Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Part III

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Part III

In the conclusion to this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles trilogy, the turtles have their final battle with The Foot. With New York City in a veritable underground war, new allies (some of them old enemies) may be need to be made.

By AxlKomix - Dec 20, 2014 08:12 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Part Onehttp://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/KCatCreations/news/?a=112418

Part Twohttp://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/KCatCreations/news/?a=112532









LEATHERHEAD, age unknown, is a large, anthropomorphic alligator; he is a result of the Foot Clan’s genetic experiments with the turtles’ blood. After Longer helps to free him from the Foot’s warehouse, Leatherhead equips himself with garb more in line with his new humanized state (tattered pants, and wrapped hands and feet). He shows himself to be quite brave, strong, and intelligent. After saving Longer, Leatherhead turns his attention to destroying the Foot, familiarizing himself specifically with the layout of the warehouse from which he escaped.

  • The film begins with a group of Foot ninja at a warehouse moving a large, steel cage into the back of a moving truck.
  • The Foot ninja are suddenly attacked by a man wielding two pistols and wearing a black outfit and mask.
  • The man manages to take out the majority of the ninja, sending those remaining running.
  • The man opens the cage, freeing a large, anthropomorphic alligator creature.
  • The alligator immediately pushes past the man, knocking him down, and runs away.
  • Before the masked man can get away he is ambushed by the Foot’s reinforcements.
  • Defeated and held down on his knees, the man is approached by none other than Oroku Saki.
  • Saki unmasks the man, revealing him to be Bruce Longer.
  • Saki then cuts Longer with his katana and the Foot ninja throw him into the nearby river.
  • The alligator creature appears in the water and swims to Longer, taking him into one of the river’s drain pipes.
  • Meanwhile, a deer runs through the woods in Northampton.
  • Coming into a clearing, the deer is hit and killed by an arrow.
  • The arrow is revealed to have come from Leonardo’s bow.
  • Leonardo pulls out the arrow, puts the deer onto his shoulders, and walks off into the woods.
  • Flashing back to the end of the previous film, April is shaken awake from this recollection of a nightmare by Casey as they are driving back from town after getting supplies.
  • When they pull back up to the house, Raphael is sitting on the roof looking out over the trees.
  • Casey and April share a concerned look as they carry the supplies inside.
  • Going down into the basement of the house, Casey delivers some things to Donatello so that he can fix some of the problems with the house (plumbing, electricity, etc.) and set up an internet connection.
  • Donatello seems to have been spending all of his time fixing things.
  • Meanwhile, April goes upstairs where Michelangelo is napping on a mattress on the floor in one of the rooms.
  • Michelangelo doesn’t look as lean as he used to, implying that he hasn’t been very active since they moved to the farmhouse.
  • April is able to wake him up for a moment to give him the comic book that she bought him, but he quickly rolls back over and goes back to sleep after setting the comic book next to the mattress.
  • April sighs and turns to find Splinter standing in the doorway.
  • They, too, share worried looks and Splinter walks on down the hallway.
  • Leonardo returns from the woods with the deer and walks into the barn.
  • Raphael sees this and comes down from the roof.
  • As Leonardo begins dressing the deer, Raphael walks into the barn and asks where he’s been.
  • “Hunting,” is Leonardo’s response.
  • Raphael walks over and puts his hand in Leonardo’s way.
  • “We can’t keep living like this, Leo. We’re dying out here.”
  • Leonardo looks at Raphael for a moment and then goes back to working on the deer.
  • Raphael shakes his head and walks out of the barn.
  • That night April cooks dinner for the turtles, Splinter, and Casey.
  • Raphael is watching out the back window as Leonardo cooks his deer meat over an open fire when April calls him to the table.
  • Raphael comes to the table where Casey, April, and Splinter are already sitting.
  • Michelangelo groggily limps into the kitchen, stretching and yawning as he takes a seat at the table.
  • April calls for Donatello, but he doesn’t come.
