InTylerWeTrust Casts Mass Effect 1 & 2

InTylerWeTrust Casts Mass Effect 1 & 2

One of my favorite video game franchises just may be coming to the big screen within the next few years. Who do I think should play the characters in the Mass Effect Universe? Click to find out...

By InTylerWeTrust - May 29, 2010 08:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Mass Effect 1 and 2 are some of my favorite games of all time. I love the characters, combat, graphics, music, RPG elements, story, mythology, everything. Not to mention the ending to the first game is epic to the max, and the ending to the second one quadruples that epicness. So, I thought it was about time that I gave my opinion on who should play the various characters of the Mass Effect universe.

Mass Effect Pictures, Images and Photos

Mass Effect Pictures, Images and Photos

Mass Effect 2 Pictures, Images and Photos

Mass Effect 2 Pictures, Images and Photos

Oh, and let it be known that it has a comic book J


Here’s a little sample of the epic music that Mass Effect has:

Tell me you wouldn’t want to hear that on the big effin’ screen!

As for the director, it’s a tough pick. JJ Abrams, Joss Whedon, and Neill Blomkamp would all be fantastic directors IMO, but the first 2 are going to be busy (Star Trek 2, Avengers, respectively) and the latter has said that he doesn’t want to get into the blockbuster-type genre that a Mass Effect movie certainly would be. It’s a tricky choice.

Danny Boyle could be interesting, but Mass Effect may be too big a movie, as he likes to handle more small, indie like films. Sunshine was great, but it was on a much smaller scale than ME. He’s a great director though, with good vision and knows how to get great performances out of his actors.

Ridley Scott, judging by his resume, seems to have a lot of potential to make a fantastic Mass Effect movie. He has roots in sci-fi, we all know that with Alien and Blade Runner. He’s able to make some epic shit happen, Gladiator comes to mind for this, and is generally able to generate good acting. But, his recent work as of late has declined a bit in quality, such as Kingdom of Heaven and Robin Hood. Maybe he still has some greatness left in him, and perhaps Mass Effect could be the franchise to bring that out? He probably wouldn’t take it if offered, but who knows for sure?

One choice that is really really growing on me is that of Alfonso Cuaron. His more well-known credits include Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and Children of Men. I consider POA to be the best one in the Potter film franchise. I thought the shift to a more mature tone, with some damn great acting from all involved, as well as exciting action made for a great fantasy film. I also think he would be able to handle the general moral ambiguity of some of the characters in Mass Effect, going by how he handled Sirius Black and even Harry himself. There is also the fantastic Children of Men, which had a very cool, pseudo-sci-fi tone to it, in the not too distant future. Some fantastic acting was done here, from Clive Owen as the protagonist especially, and the themes that arose in the film were very thought-provoking. It was an intelligent film, definitely. If handed this franchise, I think Cuaron could really do something special with it, but that’s not to say he’s perfect for the job. Once again, the scope of this story may be a little too big, and I have not seen him really delve into the sort of hardcore sci-fi territory that comes with Mass Effect. He remains one of my top choices, nevertheless, as he is a really talented filmmaker that could bring some gravity to a Mass Effect film.

A fan favorite for a lot of CBM’s, perhaps Peter Jackson would pull off Mass Effect just as amazingly as he did for the Lord of the Rings books? Those films had the epic scale, fantastic acting, great CGI, terrific make-up for the creatures, a classic story, and great drama. Truly one of the greatest trilogies ever (but Star Wars remains #1 for me J). He also directed the King Kong 2005 remake, which, despite some flaws, I very much enjoyed. Yeah, it could have been a little shorter and more compact, but other than that, I thought it was quite epic and fun, with some honestly beautiful moments. Who knows if he would pull off Mass Effect, but I definitely would be intrigued if he signed on to helm the trilogy.

And just because of the bittersweet news that just broke out concerning Guillermo Del Toro and his departure from the Hobbit, I decided to include him as a possible list of contenders, as well. His Hellboy films are personal favorites of mine, I especially loved The Golden Army. The action was great, monsters/creatures were really kick ass, acting was awesome, the tone was a great mix of humor and also some drama, just all around some great adaptations. And also look at Pan's Labyrinth, the little fantasy that could. Just a very intricate and engrossing fantasy, this film was a hell of a sleeper hit. Has Del Toro tried his hand at the realm of sci-fi? No, but did Jackson do the same with epic, action films before LOTR? The man is a hell of a talented filmmaker, and he could have an amazing Mass Effect trilogy in him.


These are just 4 directors who I think could potentially bring the Mass Effect universe to cinematic life, and I’m sure there are others out there, as well.



Matthew Fox as Commander Shepard

Commander Shepard is a veteran soldier with the Alliance, who is able to be customized physically and made to act in whatever fashion the player chooses, be it Paragon (good), Renegade (bad), or something in between. Nevertheless, he/she displays unmatched leadership skills, combat prowess, and a resolve to defeat the evil synthetic/organic hybrids called the Reapers from wiping out every sentient being in the galaxy, just as they have done for millions of years.

