InTylerWeTrust82 Recasts Spider-Man (Again)

InTylerWeTrust82 Recasts Spider-Man (Again)

In light of the recent news about Sony rebooting the Spider-Man franchise, I decided to share with you all, once again, my choices to replace those who have portrayed these characters in Raimi's films, and those who have not been seen on the screen yet, but it is different than the previous Spidey casting I did. Enjoy!

By InTylerWeTrust - Jan 19, 2010 12:01 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Logan Lerman as Peter Parker/Spider-Man. I was the first person to suggest Lerman for the role of Peter in the actual reboot article. He is quickly becoming a fan favorite to replace Tobey Maguire in the lead role of the franchise, both on this very site and on various other sites as well. SuperHeroHype! has him as the most popular choice on their poll in the fan forums. For good reason, too. Lerman is an incredibly talented young actor, with great range to go from dramatic and serious fare to funnier and comedic fare. I would first see Lerman portray the son of Christian Bale’s Dan Evans in 3:10 To Yuma (an amazing film), where I was instantly impressed with the young lad’s chops. He held his own while standing opposite powerhouses like Bale and Russel “Gladiator” Crowe. As the determined and noble youth, Lerman demonstrated an innate ability to give his characters depth and make them compelling for the audience to watch, which is key for Spider-Man. If you want to watch only one movie to judge Lerman’s talent on, Yuma would be it.

But, if Yuma is sold out at your local Blockbuster, I would recommend the funny comedy Meet Bill. In this movie, Lerman showed that he has charisma coming out the wazoo. He was downright hilarious as the cocky and confident “Kid” (he was never referred to by name). Lerman had very natural chemistry with the rest of the cast, particularly with The Dark Knight’s Aaron Eckhart, and Fantastic Four’s Jessica Alba, who is surprisingly okay in her role. He was like-able, charming, and hilarious at the same time. Lerman will also be starring in the anticipated Percy Jackson movie, and he looks very good from the trailer alone.

He also looks almost exactly how I’d imagine a young Peter Parker to look, is the right height, and is the perfect age for what they’re going for. Lerman would be able to give us a more confident and wise-cracking Spidey that most of us think has been lacking from Tobey’s portrayal, but he’d also be able to portray the deeper aspects of the character with finesse, as well.

Fun fact, did you know his full name is Logan Wade Lerman? He’s got Wolverine and Deadpool in his name, that’s got to count for something.

Anton Yelchin as Harry Osborn. Quite a year for Mr. Yelchin. First, he portrayed Kyle Reese in Terminator to great reception, despite the movie’s overall mediocre reviews. He was very effective portraying the soon-to-be father of John Connor, and the future nemesis of Ahnold. Then, a couple months later, Yelchin would portray Pavel Chekov in the 2009 Star Trek film, which he also received positive remarks for, and the movie itself was critically acclaimed. Yelchin showed he can be like-able, tough, and strong-willed in Terminator, essential for Harry’s, shall we say, “happier times.” Of course, a big part of Harry is his struggle against his father’s legacy as the Green Goblin, a legacy which he would eventually inherit, becoming the second Green Goblin. The actor playing Harry would need to be able to be convincing as a darker character as well as the supportive friend to Peter. Yelchin would be able to handle this with ease. In Alpha Dog, Yelchin had a very mature role which was much darker than, say, Reese or Chekov. He’d be more than able to convey Harry’s complicated story arc, going from the like-able best friend of Peter, to the dark villain of Spider-Man.

Sorry, but I couldn’t think of choices that I really, really liked for MJ or Gwen. I don’t really know many teen actors out there. I apologize. I like the possibility of Emma Stone as MJ, though I’m just not quite sold on it.

Helen Mirren as May Parker. Mirren would bring gravitas and quality to the reboot if she was cast as Aunt May. I know it’s a long shot, very much so, but it doesn’t hurt to dream. Her award-winning portrayals of Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Elizabeth II shows that she is amazingly talented as an actress. Mirren would be able to make Aunt May the supportive, kind, wise voice of reason to Peter that she’s supposed to be. I’ve seen her pop up in other casts for the reboot, including Josh’s and MovieTheaterLad’s. I’ve actually had this choice in mind for a little bit too. Great minds, huh?