  • Getting up from the table, April goes to the basement door and calls for Donatello again.
  • After still not getting a response, April gives up and goes back to the table.
  • They begin the dinner, but Michelangelo doesn’t eat and eventually walks away from the table, throwing his dinner into the trash.
  • Raphael takes his plate and goes down into the basement with Donatello.
  • There is a long, awkward silence.
  • Splinter breaks the silence by thanking April for cooking the meal.
  • Splinter then finishes his glass of water and walks away, leaving April and Casey alone.
  • April drops her flatware and puts her head in her hands.
  • “I don’t know why I let myself get dragged into this.”
  • Casey puts his hand on April’s shoulder.
  • “Things are going to work out. Everybody just needs some time.”
  • Back in New York, Oroku Saki trains in his office.
  • Karai enters the office, bringing her father something to drink.
  • Saki takes a break from his training, excusing his sparring partners, so that he can talk to his daughter.
  • Karai has questions for her father about the recent work he’s been doing with the Foot, as she’s been kept in the dark about a great deal of things.
  • Saki puts his arm over Karai’s shoulders and leads her out of the office, telling her that there are things she’d be better off not knowing.
  • Karai seems dejected and angry about this.
  • One of the Foot’s leading officers approaches Karai and asks if she’s gotten any answers.
  • Karai responds in the negative, but assures him that she is going to find out what her father is doing.
  • Back at the farm, Raphael walks down the upstairs hallway and happens to pop his head into Michelangelo’s room.
  • Seeing that his brother is lazily sleeping again, Raphael decides to do something.
  • After walking away, Raphael comes back with a bucket of cold water and dumps it on Michelangelo, waking him up.
  • Raphael drags Michelangelo outside and tries to get him to spar with him.
  • Michelangelo is resistant, but Raphael keeps coming at him and taunting him until Michelangelo angrily lashes back.
  • After getting knocked on the ground, Raphael gets up and asks Michelangelo to go another round.
  • The two continue sparring for the rest of the afternoon.
  • Leonardo and Donatello watch them go at it from the barn door and the basement window.
  • April catches sight of this from the kitchen window and a smile stretches over her face.
  • That night, Michelangelo comes back into the house with Raphael, acting like his old, fun-loving self again.
  • Splinter approaches Raphael and thanks him for what he’s done.
  • Raphael takes the compliment, but turns his attention back to Leonardo, who is once again sitting by a fire in the yard.
  • “It still doesn’t change the fact that we’re stuck out here.”
  • The next day, Donatello has finally established an internet connection and realizes that there is nothing left for him to fix.
  • Donatello comes up from the basement, walking in on breakfast.
  • Everyone is glad to see him and they invite him to join the meal.
  • At this point, everyone seems to have finally adjusted to life at the farm but Leonardo.
  • That night, April wakes up from another nightmare and walks downstairs.
  • She finds Raphael sitting by himself in the living room and takes a seat next to him.
  • April and Raphael have a conversation about what’s been bothering them, her addressing her nightmares and him addressing his fear that he may never get to go home.
  • He also says that he’s worried about Leonardo.
  • He tells April that Leo has never really taken a loss like this, so he probably doesn’t know how to handle it.
  • After this, Casey walks in, saying that he wasn’t able to sleep either.
  • Casey says that he’s going for a walk to get some fresh air and April volunteers to go with him.
  • They invite Raphael to come along, but he says that he’d rather stay in.
  • After they’ve left, Raphael falls asleep.
  • He has a nightmare of his own, having a vision that Oroku Saki is still alive.
  • This nightmare wakes him up and raises his suspicions.
  • Going down into the basement, quietly, as not to wake Donatello, Raphael gets onto the computer and tries to find information on the Foot’s activities.
  • He doesn’t find much information, but he does discover that the Orokus’ company has been purchasing a number of exotic animals and has been asking for volunteers for experimentation.
  • Back in New York, Karai has decided to break in to her own father’s warehouse (the one from the beginning of the film) to figure out what he’s been doing.