I’ll admit this right off the bat, Fox is probably too old for this role. He’s currently 43, and obviously isn’t getting any younger. But, I think that if they went into production on the Mass Effect films like really really soon, and they filmed the trilogy back to back like LOTR, perhaps Fox could do it. Plus, Shepard mainly just runs and guns, he doesn’t do many stunts that would require wire-work or crazy acrobatics. But regardless, I think that (a younger) Fox would be a perfect fit for the male Commander. Ever since I started watching Lost (I started after I played the first ME), Fox has been the ideal Shepard IMO. He has shown a wide range of emotions on the show that fits the range of Shepard’s emotions, depending on the route the filmmakers go in, as Shepard is not a specific type of person. It is up to the player to decide how they want their Shepard to be, he/she can be a heroic savior, or a renegade douchebag. As Jack Shephard (I promise you, him playing a guy named “Shepherd” had NOTHING to do with why I picked Fox), he has displayed both the courageous and inspiring aspects of a natural-born leader, taking care of the survivors and bearing an immense responsibility. His amazing and emotional work in the series finale is one of the best examples I can give. However, he has also shown that he can portray the stubborn and angry aspects to Jack, evidenced by the Season 3 premiere “A Tale of Two Cities”. Fox plays a broken Jack who is going through a bitter divorce, and he even goes to far as to verbally and physically assault his father after accusing him of sleeping with his former wife. I liked seeing this angry side to Jack, it was a welcome change of pace. Fox can definitely play either side of Shepard, depending on which way it goes in the film, as evidenced by Lost. He also looks a lot like the default male Shepard appearance IMO, and is 6’2”, with a decent build.



Olivia Wilde as Gunnery Chief Ashley Williams

A 25-year-old Alliance Marine who enlisted straight out of high school, Gunnery Chief Ashley Williams is a competent non-commissioned officer. She joins the team during the first mission, replacing Corporal Richard L. Jenkins (who was killed in action). Ashley is a pure soldier, skilled with weapons and heavy armor but unable to use advanced tech abilities or biotics. She is a possible romance interest for a male Shepard. Williams hails from a military family: her great-grandmother, grandfather, and father all served in the Alliance Navy. Her family suffers from the dubious service history of her grandfather, however, as he was the only human officer to ever surrender to an alien force, specifically the Turian fleet at the colony of Shanxi. Williams is highly religious, though her precise faith and denomination are never elaborated upon, except for her belief in Judgment Day. She also occasionally expresses “human-centric” views, as a result of her grandfather’s disgrace, as already mentioned.

Ashley needs to be tough, kick ass, sexy, and independent. Those are her chief characteristics in the first game, above all else. However, she can also be quite stubborn, particularly when she voices her distaste for aliens. I think Wilde would be able to pull these qualities off to a T. It’s her role as Dr. Remy “Thirteen” Hadley in the popular show House that really convinces me off her suitability for Ash. Wilde is great IMO at putting up a strong, level-headed front to her peers, or pretty much everyone around her. She doesn’t like to let personal matters interfere or be publicly known, and only actually confides in very few people. Ashley is somewhat similar, as she keeps herself focused on the situation or battle at hand at all times, hardly ever losing sight of what’s happening. The only times Ash actually reveals information about her and her past is with Shepard. Speaking of Ashley’s conversations with Shepard, these are the only occasions that she shows signs of vulnerability, for example, when she blames herself for the death of her squad mates the first time she meets Shepard. Wilde is very good at displaying such vulnerability on those rare occasions, as her character has to deal with the knowledge that she will die from a life-threatening disease sooner or later, which takes a huge toll on her. She starts engaging in drug use and one night stands, etc. Obviously, Ashley wouldn’t be quite so dramatic like that, but I think it’s a nice little connection that Wilde could use to give Ash some depth and humanity. So yeah, Wilde has the confident, tough up-front personality, but also the inner vulnerability to pull of Williams in spades. I haven’t seen her really kick anyone’s ass per say, but that’s what actors are. They fulfill the requirements that the role provides. Wilde has proven that she is tough already, and that she is quite talented, so kicking ass falls in her acting range IMO. Plus, she is drop-dead sexy. That’s enough reason right there.


Alan Tudyk as Kaiden Alenko

A 32 year old human male who accompanies Shepard from the very beginning of the game, Alliance Navy Lt. Kaiden Alenko serves as a possible love interest for a female Commander Shepard. In game, he is what is known as a Sentinel, a soldier highly skilled in both tech skills and biotics, though with little in the way of actual combat ability. Alenko has had a troubled relationship with his biotic abilities - he is one of the rare users of the controversial L2 implants, which have been discontinued due to the long list of horrible side-effects discovered after their physical pain or insanity.

Personally, I never really liked Kaiden, he just doesn’t particularly stand out., especially when we’re talking about a cast of characters as awesome as that of Mass Effect 1. I would normally just opt for the film to exclude him from the story, as there is no way they can condense a game as long and full as Mass Effect into a 2 hour movie without taking some things out, but 2 things came to me that I decided to include him. 1, Alan Tudyk rocks. If anyone can make Kaiden more interesting without losing focus of the character from the game, it’s Tudyk. I feel that he would be quite likeable as he always is, since he is a damn great actor. I loved his performance in I, Robot especially, he really was perfect at mixing a robotic coldness with some very human quirks. Tudyk was also great in Firefly/Serenity, playing a laid-back but occasionally humorous pilot. That actually sounds a bit like Kaiden, who was for the most part calm, but he’d occasionally crack a joke. The other reason I think Kaiden should be included is that without him, one of the game’s best dramatic and emotional moments would be lost. I’m not going to get into specifics, because I can’t stand spoilers myself, but really, Kaiden has one of the best moments in the entire game that has a huge impact on the Normandy’s (the ship that Shepard uses) crew and on the Commander himself. To lose that would just be a crime IMO. Tudyk doesn’t really look much like Kaiden, but does Kaiden’s look really matter that much? Especially when you could get an actor that would rock the role performance-wise like Tudyk would?


