Big K's Fancast - Guilty Gear: The Missing Link

Big K's Fancast - Guilty Gear: The Missing Link

A fancast of one of the most badass fighting games.
Heaven or Hell. Duel 1! LET'S ROCK!

By BigK1337 - May 12, 2012 05:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

The intro you just saw was from the game of the fancast that I am doing right now: Guilty Gear. Guilty Gear is a fighting game that is considered a classic among fighting game lovers. The series, in general, is known for its fast paced gameplay, detailed anime style, and its heavy metal influenced soundtrack.

As far as how I see the series go, it would be great to see it adapted into a live action movie. In fact due to the game's plot and feel, it can be easily adapted into a movie; especially with the recent technology and actors.

The following is the backstory to the Guilty Gear series that sets up the game's universe:

The Guilty Gear series takes place around the year 2180, in a chaotic, mystical future world. In 2010, mankind discovered an unlimited energy source of incredible power, which was labeled Magic. Despite providing a solution for world energy crisis, wars continued. The power of Magic was combined with humans and other creatures creating living weapons known as Gears. Eventually the Gears turned on the human race, beginning a century-long global war known as the Crusades where the Sacred Order of Holy Knights, defeated Justice, leader of the Gears. Justice having been locked away in a dimensional prison, all other Gears seemingly ceased to function, bringing end to an age of conflict.

As far as the movie's plot go, it will be set up in three parts: 1)the introduction of the characters, 2)the tournament itself, and 3)the "boss" battles that end the movie.


Main Characters
The first part of the movie will introduce the current story. It is set up five years after the imprisonment of Justice, where rumors of Justice's release is spread across the world. Because of such rumor the United Nations create a tournament to find a champion who is strong enough to face off against Justice, if the Gear leader were to ever return. The winner of this tournament will be given a "wish" at the end.
The following characters below are the ones who enter the tournament, and
their cast pick.

Chris Evans as Sol Badguy

On Sol: Sol Badguy is a bounty hunter, who is known for his lone wolf personality and rebellious tendency to rules. Pretty much he is the picture example of an anti-hero. Not much is known about him, save for the fact that he used to be a member of the Holy Orders; and when he left he stole the group's sacred sword, the Fuuenken (or Fireseal). When Sol heard of the tournament and its rumors, he enters in order to make sure that he end the life of Justice's once and for all.

On Chris Evans: What can I say, the guy can indeed act in different roles. Not only does the guy held some resemblance to the character, but he also have the ability to play the role of Sol seeing that he is capable of playing any role (from comedic characters from "Fantastic Four" and "Not Another Teen Movie" to serious works like "Captain America", "Avengers", "Sunshine" and "Push").

"Keep Yourself Alive" - Sol Badguy's Theme

Gaspard Ulliel as Ky Kiske

On Ky: Ky Kiske is pretty much three things: former commander of the Holy Order, captain of the International Police Force, and rival of Sol Badguy. When he was 16, he was given the rank of commander due to his charismatic talent in swordsmanship and magic; also he was entrusted with the Fuuraiken (Thunderseal) due to his abilities. After the Holy Wars, he became a police officer to continue his duties in protecting people. As for his rivalry with Sol, well Ky never like Sol due to his background during the days of the Holy Wars; even more so when Sol stole the Fuuenken. Ky enter the tournament to investigate if the rumors of Justice revival is true and learn about the odd things that occur in the tournament.

On Gaspard Ulliel: This guy is a solid actor. From what I read, he is a pretty good French actor in the role he was given. Hell, he once played a young Hannibal Lecter in the movie "Hannibal Rising"; so he just got to be a good actor. Plus, dye his head blonde and a futuristic knight costume and we got Ky Kiske.

"Holy Order: Be Just or Be Dead" - Ky Kiske's Theme

Suzuka Ohgo as May

On May: May is a member of the Jellyfish Pirates, an all female gang of pirates with a male leader name Johnny (yeah, male leader; lucky bastard). Anyway, her backstory states that she was once an orphan till Johnny came and took her in as a member of his crew; pretty much as a daughter. However, May always saw that she and Johnny are in fact couple due to the way he treats her. Before the plot, it is stated that Johnny got arrested by the police and May wants to find a way to free him. So she decided to enter the tournament due to its prize of a wish.

On Suzuka Ohgo: She is an up-and-coming actress from Japan, and I think she suits the role of May. Her performance in "Memoirs of a Geisha" had earned her some positive feedback in terms of performance.

"Unidentified Child" - May's Theme

Sam Elliott as Kliff Undersn

On Kliff: Kliff is a retired Holy Knight who fought the majority of the war. He is probably known for his many battles against Justice, all of which ended in a stand still. He is also known for being the one who not only mentored and train the young Ky Kiske, but also the one who recruited Sol into the Holy Order due to the bounty hunter's unique strength. After hearing about the rumors of Justice's revival, he enter the tournament for one last battle before his death.

