Bob Garlen Presents... Marvel's Cinematic Universe: X-MEN Trilogy Fan Cast and Pitch

Bob Garlen Presents... Marvel's Cinematic Universe: X-MEN Trilogy Fan Cast and Pitch

My take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Upcoming Reboot of Marvel's Merry Mutant, featuring a full cast as well as several loose plot outlines to create a definitive experience.

By BobGarlen - Mar 04, 2020 02:03 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: Bob Garlen



Since the beginning of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Mutants have been absent. Their absence is because at the time 20th Century Fox owned the theatrical and television rights to the X-Men Franchise. That is no longer an issue as it’s been widely reported that 20th Century Fox has been bought by Walt Disney Co. and is now rebranded as 20th Century Films. There are still questions regard Mutants namely, how to integrate them into the MCU. Present is my ‘pitch’ for a way of integrating Mutants into the MCU in an attempt to avoid Mass Continuity Holes. 

Mutants have always existed – but due to the unique qualities of a mutant, a Natural “Mutant” is considered extremely rare (something akin to 1 in 500,000). Due to this rarity of natural mutants it was easier for Charles Xavier, Max Eisenhardt, and the United States Government (More Often via a liaison - Nick Fury) have rounded up Mutants offering them choices: Charles Xavier’s School For Gifted Youths, Max’s Mutant Founded Country of Genosha, or to join the Avengers. This allowed Mutant related incidents to be kept under wraps in a ‘Men in Black’ fashion. 

But the rarity of natural Mutation changed… The Day Thanos Snapped away half the world’s population it sent a worldwide trigger, mass trauma that cause the evolution of hundreds of thousands of mutants leading to a mass prevalence and unveiling of Mutant kind. To combat this trauma and help keep the peace Charles Xavier and Max Eisenhardt formed the X-Men. Separated from the defunct S.H.I.E.L.D. they were able to gather Mutants in a manner that befit the individual. 

Outside of the Snap, Mutants were created by mass experimentation via different entities (I.E. Hydra, A.I.M., Mister Sinister, and Department H) This including experimenting on Humans until evolving into Mutants or experimenting on Mutants forcing them to take on a second evolution. Another class of Mutants came form the mass colonization of extra-terrestrial species (I.E. Skrulls, Kree) mating with Humans resulting in ‘Mutant’ babies. This created a variety of class systems that detailed types of mutation as well as power of the mutant.

There do exist anti-mutant hate groups, they’re prevalent an all areas of the world as it’s garnered from a mass fear and misunderstanding of this new evolutionary species, dubbed by Max Eisenhardt as ‘Homo-Superior.’ Through Natural Mutation, Through Mass Traumatic Experience, Through Genetic Experimentation, and Through Cross Species Breeding is how the Marvel Cinematic Universe Developed a Mutant Populace. Some Mutants exist and are hundreds of years old, others are living a normal life span – it all depends on the mutation. 


Composer: A film score (also sometimes called film music, background music, or incidental music) is original music written specifically to accompany a film. The score forms part of the film's soundtrack, which also usually includes dialogue and sound effects, and comprises a number of orchestral, instrumental or choral pieces called cues which are timed to begin and end at specific points during the film in order to enhance the dramatic narrative and the emotional impact of the scene in question.

            The Newton Brothers [Notable Works: Ouija: Origin of Evil, Gerald’s Game, Doctor Sleep]: Their score for Doctor Sleep is simply epic. Their work is haunting, and character driven. They grasp themes but don’t overly rely on them allowing their scores room to breathe and evolve as the movie progresses – building the score to climax at the same time as the story. Their work has hit emotional points as well as terrifying beats – they’re style and approach to film scores make them stand out choices for a project like X-Men.

Screenplay: A screenplay or script is a written work by screenwriters for a film, video game or television program. These screenplays can be original works or adaptations from existing pieces of writing. In them, the movement, actions, expression, and dialogues of the characters are also narrated. A play for television is also known as a teleplay.

            Mike Flanagan [Notable Works (As A Writer): Ouija: Origin of Evil, Gerald’s Game, Doctor Sleep]: His work as a writer is remarkable. He’s written youth, he’s written experience, and he’s certainly written terror and all in fantastic manner. He’s a great filmmaker and has a grasp on his vision for any project. He’s got a great background perfectly suited for tackling something as unique and complex as X-Men.


Director: A film director is a person who directs the making of a film. Generally, a film director controls a film's artistic and dramatic aspects and visualizes the script while guiding the technical crew and actors in the fulfillment of that vision. The director has a key role in choosing the cast members, production design, and the creative aspects of filmmaking.

            Mike Flanagan [Notable Works (As A Director): Ouija: Origin of Evil, Gerald’s Game, Doctor Sleep]: He’s openly said he’s interested in a comic book movie. His work is airtight and wonderful. Doctor Sleep was a fantastic film and really balanced a lot of the character themes that fit so well with X-Men (fear and misunderstanding). He’s got an edge to his work, he knows how to move a story along in a gripping manner, he knows how to manipulate tension and he knows how to direct pulse pounding action. If anyone is going to bring the X-Men to the MCU Flanagan is the perfect person.


Charles Xavier/Professor X [Height: 6' 0", Age: 50's]: Professor Charles Francis Xavier (also known as Professor X) is a fictional character, a superhero that appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. He is known as the leader and founder of the X-Men. Throughout most of his comic book history, Xavier is paraplegic, although his body houses one of the world's most powerful mutant minds. As a high-level telepath, Xavier can read, control, and influence human minds. A scientific genius, he is also a leading authority on genetics, mutation, and psionic powers. Xavier resents the violent methods of the supervillain Magneto and argues for a pacifist path towards civil rights.

            Keanu Reeves [Height: 6’ 1”, Age: 55, Notable Works: Johnny Mnemonic, The Matrix, John Wick]: What Patrick Stewart really nailed about the character of Professor X was simply the goodwill of the character. Stewart played the role with every bit of heart and earnestly that allowed him to transform Professor X into the MLK-Like figure. Keanu has garnered the same type of ever-loving heart and earnest as a private individual through his experiences that make him capable of playing Professor X as an inspiration figure. Keanu’s presence can switch between intimidating and heartwarming. He has played characters steeped in philosophy and he’s done it extraordinarily well. He has the voice, the presence, the talent, the following, and the heart to take Charles Xavier and execute the concept flawlessly while giving us such a new and dynamic side to his ever-growing public image. Keanu is a perfect fit for the role because you can see that he cares about Life the way Charles Xavier cares about Life.