Zachary Quinto as Garrus Vakarian

A male Turian, Garrus is a member of the Citadel Security force (C-Sec, as referred to in the games). He has never liked or trusted Saren (the first game’s antagonist) and was investigating his activities, but wasn’t able to prove any blatant acts of treason. He chafes under the red tape, rules and regulations of C-Sec and had become unsatisfied with his role there. He believes in using any means necessary to either prevent or solve crimes, almost seemingly regardless of the consequences; this is a direct result of a case he was involved with that came to an unsatisfactory conclusion. During his investigations, Garrus came across a case in which a Salarian named Doctor Saleon had sold many organs through the black market. When his employees were questioned, they were found to also be Saleon’s test subjects as they were growing the cloned organs inside their own bodies, in which many cases resulting in traumatic physical and psychological injuries. Unfortunately, the doctor escaped C-Sec custody and fled the Citadel, and Garrus felt that it was the hesitation and regulations governing C-Sec that allowed the Doctor to escape. Garrus jumps at the chance to escape the restrictions of C-Sec and the opportunity to bring Saren down, so he joins Shepard on his/her mission to stop the rogue Spectre.

Hands down, Garrus is one of my absolute favorite characters in Mass Effect. He’s just so damn cool, you can’t help but love him. Ever since I saw Quinto in Star Trek, playing Spock, I’m convinced that he’s the best choice for this role, in physical mannerisms, voice, and acting talent. Garrus is very calm and level headed, he doesn’t get overly emotional or anything (that changes a bit in Mass Effect 2), but he does have a passion to do what’s right. Now, Garrus isn’t as robotic or cold as Spock was in ST ‘09, but he does share the same calmness and control over himself that Quinto’s Spock displayed (well, when he wasn’t punching kids twice his size and nearly choking Kirk to death). When Quinto wasn’t being an uptight prick as the Vulcan, you did sort of connect with Spock and you understood his conflict over his dual nature, his human and Vulcan side. By the end, Spock became much warmer and friendlier, so I don’t think Quinto would make Garrus too unemotional and cold. Plus, in interviews, Quinto comes off as a very cool and laid-back guy. As Sylar on Heroes, Quinto has also shown a range of emotions, going from murderous and evil to presenting himself as your polite, average guy. IMO, Quinto’s voice reminds me of Garrus’ voice from the games, so that’s good, and I believe that he has the right physical figure (lanky, tall) to fit Garrus’ appearance in the game, with some prosthetics and CGI for enhancement of course.


Steve Barr (voice) as Urdnot Wrex

Wrex is among the last of the Krogan Battle Masters. They are rare individuals who can combine biotic abilities with advanced weaponry. Wrex quickly gained fame for his battle powers and became a leader of one of the smaller Urdnot tribes at a very young age. To date, Wrex is the youngest Krogan to be granted the honor in 1,000 years. Following the Krogan genophage (a Salarian bioweapon which causes a genetoc mutation that causes stillbirth in 99.9% of the population), Wrex realized that his people had degenerated from the honor-bound race they once were and had become senselessly violent, preferring death in battle rather than saving their culture through peaceful means. Wrex turned his back on his people when his father, a Krogan warlord who wanted to resume the war, betrayed and attempted to kill him. Wrex escaped, though not before taking his father’s life in retaliation. During the past three centuries, Wrex has worked as a bodyguard, mercenary, soldier, and bounty hunter. One operation as a merc was with Saren Arterius as his employer, though Wrex immediately sensed something very troubling about the Turian and left the contract without even waiting to get paid. His instincts were right: every other merc on the ship they were on turned up dead within a week. Despite his menacing appearance, Wrex rarely loses his temper. Likewise, Wrex doesn’t voice his thought very often. But when he does, people are more than willing to listen. The mere threat of his anger is enough to ensure that.

Kind of a no-brainer here, Barr does the voice for Wrex in the series, and I can’t imagine a better fit. His gruff, deep, imposing voice is pure awesomeness as Wrex, who is probably my favorite squad member in the first ME. Have Barr do the voice again for the movie, and have a big stunt guy fill out the suit, with, like Garrus, some CGI touches to make Wrex look as good as possible.


Rachel Weisz as Dr. Liara T’Soni

A 108 year old Asari companion who has a passion for studying and working with Prothean technology, Dr. Liara T’Soni is an expert in the field of Prothean archaeology, specifically evidence concerning the Protheans’ demise. She is, in fact, found in a Prothean ruin, trapped in a kinetic barrier prison. Liara is a possible romance for both male and female Shepards (shwing!). The Asari are only females, and can reproduce with any gender or species. Liara’s class is unique to her as an Asari Scientist, skilled mainly in biotics, but unable to build skills in weapons and tech abilities. However, Liara can learn “Electronic” skills. Liara is the daughter of Matriarch Benezeia, a well-respected and powerful Asari biotic and also an antagonist of Commander Shepard. It is unknown precisely who Liara’s other parent is, except that she was another Asari. There is a certain social stigma attached to this, as the Asari believe that for them to improve themselves, they should mate with other species to gain new genetic properties.

Liara wasn’t one of my more preferable characters, but I think she might fit into a movie, largely due to her connection to Benezia, who is one of the antagonists in the first game. Plus, I think she adds a bit of diversity as the brainy but somewhat timid scientist of the crew. Anyway, I think Weisz would be able to pull this off in her sleep. She’s an excellent and talented actress, proven by her roles in The Mummy and The Constant Gardener. In The (first) Mummy, Weisz played a timid, introverted, yet intelligent Egyptologist. I thought she was damn fine in this role, she was energetic and just fun to watch. Her shyness and insecurity from The Mummy would do her well as Liara, as she is similarly shy and not very confident. Liara goes through a pretty big transition in personality from the first ME to the sequel, and she develops a bigger backbone, becoming, dare I say, kind of dark. Over the course of The Mummy, Weisz develops more confidence and strength as Evy, and that furthers into The Mummy Returns (movie, not so good, but Weisz was as solid as she was in the first), where she even gets to kick some ass. Weisz’s work in The Constant Gardener is more of an argument for her acting in general, as she plays an outspoken and determined activist, but she played it incredibly well. I thought that she was great at playing this tenacious and impulsive woman, showing real strength as an actress IMO. Weisz has the talent to be convincing as the intelligent scientist like Liara, I don’t want an actress who can’t make me believe that she really is as brilliant as she is said to be, and has proven that she has the right qualities needed for this role.


