The JSA movie part 1 of 3 (fancast included)

The first in a 3 parter of a detailed Justice Society movie with a cast and polished script. (Warning it is a little long but I have tried seperating the script into chapters to make it easier to read) Hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think

By Karlel01 - Aug 03, 2012 10:08 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

The Justice Society Of America

Henry Cavill as King Khufu/ Carter Hall/ Hawkman
Now I know he is Superman now and I think he will own the part however for my movie after watching Immortals and Tudors I just had to cast him here.

Patrick Wilson as Kent Nelson/ Doctor Fate
I think he's a very good actor and as the helmet of Nabu takes its toll I think Patrick could give us a man unable to cope with the power his been given.

Michael Fassbender as Wesley Dodds/ Sandman
Now those of you who have read my fanfic before will proberley notice this guy in most of what you see but I cant help myself I am a huge fan of his and my version of the Sandman is perfect for someone like Fassbendder to play.

Joseph Gordon- Levitt as Charles McNider/ Mid-nite
Another favourite for me and his character in Inception is very similar to how I was him to play Mid-nite, precise and a calculating character.

Tom Hardy as Ted Grant/ Wildcat
Yes Hardy has already played Bane but as this is a seperate universe and it was the movie Fighter not TDKR that made me pick him I know he could give us one hell of a wildcat.

Also smaller roles starring Sir Anthony Hopkins as the Egyption Seer Nabu.
As I was writing the scenes with Nabu, Hopkins just entered my mind and has stuck.


In the opening credits we are taken to ancient Egypt, we see mountains of pyramids and views of vast temple cities sprawled along the sandy plains. (The opening soundtrack I can see being a very light and sharp egyption theme similar to the Mummy movie).
We then focus on a huge city off in the distance, clearly bigger in both size and wealth, during this process there is a voiceover.

Nabu: ‘In the golden days of old, when peace was not achieved by war but through leadership, when soldiers fought to build not destroy and when a man’s respect was earned what they achieved reigned Prince Khufu, soon to be King and whose reign had already brought his people further than any leader before him…. And though his reign as Prince was great, his reign as King would be short, for one night his future shall be tested and his fate will be forever sealed.

Chapter 1

The credits end in the open courtyard within the great city and the focus is on two men walking through the district, one is fairly young and dressed up in gold and fancy clothing, clearly someone of great importance while the other is much older, very frail and though wears some gold is more covered in simpler robes. These two were the most important and without doubt most powerful men in Egypt, Prince Khufu himself and his royal advisor and trusted friend Seer Nabu.

Khufu: ‘It’s calm tonight’.

Nabu: ‘You seem troubled by calm my Prince’?

Khufu: ‘What is it they say old friend, its only calm before the storm’.

Now at this point the pair look up towards one of the stretched balconies and standing there are three beautiful woman above them but the one in the middle, slightly more beautiful than the other two looks down towards Khufu and their eyes meets sharing an equal smile.

Nabu just looks towards the Prince.

Nabu: ‘Would it not be so dangerous to open your heart Khufu, there can be no King without a Queen and the only thing missing in your life is what is of greatest importance for any man’?

Khufu’s eyes leaves the woman’s.

Khufu: ‘I cannot just force my mind to love Nabu, when I find the right woman I have no doubt a wedding would be in order but I shall not give my heart to someone just because Egypt needs a Queen, she will find me my friend’.

Nabu: ‘No my prince, you are about to find her’.

Chapter 2

The scene immediately switches to earth’s atmosphere and storming towards it a burning spaceship.
The camera then goes back to the pair in the temple and as they look up in the night sky can see the burning light plummeting towards them.
Nabu remained perfectly still however the Prince sensing dangers calls out to his guards, calls for his army and instructs the woman and children to run to the temple in safety.

As the ship quickly approaches there is much panic spreading around the city but under Khufu’s charge the defence was readied and within seconds he had an entire army rallied to him prepared to take on whatever there gods had cast upon them.

They gazed as the ship flies over them and crashes in the sandy plains of the desert, with that the Prince calls for his horse and with Nabu mounting beside him leads the charge out of the cities gates towards the crash site.

When they get there the entire Egyptian army surrounds the mysterious object and both Khufu and Nabu approach what looked like to them the gate of the ship, suddenly a bright light emerges from the wreckage and a figure could be seen from a revolving door, it looked humanoid but also something else, as the Egyptians looked upon the figure it walked out of the light and into the clearing. It was a woman but nothing like any of them had seen before she wore strange armour and possessed wings resembling a bird.

