Fantastic Four: Return of the Sub Mariner.

Fantastic Four: Return of the Sub Mariner.

The theoretical pitch of how the SUB Mariner could feature in the F4

By TheSoulEater - Jan 19, 2009 12:01 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Okay, I'm not saying it WILL happen. Just saying it COULD.

So basically I was wondering, HOW could Namor work in a movie let alone a fantastic four movie?

I think the perfect scenario has presented himself with the recent happenings in the 2nd movie.

Here's how it could play out,

The FF have been working around the clock to take care of mutanous creatures that have formed from other cratores or people that were effected by the cosmic energy of the Silver Surfer when he was prepping the earth.

The movie starts out in year 1981. Dr. Franklin Storm is piloting a one man Sub Marine into the depths of the Pacific Ocean. He hopes that with the new Stark sub that they'd been given they'll be able to see for sure if there WAS any sunken city. Base warns him saying to just get to the agreed depth and then pull back, the stark sub is advanced, not invincible. Suddenly Franklin see's something, "Did you see that!" he yells into the com. "See what Frank?" Control agent Greg says, "That shape! I swear it was human! Just went passed me behind those formations."

"Fraaaank...Don't try anything weird...”, Greg moans, "Just come up top and-"

"I'm going to set my Low beams on so I won't scare what ever that was."
Franklin says ignoring him.

"FRANK! I'm telling you, get back up here. Lots of things could have the look ah human down here, it could be some kind of seal or squid."

"No, it was human. No fish moves like that, Now SHH. I'm moving in."
He turns off his com and pilots the small craft, around the formation what appears to be a path. "Franklin to base! Franklin to base!!" He says excitedly, turning his com back on.


"Listen to me guys." Franklin said interrupting. "There’s a road down here!"

"A what?" Asks Greg. "An actual ROAD, not some ocean bed that looks like a path, this was MADE!!"

The guys at HQ compose themselves: "Like by what a sea snake?"
Franklin shines his light on the path as he glides over it.
"Its almost TOO perfect to be a snake trail left by any known sea creature we know of, it has alley ways and avenues it even looks like. Greg we may have found-" He shines his light up and see's a pagoda. "YES!!! HA HA! This is it! We've found-” Suddenly there’s a crashing sound heard on the receiver back at HQ, Greg franticly tries to get communication back up. Franklin on the other hand is being turned over in his sub by some great THING. Frank looks out the view port to see a large tentacle rapping another coil around his hull, an EYE opens right in front of his sub, and it’s humongous. The Sub is taken by whatever it is over a cliff deeper into the darkness. We see the last of the tentacles going over the edge, and as the camera moves right, we see the side of someone’s face, watching him go down. Then the titles suddenly appear as we rush through the sea as if we're being propelled by some current, we pass by schools of fish, pods of whales. Until finally we see the titles "FANTASTIC FOUR: Dawn of the Sub Mariner." Then we suddenly burst out of the water into the open air, and we see NY in the distance and the titles:


As the titles dissapate we can hear a news anchor talking about the fantastic four, then we cut to where we are looking at TV monitor where said anchor is still addressing how the Fantastic Four are working hard to take care of "minor" problems, risen after the Surfer's appearance.

SUDDENLY the TV Shatters from something smashing into at it, as we back away we see that the something was BEN GRIMM, who was hurled into a Television store. "This is Minor huh?" He says getting up.

"Get with the game Ben!" Johnny says flying over head. As he flies past we see that the Fantastic Four are attempting to stop a monster. Likened to this, for all those who remember


Only it has four arms, like in the F4 game. On its back is man goading it on saying: “YES! Destroy them, destroy them all!!!" It of course is Moleman, not in a costume, just raggedy cloths like this


"Hey Reed!" Says Johnny avoiding a swipe from the creatures’ arm, "What does this guy want again?" Reed bounces out of the way of the same swipe, and says: “I don't know actually. Sue? You get anything?"
Sue is gliding around the Monster with a force field under her, "Destroy the world?" She says shrugging, "Or taking it over. I forget...”

Ben calls out as he hurls a car, "I thought he wanted to rob a bank."

Susan see's debris falling on some people that can’t move in time. She uses a force field to protect them, but being momentarily distracted she's grabbed by the beast.
"Good grief!" Reed says stretching towards Sue. Sue smiles at her husband coming to save her. "This beast is radiating cosmic energy off the charts!" He says excitedly.

