Gotham tv series season 1

Gotham tv series season 1

A Smallville themed tv show based on the life of a young Bruce Wayne

By Karlel01 - Nov 03, 2012 12:11 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Gotham tv series season 1

Before we start I would just like to say I was a huge fan of Smallville and thought it was a bold retelling of Supermans origins, now I know in the Smallville comics that Batman will be making an appearence later in the year however this is my own ideas about bringing the character to the world and the start of his journey towards becoming Batman in a world where superheroes have just been revealed to the world after the events of the final season of Smallville.

Again this is my retelling of the character and my bold approach to his origins which I have tried to make unique for the show, also to reflect Batman's world this show is a lot more darker and mature than Smallville directed more to an older audience.... hope you enjoy.

A young billionaire in the city of Gotham famous for not only his wealth but also his sad past Bruce Wayne has grown into a reckless and emotionally damaged young man. But a great destiny is waiting for him and his crusade is about to begin.

1. The Legacy Begins
2. A Haunted Past
3. The Mind Of A Genius
4. Flip Of A Coin
5. Sanctuary
6. Calm Before The Storm
7. The Path Towards Fate
8. Dark Intentions
9. To Save is to Sacrifice (finale)

The Main Cast
Bruce Wayne

Ed Westwick


Michael Caine

Vicki Vale

Britt Robertson

Harvey Dent

Chace Crawford

Jim Gordon

Kiefer Sutherland

Barbara Gordon

Mackenzie Foy

Carmine Falcone

Viggo Mortesean

Episode 1: The Legacy Begins

This episode will focus on Bruce Wayne and of course the first scene is the infamous moment when a young Bruce witnesses his parent’s murder.

As the episode carries on we see Bruce much older however he isn’t quite the Bruce Wayne that we know off he is arrogant, quick tempered and has little care off responsibility and we see him drinking, partying and womanizing. (Remember he isn’t even thinking of Batman this early and so he doesn’t portray a hero in any sense he is just a young, reckless billionaire with a sad past).
We also have a good amount of scenes between Bruce and Alfred, however most of these scenes show Alfred’s disappointment in Bruce’s lifestyle.

We also are introduced to another of the main cast Harvey Dent, a young and law determined individual and a friend to Bruce, however is not quite the party animal as the young billionaire (this is an interesting dynamic as at the moment Bruce is the wild card of the pair and Harvey is the one with a bright future apparently ahead of him however as we know in the future Bruce is the hero and Harvey one of his greatest enemies.

Two more characters that are brought into the series are Harvey’s father Michael Dent who pretends to be a mid-time businessman and Gotham’s crime boss Carmine Falcone who actually has Michael Dent in his back pocket.
However the last scene of the episode he will be at the Wayne mansion talking to Alfred about his parents.

Alfred: ‘Another day done and dusted Master Bruce’.

Bruce: ‘The day yes the night however is still very much young’.

Alfred: ‘Of course so what will it be tonight, crashing another expensive car into the royal ballet theatre, or perhaps another one of your famous drunken escapades that manages to decrease the family name even further and of course finished off with some tart you’ve met for half an hour to complete a hard day’s work’.

Bruce: ‘Hey those tarts do have a name, I just can’t ever remember what they are’.

Alfred: ‘I don’t know what ever happened to that young boy I once knew but I know he exists somewhere in there behind all that whiskey and bravado but you keep this up then that shooter may as well have pulled the trigger three times that night as opposed to two’.

Bruce: ‘How dare you’.

Alfred: ‘No Bruce how dare you, your father was the best person I ever knew, your mother the most kindest, if they could see now what you’ve become it would break their hearts…. as it has mine’.

Bruce: ‘And what is it that I’m meant to become Alfred’.

Alfred: ‘I don’t know master Bruce but the answer is not at the bottom of a scotch glass’.

After Alfred tells Bruce what his parents would think of the man he has become rather than the man he should be and then leave’s Bruce looks out his arched window at the night sky and asks himself ‘and who is that’, at that moment a bat can be seen flying up from the gardens below and up towards the moon with Bruce staring at it in awe,(with the bat flapping its wings with the moon shaped round it resembles the Bat signal.

Episode 2: A Haunted Past

This episode revisit’s Bruce Wayne however much has happened in such a short time, after his argument with Alfred about self-worth Bruce can’t enjoy the rich playboy lifestyle he has lived to, when he drinks he has no enjoyment, when girls flirt with him he can’t be bothered, it’s like he is revaluating his life and is starting to realise although this is the life he could have its not the life that he wants.