Scott Summers/Cyclops [Height: 6’ 3”, Age: 30’s]: The reluctant leader of the X-Men who shoots energy blasts from his eyes, Scott Summers has been fighting for the peaceful coexistence of mutants and humans most of his life. Cyclops has been deputy leader of the X-Men since his teen years and has seen the team go through a myriad of changes. In this version, the energy from Scott’s optic blast can alter from a concussive force to something akin to a laser.

            Garrett Hedlund [Height: 6’ 1”, Age: 35, Notable Works: Four Brothers, Tron Legacy, Triple Frontier]: For years he’s been my only choice for the role. He’s a fantastic and dynamic actor. He presents strength, heart, and intensity in his work and every time I try to cast the character, I come right back to Garrett simply because no one fits the role better in my opinion.


Jean Grey/Phoenix [Height: 5' 6", Age: 30's]: Charles’ adopted daughter and a powerful psychic and telepath. She was one of the very first student’s for Xavier’s school to hone her abilities. During this time, she met and fell in love with the team’s leader: Cyclops. She attempts to grow beyond her more reclusive nature and is particularly driven out of this mindset by Wolverine causing a spark of interest.

            Olivia Thirlby [Height: 5’ 4”, Age: 33, Notable Works: Juno, Dredd, Above the Shadows]: Another casting choice I’ve maintained for years, Olivia has given such interesting, diverse, and dramatic performances. She has shown that she knows her way around characters and I believe she could very well create an entirely new take on Jean Grey. She’s got all the qualities to make her the loveable X-Men that Grey was during the Stan Lee run, while providing the strength and stability the character expressed during the pre-phoenix Chris Claremont run. 


Logan/Wolverine [Height: 5’ 3”, Age: N/A]: With a past shrouded in mystery, Wolverine's memories are full of government secrets, traumatic events, romance, and death. Remembering only escaping Weapon X and later joining Alpha Flight, the man known as Logan was approached with a chance to change the world, by Professor Charles Xavier. After joining Professor X's X-Men, Wolverine has been using his mutant powers, to heal at an accelerated rate, enhanced physical condition, animal-like instincts, and razor sharp bone claws that protrude from between his knuckles laced with the indestructible metal Adamantium, to fight for the peaceful coexistence of mutants and humans most of his life.

            Milo Gibson [Height: 5’ 9”, Age: 30, Notable Works: Hacksaw Ridge, Gangster Land, All the Devil’s Men]:  An odd and new choice to be thrown out on the battlefield of various choices for the MCU’s Wolverine. Many might have heard of him offhand but might not have been exposed to his work. His most well-known appearance might have been under the direction of his father where he appeared in a minor capacity. He starred as Al Capone in the film Gangster Land but has made a more prevalent appearance in the lead of All the Devil’s Men. I’ve found that he’s an extraordinary actor as he has shown some dimension and heart in his performances. He’s got the talent, unfortunately he just hasn’t been served a proper role for him to break out. He’s got the look, the size, the talent, and the presence to play the perfect MCU Wolverine. He’s played roles that put him deep in action and has really stood out in that regard. He’s got the look to play the grizzled angry hero. If the fans want a more comic book-y version of Wolverine, then there’s no better choice then Milo Gibson. 


Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat [Height: 5’ 6”, Age: Teens]: Born to a simple life, computer genius Kitty Pryde's life was changed when she learned that she had the mutant power to phase through solid materials. Kitty joined the X-Men as its spoiled, bratty, easily angered member. During her years fighting for the peaceful coexistence of mutants and humans most of her life, Kitty has grown into a skilled and dependable member. Kitty starts as the eyes in character in the first film, assisting Xavier forming a rescue effort. 

            Caitlin Carmichael [Height: 5’ 4”, Age: 15/16, Notable Works: Wheelman, Epiphany, Dwight In Shining Armor]: A wonderful actress who’s just at the beginning of a wonderful career. She’s given strong performances and has portrayed a sense of innocence that draws in wonder and respect. She’s perfect to play such an eyes-in character like Kitty while playing the elements of strength and vulnerability with such honesty and interest. She’s the perfect actress to play such a young and promising character.

Dr. Henry McCoy/Beast [Height: 5’ 11”, Age: 30’s]: As a founding member of the X-Men, intelligently gifted Hank McCoy has been fighting for the peaceful coexistence of mutants and humans most of his life. Born with a physique, strength, and muscular structure greatly resembling an ape, Hank was known as Beast. Later, becoming a biophysicist at the Brand Corporation, Hank drank a serum he had created and further mutated himself into a blue furred, strong beast with fangs and claws.

            John Behlmann [Height: 6’ 4”, Age: 38, Notable Works: Riverdale, Above All Things, Dead Sound]: A strong actor with a deep voice and intelligent demeanor. He’s got a demeanor of soft intimidation, almost like an Animal with civility. He’s a great performer and could really do something with a meaty role like Beast and could do something both comical and deeply emotional with the role. 


Warren Worthington III/Angel [Height: 6’ 0”, Age: 30’s]: As a founding member of the X-Men, wealthy heir Warren Worthington III has been using his wealth and fighting for the peaceful coexistence of mutants and humans most of his life. Born with hollow bones, little body fat, and feathered wings, Warren is able to soar high as Angel. Later, joining groups such as Champions, Defenders, and, later with the founding members of the X-Men, X-Factor, Warren has always found himself returning to the X-Men.

            Miles Teller [Height: 6’ 0”, Age: 33, Notable Works: Whiplash, War Dogs, Top Gun: Maverick {Forthcoming}]: Miles is a great actor who was misused in Fant4stic. He has shown dimension and development in his performances that really hints to a bigger element of his characters. He’s done wonderful in Whiplash and War Dogs, both films letting Teller play with the role and have fun. There’s a sense of wonder in the character Angel as he is a Millionaire and a Playboy but at the same time suffering intolerance and hatred, seeing what Teller can do with that would be extraordinary.


Bobby Drake/Iceman [Height: 5’ 8”, Age: 20’s]: As a founding member of the X-Men, Bobby Drake has been fighting for the peaceful coexistence of mutants and humans most of his life. Later, joining groups such as Champions, Defenders, and, later with the founding members of the X-Men, X-Factor, Bobby has always found himself returning to the X-Men. A very powerful elemental, Bobby uses his thermokinesis to create ice shields, freeze enemies, and absorb cold or moisture around himself.