On Sam Elliott: I feel that Sam fits the role of a retired badass quite well. His military role in "We Were Soldiers" and sage role in "Ghost Rider" is a good source of reasons as to why I pick this guy.

"Pride & Glory" - Kliff Undersn's Theme

Dennis Haysbert as Potemkin

On Potemkin: Potemkin is this slave soldier from Zepp. To further elaborate, Zepp is this technological advance country which held in the skies. The country's government is pretty much the equivalent of the Soviet Union, except even more oppressed. After hearing about the tournament, the country decided to send their strongest warrior as a means to show off their great power. Potemkin, in spite of his pacifistic nature, is the soldier sent to the tournament to win for his country.

On Dennis Haysbert: I always find this guy suitable for the role of Potemkin. Though most of his scenes will be motion captured (seeing that Potemkin is an 8 foot tall Hulk like man), his voice really suits what Potemkin will most likely sound like. I enjoy his roles in "Far From Heaven", "24" and "The Unit"; he is a really good actor.

"In Slave's Glory" - Potemkin's Theme

Andy Samberg or Kevin Bishop as Axl Low

On Axl: Compare to everyone else in the game, Axl is by far the more normal character seeing that he is actually from the 20th Century. Axl was just a guy from London who uses his amateur fighting skills to make his neighborhood more safe. That is, until, he got caught in a portal that sends him into the future. Axl enters the tournament to wish his way back home; in spite of all the characters he have to face. Well, Axl is known for his optimistic nature about things.

On Andy Samberg and Kevin Bishop: Axl is a comedic character, so I chose a comedian to play as him. However, I couldn't decide on which. Andy Samberg really does look similar to the character and have this annoying voice to match. However, Kevin Bishop is not only the right age to effectively portray Axl, but he is also British. I can't really decide on which.

"The March of the Wicked King" - Axl Low's Theme

Justin Hartley as Chipp Zanuff

On Chipp: Chipp is pretty much an Albino, American Ninja who is a huge Japanophile. His backstory is that as a kid he used to work for the Mafia selling drugs on the streets. One day, the Mafia decided to kill Chipp for using the supply and was saved by a man by the name of Tsuyoshi. Tsuyoshi took Chipp in as an apprentice, where Chipp gave up his drug dealing ways in order to learn Ninjutsu. Everything was fine until Chipp found his masters body dead, killed by an assassin. Knowing that the mafia or some sort of crime syndicate put a hit on his master, Chipp filled with rage went out and attack many crime organization to get revenge. After hearing about the large number of criminals entering the tournament, Chipp chose to enter in it just to make a statement to his master's killer.

On Justin Hartley: I always liked how he was portrayed in Smallville as Green Arrow, and thought that he would make a pretty good Chipp. I think that is enough reason to cast him as Chipp.

"Suck A Sage" - Chipp Zanuff's Theme

Alexander Skarsgård as Zato-1

On Zato: Zato is the leader of the Assassin Guild, and also the guy who can control his own shadow to fight. Before he became the leader of the syndicate, he was just a low level assassin who decided to use the "Six Forbidden Magic" to give himself powers by sacrificing his eye sight. As he rose the ranks of leader of the Guild, he made the organization more corrupted than usual and he himself became a cold hearted, ruthless boss. That is until he got arrested by the police, after one of his own followers betrayed him and send him to prison. As for how he enter the tournament, a mysterious man came to his cell and free him; promising Zato that he can get his revenge on "the woman who betrayed him".

On Alexander Skarsgård: I always saw his character in "True Blood" to being the perfect equivalent to Zato's character; that being a strange mix of great charismatic leadership and dark, unsettling personality. I really think that Skarsgard can capture this guy's character.

"Black Soul" - Zato-1's Theme

Richard O'Brian as Dr. Baldhead

On Dr. Baldhead: Dr. Baldhead is the weird guy in the group, as in being a serial killer doctor. Before any of the event, Baldhead used to be a well known doctor who is very skilled in his work. He was so good, that he can pretty much cure just about anybody and perform very successful surgery. Until one day, one of his surgeries cost the life of a girl. Though it was an accident, Baldhead heard rumors of rival doctors actually wanting him to fail in the first place; which caused him to go completely insane and go on a killing spree. He was captured by the police later on due to the attack he have caused. How he enter the tournament was the same way Zato-1 entered, a man came to his cell and release him telling him that "he have some surgeries to perform".

