Tell Us, Mr. Wayne. What Do You Fear?

Tell Us, Mr. Wayne. What Do You Fear?

Even ninjas can tremble in the presence of a hot girl.

Editorial Opinion
By matthewmerlin - Jan 08, 2010 09:01 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

To me, "Batman Begins" is a masterpiece. The origin story is always the most interesting part of sagas like this. But BB had something else going for it as well, a powerful theme woven through every aspect of the story.

That theme in a word?


Bruce Wayne’s story demonstrates the two extremes of fear.

On one hand, we see how it can hold us captive, trap us emotionally, and fester in our psyche to the point of rage. But, the narrative also demonstrates how if faced, we can channel our fears to create intense power capable of changing every aspect of our lives.

Think about the moment when Bruce first enters the cave and allows the bats to swarm him. Initially, he has the same reaction he had hallucinating during his training in the mountains. But then something happens, a the throwing of a switch in his brain. Bruce drops his hands from his face and stands perfectly still, as if he is letting the fear literally pass through him.

THIS is where Batman begins. Bruce does more than simply face his fear. He embraces it, turning it from his greatest liability to his greatest strength.

So the question for the day is this:

How much more powerful would we be if we targeted our specific fears and purposely faced them?

And I mean face it in the EXTREME.

Let me give you a few examples of suggestions I've given my clients to help them overcome their fears.

Fear of heights? Check out the new glass bottom observatory in the Sears Tower.

Fear of flying? Buy a ticket to the next closest city and turn around immediately to come back.

Fear of combat? Taking a boxing class or martial art.

Fear of spiders or snakes? Go to the zoo, and check out the creepy crawly room.

And when I suggest these solutions, I don't mean a one-time confrontation. The point is to take action repeatedly until the fear is gone.

Surprisingly, in talking with my clients about their greatest fears, none of the ones from the list above take the top spot. What fear trumps them all?

Fear of Approaching Women

It’s all about that terrifying fear of rejection, the intense emotional outcome of a wrong word or gesture.

Still, the potential for success hovers just out of reach beckoning us to make a choice. Do we allow the approach anxiety to control us or do we embrace it, turn it into power and use it to take action?

Your Assignment Should You Choose to Accept It Is…

Get into the field.

Hunt down the closest “fear dojo” you can find.

What is a fear dojo?

It’s the local gym with daily aerobics or spinning classes.
It’s the bookstore, the night club, the supermarket or coffee shop.

In other words, places that large numbers of women congregate.

The only exception to this rule is a screening of the "Sex In the City" movie. Don’t do that to yourself, man. Just DON’T.

In any case, once you’ve scoped the location, pick a target and get to work. Simply walk up to the girl and introduce yourself.

Now, I’m sure you’re thinking that sounds pretty easy. Just do it to get it over with and move on, right?


You’re not going to do it just once.

What are we looking at here? Try ten, twenty, or even thirty times.

Bottom line, your goal will be to do it as many times as it takes to kill your inner fear of making an approach.

And no wussing out either.

When you pick out the girl to approach, start with the one that, in your mind, is the most drop dead gorgeous woman in the entire place.

Pick the one that intimidates the hell out of you.

Walk up with confidence, meet her glance and don’t break it.

Then say the following.

“I don’t mean to interrupt you. But I saw you from across the room and really had no choice but to come over here and introduce myself.”

When she asks why, you respond with brutal honesty.

“Well, first, this is NOT a pickup line. It’s just that, to me, you’re gorgeous to the point of being intimidating, and an hour ago, I would have let keep me from doing anything about it. But I can’t let my fears control me anymore. So, here I am. Then, introduce yourself.

Next…see where things lead and have fun.

Tips For the Field – Mind Frames

Some key points to keep in mind here are:

1. Don’t focus on the outcome of any one interaction.
2. Don’t alter your approach based on the previous encounter.
3. Remember, whether the woman is friendly or not doesn’t matter.
The fact that you’re TAKING ACTION IS

Tips For the Field – On Taking Action

1. Take a few deep breaths before each approach to calm yourself.
2. Relax your muscles.
3. Walk slowly.
4. Once you’ve made eye contact DON’T break it.

P.S. I would never ask anyone to do anything that I haven’t done myself. So, yes, I did this exercise too.

My outcome?

I went to work the next day in the same clothes I wore the day before.

Enough said?
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Shaman - 1/8/2010, 11:30 AM
“I don’t mean to interrupt you. But I saw you from across the room and really had no choice but to come over here and introduce myself.”

Corniest cheese ever...