            Cole Sprouse [Height: 5’ 11”, Age: 27, Notable Works: Big Daddy, Riverdale, Five Feet Apart]: He’s been working a long time and has really stood out in performances in Riverdale and Five Feet Apart. He’s a strong actor and draws in charisma that makes him perfect for a more ‘adult’ Iceman while not entirely ignoring the youth and energy of the character. Cole is well known actor and this is a role that might really benefit him, letting him show a new side while also staying inside a comfort zone.

Ororo Munroe/Storm [Height: 5’ 11”, Age: 20’s]: After her parents were murdered in the rubble of a plane crash, Ororo Munroe began life as a thief with a severe case of claustrophobia, until she was worshiped as a goddess in a tribe in Africa. After Professor Charles Xavier recruited her for his X-Men, Ororo matured to the point of leading them, fighting for the peaceful coexistence of mutants and humans most of her life.

            Sierra McClain [Height: 5’ 6”, Age: 25, Notable Works: Mindhunter, Empire, 9-1-1- Lone Star]: A fantastic actress best known for her role in Empire. She’s a young actress that has played varied roles that allow her express new dimensions as an actress. She’s perfect for a role of such a contradictory character, a woman who’s been worshipped but is highly vulnerability due to claustrophobia. It’s the perfect role for her to really stand out and show what she’s capable of while letting her bring entirely new sides of herself to the table. 


Kevin Sidney/Morph [Height: 5’ 11”, Age: 30’s]: A shapeshifting and comedically prone mutant. He forms a quick friendship with Wolverine which begins to inspire the feral X-Man to grow and have friends. In X-Men: Second Genesis he is killed by Mister Sinister in the villain’s Savage Land Lair, an event that profoundly changes Wolverine.

            Anthony Carrigan [Height: 5’ 11”, Age: 37, Notable Works: The Forgotten, Gotham, Barry]: Ever since I saw him in Barry, I knew there had to be a perfect role for him in the MCU. His humor and transformation between his various roles only furthered the fuel and finally I landed on the idea that he had to play Morph. Morph has been one of my favorite X-Men characters since I was a child. His character arc was wonderful and the way it fueled Wolverine’s character arc as well as the character Arc Morph was given was entrancing. I always remembered that Morph was one of few who could make Wolverine laugh and I’d love to see that aspect brought to the MCU and act as a catalyst for a long character arc for Wolverine while giving Morph the treatment he deserves. 

Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler [Height: 5’ 9”, Age: Teen]: Born to a Neyaphem Mutant, claiming to be the inspiration for Satan, Azazel, and the shape-shifting mutant terrorist, Mystique, Kurt Wagner was abandoned at birth, due to his demonic appearance, and raised highly religious by circus Romani. Born with a unnatural level of gymnastic agility and later gaining the ability to teleport, Kurt became a high wire wonder, until a violent mob drove him from the circus. Saved by Professor Charles Xavier, Kurt joined the X-Men and has been fighting for the peaceful coexistence of mutants and humans for most of his life.

            Wilson Radjou-Pujalte [Height: 5’ 9”, Age: 17, Notable Works: Dickensian, We The Kings, The Witcher]: An extraordinary young actor who’s shown promise and strength in his performances. He’s given great dramatic performances that make him more than capable to play a strong and more-classically aligned Nightcrawler. It would be refreshing to see him balance a rope between Swash-Buckling Fun and Deep-thoughted drama. There’s no doubt that when it comes to the character, Wilson is a perfect choice for an MCU-Styled Nightcrawler.


Elizabeth Braddock/Psylocke [Height: 5’ 11”, Age: 20’s]: A mutant assassin estranged from her Superhero brother: Captain Britain. She spent her youth training, seeking her own glory ignorant to the world around her until she met Charles Xavier and joined the X-Men.

            Naomi Scott [Height: 5’ 6”, Age: 26, Notable Works: Power Rangers, Aladdin, Charlie’s Angels]: She’s a strong and introspective actress. She’s given deep and layered performances as well as done more action heavy roles, both traits of which drew me into casting her as Psylocke. It’s a role that allows her to play with new character strengths than she’s used to. A role like Psylocke is very expansive and gives an actress room to develop their own strengths and vulnerabilities and for Naomi as an actress I could think of no better role. 


Remy Lebeau/Gambit [Height: 6’ 2”, Age: 30’s]: A Former thief who was abducted by Sinister at a young age and raised to be a spy and became a key member of the Marauders. When he encountered the X-Men he saw in them a family that led to him rebelling against Sinister and fighting off the Marauders.

            Joey Batey [Height: 5’ 9”, Age: 32, Notable Works: The White Queen, The Riot Club, The Witcher]: Casting Gambit really comes down to a few elements: The Accent, the Look, and the Charisma. Joey Batey is an actor made of immense and tantalizing charisma that can switch between heartthrob and loveable goof. His look matches his charisma, as he certainly has the look of someone capable of taking care of himself. His work as an actor stands strong and has only fueled belief that he could easily adapt to Gambit’s Cajun accent. 


Anna Marie/Rogue [Height: 5’ 9”, Age: 30’s]: Daughter of Mystique, she grew up in radicalized until the time her baby Brother – Nightcrawler was born. Afraid her brother would be radicalized by their mother to hate the world and wanting to prove to herself that not all humans are monsters, she kidnapped her brother and took him a family in Germany, where he was raised. She returned to her mother and lied, telling her he was killed by a Mutant named Azazel. She was born with the ability to absorb life-forces as well as Mutant Abilities. When she was young, she fell ill and was forced to absorb the energy of a powerful mutant which re-coded her DNA which gave her super strength and the ability to fly. 

            Chelsea Edmundson [Height: 5’ 9”, Age: 31, Notable Works: Daylight’s End, Midnight Texas, Thunder Road]: A lovely and dedicated actress, Chelsea is an actress that has yet to see proper exposure for her talents. She’s shown a lot of strength and heart in her performances, giving a lot of momentum to her work as an actress making her a perfect fit for a very damaged and emotionally vulnerable character like Rogue. Where Anna Paquin had numerous elements of relatability in her performance as Rogue, Chelsea would be able to provide equal strength to balance those weakness to give a fully character-driven experience for the character.

