What Happens Next: The Dark Knight Rises (SPOILERS)

What Happens Next: The Dark Knight Rises (SPOILERS)

Here we take a look at what happens after the final scene of the conclusion of the epic Dark Knight trilogy.

Feature Opinion
By googleplex - Jul 23, 2012 10:07 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Hello everyone and welcome to the first installment of what I like to call what happens next. Here's how it works, many of our favorite films have interesting ways of ending one particular story but in some cases they leave us guessing on events that would happen afterwards. In this segment I attempt to fill in the blanks. Now of course this contains major SPOILERS so stop reading now if you haven't seen this movie.

Today I'll be talking about a movie I've been looking forward for about 4 years now, The Dark Knight Rises. Being the third installment of Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy it promises to end the story of both Bruce Wayne and Batman, which it does but in a way that's garnered a mixed reaction from what I've seen online.

Now let's recap the ending. In the movie Batman heroically sacrifices himself to save the citizens of Gotham. However with some nice hints to his friends he shows that Bruce Wayne is actually alive and well living a peaceful existence with Selina Kyle. But we're not going into that too much since what we really care about is what happens to John Blake. You see even though Bruce is alive he's considered legally dead so in his will he leaves John (or Robin if you can believe that little reference Nolan inserted that makes me question what parents would name their boy Robin Jonathan Blake) the directions to his Batcave, implying heavily that he wants Blake to take over the mantle.

So let's talk about what happens next...which includes John Blake found dead in an alley wearing a Batman costume. I'm sorry for anyone who thought he'd be in his own spin off movie franchise as Nightwing or something but odds are he'd either not be Batman (since he's not crazy like Bruce) or he'd try and fail miserably as the legendary Dark Knight.

I know that this has been a popular assumption from a lot of fans that the mantle would be transferred since what Bruce said in the first movie about Batman being a symbol. However think about it from the basis that John doesn't have training nor the will (as Ra's pointed out in the original) to achieve anything like what Bruce did, thusly meaning he would probably die.

Let's start off with the training. With Bruce he literally devoted 7 years of his life to training in the arts of ninjitsu, ju jitsu, criminology, and pretty much anything else that would help him fight the criminal element. John Blake on the otherhand has only had 6 months worth of training at a police academy, so unless they make their recruits train night and day to teach them how to be ninjas at the Gotham Police Academy (by the way thats an awesome title for a movie) he'd be horribly unprepared to take on criminals as Batman. He can't go globe trotting like Bruce did because that only worked for him in this universe because he lucked out by finding the League of Shadows, which by this point is no more. So he'd be going out trying what a full fledged ninja did with, at best, some Krav Maga training he picked up on the side at a local YMCA.

In terms of motivation, which the franchise pointed out was more important, he'd still be lacking. Bruce grew up in a time when crime was at an all time high in Gotham. As a matter of fact I'm pretty sure that the city was only slightly less crime ridden then Detroit (sorry Detroit I couldn't resist). It didn't even get better when he grew up. Only when he began risking his life as Batman did the city improve. Blake on the otherhand was a kid when Batman retired and the Dent Act was implemented. So by the time he joined the police force the city was so clean that he himself jokingly said that soon they'd be devoting their time to hunting down overdue library books. Sure this takes place in the time when Bane was rising to power but that was only because he was trying to get revenge on the Batman meaning becoming Batman would probably encourage another super tough villain to come in and fight him, making it more likely Blake ends up as bloody pulp on the side of the road.

Now I know you guys assume that Robin in the comics grew into crime fighting at an even younger age than Blake and was rather effective but that was under different circumstances. First of all the main Robin, Dick Grayson, was a professional acrobate before taking up the mantle of Robin meaning he had much of the training needed to fight crime already covered with Bruce there to help fill in the pieces. Second he had the motivation as his parents died in the same manner as Bruce's in a time when crime was still at an all time high. I'm not even sure if Blake's parents were killed by criminals (correct me if I'm wrong). And lastly the Robin in the comics had Batman there to help him if he screwed up. So yeah that's why comics Robin actually can function and why Blake would die horribly.