  • The inside of the warehouse has been turned into a lab.
  • There are multiple animals in cages that have been mutated in a similar fashion to the turtles.
  • Karai’s most shocking discoveries, though, are three underdeveloped humans that are being bred in large, glass vessels.
  • Karai is then suddenly ambushed by Foot ninja.
  • These ninja, though, are not those under her command; the ninja are genetically enhanced and are part of Saki’s new, elite clan.
  • Karai is overwhelmed and knocked unconscious.
  • The next day at the farmhouse, Raphael gathers his brothers (with exception of, still reclusive, Leonardo).
  • Raphael tells them what he’s learned and that he thinks the Foot is up to something.
  • However, Michelangelo and Donatello refuse Raphael’s plan to go back to New York.
  • The other two turtles say that they’ve finally gotten used to living at the farmhouse and that they’re safe where they are; going back to the city would only be putting them in danger again.
  • Raphael feels a little betrayed and tries again to convince them, not wanting to go this alone.
  • “We’re the only ones that can do something about it.”
  • “It’s time to give up the fight, Raph,” Michelangelo says.
  • Raphael shakes his head, disappointed, and walks towards the door.
  • “Well, I’m not going to stick around here and let people suffer for something I’m responsible for. Whenever you’re ready, you know where I’ll be.”
  • Raphael then walks out the door and goes to the barn.
  • There is an old dirt bike in the barn that Donatello repaired and Raphael hops on, looking over at Leonardo, who is facing the other direction in meditation.
  • “I don’t suppose I could convince you to come either?”
  • Leonardo doesn’t respond, and Raphael angrily starts the dirt bike and drives it out of the barn.
  • Leonardo breaks his meditation and looks off in Raphael’s direction.
  • Back in New York, Karai has been locked up in a cage in Saki’s warehouse.
  • Saki appears and shares some unhappy words with his daughter.
  • Karai is told that, if she’s lucky, she will become a part of Saki’s new, elite Foot Clan.
  • Karai refuses any offer of this, saying that Saki is not acting by the way of the true Foot Clan.
  • “Then, daughter, you will stay in that cage and starve.”
  • Raphael returns to New York, having abandoned his dirt bike at the city’s edge and climbed into a sewer drain pipe.
  • As Raphael makes his way through the sewers he finds that the Foot has begun to use the tunnels as a means of discrete movement through the city.
  • Trying to avoid a conflict for the moment, Raphael quietly moves past the Foot, sticking to the shadows.
  • However, he accidentally kicks a glass bottle, which shatters loudly, echoing through the tunnels.
  • The Foot ninja are drawn to Raphael and a fight ensues.
  • He is able to hold his own for a while, but he soon finds that he has to run if he wants to live.
  • The Foot ninja eventually trap him at the edge of a reservoir with nowhere else to run.
  • Just as Raphael is about to be swarmed by them, the alligator creature (from the beginning of the film) jumps from the reservoir behind him.
  • Raphael is knocked out and the alligator fights the Foot until a path is cleared.
  • The alligator picks Raphael up under his arm and runs through the ninja.
  • He eventually gets ahead of the ninja and hides behind a corner until they’ve passed.
  • Emerging from hiding, the alligator carries Raphael off into the tunnels.
  • Back at the farmhouse, Splinter is meditating in his room.
  • Leonardo enters and sits across from his master.
  • Leonardo expresses his concerns about returning to the city and, finally, admits that he is afraid that he will fail, again, to protect the family.
  • Splinter tells Leonardo that “a family is not solely protected; it is the shared responsibility of each member to protect one another.”
  • Leonardo stands and nods, showing that he understands.
  • A few moments later, Leonardo interrupts Michelangelo and Donatello as they are watching television in the living room.
  • Leonardo convinces them that they have to go back to the city because they “can’t let Raphael do this alone.”
  • Raphael wakes up the next morning in the turtles’ old sewer den.