The army armed themselves in confusion, Nabu remained silent and completely unfazed by anything that had transpired that night but Khufu lowered his defences completely in awe by what he was seeing, she’s beautiful he thought.
Suddenly the woman turns towards Khufu.

Woman: ‘You there, who is the general of this army’.

Khufu stepped forward half acknowledging what she said and half to get a better look at her.

Khufu: ‘These men are under my command and by order of my ruling of this land demand to know your name'.

As Khufu spoke the woman suddenly clutched her side and fell to her knees as Khufu rushed towards her he could see she was bleeding a lot and calls for his army to take her to his palace immediately to be cared for, then he feels the woman grab his arm.

Woman: ‘Who are you'.

Khufu: ‘Just a King’ he jokes…. ‘Khufu’.

The woman nods ‘I’m Shayera. She then collapses in the princes arms.

Chapter 3

Once again we skip ahead a few weeks and another voiceover from Nabu emits from the background.

Nabu: ‘From that moment Egypt experienced a peace it had never known, Prince Khufu and the Lady Shayera fell in love from that night and soon after a wedding was commissioned giving the Prince a wife…. and Egypt a King’.

The Queen Shayera soon shared with the King and his people some of her peoples secrets about her technology and salvaged contents from her ship which she called Nth metal, with this knowledge and resources the Egyptians became near invincible compared to any of its enemies with weapons defences and strategies overwhelming any resistance, but the greatest secret of the Nth metal she only shared with her King, and through otherworldly construction she made him an armour of fine craft and two giant wings much like her own attached to the back, with the ability of the Nth metal he could defy gravity and thus giving the king the power to fly alongside her.

Nabu: ‘Egypt became a paradise, but like all paradises it was soon to suffer a terrible fate, for my eyes were unfocused and though I have hidden my true identity from these mortals even the King himself , I was unaware of the danger that lurked within the cities walls and through all my power was not prepared for what fate was to deal me’.

We see the old man Nabu alone in his chamber deep in thought, suddenly the flames on the candles spread around the room blow out as a strange wind carries itself across the room, the old man sensing danger turns around and glares at his dark chamber, something was there and Nabu readied himself, too long had he hid in this old mortal form and whatever was in the room with him, he would need all his power to protect him for he was no mere priest nor was he a mere man, he was the true Lord of Order Nabu and there were few things in the universe that gave him cause to be wary, but on this occasion he was.

Suddenly a dark mist sprawled around the floor and took a humanoid shape directly opposite Nabu, shrouded in darkness apart from a pair of glowing red eyes and a deep creepy laugh echoing from the mist.

Voice: ‘You still remain here deity among these savages, these rodents you actually pretend to be one of them thinking you can help them to their salvation, but I can see in their hearts and it still holds much darkness…. My darkness, make no mistake Nabu humanity are my play things not yours’.

Nabu: ‘I know who you are and as always you are wrong, no longer are these people savages they are civilised, they no longer hide in the dark they walk in the light and you demon will never claim them’.

In that second the image of the old man is surrounded by a blinding light that blazes the darkened room and reveals the being in the chamber much more clearly.

Then through the light a different being has replaced the spot where the old man was, and unlike his old frail disguise he had before he know reveals his true form…. Doctor Fate.

The dark being just laughs once again.

Voice: ‘You dare call me a demon, you fool know now that I am nothing but a God’.

And with that the beings red eyes begin to glow and shoot out to blood red rays out of his eyes directly at the Lord of Order.

Doctor Fate: ‘No you are nothing but evil, and you shall not interfere with my work here agent’.

As the omega beams hits Fate he utters a chant and is able to absorb the beams to go directly through him, although it is obvious that he is slightly fazed by the attack, in seconds the two are locked in a battle of magic and might blasting the both of them out of the chamber and through the walls of the palace.

(It is important however that throughout the fight the being obviously being Darkseid should never be completely revealed but instead is constantly covered in shadows or conjured dark mists only his face should be somewhat revealed.)

As the fight continues the pair exchange words.

Darkseid: ‘You cannot kill me, I am everlasting and eternal’.

Fate: ‘It is not death that awaits you demon but whatever your purpose here, you will not succeed and no harm shall be brought to my king by your hand’.