The X-Men have been captured. Desperate to save his student, Charles Xavier goes on a globe trotting mission with a new prodigy: Kitty Pryde, in search of Mutants willing to answer his call to action to save the X-Men from the deadly and depraved experiments of Mister Sinister and his Mauraders. 


Dr. Nathaniel Essex/Mister Sinister [Height: 6’ 5”, Age: N/A]: Once Victorian Scientist, Nathanial Essex was obsessed with Darwin’s evolutionary theories. He sought to adapt Darwinism to human evolution and through nefarious means mutated himself into the pale figured mad scientist. His appearance drove his wife away declaring him to be “Sinister.” As time evolved, he began collecting mutant DNA attempting to create a perfect mutant – to aid his experiments he formed the Marauders as a private task force. This activity gained the attention of the X-Men whom Sinister captured and began taking the abilities from what he perceived as the world’s most powerful mutants.

            Tom Ellis [Height: 6’ 3”, Age: 43, Notable Works: Merlin, Rush, Lucifer]: A lot of what goes into playing a good villain relies on both writing and charisma. Great villains have used their inherent talent to draw in audiences with either their arguments or presentation before the other shoe drops and they present their darker tendencies. Tom Ellis as an actor has played the most biblically conflicted character with his beloved series Lucifer but has lacked a certain level of Cynicism and Sinister tendencies. He’s a great actor and has every bit of charisma and the look of someone born to play a role like Mister Sinister. There’s no doubt should he step into the role he would become instantly iconic as the X-Men Villain. 


Phillippa Sontag/Arclight [Height: 5’ 8”, Age: 30’s]: Arclight was once a soldier serving in American peacekeeping forces during a conflict in Southeast Asia. The experiences there severely traumatized her, and she retains bitter memories of that place. She used her rage to fuel her bodybuilding, which she further used to augment her mutant abilities.

            Jessica Camacho [Height: 5’ 2”, Age: 37, Notable Works: Taken {T.V. Series}, The Flash, Watchmen {T.V. Series}]: An actress who’s made a splash in the small screen appearing on numerous hit shows including the critically lauded Watchmen, Jessica has been able to stand out wonderfully in her appearances. Having played in the superhero realm before she stands as an actress perfectly fitting for a role like Arclight, something that allows her to play with power and create a personal dynamic and tragedy for a character who’s life seems to have been steeped in nothing but horrid images. 

Michael Baer/Blockbuster [Height: 6’ 10”, Age: 40’s]: Sinister’s hired Muscle, whom he sent to attack the underground world of the Morlocks, an event Sinsiter organized to gain the attention of the X-Men. He’s loyal to the power and the paycheck provided by Sinister. 

            Quinton Jackson [Height: 6’ 1”, Age: 41, Notable Works: The Midnight Meat Train, The A-Team, Vigilante Diaries]: While he’s not a Shakespearean actor, Quinton has made a reasonable successful leap from the world of UFC into film. With his breakout role being in the A-Team he’s made a memorable performance in The Midnight Meat Train. While he does come from a background steeped in MMA it only solidifies why he works for a role like Blockbuster. The Brutal mutant is a character that would allow Jackson to infuse not only his personality but elements of his MMA career in a character to give a more layered and developed character. For a character as open to dissection and reinvention as Blockbuster Jackson, while an unconventional choice, would allow Jackson to show exactly what he can bring as an actor. 


Victor Creed/Sabretooth [Height: 6’ 6”, Age: N/A]: A mutant possessing bestial superhuman abilities, most notably a rapid healing factor, razor-sharp fangs and claws, and superhuman senses. He is a vicious assassin, responsible for numerous deaths both as a paid mercenary and for his personal pleasure. Accounts as to the origin of his enmity with Wolverine are conflicted. It is known that Wolverine and Sabretooth were participants of the Cold War super soldier program Weapon X, and that Sabretooth saw Wolverine as competition and therefore antagonized him. While Wolverine is depicted as suppressing his more savage qualities, Sabretooth does the opposite and embraces them.

            Tom Hopper [Height: 6’ 5”, Age: 34, Notable Works: Black Sails, Kill Ratio, The Umbrella Academy]: Best known as the Intimidating and vicious Billy Bones in Black Sails, Tom Hopper is an actor that access an animalistic and threatening performance. His work has helped him stand out and after seeing his work, there’s no better role for him than that of Sabretooth. He stands with immense physical presence and has the proper demeanor to play the seriously threatening Victor Creed in ways that’s never been displayed in live action before. Tome stands as my number one choice for the role and given the opportunity, opposite a Milo Gibson Wolverine, the two could create a rivalry every bit as deadly and dramatic as the one between Sabretooth and Wolverine in the comic books. 


Chimera [Height: 6’ 1”, Age: 30’s]: A former interdimensional pirate from an unknown Earth, who can generate dragon-shaped flares of greenish-transparent ectoplasmic energy to strike her enemies on various planes of being (i.e. physical, astral, etc.).

            Alyssa Sutherland [Height: 5’ 11”, Age: 37, Notable Works: Day on Fire, The Mist, Vikings]: An actress I’ve been a fan of for a while. She’s been a remarkable force on Vikings and has really nailed a sense of power in her time on the show. She stands as an actress with much possibility and putting her in a role as open to explore as Chimera would really allow her some creative room to build a layered and emotionally resonate character.


Malice [Height: N/A, Age: 30’s]: One of Sinister's top lieutenants whose sadistic orders are followed without hesitation or question. She exists as an incorporeal psychic being that possesses others, though she often 'hides' in the person's subconscious and reveals herself in a mirror or as the dark side of the target's consciousness.

            Sofia Boutella [Height: 5’ 7”, Age: 37, Notable Works: Star Trek Beyond, The Mummy, Atomic Blonde]: Sofia Boutella is a wonderful actress, having appeared in Star Trek Beyond in a fun and very MCU-Like role and showing some real heart and appeal in her work, she is one of few actresses who could take a role like Malice and really make it something unique and befitting to her. Sofia has plenty to offer as an actress and giving her something as open for exploration as Malice is a perfect way to show what she can bring to the MCU.


Hans [Height: N/A, Age: N/A]: A Genetic Super Soldier created by Mister Sinister to act as a personal bodyguard. He has been given the mutant DNA of the original X-Men, gaining and enhancing their own abilities. 