Liz Sroka as Tali’Zorah Nar Rayya

A 22 year old female Quarian party member, Tali’Zorah is introduced as a person who possesses information that can implicate Saren in the destruction of the human colony Eden Prime. Saren himself sends assassins after her, and once Shepard rescues her, she joins the player’s party. Tali is on a “Pilgrimiage,” which is a Quarian coming-of-age rite in which a young Quarian leaves the home fleet and finds something valuable, which is brought back to the fleet to prove their willingness to contribute to the community. She has some trouble adjusting to the quiet atmosphere of the Normandy because the ships she lived on at her home were all rather loud and clunky, and silence usually meant an air filter or other important component had broken. Later on in the game, it is revealed that her father serves on the fleet Admiralty board, making him a prominent figure amongst the Quarians. This puts Tali under more pressure than most to ensure that she finds something important during her pilgrimage. Later in the game, either on Feros or in the main geth base in the Armstrong Nebula (in an optional side quest), Shepard can find information on the geth that can be given to Tali so she can complete her Pilgrimage.

Similar to Wrex, I decided to keep the voice actor (in this case, however, actress) from the game. I didn’t really like Tali in the first game, she was okay, just never thought much of her. But she really grew on me in Mass Effect 2, especially after I finished her loyalty mission. I loved Sroka’s voice work as Tali, from her quasi-Russian accent to her energetic passion for technology and justice. You never see Tali’s face, as it (and every other Quarian in the game) is hidden behind a mask that lets the Quarians survive and breathe. Sroka could do the physical part as well, they could just use a bit of CGI inside the mask to give it that cloudy appearance from the game, and just put Sroka in a nice suit like Tali wears.


Keith David as Captain Anderson and Seth Green as Jeff “Joker” Moreau

In Mass Effect, Captain Anderson is the commanding officer of Commander Shepard, the main character. At first, he commands the Normandy, but is quickly put into early retirement to give Shepard command of she Normandy. After that he can be found on Citadel Station, beside the human Ambassador, Donnel Udina. Anderson has the ultimate trust and faith in Shepard, and will stand by him through thick and thin. Loyal, honest, courageous, Anderson believes that humanity must earn its place in the galaxy, and respects non-human races just as much as he does humans, being one of the few human characters in the game who is like that. Anderson has a history with Saren Arterius, seeing first-hand the ruthlessness and brutality of the rogue Spectre, so he immediately sides with Shepard once the Commander reports of Saren’s murder of Nihlus, a fellow Turian Spectre, and Saren’s involvement in the attack on Eden Prime.

Flight Lieutenant Jeff “Joker” Moreau is the pilot of the SSV Normandy and Normandy SR-2. Joker is an excellent pilot and confident to the point of arrogance, wasting no time in pointing out his prowess to others. He’s quick to ensure everyone knows his many accomplishments and commendations were all earned, and not due to charity for his medical problems. These medical problems include an affliction where Joker’s leg bones are very weak and fragile, and he has difficulty walking. In school, Joker never used to smile, he was always working so hard, but his skills as a pilot eventually grew to surpass his peers and even his instructors, and eventually he developed a sense of humor, somewhat stemming from the fact that “they all got their asses kicked by the sickly kid with the creaky little legs.” Much like Captain Anderson, Joker has full faith in Shepard’s leadership and is behind him 100%. Shepard and Joker form a good camaraderie over the course of the two games.

For these two, I decided to keep the voice actors for the game. For Anderson, I felt that David had the perfect mentor tone in his voice, he sounded like a real father figure. Of course, David always kicks ass no matter what role you give him. Tough, admirable, and authoritative, David would certainly pull off a live-action Anderson just as well as he does for the virtual one.


Now, regarding Joker, I don’t think anyone who has any sense and has played this game would recast Joker in a live action film. Seth Green was f*cking awesome in the role, end of story. He was hilarious, serious, and just awesome. He looks the part, and his amazing voice work in the games are reason enough for him to sit in the live-action chair at the head of the Normandy.



Michael Ironside as Saren Arterius

Saren Arterius is a former Turian Spectre and the main antagonist of the first game. He is known for “getting results” by any means necessary. More often than not, this meant he killed everyone and everything in range - the target, any witnesses, and innocent bystanders as well. He tortures and kills his victims mercilessly, rarely having any regards for sentient life of the lives of anyone in his way from getting the job done, even deliberately killing innocent bystanders and witnesses (after he has extracted key information from them). Saren himself does not consider his methods to be harsh; for example, when he brutally tortures a Batarian in the novel Mass Effect: Revelation until he has been exhausted of information, Saren snaps the Batarian’s neck while he is unconscious and claims that it was an act of mercy and that he isn’t “a monster.” His seething hatred for humans is speculated by other characters in the novel to stem from the loss of his brother in the First Contact War. Saren has allied himself with the geth, and by extension, a force infinitely greater that threatens every sapient being in the galaxy, and Shepard embarks on a mission to stop the genocide of every living race in Citadel-space.