"REED!" she yells. Reed snaps back and see's the predicament Sue is in. He snakes around the monster's arm and constricts, the beast howls in pain and releases her. Reed makes his hand huge to catch her fall, but she slows herself with a Force field. "I got it thank you!" she says torqued. She flies off to fight the beast again, Reed just stands there, "Oh boy" he says realizing the trouble he's in, and is squished by the monsters paw.

"I got ya stretch!" Ben says and lifts the paw off of Reed, who slithers out from underneath. "Ben", Reed says. "We need the Fantasti-car!".
"Your welcome." Ben says. Reed corrects himself "No, thank you Ben. I mean, this thing has been blasted by cosmic energy probably what the surfer omitted making this hole it came out of. If we can fire up the Fantasti-car, we can use my destablizer I used on you to..." Ben interrupts him, by punching another car out of the way. "It stops him DEAD, right?" Reed nods. "What is with you and words!" Ben says, "HEY KID. Get the Fantasti-car and fire the gizmo in it at him!"
"Why don't you use your remote?" Johnny asks before throwing a fire ball at the monster. "It broke when the thing crushed me!" Reed yelled. "Whatever." Johnny says and flames away.

Long story short, they defeat the creature and its master who falls into the pit after it. Later Reed theorizes that the beast was some kind of mole or rat or lizard, possibly a collaboration of all three. Like when Johnny used all three powers. It’s likely that the man riding on it was a some unfortunate person who was in the sewers at the time, and was also blasted by the surfer's rays when he made the hole. And as a result he went mad and could somehow control the beast. Sue is still upset about Reed blowing off her peril earlier, and isn't listening. Suddenly in the crowd she see's somebody in a trench coat looking at her intently. He raises his hand revealing a watch on a chain. Her eyes go huge, and says: “Dad?" She runs into the crowd to find the person but he's vanished, she even chases him into an alley, but no one is there, and its a dead end. Back at the Baxter building Reed is going over some test results,
"Reed." she says franticly. "I saw a man in the street who had-" Reed blows her off momentarily, "Just a minute!" he says, "REED! He had my father's watch!!" She yells.

Reed is actually upset, as her yelling made him add a substance wrong, causing the matter to blow up. He takes off his goggles and says severly: "Sue, THAT formula would have!- Did you say your FATHER'S?" He says suddenly hearing what she said.

"Yes! the one dad had with him before he disappeared." Johnny comes in, "Did I hear that right?"
Reed asks for more but Sue says that he was gone before she could get to him. He asks her if she's SURE that was her father's, And she takes offence to it. Johnny asks too, and she has to admit she was pretty rattled at the time but was sure it was. Johnny tells her that it’s okay he misses dad too.
Reed continues his work with the cosmic ray research once it’s agreed that she must've imagined it. What he's actually hoping to find is a way so that Ben can turn from Ben to the Thing at will like Johnny; this was why he was so excited in the fight earlier. He tells Johnny to tell her this because she doesn't want too talk to him. Alicia says she'll tell her, but that he's got to pony up and realise that even though his intentions ARE selfless, they can be seen as selfish if she's excluded from them.

Meantime, Sue has been watching scenes of their most recent fight on the News in hopes of spotting the mystery man in the crowd. She pauses it at a point and see's how in one frame, the man sure enough is there, but in another, ISN'T. Suddenly the alert occurs that someone is at the door. She goes downstairs to meet whoever it is as she's the closest one to the lobby floor. But no one is outside, only the watch hanging outside the door. Carved in it are the words, TO SEE FRANKLIN. COME TO THE EAST SEA FRONT, ALONE.
She thinks about telling Reed, but his com is busy. "I'm probably working now, if it’s important-" the recording says. She clicks it off, "Would you care if it was?" She asks, and decides to go there alone like it said. At the pier, she see's the man from before standing at the piers edge. "Susan Storm?" He asks. "Yes, she replies. "Where is my father?"