During the course of the episode Bruce takes a more interest in his father’s company and to the much dislike of the board he decides he will be taking a bigger interest in Wayne Enterprises.
However as the episode carries on it becomes clear to Bruce that there is a fair amount of corruption in his company even from some of his own board, however he refuses to back down from threats made against him.

In this episode young reporter Vicki Vale is introduced and told she must interview Gotham’s most esteemed bachelor himself, however when she finally get her chance to question Bruce she finds not the wild bad boy that she has read about in the papers but more a disturbed and conflicted man who, sparking an interest in him Vicki decides to dig deep in Bruce’s history and discovers he used to have mental counselling from a Doctor Hugo Strange.

Also the ending has Vicki come to a discovery, that Bruce’s parents weren’t murdered because they were just at the wrong place at the wrong time, they were targeted and contracted, and someone wanted them dead.

Episode 3: The Mind Of A Genius

In this episode we start off with Vicki Vale interviewing Bruce’s old psychiatrist Hugo Strange in which we learn Bruce had been diagnosed with low latent inhibition meaning Bruce has a condition in which his brain is more open to incoming stimuli in the surrounding environment. As a result of this condition, he is unable to block out periphery information and instead processes every aspect and detail of any given stimulus. This, combined with a high IQ (as a Hugo explains) theoretically makes him a genius.

(Would like to note this is a retelling of his character and in this universe is the reason why Bruce has the ability to one day become the world’s greatest detective).

Hugo also explains that as a result of Bruce witnessing his parents death at such a young age he has grown up with the illusion of no self-worth, meaning that he has no care for what happens to him however if a situation came up where he can help someone even a total stranger than he would again with the illusion that he couldn’t save his parents therefore feels a need to save others.

This gives Vicki as well as the viewer a new concept of Bruce and that he isn’t just some rude uncaring playboy and that there is much more to him than the womanizing disguise he puts on.

The story also revolves around Bruce learning more about his father’s company and continuing to frustrate the board by making decisions that don’t seem to be in the board’s financial interest.

We also see a lot more from Carmine Falcone and the criminal underworld of Gotham in which it is also revealed that Harvey Dents father actually works for Falcone in secret.

The last scene we have Vicky making her way into Bruce’s Mansion with the pretence of finishing her article, however Bruce (under the influence of some rather expensive scotch) opens up to her about the night his parents were murdered and describes what he can remember from the shooter.
Bruce: ‘I remember very little of that night but the horror of kneeling before my lifeless parents…. But I remember him, smiling at me as if to him what he did was some kind of big joke’.

(Would like to point out that this is of course a Joker reference and that in this universe it was a young Joker who fired the gun triggering the events in Bruce’s life).

Episode 4: Flip Of A Coin
Okay at this point there are a few storylines going on, Bruce is conflicted with his life, Vicki is continuing to look into Bruce’s past but no longer to write an article but to try and help him and we have Michael Dent doing shady deals with people on behalf of Carmine Falcone and lying to his son Harvey, however one deal goes wrong and when Michael attempts to beat up someone who owes Carmine Falcone money but after a struggle Michael ends up killing the man.

Also two other characters are going to be introduced and that is of course Commissioner Jim Gordon and his little girl Barbara, we start off with Jim juggling a life of investigating the Falcone mob family and his role as a husband and father at home.
Also Harvey discovers that his father is a criminal and when his pleads with his father fail to get him to turn himself in Harvey struggles with his conscience whether to do the right thing and turn him over or protect him and hide the guilt.

Bruce and Vicki also grow closer in this episode and its clear to us that a romance is starting between them, Vicki feels a sense of belonging and believes that she can perhaps save Bruce from his pain whilst Bruce hasn’t felt cared for by a woman since his mother died.
The episode ends with Harvey Dent tricking his father by pretending he has been exposed, leaves his father confessing all he has done through a live wire that Harvey is wearing and with all he has learnt from law school is able to get his father arrested for his crimes.

As the pair passes each other with Michael’s eyes filled with surprise and anger towards his son,passes him a strange looking coin from his pocket into his sons hands and whispers in his ear.
Michael: ‘Well played son but I warn you it’s not a noble trait to have, being two faced’.
(Again this is a little teasing mention of who Harvey will grow into).

