Marvel's Thunderbolts TV Series Fan-Cast (MarvelCinemax) -Episode 2.0

Marvel's Thunderbolts TV Series Fan-Cast (MarvelCinemax) -Episode 2.0

After posting my previous "Thunderbolts TV series" fancast, a few people asked me to share some of my ideas on how the show would play out. So, here are my ideas for the second episode.

By MRVN - Dec 23, 2016 04:12 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic


The past decade has seen an alarming increase in the number of enhanced individuals who intentionally use their abilities in the commission of criminal and violent acts that threaten the safety of many U.S. citizens. However, there has also been an increase in the number of enhanced individuals who unintentionally pose a threat to the safety of themselves and others and desperately seek help regaining a sense of normalcy in their lives. To address these concerns, the President and the Secretary of State have initiated a U.N. approved, inter-agency program called Project: Reintegration which enlists specially trained enhanced individuals to help safely resolve high-risk situations and help garner goodwill between the so-called "super-powered" community and the general public. Spearheaded by retired Lieutenant General and current Secretary of State Thaddeus E. Ross, the first team to successfully run off-site missions for the program have been nicknamed "The Thunderbolts" in the media.

As usual, this is a bit of a massive read, so be warned. Also, I promise this is my last post about this idea/series. I just had to get it out of my system I guess.

CAST & CHARACTERS (By Order of Appearance)


Jocelyn Link  (Gemini)

Actress - Rya Kihlstedt

Personality - A personable leader, Determined, Disciplined, Perfectionist, Assertive.

Enhanced Abilities - Can emit a frigidly cold, “white flame” energy from her palms when her hands come into contact with another surface.

Character History -

Jocelyn Link is believed to be the Houston, TX based leader of the cartel's operations running throughout the south, southeast, and south-west regions. Prior to taking her formal position as an Executive Director at The Zodiac Institute, Link served as a Global Vice President of Wholesales and Vice President of Global Planning & Fuels Marketing at Roxxon Energy, and as a Co-Managing Partner for the legal firm Kreiger Rosenthal LLP


Harlan Vargas  (Sagittarius)

Actor - Michael Landes

Personality - Sarcastic, Casual, Sociable, Loyal.

Enhanced Abilities - Can create an energy field around his body which allows for limited flight and levitation while also giving him the ability to throw large “blades” of thermal plasma.

Character History -


Harlan Vargas is believed to be a Miami, FL based member of the cartel's operations running throughout the south, southeast, and southwest regions -working under regional leader Jocelyn Link. Prior to his formal position as a Non-Executive Director at The Zodiac Institute, Vargas served as an Operations Manager, Security Consultant, and Personal Protection Specialist for Roxxon-Blackridge (Washington DC), Director of Safety and Security for Cybertek (Miami), a Sergeant and Commander for the Miami-Dade Police Special Response Team, and as a Long Range Reconnaissance and Surveillance Sergeant in the US Army.


Whitney Wainwright  (Capricorn)

Actress - Nicole Ari Parker

Personality - Determined, Charismatic, Confident, Unforgiving, Blunt.

Enhanced Abilities - Can create waves of bioelectrical energy “spikes” and “stakes” that rise up from the ground.


Character History -


Whitney Wainwright is believed to be an Atlanta, GA based member of the cartel's operations running throughout the south, southeast, and south-west regions - working under regional leader Jocelyn Link. Prior to her formal position as a Non-Executive Director at The Zodiac Institute, Wainwright served as a Senior Recruiter and Recruiting Coordinator for Rubicon Defence Services LTD, as an Special Consultant for C3M International, as an Advisor to the Director of Operations at Salek Extractives & Mining (Qatar), as a Dignitary and Convoy Protection Specialist for the U.S. Dept of State, as a Level 6 agent of SHIELD, and as a NCIS Investigator and Military Police Officer for the US Navy.


Gruenhilda  (Gruenhilda the Valkyrie)

Actress-  Eva LaRue

Personality - Stoic, Imposing, Loyal, Honorable, Courageous, Assertive.