Heck, he doesn't even have access to the gadgets that Bruce did. Sure he gave Blake access to the Batcave and whatever he left in there but it can't be that much. The Bat as well as all the gadgets Batman had on him at the time were either destroyed or he took them with him when he left, odds are Selina took the Batpod with her when she left, and all that would be left in the cave are maybe a few extra Batsuits with some explosives and batarangs. Even with all that Batman could do naturally he still needed those gadgets to function in the city as an effective crime fighter. Now it's possible that Blake could try to get some gadgets from Fox but why would he supply Blake with them? There was a reason why Fox helped out Bruce in the movies and that's because Bruce owned the company and everything was his anyway. Bruce couldn't have given Blake a stake in the company since it was pointed out in the movie that he couldn't attend the shareholder's meeting so he had nothing. so in otherwords Blake has no gadgets or awesome vehicles and would surely die.

There's my theory on the fate of John Blake at the end of The Dark Knight Rises. Now I'm not saying that I hated this movie in any way. In fact I really enjoyed it, though not as much as The Dark Knight. It's just that the ending lead to a huge plot hole if you think about the future of the franchise that a smart guy like Nolan should have thought about.

There's my first edition of What Happens Next. Like if you liked and place a comment about what you thought would happen next. Please also mention any movies you would like to see in a future chapter in What Happens Next. Check in tomorrow for my list of the best comic characters in movies not owned by Marvel or DC. See you then.

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MoonDoggyX - 7/23/2012, 10:38 AM
HAHA! I LUV IT!!! Very good points! I don't think it'd be as bad as you think, though. Bruce doesn't expect Blake to fight crime as he did. I think he just wanted to give the blake the resources that brice had as a detective if in case the need ever arose. Something along the lines of the conversation that Bruce and Alfred had about Bruce helping the police with his knowledge an resources instead of as Batman.
mfran - 7/23/2012, 11:27 AM
Blake's father was shot for gambling debt, which in Gotham lends to the Mob killing him. Mother died in a car accident.
mfran - 7/23/2012, 11:29 AM
MoonDoggyX - Your theory wouldn't work. Blake resigned from the police force.
And, Alfred left. He doesn't have much anyways, whatever was left after paying off Wayne's debt from selling what little he had after the other guy screwed him in the stock exchange. The house and grounds were given to the boys home.
TheWingedWonder - 7/23/2012, 12:16 PM
Uh...mfran, did you even read MoonDoggyX's comment? Bruce was not a cop, and Alfred has nothing to do with it. Blake can still help "fight crime" without actually dressing up and beating up criminals. The bat-computer and detective skills he has can still be used to solve crimes, he can simply tip off the police or something.
googleplex - 7/23/2012, 12:29 PM
@moondoggyx, while they didn't mention that was Bruce's intention they did heavily imply that Blake was going to take over the mantle and not just use the tech for police work.

@mfran, good point but Blake could have easily blamed his father for that one and even if he blamed the mob it's already gone thanks to the Dent Act.

and thanks everyone for starting a discussion.
MoonDoggyX - 7/23/2012, 12:57 PM
@TheWingedWonder - Thanks, man. You get it!

Even without the cave, judging from his actions throughout the rest of the movie, you guys really think Blake would stop trying to help his community? Also, I seriously doubt that Bruce expects Blake to just "take up the mantle" after Bats had to save his life. The only thing that blake has going for him is his detective skills and the lab, computer, etc. can help him with that.

@mfran - I do agree with yo 100% that if Blake attempted to do anything more than detective work with what he finds in the cave, they might as well have named the character Jason Todd because his fate will be very much the same! lol
Luminus - 7/23/2012, 2:20 PM
1. Batman outright told Blake that he should wear a mask to protect his identity. Clearly he wants Blake to takeover for him.

2. Gotham doesn't have a problem with crime anymore, so Blake will not need to dawn the cape and cowl for quite some time. It's not like the Riddler or the Penguin are right around the corner waiting to make their moves.