Terry O’Quinn as Ben Parker. Ah, good ol’ John Locke. Best known as that character on the incredibly popular show Lost, O’Quinn would be a fantastic addition to the reboot. I could see him perfectly giving advice to young Peter, he’s very mentor-like on Lost, giving off a very wise and sage-like vibe. I can just imagine him now uttering the famous line, “with great power comes great responsibility.”

James Remar as J. Jonah Jameson. When Josh came up with this pick in his reboot cast, I was surprised at how good it was. Surprised in that it was such a good pick, and it WASN’T JK Simmons. Everyone loves Simmons’ portrayal of JJJ. He’s hilarious, and just plain dead-on in every sense. Now I do believe there is a possibility that JK might come back, since Casino Royale kept Judi Dench as M, but I admit, it is unlikely. So, we’d need to think of a damn good replacement, right? Well, Remar is it. He’s got a lot of talent, proven by his terrific performances in Dexter, and can handle humor, shown by his memorable opening scene in Pineapple Express, and his great voice-work in Ratatouille. Not to mention how he’d look just like JJ if given the mustache and a little grey in his hair. Damn good work Josh, damn good.

Phil Lamarr as Joseph “Robbie” Robertson. You may recognize him as the voice of John Stewart in the Justice League cartoons, Gambit and Oliver Trask in Wolverine and the X-Men, and, ironically enough, Randy Robertson in Spectacular Spider-Man. He’s famous for his extensive history of voice work, but I think he’d do a great job as Robbie. He’s done some live-action stuff, for example a couple of episodes of Castle, starring Nathan Fillion. Lamarr would be able to be the good friend and sorta-kinda mentor to Peter, as shown by his great range of vocal performances in Justice League. And he looks perfect from a visual stand-point.

Now time for Villains:

Ralph Fiennes as Norman Osborne/Green Goblin. Yes, maybe a bit typecast, but come on, can you honestly tell me he would not completely own this role? Fiennes is one of the best actors out there right now, and is fantastic at playing villains, his chilling and sinister acting as Lord Voldemort seals the deal for me. The Potter films may be mostly for teens and kids, but I’ll be damned if Fiennes doesn’t scare the shit out of pretty much everyone, not just kids, on screen. He’d be perfect as the terrifying Green Goblin, insane and menacing as he should be (and not in a Power Rangers suit.) Now, everyone knows Green Goblin isn’t the only side to Norman, which is what makes him such a dynamic character in the first place. There is also the intellectual business-man facet to the character as well. Fiennes would also excel at this part too. There are plenty of good-guy roles that Fiennes has done to show that he can work as the almost-fatherly type figure to Peter at times, and he’d make you really feel how truly insane and lost he is by the transformation from seemingly good person, to sinister mastermind. I’d say the best example of his “good-guy” work is the Constant Gardener, co-starring Rachel Weisz. Fiennes puts in a damn excellent performance in, very compelling and makes you really feel for his character. He’d be an awesome Norman, no question.

Philip Seymour Hoffman as Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus. Credit goes to MovieTheaterLad for this great choice. I’m convinced Hoffman would own this role based on his outstandingly villainous performance in Mission Impossible 3. He was exceptionally intense, intelligent, and just plain evil. I firmly believe he’d bring gravitas to Ock as Mirren would to Aunt May. Hoffman’s such a quality actor, it’s no wonder why he’s being praised constantly for his work. I also believe that he, like Fiennes, would be able to give pre-Ock Otto a very human touch to make his tragic accident all the more tragic. He’d be able to make the role his own, I’m sure, and not be weighed-down by Alfred Molina’s great performance in Spider-Man 2.

The rest will be in alphabetical order.

Robert Knepper as Kletus Cassidy/Carnage. Basically a fan favorite for the role, Knepper would own as Carnage. He rocks as a villainous character, shown by Prison Break, as he was a criminal who was put away for heinous crimes and is incredibly creepy in his actions. His eyes seem like they look into your soul sometimes. Knepper was very mysterious and gave his character this feeling sort of like the Joker in The Dark Knight, where you don’t know what’s going on in his head, and you’re scared to find out. Plus, doesn’t Knepper look like a serial killer? That may sound weird, but doesn’t he? He looks like he could snap at any second, perfect for Carnage.