“Well, first off this is NOT a pickup line. It’s just that, to me, you’re gorgeous to the point of being intimidating, and an hour ago, I would have let keep me from doing anything about it. But I can’t let my fears control me anymore. So, here I am."


Women don't simply appreciate a guy that "tries". They appreciate charisma, lite heartedness, humour and mystery. They love honesty but they normally frown on TOO MUCH of it especially when THEY DON'T KNOW YOU. Telling the girl the reason your talking to her is that your scared shitless to talk to women is... i'll be nice here... the LAST thing you wanna do.

I appreciate the effort here but women really think it shouldn't be one. Any woman would tell you to be your own natural self. That unfortunitely means that your own natural self WON'T connect with EVERY woman. I think a better exercise would be to learn how to persist and not quit after the first rejection rather than attacking the approach. Oh and you shouldn't be looking for the most attractive woman in the room but the one that seems to have similar interests and goals. It's kinda hard to know which one does but you can tell if you study more than merely her looks. Physical attraction is a must but alone, it fades away. Common goals and interests are what keeps the attraction going.

And dude... never talk about ninjas... NEVER!!! *whispering* they know.
Stumblin - 1/8/2010, 12:18 PM since when did this site turn into; how-to-pick-up-chicks-the-wrong-way-site?

I'm actually a little insulted because I feel like you have given yourself the disillusion that we are your typical generic geeks. You would be very wrong, and I don't normally throw insults around on the net, but you sir are an ass.
Hawksblueyes - 1/8/2010, 12:59 PM
Well, isn't this special. Thank you doctor freakin Ruth.

You wanna know what really works, even if your an ugly asshole?

LMAO. I'm sure you do!!!
Shaman - 1/8/2010, 2:07 PM
I smell a munch-on from Galactus.
answer - 1/8/2010, 2:22 PM

What a ridiculous excuse for an article!
answer - 1/8/2010, 2:39 PM
I'm all for making you happy! :D
Shaman - 1/8/2010, 2:49 PM
I like the big fatty bunnies :)
DogsOfWar - 1/8/2010, 3:36 PM
This guy is not at all familiar with this place!

Do you hear the sound of the toilet flushing? that would be Galactus
StephenStrange - 1/8/2010, 3:52 PM
lol how did this happen? How did thus uber douche get in here?
Hawksblueyes - 1/8/2010, 3:54 PM
Darth: He will come, there will be a reckoning!!!

DogsOfWar - 1/8/2010, 4:07 PM
Thats good stuff Tea. I'll have to remember this before it gets deleted. Do you teach this kinda stuff Merlin?
answer - 1/8/2010, 4:08 PM
@Tea, You my friend are a genius! We all owe you a pint!!
(I'm talking a proper pint!)
JoshWilding - 1/8/2010, 4:21 PM
teabag's advice in that image is about 1000x better than the load of old shit you've written matthewmerlin!
Ryden - 1/8/2010, 4:25 PM
@teabag- Ha lol, one in the pooch two in the gooch ;D

@merlin- Okay this is just kinda creepy. A girl does NOT find "desperation" attractive...I mean what you describe is basically stalking. I suggest you try and meet like minded people and if you think a girl is cute then talk to her. No need to go all pervert.
answer - 1/8/2010, 4:35 PM
@Ryden, Could you imagine trying that in the Arches or Garage though! It would work a charm! They are all slaaags! ;)

(You're from Glasgow right?)
Ryden - 1/8/2010, 4:54 PM
@TheAnswer- Nah Dundee :( But we have Garage here aswell nd yes that'd be [frick]in awesome!! ;)
answer - 1/8/2010, 5:10 PM
I've never had a night out in dundee! Think I'm going to have to call up my friends there and see if it's any good!
StephenStrange - 1/8/2010, 5:12 PM
Hey matthewmerlin! Did you have that vag surgically implanted on your face or is that some congenital birth defect? Just curious. You were great in Mask btw.. or was that Texas Chainsaw massacre 3?
Ryden - 1/8/2010, 5:13 PM
@TheAnswer- It can be alright, Fat Sams is usually good, depending on the band ;)
answer - 1/8/2010, 5:20 PM
Well thats my next destination once i've finished my exams! PARTY!!
StrangerX - 1/8/2010, 5:37 PM
I'm a Rocker definitly
DogsOfWar - 1/8/2010, 5:39 PM
InstigatorGIRL - 1/8/2010, 5:40 PM
Okay from a woman's point of view this would make me laugh you out of my presence. I agree with everything Shaman said.
ukboy28 - 1/8/2010, 5:42 PM
darth@ hahahaha, mr merlball a question........

