My idea to reboot the Superman Franchise! Cast, Characters and Story.

My idea to reboot the Superman Franchise! Cast, Characters and Story.

Superman is the most iconic superhero of all time and they want to side line him? What? So the "geniuses" at Warner Brothers can't figure out the big blue boy scout back in movies, so I did it for them.

By aresww3 - Jun 14, 2020 11:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

So, clearly I am a alot smarter than I have given myself credit. Because I seem to have figured out what the ingenious professionals of the multibillion dollar studio Warner Brothers can´t. How the f do we make a Superman movie?  

Rule 1 of Fight club -   Don´t tell anyone... Sorry... Wrong meeting. 

I think the fundemental issue WB´s and fans are having, is letting go of something that seems on the surface so organically perfect. That is the square jawed, stripped straight from the pages, comic accurate looking Henry hunk  Cavill.

However this asymetry between Cavill and the big blue boy scout has been somewhat overstated. 

Many beloved modern versions of the character have  strayed away from the square jawed muscle man depiction.

The advantage of this approach is furnishing Superman and Clark Kent with a much greater sense of humanity. Giving the audience a Clark Kent they can root for because he isn´t just this perfect Hurculean looking archetpye.  He really is the bumbling, down on his luck, every-man reporter, but in a much more modern way.   I mean he already has all the best powers in the world, must he also have the worlds best looks? Instead of making a hero that is already viewed in the eyes of the public as perfect, even more perfect and therefore boring, why not really show case his  human side. 

HUMANIZING SUPERMAN and the problem with Snyder and Whedon´s vision. 

Both versions of Cavill´s Superman have major issues.  With Snyder, his Superman had tons of potential if cerain elements had been retconned. 

The two biggest issues being that he seemed far more alien than he should have. It was as if Snyder forgot that Superman was raised on Earth. and took the whole alien aspect of his persona far too seriously. This in turn alienated him from the audience. 

The second thing, which grew out of the initial problem was Clarks relationship to the Kent´s. It wasn´t just that Pa Kent taught awful lessons to Clark, but it was that he essentially turned Superman´s ethics into Batman´s ethics. Superman was made into a Utilitarian. Something Superman should absolutely never be. Someone who thinks an immoral act can be justified if it is for the greater good.  This has been the single biggest principle that seperates Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman. 

Batman is the guy who would consider doing what would otherwise be an evil act for the greater good of all humanity. Superman on the other hand philosophically was always against that. He is the duty based Superhero who believed that no immoral act, especially an evil one, is ever justified under any scenario, and therefore is always another way. In this way Superman was Kantian, Batman a desciple of John Stuart Mill and Heremy Betham, and Wonder Woman true to her greek roots an Aristotelian in the school of virtue ethics.  Much like Kant who had a moral code that was absolute and could not be strayed from that was formed from the teaching of Christianity and Enlightenment philosophy, so did Clark, accept, his moral compas was the teachings of the Kent´s and their simple mid west all Americana understanding of wrong and right. 

 If Lex Luthor was either going to kill Lois, or blow up Metropolis, Superman would always find that impossible third  way to resolve the situation. I think this is the fundemental misunderstanding that Zack Snyder had of the character. When Pa Kent told Superman there are greater things at risk in the world so he maybe should consider letting a bus full of kids die, he fundementally altered an unshakeable tenet of Superman´s mythos and that is his incorruptability. 

Then came Whedon. As a huge Superman fan I never understood why people found Superman boring, overpowered and impossible to write. Then I saw Justice League and suddenly it dawned on me. if this is how people see Superman then he is boring, overpowered and impossible to write for.  In my honest opionion the worst ever depiction of Superman I have seen. Some weird cartoon character, capable of anything, nothing could harm him, slow him down or cause him pain. He was a bad, slavish, impression of Chris Reeves that even made Brandon Routh´s take  look startalingly innovative in comparrison. 

None of this has been Cavill´s fault, but the cold hard truth is he has split audiences, and has not garned any box office success in either version of his Superman. We still are yet to see if he can pull off a good Clark Kent. 


I will always love the idea of Kevin Costner as Pa Kent. Wonderful casting, but what a waste. However apart from that a huge problem with the logistics of bringing back Cavill is Superman is not a character who exists in a vacuum like Thor or Captain America. Superman´s supporting cast of characters in Smallville and Metropolis are integral to his world. 

Here lyes the problem. Are we going to bring back Amy Adams as Lois Lane? Does anyone really want to see Jessie Eisenberg as Lex Luthor again. Plus the ship has sailed on Cavill´s Superman taking on Braniac since his last movie was an alien invasion movie. Things have become such a cluster (mind my french) with Cavill´s Superman that they are thinking of developing a movie where he fights Shazam´s main bad guy. A terrible idea. Superman has one of the greatest rogues Gallery´s ever and

we´re going to waste that because Dwayne Johnson has some silly idea he is too big for Shazam. Noooo! And as fans we should not support it. We want Shazam facing off against Black Adam, not Black Adam trying to revive one of his wives clients careers. Superman should face Braniac and if you can´t do that straight away we need to start building to that. 