            Emmett J Scanlan [Height: 6’ 0”, Age: 41, Notable Works: In The Flesh, The Fall, Krypton]: Having appeared as the powerhouse Lobo on Krypton, there’s no doubt I had to include Emmett. He’s appeared in wildly entertaining and entrancing performances, putting him in an X-Men movie would lead to seeing him bring a level of wild energy to a villainous role that would be absolutely astonishing to witness. Seeing him in a role like Hans that would get to play with a little bit of everything in terms of the X-Men’s abilities would be a fantastic treat to see on the big screen.


Vertigo [Height: 5’ 6”, Age: 30’s]: A mutate from the Savage Land who had previously fought the X-Men. She has the ability to psionically induce a sensation of vertigo in others. Vertigo came to join the Marauders, a band of mutants who worked as assassins in the employ of the enigmatic mastermind known as Mister Sinister.

            Katie Cassidy [Height: 5’ 7”, Age: 37, Notable Works: Gossip Girl, Supernatural, Arrow]: A stunning actress who’s created an iconic image of Black Canary in her appearances on Arrow, and having played villainous roles before in both the aforementioned series and Supernatural, there’s no doubt Katie could take a role with more nuance and develop something special out of it. She’s a wonderful actress and has really broke out in Arrow, with the roles she inhabits and the strength and morality she puts behind them she could give fans an adaptation of Vertigo that is wholly unique and wonderful for both the character and the MCU.

It’s become a dangerous world for Mutants, after the unveiling of Mutant Experimentation by the United States Government, a once peaceful Mutant Nations Declares war to exact vengeance on United States for its participation in experimenting on captive Mutants. The X-Men are given Ten Days to stop a first strike on the United States and Prevent all out war between Mankind and Mutants.

Max Eisenhardt/Magneto [Height: 6’ 2”, Age: 50’s]: Born in Poland during the Communist Occupation in the country, at the age of thirteen his parents were prosecuted for political crimes causing an outraged Max to attempt to murder the entire Russian High-Command. He failed and was taken in by another Mutant with similar powers known as “Erik Lehnsherr” who took Max outside Poland and raised him in Sokovia. He learned much from Erik who laid out his vision of a country for Mutant safety known as “Genosha.” Their exploits in Mutant Rights led to a fruitful friendship with Charles Xavier.  Max Eisenhardt aka "Magneto" the "Master of Magnetism" is a powerful mutant with the ability to generate and control magnetic fields. Magneto regards mutants as evolutionary superior to humans and rejects the possibility of peaceful human-mutant coexistence; he aims to conquer the world to enable mutants, whom he refers to as Homo superior, to replace humans as the dominant species.

            Clive Owen [Height: 6’ 2”, Age: 55, Notable Works: King Arthur, Children of Men, The Informer]: As an actor no one has had such a unique and diverse career as Clive. He's played some of the most unique roles all with a stunning result. He's proved he's a strong actor that can switch through many dimensions of a character. He has played eerily calm, manipulative, and unhinged. Seeing him take a role like Magneto would off up new dimensions for Clive as an actor and would only result in something unique and legendary.


Raven Darkholme/Mystique [Height: 5’ 10”, Age: N/A]: A member of a subspecies of humanity known as mutants who are born with superhuman abilities, Mystique is a shapeshifter who can mimic the appearance and voice of any person with exquisite precision, with a natural appearance includes blue skin and yellow eyes. Typically portrayed as a foe of the X-Men, Mystique has been a supervillain, founding their own Brotherhood of Mutants and assassinating several important people involved in mutant affairs; Mystique has been stated to be over 100 years old. Mystique is a parent of the X-Men hero Nightcrawler and the villain Graydon Creed, and the adoptive parent of the X-Men heroine Rogue.

            Asia Kate Dillon [Height: 5’ 7”, Age: 35, Notable Works: Orange is the New Black, Billions, John Wick Chapter 3 – Parabellum]: A wonderful actor who’s certainly been able to portray intimidating figures, Asia Kate Dillon is an actor that I wouldn’t have initially thought of for such a role. But with Asia being non-binary gendered their felt a level of fluidity and grace that would fit with the role of Mystique. With the shapeshifting Qualities it would allow Asia a new skin in which they could perform and bring a new dynamic to the character without betraying the concept or point of Mystique. It would be a unique thing to see but Asia would no doubt knock it out of the park and fit in well among the MCU.  


Emma Frost/The White Queen [Height: 5’ 10”, Age: 30’s]: Frost belongs to a subspecies of humanity called mutants, who are born with superhuman abilities. She is an urbane telepath with a well-noted dry wit. She was born to the very wealthy Boston Frost Family. She found the life of an aristocrat boring and began delving into the darker nature of politics through a party known as the Hellfire Club before joining Magento to establish a Utopia among Mutant Kind known as Genosha. 

            Sylvia Hoeks [Height: 5’ 9”, Age: 36, Notable Works: Blade Runner 2049, The Girl in the Spider’s Web, See]: One of my absolute favorite actresses. She’s played cruel, cunning, and sophisticated. She’s brought a level of intrigue and passion into her work that makes her stand out in any performance. She’s appeared in action heavy roles as well as roles that demand attention. With an overall presence and factor of intimidation there’s no doubt she could knock a role like the White Queen out of the park and succeed where numerous actresses have failed before. She could take the role and make Emma an almost Hannibal Lecter-esq villain. 


Fred Dukes/Blob [Height: 8’, Age: 30’s]: Fred Dukes, alias the "Blob" is a mutant who’s latent superhuman powers manifested themselves when he reached puberty. His major weaknesses were his short temper, lack of foresight, his lack of intelligence, and his easily manipulated self-esteem. Thinking of himself as no more than, in his own words, "an extra-strong freak," the Blob used his superhuman mutant powers as a performer in a carnival. He was freed by Magneto and brought to Genosha and cared for with compassion and understanding, earning his undying loyalty. 

            Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson [Height: 6’ 9”, Age: 31, Notable Works: Game of Thrones, Kickboxer: Retaliation, Hamlet Pheroun]: With such a large and intimidating presence, Hafþór has shown incredible work through numerous appearances in Game of Thrones and a wonderful villain in Kickboxer: Retaliation. He’s got an intimidating look that could take a role like Blob and add a sense of terror to the larger than life mutant. There’s no doubt, with his work and the wonders of a little movie magic make-up he could work wonders as Blob, making it the most memorable take on the character in the live action medium. 