Episode 5: Sanctuary
This is a vital episode and in a few seconds you’ll see why, after this episode it will mark the half-way point to the series now it’s all great having characters develop and engaging stories etc but what would separate this show from any other is that this show is basically Batman before he was Batman and there even with the story arcs going on we should get some episodes centred around not Bruce growing as the man we will one day know, but also ones that let us see Bruce grow into the legend.

So in this episode Bruce discovers a large underground cave underneath Wayne Manor which is believed to be the reasons why his gardens have been populated with bats and will focus on what will one day become the Bat Cave.

Also we see Bruce’s and Alfreds relationship begin to heal as Bruce realises the hurt his actions has affected the butler and Alfred has seen great change in him.

Also since Harvey tricked his father leading to his arrest, he begins to think he is being followed intently and confides in Bruce to let him stay at the mansion for protection in which Bruce agrees.

The end of the episode has Harvey’s suspicion confirmed and three masked men break into Wayne Manor holding Harvey and Alfred captive along with Vicki Vale who had come earlier to see Bruce, during all this Bruce is trapped in the underground cave after a landslide with no way out from the way he came in.

However after investigating the cave he finds a small tunnel in which he crawls through and discover it leads up to his mansion, at the end of the tunnel he manages to loosen the cracked concrete and lifts up one of the floorboards.

However once inside he sees the three gunmen and for a second with his fists clenched he thinks about taking the three of them on but as reality hits he thinks he didn’t stand a chance and instead manages to ring through to Gotham police and in minutes the manor is surrounded, in the panic, Bruce manages to untie Dent and tackles one of the gunmen to the floor and knocking him out with his fists, Dent takes on the second gunmen and with Bruce quickly helping out his friend the second one falls unconscious, now all remains is the third and final masked man and as he enters the dining area hearing the disturbance, looking at the pair he unmasks himself and Harvey immediately recognizes him as one of Falcone’s men who worked with his father, as the gunmen points his gun between Bruce and Dent he finally settles his sights on Bruce.

At this point it seems Bruce’s fate is sealed with Vicki and Alfred still tied up Vicki screaming through tears for Bruce to run whilst Alfred is pleading with the gunmen not to do it, Harvey tries to stand in front of Bruce to protect his friend but Bruce shoves him back not allowing him to make that sacrifice, in that second a gunshot can be heard but not from the thugs gun, as the mobster falls to his knees and a small pool of his own blood, standing behind him is Jim Gordon revealing him to be the shooter thus saving everyone.

Episode 6: Calm Before The Storm

Happy Episode

With what’s happening there needs to be a feel good episode here that not all doom and gloom and at this stage is the best time for one, Bruce and Vicki are officially dating with Bruce also able to face his inner demons.

Harvey and Bruce’s friendship has never been stronger and Harvey is well on his was to being a high end lawyer and Bruce is agreeing to help loan him what he needs to achieve Harveys potential and without a doubt best friends.

The Gotham mob are getting reckless and dismantled with thanks to Harvey convicting his father and Jim Gordon pushing the police force on their investigation, also Jim is repairing the bond between him and his daughter.

This episode shouldn’t be all about action sequences and a twist in the plot, its purpose is to act like the calm before the storm, to have the good guys feel safe and happy before the rug being pulled from under them.

Episode 7: The Path Towards Fate
Crossover Episode

Bruce goes off the rails and after learning Carmine Falcone called the contract for his parents murder he gets drunk and sets out to kill the mob boss and Vicki and Harvey must work together to stop there friend.
During Bruce’s breaking point he is visited by Doctor Fate and is told that today is the day his life will change forever but only if he keeps to the chosen path, he explains Bruce will be visited by three souls of justice one being him and gives further teases about who he will become, then after two more shall come into his life each placing a piece in the puzzle.

As the story goes on the second spirit of justice is none other than Oliver Queen also known as the Green Arrow, at first Ollie believes Bruce to be in with the Gotham mob but after seeing he can be trusted works together to bring down the main establishment and severely crippling the family, Ollie shares his wisdom to Bruce about himself being a billionaire with a sad past doesn’t mean he has to act the way people should expect him to and that he has found his true calling and hints to Bruce that he should find his.

As the episode comes to an end Bruce is discussing with Alfred about what’s been going on in his life lately and that he knows he has to do something however the answer is right in front of him he can’t see it, he also wonders as the day is almost at an end where the third spirit of justice is but not until Alfred turns on the T.V on the news report is it revealed who it is.

