Watchmen: The End is NOW, Part 1 of ?

Watchmen: The End is NOW, Part 1 of ?

I thought up this sequel a while ago. I think you guys might enjoy this. Hopefully you will. Give me your honest critique on it. The other parts will be up as the weeks (or months) go by...

By CRITIC17 - Sep 04, 2009 05:09 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: ME

I always wondered how a sequel to Watchmen (the graphic novel, not the movie) might work. Sure, Alan Moore will never write one, but I have one and I want you guys to read it and critique it for me. This sequel goes with how most of us think the ending turned out to be, Rorschach’s Journal getting out. This is merely a plot outline and will probably be 5-6 parts. Read and hopefully enjoy.

After Rorschach’s Journal was picked to be put in the papers by Seymour of the New Frontiersman, chaos happened. Russia immediately began fighting again, and the war started once more. Word got out that Ozymandias released a fake alien that exploded in New York killing over 2 million people. Richard Nixon had Ozymandias exiled immediately to his reserve in Antarctica, and have him live there for the rest of his life. In 1986 Nixon was assassinated on election day and the White House was destroyed (hope I didn’t offend anyone by just writing that). Thankfully new President Robert Redford wasn’t in the White House as the time and won the election. He promised to stand strong against communism. People believed him and a new White House was to be built. Superheroes and vigilantes started appearing again. A mysterious Nite-Owl III appeared along with his partner, the Fightress, a gun-toting, tough woman who isn’t afraid to break a few legs, mainly legs of others. Others began to appear as the year went on, the most notable being: The Killer (a mercenary who, well kills), and the Jester (a clown with a long Candy Cane, which he uses in battle). The Soviet Union started to take over other countries, using war as a way in. Thus WWIII began. The U.S. sent fighters over to help Western Europe while fighting Eastern Europe (under Russian control) and Russia itself. They lost and all of Europe fell to communism. Next came Asia and then Africa. Finally, a last stand was put up in Australia (which Russia tried to take as well), but 3 nuclear warheads went off, turning the place into a wasteland. Thus, Czar Lord Humongous (there you are Lord) ruled the wastelands of Australia. Russia tried to take South and Central America, but the U.S. and Mexico fought off the Russians in a fierce battle now known as D-Day II. Russia lost at the battle of D-Day II and South and Central America joined forces with the U.S. to keep Communism away from their nations. The war ended in 1993 and Robert Redford died the day the war ended. Cause of death: Myocardial infarction. A new man, Alexander Bitrus, ran for president. While, people were afraid at first as he had a Russian accent, he convinced the U.S. that he had lived in America all his life and hated Russia and Communism more than he hated hell and the devil. He was elected in 1994. Around this time, Nite-Owl III and the Fightress retired… In 1996, a new vigilante appeared to stalk the streets. His name was known only as Rorschach II. The second man (or woman???) to wear the costume of Rorschach (though it was significantly different). He protected the streets raking up many deaths over the next 9 years. Now we come to our story… It is October 2005, 20 years has passed since the death of Edward Blake A.K.A. the Comedian. Bitrus is still president. But, the U.S. has become even poorer than ever. Five states were lost due to now electricity or food for the people there. The U.S. of A. no consists of 45 states and becomes worse every day. Communism is half the world, Ozymandias lives comfortably in Antarctica; he pays for food to come to him once a month. The Russian leader Mikhail Blkstikl wants eagerly to have a world government, but with no prevail. So he keeps on fighting for one. Our little story begins on October 12th, 2005…

