X Men First Class: possible links to the "ORIGINAL "FIRST CLASS"

X Men First Class: possible links to the "ORIGINAL "FIRST CLASS"

Trying to look for some hope and exciment in Matthew Vaughn's X MEN FIRST CLASS, i decided to really look at all the x men of the movie and search their origins or possible connections that could adapt to the movie for possible sequels.

Editorial Opinion
By Gamverine - Apr 15, 2011 11:04 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

First things first, trying to keep a side with the truly dying fans and the cinematography public, we neet to clear up that this movie is interesting, finally good things about the x men are coming up just not delivered the way the FANS expected?.

Why is this? Some people try to defend their grounds saying that it{s all a FOX marketing technic, some people say it's Bryan Singer messing up with characters and stories again. But let me ask you guys... Do you REALLY wanna see another x men movie based on Jean and Cyclops love? Rogue problems with her powers, Wolverine trying to remember who the hell is he? or do u wanna see new mutants coming to the scene to show us some really cool interesting powers, take Darwin for example or Riptide.

I think what this movie is delivering is a new class of mutants, some aside from the central ones like cyclops or wolvie. After a lot of thinking of course im going to see this movie, i think it will be EPIC and i think it will come with a surprise so they dont let down TRUE COMIC FANS.

Speaking from the other side, yes they messed with the charcters, i think they messed more with the TITLE FIRST CLASS, but wait, (hope fox and synger read this haha) i did some searching and i found that every character in this movie have a conecction to the original first class... i can leave this to your imagination, what if, what if.... at the end of the movie, we maybe can actually get to see a tease of the TRUE first class...or a connections to the uncanny and first class xmen (Cyclops, Jean, Gambit, Storm, Wolverine, Rogue, Mystique, iceman, Nightcrawler etc etc etc)

This is speculating that at the end of the film all of this characters LEAVE to other teams and give some room for the REAL X MEN... other teams( X force - Havok, Marauders - Riptide, Mystique and Magneto - Brootherhood, Darwin - dont know maybe X factor)

My connections are...

Azazel and Mystique - Parents to Nightcrawler, the leave the little blue beast while they escape in germany. Also if you remember old begginigs from Azazel, he is weak to "ANGELS BLOOD" (cuz he is a demon) maybe Angel has something to do with it... or Angel salvadore may be a clue i dont know...

Beast= Ok he appears here, remember in the cartoon he is kind of older that the rest of the team.

Gambit= He has a connection to Riptide, Mr sinister asked gambit to build up a special team to kill the morlocks, i dont know if riptide is good or bad in the film but maybe his leaving in this movie is because he went to work for sinister and THE MARAUDERS...

Havok- Obviously, his brother Cyclops, maybe scott comes searching for his brother and ends up working for charlie, and havok ends up in another X team like X force because hi falls in love of polaris, who is the bridge for another x men first class to come in play ICEMAN.

Iceman - enough said - Boyfriend to polaris, she leaves him, he ends up working for charlie too.

Storm is rescued by professor X while testing Cerebro to find mutants.

And jean comes along the way while he detects a powerful force like the crappy movie X3 showed us.

This is just letting my imagination fly, im a huge fan of x men, im from venezuela and i really get the poing of comic book fans and people who just want to be entertained watching charcters from their childhood coming to life.

Finishing this, i remember Krakoa, you know, the island with powers, wich i think is a really stupid idea, but maybe adapting it to the time period they use, and the shape they are giving it, THIS island could be CUBA, why not? what if the ORIGINAL XMEN ARE "trapped" by this island, or by the CUBAN goverment of the time, and if they want to adapt a fictional COLD WAR because of this. remember that charles sends a second team of xmen (darwin and other dudes) to rescue them and they achieve the rescue but end up all beaten un as they decide to leave the team....

i THINK i did my homework here... hope you enjoy it!

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golden123 - 4/15/2011, 1:40 PM
You mention Rogue and Wolverine in your list but didn't give examples of how they were tied into the movie. Also I don't see how them not having the original First Class is bad but seeing an Avengers movie without the proper combination isn't.
Oh and when you say "Do you REALLY wanna see another x men movie based on Jean and Cyclops love? Rogue problems with her powers, Wolverine trying to remember who the hell is he? or do u wanna see new mutants coming to the scene to show us some really cool interesting powers" don't you realise that you're comparing two things that don't equal each other.
Gamverine - 4/15/2011, 4:14 PM
i got your point... im just saying that what i've read is that fans want more and moer cyclops and the other... of course i would like to see some justice to their charcters and their storylines like... apocalypse days of the future past or something... but im just saying there could be another interesting mutants that could be connected a prequel indeed...