I dare you to tell me that Ironside wouldn’t own this role. I dare you. The voice actor from the game sounded a lot like Ironside’s iconic voice IMO, but it was a little softer and not as super-gruff and deep. If you have heard Ironside’s work as Darkseid in the DC animated universe, or as Sam Fisher in the Splinter Cell series, you know damn well that he’d be perfect to voice Saren. In the beginning of the game, Saren is still pretending that he’s one of the good guys, despite Shepard knowing otherwise. In that sense, the actor has to do the same, he can’t go full on villain or else everyone would see right through him. Saren’s still a prick all right, but he isn’t playing his villain card just yet. Ironside voices Sam Fisher in the Splinter Cell games, and while Sam is a good guy, you know that he can kick your ass at the drop of a dime, and much of that quality is attributed to Ironside IMO. He voices Sam with such aggression and badassery, that you feel sorry for whoever gets in his way. Of course, Saren is revealed to be evil early on in the game, and after that point, he descends into full on villainy. Anyone that is familiar with Ironside’s role as Darkseid in Superman: The Animated Series, and also the Justice League series should know that Ironside would pull this villainy off in spades. His Darkseid was so cold, calculating, and intimidating, he was just fantastic every time he would appear. That coldness and intimidation is what’s needed for Saren, and Ironside is perfect for the role.


Michelle Pfeiffer as Matriarch Benezia

Benezia is an Asari Matriarch who is in league with Saren. She is also the mother of Liara T’Soni. During the course of conversation, Liara speculates that Benezia was ashamed of mating with another Asari, but is not certain if that was the case. She is enslaved by Sovereign into finding the location of the Mu Mass Relay. She reveals this fact and (if Liara is present) makes peace with her daughter. She is also a master of Biotics.

Ah, how we all have such fond memories of Michelle Pfeiffer, particularly involving a certain leather cat outfit. I thought she was great as Catwoman, rolling sexiness with good intentions with a bad attitude all in one into a great femme fatale. Over the years, Pfeiffer has proven her considerable acting talents with performances in such films as The Fabulous Baker Boys, Dangerous Liaisons, and White Oleander. In 2007, she starred in Matthew Vaughn’s Stardust, and that particular film is what sold me on her as Benezia. In Mass Effect, Benezia’s a pretty cold-hearted bitch, but before she dies she does show a good, heroic side, probably because Sovereign isn’t influencing her anymore. Pfeiffer can do both of those, as she did show a warm side as Catwoman at times, but in Stardust, she was a diabolical bitch, all-out. I liked her performance very much, she seemed to revel in her villainy and have fun with such an evil role. She’d own as Matriarch Benezia, no doubt.


CGI/Peter Jessop as Sovereign

A member of the race labelled by the Protheans as the Reapers, who was left behind as a vanguard and espionage unit for the next Reaper invasion, Sovereign was tasked with monitoring organic evolution and to hence activate the ******* ***** (spoilers, so I blocked it out just for you guys) once organic advancement had reached a critical point. It is a massive, artificially intelligent starship, far larger in size than any dreadnought hitherto created by the presently known organic species; Sovereign is the largest ship capable of landing on a planet’s surface and is believed to have a massive element zero core, whether all Reapers are of similar manifestation is unclear, though Vigil implies that this is the case, referring to “Reaper fleets.” Sovereign possesses a power known by organic species as indoctrination, which enables it to gradually assume control of the minds of organic beings; though the details of this method of mind control have yet to be elucidated, Vigil explains that the ability is common to all Reapers, who utilize their organic slaves as spies and infiltrators, increasing the efficiency of their genocidal scheme.

Another no-brainer, why not just get the voice actor from the game for Sovereign? It’ll be an entirely CGI form, so I don’t see the point in getting another actor, especially when Jessop rocked so hard as the emotionless Sovereign.




Obviously, everyone from the first film would return to reprise their roles in the second.

Chiwetel Ejiofor as Jacob Taylor

Jacob is a full member of service for Cerberus, and is also Miranda Lawson’s lieutenant. He joined Cerberus after seeing the Alliance sweep his exploits in (the mobile game) Mass Effect Galaxy under the rug. Taylor is highly respectful of Shepard due to their shared background in the military. Thirteen years before, he had cut ties with his father, who was the XO (Executive Officer) of a lost spaceship, the Hugo Gernsback. Taylor joins Shepard early on in the game on the Cerberus space station where Shepard first awakens after his/her revival.

Ejiofor is one of the most underrated and overlooked actors out there IMO, and he would make a great addition to this cast. In the underdog sci-fi sequel “Serenity” to Joss Whedon’s underdog sci-fi series, “Firefly”, Ejiofor plays a cold-blooded, somewhat Black-Ops-ish agent hunting the protagonists down with restless intent. Not much of a case for Ejiofor’s qualifications as Taylor, but more in general defense of him as a very good actor. I thought he played his character with a perfect level of calm ruthlessness, and a clever/intelligent touch as well, he made a great antagonist IMO. Similarly, he also played a charismatic and cunning rebel leader in the fantastic Children of Men. But Ejiofor’s really great performance in Redbelt is what sold me on him as Jacob Taylor (and also as Black Panther for Marvel J). In that film, he really gives a heartfelt and endearing performance, fused with gravity and sincerity. He was, honestly, the heart of that entire movie. Jacob’s a bit less idealistic than Ejiofor’s character in Redbelt, but they have a similar sense of right and wrong and they are still both heroic. Not only did Ejiofor show how genuinely talented and compelling an actor he was, he also showed that he can kick some ass and be convincing doing it. Jacob’s a man of action, having an actor who can fight is necessary. There are probably a lot of actors who could pull off Jacob, Idris Elba comes to mind, for example, but Ejiofor’s underrated talent and acting gravitas made me ultimately go with him.