Paul Bettany as Dimitri Smerdyakov/Chameleon. Also my choice for Lex Luthor in the Superman reboot, Bettany makes an awesome villain. Firewall, starring Harrison “Handiana Jones” Ford, proved it to me. His voice was very creepy and he just made a great antagonist to Ford’s protagonist. Since Chameleon almost always wears his trademark white mask, an actor who is great at voice-work would be needed, and Bettany excels at it. He gives off a very calculating and intelligent vibe, great for Chameleon, who is a master tactician and a master of disguise.

Ben Foster as Max Dillon/Electro. You need an actor who is adept at portraying insanity and madness in his characters for Electro, and the name that instantly comes to mind for me is none other than Foster. Honestly, the man is a genius at being a psycho. He even starred in 3:10 To Yuma alongside Lerman, and played the cold-blooded killer Charlie Prince, a role for which Foster received critical acclaim. Not convinced? How about his turn as The Stranger in 30 Days of Night? Even those who didn’t like the film have praised his off-kilter and creepy performance. Still not enough? Maybe his role in Hostage as the psychotic Mars Krupcheck? He seriously scared the crap out of me with his maniacal performance. Okay, I think I’ve given plenty of examples by now. Obviously, Foster can excellently portray crazy characters, and Electro is pretty insane and crazy to start with. Besides, Foster looks perfect for the part. And who cares if he was Spacker Dave in Punisher and Angel in X3? No one remembers Punisher, let alone his small role, and no one wants to remember X3 (Bazing!).

Ray Wise as Hammerhead. Best known for his part on the sadly cancelled show Reaper, Wise would be an awesome Hammerhead. Not only does he look absolutely perfect for the part (you have to give him that), he can definitely act the part. Reaper may have been a comedy (for the most part), and Wise may have been hilarious when called upon, but he does get some sinister stuff to work with from time to time. Wise was very convincing when he was needed to bring out the more menacing side to his character, and gave the Devil a very mysterious and intelligent feel, in that you’d know he’d always have something up his sleeve, but you had no idea what it was or when it would be revealed.

Josh Lucas as Roderick Kingsley/Hobgoblin. I have a hunch this might not be a popular choice with you guys, but I like it. I personally think Lucas is a very good actor, I loved his role in American Psycho, starring Christian “Done Professionally” Bale. He had this stuck-up and snobbish way about him that reminds me of Hobgoblin, at least the human side to him. I also enjoyed his performances in Glory Road and A Beautiful Mind, also starring Russel Crowe. I’d really love to see what he could do as a crazy villain, and I think he has the talent to pull it off.

Gerard Butler as Vladimir Kravinoff/Kraven The Hunter. No, not the most original pick out there, but you have to admit, Butler is really perfect for this role. We’ve seen him do tough and intense in 300, as King Leonidas, where he was the definition of a bad-ass, chopping down Persian soldiers like they were flies. We know he can do action, shown by Gamer. He is also excellent at playing villains, demonstrated by this year’s Law Abiding Citizen. In that movie, Butler was so intelligent, cunning, and vicious that I couldn’t help but get flashes of Kraven. Not to mention how Butler looks perfect for the part, like he came out of Spider-Man’s comic page. Butler is perfect for Kraven. ‘Nuff said.

Kevin Spacey as Curt Connors/The Lizard. I know he was in Superman Returns, but that movie isn’t well-remembered now anyway, and he can play other characters. People criticize Spacey all the time for his performance in Returns alone, which puzzles me to no end. It puzzles me because: 1) he did the best with what he had, 2) the script and Singer made him do an imitation of Hackman’s real estate tycoon Lex, and 3) he’s a damn excellent actor. Superman Returns isn’t nearly a good representation of what Spacey can do as an actor. Usual Suspects, L.A. Confidential, American Beauty, etc. Any of these ring a bell to those who criticize Spacey for Returns? He’s a quality, quality actor, regardless of his performance in Returns. He’d be able to convincingly portray Connors’ intellect and mentor-like relationship with Peter, giving him advice and being one of the few men who Peter can talk to based off of intelligence. In the movie 21, Spacey displayed a lot of Connors’ qualities which I just described, at least in the early parts of the film. He would be able to really bring out the emotional tragedy in the Lizard’s story, making you truly feel sorry that such a horrible thing is happening to such a good person.