The biggest point I want to hammer down is we still have not got our generations Superman. Doing an impression of Chris Reeves is not going to cut it like was done in Brandon Rouths verion or going 180 degrees in the opposite direction and taking those things that are core to the character away in hope to make him "cool" is not an option either vis a vis Snyder.  All thart does is split your audience, between purists and people who don´t mind dramatic changes. Bottom line it is not good for box office. 

So lets look to what people have been liking about DC and what they are excited about and replecate that in a Superman movie. 

1. Lets cast a new actor as the titular character. One that does not resemble a previous live action iteration. However someone that can build a modern Clark Kent that makes sense in our world. Perhaps a sci fi geek, who loves alien movies, but still has no idea where he came from. 

2. Less powerful than Cavill´s Superman. To me Superman´s powers have never been core to his character in the sense that I can´t accept Superman unless he moves 5 billion time the speed of time and speed combined,  can blow out whole Suns, sneeze galaxies and juggle moons. Etc. I don´t know about you but that is never why I found the character interesting.   In recent times I feel like Warners and film makers adapting Superman have been too concerned about getting his powers right, and lost themselves in that because they are always so concerned with what can challenge him. 

I think a more reasonable strength level is fine. Super fast but sound speed. Even his invulnerability when fighting equally strong opponents I think should be lessoned. A Superman who can bruise when punched by Lobo or Parasite i find far more interesting. I also think modern audiences would find him more compelling. So my version of Superman would be one who is still motabolizing sun light. 

3. A pure origin is out, but we still do have to start from scratch and introduce this Superman to the world. So a Year One movie to match what Matt Reeves is doing. My pitch would be a film that truly explores Superman´s humanity. This is a superman who was literally found in a field, No ship. Nothing. So he has no idea what he is, other than he has these strange abilities. So we are put in his place of discovering Krypton with him. And yes the classical Crystal Krypton is what he will eventually discover. A planet much like Earth, with water and land, but also mysterious crystal formations that make continents.   

4. Make sure we appease the old fans while making it relevant for the new. That means the Donner fans, Snyder fans, comic fans and new fans. Meaning have nods to Superman 78 and Snyders 2013. And make this a film really celebrating the legend of Superman, his many iterations while not being a slave to them either. 

5. Once I´ve established the new more vulnerable Superman, I would do an injustice movie where our new Superman has to take on Cavills evil Superman, turned insane by the death of Lois Lane. That way we can finally give Cavill much deserved curtain call and his last chance to say goodbye to the character and his legions of loyal fans.

6. I would cast a mostly young cast who really reflect our times, I want a Lois and Clark, just starting… Clark just a mere intern. I think this will relate to younger audiences much more. Also a younger Superman is far more vulnerable and relateable to modern audiences without having to betray the character. 

I see someone like Nick Robinson or Dan Stevens in the role.

However, honestly, what is most important is someone who can pull off a duel identity without having to be Chris Reeves. 

6. Much like Tim Burton did with his Batman movie, and also Chris Nolan did in Batman Begins, I am going to make Metropolis a character. A true city of the future. A city that is young, vibrant, techno hipster marvel. So look forward to some of the casting which will reflect my interpretation of what a city of the future would look like. 

Since corona I have had alot of time on my hands and thought... Well... I think Brando said it best... "They can be a good people Jean Paul... At least they wish to me... for this reason, above all, I give them you ... my script for Superman Year One American Alien..."  

This is my pitch.

MY Full Cast

Clark Kent - Nick Robinson or Darren Criss or Sam Claflin

This was really difficult to choose, but I kept trying to think of someone I have seen play a geeky character and hero convincingly. But in a way that doesn´t remind me of Chris Reeves. Also someone with great sense of humor and tons of screen charisma. Nick Robinson is my favourite for a young Clark Kent, but Sam Claflin is my favourite for pulling off a modern Superman. 

Parasite/ Rudy Jones - Aaron Paul

Parasite is the main villain in my movie and is a really sympathetic villain and Aaron Paul always brings out that dimension is performances where you feel really bad for him. However I have yet to see him play a true villain, which I think would be interesting. 

Jimmy Olsen - Nick Robinson

I saw Nick do something in Kings of Summer which I thought could really work for a modern Clark Kent. However I think if some don´t agree on him for a choice as a young Superman they may agree for Jimmy Olsen which I also think he´d be perfect for. 

Steve Lombard - Jharrel Jerome

I just loved his work in the Central Park 5 movie and figure he can do anything. So I´d loved to see him take on this role as a sporty, millenial beef cake and romantic rival for Lois Lane´s affections. 

Lois Lane - Aubrey Plaza

I just figure the woman who would charm the heart of an alien is going to be pretty weird and I can´t think of anyone stranger than Aubery Plaza. I think she´ll bring a new age spunk to the character we´ve never seen before. 