Yvonne Strahovski as Miranda Lawson

Miranda is a high ranking officer of the pro-human organization, Cerberus, and was genetically grown for the purpose of creating a “perfect” child. She was genetically altered to have superior intelligence and physical traits by her father, who is implied to be a very wealthy and powerful man. Unhappy with her father’s attempts to control her for his dream of creating his own “dynasty”, Miranda joined Cerberus and secretly sent her younger sister into hiding to protect her from the grasp of her father. Miranda’s past eventually catches up to her and puts her sister’s life in danger, and reveals a cold betrayal. Miranda is shown to be a capable leader, despite feeling that she doesn’t command the respect from everyone that Shepard does.

Yet another no-brainer, the lovely Ms. Strahovsky both voiced and provided the likeness for Miranda in the game. She provided fantastic voice work to the role and it would be a crime to replace her, especially as she’s hot as hell and can totally kick ass at the drop of a dime.


Stephen Moyer as Thane Krios

Thane is a 39-year-old Drell assassin who is dying of a disease known as Kepral’s Syndrome. He is encountered on the Asari colony world of Ilium. Raised on the Hanar homeworld after the Hanar saved the Drell from extinction, Thane was trained as an assassin from a young age. He joins the team in an attempt to atone for his actions in life. In addition to his incredible assassin skills, he also possesses powerful close-combat biotics. Thane’s wife was murdered many years ago by mercenaries attempting to capture him. This event caused him to abandon his young son, Kolyat, a decision that still haunts him and eventually, like Miranda’s past, catches up to him.

Definitely one of my favorite characters in the game, and, ironically, this is one of my favorite casting choices here. Moyer would kick ass as Thane, just watch his work on True Blood. Thane’s very stoic and reserved, rarely giving any hint of emotion. He is also honorable and even religious, as shown by his quasi-prayer after he assassinates a target when Shepard first meets him. He says the praying is for him, most likely because he feels that he has to atone for his killings. Moyer has a similar stoic presence on True Blood. As Bill Compton, Moyer expertly displays honor, respect, and morality. However, he does show genuine affection for Sookie Stackhouse and will protect those he cares about. Thane’s son, Kolyat, eventually learns what his father was doing all these years, and becomes an assassin as well. Thane decides to stop his son from going down the same dark path he went on, which leads to a very touching scene between father and son. This is really the only time Thane shows any emotion or vulnerability, and Moyer would pull these qualities off exceptionally well, too. Of course, you can’t be an assassin without kicking some ass, and Moyer has done plenty of that on TB, so I know he’d be able to convince the audience that he’s the bad ass that Thane totally is.


Kevin Durand as Grunt

Grunt is a pureblood, tank-bred Krogan. Initially, Shepard meant to recruit Okeer, a Krogan warlord and radical scientist who has been developing a small army of Krogan to combat the Genophage. When Shepard arrives to recruit him, Okeer is working for the Blue Suns mercenary group: they provide the funding for his genetic research, and in exchange he gives them his “reject” Krogan as soldiers or live ammo subjects. However, by the time Shepard and crew blast through the Blue Suns’ defenses, their leader decides to pull the plug on the project and gases Okeer’s lab. Though Shepard and crew defeat the Blue Suns’ leader, it is too late to save Okeer, who leaves Shepard with a tank containing his “legacy,” his most successful subject yet. That subject is Grunt.

He’s bad ass, huge, angry, violent, and bad ass. Pretty much all the qualities you need to be Grunt. Just watch Lost and Smokin’ Aces. No more need be said.


I cut out Jack and Samara because I feel that they are not really needed in the film. I also will not include any DLC characters because I simply have not played any of the DLC

Michael Emerson (with Doug Jones) as Mordin Solus

A brilliant Salarian scientist, yet also a competent soldier due to his membership in the Salarian Special Task Group earlier in his life, Mordin Solus is found on Omega and possesses a hyperactive and eccentric personality as well as a rapid and stilted manner of speaking. He is often considered by many to be a “mad scientis” with questionable ethics - he was a key member in the team that researched the remobilization of the Krogan Genophage, an action that he feels guilty about but considers the best possible solution to a once growing problem. Mordin believes in acting in the best interests of the galaxy; his scientific work is governed by strong moral standards and unquestionable respect for all forms of life. He is undeniably brilliant, despite his eccentricities and controversial methods, and is key to Shepard’s fight against the Collectors.

For this alien character, I decided to cast a well-known actor as the voice, but use another well-known actor as the physical form on screen, as well. For the physical role, it was a pretty clear choice. Doug Jones, a great actor in his own right, would be the perfect choice to transition Mordin’s unique facial ticks and overall physical movements from the game to the big screen. He has loads of experience, most known to us CBM-er’s as both the Silver Surfer from the Fantastic Four, and as Abe Sapien from the Hellboy franchise. He would definitely voice a great Mordin himself, but I wanted to put a little more originality in this pick.

But onto Emerson, yeah, I know him and Fox were both on Lost (RIP Lost L), but it’s not like we’re actually going to see Emerson in person, we’re just hearing his voice. And his voice would be an awesome fit for Mordin IMO. Another personal favorite character of mine, the actor playing him needs to retain that eccentricity and unpredictability from the game. Tell me, when has Benjamin effing Linus ever been predictable? You never knew which side Ben was playing for, and while you do know that Mordin is on Shepard’s side, and as said by an NPC, he’s just as likely to heal you as he is to shoot you. Emerson would definitely be able to handle this unpredictability factor. Mordin has been shown to be a little ruthless, shown especially during his loyalty mission, and we all know just how ruthless Emerson can be, just ask John Locke or Jacob!(wink) Of course, Mordin isn’t always like that, most of the time he’s just rambling in his uniquely rapid way of speaking, just being his own eccentric self. I think that Emerson has shown enough of a “good” side that still retains his quirky and off personality, especially in the “sideways universe” (but not really a “sideways universe”). In that “universe,” we see Ben as a helpful school teacher who is still definitely odd and a little crazy, but he isn’t quite as evil as we’ve seen him before. Emerson handled this softer side to Ben almost as amazing as he did for his regular portrayal of Ben, and that is no small feat.