Darkseid laughs once again.
Darkseid: ‘By my hand you fool, that matter has already been taken care of my only purpose here was to distract you’.

At that moment Nabu realises that Darkseid is just distracting him but during this pause the dark God unleashes his full power against him and though causes Nabu to fade and disperse the sorcerer manages suck his opponent into the energy blast resulting in them both disappearing.
The next scene is in the Royal Palace chamber with both King Khufu and Queen Shayera in their Nth metal armour and weapons spread across the stone units throughout the room.

Khufu: ‘What is it my love’.

Shayera: ‘My people would be wondering were I am, at some point they will come to find me, I just don’t think when they realise what I’ve done and what I’ve given you and your people they would understand’.

Khufu: ‘I’m sure they will, what you’ve done is helped us, made us better than what we were, I’m sure wherever it is you are from your people will see that'.

Shayera: ‘Not just that, I’ve done something with humanity that goes against the laws of my people’.

Khufu: ‘What’?

Shayera looks towards her husband, ‘I fell in love with you’.

As the two embrace a servant bursts through the chamber doors.
Servant: ‘My King, we are under attack advisor Nabu calls for your help’.
Khufu’s face turns to horror, grabs his Nth metal battle mace and rushes out the door leaving Shayera alone with the servant.

Shayera: ‘I must go too’.

But at that moment the robed servant gave a menacing smile and blocked the Queens path.
Shayera: ‘What are you doing, let me through…. Now’.

Servant: ‘Apologies my Queen but your interference with my lord’s plan has gone on long enough and cannot continue’.

From this point Shayera gets concerned and flies out of the servant’s way to the other side of the room and grabs her mace but in doing so leaves herself open to an attack and a great beam shoots out of the servants hands and hits Shayera.

Although most of the dark magic gets absorbed through her mace it’s clear she too feels a part of the pain and drops her weapon and kneels in defeat.

Shayera: ‘What are you’ she gasps.

Servant: ‘Me… merely a servant to a power even your race couldn’t possibly imagine, Lord Darkseid’.

As the dark sorcerer gloated Shayera took a deep breath and screamed for the king hoping he could hear her.
The scene then moves to King Khufu flying through the temples halls but upon hearing Shayera’s scream turns back and quickly flies to her realising he had been deceived.

Servant: ‘Your screams won’t save you, together I could not have possibly matched your strength but separated, confused and lost in mind, I can take you down without breaking a sweat’.

He once again unleashes more dark energy from his fingertips and through the screams King Khufu could hear as he approached his chamber he knew it meant only one thing, as he swooped inside he saw Shayera laying nearly lifeless on the floor and held her once again in his arms just like when they first met only this time he knew she wouldn’t recover.

Khufu: ‘Shayera…. Shayera please speak to me’.

Shayera's eyes opened slightly and whimpered ‘behind you’.

With the kings defences down the servants appears and attacks him from behind hitting him with the same amount of power as he did Shayera, but Khufu proved stronger willed and did not accept defeat so easy and whilst been struck by the sorcerers magic again and again he slowly rose to his feet picked up his battle mace and closed in towards the warlock.
As the King got close enough he lifted his mace and just before succumbing to excruciating pain he screams and swings his mighty weapon crashing it at the sorcerers head causing him to explode into a black mist.

Khufu collapses in his victory but as he looked upon his wife his victory became short lived, no longer did she breathe, no longer did she move in pain…. His beloved was dead.

As he picks up his wife’s lifeless body he cries in disbelief and calls for his advisor Nabu to help him but as the guards rush in not one of them were his priest.

Khufu: ‘WHERE IS NABU’ he screamed at one of the guards.

Guard: ‘Disappeared my king, no one has seen him once all night, he’s just gone’.

Khufu: ‘THEN JUST LEAVE ME’ he roars.

As his guards leave him to mourn a laugh can be heard and a spiritual form of the dark sorcerer appears behind him. Everything had happened exactly as both he and his master wanted it too and with no Nabu to give him help and no Shayera to give him hope the King was a broken man.

At this point the dark plans are realised and after this moment Khufu’s reign was about to end and Egypt and all its glory were about to fall.
After that the spirit lets out a shrieking wail and disappears for good, but drops a small dagger from where he once stood.

As the king gazed at the small weapon he knew what the spirit wanted him to do, he knew that his people still needed him but he didn’t care, his pain gave him anger, his grief made him selfish and without the wisdom of his advisor and friend he was lost.