Rogue's connection is finally explain in X1 with wolverine's.... im just saying their introduction to the team not their backstory as they did in xmen BORINGINGS...

im just saying that this could be the beggning to real witness an x men movies line up with story arcs better adapted and better explained that bryan singer's first movies... (which i think were great but he leaves a lot of incomplete pieces...)
Gamverine - 4/15/2011, 4:15 PM
about the avengers comment... i think they did sepparetly with the movies dont you?
golden123 - 4/15/2011, 5:34 PM
I don't get the comment "i think they did sepparetly with the movies dont you?". Can you explain that?
Gamverine - 4/16/2011, 10:03 AM
you said that is bad the avengers combination.... i thought you were saying bout how they put together the heroes... im saying that there's nothing wrong cuz they already explained where they come from in their own sepparate movies....
golden123 - 4/16/2011, 10:55 AM
I'm talking about how the Avengers starting line-up isn't the original Avenger's sarting line up but people aren't complaining.
HaroldOfGalactus - 4/16/2011, 12:59 PM
people are complaining. Hawkeye and BW instead of Hank and Jan has upset lots of people
ThomYorke - 4/16/2011, 1:25 PM
i read in empire that theres going to be a suprise cameo near the start i think. also michael ironside plays a russian ship captain or something like that
golden123 - 4/16/2011, 1:47 PM
@HaroldOFGalactus: Sure people are dissapointed and kinda upset about the Avengers, but, in the end, they aren't boycotting it or declaring it one of the worst CBM's ever like they are with X-men. There is a difference between minor complaining, which every movie has at least a little of around it, and major complaining, where you can't post an article or bring up the movie with out someone trashing the movie.
HaroldOfGalactus - 4/16/2011, 8:00 PM
well that all has to do with the studios producing each movie.

Marvel studios has made some changes to the character's origin stories, but only minor changes to make them slightly more contemporary, where as Fox has made drastic changes to not only character origins, but nationalities, heritage, and history, none of which seems necessary other than to take focus off of characters who are not named Wolverine.

Marvel Studios is 2.5 for 3 (IM2 was good, but some peeps didnt like it, why, I dont know)

Fox Studios is only 2.5 for 9 (the first x men was decent, with only X2 and daredevil being the best. F4 movies, elektra, x3, and borigins were lackluster and pitiful, and i have not seen the Nick Fury movie with hasslehoff, but I havent heard any good things, so im counting it as a fail)
golden123 - 4/16/2011, 9:02 PM
@HaroldOfGalactus: I know, that's exactly why people are bias it's because of the studio. As you point out Fox has had the same amount of success as Marvel, pretty much. Fox has had more goes at Marvel movies than any other studio. So naturally, I think Fox would have the most failure, and I wouldn't say Marvel has had enough movies to accuratly count how great that studio is. Anyways, what character origins, nationalities, heritage, and history are you talking about? The only example I can think of is Banshee being American but I don't think that was confirmed. Was it? Marvel has made just as big of changes as Fox has.

P.S. Don't take this comment as me being bias for Fox because I'm not bias for them. I simply don't see the big difference between them and Marvel.
HaroldOfGalactus - 4/17/2011, 8:15 AM
Here is just a few that Fox Foxxed up, as it were

The Summers Brothers
Susan Storm
Dr. Doom
Jubilee was played by three different actresses, the one in the first movie was a white girl,
Shadowcat was an older teen in the first x men, while much much younger in the second one.
Beast was human in x2, but beast form 40 years earlier
The Phoenix persona
2 completely different Sabretooths
the whole Weapon XI fiasco
2 different Emma Frosts, with one of them being Kayla Silverfox's sister
Xavier has hair until his 30s
Changed everyone's appearance except for Professor X

Marvel studios have only changed minor details to make the stories more contemporary.
changed Tony Stark's accident from happening in Vietnam, to happening in Afghanistan
made Edwin Jarvis into J.A.R.V.I.S.
Recast Rhodey and Bruce Banner
changed the birth of the hulk into an experiment using the Super Soldier Serum (a la Ultimates)
changed Banner's first name from Robert to David, as a nod to the tv show
Amalgamized Crimson Dynamo and Blacklash(Whiplash)
Changed the Leader's origin
Changed Abomination's origin and appearance
Changed Cap and Thor's Costumes
No Ant Man and Wasp in Avengers (though Hank and Jan haven't been ruled out yet)
golden123 - 4/17/2011, 10:28 AM
@HaroldOfGalactus: Sorry, I didn't realise we were worried about cameo appearances and recastings. Cameos shouldn't ruin a movie for you. Here is your list in my perspective.

