My Time and The Sundance Directors Lab's

My Time and The Sundance Directors Lab's

Working with Dileep Rao from avatar and Others that may surprise you heh,heh

Editorial Opinion
By Set2Fallfirst - Dec 05, 2009 03:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: Gumby aka Jeremy and Myself

This summer was a great summer for a 20 year old actor looking for more experience and his name is Ryan Michael Davis. (me) I had an audition for the Sundance Directors Lab in Utah, now like some of you I was puzzled to know what it was. Basically up and coming directors get training there and get to put together short films that they want to make into big motion pictures. Once I found that out I was extremely excited. My first day I got here super early and slept in my car haha I didnt want to be late and after I signed my contract and what not I was in observing the atmosphere. Now I didn't know who I would be working with when I got on set and when I did I was upset I didnt have a camera or phone but its good you want to be professional in all settings. Luckily there was a photographer on set who was actually my photographer on disney :]. I got to work on two short films Story of Ram where I got to work with Dileep and Profirio where I got to work with Monique Gabriella Curnen aka Ana Ramerez from the dark knight...unfortunatey I dont have pics of her on set BUT believe me it was great working with her.

Now Story of Ram I cannot say what it was about but contracts and what not. But I can say that I was the right hand man of Dileep's enemy who is a government official. I might have only had 4 lines but it was still great watching Dileep work and his views on certain issues.

Dileep with a bandage over his head We throw hot tea in his face :]. This is a mock car we made because it was raining every single day outside and we were cheating to be in India. This is Dileep talking to his enemy and I.


Thats me on the stool observing and giving my lines over the boom mike :]] it was a great experience and I will always cherish it. Dileep was awesome he told me to just keep on working hard and hard work will show results. He told me avatar would be epic but thats all I could get out of him and that Sam Worthington is a great actor with great charsima, but working with James Cameron is amazing.

During the process I was talking to Gumby aka Jeremy the guy holding the boom mike and he told me that Ed Harris might stop by and i took a double take and said why?!? I then found out he was the creative director of the Shorts. O happy day! Here is Ed around the Cabins and what not.(He also gave us all a screening of Appaloosa. And told us what it was like directing and adapting the screen play and acting all at once.)


More excitement was in order. One morning I got to the set earlier than the crew haha and I bumped into Alfred Wollard. Wonderful actress we talked for 20 mins. She told me how great this experience was especially for young actors just as well for the new directors because you see how these crew do it from scratch. Seeing experience at its best. She asked me my name and asked what I had been in I told her she told me that to keep at it and that I had a great personality. That made my summer.

So many things I learned and will never forget. There is so much more but it was just too much to put in this article. And before anyone says whats this have to do with comics books. I say isnt it obvious?? Dileep is conntect to Christopehr Nolan and Sam Rami not to much JAMES CAMERON. I told him his a god 3 amazing directors. He told me Christopher Nolan has some of the best vision and I was thinking....duh...:]].

@leee ha ha there is the article you were asking me about ENJOY everyone feed back is welcomes of course.

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Set2Fallfirst - 12/5/2009, 3:22 PM

Thats me i forgot to put a pic of me to start ......i hate effing pictures..yea i know and i wanna be an actor
LEEE777 - 12/5/2009, 3:25 PM
SET @ Wicked man, well worth the wait, great read dude!!

[frick]ing A!!!

Great stuff dude!!! ; )
LEEE777 - 12/5/2009, 3:27 PM

Heres you too dude!! : D
Set2Fallfirst - 12/5/2009, 3:42 PM
@multi MHmmmmmm cant wait. Lee keep it steady...keep it steady

@lee thanks man I really wanna do black Lightning but make him a parcore expert hehe was in the Olympics he can pull it off.

What was so awesome too was that my first movie I was a supporting actor Alfred Said that was impressive becuse most ppl start of as extra and stuff :] even though after I did my first movie I did do extra stuff hahaha.
JoshWilding - 12/5/2009, 4:43 PM
Great article Set2Fall!!! It sounds like you had an aweome time and I wish you all the luck in the world with your acting career! If you're looking for a CBM role...