Its Superman…. After making yet another save in Metropolis he is being interviewed by the news and makes a statement.

Reporter: ‘Another save from our shining guardian whether he was sent down from the heavens or a land far far away I think it’s safe to say we are thankful Superman that you are here’.
Superman: ‘I ask no one to be thank full for anything, I am here to help and to protect not because I have to but because I choose too, but if you do want to show your appreciation for me than I ask you to live your lives the way I have chosen to live mine, that if you have the power to help people then help people.
(At this point Clark looks right at the camera almost as if looking at Bruce through the screen)
Superman: ‘And if you have it within you to do more than you already can, then find that strength within you because then you may even surprise yourself what you can be’.

(What makes this episode great is threefold, firstly with the crossovers it confirms that this shares the same universe than the Smallville series even with the more adult tone, secondly we get to see for the first time actual in gear superheroes in the series especially Tom Welling fully shot wearing the suit and lastly all three have something to unintentionally help Bruce to his journey, Doctor Fate tells Bruce he has a bright future, Oliver shows Bruce that just like him with all his money, ego and personal issues he can still make a difference in the world and of course Superman explaining the power of self-worth and inner strength.

Episode 8: Dark Intentions

The first part of the finale has the storylines come together, Michael Dent is approached in his prison cell and at point black range is murdered by obviously one of Falcone’s men in order to silence him, when the news hits Harvey he is wrecked with guilt.
Alfred wakes up in his bed to see Bruce serving him breakfast very much to the butler’s surprise but pleasant none the less.
It’s clear Bruce has grown up a lot in the past few months and what’s been happening in his life has helped him deal with the pain he has held since he was a child.
Jim and Barbara’s relationship has also become very strong and with Jim finally making waves in the underside of Gotham’s criminals he is being made a public hero to the city.

However the mob ‘Falcone’ in particular take revenge on Gordon and kidnaps little Barbara.

With Gotham P.D working to slow, Jim takes it upon himself to rescue his daughter by himself, as Bruce and gets ready to attend one of his board members engagement party his attention is quickly brought to the television screen with the report of Barbara’s kidnapping and Jim Gordon going A.W.O.L, Bruce is unsure what he can do but after it was Jim that saved him and his friends and that a little girls life is threatened he knows he has to do something and sets out to find Harvey.

Episode 9: To Save is to Sacrifice (finale)

The second part of the finale and the last episode of the season opens with Jim still working on his own trying to find out his daughters whereabouts, Barbara in captivity and finally Bruce and Harvey meeting up with Vicki to team up and plan how they can find Barbara.

Vicki says that she can perhaps dig up old records on the Falcone mob for clues about where they might be hiding along with Harvey’s law authorization and Bruce’s company satellite they go from place to place in order to locate the hideout and discover it’s at an old warehouse near the southern docks, and by Wayne Enterprises satellite photos they notice Jim Gordon sneaking towards the area, hot on his trail the trio drive to the docks as fast as Harvey’s car would go.

As the three arrive they are quickly spotted and surrounded by Falcone’s goons however Bruce lunges at one of them and is shot and falls in the Gotham waters, as the goons knock the remaining two unconscious and carry them away to the warehouse, Bruce can be seen slowly climbing up the harbour clutching his arm where the bullet hit.

Inside the warehouse during the confusion outside Barbara cleverly manages to wriggle out of her bonds and runs away from her captives and is long gone before anyone notices.

Refusing to give into the pain, Bruce sneaks his way into the large dark building and as he clambers up high in the guttering he spots Harvey and Vicki sitting tirelessly in the centre and with them Carmine Falcone himself along with at least fifteen of his men all armed.

Bruce jumps as he hears something behind him, as he looks round he sees Barbara Gordon crawling towards him, clearly recognising him as Bruce Wayne the billionaire.

After a brief exchange of quiet words and Bruce impressed with the girls courage they look down at the Falcone mob and their friends.
Bruce thought to himself he had to save them but didn’t know how also the gunshot wound in his arm was given him excruciating pain, he knew he wouldn’t stay conscious for long and so searched around the room as to how he can save them.

(Here we get a slow motion sequence as Bruce’s eyes dart from place to place around the room so he can make a prepared move, this also reflects Bruce’s low latent inhibition allowing him to make incredible thought to the objects around him).