Reed meanwhile just gets out of a testing room "AH! I was wondering where my earpiece was." He says picking it up off the floor, "Johnny, be more careful when you borrow this!". He puts it in his ear and turns it on, "Oh Sue called." He calls her back. "Sue, are you there?" Reeds voice suddenly sounds were Sue is standing. "I SAID TO COME ALONE!" the man says sternly. He turns to face the sea. Sue stops him with a force field, "WAIT! Where-is-my father!" she says. He turns around slowly, "You would do well not the threaten me, woman!" SUDDENLY HUGE TENTICALS LEAP FROM THE WATER. "...And too much is at stake to not return with you!"

"Sue?" Reed asks, "Where are you what’s going on?" All he can hear is a struggle. He activates the tracer on her and yells for Johnny (who's playing the Ironman game on Wii) and Ben (eating with Alicia), to suit up, Sue's in trouble.
Sue Meantime is attempting not to be grabbed by the tentacles; the man meanwhile simply walks out to the sea. "It is useless to resist Susan of Storm. The Kryle has never failed in taking prisoners." He says. "SUE!!!" he hears,and turns to see the F4 zoom at them in the Fantasti-car. "DIVE!" he orders what ever the beast is, and he and the creature vanish into the depths with Sue. The f4 make an effort to find them, but can find her nowhere beneath the waves. However the watch of Franklin Storm is left behind.

The Army/Navy are obviously concerned about this abduction and are making preparations about a threat like this occurring again. They promise to aid in the search for Susan with Subs and will supply Reed with whatever he needs.
Back at the Baxter building Reed is working over time to both prep the Fantasti-car for aquatic travel (with the Aqua designed mission suits, and the thermite flame so Johnny can burn under water), And also crack why someone would have her father, or want to kidnap SUE? (NOT THOSE REASONS YOU PERVE!)

He says that though the watch is Franklin's, the chain on which it hangs, is of a nationality he doesn't recognize, not Egyptian, not Mayan. "Maybe it’s more space people?" Ben offers, Reed disagrees: "No, its earth make, maybe a conglomeration of the two languages?..." Suddenly it all makes sense to Reed, he runs off to his lab and begins searching through files. Johnny asks what he's doing, Reed says he's looking for ancient text, "Is it going to help bring Sue back? Cause if not we should be in that water right now, trying to save her!" Reed answers that his Father may be the clue to all this, "You know how your father was a paleontologist? Well in his findings, he said he thought he found the traces of the lost city of Atlantis somewhere off the coast of Greece. In his records he stated that the glyphs on the pottery was like the combining of multiple languages."

Johnny, Ben, and Alicia try to take this in, "But he said himself, it was a dead end, it wasn't possible for.....You’re having that look again Reed." Ben
says, Reed stops in his rummaging. "Maybe he didn't mean that." Johnny looks at Reed cock eyed. "What? You’re saying our dad was a liar?" Reed puts his hand up, "No, not lying but...maybe found something else that he wasn't sure about so he didn't tell anyone else about it. On the day he disappeared, Stark industries reported one of thier subs on loan was missing. The pilot of the sub, who I'm guessing was you and Sue's Father, said the last thing seen while they were in contact was some kind of path. MAN MADE!" Ben finally asks, "So what? You’re saying that Susey and daddy were kidnapped by mermen?"
"They were kidnapped by SOMETHING Ben." Reed says, and today confirms it.
And I'm getting her back! I stake my life on it."

Meanwhile Sue is coming awake, wondering were she is. She's in what she can only surmise as some kind of underwater....palace? On her mouth is as strange transparent device, she reaches for it, but a voice says: "I wouldn't, were I you." She turns to see the man that captured her in the first place.
"YOU! Where am I!" She says using her ablities to push him against a wall, he's stunned momentarily but then punches the force bubble making her arm hurt. "Forgive me for the manner in which you were brought Susan of Storm but the terms were you come ALONE." He says. "You can breathe underwater?" Sue says realizing he has no air brace around HIS mouth. "I need not oxygen to breath underwater." He says passively, "None living here in Atlantis do. You however, despite your abilities, have that hindrance in your genetic make up."

"Why bring me here?" Sue asks, "Even if I came alone, I don't think that would've kept you from taking me here against my will."
Not seeing the negative angle of her comment Namor answers, "You are here at the request of your father, Franklyn Storm." Susan started, "He's here?!".

"Yes, and has been for many years. He has proven himself a hospitable guest during his stay. Likened to you, he is the one thing that offer's evidence of there being no need for war."

"War?" Sue says making a vain attempt to take this all in, "War between whom?"