Mortimer Toynbee/Toad [Height: 5’ 9”, Age: 40’s]: Abandoned by his Parents, much like Blob he was a Circus freak, working together in the same circus. He was often mistreated and formed a brotherhood with Blob and the two stuck together, when Magneto liberated Blob, Toad was welcomed into the fold leading to him to try to impress their Leader. 

            Nick Stahl [Height: 5’ 10”, Age: 40, Notable Works: Bully, Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, Sin City]: While I wasn’t a fan of his John Connor, I have been a fan of Nick Stahl. A strong actor that has been appearing in largely obscure and low budget affairs since a significant fall from grace, Stahl has been working his way back. He’s a strong actor and certainly a perfect fit for such a theatrical misfit as Toad. There’s no doubt Stahl could give a defining performance as the Amphibious Mutant. 


Arkady Gregorivich Rossovich/Omega Red [Height: 6’ 11”, Age: 30’s]: Little is known about the past of Arkady Gregorivich Rossovich except that he was a serial killer born in Russia. He was captured by the Interpol agent Sean Cassidy and turned over to the KGB, which wanted to experiment and attempt to create a supersoldier similar to Captain America. Omega Red was the end result. When theses experiments were discovered Magneto freed him offering him home at Genosha. 

            Yuri Kolokinov [Height: 6’ 5”, Age: 39, Notable Works: Game of Thrones, The Transporter Refueled, 6 Underground]: After his appearance in Game of Thrones there’s no doubt he’s ruthless enough to play such a monstrous character, while he does hail from Russia he has played many intimidating characters. When it comes to a character like Omega Red you can’t find a more perfect fit than Yuri, his work speaks for itself and with his overall presence he would be iconic as Omega Red. 


Lorna Dane/Polaris [Height: 5’ 7”, Age: Late 20’s]: Daughter of Magneto, a mutant who joined her father’s cause. She is a very political person but loses composure when discovering the Mutant Experiments, egging her father to take action to save them and bring them to their home country of Genosha. 

            Emmy Rossum [Height: 5’ 8”, Age: 33, Notable Works: Phantom of the Opera, The Day After Tomorrow, Shameless]: A wonderful actress, she’s done some amazing work over the years. She’s always been a standout in her work and has only continued to grow a wide arrange of roles that showcase multiple sides of her. She’s a strong actress and perfect for a role like this, something that allows her to balance a sense of innocence, rage, and power. There’s no doubt she would own the role. 


Alex Summers/Havok [Height: 6’ 0”, Age: Early 30’s]: Brother of X-Men Team Leader Cyclops, he was raised in an Orphanage that was once owned by Mister Sinister, he grew up unaware his older brother had survived the plane crash that led to their mother’s death. He was saved from this horrific lifestyle by Genosha’s leader Magneto, he reunited with his brother while spending time at the Xavier Institute. After a few years he left so he could join Magneto in helping expand both Genosha and their mission of Mutant Peace and Prosperity. He joins Magneto’s call to arms upon the discovery of mutant experimentation. 

            Jack Lowden [Height: 6’ 1”, Age: 29, Notable Works: Dunkirk, Mary Queen of Scots, Fighting with my Family]: A surprising breakout player in Dunkirk following through with two dynamic performances in Mary Queen of Scots and Fighting with my Family, Jack has shown some wonderful mileage in his performances. Through his performances he’s played numerous unique characters and putting him in a role like Havok would be something that could really expose how talented an actor he is and slingshot him into a spotlight. 


St. John Allerdyce/Pyro [Height: 5’ 10”, Age: 20’s]: Born in Sydney, Australia, St. John Allerdyce is a mutant who possesses the power to psionically control fire and flame, though not generate it. He wears a flamethrower on his back to provide the flame which he then takes control of. His ability to manipulate flame emerged in his teens, but he was unable to find a practical use for it. After years of working in Southeast Asia as a journalist and novelist, Pyro met the mutant Mystique, who later recruited him to the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants as a professional criminal and subversive.

            K.J. Apa [Height: 5’ 11”, Age: 22, Notable Works: Riverdale, The Hate U Give, The Last Summer]: Born in New Zealand, the Riverdale mainstay has begun to branch out in recent years, beginning to give some of the best performances of his career. With a memorable performance in The Hate U Give, he’s shown to be capable of a great many things as an actor. With what he’s given as an actor would be a fresh approach to see him take on a role with a little more grey and a lot more villainy to it, making him an absolutely perfect choice for the MCU’s Pyro.

The X-Men are sought out by the Royal Monarch of the Shi’Ar Empire in hopes to stop on oncoming conflict regarding the Shi’Ar’s prized N’Kraan Crystal as it begins to channel cosmic forces for the next Universal change. With traitors and unexpected revelations inside the Shi’Ar Court, the X-Men will battle forces bigger than ever before. 

Empress Lilandra Neramani [Height: 5’ 11”, Age: 40’s]: Princess-Majestrix Lilandra Neramani was a member of the royal family of the Shi'ar Empire, which was governed by the extraterrestrial Shi'ar race and controlled all known inhabited planets in the galaxy in which the Shi'ar dwelled. Lilandra was born on the world called the Aerie, the planet on which the Shi'ar race originated. The Empire was ruled from an artificial planet called Chandilar, the Imperial Throneworld.

            Charlize Theron [Height: 5’ 10”, Age: 44, Notable Works: Aeon Flux, Mad Max Fury Road, Atomic Blonde]: An actress who’s no stranger to roles infused with action and power, in the recent years Charlize Theron has begun to show what a force to be reckon with she is in Hollywood. Having given great an energetic-performances and really transforming in her roles really made her stand out and show that in many cases she’s leagues above other actresses. Given that she has a history of working with Keanu, my choice for Xavier, it would only help infuse the estrangement the two comic book characters have on the silver screen, utilizing two industry powerhouses in what could be legendary performances. 


Kallark The Gladiator [Height: 6’ 6”, Age:  40’s]: The personal bodyguard of the Shi’Ar royal family. An immensely powerful figure loyal to the Shi’Ar Empire. 