Suddenly gunshots can be heard and as Bruce looks down he sees four of Falcone’s men dead on the ground and Jim Gordon being struck down by Carmine himself and apprehended to his knees, as Carmine give his men the nod to clean up Jim, Vicki and Harvey have guns pointed at them and are seconds away from an execution.

Bruce had to cover little Barbara’s mouth to stop her screaming until he spots movement through a small crack in the tin roof above their heads.
As Bruce continues to glare at the darting shadows he soon realises that it’s a group of bats, much like the ones in the cave under his Manor, as he looks elsewhere he notices some of the crates are opened and when he looks inside he looks deep into Barbara’s eyes he simply tells her…. ‘I have a plan’.

In that moment the mob family below jump at the sound of small explosions above them and suddenly the tin roof gives way causing a swarm of bats to fill the room distracting and shocking the Falcone’s on what was happening.

As the army of bats pour into the room and daze Carmine and his goons, Jim gets to free himself and immediately goes to free Harvey and Vicki but is immediately spotted by Carmine who screams at his men to open fire.

With Jim arming himself and firing back he manages to retreat towards a back door of the warehouse building but its locked as the three look onto the mob with no option left a booming voice from a giant dark shadow can be heard above.

Voice: ‘Gentlemen you have done well, you have sunk the city of Gotham to depths it could never have reached, you have stolen from those who own nothing but their souls and you have done this without any consequence, I’m here to tell you that no longer shall you’re souls not be punished for the crimes you commit, give yourselves up now or the darkness consume you’.
(In truth it’s just Bruce who found a microphone device in one of the crates, using the sets of available light and added with the on and off again fireworks and bats constantly flying around the room the whole reaction from the Falcone family believe it’s some dark vengeful spirit).

This causes Carmine and his goons to be startled and Harvey Vicki and Jim confused and bewildered but Carmine wants Gordon dead and points his gun towards the detective.

However at that instance police sirens can be heard and police choppers flying above, admitting defeat Carmine drops his gun as well as his goons and kneels to the ground ready to be apprehended, as the police swarm the area, Bruce still on the high decking with Barbara whispers not to mention that she saw him and lets her run down to her father as the two embrace warmly.

Both Harvey and Vicki run towards the spot where Bruce was shot and laying their surely enough is Bruce.

(Pretending he had been at that spot the whole time)
As the ambulance comes to treat him Bruce slips out of consciousness but smiling knowing for the first time ever he had saved the day.
The ending of the episode and therefore the ending of the season has us skipping ahead a couple of days, Bruce is back in Wayne Manor with an arm sling and recovering from the previous night and he walks in on Vicki who had been waiting for him in the gardens.

However as Bruce walks towards her she realises that he is heavily stumbling and is clearly drunk, at her disbelief Bruce tells her that this was who he is and that he only pretended he needed her because he thought it was entertaining.

Vicki: ‘Why are you telling me this’.

Bruce: ‘Why wouldn’t I’.

Vicki: ‘You told me you loved me’.

Bruce: ‘Of course I did, I wanted to get you into bed’.
(she slaps him and runs in tears)

Vicki overwhelmed with shock, anger and hurt runs away from Bruce after his cold words but as she runs away Bruce suddenly stops pretending and a single tear runs down his cheek with him saying ‘I’m sorry Vicki’.

Next we see Bruce back inside his Manor listening to a voice message on his phone from Harvey Dent telling him that his worried about Bruce that he knows he is there and demands him to pick up the phone but Bruce just stands there over the phone refusing to do as the message said.

As the message is being played Alfred walks in and Bruce stops the answering machine.

Alfred: ‘I take it you do not wish to speak with Mr Dent, Bruce’?

Bruce: ‘Not my wish Alfred no but it is my decision, Harvey can’t have a friend like me not with what I’m planning now’.

Alfred: ‘And Miss Vale is she to be left out of your plans too’.

Bruce: ‘Yes having either of them in my life soon will bring them danger, and after the other night I never want them to be in that situation again’.

Alfred: ‘They will hate you Master Bruce’.

Bruce: ‘They will as too will the rest of Gotham, I used my disguise as a playboy before to hide the pain from my past but now I will use that same disguise to protect my future, everyone will believe I have gone back to the days of me drinking and partying’.

Alfred: ‘I don’t understand’.

Bruce: ‘Alfred I need you to do something for me’.