"My kingdom of Atlantis and the surface world, from wence YOU came." He says taking her to a window in her room. She see's a vast, glowing city, with structures and buildings perhaps thousands of stories high.

"YOUR kingdom?" she says catching on. "Yes, MY kingdom. I am Namor, ruler of Atlantis and forever more the SUB MARINER."

Basically, Franklin Storm has been under Atlantian jurisdiction for all these years. Kept safe, but not allowed to leave. Quite recently, Atlantis suffered a great loss in aquatic/Atlantian life. This was a backlash of the Surfer's powers as he made a hole in the ocean. Believing this to be a deliberate surface world attack, many prepared for battle, but Namor was uncertain because of the terrible cost in Atlantic lives in the civil war fought decades ago, costing him his betrothed bride. However, a surface world emissary, calling himself DOOM, was found beneath the waves near the Chinese coast and delivered to Namor. Seeing the circumstance, he began to paint paranoid images in the minds of Atlantian's of the surface dweller's oppression and how he narrowly escaped and that they will be coming for THEM next. The U.S. subs looking for Sue justify Doom's story. Franklin tried to deswaid this notion as some misunderstanding. Unfortunately he was framed for omitting a sonic pulse through the water that alerted the surface dweller's of the possible location of Atlantis. Doom of course framed him, but since the evidence against Storm was not conclusive, he was put under house arrest and was no longer allowed to state his case for the surfaces' innocence.

He was allowed one request according to Atlantian law, that someone of HIS blood line be allowed to journey down to Atlantis and testify in his place. Faced with this perplexing decision, he knew the most sensible one to summon was SUE. This is all explained to Susan by her father when she meets him, and he tells Sue at the end of his commentary: “Susan, right now YOU are the herald of peace in the wake of a world war OUR world cannot win."

Meanwhile, the Fantastic 3 journeys bellow the depths with Franklin's research to guide them. Reed has packed a few essentials for their trip, as well as Reed's destabliser which he's modified.

They meet with Hostile resistance for getting THAT near the hidden city, and though a good fight is put up, they are overwhelmed by Atlantian creatures and soldiers. Reed finally says the Atlantian term for "Parlay, or Surrender." A term that in other languages entitles the invoker to have audience with SAID leader to plead his or her case for their lives. Its greek but it works out.

Namor on the other hand has taken a liking to Sue, who has been trying to convince him not to unleash his hoards and many weapons of destruction on the surface, one of which can cause a massive Tsunami. He also complements her on her mind and ability to sway someone with words of truth.

Doom now realizes that with Both Sue, and the rest of the F4 coming to plead THEIR case, his position may indeed be exposed. HIS agenda is to invoke war against the surface world on behalf of two of Namor's council: Attuma, and his Cousin Dorma. Doom and he will make the death of Namor seem like an act of war by the surface dwellers and then Attuma will assume the thrown with DORMA as Queen. Doom is promised that he'll be given a rank in the new order for helping them make such colossal weapons. Doom of course is looking to use the Atlantian Tech to rule the world AFTER he destroys the city, then he'll rise from the depths like the "god" he is, and take over what of the world is left from the OCEAN/SURFACE war.

Anyway, Doom decides the best way to convince Namor of the Surface world’s treachery is to have the F4 attack Namor. Reed has already issued a plea of peace so that they may speak, which is what Doom was hoping for because for them to violate it NOW would mean immediate incrimination, and immediate DEATH for the Four. He discusses this with Dorma and Attuma, and Dorma begins to make Namor believe that Sue is coming on to him, about the way she looks at him and what not. Being the forward kind of guy he is, when Sue is passionately trying to get Namor to see reason about the threat of war, he says he'll considerate if she kisses him, thinking this some lover mind game.(Plus she's as hot as heck, come on!)