Benicio Del Toro as Michael Morbius/Morbius The Living Vampire. A fan favorite for the role on this site, Del Toro would rock everyone’s socks off as Morbius. His excellent and memorable performance as Jackie Boy in Sin City was the first time I saw him in anything, and it really left an impression on me. He won an Academy Award for his amazing turn in the critically-acclaimed Traffic, and was nominated again 3 years later for 21 Grams. I know he has more than enough talent and range to pull it off, and Sin City showed he has potential to be a great villain. In a few short weeks, Del Toro will star in the remake famous horror classic The Wolfman, and I am very excited for that movie, and his performance. The fact that he looks like the spitting image of Morbius helps a bit too.

Kenneth Branagh as Quentin Beck/Mysterio. This may sound a little douchey, and I don’t even know exactly why I think this, but I’m in love with myself for this pick. I don’t know, it just seems so genius to me. Sorry if I sound a little douchey. But I really think Branagh would absolutely rule all kinds of ass as Mysterio. He’s not only a great director, but he’s an incredibly talented actor, as well. He’s got that perfect mix of theatricality and condescending charm (shown with finesse by his performance in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) that fits Mysterio like a glove. Beck thinks everyone is beneath him because of his arsenal of illusions and theatrics, and Branagh would be able to bring that to life superbly. Even if you haven’t seen Chamber of Secrets, Branagh has been exemplary in Hamlet (1996, a film he also directed) and the show Hollander, co-starring Tom “Loki” Hiddleston. Now, with all that said, I realize this is nothing more than a dream pick. Now that Mr. Branagh is behind the camera on Thor, there is pretty much no chance of him getting this role. I realize it. But I simply love this impossible choice so much I had to get it out there.

Dominic Purcell as Aleksei Sytsevich/Rhino. I originally wanted Kevin Durand for this role, but I decided it would be a waste of his talent to be just a big brute. I also originally wanted Purcell as Venom, but I found a much better choice who has both more talent and more of a resemblance to Brock from the comics. I think Purcell’s more-or-less limited acting range is suited better for Rhino, who is pretty much just a huge muscle-bound gun. Yes, he’d have to be in some sort of suit (he doesn’t have that bad a starting height at 6’2”), but almost any actor would when playing Rhino. They could always make the suit more of a mechanical invention like in Ultimate Spider-Man or the Spider-Man 2 game, too.

Adam Baldwin as Flint Marko/Sandman. Baldwin is a very talented actor, and also my choice for Rex Mason/Metamorpho of DC fame. He’s great on Chuck as the stoic and hard-ass John Casey, and was fantastic on Firefly as Jayne Cobb. On Firefly, Baldwin was brutish in his manners and actions, but also regularly displayed a cunning intelligence and common sense. He usually does act brutal, but he’ll occasionally hint at there being more to him than that, a more complex and multi-layered characterization beneath the gruff-and-tough exterior. That’s what I want from Sandman. I like that they made Sandman a deeper character in Spider-Man 3, one of the few things that movie got right. Baldwin would be able to convincingly portray those requirements, as shown by Firefly. And he looks dead on from the comics.

Timothy Olyphant as Mac Gargan/Scorpion. A lot of people say Olyphant is a bad actor, but, if you’ve seen Deadwood, you’d know that’s not the case. Olyphant was great as the honest Sheriff of the titular town, I found him to be a very compelling protagonist for the show. Gargan isn’t a total villain, at least not at first because he was driven insane by the experiments done to him to turn him into Scorpion, so he needs to be a tad sympathetic and based off of Deadwood I think Olyphant could pull it off. But, of course, Scorpion is for the most part an enemy of Spidey, so you’d need to get someone who can accomplish that. Olyphant can do this as well. He made a great kinda-bad guy in the Girl Next Door (one of my favorite parts of that movie) and was a full-on villain in Live Free Or Die Hard, even though he lacked a bit of personality. If he could take the type of charisma he had in Girl Next Door and even A Perfect Getaway, mix in some of his acting from Deadwood to make Gargan a little compelling, and eventually throw in some of that plain-old villainy from LFODH, you’ve got a perfect Scorpion.