            Alexander Skarsgård [Height: 6’ 4”, Age: 43, Notable Works: True Blood, The Legend of Tarzan, The Aftermath]: Someone who’s chased a Comic Book role for quite a while now, Alexander is a phenomenal actor. While he’s been very cheated out of a well-deserved leading man status, he’s still one of the most dynamic actors working. He’s got all the talent and presence needed to effectively play the Royal Guard of the Shi’Ar. Putting him in a role like Kallark would certainly lead to him having a breakout moment, while appropriately adapting and evolving the legendary Gladiator. 


Christopher Summers/Corsair [Height: 6’ 3”, Age: 60’s]: Father of Scott, Alex, and Gabriel Summers. A space pirate by trade, he and his pregnant wife Katherine were abducted by a Shi’Ar scout ship, during this ordeal the plane was destroyed, causing Cosair to believe his sons were murdered. They were abducted by D’Ken and forced into slavery, Cosair in the labor mines and Katherine as a member of the Royal Harim. Cosair rebelled and saw his wife murdered and his son abducted into the care of the Shi’Ar court. Cosair began a search for vengeance and formed the Starjammers.  

            Viggo Mortensen [Height: 5’ 11”, Age: 61, Notable Works: Lord of the Rings {Franchise}, Captain Fantastic, Green Book]: I’ve never been able to see another actor in the role. He has turned in such fantastic, even legendary performances, all of which cement him as a perfect choice to play the aged Space Pirate bent on revenge. His work on Lord of the Rings is a large part of why he’s perfect, as it has shown Viggo play a character with great motivation but willing to dig his hands straight into the mud. There’s no doubt he is perfect for the role.


Ch’Od [Height: 9’ 0”, Age: 40’s]: Ch'od is one of the founding members of the Starjammers. Though he can be a fierce combatant, he is usually genial and friendly in social interactions (though his sheer size and lizard-like appearance can be intimidating to those unfamiliar with him or his species). Ch'od is accompanied by his small, furry pet Cr'reee.

            Jay Baruchel [Height: 6’ 0”, Age: 37, Notable Works: How to Train Your Dragon {Franchise}, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Random Acts of Violence]: With Taika Waititi and Mark Ruffalo having played large intimidating figures while maintaining a less-than threatening voice, it seems to have made a trend of large physically imposing figures with friendly voices. This is a trope that is in keeping with Ch’Od. Jay Baruchel is an actor who’s done some wonderful work and has built a career of playing the good natured figure and with his voice performances in How To Train Your Dragon, there’s no doubt he could carry an action filled role without losing any of the friendly charm or be seen as unbelievable in such a role. He’s a perfect actor to integrate into the MCU and would be fantastic as the good natured Starjammer. 


Hepzibah [Height: 5’ 6”, Age: 20’s]: Hepzibah was born on the planet Tryl'sart, while under Shi'ar Imperial Rule. She had also spent some time in the prison on the planet Alsibar, where she met Corsair for the first time. While Corsair was imprisoned by the authority of the then Shi'ar Emperor D'Ken, brother of Deathbird and Lilandra of the Royal House of Neramani, Hepzibah, with the help of several other prisoners who would later form the Starjammers , aided Corsair in their mutual escape from Shi'ar prison. Corsair won the respect of the Hepzibah, becoming the leader of the Starjammers.

            Olivia Cooke [Height: 5’ 5”, Age: 26, Notable Works: Bates Motel, Ready Player One, Sound of Metal]: Olivia Cooke has really begun to shine as an actress. Having danced in between Blockbuster Roles and serious Independent films, she’s really began to show what she’s capable of as an actress. She’s fantastic and has brought a level of heart to her roles that makes her a fit for both the MCU and Hepzibah. 


D’Ken Neramani [Height: 6’ 0”, Age: 50’s]: D'Ken Neramani was a member of the royal family of the Shi'ar Empire, which was governed by the extraterrestrial Shi'ar race and controlled all known inhabited planets in the galaxy in which the Shi'ar dwelled.

            Eric Bana [Height: 6’ 2”, Age: 51, Notable Works: Star Trek, King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, Dirty John]: I’ve always been a fan of Eric’s work, He’s a wonderful actor that is well known for playing good individuals, but after his stunning turn in Star Trek as the villainous Nero, I’m excited to see him jump back into a role of such a despicable madman. He’s given performances that have been tension-filled, thought provoking drama and seeing him bring that to D’Ken would be an absolute treat for fans of the X-Men’s Shi’Ar based adventures.


Davan Shakari [Height: 6’ 2”, Age: 40’s]: Davan Shakari was an agent of the Shi'ar Imperial Intelligence and Emperor D'Ken's hand on Earth. He operated out of a hidden base inside a lifeless volcano in upstate New York. Gabriel Summers was sent to Earth to become a slave for Shakari, but he escaped to be found by Moira MacTaggart, eventually becoming an X-Man of sorts.

            Nikolaj Coster-Waldau [Height: 6’ 2”, Age: 49, Notable Works: Game of Thrones, Gods of Egypt, Shot Caller]: No one has garnered as much sympathy as well as Hatred as Nikolaj has after his lengthy, beloved stint in Game of Thrones. Waivering in between despicable and clever, active and cunning Nikolaj has built a fanbase who simply love to watch him waive his charisma about and with a role like Shakari there’s so much for him to work with and reinvent that it would stand as an absolute wonder. This is an X-Men villain ingrained in my head and you need an actor who can really get in your head to take this role and make it something truly remarkable and not some one-note appearance. Nikolaj could make this character a memorable figure in the MCU. 


Cal’Syee Neramani/Deathbird [Height: 5’ 8”, Age: 30’s]: Cal'syee was born with atavistic features and was fiercely proud of it. Unfortunately, the atavism also caused her to experience fits of uncontrollable rage that eventually forced Cal'syee to kill her mother and younger sister. For these crimes she was stripped of her name and became known as Deathbird. She lost the right to the throne and was exiled from the Shi'ar Empire.

            Claire Foy [Height: 5’ 4”, Age: 35, Notable Works: The Crown, The Girl in the Spider’s Web, First Man]: A wonderful actress who has really been able to stand out and deliver stunning performances that question morality, Claire Foy has appeared in numerous projects, many of which she appeared as a pleasant surprise. A strong actress who’s given very consistently deep and harrowing performances, giving her something as complex and fun as Deathbird would be fantastic.