He picks up the dagger and whilst looking once more at his wife he thrusts the blade into his chest and falls next to his wife taking in his last breath and dies in his chamber.
But all was not lost suddenly the symbol of Nabu glows just above the fallen King and Queen and a voiceover can once again be heard by Doctor Fate.

‘Love remains until undone
Death will strike only one
The one alive shall feel their pain
Until they too would be slain
Then reborn and found your past
Your love will kindle at long last
But this curse must know no end
And in time your hearts shall break again’.

The scene goes black.

Chapter 4

Doctor Fate voiceover: ‘On that day I failed humanity, I failed my mission but also I failed my friend. It has taken many years for my life force to recover and return to this world but now I am finally ready to fix my mistakes, for the armies of this day have changed and no longer can they withstand what awaits them, and so once again I shall create my own army…. I only hope I’m not too late’.

We see a slim figure leaping across rooftops and showing off various acrobatic skills, we then see a close up revealing it to be Mister Mid-Nite and landing on a certain roof of a ware house he smashes through one of the glass windows and enters….

Doctor Fate voiceover: ‘A thief’.

We then switch scenes and go to a boxing match at Caesars Palace and though there are two fighters in the ring the camera focuses only on one, that one being a heated up Ted Grant standing over a smashed up opponent.

Doctor Fate voiceover: ‘A warrior’.

Now were at a business district and a smart businessman walks out of his limo, its CEO Alan Scott and the camera zooms in on the green lantern ring worn on his finger.

Doctor Fate voiceover: ‘A shining guardian’.

Now were at a crime scene in an old building and even though there are police running everywhere there’s a figure in a long waistcoat running the opposite way wearing a gas mask, he then leaps into a dark alley and cowering in fear is the criminal begging for mercy.

Doctor Fate voiceover: ‘A monster’.

Were then taken to a museum and from there we see an unlikely familiar face, King Khufu but reincarnated as a young explorer named Carter Hall, Carter has no memory of his past life and was there only to experience the museums grand opening.

He always had a passion to learn about history, Egypt especially but had no idea what it was that fuelled that passion.

Doctor Fate voiceover: ‘And finally…. A Leader’.

‘And for this army to come together they will need a champion, and a champion of my choosing to host my power, a pure soul’.
We now see another man off in the distance of the museum staring at Carter Hall, its Kent Nelson and with him in view finishes of all the main members in Fates army.

At this point Kent Nelson starts walking towards Carter who is looking up at an ancient stone tablet from Egypt.

Kent: ‘Its quite something isn’t it’.

Carter looked at Kent with a smile.

Carter: ‘It really is, it looked even better back in the tomb where I found it in Cuba…. But it looks just as good here. (there’s a pause) Whoever carved this stone was trying to tell a story, we can see it right in front of us but we have no idea what it means, it’s completely fascinating’.

Kent: ‘So you can’t read the stone I’m guessing’.

Carter: ‘No-one can, they’ve called in specialists and everything from what I can tell and nothing much, all they can be certain of is the death of a king but how, when or why we cant translate’.

Kent glares at the tablet then back to Carter Hall.

Kent ‘I can translate it’.

Carter turns to Kent Nelson.
Carter: ‘Sorry, do you work here?’

Kent Nelson looks back at him and laughs.
Kent: ‘No, just an admirer of sorts’ (there’s a pause and Kent’s face straightens).
‘And I can help you answer your question Carter Hall’.

Carter looks at Kent a bit confused as to how this stranger knew his name.
Carter: ‘Do I know you’.

Kent: ‘Me! No but you once knew an accomplice of mine, a long time ago…. And he sent me here asking if you would meet him’.
Carter: ‘Listen whoever you are, I don’t know what you want but you have me confused with someone else, now if you’ll excuse me I have another flight to catch’.

Carter goes to brush past the deluded man but just as he does Kent grabs him by the arm and stops him in his tracks.

Kent: ‘He needs you Carter…. And you need him’.

Carter shrugs off the tight grip on his arm and storms past him once again, but as he is then about to leave the room Kent Nelson tries one more time to convince him to hear him out.
Kent: ‘How long do you dream about her now Carter, once a night, twice’.
As Carter processed what Kent had said he stopped in his tracks and turned back around to face him.

Carter: ‘How do you know about her’?