3. Robin is not as good as Batman, so there's no need for him to disappear for 7 years in some backwater country, training to fight crime. He currently has all the skills he needs to become Robin, especially since now he has the tech to go with it.
MoonDoggyX - 7/23/2012, 3:29 PM
"1. Batman outright told Blake that he should wear a mask to protect his identity. Clearly he wants Blake to takeover for him. "

I think this is a case of people taking from it what you want to hear. lol. Honestly, though, this is kind of an ambiguous part of the film. I can't really say that I'm any more right than you guys. I just see it very differently. I think batman was just giving him a tip. i.e. If i met Tiger Woods and he told me of a club that would help my game, he's not necessarily telling me to join the PGA... lol

Also, the line in question was right after Bats had to save Blake's life from a group of thugs that Batman easily dispatched. Why would Bruce suggest Blake become the next Batman(or whatever) right after that???
mc2147 - 7/23/2012, 3:56 PM
But, couldn't Bruce, knowing he was getting too old to be batman, have returned and given John Blake the training he needs? I think MoonDoggyX's theory is more likely, but it's possible
laughterman26 - 7/23/2012, 4:20 PM
what i think happened was that he gave him the mantle because he knew it was time to move on, to give gotham a new light. the movie never told u if hed had karate lessons when he was younger and think about this.....bruce wouldnt give john blake directions to the bat cave if he didnt beleive that john would be able to handle it. He might not be but its up to him to make the choice to become batman. plus im not sure he would need the training remember that device that fixed bruces leg, all john would need to do is put one of those body enhancers on each ligement of his body and he could one hit kill or really f'uck up his enemies
Luminus - 7/23/2012, 4:36 PM
"Why would Bruce suggest Blake become the next Batman(or whatever) right after that???"

Because his body is in poor shape. He knows he can't keep being Batman. He only put the outfit back on because he was forced to.
MoonDoggyX - 7/23/2012, 6:11 PM
@laughterman and luminus - that's my point exactly! Bruce is aging and broken and was STILL running circles around blake. Blake could even beat 2 thugs without shooting them... Much less the 5 or 6 that Bats beat to SAVE BLAKE'S LIFE. I agree with you guys that bruce was too "worn" to contue to be batman, but why would bruce encourage blake to regularly put himself in situation that he would have definitely just been killed in...? So lets just use occan's razor to settle this. Which is more likely...?

a) bruce wayne left blake directions to the cave so that he could use the same resources bruce had to help stop crime in gotham... Lab, computer, analytical equipment, etc... Like alfred suggested he do earlier in the film...?


B) bruce gave blake directions to the cave with the intentions of blake becoming the new batman. With none of the training or support structure(alfred and fox) that bruce had. So that he can go out and put himself in the same situations that blake would've died in earlier in the movie have bruce not saved him???
MoonDoggyX - 7/23/2012, 6:14 PM
Sorry for the typos... In'm on my cell
Luminus - 7/23/2012, 6:20 PM
This is the comic book world, so the answer is B.
googleplex - 7/23/2012, 9:05 PM
wow. i caused a bit of debate with an article i wrote for fun.
sandsmontague - 7/23/2012, 9:46 PM
If they make a movie about John Blake becoming Batman or Nightwing we will get answer like where will he get his training and his gadget. That will probably be the premise of the entire movie. I think Warner Bros should really consider making a movie with John Blake becoming the Batman or Nightwing they had to. Obviously they will have to have a really good explanation on how John is able to fight crime the way Batman did, but i don't see why this wouldn't work. I believe you will get people to see movie in were John becomes Nightwing faster then if they try to reboot the Batman franchise, we all want to see what happen next with John Blake.
Kwabena - 7/23/2012, 10:37 PM
An interesting premise for an article. Thanks for bringing up this discussion. First, since we are doing "what ifs," much of the funds that were lost by the company formerly known as Wayne Enterprises would be restored due to the fraud being exposed. These monies would come from Daggett's account, insurance (especially Daggett's and Wayne corporate life insurance policies). Alfred, as Bruce's trustee, would be the benefactor of any funds and thus be able to replenish Bruce's fortune to a certain degree, enough for him to live comfortably. By the looks of them meeting in Italy, that might have already occurred.

Let us not forget that Bruce started out in Batman Begins as being declared legally dead by former Wayne CEO Earle, so his faked death in TDKR completes the arc by returning him to that status. Neat huh?

As for Blake, since he already knows Bruce was Batman, at some point I'm sure he would be let in on the secret that Bruce is still alive. Alfred would be able to fund him (remember the guy quit his job)under the table as Robin John Blake, I assume, helped to run the orphanage as the perfect cover. Also, take note of the fact that we saw Blake with an small group of kids that helped him during the crisis. Sounds like Robin would have a lot of help in the next film. This strategy would also bring in even more younger fans to the film and God, help us, create even more action figures for Warner Bros. to sell.

