Take "The Avengers" Off of Your Whipping Block

Take "The Avengers" Off of Your Whipping Block

Come read this article about why "The Avengers" deserves no dissing...yet.

Editorial Opinion
By TheWingedWonder - Nov 21, 2011 09:11 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

If you are reading this article, I think it is fair to say that you are aware of the movie coming out in May titled "The Avengers". A highly anticipated action/adventure fantasy movie based off of the comic books of similar name. This movie is highly anticipated by comic book fans and non-fans alike, and for a good reason. This is, I believe, the first time multiple movie franchises have been combined and focus into a single movie, which will probably become its own franchise. This is history in the making, folks.

However, I have been discouraged as of late. An ever-growing group of site-dwellers seem to dislike the direction in which this movie is headed. Of course, they are permitted their opinion, as is every person who has ever lived, but they have absolutely no justification. They may try to back up their arguments with these silly little "facts" that they have about how the trailer looked or what certain people said in interviews, but the truth is this: you cannot legitimately judge this movie yet. Now, saying you are or are not excited is one thing, but to say that I am not excited because it's gonna be a Michael Bay movie and Captain America's costume sucks and it is going to be "Tony Stark and friends" is not fair to anyone at all. Including you. I am going to address a few things now.

Dat trailer. I have heard so many complaints about it, and just as many praises. I will start off by saying that I, myself, enjoyed the trailer. I find it appealing to watch and it heightened my already high anticipation for the Avengers. There are a number of complaints about it that I am going to talk about right below, so....get on, go read it.

The Soundtrack

One of the most memorable things about a movie trailer can be the music they play in the background. (or the foreground, but I am uncertain how playing music in the foreground works out. I suppose if someone is playing or listening to music [i.e. aware of it] that would be foreground music, BUT, that is another article for another day) The music is similar to lots of modern rock in the way it sounds and such, but the reason they chose it is apparent simply if you listen to it. Near the end of the trailer, the lyrics "we're all in this together now" or something of that sort can be heard. Now, I don't know about you, but I think that is a pretty good theme for the Avengers. The music may not be to everyone's taste, HOWEVER, it is also important to note that NO music is to everyone's taste. I am sure, however, that when they release a new trailer, it will have different music, so fear not. You can just watch that one.

"Tony Stark and Friends" the movie.

This trailer seems to focus more on Tony Stark than any of the other characters ('specially the Hulk). Some people took this as indication that the movie would focus primarily on Tony Stark. I am sorry to be the one to tell you guys this, but a trailer IS NOT a movie. I believe someone in some article said it best in a comment that they made (I apologize, I do not remember who it was or exactly what they said, 'twas long ago) It went something like this: Of course they are going to showcase Tony Stark in the trailer. Ironman is the most popular of all the characters and the most recognized by the general public, so it only makes sense to showcase him in [what is essentially the first real] trailer for "The Avengers". I put that part in brackets cuz that wasn't in the comments, but I really wanted to say it. So, don't take the teaser trailer to be the soul of the movie. ON WE GO!!!!

Michael Bay

He ain't directin' this movie. No worries. Oh, one more thing. SHUT UP.

Captain America's suit.

I think it is fair to say that most people don't like the look of Captain America's new "modern" suit. Well, I am sure it will look different on screen, first of all, so you should probably wait to see how that all comes together before you really rag on it. Second, I am certain that more than half of you peoples sayin' "the suit is s$%#! go bak 2 the 1 he had in CATFA!" were the same people who were complaining about the suit he had in The First Avenger....until you saw the movie. So, let's not jump to conclusions and just wait for official movie images before we make a decision on this suit. (Oh, and btw, I don't count trailer images as official movie images, so bleh)

The Lack or Excess of Villainy

We are still not entirely sure of who the entirety of the Avenger's opposition will be, so there is no need to complain about Loki not being enough of a threat or three villains being too many in a movie. Even after they reveal all of the evil-doers, there is no need to complain. All is dependent on how it is written, and it can go either way. So hold off, people. Just chill until May.

Gah, I get the feeling I am leaving fifty things out of this article. I think I was gonna write about more, but right now it escapes me. I don't make any written plans, so I have to count on my mind-safe to keep everything organized. Oh, well. Let me know in the comments more stuff that I forgot to address.

One more thing. You are entitled to your opinion, yes, but PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE don't go overboard until May comes around. Then you can bash or praise the movie all you want. But only when you have a movie to bash or praise. Thanks for reading!

