Batman Reboot Rated R Stylized Mini Script and Fan Cast

Batman Reboot Rated R Stylized Mini Script and Fan Cast

By TruthJusticeSuperman - Aug 07, 2012 10:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Batman Mini Script

The First seen is set up during nighttime

Bruce Wayne is seen hitting a punching bag inside his Library you see flashes of Thomas and Martha Wayne some books have been on the floor place is just a wreck.

Bruce: My First day in Gotham since I left and first time I've been in this hallow mansion. For the past ten hours or so I've been searching in this place looking for answers, looking a way to get past this, this anger not a single minute goes by without remembering the fatal accident. I still remember after all this years.

Bruce Wayne is then seen drinking a full bottle of whiskey and throwing it at the wall in anger. He then goes back to the punching bag to try to get over his anger.

Bruce: The masters told me that once I would return my purpose would be found. Going back would give me the answers I need to put my anger to rest and use it for the better. Yet all I think about is (It flashes back to his parents death at the moment they're being shot) is my father and mother's blood as they run through my hands. (It flashes back to the murder again as Bruce punches the bag even harder then the next.) Yet no one not even to this day even tried. (It flashes to it another time) No even cared, like that man said ( It goes back to Flash , James Gordan, and Bruce as their in the police station and Flash says

Flash: Why should the kid be sorry for anything he's a billionaire kid with mansion to sleep in and a butler to give him food every night.

the flashback continues and Bruce is becoming furious and he hits the punching bag.

Gordan: Flash that's enough this kid has just been through enough, he's a normal human being even worse a kid no money is ever gonna get him through that kind of pain.

Flash: If I was that rich I wouldn't even fuss about the whole thing this kid has a butler you here that Gordan a freaking Butler. Don't see why he's crying so much.

The scene then goes to Bruce as he punches the punching bag across the room.

Bruce Wayne then breathes heavily

Bruce: Maybe the answers aren't in this place maybe there somewhere else out there somewhere I just need to find it.

Bruce is then seen gearing up for a walk but just a normal one around the park it looks like he's going back to place where it all began Crime Alley.

Bruce puts on a cap some buts a coat with some gloves and starts to put on some make-up.

Bruce: I'll be taking a detour around Crime Alley shouldn't be to far from here. I need to put on fake mask to distinguish myself from the public crowd so no one recognizes me. My return has certainly cause an up roar in the public press and certainly in the crime reign. If crooks even some much of think that Bruce Wayne was running around near crime alley they hunt me like a pack of wolves.

Bruce is then seen grabbing a grapple gun and some smoke pellets in a special case.

Bruce: A grapple in this part of town will certainly be of use and a couple of smoke pellets Fox hooked me up with from his lab will come in handy.

Bruce Wayne is then seen grabbing roses from a flower case. He then looks into another special case that holds a gun inside. He picks up the gun at first and looks at it for a moment then throws it away.

Bruce: No not at this time not at this moment.

Bruce Wayne then sneaks into Alfred's room to see if he's asleep. He then goes into the garage and takes a car and is seen driving out of the mansion. We then cut to James Gordan running into what is pretty much a ghetto with stripper joints and old motels on each side the cement is full of blood marks and cigarettes hookers running along the streets with their pimps and little kids as well. Garbage all over the streets and it's filled with trash. James Gordan is in the police car going through a normal drive around the town with his new rookie partner Alonzo. His just driving along looking around the place as his partner is smoking a cigarette out the window.

Gordan: Today is first night with the new partner. Usually when you get one they don't seem to show their true colors during the day when nothing happens.

Gordan then looks at his partner

Gordan: But here in this part of town at this time I could be seeing a whole new person. I guess it happens to people around here, there's something that just changes people. One day you see them helping an old lady across the street the next you see them selling drugs to a hooker around the corner.

You then see him looking at all the filth around the city and the people that surround it.

Gordan: Can't believe my daughter is gonna grow up watching this on the news everyday or maybe my son.

Alonzo: Hey Gordan

Gordan: I sure hope its a boy

Alonzo: Gordan the building around the edge

Gordan: What's going out there

Alonzo: Just some three guys rob some hooker around the alley.