As far as training, who better than Bruce to do that off screen? Or, better yet a crowd pleasing cameo from the new Mr. and Mrs. Wayne (Selina had to learn her moves from somewhere)? I can hear Alfred now, " a little lunch Master Robin?"

And let's not get too tied up on JGL's size being less than Bale's, remember Bruce Lee was a smaller man than both. So Robin Blake would need a new costume and the best one might be what the LOS ninjas guys wore. Yes, it comes in black, looks cool, and all he would need would be some sort of fixture (helmet, high tech breathable plastic) that would cover his face. It should be a computer assisted gizmo that Mr. Fox could construct.

Finally, Gordon would have to be let in on who Blake turns out to be. I'm thinking Nightwing because it would make perfect sense. That Robin becomes Nightwing is the canon anyway.
superboy91 - 7/24/2012, 12:38 AM
ok first off blakes dad was killed by the mob and he even sais in a very somber maybe slightly angry way he remembers gthat clearly. second of course he has the will power to do it if you have even watched the movie hes basically just as much of the lead character as bruce is showing that the series is shifting its focus to a new lead and he basically single handedly lead the resistance against banes forces until bruce came back. hes also probably a better detective then batman cause very early on without much to go on he discovers the truth behind the dent conspiracy and everybody involved and also discovered batman was bruce wayne yet again i say without much to go on. he has perfect aim cause he perfectly ricocheted a bullet into an attackers back cause the guy way strangling him from behind and they were fully hinting at him becoming the next vigilante bruce left hin the f@$#ing batcave for christ sakes and when he went in bats flooded around him at first in the same way that they flooded around bruce. and the batcave floor had already been programmed to respond to blakes presence. also the only reason there wasnt a lot of crime was because of that lie bane let everybody in on that secret and let every single prisoner out of black gate meaning dent act repealed and organized crime is back. i think i deserve a touche.
MoonDoggyX - 7/24/2012, 5:43 AM
I can't believe that you guys used the "Prometheus" defense!!! Lol... Which is, of course, is proving your point by citing things that aren't even in the movie! That said, i will be the bigger man and guve you your "tu' che". I have seen the movie twice and i admit that the movie points towards blake being a vigilante. There was his "structures become shackles..." Conversation. The repaired bat symbol. His name is ROBIN! And as *uperboy pointed out, the bats flew around him just like they did to bruce in Batman Begins... Full circle, much?
MoonDoggyX - 7/24/2012, 5:54 AM
What i am saying is that it is more of a nod to the character than a plan to continue the series and even as a nod it was not verey well thought out. As the author of this article very well pointed out above, judging the character exclusively by what happedned in TDKR, he does not have what it takes to fill bruces shoes. The only way it could work if if they totally reneg on the perfect ending of dark knight rises. Alfred comes back, bruce and selina come back... Really??? Not a chance. And its not about the money. Bruce, a well trained ninja, got shot, stabbed and bones broken on the job. Alfred was there to patch him up, who'd patch up blake? Wayne didn't buy his tools, he got them from fox. Bane raided fox's armory and i'm sure the police and government took all of that stuff. Sow who's gonna help blake? Like i said, i admit that the movie nodded in that direction, but that is it. Blake taking up the mantle makes no sense as it stands now...
superboy91 - 7/24/2012, 2:28 PM
moondoggyx you make a good point but lucious fox gets wayne enterprises alfred, lucious, gordon they all know and trust blake. blake did save their lives several times in the movie meaning he could still get more equipment and support not to mention the cache bruce probably had in the batcave. also whos to say blake wouldnt be able to create his own weapons. when fox fully explains the reactor to blake and the forces guys blake knew exactly what he was talking about while the other guys were twiddling their thumbs and being dumbass' and bruce would not have left him the batcave if he did not think he had more or at least just as much potential.
rjack - 10/22/2012, 7:36 PM
If you watch the ending carefully Jon AKA Robin when he gets to the bats cage, Red robins swarm robin just like the bats did to bruce. There for he will learn at some point how to copy Bruce.
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