David Wenham as Herman Schultz/Shocker. Wenham is a really great actor IMO, and can kick some ass shown by 300, where he played Dilios. One of my favorite lines of the movie comes from his character: "Hardly, my Lord, just an eye." I also really enjoyed his performance in Van Helsing as the weak and clumsy Carl. Wenham was also very effective as Boromir's tormented brother Faramir in the last 2 Lord Of the Rings movies, and as Eden Fletcher in the Proposition. He has the talent to pull off the more villainous type IMO. I changed this pick because I decided it would be too much of a waste of Guy Pearce's talents for a smaller character like Shocker.

Alexander Skarsgard as Eddie Brock/Venom. Best known for his role as the vampire Eric Northman on the hit show True Blood, Skarsgard would own as Venom. He was rumored to be the front-runner for the role of Thor many months ago, but it was not meant to be. I wanted him to be Heimdall instead, but it was also not meant to be. So now we come to Brock. Oh Venom, how can we move past your character-raping at the hands of Raimi and Sony? Well, just cast Skarsgard, problem solved! We need a much more primal and animalistic Venom this time around, and this guy can bring those qualities and more. On True Blood, he’s vicious, sinister, creepy, you name it. He’d make Eddie actually scary and intense, the way he should be. But Skarsgard would also bring a certain cunning edge to Eddie, so he’s not just some dumb meat-head. Skarsgard also looks the part excellently, and is a giant at 6’4”, with a good starting frame that seems like it wouldn’t be too much of a challenge to pack on a bit more muscle. Credit goes to Ryden for bringing this excellent pick to my attention, and further credit goes to Cookiepussproductions for being the one who originally thought of it.

David Straithairn as Adrian Toomes/Vulture. Personally, I couldn’t give a sh*t about Vulture. He’s one of Spidey’s worst and lamest villains to me. But, I’ve done most of the villains, so why not? Straithairn is a terrific actor, by far the best example of this is Good Night, And Good Luck, directed by George Clooney (yes, THAT George Clooney.) Straithairn really gives a phenomenal and interesting performance, and was nominated for many awards for it, including an Oscar nom. I also really enjoyed his portrayal of Noah Vosa in the Bourne Ultimatum, I thought he was quite effective as the corrupt government official. He’d be a fantastic addition to the cast, and might actually make me give a damn about the character.

And that’s it for this cast. Thanks for reading.
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JoshWilding - 1/19/2010, 12:46 PM
Excellent cast TYLER! :) Man, your Mysterio choice is awesome!!! Branagh would be fantastic in the role!

Ray Wise as Hammerhead? GENIUS! Apart from having my own personal choices with one or two of these I have to say this is a great cast dude!

Thanks for the mention about Remar! I cant remember how I came up with him as JJJ! I just sat thinking and thinking (with JK constantly popping into my head, lol!) and it just clicked how perfect he would be in the role!

And, I am of course 100% behind your Spider-Man pick! It was you who first put the idea of him as Peter into my head so thanks for that! :)
InTylerWeTrust - 1/19/2010, 12:54 PM
Josh: Thanks. My Mysterio choice is one I'm really anxious to get everyone's opinion on. Yep, thanks for giving me the choice of Remar, and you're welcome for Lerman as Spidey.

Multi: Thanks man. I don't really know who I'd pick for those characters to be honest. I don't know that many teen actors/actresses. I like the idea of Taylor Momsen as either Gwen or Liz.

That's a wicked manip BTW.
LEEE777 - 1/19/2010, 12:57 PM
Don't like the SPIDEY pick and aint that LIGHTNING THIEF or something??