Enhanced Abilities - Possesses all the superhuman attributes common among Asgardians, including superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, reflexes, and longevity.

Character History - Marvel Wikia

The Asgardian known only as Gruenhilda is sent to Earth (Midgard) to retrieve Gunna Sijurvald - who is the lost daughter of one of Gruenhilda’s sisters-in-arms who died while being held captive. All that is known of Gruenhilda is that she a member of a band of Asgardian warriors called “The Valkyrior” (also known as “Valkyries” or “Choosers of the Slain” in Norse mythology) and that she personally knew Gunna’s mother before she was captured by Magzi trolls.


Delroy Garrett Jr.  (Triathlon)

Actor -Brian White

Personality - Skilled tactician. Decisive. Affirming. Observant. Natural problem solver. Easy to relate to. Occasionally too impulsive.

Enhanced Abilities - Superhuman speed. Superhuman strength. Elevated stamina. Superhuman senses and reflexes. Accelerated healing factor. Heightened resistance to sedatives and depressants.

Character History - Marvel Wikia

Garrett is an ATCU operative and team leader for The Thunderbolts who is enlisted in Project: Reintegration on a voluntary basis. He is a former captain in the U.S. Marine Corp who was court-martialed and discharged after severely assaulting the man that his fiance had been having an affair with - an attack which left the man severely injured and in a coma. Garrett worked as a private military contractor after his release and sustained serious injuries during a security assignment in Bogota, Colombia where an armed group attempted to kidnap his client, Dr. Jonathan Tremont - the CEO of Triune Pharmaceuticals. In gratitude for saving his life and the life of his family, Tremont handled all of Garrett's medical and personal expenses while he recovered from the attack, and offered him the opportunity to enter into a research trial that his company was holding for the treatment of nerve damage, neuropathy, and chronic pain. For unknown reasons, the drugs and the galvanic processes used during the trial did more than treat Garrett's symptoms, they also enhanced his strength, speed, agility, and sensory acuity to roughly three times that of peak human potential. However, two notable side effects have arisen since the treatment concluded. Garrett now suffers from relatively long periods of insomnia as well as infrequent episodes of brief but intense tremors.


Melissa Gold (Songbird)

Actress - Eliza Dushku

Personality - Tough. Protective. Intense. Devoted. Intuitive. Takes commitments very seriously. Stubborn. Does not take criticism well.

Enhanced Abilities - Can generate powerful sonic blasts, sonic force fields, and various other sound-energy constructs. Flight. Enhanced strength (with and without force field use). Voice-induced manipulation of others.

Character History - Marvel Wikia 

Gold is an ATCU training specialist and asset handler for The Thunderbolts who is enlisted in Project: Reintegration on a voluntary basis. She is also a well-trained mixed martial artist and former professional fighter from Boston, Massachusetts who is skilled in a number of combat styles, including Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Traditional Boxing, and Jeet Kune Do. She ran away from the home of her abusive father shortly after her mother was sent to prison. Over time, she became a talented and rising fighter in the MMA community and was making in-roads to fight professionally in the Artemis Fight League. However, her career was derailed when she was arrested for felony assault. The so-called victim of Gold's attack was a man who had previously lost a large amount of money to her friend & roommate in a card game and brutally attacked and robbed the young woman after the game ended. Before an arrest could be made, Melissa tracked down the man on her own and was moments away from choking him to death when authorities arrived on the scene and made their arrests. After serving more than two years in jail for aggravated assault, Gold returned to her old gym in Boston, doing odd jobs for the owner and helping to train fighters whenever the opportunity arose. During the events of the Inhuman Outbreak, Melissa was accidentally exposed to some Terrigen contaminated health supplements and underwent the physical transformation called Terrigenesis. The transformation enhanced Gold's strength and allowed her to vocally generate powerful sonic blasts, force-fields, and solid sound energy constructs. For some time, Melissa was able to remain under the radar of most authorities, including SHIELD and the ATCU. However, Melissa eventually went to authorities seeking help when her powers became harder and harder to control and she unintentionally attacked a long time friend after waking up from a nightmare.