He spoke in complete disbelief, for as long as he could remember he had a recurring dream of a dark red haired woman surrounded by sand, he has never known what it had meant but he has dreamed about her for years and has many times wondered if she was real.

Kent Nelson grinned. ‘I know more about you Mr Hall than you could believe, haven’t you lived day by day feeling something missing…. Something lost, I can help just meet my friend and we will help fill that missing piece in your life that has been lost to you for far too long, your questions will be answered and I promise no harm will come to you'.

Carter looked upon Kent in conflict, the man sounded crazy and yet what he was saying was too intriguing for him now that he could just leave.

Carter: ‘Where is this friend’?

Kent: (whilst smiling holds up the rucksack in his hands)‘Believe me when he’s here you’ll know’.

(Scene Ends)

Chapter 5

The next scene takes us to one of the basement chambers under the museum and Kent Nelson is leading Carter down a hall and into a darkened room.

Carter: ‘Where are you taking me Kent and where is this friend of yours, if this is some joke’.

Kent: ‘It is no joke and if you just wait a moment his appearance will soon be made clear’.

In that instance Kent puts down his rucksack and with his back turned towards Carter pulls out a shining gold object. Carter tried looking over Kent’s shoulder for a better look but in that instance he lifts the object in the air and lowers it down over his head.

As soon as the helmet is on a great golden light explodes from where Kent Nelson once stood and as Carter glared at the light a figure could be seen taking his place, but something told Carter he wasn’t Kent Nelson.

Doctor Fate: ‘It has been too long my King’.

Carter’s eyes just widened in disbelief and shock.
Carter: ‘Who are you’. He shouts.

Doctor Fate: ‘Let me show you my friend’.

And with that the golden light fills the entire room and in a second both Fate and Carter disappeared.

(Now at this point it would be fair to say that both Hawkman and Doctor Fate have covered most of the story up until now so now we are taken to scenes that go into more detail about the other soon to be future society members and let the audience/reader to understand their importance to the story).

Chapter 6

We go back to a business district at the early evening and once again we see Alan Scott in his suit walking out of his companies high class building and through one of the streets towards his sports car however as he walks through the ally a group of rough looking men turn a corner and seen to be following him.

As soon as the ally is clear the thugs run up to Alan and hit him from behind causing the CEO to hit the ground hard, then one jumps on top of him and hits him several times hard in the face and whilst his in a daze goes through his pockets whilst the rest of his men reveal guns out of their jackets and point’s them at Alan, as he began coming back to his sense the leader jumped of his back stood Alan on his feet and threw another punch hitting him hard in the stomach knocking the wind right out of him.

Thug Leader: ‘Where’s the rest of your cash rich boy, wearing a tidy suit like that you must have more than just a few hundred on ya, and if you like the use of both your legs it’ll be a smart move to tell me everything you can…. Real quick’.

Alan looks up at his attackers.
Alan: ‘Alright, my car just past the ally.
He looks towards his sports car off in the distance past the ally.

Thug Leader: ‘You think were stupid, a car like that we’ll have cops on us in minutes (he loads his gun) better come up with something else’.
Alan: ‘Just let me explain I’m not saying take the car, inside theirs a green safe get it and bring it to me I’ll unlock it and you’ll all live like kings from what’s inside just bring me the safe take what’s inside and let me go’.

The muggers looked at one another in distrust until the leader points for one of his men to run through the alley and break into the sports car.

As the thug searches inside he couldn’t see anything that looked like a safe but in the back seat he saw a large object green in colour, as this could only of been the thing that Alan Scott was talking about he grabs it and runs back through the ally to join his group throws the safe towards Alan however as soon as it was in Alan’s reach a wide grin spread across his face.

Thug Leader: ‘So then Mr Scott open the safe’.

Alan: ‘Sure’…. And in that second Alan extends his arm bearing the small green ring on his finger causing the green object to glow.

As the muggers looked on in confusion Alan began shouting ‘ And I shall shed my light over dark evil, for the dark things cannot stand the light, the light of THE GREEN LANTERN’!!!

Now the tables have turned and the whole group of attackers turned from being aggressive and cocky to scared and in a panic. Weary of the power standing before them, gone was the man in the fancy suit and in his place there stood a green caped being igniting a green energy from an unnoticed at first green ring.

With the gang in a panic Alan just looks at them and winks, ‘I’m not gonna lie to you guys…. This is gonna hurt’.

