Bob Garlen Presents: Superman Film Series Fan Cast & Story

Bob Garlen Presents: Superman Film Series Fan Cast & Story

My take on a Superman Reboot since there's no other films in this series planned. Much shorter than my Batman Film Series, but exploring a detailed look into the life of Superman.

By BobGarlen - Jul 05, 2019 04:07 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: Bob Garlen


Superman: Emergence

Clark Kent grew up without knowing his purpose. Tought by his parents to look beyond the Kansas Cornfields of Smallville, he goes on a hunt for purpose after his father’s death. This leads him to Metropolis where their very own Homegrown Superhero Guardian has been murdered by a Serial Killer known as “The Parasite” with the help of Lex Luthor, Clark will discover his purpose as he becomes Metropolis new Superhero… Superman.


Superman: Seige

An Alien invasion breaks out in Metropolis as a mysterious Figure emerges from within the Government to challenge Superman and take Metropolis as his prize. Superman learns about his extra-terrestrial origins as he battles the Alien who destroyed his planet… Brainiac


Superman: Honor Tomorrow

Superman questions his future and his legacy when a villain comes from the future, aiming to kill Superman after he caused the death of his family. A deadly assassin from the future will stop at nothing to strip everything away from Superman, leaving Superman no choice but to fight for his life and loved ones.


The Cast & Crew


Composer:A film score (also sometimes called film music, background music, or incidental music) is original music written specifically to accompany a film. The score forms part of the film's soundtrack, which also usually includes dialogue and sound effects, and comprises a number of orchestral, instrumental or choral pieces called cues which are timed to begin and end at specific points during the film in order to enhance the dramatic narrative and the emotional impact of the scene in question. 


James Newton Howard [Notable Works: Unbreakable, The Dark Knight, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them]: His music is chilling and legendary. His work on Unbreakable is the modern Superman theme for many fans. His work on The Dark Knight had gravitas and emotion to it, and the Fantastic Beast score was whimsy and wonder in sound form. He’s a great composer and would no doubt be perfect to create a new Superman theme. 



Screenwriter: A screenplay or script is a written work by screenwriters for a film, video game or television program. These screenplays can be original works or adaptations from existing pieces of writing. In them, the movement, actions, expression, and dialogues of the characters are also narrated. A play for television is also known as a teleplay.


Drew Goddard [Notable Works: Cabin in the Woods, World War Z, The Martian]: An Oscar winning screenwriter for his work on the Martian, Goddard has an impressive body of work especially when it comes to movies about the triumph of the human spirit, like The Martian, or unexpected creative gems that you can’t stop watching such as Bad Times at the El Royale. He’s created an impressive body of work and is more than capable of creating the quintessential Superman movie.




Director: A film director is a person who directs the making of a film. Generally, a film director controls a film's artistic and dramatic aspects, and visualizes the script while guiding the technical crew and actors in the fulfillment of that vision. The director has a key role in choosing the cast members, production design, and the creative aspects of filmmaking.


Drew Goddard [Notable Works: Cabin in the Woods, Bad Times at the El Royale]: With few films under his belt he’s shown some creative force in his work and with writing just as stellar as his directing has shown he is more the capable at tackling Superman with a strong and mature outlook while delivering exciting and meaningful action.



Jonathan Kent [Height: 6’ 0”, Age: Late 50’s]: Farmer from Kansas, Jon Kent had lived in Smallville nearly his whole life, save for his late teens where he dedicated his time to the Army. Coming home he fell in love with the former school nerd: Martha Clark, who now ran Clark’s Convenience Store with her mother. Jon found a soulmate in Martha and the two began dating and married after just a year. Jon came home and ran the Family Farm after his father fell ill, finally forgiving him for his reclusive life, understand his Father was just doing his best. Jon lived by a strict moral code he combined from his time in the army and the morals he was taught by his father and later passed onto his son Clark. He died after Clark’s senior year, having had a heart attack on the farm after an argument with Clark. 