Dr. Anne Weaver (Agent Weaver)

Actress - Christine Adams

Personality - Analytical. Observant. Astute. Perceptive.

Enhanced Abilities - N/A

Character History - MCU Wiki


Dr Weaver is a noted particle physicist and biologist, SHIELD academy professor, and a board member of the Special Counsel to the SHIELD Director. In addition to overseeing and supervising the Project: Reintegration program, her office also processes and contains any and all unstable and potentially dangerous items that are acquired by the team while on their assignments. Dr Weaver was also very instrumental in designing and constructing the acoustic-kinetic harness that allows Melissa Gold to better control her sound-energy constructs.

Gunna Sijurvald (Troll)

Actress - Isabelle Fuhrman

Personality - Asocial, Hostile, Reactive, Aggressive

Enhanced Abilities - Like all Asgardians, Gunna is superhumanly strong and possesses greater physical strength than the average Asgardian female. She is also capable of running and moving at superhuman speeds that are comparable to the average Magzi troll. Finally, her sense of smell is greater than that of even most Asgardians or Magzi trolls.

Character History - MCU Wiki

Not much is known about Gunna Sijurvald. What is known is that she was born of an Asgardian mother and a Magzi troll father who had captured her. Even though she looks Asgardian, she was raised by trolls and has the almost feral disposition to prove it. The young woman was brought to Earth (Midgard) by action taken by Katrina Van Horn and a group of Norse Paganist who used a horde of trolls to attack a oilfield and refinery.


Katrina Van Horn (Man-Killer)

Actress - Monique Ganderton

Personality - Adventurous, Driven, Rigid, Unforgiving, Steely, Agressive

Enhanced Abilities - Superhuman strength (for a limited amount of time) from a combination of genetic manipulation and a powered exoskeleton/body suit

Character History - MCU Wiki


Katrina Van Horn (formerly Lubbings) was a world renowned skier, outdoor athlete, and professional mountain climber/mountain guide who was almost fatally injured when her husband at the time - fellow climber and skier Karl Lubbings - attempted to kill her while on a climb in the French Alps. At some point after the accident, Van Horn was approached by researchers from the company Advanced Idea Mechanics and underwent a restorative process that ran parallel to the company’s work with the Extremis formula, but required the patient to wear a specially designed body suit/exoskeleton. Over time, the suit the corrected damage to Van Horn’s spine and organs and eventually imbued her with superhuman strength. It is not known how long Van Horn has been associated with the Norse Paganists.



Raymond "Ray" Bloch (Ox)

Actor -Randy Orton

Positive Personality Traits - Tough. Resourceful. Adaptable. Practical. Outgoing. Amoral. Blunt. Ignores the long-term impact of his behavior.

Enhanced Abilities - Superhuman strength and invulnerability which increase exponentially with rising levels of adrenaline and other unidentified hormones in his system.

Character History -Marvel Wikia


Bloch is a former "personal protection specialist", security consultant, and a suspected "fixer" for the Roxxon-Blackridge security firm who is enlisted in Project:Reintegration on a probational basis at the request of SHIELD agent Tomas Calderon - who is currently investigating Roxxon Energy. Raymond has been implicated (but never convicted) in a number of murder and corruption cases going back at least 12 years. After the murder of his twin brother Ronald "Ronnie" Bloch, as ordered by Maggia underboss Carmen Nobili, Raymond cut all ties to his life in New Jersey and began working for Roxxon-Blackridge on the glowing endorsement of Roxxon Vice President and General Counsel Karl Stragg. During his employment, Bloch was sent to "clean up" a crime scene where one of Roxxon's top priority engineers - a gifted young lady named Cindy Shelton - had surprised and accidentally killed an intruder that was later identified as a SHIELD agent named Latcham. After successfully "fixing" the problem and reporting that the apparently rogue agent had been remotely accessing Shelton's work station via a home laptop, Bloch was assigned as her "personal protection specialist" while the firm investigated. Over time, Raymond and Cindy grew closer and eventually became more than coworkers. At some point after their relationship began, Shelton discovered that one of the scientists overseeing her research was a former HYDRA agent named Ava Lingenfelter and that she was conducting illegal experiments on human subjects on behalf of Roxxon Energy. While trying to figure out what to do with the damaging information, Roxxon-Blackridge agents murder Cindy and framed Ray for her murder.