On Richard O'Brian: I wanted somebody who is good at playing as crazy, over-the-top characters, so I figured why not have O'Brian and Baldhead? Since Baldhead is a direct reference to Richard O'Brian's original work "Shock Treatment", it would be cool to see Richard play as this character. It will also be funny in some point in the film that O'Brian sing a lyrics version of Baldhead's theme song; after all, this is the guy who played as Riff Raff in "Rocky Horror's Picture Show".

"Suspicious Cook" - Dr. Baldhead's Theme

Yvonne Strahovski as Millia Rage

On Millia: Millia Rage is a former assassin who fights with her hair. She is probably the most complex character in the series as while she was raised to be this cold blooded assassin, she is actually a more kind hearted person who doesn't want to live the life of one. Her powers, like Zato's, came from one of the "Six Forbidden Magic" known as "Angra" (though what she sacrificed remains unclear). She was once a subordinate (and possibly lover) of Zato-1; until she betrayed him, feeling that Zato is just manipulating her to kill more people. After that, she has been running throughout her life trying to escape the Guild. That is until one of the assassins who chase after her tell Millia that Zato have returned and wanting revenge at her at the tournament. Feeling that she needs to end this problem once and for all, Millia enter the tournament to kill Zato so that she can finally be free.

On Yvonne Strahovski: Like another fancaster on this site made, Yvonne Strahovski can play just about anyone. Though I feel that the actress more appropriately play as this character because:
- She is good at playing as beautiful characters that are involved in a shadowy organization ("Chuck")
- She played the role of competent female characters with a complex history ("Mass Effect")
- Some other third thing which shows she is the best choice to be Millia Rage (blond hair, blue eyes, hot body, etc).

"Writhe in Pain" - Millia Rage's Theme

During the second part of the movie, we will see different fights that will occur in the tournament. I figure there will first be a preliminary rounds that will decide who will get the main spots in the tournament (which will pretty much be the entire main cast above), creating a 10 men tournament. The fights will be spectacular in appearance since all of the main characters will have great amount of magic and powers.

The second part of the movie will than transition to the third and final part when the winner (most likely Sol, since he is the canon winner), will meet the person responsible for the tournament.
(*Note* Skip to 2:42 to see the scene.)

Robert Pattinson as Testament

On Testament: Like the video above showed, Testament is the guy who formed the tournament who is actually a gear. Forty years ago, Testament used to be a normal human who wants to fight in the Crusades along with his adoptive father, Kliff Undersn (does this sound familar to you guys). However, due to his weight and health he was unable to join; that is until a group of scientist offer to convert him into a gear, one that retains all of his humanity (okay, now I heard this story somewhere before). After his conversion, he became a great member of the Holy Knights; until Justice mind controlled Testament due to his gear DNA structures, making him change sides in the war (wow, just like Hawkeye in Avengers). Anyway he disappeared many year after his battle against his own father, leading Kliff to think that he killed his own son.

Many years later, after Justice's imprisonment, Testament plan to use a spell that release the Gear leader from its imprisonment. Testament needs the right number of blood to summon Justice; and at the part of the movie where he revealed himself, he needs one more.

On Robert Pattinson: Originally I was going to cast Tom Hiddleston as Testament, but I think that is a bit of a type cast for him (or better yet, I think there is another fictional character the guy can better play as).
Now, it is questionable having this guy in the movie; but I think Pattinson is good for the part. Other than "Twilight", Pattinson is a solid actor in works like "Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire" and "Water For Elephants". It will be interesting to see him play against type in this movie. And beside, considering how he portrays as Edward (which he deliberately made to look like psychopath than a "great guy"), he will be perfect as Testament.

"A Fixed Idea" - Testament's Theme

Mary Elizabeth Winsted as Justice

(*Note* Credit for the Justice without Armor picture at the end goes to this guy from deviantArt:
On Justice: Justice is considered to be the first gear to ever be mass produced, and the leader of all gears. Justice is responsible for many things including the complete destruction of the country Japan and the Crusades. She (yes, Justice is surprisingly a girl) is sealed in a dimensional prison by Ky Kiske; though it is said that the spell that sealed her is weak and can be broken by a ritual.

When Justice is released (as seen in the same video as Testament's reveal), Justice chose to continue what she was doing 5 years ago; destroy all of humanity.

On Mary Elizabeth Winsted: Like Potemkin, she will be motion capturing and voicing Justice in the movie. I will explain later why I chose her later.
In the movie, I during the final battle, there would be some scene where Justice's armor break off revealing Justice's face as having once being human; pretty much to give a shocking revelation to the cast that all gears were once human before the Crusade.

"Meet Again" - Justice's Theme

Minor Characters
The following two characters will play a minor role in the movie's plot, but will have importance in the next movie.

Devon Aoki as Baiken

On Baiken: Baiken is skilled, one-armed samjurai, who enters in the preliminaries of the tournament. She lost to Sol Badguy in those preliminaries, and didn't end up in the final 10.