D.C. Douglas as Legion

Legion is a geth terminal with 1,183 active Geth A.I. programs making up the individual “geth.” Legion belongs to the majority faction of the Geth (the Geth fought in both games are referred to as the “heretics, ” and do not represent the Geth majority) who believe that organic life does have the right to exist. EDI gives the platform the name “Legion” based on the Gospel of Mark 5:9 “My name is Legion, for we are many.” They, like all Geth, are connected to the Geth collective. They refer to the Geth who seek to destroy organic life, those who Shepard and the crew fought against in Mass Effect 1 & 2, as the Heretics. They have a certain fascination with Shepard and rescue him on board a Reaper ship. Legion possesses over a thousand Geth identities, as opposed to most Geth which contain roughly a hundred identities. Legion’s primary mission is to find Shepard as well as destroy a virus capable of turning all Geth into Heretics, and, if the player chooses, turn it on the Heretics to make them fight for the organics against the Reaper threat.

Yet again, I think they should just get the voice actor from the game for Legion, as he would likely be mostly CGI anyway. D.C. Douglas kicked ass as Legion, hell yeah he should come back for the movie!


Who knows, we might even see a duet between Mordin and Legion, with Legion providing some fresh beats to back Mordin’s lead vocals J

Martin Sheen as The Illusive Man

The Illusive Man is the enigmatic leader of the Cerberus organization and was responsible for Cerberus’ split from the Systems Alliance military shortly before the events of Mass Effect. His ultimate goal is to elevate humanity to its “rightful place” in the galaxy. Essentially nothing is known about the Illusive Man, except that he is most likely a business tycoon, given the apparent ocean of wealth and resources at his disposal. His demeanor is of a driven businessman, rather than the xenophobic extremist he is portrayed as by enemies of Cerberus. He is almost never met in person, and with the exception of Liara T’Soni and Miranda Lawson, deals exclusively through holographic communication. His name derives from his designation in official Alliance reports, which in turn derives from an anonymous anti-alien manifesto released during the First Contact War described as “survivalist rhetoric written by an illusive man” which sparked the foundation of Cerberus. In Mass Effect 2, the Illusive Man coerces Commander Shepard into an uneasy alliance to investigate the disappearance of several human colonies, which both Shepard and the Illusive Man believe is somehow connected to the Reapers, and he actively provides Shepard with supplies and information on his mission.

The only man for this role is Martin Sheen. Not only did he provide the best voice work (IMO) from the game, well, yeah, that. So what if the Illusive Man looks a little younger and more fit than Sheen does? The man owns this role backwards. You’d be crazy to replace him.



Keith Szarabajka as Harbinger

Harbinger is a Reaper, and directs the actions of the Collectors, an insectoid race serving as the Reapers’ slave caste. Harbinger’s primary avatar is an arachnid-like creature with 4 glowing eyes (referred to as the Collector General). However, his true form shares the basic design of Sovereign, the exception being glowing eyes similar to his thrall. Implants within each Collector drone enable Harbinger to control them directly, increasing their power, and enabling him to speak through them. Harbinger develops an interest in humans after Shepard kills Sovereign, as they are the first recorded species to defeat a Reaper. His true purpose behind sending the Collectors to abduct human colonies remains a mystery until the final mission in the game, where Shepard uncovers the horrifying truth behind the abductions.

Easy choice, voice actor from the game. No need to find another actor. Also, you may recognize him from a certain 2008 CBM…


And that’s all the characters I’ve got. What makes this cast even sweeter is the recent news of an actual Mass Effect movie going into development! I’m quite anticipating more news on the project, and hopefully it doesn’t get thrown into development hell like certain other video game movies…

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AshleyWilliams - 5/29/2010, 9:02 PM
Awesome cast as usual Tyler! Now I really want to play this game!
Rock317 - 5/29/2010, 9:44 PM
I have to admit that im not into Mass Effect that much, mainly because im a SONNY boy, haha, but I would so go see this movie! :)

BTW NightAvenger u r not authorized 2 use my word :P haha
Wadey09 - 5/29/2010, 10:33 PM
great cast!!
question: seeing as how you seem to know Mass Effect pretty well, otherwise you wouldn't cast it, i want your expert opinion. i'm still playing on a regular Xbox. can't afford the 360 yet! dangit!!!!
but anyway, how "sensual" is the game? i know its good.
i love RPGs, nothing better. i just like to know what i'm getting into before i get into it.

also, have you seen Part VI of my Spider-man story? i would appreciate your opinion. just click the LINK!!!
thanks btw!
SupahPhreak - 5/29/2010, 10:59 PM
How bout Commander Shepard as Commander Shepard?
InTylerWeTrust - 5/30/2010, 12:43 AM
Night: Thanks, you should play them, they're amazing games.

vRock: Ha, I'm not really a fanboy for either Microsoft or Sony, as I am one of the few who have both, but thanks anyway. F*ck the Wii though :P

Wadey: Thanks, what do you mean by "sensual"? I'd be happy to give you my personal opinion on the game, though.