However before the green lantern can strike back a different power source appears out of nowhere and Alan’s green light from his ring is quickly replaced by a golden light and the symbol of Nabu appears causing a startled Alan Scott to disappear in the light and leave the muggers alone, frightened and running away.

Chapter 7

We then switch to Ted Grant recovering from his boxing fight in the locker room when in walks his trainer, they have a brief exchange of words with his trainer telling him that he is winning fights to quickly and that he needs to go for the knockouts in the 6th or 7th round instead of just the 1st to make the fight more credable.

Ted: 'Im better than this, I know I am, champion isn’t enough anymore I need more'.

Trainer: 'Your a fighter Teddy, if your not boxing what the hell else are you going to do, work in a office, join the army.... no Ted your a champion this is what your meant to do'.

Ted: 'I hope not'.

As the trainer goes to leave to talk to the media another burst of light fills the room much similar to the one that took Alan Scott and in moments Ted Grant too disappears.

Chapter 8

We then move to a old fashioned mansion where a group of mafia looking men seem to be having a meeting about their affairs until they are interrupted by a knock on the door and charging through a man in a long waistcoat and a gas mask paces towards them.

As the mafia bosses look at him they jump out of their seats, pull out their weapons and demand to know who he is and what he wants before popping him, but instead of feeling threatened the masked man just gave out a slow, menacing laugh.

Sandman: ‘The Sandman, hark I hear him.
He’s coming up the stair.
And everybody near him.
Is nodding I declare.
He’s peeping in the door now.
And first of all he spies.
As he has done before now.
The little children’s eyes.
Then quickly does he throw it.
His golden sleepy sand.
And all before they know it.
Are off for sleepy land’.

As the mob bosses looked at one another confused but concerned they give each other a certain nod and all in one go are about to shoot the intruder, but in that last second the figure spoke again.

Sandman: ‘But it is not sleepy land that you gentleman shall be sent…. Nooo but you shall be in what one would call eternal rest, that I do promise’.

And before the mob can fire, Sandman lifts his jacket exposing a huge and intricate gun and blasts away the unsuspecting bosses through the walls in with some kind of magnetic pulse, then quickly thows around the room green gas grenades and in seconds the room was filled with fog.

More gunshots are heard in the thick mist until everything goes quiet and when the smoke descends only the Sandman is left standing with all the mob bosses lifeless on the floor, at this point his gas mask has been removed and we get the first shot of the Sandman’s identity…. Wesley Dodds.

However once again a golden lights bursts in front of him with the symbol of Nabu in the centre and like all the others the lights causes Wesley Dodds to disappear leaving the room empty.

Both Wesley Dodds and Ted Grant then wake up in a strange mystical room, full of ancient carvings and strange looking artefacts decorating the surroundings, the two men look at each other both of them are as bewildered as the other, as they look around they see another man slumped on the floor.

They turn him over and his face is revealed showing its Alan Scott.

Alan: ‘Who are you’. He whimpers.

Ted: ‘Me, who the hell are you’.

As both Ted and Alan exchange words Wesleys walks around trying to get a better look at where exactly they are but as he looks out of a small window, he stands still in amazement and shouts at both Ted and Alan to stop arguing and to come over to him, as all three look out of the small window they soon realise just how much trouble they could be in.

The scene ends with Alan Scott muttering ‘where are we’?

This scene starts inside a giant Egyptian temple, the same temple from the beginning of the movie only now in the present time and is much like the rest of Egypt old, forgotten and in ruin.

Carter: ‘Where are we’.

Fate: ‘You do not recognize your own home my king’.

Carter: ‘My home…. My home is a small apartment on the 7th floor on Braine street’.

Fate: ‘That is the home of the disguise you’ve become, not this place is your realm and its history is shared by yours’.

Carter: ‘History’?

The pair stop walking and both stare at a large monument with glyphs and carvings everywhere.

Carter: ‘So when are you going to tell me about this other guy I was’.

Fate: ‘I’m not going to tell you’.

Suddenly all the carvings and glyphs begin to glow.
Fate grabs Carters hand and forces him to touch the shining wall.

Fate: ‘I’m going to show you’.

In that moment flashes of images blasted into Carters head, he saw himself as a king, he saw his kingdom, the wars he fought in, years of wisdom refreshed his mind and finally he saw who he was near the end of his reign…. Hawkman.