Alfred: ‘Of course master Bruce’.

Bruce: ‘I have been thinking these past few days who it is that I am’.

Alfred: ’I don’t understand what you mean you’re Bruce Wayne’.

Bruce: ‘That’s not enough anymore…. Not for me, the night when I was at the docks there was a moment when Falcone was going to kill Gordon and there was nothing Bruce Wayne could do but I became something else, something no one could see nor comprehend and in that moment their fear gave me power’.

Alfred: ‘I don’t understand Master Bruce’.

Bruce: ‘I’m not sure I do but I’m beginning too, these recent months I have been shown the path I must walk now it’s time for me to take that journey into it, (Bruce looks intently at Alfred) I need you to give me all the contacts you have from you MI5 days and any people you can trust who have access to gadgetry and training outside of Wayne Enterprises’.

Alfred: ‘Why would you need those contacts’.

Bruce just looks at Alfred.

Bruce: ‘Wait and see’.

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kong - 11/4/2012, 3:23 AM
Pretty cool. I've felt like i've seen this before though.
comiccow6 - 11/4/2012, 7:15 AM
It was reposted. Really nice! Sounds good, and would definitely watch it! WHEN WiLL YOU FINISH JSA!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
comiccow6 - 11/4/2012, 7:17 AM
And Flash 2. When are they coming?
FlixMentallo21 - 11/4/2012, 7:45 AM
Michael Caine sounds a bit expensive to use for a TV show. Same with Viggo Mortensen. But the rest are pretty new choices, never thought of Chace Crawford as a young Harvey Dent.

When you have a minute, check out my latest fancast: "Metallix: The Animated Series".
BatsFan - 11/5/2012, 7:37 AM
I would rather like to see a TV show that focus on Bruce training around the world. In every show he his in another part of the world learning fighting style, detective skill and man-hunting skill.
SpanX13 - 11/7/2012, 9:43 AM
Like the idea...I had a similar type of Idea only my series would be called Gotham Knights (play on words) as most of the series would play out at night & the good guys would be knights,not all shining though. Also it would be in the same smallville universe.

S1 would introduce GCPD characters,Gordon,Montoya,Bullock & many of the Year1 cast. Gordon moving to Gotham,a Lieutenant & finding out quickly who he can & can't trust. Second would be internal affairs agent Harvey Dent,who approaches Gordon. Yes much of TDK & the comics would be meshed. Then we move to the crime families Maroni's & Falconi's & many of their grunts, I'd use a character called Jack as the enforcer of the Mob but also use the Redhood 2confuse the fans as I like the uncertainty as to who the Joker really was...ala TDK. From the mob we'd have insight from two young guys joining the mob after returning from Europe...I'll spoil it for you,one is Bruce in disguise who uses the young mobster to get into the "outfit". The premise would be he uses this to feed Gordon info,the start of their relationship.

So Bruce works from within & Gordon,all leading to an eventual conclusion that see's them betrayed by a GCPD cop. The Bust goes bust, Gordon feels truly alone within the GCPD & Bruce is left wounded & alone as the cliffhanger ends...he gets 2a pay phone & calls.

S2 starts with a recuperating Bruce talking to Hugo Strange. Explaining in no real detail he's exploits while being "away" from Gotham. Strange notes that rumors of wild parties,exotic women are plenty. Alfred interjects & states that its enough & Bruce needs rest. This introduces us to how instrumental Alfred is in the evolution of the man, he guides Bruce in using misdirection & perception if he wishes to continue his quest. Just then he looks at a picture of his parents & asks how can he be more than just a man...the Bat burst through a window scaring Bruce,the siluet of the bat from the fire place stretching the whole room.

Now he doesn't become Batman completely in S2,but like goes on a quest to become more than a man,with Alfred in toe. Suddenly he dons the stealth gear as seen in the earlier parts of Batman Begins, the vigilante rumors start...its a great way to show more of the earlier ways Bruce learns himself how to maneuver through Gotham,using free running & his skill to use ingenuity. Again,we see Gordon promoted to Captain,Dent becomes an assistant DA & we see characters like Selina,Vicky, Rachel...Bruce only fully becomes the Batman at the final episodes,doing the iconic calling of the bats & from here S3 will delve into the arrival of the so called Rogues gallery.

In my mind I'd love the writers on the British Sherlock series do lots of the writing & also some of the writers from Fringe,who can take those stories & breathe some new life into them
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