Paul Norbert Ebersol (Fixer)

Actor -Bob Morley

Personality - Imaginative. Intelligent. Creative. Idealistic. Undisciplined. Easily bored. Overly defensive.

Enhanced Abilities - Has had portions of his body cybernetically enhanced to allow for interaction with the cyber-organic software used exclusively by the Transhumanists group. Uses an advanced biomechanical backpack connected to a pair of forearm gauntlets which house many offensive (right arm) and defensive (left arm) capabilities - including sonic blast weapons, thermal plasma weapons, force blast weapons, electrical arc weapons, and energy shields.  

Character History - Marvel Wikia

Ebersol is an untrained technological genius, Transhumanist, illegal arms dealer, and Department of Defense detainee that is enlisted in Project:Reintegration on a probational basis. Paul (or “Norbert” as he prefers to be called) was a child prodigy with an almost supernatural understanding of technology and mechanical devices - a talent that enable him to deconstruct and enhance devices into new and seemingly unimaginable creations with widely available parts and electronics. Finishing most of his formal education at a relatively young age, Ebersol quickly became bored with his college studies and dropped out early on to become a noted member of the underground Transhumanist movement. His affiliation with the group and budding career as a dealer in advanced  “one of a kind” weapons gave his access to much of the classified and tightly regulated technology developed by companies such as Stark Industries, Hammer Industries, Cybertek, Roxxon Energy, Transia Corp, and more. As a result, Bert was able to build a device he called "The Tech-Pack" which used a combination of Transia Corp’s nerve wiring interface, Transhumanist software, and various hardware to create a harness and duel gauntlet exoskeleton that held a wide variety of defensive and offensive capabilities. While attempting to gain a viable piece of tech from the Svartalfarian ship that was destroyed during The Battle of Greenwich, Ebersol was arrested by U.S. authorities and covertly held by the Department of Defense at an undisclosed location. While his time spent in the custody of the DOD is classified, it has been revealed that Bert has designed many “fixes” for military personnel requiring affordable, low-maintenance prosthetic devices after suffering injuries on the battlefield. After learning about Project:Reintegration, from his Dept of Defense handler Ebersol aggressively campaigned to be enlisted in the program - stating that he hoped to make amends for all the death and destruction that his weapons and arms dealing had caused.


Anthony Masters (Taskmaster)


Actor -Anson Mount

Personality - Disciplined. Reserved. Quiet. Calm under pressure. Jack-of-all-trades. Difficult to read. Intimidating. May not work well in a team/group environment.

Enhanced Abilities - Possesses “photographic reflexes” which enables him to watch another person’s physical movements and duplicate them precisely without practice, no matter how complex. He is also able to quickly process and retain large amounts of information, an ability that has allowed him to become a savant in regards to firearms, melee weapons, automotives, aircrafts, and explosives.

Character History - Marvel Wikia


Masters is a SHIELD detainee and internationally wanted mercenary enlisted in Project: Reintegration on a tenuous probational basis at the request of Nick Fury. The former black ops agent's history is unclear, even to himself. However, it is known that he has crossed paths with agents on both sides of the law over the years, including such noteworthy operatives as Georges Batroc, Marcus "Blacklash" Scarlotti, Ted "Spymaster" Calloway, Grant Ward, Clint “Hawkeye” Barton, and even Steve “Captain America” Rogers - managing to evade death or capture on every occasion. While some suspect that the infamous soldier-of-fortune is actually a deep-cover SHIELD agent working covertly for former director Fury, his addition to the team proves to be a bitter pill to swallow for many of the military and intelligence officers that work for the program who view Masters as little more than an immoral and murderous hitman. His presence seems especially suspect considering the events that lead up to his capture. After apparently living as a civilian in rural Pennsylvania for almost a year, the high priority fugitive unceremoniously walked into a sheriff's office, told the deputy at the desk that he believes he is a wanted fugitive named Anthony Masters, and that he needed to speak to the "...beautiful SHIELD agent..." that had been serving him the same breakfast at a local diner for the past 8 months - a young woman who suddenly disappeared after breaking her cover during their first date. When asked directly by team leader Delroy Garrett what he was really doing on the team, Masters simply stated that he was trying to find out who he is and if he's really as terrible as everyone seems to think he is. Due to his probationary status, Masters is only authorized to use nonlethal force on assignment.