Fate: ‘And her Carter, remember her’.

Suddenly Carters dreams flashed before him the woman of the sand, again and again he saw her face but every time he did more and more he knew and remembered her.

Carter finally shouts ‘SHAYERA’! and with that the light from the wall dimmed and the images assaulting his mind stopped. He falls to his knees weakened by the whole ideal and Doctor Fate just stood still by his side.

Fate: ‘And now you see don’t you, your destiny isn’t to be some museums errand boy, this world needs you as do I’.

Carter looks up at Nabu and snarls.
Carter: ‘Where is she’!

Fate: ‘First things first my friend, not all what was taken from you has been reclaimed’.

Then behind them a sliding stone wall opens and inside can be see a room of gold and artifacts, but in the epicentre stood something more precious than either, a stand of shining armour strapped to a harness which bore to giant hawk wings and right next to it stood a large otherworldly mace weapon.

Carters eyes widened with satisfaction and walks into the room and dons the suit accepting that who he was would be who he’d again become ‘Well that’s a start’.

Fate: ‘We haven’t started yet, you’re a king and every king needs his army’.

Carter: ‘For what’.

But as Carter spoke Nabu cast another spell and the pair were once again transported out of the temple.

Now were back with Alan Scott, Ted Grant and Wesley Dodds still stuck in the strange mystical tower and still arguing as too who one another was and where they were.

Ted begins crashing though the room in anger trying to find an exit door but there wasn’t any.

Alan: ‘Theres no point in escaping mate, wherever we are and whoever brought us here wasn’t your average kidnapper, they even overpowered my ring that in itself is pretty impressive’.

Ted: ‘Don’t joke around with me rich boy, you don’t wanna help great but shut that mouth of yours real quick’.

The two square up.
Alan: ‘Seriously I am not the person you want to give the hard man act to, I just met a few guys who tried the same thing and I soon had them running’.

Wesley: ‘Enough you two, the last thing we need is us fighting each other, the truth is we don’t have any answers and were not going to get any until whoever took us comes to say hello so for now let’s just keep cool, when we get our chance to escape we’ll need all the energy we can’.

As Wesley finished his speech a golden light once again comes into view and two figures can be made suddenly appearing in front of Ted, Alan and Wesley, as the light fades we see its both Carter in his Hawk armour and Doctor Fate.

Fate: ‘A noble speech Wesley Dodds, but there is no escape from my tower for you are not trapped here'.

Alan: ‘What do you want with us’.

Fate: ‘There is nothing I want with you Alan Scott, but I do need your true self’.

Alan: ‘I don’t know what your talking about’.

Fate: ‘Of course not Green Lantern’.

He then turns his head towards Grant.

Fate: ‘And you, a man so conflicted with himself he no longer knows what it is he wants from life, the passion to be the best is lost when you become the best does it not Edward Grant’.

Fates head finally ends turned to Dodds.

Fate: ‘And at last the monster, a man who sides with the angels but is in no way one of them, a man who desires nothing but to bring pain to the dark hearts of men but accepts that his heart is just as black.
Wesley: ‘It seems you know more about us then we do of you’.

Ted: ‘And we want answers’.

As Ted rushes aggressively towards Nabu, Carter steps in his path and meets Ted face to face.

Ted: ‘And who are you, his lapdog’.

Carter: ‘Let him explain, now step back or ill make you work for that tough guy image’.

Ted Laughs.

Ted: ‘Will you now’.

And with that Ted swings at Carter with a right hook and cracks him hard on the chin, Carter lunges at him to return the blow but he was up against a world champion and even though his memory was restored his mind and body were still that of a young explorer and was no match for him.

Ted easily dodged Carters attack and counters throwing him across a room and sends punch after punch causing Carter to fall to his knees in pain.

Ted: ‘You get up or give me attitude again, I’ll send you back down to the ground you got it’.

But as Ted started walking once again to where Nabu was standing he turned around to see Carter rising back up to his feet.

Ted: ‘You can’t say that I didn’t warn you’.

And once again Ted delivers a few more crippling punches one again slamming Carter to the ground in pain.
This time Ted didn’t just walk away from him but stood his ground, there was no way he thought this fool is getting up again but surely once again Carter stood up refusing his defeat.

Ted grabs Carter and holds him in a tight lock slamming him against the wall and screams ‘just give in’.