  • Emerging from one of the rooms, Raphael sees the alligator hunched over the unconscious body of Bruce Longer as he changes the man’s bandages.
  • The alligator turns around and greets Raphael, and then he returns to what he was doing.
  • Raphael asks where the alligator where he came from.
  • The alligator, giving his name as Leatherhead (a name he says he chose for himself), explains that he was an experiment of the Foot and that he was mutated in their lab.
  • He goes on to tell him that the man in front of him freed him from the Foot.
  • Raphael walks over and, recognizing Longer, tells Leatherhead that he knows the man.
  • “Well, your friend was in a very critical state when I first brought him here,” Leatherhead explains. “I’ve been treating his wounds the best I can, but I’ve only been able to do so much.”
  • Raphael asks who did this to Longer and Leatherhead tells him that the leader of the Foot was responsible.
  •  After Leatherhead denies Karai’s involvement, telling the turtle that she’s fallen out of command, Raphael learns that Oroku Saki is still alive.
  • Meanwhile, Saki stands in the Foot’s lab, admiring the three human growing in the glass vessels, their growth almost complete.
  • Though they appear to have deformities (one being smaller than the others and having an over-sized head, one having long arms and two-fingered, clawed hands, and one being very large and possessing an extra pair of arms), it is clear that the three beings are clones of Saki.
  • As Saki stares, delighted, at these monstrous creations, he is approached by one of his elite Foot soldiers.
  • The elite ninja tells Saki that one of the turtles has been spotted in the city’s sewers.
  • This news doesn’t seem to bother Saki at all, claiming that the turtles would be hopeless to defeat the army that he has built.
  • The other three turtles make it back to the city and reunite with Raphael, who informs them that Saki is still alive.
  • After introducing them to Leatherhead, Raphael shows them that Longer has been injured by Saki.
  • Donatello looks at Longer’s wounds and has a thought.
  • “When Karai was leading the Foot, her whole purpose was getting her hands on cells that had mutating properties. What if she took our cells and used to them to revive Saki? If our cells could be used to revive him, then why wouldn’t they work on Longer?”
  • Donatello then takes a sample of his own blood and uses it to create a formula to heal Longer.
  • After Donatello injects the cell formula into Longer’s wound, the turtles wait to see if the formula works.
  • Leonardo suggests that they rest for the night and start planning their next move in the morning.
  • The next morning, the turtles wake up and find Longer doing pull-ups on a pipe that hangs from the ceiling.
  • Longer’s wounds are healed and his physique is even better than before.
  • Longer thanks Leatherhead and the turtles for helping him and he apologizes for not helping them before.
  • Longer then suggests that they get to planning.
  • Longer and Leatherhead have a basic understanding of the layout of the Foot’s lab, which they use to help the turtles plan their attack.
  • After planning, the turtles then execute their attack.
  • Leonardo and Raphael intentionally get captured by the Foot ninja in the sewers, distracting them while Leatherhead, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Longer (dressed, again, in his black gear) work in the tunnels under the lab planting bombs.
  • Leonardo and Raphael are taken before Karai’s leading Foot officer where they appeal to his desires to overthrow Saki.
  • The Foot agrees to help the turtles in their attack on Saki’s lab, so long as Karai is spared.
  • Leonardo and Raphael agree to these terms.
  • The others get back and blow the bombs, opening the floor into the lab and starting a fire.
  • Longer, Leatherhead, Michelangelo, and Donatello fight the Elite Foot while they wait for their brothers to join them.
  • Saki watches the fight from a window above, still not seeming worried.
  • To oppose Leatherhead’s massive size, the Elite Foot releases an anthropomorphic rhino and boar from their cages.
  • Leatherhead takes these creatures on as the others are dominated by the Elite Foot.
  • The turtles seem to be near defeat when Leonardo and Raphael arrive with the Foot ninja.
  • Saki seems to be a little concerned that he has been betrayed by his own men, to which he responds by releasing his clones.
  • The clones are both extremely powerful and skilled, taking out one Foot ninja after another with ease.