Dr. Karla Sofen (Moonstone)

Actor -Laura Vandervoort

Personality - Self-confident. Intelligent. Direct. Unafraid. Manipulative. Antagonistic. Confrontational. Possibly unbalanced.

Enhanced Abilities - Able to manipulate the Kree gravity stone bonded to her central nervous system in a variety of ways, including (but not limited to) : the ability to create laser-like force blasts, generate superhuman strength, take flight, manipulate the gravity of objects, become intangible, and discharge blinding flashes of light from her eyes.

Character History - Marvel Wikia


Dr. Sofen is a former occupational psychiatrist for the StatiCorp corporation and a current SHIELD detainee who is enlisted in Project: Reintegration on a probational basis. Sofen worked closely with a team of scientists who were tasked with quietly continuing the research started by a Utah-based StatiCorp lab that was destroyed when it inadvertently created an inter dimensional portal. During her regular staff screenings, Dr Sofen noted that one of the researchers had become increasingly preoccupied with an item that he informally referred to as "The Moonstone" - hinting that it was an artifact retrieved from a newly produced portal within the lab. Some time after the young researcher stopped showing up for his screenings, he accosted Sofen outside of her home. After admitting that he stole the artifact from the lab, he began acting extremely erratic and claimed that the stone had somehow become a part of him. After several uneasy hours of being held captive by the young man, a disastrous arrest attempt was made by the local police, which lead to the researcher becoming completely unhinged and attacking several officers with previously unknown supernatural abilities. However, after pursuing and cornering Karla in an alley, the “Moonstone” abruptly phased out of the attacker's body (an act which left him comatose) and quickly fused itself to the psychiatrist's nervous system. Shortly after the transfer, Sofen single-handedly and completely destroyed the StatiCorp site where she worked - including the the new inter dimensional portal that the Moonstone was retrieved from - for reasons that have never been fully explained. Karla only surrendered to SHIELD officials when an overwhelming sense of empathy for the many injured and frightened victims of her attack caused her to power down. Recently, the Asgardian Elliot Randolph revealed that the “Moonstone” artifact is actually a piece of Kree technology that was designed to interact with a race of beings known for their resolute mental strength and incredible will power and that this unprecedented connection with Sofen appears to be having a new and extraordinary effect on both the stone and its host.

Matthew Banham (Jackhammer)

Actor -Jake McDorman

Personality - Many-sided, Repressed, Intelligent, Guilt-ridden, Resentful, Desperate, Quiet, Angry, Misguided.

Enhanced Abilities - Banham wears a technologically advanced suit that can deliver varying degrees of destructive concussive force via shockwaves that can travel through various mediums (including air) or generate massive pulsating vibrations when either of the suit’s gauntlets make direct physical contact with a target. The suit also has energized shielding capabilities that protect the wearer from firearms, grenades, and other forms of weaponry.

Character History - ComicVine


Banham is a former HYDRA operative who has withdrawn completely into his quiet, civilian cover life as a Los Angeles based civil engineer following the death of nearly every member in his sleeper cell - including his first real love  - during SHIELD’s most recent war with HYDRA. He is drawn back into his old life when the Zodiac Cartel offers him a chance to enact a well planned revenge plot against the same strike team that killed his close friends and teammates.


As the members of the Thunderbolts team enjoy the success of their first mission, the members of the Zodiac lick their wounds and quickly put another enhanced operative in play - a former HYDRA operative who has a longstanding grudge against a group of U.S. soldiers from his past.