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golden123 - 11/21/2011, 12:14 PM
Couldn't you use that Tony Stark response against your reasoning. If Ironman is the most popular character isn't it obvious there going to center the movie around him to appeal to the massess better? Besides, in the Marvel movie universe, Tony is the most interesting character. That isn't neccessarily true about the comics. So I don't think it's a big deal that he is the main character. All good team movies need leads.
golden123 - 11/21/2011, 12:17 PM
If the movie chooses any other hero to dominate the screen (which they won't), then, the movie will half to really try hard to show me that that hero deserves the honor. I think having Stark as the main character is the safest bet, for even critics will agree with that.
TheWingedWonder - 11/21/2011, 12:21 PM

Good point :D
Spidey91 - 11/21/2011, 12:47 PM
the only ones bashing this movie are the Nolanites,and that's because they're morons :P

and I think they will center the movie around Iron Man and Cap
StrangerX - 11/21/2011, 12:51 PM
My complaints are basically Caps costume, and the mediocre trailer. As for the movie I still can't wait!!
marvel72 - 11/21/2011, 1:34 PM
i'm liking what i'm seeing so far,the music on the trailer could of been better but that is all.

having iron man as the main selling point of the trailer is a great move,iron man & iron man 2 are marvel studios highest grossing movies so far why wouldn't you try & sell the movie with iron man.

i hope the hulk gets more love in this movie so we get a sequel to the incredible hulk.
ravennpilot - 11/21/2011, 2:42 PM
I hope Marvel really pushed for character exploration. With all but tony being out of place, I hope there is development between the four main heroes. Captain, Hulk and Thor all hail from different places. Captains time zone difference, Hulks healthy distrust of the military, and Thor's other worldliness. I kind of wish that we could have got other movies just focusing on Cap and Thor first. I think this movie will be great, I wish for it to leave me blown away.

Oh and there is nothing wrong with Captain's suit. It's a very modern take on a very loud costume.
Supes17 - 11/21/2011, 3:12 PM
DUH... It's SAMUEL L JACKSON and friends :p
TheWingedWonder - 11/21/2011, 3:36 PM
Haha, I just want to make it clear that I am not denouncing their use of Stark in the trailer, I am just telling those people who are angry about it to not assume things based off of the trailer :)
GlowingBall - 11/21/2011, 3:56 PM
Why are people disliking Cap's costume? I think it looks great. I am a long time Captain America fan. The reason the suit is so brightly colored is because that is how he wanted it in. He has said several times in the comics he wears the colors so brightly because he wants the enemy to notice and pay attention to him. He WANTS to be the target instead of his allies.

I think the costume looks great. It looks very close to the modern one while still haven't some changes so its not just a 'bodysuit' which looks awful on screen.
superotherside - 11/21/2011, 4:21 PM
I agree with everything you said! Nice write up @TheWingedWonder!
MrReese - 11/21/2011, 4:23 PM
gamecreatorjj - 11/21/2011, 6:19 PM
the movie looks like a popcorn flick, and picking loki as a main villain was the stupidest decision ever, even if he has the cosmic cube and an alien army

thor already defeated loki....and an army of frost giants

ironman defeated an amry of robots....and terroirsts

hulk defeated the us army

captain america laready defeated the comsic cube....a cosmic cube induced villain...an an amry of interdimensional nazis

this is why i dont care for it

oh and loki never showed interest in ruling/destroying earth

oh and ironman isnt supposed to be on the team, war machine is, but no mention of that

oh and hulk is supposed to be (willingly) evil
TheWingedWonder - 11/21/2011, 6:28 PM

So you are one of those people this article might be directed at, hm?

We don't know that Loki is the only villain. So, there.

Ironman did not defeat an army of robots by himself. War Machine helped.

Hulk did not defeat the US army. He defeated a small small portion of the US army, a specific task force to be exact.

Captain America did not defeat the cosmic cube. Red Skull screwed himself over and was his own downfall, Captain America is simply the one who pushed him to the edge.

And I am sure all of your other points will be addressed IN THE MOVIE. Which was, actually, the point of my article.
ThreeBigTacos - 11/21/2011, 8:36 PM
I believe you're quoting me in your article (about the Tony Stark thing) I tried preaching that to as many people as possible that were down voting it.
ThreeBigTacos - 11/21/2011, 8:38 PM
gamecreatorjj: are we following the same stories?
Spidey91 - 11/21/2011, 8:59 PM
"the movie looks like a popcorn flick"
well,duh,aren't all summer blockbusters that basically?

"and picking loki as a main villain was the stupidest decision ever"

that's straight out of the comics,Loki is the reason the Avengers got together in the first place.
RedHood3113 - 11/21/2011, 9:15 PM
not gonna lie. i kinda like caps new suit. but it does make him look a little thinner than first avenger. probably cause his first suit had a bunch of padding lol.
bgharcourt - 11/22/2011, 12:50 AM
I know this is beating a dead horse, but my only complaint about this movie is that its missing 2 of The Avengers founding members. Though I understand why they(Marvel Studios)choose not to wait for Wasp and Antman movies. They need a contender for TDKR, and the Pyms just could not be expected to compete with the goddamn Batman at the box office.