  • Leonardo turns his attention to helping Leatherhead fight the rhino and boar, as Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo fight Saki’s clones.
  • Longer spots Saki in the window above and, wanting revenge, goes up after him.
  • As the others continue to fight below, Longer begins a brutal fight with Saki.
  • Saki is easily the more skilled man and quickly kills Longer, throwing his body through the window to the burning floor below.
  • Leonardo sees this and, along with the carnage unfolding around him, decides to confront Saki himself.
  • The battle rages on below as Leonardo and Saki brutally fight each other with their swords.
  • As the turtles, the Foot, and Leatherhead begin to dominate the fight, Donatello sends the Foot’s leading officer to get Karai.
  • After freeing Karai, the leader and her go to work placing more bombs.
  • Eventually, Leatherhead has defeated the rhino and boar, and the Elite Foot has been wiped out.
  • All that remains are the clones.
  • Raphael tells Leatherhead to lead the Foot out of the lab while the turtles keep the clones occupied and Leonardo fights Saki.
  • After placing the bombs, Karai and the Foot wait for the turtles to get out of the lab.
  • Leatherhead notes that the fire is spreading and that the turtles don’t have much time.
  • The three turtles are eventually able to defeat the clones, but Leonardo remains locked in battle with Saki.
  • Raphael tells Michelangelo and Donatello to leave while he goes to help Leonardo.
  • After growing too anxious, Leatherhead runs back in after the turtles.
  • Just as Saki is about to kill Leonardo, Raphael throws a sai, which hits Saki in the head.
  • Just before collapsing from exhaustion, Leonardo rushes Saki and chops his head from his neck with his sword.
  • Raphael then grabs Leonardo and begins carrying him out just as the building explodes.
  • The Foot and Karai rush out of the sewers, getting out of the path of the explosion.
  • On the surface, they wait to see what happens.
  • A moment later, Leatherhead pushes out of the rubble, carrying Michelangelo and Donatello.
  • Raphael and Leonardo, though, are still missing.
  • As it turns out, the two turtles were blown out of the building into the nearby river.
  • Raphael emerges from the water with Leonardo on his back and then he passes out with him.
  • After things calm down, the Foot, Leatherhead, and the turtles go their separate ways.
  • The turtles hold a private funeral for Longer, April, Casey, and Splinter also being present.
  • Casey says some final words of his own, apologizing, as Longer’s friend, for not being around to protect him.
  • April takes Casey away, trying to comfort him.
  • As the other turtles depart, Raphael and Leonardo are left alone.
  • “It’s weird that it’s all over, isn’t it?” Raphael asks. “What do we do now?”
  • Leonardo starts to walk away.
  • “We go on living.”
  • Raphael then takes off his tenugui and lets it blow away in the wind.
  • He then walks after Leonardo.
  • The tenugui eventually falls into the river nearby and sinks into the water.
  • END.
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TheHero - 12/20/2014, 9:55 AM
Okay, nice ending! I don't know why, but your version of TMNT really reminds me of The Dark Knight Trilogy. Plus, I liked how you focused the story from Raphael's perspective. However, one nitpick I had with this, is that Casey, April, and Splinter aren't invovled with the final battle. Also, I would have liked the Turtles one-by-one work together to defeat Saki.

But, overall Great Job! Do you have any other projects planned?
HulkOnion - 12/20/2014, 6:32 PM
Yea, I'm curious as to what you do next.
I'd want your take on green lantern
AxlKomix - 12/20/2014, 6:53 PM
@TheHero- The final confrontation with Saki is based on the final confrontation in the "Return to New York" storyline from the original Mirage comics, in which Casey, April, and Splinter were not involved; so that's probably why they were excluded, but I liked the suggestion. I'm sure the similarity to The Dark Knight Trilogy just comes from the structure: origin; downfall; return for one last fight.

As for future plans, I don't have anything immediately in the works. This particular project was sitting in my documents collecting dust, so I brought it out to see what I could get out of it.
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