Also, The Tower hosts a very unique vistor who has ties to the young feral girl that they discovered during the oil field attack.


A TV screen is showing WHIH World News reporter Hunter Harris broadcasting live from the site of the Roxxon oil field disaster 2 days after the event:

WHiH Reporter Hunter Harris:An Oklahoma oil field and refinery owned by the Roxxon Oil Corporation was attacked by members of the Norse Paganist terrorist group two days ago - an act that took the lives of 16 individuals, and left several others seriously injured. According to state officials, an estimated 60,000 gallons of crude oil and an untold amount of dangerous natural gas has already leaked from damaged pipelines and a number of oil wells at the site, endangering the lives and property of many of the residents in the surrounding areas. Crews have been working around the clock to cap off pipeline leaks and oil rig blowouts, as well as contain a number of large fires that continue to rage around the site. State and federal officials say that they can’t stress enough just how volatile the situation really is and continue to urge local residents to take any and all orders to evacuate the surrounding areas very seriously.

(The report cuts away to a fire & rescue official who begins to talk about just how dangerous the situation really is before a frustrated Jocelyn Link (Gemini) turns off the TV in her office.)

Harlan Vargas (Sagittarius): “So no mention of monsters and goblins then?”

Jocelyn Link (Gemini): “Not yet. Just nonstop updates about how our team on the ground is in custody, the disaster and its ensuing chaos wasn’t quite what we had hoped for, and Dr. Lingenfelter - who we need now more than ever - is M.I.A. !”

(Vargas’ attitude and body language becomes more serious)

Whitney Wainwright (Capricorn): “I may already have a lead on the doctor’s movements after the attack, I’m just waiting to hear back from a source. But here’s the thing Jocelyn...we planned this operation for months, and the good doctor still managed to slip through our fingers. If we rush things and try to snatch her away from Roxxon again, and we fumble…”

Jocelyn Link: “...then we definitely won’t get a third try.”

( Link collapses into her desk chair and massages her temples )

Harlan Vargas: “Before we start writing this up as a loss, I feel like we need to take a minute to see where we really are. Van Horn and her crew caused enough damage to that place to slow down oil supplies to much of the country for at least the next couple of months. Granted, that’s not as bad as we had hoped for, but it’s bad nonetheless. Our investments are already beginning to increase from the speculated shortages. According to the chief, involving those creatures proved to be a stroke of genius on your part Jocelyn. The Key’s energy levels are higher than they've been in months…”

Whitney Wainwright: “And, most importantly, there's nothing directly connecting us to any of this.

( Wainwright motions to the TV screen, which shows an aerial shot of the extensive damage to the Roxxon facility).

“The authorities, or Roxxon  - or both - are clearly covering up most of the details of what really happened out there. But we know for a fact that they have Van Horn in custody. And so far it seems that everyone is okay with writing this up as an isolated attack from a group of Viking loving nutjobs who just so happen to know how to fill their ranks with…let’s call them ‘atypical ‘.... recruits. Sure it’s strange, but it’s not something that  SHIELD hasn’t seen and covered up a number of times before. Right now Katrina, and her team, and those items that we secured for them are probably all on their way to some off-the-books government site in the arctic, where they will be unceremoniously tagged, bagged, and forgotten. The powers that be are more concerned with reassuring the public that they have everything under control, than they are with actually doing the work that’s needed to maintain control.

Jocelyn, I promise you that, in the long run, all of these things work in our favor.”

( Link appears to be somewhat reassured by Vargas’ and Wainwright’s words)

Jocelyn Link: “Absolutely. It’s just…”

( Link stiffens her resolve, stands up again, calmly straightens her clothes, and moves on to other matters)

“So what does our fearless leader have to say about Elaine and the others?”

Harlan Vargas: “Well, he’s still working on it. But as far as he’s able to tell...and as far as I’m able to understand...some of us will be experiencing a bit of ‘recoil’ from the recent power surge that our operation sent through the Yggdrasil. So far, only the L.A. team is reporting any blowback. ”

( Harlan uses his abilities to create a long, knife like energy blade in his right hand)

“Apparently, the human body isn’t equipped to handle all of the wonders that that little Key of ours has to offer. “

Whitney Wainwright:  “Speak for yourself Harlan.”