Watchmen: The End is NOW

Rorschach looked at the skyline as he wrote in his journal. He stood in the exact spot as his predecessor did 20 years ago, after he found out about the death of the Comedian. His costume consisted of a dark, black leather trench coat, black special forces pants, steel-toe boots (these were brown), the hat that Harrison Ford wore as Indiana Jones, his belt, and his mask. His mask was much different than the first Rorschach’s. The black and white liquid now flowed all around him, from his neck to the back of his head. The mask was also no longer a fabric, but a rubbery plaster. This way, it won’t break easily. The liquids moved around and around, making different shapes… He also carried his weapons… These consisted of: electric-powered grapple-hook gun, a .50 AE Desert Eagle Magnum handgun, a sawn-off side-by-side shotgun, and a Bowie knife. But, he carried one more weapon, his favorite, two retractable blades that extended from his forearms. These (and his bowie knife) were made of special titanium. Rorschach looked out over New York… there were now six boroughs instead of five, and they had new names. Manhattan was still Manhattan, the Bronx became The Slums (all the poor people live here), Queens became Kings (all the rich people now live there), Staten Island became both Gangland and Death Town (gangs and murderers reside here). Finally, Brooklyn stayed as Brooklyn. This city sickened Rorschach; it got ten times worst in the past 20 years. You could see cops shooting up on streets and people living in cars. Prostitutes were everywhere, even in Kings. Manhattan was split between the 3 classes of profit. Upper class lived in upper NY, middle class lived in middle NY, and lower class lived in lower NY. Rorschach jumped off the building and fired his GHG (grapple-hook gun), and swung to street level. It was snowing (global warming??)… and he saw ten people walking in the direction of a bank. The bank closed 5 hours ago, it was 12:30. He walked after them, they went into the bank.
The men entered and immediately took out the 3 guards (two of them were wasted) and headed to the vault. They brought out a titanium drill and began drilling through the vault door. Rorschach grabbed the guys out front and kicked him in the gut. The guy fell over and started crying, Rorschach then kicked him to death. He walked in and slit 3 of the guys’ throats. He then snuck upstairs were two of them were searching the offices for goodies. Rorschach tackled them to the ground and stabbed them both. He then headed downstairs to the vault. The 4 guys had the vault open when he got there. The first two guys got a bullet to their heads. The next got the vault door slammed shut on his head and the final guy ran away. Rorschach chased him outside the bank, where the getaway van was driving away. Rorschach shot two of the tires with his shotgun and beat the runner to death with it. The van flipped over and caught on fire. Rorschach pulled the driver out, and threw him on the ground. He then extended his left-arm blade to the guy’s throat, and asked: Who sent you to rob the bank? The guy said Ronald Matino. Rorschach threw him on the ground and looked over him. He grabbed his collar and looked him in the eye and said: What do you see? The man answered: Death!!! Rorschach opened the van, search it, and found what he wanted: a gasoline jug. He poured it on the guy and then, using his lighter, lit him on fire. The guy burned to death in the snow… When the cops showed up he was in the shape of the same shape the man had seen on Rorschach’s mask.
Sam Hollis looked out at the snow falling. He was now 62 years old. His wife, Sandra, was 58. He wished he could be back in the good-ole days of being Nite-Owl again. He changed his name after the incident that Adrian caused. He used to be Dan Dreiberg, but now he was just Sam Hollis. Married to Sandra Hollis (used to be Laurie Juspeczyk) for 18 years now. They had a daughter, Amanda, who had a secret. She could produce some amount of energy from her hands. This was explained as that Laurie’s then relationship with Dr. Manhattan caused her to have some of his cells in her, but those cells didn’t affect her, they did however affect her fetus while she was pregnant. She almost lost the baby, but apparently, those cells saved her life. She isn’t blue or anything; she just has an uncontrollable amount of energy exertion from her hands every now and then. Sandra came in and put her arms around Sam, and said: the 20th anniversary of the death of the Comedian is now over. I know, Sam replied. I know…