Kyle Chandler [Height: 6’ 1”, Age: 53, Notable Works: Friday Night Lights, Bloodline, Catch-22]: There is really no one I can imagine for the role. I love Chandler’s body of work but Honestly he just has the presence and the look of Jon Kent. He’s a great actor and there’s no doubt he could find the character fairly easy but the biggest selling point denotes that even though this version would appear in a couple flashbacks, Kyle would be able to make each and every appearance powerful and emotional especially to inspire Clark. 



Martha Clark Kent [Height: 5’ 8”, Age: Late 50’s]: Owner and Operator of Clark’s Convenience Store. She was a quit girl in High School but had always had a crush on Jon Kent. After high school her father fell ill and she worked with her mother to run the family store. It was during this time Jon returned from a 4 year stint in the Army and the two began dating. Martha has always been head strong and stands as a person Clark can always talk to. She now runs the store as Clark comes over to help with chores while living a life in Metropolis.


Lucy Lawless [Height: 5’ 10”, Age: 51, Notable Works: Xena: Warrior Princess, Battlestar Galactica, Ash vs The Evil Dead]: An odd choice in some regard, Lucy is still one of the most dynamic and powerful actresses working today. Her work is stellar and seeing her take on a motherly role and allow her to play a more humbled and emotionally available character like Martha would certainly show her in a softer and more lovable light outside her normal pattern of work. She’s the top choice for it in my eyes and there’s no doubt she could crush it and show off what she can do as an actress.




Clark Kent/Superman [Height: 6’ 3”, Age: 20’s]: From Smallville, Clark travels to Metropolis with no sense of purpose but a desire to help and write the Great American Novel. He has a kind soul and wants to inspire people with his abilities. With the assistance of child hood friend Lex Luthor, he fashions the identity of Superman, but as he battle for truth and justice he learns a dark secret about Lex that forever challenges their friendship.


Spencer Treat Clark [Height: 6’ 0”, Age: 31, Notable Works: Unbreakable, Animal Kingdom, Glass]: With a stellar performance in Unbreakable as well as Glass it was a surprising choice. When it came down to it, it was his optimism and drive his displayed in Glass that convinced me that he was a perfect candidate for Superman. He’s got the boy scout look and has shown he’s very capable of playing a role like Superman with an earnest and deep characterization.



Lois Lane [Height: 5’ 8”, Age: 20’s]: Reporter who’s lived a life full of secrets fashioning her desire to discover the truth of any matter. She’s strong willed and stubborn refusing to back down to any challenge.


Olivia Thirlby [Height: 5’ 4”, Age: 32, Notable Works: Juno, Dredd, Goliath]: A wonderful actress no stranger to playing strong active female protagonist. She’s just the type of performer the character needs to bring the character to an active role in a Superman film, while not compromising her strength or place as a character. Olivia would be astonishing as Lois.




Jimmy Olsen [Height: 6’1”, Age: 20’s]: Photo-Journalist for the Daily Planet he’s a close friend of Lois and a care free person. While he’s quick to doubt himself and his actions he always attempts to do the right thing and refuses to flee in the face of fear.


Andrew Garfield [Height: 5’ 10”, Age: 35, Notable Works: The Social Network, 99 Homes, Hacksaw Ridge]: A much better actor than anyone has given him credit for. He’s shown some amazing work, and his performance as Desmond Doss has shown he could take a role like Jimmy Olsen and make it something unique and fitting of a modern Superman tale without losing the heart or the fun of the character.



Perry White [Height: 5’ 10”, Age: 50’s]: Old-Fashioned Editor of the Daily Planet who still aims to bring unbiased news to the masses. He fights to keep the paper active among publisher pressures to take stance. He never backs down and stands as being even more stubborn than Lois Lane.


Brett Gelman [Height: 6’ 1”, Age: 42, Notable Works: Fleabag, Lemon, Stranger Things]: While he’s steeped more in comedy, Brett has shown he is capable of doing a fantastic job and steal any scene he appears in. I think he could take a more serious role like Perry White and inject humor without it feeling out of place, ridiculous, or disrespectful to the character. There’s no doubt he could bring a level of intensity to the role that is required when playing the character and develop the Perry White of the comics.