Only ones disagree with is VENOM, RHINO, LIZARD!! And totally hate that actor, no way he's ever gonna be JJ lol!!!

Love KRAVEN, SCORPION, HOBGOBLIN, CARNAGE, MORBIUS, and like the rest dude, good job!!

HAMMERHEAD, never seen that one B4 great stuff, i like!
InTylerWeTrust - 1/19/2010, 1:02 PM
Lee: Why don't you like Lerman? Did you see Yuma? And yes, he's going to be Percy Jackson.

And why don't you like Spacey as Connors? He'd be near perfect for the part IMO.

But thanks anyway :)
LEEE777 - 1/19/2010, 1:03 PM
MULTI @ Thats a pretty cool PIC you found there dude, kudos!!
DogsOfWar - 1/19/2010, 1:07 PM
Good cast Tyler!

Branagh would make an excellent Mysterio! I immediately thought of Harry Potter before I even saw your pic. I wonder how Mysterio would look live action. I don't think the fish bowl head would transfer very well.

Strathairn is a great actor but I don't see him as Vulture. Malkovich ftw

Multi-cool pic
LEEE777 - 1/19/2010, 1:08 PM
TYLER @ Nothing against ya SPIDEY pick man, im sure he is, but if he's playing lead superhero in LIGHTNING THIEF LAD or whatever its called, i dont think it'll work!

An anyway im against the Highschool thing anyway lol, he does look the part though man!

And great fan-fic, can tell you took a long time on it kudos!

Nahhh hate that guy, soz man, its one of them actors you just hate, hate him in MORTAL KOMBAT 2, THE PHANTOM, and all the other movies he's ever been in lol! He was alright in JUDGE DREDD though lol, he was only in it for 5 minutes then got shot an killed by STALLONE! : P
InTylerWeTrust - 1/19/2010, 1:14 PM
Dogs: Thanks bro. There is a really cool drawing of Mysterio floating somewhere around the net, I'll try and find it. I think it looks pretty awesome and is a great concept for Mysterio's film look.

Believe me, Malkovich would be my first choice for Vulture, I was the one who started that choice in the first place in my previous Spidey re-cast. But, since he was confirmed for SM 4, and that tanked, I don't think it's entirely possible.

Lee: I maybe sorta see your point, but Yelchin has 2 franchises under him already. Worthington's got Clash and Avatar, and Terminator. It's an issue, certainly, but it doesn't mean Lerman wouldn't work.

I wasn't asking what you hate about Remar, I was asking what you don't like about Spacey as Lizard.
Ryden - 1/19/2010, 1:26 PM
I like Lerman a lot but not for Spidey. IMO he doesn’t have the right face for the role and he looks younger than he really is. I grew up reading Spidey and I just don’t think he suits Lerman or Vice Versa, Lerman is the ideal Robin.

Perfect Harry Osborn

Good Aunt May but I’m not so keen on your Uncle Ben choice, seems like too much of a hard-ass to be the easy going Uncle Ben

Never seen your Jonah choice act

I can see Ralph Fiennes as Norman but he makes a better Chameleon ;) I’m sticking with John C McGinley for Norman

Don’t like Hoffman for Ock, he’s a great actor and everything but it’s just not his role.

PERFECT Carnage, anyone who says otherwise doesn’t know Spidey

An interesting choice for Chameleon but I’ll stick with Fiennes

Still not keen on Foster as Electro, he seems far too nerdy for me. Electro is supposed to be a cunning, sly, douche-bag…KEVIN BACON

Love the Hammerhead choice!!

I like your Hobgoblin choice

Perfect Kraven

Even though he’d make a great Lizard he’s my choice for Ock

Perfect Morbius

Interesting Mysterio choice, I like it…I just prefer Zachary Quinto for the role

I agree whole-heartedly on your Rhino choice

Not bad Sandman

Great scorpion

Guy Pearce as Shocker would be a waste…he needs a much bigger role

Perfect Venom, Skarsgard is perfect

And great Vulture!!