Seeing no other way, but still not bringing herself to it, she turns away but he kisses her anyway, HARD, and right when Reed and the rest come in. Which is exactly what Attuma, Doom, and Dorma wanted. Obviously Reed and the 3 begin to confront Doom in combat, meanwhile Sue is trying to deswaid them from it because she knows it would only make the matters worse. Reed obviously thinks she's falling for Namor and continues to attempt to pound him with the others. (Good scene to show what Reed can do when he's pissed) This ends badly with Doom zapping Reed in the back so it would seem he's SAVED Namor. Johnny, Ben and Reed, are held in a dungeon to await execution, with all thier equipment confinscated, and they have a jerk of a prison guard. Meanwhile Sue is sent to join her father in house arrest until Namor can think this over. In the dungeon, Doom comes to their cell to gloat, and have some parting words before they're executed. Reed bit by bit begins to make sense of what DOOM'S plans are,(Taking over the whole earth and all) and Doom confesses his applauding at Reeds' ANOYING ability of deduction, but takes joy in the fact that they'll all be dead by deep sea compression within the hour. He then leaves with the sentence, "I hope you enjoyed your life with Sue seeing as I'll be seeing to HER death next."

Meanwhile Sue is trying to sort things out with her dad, who's trying to convince her that everything is not her fault. "But you don't understand, this would never have happened if I hadn't trusted Reed and asked him to help. Some
times I just thought I was just an addition to his work." He makes her feel better with some closure-esque speech, that I can't think of at present. "Sue, is Reed still the upstanding young man he was when you played together?"
Sue confirms, "He's hardly changed at, right down to getting his attention." Franklyn says, "If he IS the same kind of person he was when you were kids, and his feelings for you are as real as you say, then I know exactly what you mean. He's alot like me when I met your mother." Sue is stunned:"What? Your nothing like Reed."

Franklyn grins:"Oh believe me, I was quite the obsessed man when your mother was alive, trying to get her to understand that I was obsessed about HER was the hardest thing to get across to her, that was my own fault. But eventually, something snapped where I couldn't wait any longer and had to stand up for her hand against another man. And I think Reed's attempt on Namor down there proves how he really feels about you." She smiles and he wipes a tear from her face, "We'll think of something. I promise". "But what?" Sue asks, "My force fields could slam through these doors after a while. But by the time I got through they'd probobly have reinforcements and kill Reed." Franklyn thought a while, "Fancy that. YOUR the super woman, and I'm the one trying to explain your powers' aplications. Tell me again, what you can do?"

Then the two of them get the idea of how to escape. HE understands the system matrix of Atlantian technology. If Sue can make the walls invisible, he can tell her which parts of the wall to damage or compress with her force bubbles to make a distraction in the alarm system, or unlock the doors. They try it, and they end up making another alert that an attempt has been made on Namor's life. As a result, most of guards in front of their room are called away. Sue then makes an escape after knocking the 4 remaining guards unconscious, by suffocating them with Force bubbles. Then they rush to the Dungeon area to try to free the rest of the 4 before their execution in the next few minutes. THE 4 meanwhile have been making their own attempt at escape thanks to Reeds assumption of their security matrix's, Reed tells Johnny to goad on the biased Atlantian guard about his technology, or race and urges Ben to do the same. Ben takes the floor:"So FLIPPER!" he calls out, "Tell me, how did you got rid of you little fins?" The guard says, "Watch it you great rock heep! I'm not supposed to use certain and deadlyt force on the prisoners until the exicution. But I don't know what any of THIS stuff does, so I cant know what your weapons will do to you."

Reed acts like he's trying to calm the both of them down, "Don't anger the guard pointing the destabliser at me!!!" he says. Johnny taunts him some more, "Aw come on! Doesn't even know how to work the thing! Do yah moron?" The guard points it at him. Johnny acts like he wasn't expecting him to call his bluff. Ben growls at him, "You touch the kid, and I'll rip your little flippers apart!" The guard smirks, "Not so uncurtious now are we?" Johnny acts genuenly scared, "Don't point that please!" Reed says, "If you activate it will demolish the molicules of anything its aimed at!" The guard is shocked, "You were going to use this on US? You surface worlders ARE more barbaric then I thought!" Ben yells again:"Put that thing down and fight me like a MER-man!" The guard fires the gun at Ben, and with a wirring and swerling of energy, Ben convolses and then goes limp, his body still shifting, and he falls out of his restraints on the floor. "BEN!!!" Johnny yells, "My finger slipped." The guard smirks, "Now..." he says turning to Johnny and Reed again, "Show me again, what happens if I aim this at one of your fingers? Does it come off or?-" Suddenly the guard is knocked out by Ben from behind, who is in his human form now. "Good work Ben!" Reed says quitting his passafistic act, "Great going baldy!" Johnny aplauds. "I figured you meant the machine would change me back so I could slip out of those restraints." Ben says, and picks up the gun. "No need for that Ben!" Reed says, "But I gotta change back into the ever loving THING if I'm gonna rip those restraints offa yah." Ben protests.