Det. Dan Turpin [Height: 5’ 9”, Age: 50’s]: An old style cop who’s unsure about the vigilante business in Metropolis. He’s a by the book cop but has his own personal doubts and demons. He attempts to do the right thing and begins to be influenced by Superman’s presence, even if he won’t admit it. 


William H. Macy [Height: 5’ 9”, Age: 69, Notable Works: Fargo, Shameless, Blood Father]: William H Macy stands as a living legend in acting. He’s done pretty much every type of role their is and has stood out in his more well mannered roles. While Shameless has shown he as more range than can be expected it would be a real treat to see him take a role like Turpin and really develop something unique and energetic for the role.



Det. Maggie Sawyer [Height: 5’ 8”, Age: 30’s]: An Idealist who wants to make Metropolis the place her father always described. She sees Superman as a beacon and thinks the Superhero presence is a positive sign for Metropolis.


Gwendoline Christie [Height: 6’ 3”, Age: 40, Notable Works: Top of the Lake, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Game of Thrones]: Unfortunately wasted in two Star Wars films, Gwendoline Christie has given some terrific performances and sorely needs an opportunity to shine. While Maggie Sawyer isn’t a main character it would give an avenue for Christie to explore and express what she can do for an audience. She’s a terrific actress and was made for this part.



Dr. Emil Hamilton [Height: 6’ 2”, Age: 60’s]: Scientist at heart, peaked by the interest and scientific applications of Superman’s very existence. He takes to helping him and learning more about the universe beyond Earth.


Ted Danson [Height: 6’ 2”, Age: 71, Notable Works: Cheers, Becker, CSI]: He’s a favorite of mine, having dominated Television nearly his whole career. He’s shown he’s got range and depth. His stint on CSI has shown that he not only can play intelligent but can display serious drama. He would no doubt work extremely well in a role like Hamilton.



James Harper/The Guardian [Height: 6’ 2”, Age: 40’s]: Superhero of Metropolis. James was a M.P.D. officer before being paralyzed in a shoot out. He was approached by Lex Luthor, who assisted and helped him walk again and become the super hero Guardian who protected Metropolis for years until he was murdered by Parasite.


Nathan Fillion [Height: 6’ 2”, Age: 48, Notable Works: Serenity, Castle, Night Hunter]: While it’s not Green Lantern, it is a role that gives Fillion a chance to be a superhero. He’s a fun actor and is always a bright spot for any film or tv series he pops up in and would be fantastic in a small part like Guardian.



Lex Luthor [Height: 6’ 2”, Age: 30’s]: Billionaire Idealist who feels he can save the world. Having murdered his step father after being abused he was kicked out by his mother. He traveled to Metropolis and rose from the slums to become a symbol of hope for the city. He assisted in the creation of Guardian and created Parasite to challenge him, wanting to see if he’s given the world the Superhero that would have saved him. He aims to make the Luthor name what his real father always envisioned it to be. He sees Clark as being ungrateful and after Brainiac’s incursion on Earth sees his “Creation” as a threat Humanity cannot abide by.


Ethan Peck [Height: 6’ 1”, Age: 33, Notable Works: The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, In Time, Star Trek: Discovery]: Grandson of the Legendary Gregory Peck, the apple hasn’t fell far from the tree, Peck has shown he’s well talented and has a lot of promise as an actor. He’s got an intimidating yet kind look that makes him someone who could play a more multifaceted Lex Luthor and evolve the character into the maniacal figure he is in the comics.



Maxwell Jensen/Parasite [Height: 5’ 10”, Age: 30’s]: A notorious Serial Killer, he was caught by Luthor and offered “More Power” than he could ever imagine. Through agonizing torture he was turned into the Parasite becoming a monster who needed to constantly feed. He believe he escaped and began killing on an even frequent basis, until he fought Guardian and learned the truth. 