Overall a really nice cast, the only two that I’m not feeling so much is your Spidey and Ock..the rest are awesome, it’s a thumbs up from me. :)
Superheromoviefan - 1/19/2010, 1:32 PM
I don't like Vulture, Ben, Hoffman and Sandman.
But all others are awesome choice.Good cast.
AshleyWilliams - 1/19/2010, 1:39 PM
Cool Cast!
Jackie Earle Haley For The Green Goblin!Ralph Fiennes For Doctor Doom!
In All Fairness,I came Up with Hoffman as Doc Ock MONTHS ago.
InTylerWeTrust - 1/19/2010, 1:41 PM
Ryden: Thanks, but Spidey is going to be a younger one in the reboot, and I think Lerman could easily pass off as a high school senior. He looks just fine in the trailer for Percy Jackson. And he has the type of wise-cracking humor shown in Meet Bill to give us the side of Spidey we've always wanted, but he can also do the serious, dramatic stuff Peter inevitably goes through, shown by Yuma. I do think he's the perfect Robin yes, but he's the best choice for the rebooted Spidey as well IMO.

O'Quinn really isn't that much of a hard-ass. In the first season of Lost especially, he reminded me of Uncle Ben. He was the calm and tranquil mediator of the Survivors.

I think Fiennes as Chameleon would be a little too familiar of Voldemort, since they look almost exactly alike. And I don't see McGinley pulling off sinister and threatening that well. He's very good on Scrubs and handles emotional scenes well, but I can't see him as such a majorly villainous character.

I think Hoffman as Ock is a hit or miss with most people, a hit with me obviously, but I think I can see why some aren't too keen on it.

Foster is far from nerdy IMO. He was scary as hell in Yuma and Hostage, didn't come off to me as nerdy in the slightest. I think Bacon is a bit too old.

But thanks anyway man :)

superheromoviefan: Thanks.

Night: I can kind of see Haley as Green Goblin, but not as Norman Osborn. And Clive Owen for Dr. Doom. Didn't know you came up with Hoffman as Ock. Good call.
Ryden - 1/19/2010, 1:51 PM
@Tyler- Like I said I like Lerman as an actor but to me he just doesn't feel like Spidey, you need someone who can be cocky, witty but at the same time huble and shy, to play the two sides of Peter's personality. That's why I like Emile Hirsch for the role. He's 24 and is a fantastic actor ;)

But I wouldn;t complain if he got chosen. ;) You're right about Fiennes though, casting hima s Chameleon is total type-casting LOL :D
InTylerWeTrust - 1/19/2010, 2:01 PM
Ryden: Well, if you want cocky and witty, check out Meet Bill. That's vintage Spidey right there.

I think Lerman has enough range to pull off the more humble side to Peter. If they go for a more Ultimate inspiration for Peter, one that isn't as nerdy and introverted as Peter, Lerman would pull it off excellently. In Yuma he gave off sort of a humble feel, particularly at the end when he came to respect his father and stick by him.

I like Hirsch, he would have rocked it years ago, but I don't think he can pull off high school any more.

And regarding Shocker, I had a feeling that would come up. I do agree Pearce is a bit too good for the role, but he was the only one I could think of that I really really liked. I originally had Mark Strong, but since he's now the villain in everything, I didn't want to use him.
Ryden - 1/19/2010, 2:27 PM
@Tyler- I've never seen Meet bill, but I don't know. I just don't like him for the role. Spidey was the first superhero I ever got into, he introduced me o the comic world and ever since I've been practially addicted to comics, that's why I'm so picky about Spidey. I still think Hirsch has it in him, especially since he's within the age age group that Sony is after. 16-25.

Someone mentioned Woody Harleson for Shocker,how bout him?
InTylerWeTrust - 1/19/2010, 2:33 PM
Harrelsen I did consider. But I didn't want to use another pick MovieTheaterLad used hehe :)

16-25 sounds like too big a range if they're going for a high school setting. 16-22 sounds like a more reasonable range to me. Hirsch just doesn't look like a high school kid, he seems a bit too mature now for it. He might make a good Harry actually, if they wanted to skew him a tad older than Peter. But my dream choice for Harry would be Ryan Gosling (for an older cast) because I swear him and Fiennes could be biologically related :)

And you should check out Meet Bill. Lerman's awesome in it, Jessica Alba actually turns in a decent performance. And Aaron Eckhart is the lead.