Reed smiles, "We don't have much time Ben, just try to change back, on your own!" Ben looks at him strangly, "I can do that now?" Johnny:"NO way!" they hear the guards coming down the hall now, and Reed yells to Ben "Come on Ben!"
Ben closes his eye's, and tries his hardest, the guards are at the door. "Its not working stretch!" Ben yells, Reed is actually at a loss for what to do "It was supposed to work.." He says. Johnny tries to burn through the restraints again, "I still can't flame on!" he yells.

Ben gets an Idea "Flame on?" he echoes. He turns to the door that the Atlantian guards have just broken down, "Gentlemen..." he starts, "ITS CLOBBERIN' TIME!" They open fire on him but the laser's bounce off his ROCK SKIN, its voice activated too. He clobbers the guards and stands in front of Reed so the lasers won't hit him, after freeing Reed, he joins in the fight, Johnny is next, and at the end they're all free and fighting.

When the invisable girl and her father reach the prison area they find Reed, Ben, and Johnny who are now fending off the Atlantian Prison guard. In the midst of the fighting, suddenly the guards are picked up off the ground by an invisible force field and smashed against the walls. Sue comes down the corridor.

Sue starts pledge her loyalty to Reed but is cut off by him kissing her, saying he's only glad that she's safe, and that he would never take her for granted again. "Johnny?" Franklin says coming into the scene, "My little Johnny?"

"Dad?..." Johnny says choked up. He hugs him his long lost father, tears in his eyes having a tender moment. He tells Johnny how proud he is of him; how Sue's told him he's become some kind of "SUPER HERO."

Ben cuts in reminding everyone that Attuma will try to wipe out half the U.S. Navy if they don't move their sorry butts. Sue says that for that, they'll need Namor. Reed of course thinks this out of the question, but Sue tells him to trust her this time, and that he really DOES want what’s best for his people.
"Fine! But I'm coming!" Reed says, "SO AM I!" Says Franklin Storm, not keen on letting anyone but her husband put the moves on her. Ben and Johnny's job is to find Doom and keep him from getting to the City's reactor, and reverse its turbine polarity. Reed, Sue, and Dr. Storm arrive in time to save Namor from Attuma and Dorma, who in another previous scene have poisoned him or done something to him and left him for dead. Sue explains to Namor that he needs to help them defeat DOOM, the real advisory in this plot. Namor then shows us all how powerful HE is in helping the 4 defeat the renegade forces of Attuma, and Doom.

In the fight with Doom, which is half surface fight, half ocean fight, it looks like Victor is going to kill Reed by stopping heart, but then Namor ironically saves him, saying no one will harm they that SUSAN OF STORM HOLDS DEAR, FOUL VILLIAN! (Not that cliché' but you get the idea.)

Namor Makes some kind of werlpool water spout that jets Doom out of the ocean into the clouds above, only his mask falls down into the water again(Couldn't think of a better finisher).
The final fight is where the Four, now on the surface of the water in the Fantasti-car, and Namor fend off the Armada approaching NY. This is the part where it is reveled that Namor can fly, and has and epic battle with Attuma. Attuma is run through by his own Trident, and then lighting from the storm strikes it like a lightning rod on top of that.

In the after math, Namor presents his reasons for his actions to the UN, but does not agree to be a constant or OFFICIAL member. Still in the wake of what the Atlantian’s are capable of, the UN decides to leave Namor alone. SUE and REED, on the other hand have patched things up, and she and Johnny have their Father back, who now lives with them in the Baxter building, ironically helping Reed, being a science wizz himself.

"Oh boy." Ben says, "Now there's two of em."
Reed uses Franklin's' help to perfect the process so that Ben, (Who's engaged to Alicia) can change back and forth without having to say "ITS CLOBBERING TIME", although Ben kinda likes it. They also think that together they can make a brake through in finding another demension, a NEGATIVE demension Reed is calling it, but again Sue interrupts. Reed puts everything down this time to ask what it is. The movie itself ends on the note of Sue telling everyone that Her and Reed are going to be parents.

Okay...not my BEST pitch, but not bad for a hurried one.

The casting is as follows.

