Batman 3 Fancast

Batman 3 Fancast

My thoughts on the plot, and characters for Nolan's final instalment.

By ClapTownAhki - Oct 15, 2010 12:10 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

There's been speculation on the net, that Nolan is going to end his Batman series by killing the Bat, frankly I think this is bull. There is no way on Earth WB are goin to lose this cash cow, I mean end of the day Batman is Warner's biggest money maker, and in regards to the idea of a rebooted Batman after the Nolan series, I say hell no! The Nolan series portrays the early years of Batman; emphasis on EARLY. Here is my take on how to integrate Nolan's Batman into a more fantasy/comic book stylized series that can fit in with a united DC Universe.

Plot Summary:
The sequel takes place about 2 months after the Dark Knight. Gotham has gone to hell; corruption is rife, gang wars are a regular occurance as criminals try to rise up and take control of the aftermath of the Joker's action, and remenants of the Joker's gang are still about reaking havoc and terrorizing citizens. As Batman is still wanted for the murders, GCPD bring in special agent Edward Nigma of the FBI due to insistance from the new Mayor Rupert Thorne (leading to the emergence of the Ridler). Amongst all the madness, a hier to the Falcone crime family; Roman Sionis tries to control Gotham to fufil his 'family destiny,' etc

Yeah I know I suck with summaries, but heres my casting choices and yes; I will provide more detail into how they fit into the story for Batman 3


Bruce Wayne aka Batman - Christian Bale

I love Bale as Batman, cancer voice and all. In Batman Begins, Batman's fighting seemed on point, in the Dark Knight however, he hardly threw a punch (watch it again, he mainly tends to throw people into each other, excluding the Joker interogation scene) and didn't even kick anybody; something that was presented well in Batman Begins. Anyways... my point is I want to see Batman beat the shit out of guys more, however I also want to see the Dark Knight Detective side to him aswell. The presence of the Ridler gives the oppurtunity for Batman to face a physical and mentally challenging enemy. Anyways, Bale also seemed less built in the Dark Knight, so in this sequel I hope he's more pumped and scarier than ever; the fact that Batman's an outlaw, I expect to see a more aggressive 'I DONT GIVE A [frick]' kind of Batman, and as for the suit; I expect it to be a combination of the Begins and Dark Knight suit with a bit more of militaristic tone to it

Alfred Pennyworth - Michael Caine

He is perfect in acting as Bruce's substitue father figure, and I expect him to be present in this film to once again provide his sage like wisdom

Lucius Fox - Morgan Freeman

Again, much like Michael Caine he acts as another substitute father figure for Bruce. In this film, I expect him to design Bruce a new suit, and a new vehicle; seeing as how Batman is an outlaw now, I imagine something more stealthy; maybe a new, more evassive Batmobile? Anyways, storywise again, I imagine Fox to create the 'Oracle satalite,' something that basically allows Bruce to intercept all law enforcement transmissions and stuff; essentially helping him with his more stealthier approach, and staying one step ahead of the cops

Commisoner Gordon - Gary Oldman

A lot of people have complained that Oldman's Gordon isn't as hands on as the comic version. Frankly, I agree and would like to see a more tough guy approach taken with Gordon. Anyways, storywise Gordon is being pressured into assembling more efficient strike teams, etc, to take down the Bat. Due to new Mayor Rupert Thorne strict crime no vigalantes policy, he is forced to get help from the FBI, thus special agent Edward Nigman come to the 'rescue'

Harvey Bullock - Michael Madsen

I imagine this version of Bullock to be an old friend of Dent's looking to replace Gordon and his unit for thier 'incompetence,' and especially someone who makes disgraced detective Ana Ramirez's life hell. Anyways, storywise, I imagine him to be someone who at first butts heads with Gordon, but soon accepts the new 'justice system' of Gotham City

Edward Nigman aka The Riddler - Guy Pearce

Pearce is a great actor and has worked with Nolan before, so thats a plus in my book. Most people maybe critical of this casting, prefering the likes of Johnny Depp, but I feel he is too famous for the role... Anyways with Pearce I feel he can bring this cold, calculating cool to the character, and I also do expect him to put on a bit of muscle so he doesn't seem to scrawny in the role. Storywise, special agent Edward Nigma is a genius super cop, he gets sent to Gotham to take down the Batman, but as he starts to investigate the recent chain of events he becomes obsessed with Batman; going so far as to even create a series of murders to trap Batman, and along the way he learns of Harvey Dent's true demise, essentially threatening the ideal of Gotham deceased White Knight

Roman Sionis aka Black Mask - Tom Hardy

He's already been cast in the movie, and I feel he can do best with this character providing a psychotic villain to match Ledger's Joker. Storywise, Sionis is hier to the Falcone crime family, with the recent death of Maroni, Gamble and the Chechen, he essentially tries to rule all the Gotham crime families and rid the city of the Joker's hold; I imagine him to be like a really old school mafia boss; a crazy, sadistic Vito Corleone essentially. Anyways, I imagine that after his first fight enocounter with Batman the mask gets burnt onto his face, or something, also I imagine him to be at war with 'secret crime boss' Rupert Thorne who not only wants to control the city politically but criminally... lol (doesn't sound right I know...)