Wilson Bethel [Height: 6’ 0”, Age: 35, Notable Works: Generation Kill, Hart of Dixie, Daredevil]: I fell in love with his performance as Bullseye. He showed he could play someone with no real feelings for others yet gain sympathy. He’s played an absolute villain yet stole every scene he was in. If anyone could take a part like Parasite and turn it into something unique and extraordinary, It’s Bethel. 



John Corben/Metallo [Height: 5’ 11”, Age: 30’s]: A Black Ops Soldier who was nearly killed by an I.E.D. He was taken into custody and experimented on by Dr. Milton Fine, transformed into a Cyborg powered by an radioactive Alien element and brainwashed into wanting to murder Superman.


Toby Kebbell [Height: 6’ 1”, Age: 36, Notable Works: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Warcraft, Kong Skull Island]: He’s better actor than he’s gotten to show. He’s done terrific performances in panned films but always stands out. With something like Metallo there’s no doubt he could take the material and elevate it into something wholly new and absolutely intimidating. He’s a great actor and could certainly give an iconic portrayal of Metallo.



Professor Milton Fine/Brainiac [Height: 6’ 3”, Age: 40’s]: Having posed as Professor Milton Fine for over a decade Brainiac infiltrated every level of Government and civilization, deciding it’s importance to the greater truth of the Universe. Deeming it unworthy he takes a slave in the form of John Corben and attempts to Control Superman as well as Take the City of Metropolis as a trophy to display as evidence of yet another civilization he is Above. 


Mahershala Ali [Height: 6’ 2”, Age: 45, Notable Works: Moonlight, Green Book, True Detective]: He’s never given a bad performance nor has he ever dropped in quality. He has an intimidating voice as well as presence. He’s a great actor that has done stellar work and is without a doubt a unique yet perfect choice for a role like Brainiac. He had fun in the recent Alita Battle Angel, and would no doubt have just as much fun playing Superman’s greatest enemy.



David Reid/Magog [Height: 6’ 3”, Age: 40’s]: A former farmer in Kansas like Clark, He was the soul survivor of a Nuclear Blast Caused by a battle from Superman and Atomic Skull in a fight to the death. With everyone he ever loved murdered Magog went mad. Seeing that the explosion had given him powers he fashions a new identity and decided to go back in time and murder Superman before his family could be murdered. 


Zachary Quinto [Height: 6’ 1”, Age: 42, Notable Works: Heroes, American Horror Story, NOS4A2]: Quinto is a fantastic and absolutely dynamic actor. He’s given some fantastic performances and has shined in pretty much everything he’s appeared in. Having done a great string of villains Magog stands as another that would allow Quinto new range, depth, as well as being able to develop something poignant yet powerful with Magog. 




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FlixMentallo21 - 7/6/2019, 11:00 AM
I gotta hand it to you—your choice of actors is refreshing for a hypothetical new cinematic take on the Super-mythos. Not to mention the use of villains that have yet to grace the silver screen, especially, of all obscure characters, Magog. I’m guessing, speaking of the guy, you drew a bit of inspiration from ‘The Kingdom’ for the plot. Also like how you worked in the Guardian—sort of like how Green Lantern Alan Scott was Gotham City’s protector before Batman.
bkmeijer2 - 7/6/2019, 3:16 PM
I rather see Spencer Clark as Flash and Nathan Fillion as Booster Gold, but aside from that these are some solid picks (as always)
MikeZ - 7/11/2019, 5:42 PM
- Nah, I can't really see Kyle Chandler and Lucy Lawless as the Kents.
- Never heard of your choice for Superman. Oh well, not a bad idea introducing an unknown in Hollywood playing Supes!
- I never hear of Olivia Thirlby anymore. Is she even acting. Plus, I'm in favor of Emmy Rossum as Lois Lane.
- How about a younger actor for Jimmy Olsen? I think he's in his early 20's when he's introduced.
- Interesting choice for Dan Turpin.
- Ethan Peck is related to Gregory Peck? Wow! I haven't seen him in anything that would make me go with him as Lex Luthor. I still side with Corey Stoll.
- Eh, Ali as Brainiac is a tough sell. What about Garrett Dillahunt, especially after his work as Cromartie in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
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