his way back to shore when his board hits a rock sending him head first into another rock.

“Arthur!!” screams Miles as he watches onshore.

Arthur hits the rock head first and is knocked unconscious as the waves crash down on his body sending him underwater. As Arthur drifts towards the bottom of the ocean floor we see the scar on his forehead mysteriously begin to heal itself.

As he slowly hits the bottom Arthur begins to hear the voice of a woman telling him not to fear, he is safe. As he hits the bottom Arthur begins to have the dream again and sees that once the woman reaches the lighthouse, his father answers the door. At that moment Arthur hears the same voice telling him:

“This is not a dream Orin, it is a memory”

Just then Arthur awakens and finds that he is sitting on the ocean floor, yet he isn’t having trouble breathing. It’s at that moment that Arthur touches his forehead and realizes there is no scar. Arthur begins to swim towards the surface, but as he pushes himself off the ocean floor he propels himself forward with great speed and in no time he is back onshore just as Miles makes his way over.

“Arthur!!” screams Miles panicking

“Oh man, Arthur; come on man breath” says Miles to himself

Just then Arthur awakens and begins stumbling to his feet.

“Whoa, Whoa, Whoa A.C. slow down.” Says Miles; trying to get Arthur to rest.

After coming to his senses Arthur is able to stand, once he is on his feet Miles informs him of his wipeout and asks what happened.

“I don’t know Miles, my board snapped from under me and the waves forced me under.” Replies Arthur

“Well thank god you’re alright man” responds Miles

“I have to go Miles, I need to find my father” Arthur says.

Arthur begins running down the beach towards the lighthouse knowing his father Thomas will be there, Arthur arrives at the lighthouse and finds his father outside.

“Dad, we need to talk” says Arthur

Thomas looks at Arthur almost knowing exactly where this conversation is going to go.

“It’s not another one of your dreams is it Arthur?” says Thomas trying to steer the conversation away from the topic.

“It isn’t a dream dad, it’s something more.” Replies Arthur

“Son, I know about bad dreams; I used to get them all the time when I was sailing” says Thomas as he walks away trying to end the conversation.

Refusing to let this go Arthur follows his father inside the lighthouse knowing this was his only chance to get the truth.

“Who was she?” asks Arthur

“I don’t know what you’re talking about son” replies Thomas as he begins to walk away again still attempting to end the conversation.

“Years ago, there was a woman that came running to the lighthouse, she was being chased and she knocked on the lighthouse and you answered” says Arthur

Thomas stops cold in his tracks as he comes to the realization that Arthur is beginning to remember the truth of what happened.

“What does the name Orin mean to you?” asks Arthur

“Where did you hear that name?” demands Thomas

“When I wiped out surfing, the waves forced me under and while I was floating towards the bottom a voice spoke to me, she called me Orin; what does that mean?” shouts Arthur

Thomas comes to the realization that it’s finally time to give Arthur the truth and begins to tear up knowing that this will change everything.

“Late one night years ago, I returned home from being at sea for days fishing, as I returned home that night a woman came knocking on the door.”

Arthur takes a seat as his father begins revealing his true identity to him.

“When I opened a door there was a woman standing there soaking wet, she had a child in her arms; she had you Arthur, she begged me to care for you as if you were my own son, when I questioned her about this she revealed she was being followed and told me to run with you so I did, when I got far enough I turned to see her followers; they took her into the ocean and disappeared.” Says Thomas

Shocked at what he has just heard Arthur filled with anger begins to shake uncontrollably.


“NOOO!!!!!” screams Thomas

“When you were four years old I let you out of my sight, when I found you; you were underwater playing with fishes, but you weren’t drowning; that’s how I knew there was something special about you Arthur, there was a reason that woman brought you to me that night; you have a greater purpose Arthur” says Thomas

Refusing to believe what he has just heard Arthur grabs his shirt and storms out of the house, Thomas follows Arthur to the door asking him to stay, but knows he won’t. Arthur runs to the cliffs to think and is surprised when he finds Miles there waiting for him. Meanwhile, Thomas is on his steps sitting and thinking to himself when someone approaches:

“You” says Thomas

As the figure makes his way closer, he is revealed to be Lieutenant Xeon.

“I knew you would come for him again someday” says Thomas

Elsewhere, Arthur and Miles stand face to face, as Miles stares at Arthur as if he isn’t himself.

“Miles, what are you doing here?” asks Arthur

Miles stands there silently and continues to stare at Arthur.

“Miles can you let me be, I’m having a rough day and just want to be alone” says Arthur as he begins to walk towards his favorite part of the cliff.

“ORIN, SON OF ATLAN!!!!!” screams Miles as Arthur walks past him bringing him to a complete stop.

“Where did you hear that name?” asks Arthur as he begins to slowly turn himself to face Miles once more.

Once they are face to face again Miles tattoos begin to glow, as his tattoos glow water begins to move from his shoulders, down his tattoos and into his hands forming a sword.

“Who the hell are you?” asks Arthur

Miles begins to close in on Arthur looking more and more unfamiliar; Arthur begins back stepping, but Miles throws one of the swords into Arthur’s shoulders pinning him against a rock. As the sword pierces his shoulder Arthur screams from the pain, Miles raises his hand ready to strike the killing blow; when a chain made from the same hard water comes from behind binding his hand preventing him from striking Arthur.

“That’s enough Xebel” says Lieutenant Xeon as he emerges from behind them.

“We need Orin alive, do you understand?” asks Xeon

“Yes father” replies Miles as it is revealed he is truly Xeon’s son named Xebel.
“What the hell is going on?” asks Arthur barely conscious.

“Hold your tongue prince Orin, you will find out soon enough” replies Xeon

Arthur begins to hear a strange voice telling him to go towards the water at the far end of the cliff; Arthur gathers all the strength he can and begins to make his way towards the cliff evading his captors. As Arthur reaches the edge of the cliff the water below him begins to rumble as a small squad of Atlantian soldiers rise and begin to battle the ones hunting Arthur.

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Karlel01 - 3/2/2012, 4:34 AM
From one aquaman fan to another, great job dude very good job :)
Nemesys - 3/2/2012, 10:59 AM
That was a good read Redhood! Very interested in reading more.
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