Lex Luthor - Oscar Isaac or Darren Criss

Oscar Isaac already played a modern day Lex luthor in Ex Machina. An entitled, spoilt, narcisistic, hipster billionaire, who was as creepy as he was brilliant and maticulous. Honestly it makes me wonder if anyone actually watches movies in Hollywood because after his performance in Ex Machina I´m surprised his name wasn´t at least attached to playing Lex Luthor at some point. If the billionaire from Ex Machina went up against Superman, I would be scared for Superman, that´s how devious he was.  

Pa Kent - Richard Gear or Kyle Chandler

There is no one more Normal Rockwell all American after Kevin Costner than Richard Gear or Kyle Chandler. Just perfect casting. 

Ma Kent - Hellen Hunt

Who better to complete that Norman Rockwell painting than Hellen Hunt. 

Jor El - Daniel Bruhl

This is going to be a much more alien Jor el than we´ve seen before. Krypton society will be completely unfamiliar from any depiction before and while nobel, Jor El will be much more of a colder, scientific intellect. Bruhl would be perfect for Braniac as well, but there was just another actor that just edged him out for who I´d prefer in the role….

Braniac - Kal El´s father???? - Edward Norton

This a Braniac programmed with a profound emotional understanding and intelligence. The ultimate AI. Patient, able to mimic humanity, practical to a fault and crushingly cruel. A manipulator par excellence. There will be twists and turns with this character. He will rip Superman apart spiritually before he´s done with him. 

Perry White - Henry Golding

I know what you´re thinking, and no I am not just race swaping to virtue signal or some rubbish like that. Every casting in well thought out. The Daily Planet in this version of is going to be set in the City Of The Future. Everything is young and hip. The Perry White of the classical Superman lore just does not fit into this world. 

This Perry White is the young, handsome editor of a cosmipoliton major Online News orginisation. Metropolis is so vibrant, young and kind of like the Hipster central that you are unlikely to find anyone over the age of 40 living there. 

Toy Man - Jackie Earle Haley or Forest Whitaker

Jackie as Toyman is just Kismit. And Forest Whitiker my runner up for the role can play just about anything. 

Miss Tessmacher - Amandla Stenberg

Fierce and cool. She´d be great

Detective Otis "The Brain" - Forest Whitaker or John Leguizamo

Reimagined as a dirty cop, ex boxer who works for Luthor, has an integral role in the movie. I just love Forest and John. Super underrated and under used actors. 

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aresww3 - 6/15/2020, 2:07 AM
I tried to put in fanfic, but it will not work.
aresww3 - 6/16/2020, 10:14 AM
CaptainWagner - @FlixMentallo21 -

@MrPagBrewster - @Sickness4life -

@MNLawyer - @Cjosh -

@CaptainShazam - @dethpillow -

@Starman - @JaredRWebb12 - @ChrisRed -

@aresww3 - @BloodyBed - @SimplyAz -

@TheRealTomServo - @DaLaBrAcK -

@CultofKekistan - @TheRose -

@ThouBear8 - @CicadasAmongMen -

@BlackSpiderman - @ILoveStargirl - @Velvet -

@TheDayman -

@ILoveStargirl - @FlixMentallo21 - @BakugoValentine - @IChangedMyName -

@dethpillow - @noahthegrand
noahthegrand - 6/16/2020, 4:11 PM

Hi, I really found the philosophy stuff you talked about interesting, and I think you got to the heart of the issues people have with the DCEU Superman in an eloquent way. We need a Superman that can inspire audiences as a humanized character, an alien raised as a human being that is trying to be a Superman. I think the best way to keep Superman powerful but create tension is to show his limits. Show what he’s unable to do with his great power and show villains who can hurt him, either through methodical planning and traps like Brainiac or Lex Luthor or through brute force like Parasite, Doomsday, Mongul, and others. Then when he rises above those limitations to beat the bad guy anyway it’s a crowd cheering moment. The audience is identifying with Superman because he’s fighting against the odds. I don’t know about an Injustice Henry Cavill but depending on how it’s played it could work...

I like your casting for Lois Lane. Aubrey Plaza could definitely do that role. I love Parasite and would be excited to see him as a villain in a Superman movie. All around very interesting casting. The idea of a “hip” Metropolis could work but going too far with it might come across as cringeworthy so you would have to be careful there, but once again, all comes down to how it’s played and how it would be written as a film.

Overall, this was a very cool read and it gave me a lot to think about so thanks for writing! Be sure to tag me again if you write any future articles like this!
aresww3 - 6/16/2020, 11:07 PM
@noahthegrand - hey man thanks for the feedback. Don't know if u had time to look at a bit of the script, it's linked here. Would so appreciate any feedback. Haven't managed to get any and it's clear u love Superman. If u do I should say the character named precilla rich is actually a young Rachel Dawes from batman begins and dark knight ... You'll get it if u read lol. Thanks again man
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