( The three conspirators grin at Wainwright’s comment, and the mood lightens a bit)

Harlan Vargas: “So, for the time being, all of our plans need to avoid involving anything off-world. Other than that, we just need to refrain from using our…’wonders’  for any extended length of time.”

(Vargas says while looking slyly at Wainwright and extinguishing his energy blade).

“And anyone who starts to come down with symptoms is supposed to let Marcus know immediately.”

(The meeting appears to be coming to a natural close as both Jocelyn and Whitney start making their way to the door. Vargas, however, remains near Jocelyn’s desk, waiting to add one last thing)

Harlan Vargas: “He also wants us to take the lead on the ‘Jackhammer’ operation going know, at least until the L.A. team gets back on their feet. And ...uhmmm….he wants Daniel and the Chicago team to run point on securing Dr Lingenfelter.


(Link, once again, collapses into a nearby chair and massages her temples. Wainwright sits back down in her chair as well with an upset look on her face.)

(During a quick flashback we see an unlucky Chicago gang banger walk in on a fully charged and beastly looking Daniel Radford after he has brutally killed a room full of armed killers with his bare hands.)

Whitney Wainwright: “Well, shit….”



  1. A week after the oil field attack (and 5 days after the events of the cold open), we see an Asgardian warrior named Gruenhilda watching the troll girl through the window of her containment unit. The girl - who is now clean and dressed in detainee scrubs - is sleeping soundly on a cot. Gruenhilda is soon joined by Delroy Garrett (Triathlon), Melissa Gold (Songbird), and Dr. Anne Weaver.

  • Gruenhilda explains that the young girl is named Gunna Sijurvald. She was born of an Asgardian  mother - whom Gruenhilda fought beside on many occasions - and a Magzi troll father who had captured her. Even though she looks Asgardian, she was raised by trolls and has more in common with their feral nature than the she does with the people of Asgard. The girl was once captured by Asgardians, who named her Gunna after her mother, and tried to introduce her to Asgardian culture, with little success. It is believed that she escaped Asgard with a group of Marauders  during a prison break that took place around the time of The Convergence.

  • Gruenhilda offhandedly comments that The Norns  (aka The Fates) appear to be at work in the life of Gunna. When Songbird asks her to explain what that means, she says that The Norns are three beings believed to oversee the destinies of all Asgardians. She then points out the fact that many pieces had to fall into place at the right time in order for Gunna to make her way from Asgard back to Vanaheim, reunite with her pack of Magzi trolls, then have that pack be summoned by van Horn and her group which ultimately lead to Gunna coming into contact with the Asgardian battle axe, Warbringer - a weapon that was once owned by Gunna’s mother and is now rightfully hers.

  • Delroy asks exactly how van Horn and her group might have come to possess the Asgardian battle axe in the first place - a question that Gruenhilda does not have an answer to. She does note that van Horn must also be more than she appears as a normal human wouldn’t have been able to withstand the massive amount of energy that must have flowed through the weapon the moment that it was used to open the portal to Vanaheim.

  • This leads to Dr Weaver commenting that, though the portal has been secured by authorities, they are at a loss in regards to closing the portal completely - something that Gruenhilda believes she will be able correct before she takes  Gunna and the Warbringer battle axe back to Asgard.

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JaredRWebb12 - 12/23/2016, 3:08 PM
Good work as usual- and if this ever makes it on tv- I hope they use Taskmaster as much as you have so far. Especially if Anson Mount is portraying him. Keep it up!
MRVN - 12/23/2016, 5:34 PM
@JaredRWebb12 - I appreciate it. Thank you, as always, for giving it a read and commenting. I just hope someone behind the scenes at Marvel just considers Anson Mount for Taskmaster. I really think he could do the character justice (judging from his performances in "Hell on Wheels" alone).