Gordan then drives hard drifting to the small alley where the three crooks are.

Alonzo: That's it That's it there they are

The three crooks are sen climbing up a cage with one tripping and falling on the ground. Gordan tries to drive into the alley but the brick wall s get smaller and smaller causing scratches on the sides of the car. Gordan then stops the car as the crooks run out the alley. Gordan then grabs his shotgun and Alonzo grabs his handgun.

Gordan: Alonzo you go at the back alley a find a way to undercut them
I'm gonna climb up and chase them down myself.

Alonzo: You sure you can keep up with them no offense but your not as young as you use to be.

Gordan: Yeah well I can still chase after a couple of little punks like these guys. Get over there and chase after them

Alonzo: Right (He then throws his cigarette down) and tries to chase after the goons.

Gordan is then seen climbing up top the cage and running out the alley and into the main part of the ghetto. He is seen bumping and running into scared hookers and pimps and they see him with his shotgun. He goes into first a strip club. Where he sees one of the guns talking to the cashier he then sees Gordan and shoots right at him. He shoots randomly about five times not really knowing what he's doing. Strippers and fat costumers and even young costumers of the club duck and hide in fear of the gunshots. Gordan stays hidden behind a chair.

Gordan: First sign of a first time shooter just shooting in the air out of fear. He doesn't even know what he's doing half the time he's taking a shot.

The Man then runs into the main hall of the club. Gordan then runs after him the crook shoots at him Gordan ducks and shots right back. The Man runs harder into the hall and into a secret room. Gordan tries to pick himself up first from the hard fall he took to dodge the bullets.

Gordan: Come on Jim you old man damn it get up.

Gordan gets himself up and goes into the room the crook went into. It is a special playroom for a paying customer and the stripper to strip personally for him. The crook is seen with the hooker holding a gun between her head and her half naked during the time. The crook is bloody from the thigh down it looks as if Gordan got a shoot on him.

Crook# 1: Putting the [frick]ing gun down now, put it

Gordan is seen slowly putting the shotgun down on the ground.

Crook# 1: Now I want your [frick]ing heads behind your head

Gordan puts his hands behind his head slowly

Crook# 1: Do it

The crook is seen shaking the gun as he holds the stripper in his arms at the same time.

Gordan: Can I speak officer

Crook# 1: What?

Gordan: Just wanted to know if I can talk and try to maybe calm down the situation.

Crook# 1: They ain't here to be calm about man ( He breathes and shakes the gun at the same time)

Crook# 1: You just stay there and don't move for a god damn second. alright

Gordan then looks at the stripper as she looks terrified and soon cries in tears.

Gordan: Can I at least talk to you for a minute?

Crook# 1: What so you can distract me and shoot me in the ass like every cop in those movies. I've seen [frick]ing Die Hard a they ain't nothing good gonna come from this man.

Gordan: Please, just just calm and breath for a moment and think about the situation okay.

Crook# 1: You ain't gonna try to pull some Jacki Chan bullshit on me right.

Gordan: Not at all just let the lady down a bit okay.

Crook: Alright

Gordan: Now listen we all now that no matter how this goes its no gonna end very well for either of us you me or anyone in this building.
Now you could come down quietly put the gun down and hand yourself over. Or else

Crook: Or else what before I blow your brains out. (The crook then points the gun at Gordan's head)

Gordan: Or else you become a cop killer and the Gotham patrol hunts you down like a wild dog.

Crook: Gotham patrol my ass I've seen them, the same guys walking around selling drugs to little kid hookers and out on the strip joint yeah the same [frick]ing cops what makes you [frick]ing different ha.

Gordan: Maybe your right, I'm not that different but if you think I'm just gonna let you walk out here with out so much as a bloody nose. Then your asking the wrong lieutenant here.

The crook then shakes the gun on Gordan's head. He breathes heavily again.