Mayor Rupert Thorne - Michael Gambon

After Dent's death an emergency election was held which led to Thorne being elected as Mayor. Storywise, I also imagine him to an old school-esque criminal, who through his connections in the criminal underworld tries to remain the remaining Clowns and Sionis's crime family. I feel Gambon is perfect for the role, not just visually, but if he plays the character like the guy he played from Layer Cake, it could be epic

Dr Hugo Strange - Jackie Earl Haley

I imagine this role to be pretty brief, and should be done primarily to notify the audience of the Joker's status and to maybe act as a cliffhanger or something for potential sequels

Talia Ducard - Sarah Shahi

I much like many of you would like to see Catwoman done in Nolan's Batman series, but I honestly can't see any point to her other than romantic interest, however in my film I'd like a little word of mouth reference to certify she does exist in this Batman universe, just not in this film, maybe Gordon will mention something about sighting of a woman who dresses like a cat or something... Anyways, back to Talia, I imagine her to come to Gotham essentially tricking Bruce into falling for her (but she accidentally falls for him a bit too) to keep him distracted from being Batman, essentially she's here for revenge and she's not alone...
I feel Shahi is perfect for the role; she's sexy and has the right exotic look, and if you've seen her in Life, you'll shes not a bad actress

Ra's Al Ghul - Liam Neeson

With the reintroduction of Ra's, Nolan can give his Batman a more supernatural/comic book vibe, essentailly allowing a way for Warners to combine thier superhero properties. Anyways, I imagine this role to be kind of brief, like a cameo, I imagine that he should be in a wheelchair or soemthing, just to show he's still kind of messed up from the train fight, and storywise, much like how he was first presented in Batman Begins, I imagine him to be a shadowy 'behind the scenes' figure who provides the obsessed Nigma with information that reveals Dent's darkness. Speaking of which, as I want Ra's to return it obvious I approve of the notion of Lazarus Pits, so this begs to question wether Harvey Dent could make a comeback? Again something for a possible sequel

Well guys, that's my take on Batman 3! Hope you enjoy, and leave your comments below!
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ClapTownAhki - 10/15/2010, 12:30 PM
btw the naked pic of Shahi is a treat for u guys lol :P
Frogman - 10/15/2010, 12:47 PM
I like the final touch of the return of Ducard, my only problem with Nolan's Batman is that there is no room for the supernatural and some of my favourite villains (Man-Bat, Bane, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze [the last 3 I would love to see done properly on film after the mullering they got from Schumacher]) just don't seem to fit, I would love Nolan to turn it round with a supernatural link like this!
AshleyWilliams - 10/15/2010, 12:53 PM
Dude,awesome cast and story!

I can tell you put some work into this,Kudos!
FrankGarret - 10/15/2010, 1:01 PM
Damn it! I was just about to post my own :D

And nice picks, though I prefer the current series to be self contained and grounded in reality.
KILLADELFIA - 10/15/2010, 1:15 PM
Not really into this whole idea, but love Pearce as the Riddler. I really hope he gets a role in this no matter who it is.
AlexDeLarge87 - 10/15/2010, 2:53 PM
Pretty cool cast!:) Hardy is perfect what role he ever plays!

Frogman@ Bane is the only one of those characters, who can be created realistically and if anyone can do that, its Nolan. Example Bane could be a mentally insane professional killer, who is hooked in some kind of drug that increases his physical achievement. He hides his face under a terrifying mask, just to create mystery and fear in his enemies.
The main villain... who ever he or she is hires him to eliminated Batman, but Bane comes obsessed with Batman, because he is the only one, who has escaped from him. Bane is full of rage and he starts to seriously hunt Bats down. And finally he totally looses himself and the guy or chick, who hired him cant anymore control his actions. To Bane, Batman and everyone around him are dead, what ever it cost.

JAVIER BARDEM AS BANE (If anyone can create a cold and terrifying performance as the Professional Killer, its Bardem. No Country For Old Men proofs it.)
LEEE777 - 10/15/2010, 2:54 PM

But at least you ain't got KILLER CROC in it, so cool!
Frogman - 10/15/2010, 2:55 PM
I would love to see a Nolan Bane. I was just saying I wanna see some of the more science fictiony characters given a better screen treatment, which could only happen if Nolan brought in supernatural elements (or the series was rebooted or continued by a different director)
AlexDeLarge87 - 10/15/2010, 3:05 PM
Frogman@ That would be great yeah and im hundred percent sure that when Nolan is finished with his realistic Bat trilogy we are given the more supernatural type of Bat movies!:) Zack Snyder type of movie trilogy or saga would be cool!
jeremy14 - 10/15/2010, 3:26 PM
could anyone tell me how to do a fancast please
ager - 10/15/2010, 4:28 PM
i dont know using the black mask (any way i see it) is going to be ineffective. hes a psycotic villain (we just had joker) hes a mafiosa (but there almost extint now in gotham), hey i dont mind if im wrong and hes used. nolan would do it right but i think sending deadshot (hardy) in to kill Batman with Guy as Riddler (great choice for anyone) would be nice. good work here i enjoyed it
DDD - 10/16/2010, 9:32 PM
Nice work!

Especially like Madsen as Bullock
and Guy Pierce as Nigma!

Tom Hardy as Black Mask is a nice
touch too!

Very Nolanesque casting!
RockNRollCC - 10/17/2010, 12:13 PM
Yes! Great fan cast!

Tom Hardy IS Black Mask (here's something i photoshopped)

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