Korvus [Height: 6’ 4”, Age: 60’s]: A trader in the Starjammers, who reports to the Shi’Ar for a notable bounty. Loyal to the Empire, Korvus pretended to be a slave to gain Cosair’s favor and joined the Starjammers, using this connection to spy on Cosair and help D’Ken attempt to capture Cosair.

            Graham McTavish [Height: 6’ 2”, Age: 59, Notable Works: Outlander, Preacher, Aquaman]: A powerful and commanding Actor, Graham has appeared as a force to be reckon with in almost every performance he’s given. He’s a remarkable actor and capable of playing despicable villains as well as intimidating ones. There’s no doubt he could play the role to a full comedic and dramatic effect without losing a beat and create a household name out of the character. 


Gabriel Summers/Vulcan [Height: 6’ 0”, Age: 20’s]: Raised by D’Ken as a Shi’Ar bastard, Gabriel grew to be a sadist and displayed powerful Mutant abilities. Upon discovery of his abilities he was trained by Kallark for the royal guard and further enhanced. When he learned the History of the M’Kraan Crystal he began to form a plan to steal the power of the Crystal and take the Shi’Ar empire for his own. He began staging a secret rebellion with the Starjammers to keep the Empire busy, making it easier for him to execute key members of the Shi’Ar and stage his coup. 

            Dacre Montgomery [Height: 5’ 10”, Age: 25, Notable Works: Power Rangers, A Few Less Men, Stranger Things]: After a stunningly vile and emotional turn as Billy Hargrove on Stranger Things the doors have really opened for Dacre Montgomery. With such a sadistic yet emotionally vulnerable villain under his belt, he needs an opportunity to really expand upon the thematic elements he brought to Billy. With a very sadistic character laden with such a tragic back story an actor as detailed and emotionally drawn in as Dacre is something entirely necessary for Vulcan. Dacre is a phenomenal actor and perfect to take a role like Gabriel Summers and create a definitive take on the sadistic X-Men villain. There’s no doubt with the other actors playing Alex and Scott, Dacre is not only in league with but fits perfectly.



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MikeZ - 3/4/2020, 5:36 PM
- Well, seeing as I have Keanu Reeves in mind for Mortal Kombat's Raiden, guess I can't argue against him as Professor X.
- I think you could've went a little younger with your Cyclops and Jean choices.
- I'm hearing some weird rumors that Wolverine is going to be gay in future comics and that it might cross over to the films (we're already being teased with a homosexual kiss in The Eternals that "brought the cast and crew to tears"; haven't we suffered enough gayness). I hope it's just some rumors. Hopefully this Milo guy can portray Wolverine right and the film won't explore "toxic masculinity" as well.
- Oh, I so remember casting Caitlin Carmichael so many years ago as that little midget girl from Titan Maximum. She could be good, but what about Anna Cathcart from To All The Boys I Loved Before? That girl looks like Kitty Pryde from X-Men Evolutino.
- Miles doesn't look handsome enough to play Angel.
- Ah, nice choice for Iceman!
- I wouldn't be surprised if they went with someone like Wilson Radjou-Pujalte for Nightcrawler. Then again, he'll be drenched in prosthetics that no one will gripe about his skin color.
- Now, Naomi Scott is who you have in mind for Betsy Braddock. Now who do you have in mind for when her subconscious goes into Revanche?
- Oh man! Lucifer as Mister Sinister!
- You never hear from Alyssa Sutherland that much anymore. Whoever Chimera is would be an interesting role for her.
- Well some casting choices for a decade ago haven't gone away (Katie Cassidy as Vertigo and Clive Owen as Magneto).
- I'm not transphobic, but I think the last thing you want to have is a transgendered Mystique. Marvel films are already starting to get woke (you should hear the one tw@t writer for the She Hulk TV series; nihilism personified!) and turning off a lot of their fans. Don't add to it. How about Michelle Dockery or Gemma Arterton?
- Never hear from Nick Stahl anymore. IMO, not my ideal go-to choice for Toad.
- I think Emmy deserves a bigger role than Polaris. Let's keep that girl somewhat young (I'm spoiled on the Wolverine and the X-Men series).
- Personally I'd rather see K.J. Apa as Nightcrawler. Considering he's playing Christian singer Jeremy Camp in I Still Believe, no doubt would it be a better role suited for him. But that's me, because he doesn't strike me as the villain type, no matter how Australian he is. Maybe it should be Dacre Montgomery, since that guy plays a bit of a dick.
- How about John Barrowman as Corsair? Jack Harkness and Malcolm Merlyn have shades of the character already implanted.
- I think Corsair and Hepzibah are romantic, aren't they? Olivia might be too young against Mortensen
FlixMentallo21 - 3/4/2020, 8:48 PM
Interesting means to integrate mutants into the MCU. And it fits in with the blend of regular and Ultimate material that is their bread-and-butter.
DetectiveCinema - 3/8/2020, 5:13 PM
This lineup is stacked! Could not agree more with you in regards to Garrett Hedlund. Now that Richard Madden has joined the MCU in another role, Hedlund is my no. 1 choice too.

Reeves as Xavier is interesting. Honestly I struggle to picture it, but would definitely love to see him in the MCU in some capacity, just not sure as Prof. X.

Miles Teller as Angel is an interesting choice, and one that I think could work quite well if his angel/archangel story arc is explored, I can see him doing really well in the role. My personal pick would be Armie Hammer, but I'd settle for Teller.

Naomi Scott as Pyslocke is a great choice, can't think of anyone better.

Clive Owen would no doubt excel as Magneto, or pretty much any role his given, but to me Mortensen would just be that little bit better in the role, I'd opt for him.

Seeing Asia Kate Dillon in John Wick definitely makes me want to see her as Mystique, nice choice.

Charlize Theron as Lilandra is another top pick.

Nice work man, put a lot of effort into this and it shows.

Hoping to have my own X-Men pitch up and at em' in the next month or two.
SerKurtWagner - 3/13/2020, 3:15 PM
This is a really fascinating trilogy idea and some very unique fan casts that I hadn't thought of before. Claire Foy especially stands out as being perfect for Deathbird. I really love that you've included the Shi'Ar here, I think integrating them and Vulcan is the best route to tell a new story arc wholly different from what we've gotten from the franchise before. This was a really fun read.

(Also, I definitely agree that Dacre Montgomery is a perfect member of the Summers clan. The dude's bound to get picked up as a superhero before too long.
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