The original cast of course

fantastic four 2 four Pictures, Images and Photos

Mickey Rourke as Mole Man


Jonathan Rhyse-Mayers: Sub Mariner



Attuma: Sam Neil


Lady Dorma: Ogla Kurylenko

Olga kurylenko

Franklin Richards, to be played by Matthew Modine


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TheMyth - 1/19/2009, 2:21 PM
Good story. It involves alot of getting captured lol, and I wish a great story could be made without Doom, but I like this take. The cast for Namor is a good choice. I like having Susan knocked-up at some point too. Franklin Richards is one of the most powerful mutants on Earth. Good stuff!
TheSoulEater - 1/19/2009, 7:05 PM
Thanks, and I know what you mean about seeing Doom, AGAIN, it just seemed like a good way to use his disapearence in the water. I mean he's like terminator when he's thrown over board, he cant die so he'd just walk on the ocean floor trying to get back to NY or Latveria until he found Atlantis by mistake. My only problem is wondering how to make it Really look like he's gone for good in this battle, since Namor dosn't take prisoners when someone crosses him or Susan of Storm.

The water spout blasting him into the sky was alright, but I was thinking maybe something along the lines of him using the oceans pressure to crush him, or throw him in an underwater volcano.

Here's a column I wrote about how "I" think Doom should've been done in the first place.
TheSoulEater - 1/20/2009, 4:16 AM
Never got into Cloak and Dagger, send it to me, as food for thought
AshleyWilliams - 4/23/2009, 3:26 PM
I dont like your choice for namor.... at all!
no offense but namor needs to be a king that guy no
maybe sklar/spock guy
TheSoulEater - 4/30/2009, 9:53 PM
What did you say? I couldn't make it out...If you meant Sylar then you should know he's not nearly as kingly, or as buff. Jonathen Rhyse Myres is both, he's played a king, has that supremistic air, Sylar thus far has only played weirdo's and psychos.
AshleyWilliams - 6/1/2009, 9:21 PM
sorry about the bad typing,i was half asleep.ha ha
AshleyWilliams - 6/6/2009, 5:35 PM
i get what you mean,he looks to young.
daniel craig or kevin mckidd would be be better
actually you suggested those on the boards!
i love the story!
IronManisGOAT - 6/8/2009, 12:53 AM
Well there is a lot of good things in here. I cannot imagine roads in the ocean as there are non depicted in the comics. In my opinion it would be because they aren't needed... Dialog gets your point across but its pretty cheesed up. Namor kind of starts as a villain'ish character too. There is a lot going on in this story of yours and would be better if it was shrunken to fit a single villain or two at a time. The old FF acting crew would need a reboot as well. The acting was nowhere near par. After the Dark Knight comic book films look better with a dark feeling and darker cinematography to it. If you started the film with a Jaws feel I think it would be better. Portray Namor as a sea monster to make it feel like a more powerful presence instead of a mystery... then have people wonder where "it" came from. As soon as the film opens it should have a camera mounted in the ocean as if it is a person treading water and looking up at the sky watching the defeat of Galactus then re-submerge.
The audience now is aware of a sea creature but the film goes immediately to the FF.... I have to go but I will continue this tomorrow. Great backbone of a story though keep up the writing.
TheSoulEater - 7/9/2009, 12:31 AM
Thank you IronManisGoat

The ROADS are because Atlanstis supposedly SANK.

As for the Villain aspect, I understand taht BOTH, the serise itself needs a reboot, and that He does play more of a villain.

BUT this is just to follow in the footsteps of the previous movies.
SGA - 10/27/2009, 10:51 PM
Fantastic (pun intended :P)
LEEE777 - 5/2/2010, 9:03 PM
Great sequel idea man, i really love it!

Always wanted MOLE MAN in THREE!!!

I'd sooo want this more than a reboot!

You caught the essence of the FF though an though!

Damn that took a while but was well worth it, love the cast too dude (wont hold the NAMOR pic against you lol).

A big thumbs up from me!
TheSoulEater - 5/7/2010, 8:34 PM
Thanks alot LEE
mavericstud9 - 10/24/2010, 7:17 PM
Matthew Modine is about the right age for Franklin Richards-born 1968,he'd what 39-40 by now ?
TheSoulEater - 11/14/2010, 3:54 PM
@Yes indeed Joe Thompson
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