I'll see if I can check out your story tomorrow, it's pretty late over here :)

SupaPhreak: Vanderloo (that guy in the picture) was used as the in-game model for male Shepard, but I doubt he can act.
Wadey09 - 5/30/2010, 1:26 AM
by sensual i mean sexual content. nudity, sex, intimacy, etc. etc.

and i just got woken up by the dog sleeping in a kennel right next to me. it's like 3:20 am. yipee!
Vital - 5/30/2010, 1:40 AM
I think Garrus, Miranda, Tali, Thane, and Saren are the must have characters.
InTylerWeTrust - 5/30/2010, 9:00 AM
Wadey: Oh, I guess it could be kind of sensual. There's no full on nudity of anything, likes tits, but there is one small sex scene in the earlier parts of the first game (that only happens if you do a particular side mission, it's optional) but it isn't anything too bad. Then, depending on who you've chosen as your love interest (by talking to them on the Normandy), there is a more intimate scene. It's probably on Youtube, so if you want you can see for yourself. In the second game, I'm not totally sure, as I think there are a bunch of different sexual moments that can happen at different times in the game, but I've only done one. There are, again, a ton of Youtube vids about each scene, probably more help than I am.

Vital: Yeah, I agree that those are all musts, along with a bunch of others. Like Tali, who allows you to prove Saren's guilt.
LEEE777 - 5/30/2010, 9:09 AM
TYLER @ I would comment....


Pretty much like you on my fan-fic!

jarydevan - 5/30/2010, 10:14 AM
i would see this movie, cast is great
matt fox is perfect, if not him then sam worthington
TANKGIRL - 5/30/2010, 10:14 AM
the tankgirl said

joking great cast
InTylerWeTrust - 5/30/2010, 10:46 AM
Lee: Huh?

Ozy: Thanks, Bale would probably be good too, but Fox just fits my vision of a movie Shepard perfectly, even if he is a tad old.

My tag is TheDURDENarmy.

Jaryd: Thanks, no to Worthington though, unless Shepard is supposed to be an Aussie :P

Tank: Thanks.
SHHH - 5/30/2010, 11:21 AM
This is what the fck I'm talkin bout...A real Fan-Cast...I know nothing about the game now I do..PS3 man myself..
Tired of 1 person casting...Great outlining..Everybody fit's..glad to see no bale or worthington...
Wadey09 - 5/30/2010, 1:56 PM
thanks! i'll look them up when i've got a chance!
as long as nothing is shown, i'm happy!
nuthin more fake than two computer characters having fun.
Wadey09 - 5/30/2010, 1:57 PM
have you checked out my Fan Story yet?
InTylerWeTrust - 5/30/2010, 3:00 PM
SHHH: Thanks man. Ha, I made sure there was no Worthington in sight :)

Anil: Thanks, but I'm not a big fan of Morrison's. His voice bugs me too, and I just don't see any need to replace David.

Wadey: Ha, too true ;P

Yeah, I checked your story out, it's very cool, I like the action on the boat, and nice cliffhanger :)
THEHAWK - 5/30/2010, 4:21 PM
Awesome as usual man!

I am torn between Fox and sam Worthington for Shep. I usually hate Worthington, but I think it is the only role he would e good at.

The only pick I would change would be Thane. I like Moyer, but he just doesn't seem right to me. I kinda like Josh Holloway for the role.

also, what about Ed Norton for Mordin? and someone younger for grunt, maybe daniel Cudmore?

And what about Kelly?!??!?! How could you forget her?

Looking forward to the new Overlord DLC! It is a prequel to mass Effect 3!
SupahPhreak - 5/30/2010, 5:09 PM
InTylerWeTrust - 5/30/2010, 6:23 PM
HAWK: Thanks man :)

Eh, not sure that this is the right role for Worthington. Only if they reveal that Shepard was born in Australia :P

Holloway doesn't seem like a fit for Thane IMO. I just can't picture him as such a stoic alien, without any swagger. I love Ed Norton, he'd probably be a kick ass Mordin. I don't really think anyone young is needed for Grunt, the actor just needs to be big, strong, angry, and violent. Durand has that in spades :)

Ah, Kelly Chambers, I suppose I did forget her. But it's not exactly a meaty role, so, in theory, a lot of actresses could play her.

grif: Thanks, I guess :)

SupaPhreak: Yo, Kanye would be good and all, and Imma let you finish, but Ejiofor would be the best Jacob Taylor of all time! OF ALL TIME!
Wadey09 - 5/30/2010, 7:05 PM
thanks man!
keep an eye out for Part VII!
DDD - 5/30/2010, 7:10 PM
I've never played this game but the actors seem to fit
the characters you describe! They just feel right!

Damm nice looking cast!
Wadey09 - 5/30/2010, 7:28 PM
have you seen my Spider-man story yet?
if you haven't, click the pic !
CRITIC17 - 5/30/2010, 11:14 PM
@TYLER: Great cast man!!!! I don't know any of these characters as I have yet to play this, but its on my to-do list. It sounds really sweet though!!!! I noticed your gamertag up above and added you online. Confirm the request from obee. GREAT CAST!!!!!!!

peterparker420 - 5/31/2010, 10:28 AM
TYLER- LOL! AWESOME CAST!! These games are pretty
much my FAVORITE RPG/3rd person shooter games!!

now let me get startes here:

FOX as Shepard- pretty much PERFECT!! great actor, looks
like him, and could easily pull this
role off!

Olivia Wilde- YUMMY! great choice!

Zachary Quinto- One of my FAVORITE actors, he would make
a great GARRUS.

Rachel Weisz- I LOVE HER!

Yvonne Strahovski- you're right that's a NO brainer!
also i had banged her in the game!
LOL, Miranda is a MUST for me!

There are SO MANY great choices!! You put alot of work
into this so I say KUDOS to you sir!

I would have to pick JJ as a director, we already know
he can make a GREAT movie in SPACE (star Trek) also a great action movie (mission impossible 3) So i think
he would do the movie GREAT justice!!

InTylerWeTrust - 5/31/2010, 10:34 AM
pete: Thanks man :)

Like I said, JJ would be an awesome choice to helm this bad boy, but he's probably going to be wrapped up in Trek 2, unfortunately.

But thanks anyway, glad you liked it :)
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