Rorschach stood on top of a building, adjacent to the warehouse of Ronald Matino. He had to kill 3 gang members, and beat up 10 thugs to find this place. Matino had ties to the Russian mafia, which was responsible for most of the crime in NYC. Rorschach was armed with an M1 Garand Rifle, mounted with a scope. He aimed in the window of the warehouse, and spotted about 20 guards. He had 5 hand grenades on him that might just do the trick. He had the perfect shot to take out five guards from where he stood. He did, but then all the guards were alerted to his presence. He threw a hand grenade in the window. It went off, killing 3 guards. Twelve more to go. It took 3 more hand grenades to take out 10 more guys. The last 2 he shot in the head. He went in and found a room where they purify the narcotics; he drew a hand grenade into the machine, destroying it. He walked down a hallway where two guards stood; he shot both at long range. Rorschach was a bit of a marksman, and being ambidextrous helped that out. He busted the door down and ten men were surrounding Matino. Rorschach grabbed an Uzi off the ground and started firing. He hit a ten guys and Matino (in the arm), but he also got hit in the leg. Rorschach staggered over and grabbed Matino. I know you’re not the big boss around here, so tell me, who ordered you to have men rob that bank earlier; Rorschach said. Matino sputtered out: I-I can’t te-te-tell you that… he’ll kill me. Tell me, he yelled. The guy was that dude named Veidt, you know the one who blew up New York; stuttered Matino. Rorschach said: Liar! How could Veidt get communications out here? He talks to us in Morse Code; Matino sputtered out. Are you lying? Rorschach asked. No, I swear on my kids; Matino said. You better not be, I’m gonna get to Antarctica now, somehow and your gonna be stuck in my hideout for a while. And when I come back and it turns out you lied, then your gonna be one dead motherf*ck*r! Rorschach yelled. I swear I’m not lying; Matino said again and again and again. Rorschach then took him to his hideout (a run down warehouse in Manhattan) and chained Matino up. Later, he found out from a government contact, that Veidt’s next food plane was going to leave in two days. Rorschach was gonna sneak on the plane (his contact arranged for there to be no guards for five minutes), and get to Veidt. He couldn’t wait to get to Veidt, because Veidt is one of two people responsible for the first Rorschach’s death. He would pay…
Sam stood in his basement, cleaning his Nite-Owl suit. He updated it so he had metallic wings with rocket boosters. He could now fly. He also a small mini-gun built in along with rocket launchers. The suit also had a protection mode that could take the hit of a .44 magnum round. Sandra came down and asked what he was doing. Remembering, that’s all; he responded. Sandra came over and hugged him. Suddenly they heard a scream upstairs. They both ran up to find two gunmen holding their daughter, Amanda, a gunpoint. One of the guys said: Give me your eagle-suit and your girl won’t bite the dust. Sam responded saying: Owl suit, you idiot and you take your damn hands off her. The other gunman shot the ceiling and yelled: Give us the f*c*ing suit! Suddenly a surge of energy blasted off of Amanda and blew the “idiot” to pieces. Blood covered the walls, and brain matter soaked the carpet. The other gunman dropped his gun and ran. Sam went after him as Sandra held her crying daughter (who was only 15). Sam grabbed the gunman and said: Who sent you? The guy said: the Communists man, the communists… And he tried to run, but Sam kicked him down the stairs and the guy broke his neck and died when he hit the floor at the end. When the police arrived, Sam said it was a break-in and he fought off the one guy. They had cleaned up the place before the cops arrived, and said only one man broke in. Sam and Sandra then became very worried about Amanda.
Rorschach looked out the window of the plane. Ozy’s island was in view. The plane landed and Rorschach pulled his gun off the pilot’s head. He said to him: Load the food and cargo into the storage area. He hit a button and a long, mechanical arm came out a grabbed the cargo boxes of food (Rorschach jumped in one of the boxes). The pilot was to stay there (with a live grenade in his hand) until Rorschach returned. When the storage door closed and Rorschach was in Ozy’s hideout, he jumped out. He saw a startled Ozymandias. Ozy said: You’re dead… No I’m not; Rorschach replied. Ozy grabbed a bottle of wine and headed into the main dining room (this is where he ate while Rorschach and Nite-Owl II snuck up on him) and sat on the table. Rorschach told him about how he was apparently the leader or possible leader of the Russian mafia. Ozy denied it and Rorschach grabbed his whine bottle, broke it and stuck it to his throat. Ozy tried to grab Rorschach, but he was stabbed in the stomach by him. Ozy said calmly: I don’t know what you’re talking about, how could I be in charge of the Russian mafia? Morse code; Rorschach replied. Well, this Matino is a damn liar; Ozymandias said. Rorschach then grabbed Ozy, picked him up and threw him threw a glass window (ala the Comedian). Ozy landed on the floor below and his leg was shattered. Rorschach dragged him across the floor and then shot both his arms. He then kicked and punched Ozy until he was bleeding profusely. Ozy sputtered out: You’re not here for answers; you’re here because you think I’m responsible for the death of that crazed lunatic, Kovacs. Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but Jon Ostermann did that, not me. Rorschach yelled and hit him saying: If you hadn’t blown up half of New York, then he would be still alive today!!!!!!!! He then hit him again and again. Ozy said: I’m sorry you feel that way. Rorschach pulled out his handgun, put it to Ozymandias’ head and pulled the trigger twice. Ozy’s body fell over as blood soaked the carpeted floor. Rorschach walked out and got back on the plane… As he got in he said: Hurm…