Fate: ‘Carter remember how you fought remember how you were trained your were better than this and you still can be, you just have to unleash it’.

Suddenly Carters face got more angry and savage, he was no longer just lifeless in Ted Grants tight hold but started grabbing his fists and the two began testing each others strength and determination to see who would give up, this wasn’t a fight between a world champion and a nobody, now Ted was the underdog as now he was grappling with someone a lot more savage and wiser than him and in a split second throws Ted back up against the opposing wall, Ted now heated with rage but smiling to the fact he finally had a challenge ran towards Carter again but this time he was ready and throws a huge punch crunching Ted in the stomach and slowly knocks him to the floor.

Suddenly a voice booms from Nabu.

Fate: ‘ENOUGH, I didn’t bring you here to fight one another I brought you here to save one another'.

Wesley: ‘I can’t speak for everyone here but I don’t need savin now you said were not trapped here, does that mean we can leave whenever we want’.
Fate: ‘Yes it is your decision, but if you leave then the pieces to your salvation will not fall into place and so the puzzle will remained incomplete’.

Wesley: ‘What the hell does that even mean’.

Ted Grant then interrupts ‘enough questions if we can go then we go’.

Nabu let out a very slight sigh and looked down in disappointment ‘very well just desire it in your heart to leave this place…. And you shall return from where I took you’.

Suddenly both Dodds and Grant disappeared without hearing further what Nabu had to say, they had no interest they were confused, unsatisfied and just believed that there was no point in either of them being there for whatever reason…. They were both wrong.

Next Alan Scott approached Carter and Nabu.
Alan: ‘Again, no disrespect but I’m doing fine with what I’m already doing, with the ring and the star heart I can pretty much take on anything this planet throws at me’.

Fate: ‘What will be thrown at you Lantern shall be not of this world and if you let your ego overcome your ability to listen to my warning, the repercussions will be’….
But before Nabu could finish speaking Alan already wished to leave and was gone leaving just him and Carter Hall.

Carter: ‘I am sorry Nabu’.

Fate: ‘My king I fear in time we shall all be sorry’.

Scene ends (The point to this meeting and how it ended is that all the members have there own issues or egos and are instantly threatened by one another resulting in Ted Grant having a short fuse and fighting Carter Hall, Wesley Dodds uninterested in anything Nabu had to say and stating he didn’t want to be in a team and Alan Scott thinking just because he had a Lantern ring he didn’t need anyone’s help.)

(It also shows Carters lack of leadership when it was needed, he has regained all his memories, his training and finally every bit the savage warrior he once was proved by beating Ted Grant, but his greatest asset as a King is still dormant and so shows Carter still needs to accept fully who he was as King Khufu.)

Part 2 coming soon
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kong - 8/3/2012, 10:21 AM
I HATE the JSA, but this mad eit more interesting
comiccow6 - 8/3/2012, 10:28 AM
I enjoyed it before, but now it seems that this is going to be a LOT larger than before. I can't wait to see the rest Karlel!
comiccow6 - 8/3/2012, 10:29 AM
I just realized you recast Hawkman. I like your choice though, never could think of Hemswrth as him.
FlixMentallo21 - 8/3/2012, 11:37 AM
I think you left out Bradley Cooper as Alan Scott--you have pics of him, but he's not in the cast. Same with Hath-Set.

Also, don't you mean DOCTOR Mid-Nite?
kong - 8/3/2012, 11:46 AM
This picture shows a lot of really cool redesigns on the JSA
Karlel01 - 8/3/2012, 11:47 AM
Ah yes how could I miss him out, yes Bradley Cooper is of course Alan Scott aka the Green Lantern and you are correct Flix although his actual name is DOCTOR Mid-Nite as I already have Doctor Fate I thought it would be a bit weird having two doctors in the same team so tweaked his name a little to make more sense, the second instalment will be posted sometime next week just working on the ending at the moment.
l0rdleg0las - 8/3/2012, 8:17 PM
Never liked the JSA so I cant really critique this.
FlixMentallo21 - 8/3/2012, 9:23 PM
But he's an ACTUAL doctor in his civilian life!
REDSTORM - 8/3/2012, 10:22 PM
John Wesley Shipp as Jay Garrick!
SAT - 8/4/2012, 1:09 PM
That was awesome! Cant wait for more!!
MrEliMac - 8/6/2012, 4:21 PM
Who is to be the main antagonist(s)?
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