On Devon Aoki: Not going to explain till the next fancast, but she does come off as the type to be Baiken.

"Momentary Life" - Baiken's Theme

Justin Timberlake as Johnny

On Johnny: Johnny is the captain of the Jellyfish Pirates, and the guy May is trying to free. He will have two scenes which includ:
-One where he is shown in his cell watching the tournament going on, and decided to break free to try save May by seducing the female guard with his charms.
-The other one will be him meeting up with May with his crew, only to find that the battle was over and May is alright. May wonders how Johnny got out of jail, and Johnny pretty much lied to May about how he got out by saying he fought his way out (considering the fact that he doesn't want to upset a girl who can effortlessly carry an anchor).

Project Gear
For this movie, there will be a series of flashbacks that retell the days of the Gear Project; mostly giving an explanation to Sol Badguy's overall past.

Pretty much the scenes will all coincide with the main story serving as side stories; each scenes will have a three part story like the main story that goes as follow:
-The first part will be dealing with the starting days where the scientists meet each other. Its mood will be something of an independent comedy where it shows the relationship with the characters.
-The second part (which will come up during the tournament) will be about the scientist achieving at creating the formula for Project Gear, and reveal their motives for creating it (most of them think that the point of this project was to create a cure that not only heals diseases but also create perfect human). One of the people in the Project volunteer to become the first Gear.
-The Last Part will be more tragic as it reveals what happen the man who became the first gear and what Project Gear was really about.

Chris Evans, Mary Elizabeth Winsted and Cilian Murphy as Fredrick, Aria, and 'That Man' (respectively)

On Fredrick: If you can already guess, Fredrick is pre-Sol Badguy. In these flashbacks, Fredrick is a brilliant but lazy scientist who is one of the three main scientist of Project Gear; who is also a huge Queens fanboy. These scenes show that in the past, he was once friends with head of Project Gear known by the alias of 'That Man' and had a relation with fellow scientist Aria.
He would later volunteer to be the first gear in the Project, but in the end find out that not only was the Project actually a weapon's project but his former girlfriend converted herself into the first 'perfect' gear known as 'Justice'. This led him to bear hatred towards 'That Man' and became the man known as Sol Badguy.
On Chris Evans: It is reasonable for this guy to also play as Fredrick.

On Aria: She is the young, prodigy scientist who serves as Fredrick's love interest; and later become the main antagonist of the movie, Justice.
On Mary Elizabeth Winsted: This is pretty much the reason why I cast her as Justice; she looks exactly like the character.

On That Man: He is the head of Project Gear and the reason why most of the problems of Guilty Gear occured. He pretty much served as the series overall antagonist.
On Cilian Murphy: Call this typecasting, but I feel that Murphy is always the best choice for scientist characters; especially this one. His acting in this movie will be great to see.

Edgar Wright

On Edgar Wright: The man is a solid director in many of his movies. I cite the film "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World" as the best example for why he should be perfect for a movie like this. He and his friend Joe Cornish can even write a great script for the movie; it will be great.

Daisuke Ishiwatari

On Daisuke Ishiwatari: This is the guy who created the series itself. Not only did he draw the artwork and voice one of the characters in the game (Sol Badguy), he also compose most of the tracks of the songs; and I think it is appropriate that he serves as the movie's composer.

To elaborate, lets compare the song "Conclusion" between the original and its reversion that he made.

Well that was my fancast of Guilty Gear, I hope you all will stay tune to my next fancast.
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TheSoulEater - 5/13/2012, 10:18 AM
Little chance I'd see this...

(good cast though)
BigK1337 - 5/13/2012, 10:56 AM

Thanks! And yeah, I have to agree with you on how slim of a chance an actual Guilty Gear movie will be made; especially when it comes to the appeal of video game movies to general audience.

Still would be cool if the games are adapted.

felixxx - 5/17/2012, 2:20 PM
It needs to be an animated movie. Everyone knows what happens when you take something "out there" and try to make a live version. It would be DBZ-E all over again but probably worse. Give an animated movie based on the original story and im in.
felixxx - 5/17/2012, 2:37 PM
As a fan of the game, i have to say the art is what makes it cool to me, so the transfer of that to animation would be great.
BigK1337 - 5/18/2012, 10:11 PM

That is kind of the reason why I chose Edgar Wright as the director for the movie; he manage to do such a great job in translating Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, that and the Avengers movie makes me feel that there is a possibility for something like Guilty Gear to come to life and work out great.

An animated movie for Guilty Gear will still be cool and easy to work out, but I think it will be more interesting to see it in live action; especially with impressive special effects that will showcase why fans of the series love the game.
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