Part 2 will be up later on…

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LEEE777 - 9/4/2009, 6:06 PM
Dude, i cant read this now, ive had a few beers lol!

Morning! ; )
Ryden - 9/4/2009, 7:09 PM
Not bad but thre should never be a Watchmen sequel, Watchmen was art, its stilla good try but any Watchmen sequel sounds bad to me lol :)
CRITIC17 - 9/4/2009, 10:09 PM
@Ryden: If anyone else does read this, but I doubt it, then I figure they will also not want a sequel to Watchmen, but I tried right? Thanks for thinking its pretty good though. I just thought that, with the possiblity of the ending, then I figured, What if I did a sequel. How would it work? Who'd be in it? I actually created some new characters for it, as seen in this part... maybe I will continue with this, maybe not. But I don't know...

@LEEE: Don't you know drinking is bad...?? LOL!!! ;)
LEEE777 - 9/4/2009, 10:23 PM
YEP! : D

LEEE777 - 9/4/2009, 10:25 PM
DDD - 9/4/2009, 11:47 PM
@Leee, beer and beautiful bare-butts! It don't get any better dat! ;D

Very Valiant try @Critic! It's an extremely tough act to follow! :)

I want to see more of Rorschach, myself! In his own gig!
THEHAWK - 9/5/2009, 6:07 AM
I have toyed with the idea of writing a sequel myself, but I have been distracted...

But Critic, don't give up man, finish it if YOU want, don't worry about us. If you write it they will come.
Watchtower31 - 9/5/2009, 7:31 AM
Great story man, i actually thought it would be an alright sequel and i always thought that Watchmen would have an awesome sequel.

@Hawk, yeah man you haven't written a story in a while.
AshleyWilliams - 9/5/2009, 7:36 AM
Cool story!
CRITIC17 - 9/5/2009, 8:29 AM
Thanks guys, I have many great ideas for finishing it. I figure about 5 more parts, thanks for reading and Part 2 will be up sometime soon.
LEEE777 - 9/5/2009, 12:00 PM
Heh heh heh! ; D


CRITIC @ Loved the story man, i say A + and A + for the having the balls to do a sequel to the comic book!

Thumbs up dude!!
ThisFan - 9/5/2009, 2:59 PM
loved it, it was a great read
CRITIC17 - 9/5/2009, 3:23 PM
@Ozy: Sorry, that was my first idea for the sequel... Rorschach killing Ozymandias was my very first idea for it...

@LEEE: Glad you liked it man!!! ANd I have the balls to finish the damn thing ;)

@Tyko: Thanks man

Part 2 will be up later tonight!!!!
CRITIC17 - 9/5/2009, 10:25 PM
@Hawk: You've gave me the confidence to finish the story... thanks man!!!
Ryden - 9/5/2009, 10:57 PM
@ Critic- Hey don't let me discourage you, its very good so far it's just not my thing man ;) as Austin Powr's would say "That sorta thing aint my bag baby" but yeah its definitley the best you could do with a sequel to Watchmen...keep goin' :)
KurtCrawler - 9/6/2009, 8:56 AM
I say if there was ever to be a sequel, make it so rorschach didn't die. Or make it so that Manhatten brings him back to life because he talked about making human life, and that he relizes that it was a mistake to kill him. But thats just my opinion...
jallanr - 9/7/2009, 4:52 PM
Man this amazing!! cannot wait to read more of thi. definetlly a thumbs up here!!

woo hoo!
BubastisTheLynx - 9/9/2009, 4:10 PM
This is very good. You should send it to Alan Moore ;).
CRITIC17 - 9/9/2009, 5:41 PM
@Keven: Thanks for your criticism... I don't want it to be realistic at all. MY Rorschach is so f*cked up that he'd Hurm after a dramatic sequence, thats just how he is, and the candy cane was just something fun to make people laugh at the good guy only to get their a$$es whipped by him...

@bubastis: Thanks man!!! Alan Moore would probably hate this though :(
CRITIC17 - 9/9/2009, 6:02 PM
@Keven: She's not afraid to break someone's legs... Is that so bad???
supermarioworldE - 9/9/2009, 8:49 PM
This is alright. A sequel to watchmen is a sin against comic-god Alan Moore, but still, I like where this is going
BubastisTheLynx - 9/11/2009, 6:35 PM
Im just saying Alan probably has dozens of these ideas delivered to him a day, that maybe if this ones good enough he might like it.
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