I think these last two post will be my last entries on the subject. I have at least 4 episode mapped out in my head, but I think I should quit while I'm ahead.
JaredRWebb12 - 12/24/2016, 6:45 AM
@mtwiggs - I don't know if you should cancel. I'd like to read the last two episodes
MRVN - 12/24/2016, 9:22 AM
@JaredRWebb12 - Thanks. I appreciate it
MRVN - 12/24/2016, 9:34 AM
@JaredRWebb12 - I just felt like I was overdoing with the fan fiction and passing into the land of fanaticism lol
JaredRWebb12 - 12/24/2016, 5:12 PM
@mtwiggs - It's fine lol
SimplyAz - 12/24/2016, 5:38 AM
Good work as usual. Shout out for using Jake McDorman as he is awesome and made Limitless so fun.

Well done on having a diverse cast that is natural, as you utilise characters who are already that ethnicity.
MRVN - 12/24/2016, 9:10 AM
@SimplyAz - Thanks for checking out the post, giving it a read, and commenting.

I tried to stick to the source material as possible. I did change Capricorn's sex but only because there wasn't anything in the books to work with
Marvelite90 - 12/27/2016, 4:38 AM
Another great Episode. It is much smaller in scope compared to the last one, but I did enjoy the more personal aspect that came with Jackhammer's vendetta. Jackhammer himself is also a nice tie to the Hydra plot that was prevelant in Agents of SHIELD for so long. Just like last time, the level of detail and your eye for continuity makes it easy to imagine this taking place within the MCU (something that even the official TV series' are struggeling with, due to that rift between the TV side and Movie side of Marvel Studios).

Also, the character interactions continue to be enjoyable. We got the first hint of the Buddy relationship between Ox and Fixer, and the beginning of a friendship (relationship?) bettween Moonstone and Taskmaster, which I enjoy a lot. I laughed hard at the weightlifting scene. Wish I could benchpress a car so that Moonstone would have to look after me, hehe.

Please, don't stop now, as Long as you still enjoy doing these. It's not fanaticism, it's just a little bit of fun we are having here, so why stop now? ^^ Still, it's your call.
MRVN - 12/27/2016, 7:10 AM
@Marvelite90 - Thanks for reading and commenting, I sincerely appreciate it.

I realize the Agents of SHIELD show kind of flows in the same currents that surround the movies, but i would hope that a Thunderbolts show would focus more on 1) expanding SHIELD's corner of the MCU and 2) making use if the ENORMOUS wealth 2nd, 3rd,and 4th tier heros and villians of Marvel. And past seasons of AOS really set a great groundwork for connecting The Thunderbolts to HYDRA while also leaving some storylines open enough to make some solid connections.

While I'm not a writer, I recognize the importance of characters and team dynamics. I imagine Fixer and Ox becoming odd couple friends and Moonstone and Taskmaster having an on-going "will they or won't they" tension built from an unjudging understanding of one another.

Glad you enjoyed the weightlifting scene. I think the right writer could make it play out great on film.

I do enjoy writing these outlines, even though I know that they don't have a snowball's chance in Hell of getting made. Still, I might keep it up. As long as I'm not hoggin' up all the space in the fanfiction area.
Marvelite90 - 12/28/2016, 4:38 AM
@mtwiggs - You're welcome as always :)

True man, very true. This is something that I was expecting from Agents of SHIELD since the beginning (introducing all those characters of the Marvel universe that are most likely not going to get a movie appearance any time soon), and, while they could have a done a liiiittle bit more of that (for example, I was kinda expecting to see SHIELD agents Woo and Quartermain in Season 1, but alas), I think they still did a fine job. So yeah, I'm all for expanding this universe.

Absolutely. A series like this would be an disaster without character development. Noone cares about character if not even the writer seems to care about them enough to develope them. And even if you're not a writer, I still believe that you're doing a very fine job here.

Absolutely. I can just imagine Ortons big grin on his face in that scene.

Don't worry about that man. These outlines are so nicely done, with a lot of effort put into them, that I don't think anyone would complain about you "hoggin' up" all the space ;)
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