Set2Fallfirst for Patriot!!!


One of my best casting choice yet, lol! :)
jusme6 - 12/5/2009, 4:47 PM
@Set: Good luck dude! I hope you can break into the movie business. If I ever see you in a movie I'll go crazy like, "Dude! That guys a member of the site that I've been hooked on like crack for the last year and a half!!!"
Make us proud you sexy sexy man!
Set2Fallfirst - 12/5/2009, 5:01 PM
haha Thanks everyone I appreciae it. @josh ive thought about the patriot :]. Glad you approve.

@jusme thanks its a process but im trying ive been in some movies already supporting roles but disney stuff :] haha I just had an audition for Lie To Me (crosses fingers) hopefully ill get that.
LEEE777 - 12/5/2009, 5:04 PM
MULTI @ Lmao!! Hope its a basic camcorder though lol! : D

JOSH @ Lol, we've been pimping BLACK LIGHTNING for months now man!!

But heck that MARVEL, it would work!! ; D

Lol @ SET!! Hey anymore stuff like this, you should deff do another one, interesting stuff fella!!
Set2Fallfirst - 12/5/2009, 5:21 PM
lol @lee actually I just made a site I dont know how to move this article under there but its going to be about me "living the dream". How my goal to becoming an known established actor is driving by my love of comicbooks, movies and comicbook movies. And that iconic actors who play the amazing characters we love and know. Sound good? and ill put up articles of movies that ive seen with only comicbook movie actors or what roles they would be best in and how it influences me and inspires me to do my best.
normalnorma - 12/5/2009, 9:32 PM
@set! Great article but I have a couple ways to improve it :) love ya!<33333333
DDD - 12/6/2009, 4:37 AM
Way to go Set@! You handsome devil you! lol

Listen to Alfre Woodard (What a classy lady!)!
Never give up! Just keep on pushin' onward
and upward! Nobody is an overnight sensation!
It's hard work and perseverance that wins
in the end!

Thanx for writing this article Set@ it's very
interesting and eye-opening article for us comic
book and CBM geeks! :D

I hope you get that job on LIE TO ME! I love
that show and it would be doubly awesome to see
you stretching your acting chops on that show!
Hawksblueyes - 12/6/2009, 8:16 AM
Set: Man I wish you all the luck in the world. I love to see anyone actually pursue their dream, wether its proffesional acting or plunging toilets. So few get to actually follow through on their dreams that its always inspiring to see. Wish you all the best.
flames809 - 12/6/2009, 8:39 AM
damm u lucky i want be an actor. you got any advice?
Set2Fallfirst - 12/6/2009, 2:35 PM
@everyone haha Thanks you guys i really appreciate the support.@flames if you really wanna do it DO IT like dont hold back get as much research as you can to start somewhere and dont give up find a acting class start improving then ask your acting coach how you can progress thats what I did :]]. and dont let anyone tell you different.
Set2Fallfirst - 12/6/2009, 2:38 PM
im glad everyone likes the article I think it could have been better I should have put some more stuff in there...o well there will be more chances.
LEEE777 - 12/7/2009, 8:52 AM
SET @ Kudos dude!!! An sounds [frick]ing good man!! Really looking forwardd to you next one man, glad you sorted out a fansite!!

Pity this ain't made main, but im sure if you put more comic book related stuff like you said in the next ones, i wouldn't be surprised if a couple make top stories!!

Great stuff bud!!

And flames @ Move to HOLLYWOOD! : D
LEEE777 - 12/7/2009, 8:56 AM
P.S. Is LIE TO ME any good then??? Seen an ad or two!!
flames809 - 12/7/2009, 4:46 PM
set- thanx man i i told my teachers if i could do a movie in the school and there thinking about it and i already am in acting class in school and dude what would be a good movie to do in a school?and if i do it i will put it up on this site if they let me

lee- im 15 still in high school still youing to move to hollywood
Set2Fallfirst - 12/7/2009, 8:45 PM
@flames Movie or play? and lee Lie To Me is great : ]]] go to to see all of season 1
flames809 - 12/7/2009, 9:03 PM
set-movie no play they already doing a play so im trying to do something different
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