MTL: Back at ya!

LEEE777 - 1/19/2010, 2:39 PM
TYLER @ Oh right, nothing really, prefer SPACEY as LEX lol! : P

Nah, seriously only guy i ever will see as LIZARD is DYLAN BAKER, after 3 movies in the shadows as such, it was his time to shine and SONY took that time away from him.
InTylerWeTrust - 1/19/2010, 2:40 PM
Lee: How is he the only guy you can see in the role, when he got about 5 minutes of screen time total? LOL ;P

And it didn't look like Baker was going to get his shot in SM 4 anyway...
Ryden - 1/19/2010, 2:47 PM
@Tyler- Will do man, sounds alright ;) I've heard of the film before, never knew Lerman was in it though.
InTylerWeTrust - 1/19/2010, 2:59 PM
UPDATE: New Shocker choice :)

Ryden: Cool :)
InTylerWeTrust - 1/19/2010, 3:24 PM
Ozy: Thanks.

gtrman: I know, JK was spectacular. But, they probably aren't going to bring him back. It's sad, but it's what's probably going to happen.

But thanks anyway man.
Sever88 - 1/19/2010, 3:33 PM
Hell yeah tyler! great cast man. The only one i'd change would be dr.conners role. Swap spacey for Billy Crudup, I think Crudup would be PERFECT for Dr.Conners/the Lizard tell me what you think
InTylerWeTrust - 1/19/2010, 4:07 PM
Sever: Crudup would own as Connors! Good call!
LEEE777 - 1/19/2010, 4:32 PM
TYLER @ He would've got his shot in SPIDEY 5!

; D

Nahh i really think right at the very last scenes after the credits we saw BAKER as LIZARD!!

Okay i'll actually say, i really hoped lol!
safecrash - 1/19/2010, 6:25 PM
Great casting (as always).

The best ones are Sandman, Mysterio and Chameleon.
InTylerWeTrust - 1/19/2010, 6:53 PM
Thales: Thanks man :)
DDD - 1/20/2010, 4:07 AM
Good cast Tyler@, as always!

I heard that they have their kid to play the new
Spidey 90210, though!
Looks like its just going to be Spidey beating
up on other kids in his Spidey PJ's, though!

Crudup as Dr. Connors does seem obvious
but I want him for REED RICHARDS in the new
LEEE777 - 1/20/2010, 9:45 AM
OMG man, have you seen some of the sh1t posted in fan-fic now!!!

Its a sad day stuff like this, that obviously took you ages and ages to do TYLER has been shoved right down the page, fan-fic's getting silly now.

I think it wont be long till no one will bother doing any quality fan fic's anymore...

And i wont blame them.

JakeMurdock89 - 1/20/2010, 11:31 PM
GREAT CAST!!! lerman was great in 310 to yuma and would be perfect 4 spidey especially since theyre goin with the high school storyline
chrismatj - 1/21/2010, 1:49 PM
I love all of your pics. Great job!!! ;D
ReillyParker - 1/21/2010, 5:26 PM
Spacey for Doc Conners is Perfect and Benicio Del Toro looks like a b*d*ss Morbius. Great Picks, I love all of them, but there are others I'd also like to see in some roles.

For some reason I wanna see Mark Strong as Rodderick Kingsley. He played an awesome Gangster in RocknRolla and a sinster bad guy in Sherlock Holmes it's just too bad it probably can't now since he's working on the GL movie. Plus seeing how they're going a little cheaper this next movie it'd be cool if they put Kingsley in Kingpin's role (Not saying name Kingpin's character Kingsley) and piting Spidey in a Mob war, AND it would be a great setup to the next movie if he were to become the Hobgoblin plus he a cold manipulative b*st*rd all on his own. I dunno just some random thoughts of mine. (Hobgoblin's story one of my favorite arc's and he's one of favorite Villians)
MovieMisfit - 1/21/2010, 8:32 PM
Great cast.
NicholasPelAlmqvist - 2/19/2011, 7:32 PM
I agree with most of these!
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