Gordan: But i don't want do that alright I want help you and so much as anyone here in this town. You just have to trust me and turn yourself in please. Will help will

Crook: save your [frick]ing help for someone else they ain't no help for me or anyone else in this town. No one

The crook then starts the gun (Begins with a clicking sound)

Crook: Not even for you

The stripper then begins to scream

Crook: Hey shut the [frick] up (The crook turns around looking at the hooker)

Gordan then pounces on the man disarming him, punching him in the face, and hitting him in the gut with his knee. the man is knocked out. Gordan puts the handcuffs on him attaching it to a stripper pole.

Gordan then looks at the stripper and says

Gordan: Are you alright (The stripper then nods)

To be continued.....

Please give me suggestions on weather I should continue or improve from what I started also give me your own fan casts if you want in the comment section. And tell me how to import pictures as well I need some help.

Bruce Wayne/ Batman

John Hamm

James Gordan

Bryan Cranston

The Joker

Daniel Day-Lewis

Alferd Pennyworth

Ian Mckellen

Lucius Fox

Denzel Washington


Terrence Howard

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clogan - 8/8/2012, 12:12 AM
Bryan Cranston as James Gordon = Epicness.
deathangel - 8/8/2012, 12:32 AM
John Hamm would be great.
TruthJusticeSuperman - 8/8/2012, 12:48 AM
Thanks what do you think of the script
Knightrider - 8/8/2012, 2:00 AM
Not too bad. First scene reminded me of Avengers, with Captain America hitting the back and having flashbacks - And a reminder to the Avengers is never a bad thing.

Hard to say in terms of what could do better as this is chapter 1, but introduced all the main players so ground work is done, will defo look forward to part two.

Oh and some good choices for the cast.

If get time I did a Batman script too, would like feedback, maybe could bounce ideas of each other to help both our stories.

Knightrider - 8/8/2012, 2:01 AM
bag* not back
Knightrider - 8/8/2012, 3:28 AM
Hi, just saw your comments, appreciate the feedback. I have answered your question about the "Bat-Family" on my story, but figured would answer your question about yours here, as well, makes it easier to answer related to your reboot, on your page.

So in terms of improvements - (Please take anything with a grain of salt, as anything I might say, might be what is in part two)

The gun moment, where Bruce says "Not at this moment, not at this time" Just wondering if even after having the training he is still debating using a gun, if so could be interesting to see a Batman that starts off with a Gun, which is how he did in the comics, but something happens that changes his mind.

Like the idea people dismiss Bruce's pain as feel his money will comfort him, but will we see Flash in the present, as that could be a nice conflict of perception between the two and Flash could be seen as the 1%'s hero because of his hate for Bruce, which Gotham see as a rich brat, which makes Flash's previous comments true (Despite Bruce acting)

Will you have other members of the Batman family as it seems Gordan is having a daughter, but if it is Barbera, then obviously - I know Bruce likes them young ;) - however a newborn might be pushing it, but will you have a Robin?
TruthJusticeSuperman - 8/8/2012, 6:09 AM
Um no not really thinking of having a robin or any member of the bat family. Maybe the Red-hood can be used in some way I thought. Flash won't be in this script just in that one moment your talking about. The gun thing will be incorporated later on in the script if I get more positive feedback but in it's own special way.
Knightrider - 8/8/2012, 7:33 AM
Cool I look forward to seeing it, as the gun choice - In terms of not using one - I have always felt fascinating as I never felt should just be as simple a gun killed my parents so I won't use one.

So look forward to your take.

You asked me to check out your JL script, can you post the link?

Yeah it is always tough to decide to write a second part, as it is a lot of time and effort, so really need the interest, personally I hope you do put together a second part as we are yet to see Batman
Knightrider - 8/8/2012, 7:35 AM
Also the reason I ask about Robin, is basically I never used to be a fan of the character. Mainly because of the age etc.

But recently read long halloween and the sequel and made me really respect the character a lot more and put an interesting take on him.
TruthJusticeSuperman - 8/8/2012, 7:45 AM
here is the link
SAT - 8/8/2012, 11:44 AM
That's awesome! Great job!
TruthJusticeSuperman - 8/8/2012, 8:31 PM
what does that mean
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