does it get lonely in the asylum your from or are you allowed vistors?????

i only ask because your one of the most cheesiest, insane, loser like m0th3rfckers ever to grace this site mate and calling you a troll would be the understatement of the year, dont let the door hit you on your ass on the way out pal.
InstigatorGIRL - 1/8/2010, 6:32 PM
Also Bruce Wayne is not that afraid of Hot Women... considering he could walk up to any woman and say I'll take your panties now please... and they would give em up.
TheMyth - 1/8/2010, 11:50 PM
Hey! How about, "If you were a booger I'd pick you first." No? This article is a good way to get you labeled as a potential serial murderer at your local watering holes. The only women it'd appeal to are likely not going to be the ones you want. Reminds me something my ole man once said, "If you walk up to 10 different women and say 'Hey, wanna [frick]', you'll only get slapped 9 times." Yes my pops was shallow that way. 'Brutal Honesty' as you call it might earn you company in the sac for the night if you find a chic drunk/slutty/vulnerable enough, but lets hope you got plenty of antibiotics for the gonorrhea, fortitude against meeting a lunatic this way who doesn't like to be shagged and dumped, and a conscience that allows you to take advantage of another person.

Shaman, you make some of the best points, though confidence should be added, as nobody can believe in you or a thing you say if you don't yourself. Just be mindful to not cross into arrogance or conviction, but I'm sure you know that anyway, merely misplaced it ;). What I like most about your analysis is the note on persistence. If there was one fine bit of knowledge to be gleaned from my ole mans statement, it would be that. Have a thick skin and keep going, don't stop or lower your standards. Besides, you learn the most through failure.

Teabag, lmao the bear...
MarkCassidy - 1/9/2010, 9:10 AM
haha, Jesus. I dunno what this place is coming to..but I love it! If your the type of person that needs advice from a complete stranger on how to pic up girls, you've already failed.
peterparker420 - 1/9/2010, 11:22 AM
WHO are you? MYSTERY from the vh1 show
"the pick-up artist"!?!..give me a break

Ya after you walk up to the girl and say that cheesy line she looks at here friends and starts to laugh, or
just ignores you. I think YOU got the wrong idea about US!..some on here are married or have
girlfriends/boyfriends..some are single or just coming out of a relationship (me)..anyway WE are NOT you're typical "nerds"..we actually go out and do things..and get this we actually KNOW how to get chicks our own way.

Shaman--you said it perfectly!
Shaman - 1/9/2010, 2:02 PM
Wow, thanks guys! For a moment there, i really thought i was the only one who knew that ninjas were everywhere and listened to everything...

Seriously though, i'm very happy a girl actually agreed with what i said LOL Thank you InstigatorGIRL! Somehow i knew i wasn't talking out of my ass ;)

TheMyth- Thanks bud and you're quite right! Confidence is major when used adequately. I don't know if you caught my replies to you on earlier threads this week but WELCOME BACK BROTHER!!! You might wanna click on this pic below. A little something special i did for you ;)

FORTAPACHE - 1/10/2010, 7:31 AM
LOL!is this dude serious?let me guess, you use subliminal phrases like "new direction" and "below job expectations". well anyyone who takes your advice is going to take that "contagious"! why am i even typing this, i should be out bird-dogging chicks and banging beaver,thank you jack nicholson!
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 1/11/2010, 8:22 AM
Thanks a lot! I tried your theory and got my ass kicked! I thought to myself "where's a place with lots of women?", found somewhere crawling with them and proceeded to chat everyone up. Let me tell you, Lincoln Hospital's Maternity ward is NOT a good place. To top it off I had to explain my bruises to the wife!
Shaman - 1/11/2010, 10:41 AM
How could they not fall for the stach, Ron?!?!? What is the world coming to??? Oh the humanityyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!

btw, nice avatar ;)
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 1/11/2010, 12:23 PM
Shaman - I can only imagine it was the drugs influencing their decision. I'll have to remember to not take too much next time!
mok - 1/11/2010, 9:11 PM
not to be disrespectful, in fact i liked the article, but what has this got to do with comic books and comic book movies?
Shaman - 1/12/2010, 12:06 PM
Woah there buddy! You seem pretty trigger happy there, Mok!

Ron- Ungreatful pirate hookers, the lot of them!!!
mok - 1/13/2010, 2:02 AM
no offense meant Shaman, just wondering about the i said i liked it

and i liked the girl in pic, i will ask her out, no fear there hehehe

cheers and peace out!
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