Still, I'm counting the days till opening night. This movie was a long time coming and, as a glass is half full kinda guy, I'm sure it will not disappoint.
SageMode - 11/22/2011, 1:10 AM
"Second, I am certain that more than half of you peoples sayin' "the suit is s$%#! go bak 2 the 1 he had in CATFA!" were the same people who were complaining about the suit he had in The First Avenger....until you saw the movie. So, let's not jump to conclusions and just wait for official movie images before we make a decision on this suit....."

SageMode - 11/22/2011, 1:40 AM

"the movie looks like a popcorn flick, and picking loki as a main villain was the stupidest decision ever, even if he has the cosmic cube and an alien army."

Is it because its not as dark, "realistic", or thriller-ish as Nolan's Batman movies, you think its a popcorn flick? and why would pickin Loki as the main villain in the Avengers movie be a stupid idea if Loki was the reason the Avengers were created in the first place in the comics?

"thor already defeated loki....and an army of frost giants......
ironman defeated an amry of robots....and terroirsts........
hulk defeated the us army...........
captain america laready defeated the comsic cube....a cosmic cube induced villain...an an amry of interdimensional nazis

Like Hiddleston said, Loki in Thor was pretty much finding out who he was, Loki in the Avengers is Loki unleashed, so its different. And the Frost Giants arent in the Avengers. And even so, what does that havent anything to do it the movie?

"oh and loki never showed interest in ruling/destroying earth."

Well his plan to rule Asgard failed so Earth is the next best thing obviously.

"oh and ironman isnt supposed to be on the team, war machine is, but no mention of that"

How is Iron Man not supposed to be on the team if he was one of the original members, and War Machine didnt join the team until YEARS later?

"oh and hulk is supposed to be (willingly) evil"
When or where was that indicated? in the comics, Loki brainwashed the Hulk to fight the Avengers, but after that wore off, he joined the team and defeated Loki.
SageMode - 11/22/2011, 1:42 AM
^^^ and how did Captain America "defeat the cosmic cube" and where did you see "interdimensional" nazis?
manymade1 - 11/22/2011, 7:48 AM
I agreed with everything in this article. I don't get whats wrong with Caps outfit and I love the NIN song as the theme song.
Ace101 - 11/22/2011, 2:13 PM
"thor already defeated loki....and an army of frost giants......
ironman defeated an amry of robots....and terroirsts........
hulk defeated the us army...........
captain america laready defeated the comsic cube....a cosmic cube induced villain...an an amry of interdimensional nazis"

LMAO epic fail
ICStoopedPeople - 11/22/2011, 8:15 PM
I'll concede I thought Cap's TFA suit was stupid, but then they released that teaser poster (the "Avenge" one) and then the image with him surrounded by the Hydra flamethrower troops and I thought, "Hey, that actually looks kind of cool."

For the Avengers so far I've gone from, "Holy crap, this is just... a travesty..." to "Well, it could be worse... I guess...?"
LongSethSilver - 11/23/2011, 11:48 AM
I would like to take this opportunity to point out that we as a fan community have gone through years and years of awful comic book movies to get to where we are now. Iron Man, Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor, and Captain America: The First Avenger were all faithful adaptations of superhero comics that the general audience is willing to fork over money for. I love seeing that, and after all the hurt I've been through I wouldn't dare mock it.

Now a little background; my grandfather created Jonah Hex. I've written for the character myself. Have ANY of you Avengers Haters seen the Jonah Hex film? I did. I paid money to sit down in a theater and watch something that's every bit as much a part of me as my own blood get **** on by Hollywood. It was a worse film than Catwoman.

I'll go as far as to say that few people on the planet Earth have been hurt as deeply by a comic book movie as I have. Now I finally have the opportunity to see EXACTLY what I've always complained Hollywood would never let me see; all my favorite superheroes on screen saving the Earth from the forces of evil.

I mean, stop and think about that for a moment; FAITHFUL adaptations of Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor are going to be on the big screen together... and people will CARE!!!

I refuse to let any Hater ruin that joy for me, and I beg the naturally-hating geek community to join me in sticking their tongues out at people like that and going; "Nya nya pooh pooh!"

Moonwalker1991 - 11/23/2011, 2:02 PM
I can't wait for this film. Not sure where all the hate is coming from, though wherever it is originating, all you haters know where you can stick it.
xcrementus - 11/23/2011, 7:22 PM
to all those who hate the trailer song...it's Nine Inch Nails. Written by the same guy who made the Oscar winning Social Network soundtrack, who is also scoring the new Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
If you hate Nine Inch Nails then I truly feel sorry for you.
Ace101 - 11/26/2011, 6:38 PM
@LongSethSilver sorry bout the whole Jonah Hex debacle. Man the Avenegers is going to blow our minds, i cant wait!! >.<.
@Moonwalker1991 Damn Straight they know where to stick it
@xcrementus NIN is friggin awesome, and the Trailer was awesome,Cant wait for the second trailer XD

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