Kingpin-Did that change who the character was? No. Kingpin is a character who's race shouldn't matter. He's king of the criminal underworld either way.
Colossus-A cameo appearance where he's not russian is terrible right? No not really.
Storm-please explain further for this one.
Banshee-Once again, I don't know if him being American in this film has been confirmed.
The Summers Brothers- Havok is older than Cyclops in the Ultimate version. I assume I can use the Ultimate earth as a defense since you use it for Marvel.
Elektra-Hasn't her origin been changed a thousand times anyway.
Bullseye- Irish/ American what's the difference he still played a heartless expert assasin. That could put up a fight against Daredevil.
Susan Storm-Was played by a hispanic but she was white in the movie.
Dr. Doom-
Rogue-Please explain unless you're talking about characterization. Though if you are, characterization isn't part of origins, nationalities, heritage, or history which you specifically said you were talking about.
Shadowcat-Her first appeance was a cameo.
Beast-His human form in X2 was an cameo although for all we know he could of had an Image Inducer.
The Phoenix Persona-X3 wasn't good movie. I will let you complain about that one.
Pyro-sacrificed for good storytelling.
2 completely different Sabretooths-There are many fanboy theories on that one.
I'll give you the two about Weapon XI and Emma Frost.
Xavier's hair- better storytelling
Professor X's Appearance-Huh? please explain.

As for the Marvel list the whole point of this comment is I don't see the difference between the companies changes. I could defend Marvel just as well.
HaroldOfGalactus - 4/17/2011, 11:58 AM
Kingpin's race doesn't matter, but he is just a change that was made by Fox studios, although Marvel did the same thing to Heimdall, so no biggie there.

Cameos are a big deal because they are thrown in for the Fans' benefit. However, is they completely do it wrong, its pretty much like using the comic itself for toilet paper, at least to me. they could have left them out if they didn't want to do them properly.

Banshee has been confirmed of being American.

The Cyke and Havok age diference doesnt bother me so much, at least until I see the movie and see what exactly the relationship is all about.

Elektra has had her share of retcons, as had every character ever, but her movie was inexcusible. A comic geek should never fall asleep during a CBM, which is exactly what happened to me. It bored the shit out of me. It was just 173 kinds of awful.

The Bullseye change was made just because Colin farrel wanted to use his natural accent, and not have to speak with an american dialect. no reason other than he thought it would be cooler, and make him more than just another thug.

Jessica Alba and Chris Evans as siblings? seriously? that was ok with you? That was just a bad move using her only because she was the hottest thing in hollywood at that time. But what has she done since? Machete and Spy Kids 4?

Rouge suffered the worst. giving her an accent for only ten minutes of the movie, making her act completely differently than she ever has before, and substituting her for Jubilee in the Wolvie young teen girl inappropriate friendship. they chanhged her from a confident self driven woman with little fear of anything, into a whiny teen angst filled emo brat who personally ruined the movies for me. just my opinion.

Prof X was the only one who appeared the same way he did in the comics, except for maybe Reed from F4

The runt wolverine is the tallest x man member.
Magneto went from being a nearly perfect physical specimen to a geriatric old fogie who strikes no fear whatsoever.
Mystique runs around naked.
Matt Murdock went from being a red head to ben affleck
Johnny storm had very short brown hair.
Pre-thing Ben grimm was short chubby and bald
Thinged out Grimm was still short and chubby looking.
Bullseye's "costume" was a dark blue trenchcoat
The x men run around in skin tight leather BDSM jumpsuits.

Jubilee was white, then asian, then white again in the three x films.

but those are all just minor fanboy gripes. The biggest thing is that Fox has not made very many good movies, with most of them just being downright awful.
Marvel Studios has not had a bad one yet, and since they own and understand the characters, i doubt that they will.

Joey Q may be a bid ole douche, but the man knows his stuff, and Feige is one bigmungus nerd, and that is definately the guy you want in charge of CBMs
golden123 - 4/17/2011, 3:20 PM
@HaroldOfGalactus: So did we go from just the changing of origins, nationalities, heritage, and history of characters to all changes? There's three types of changes in from the source material. Characterization changes, continuity changes, and artistic changes. That's roughly in order of importance. Artistic changes include costume changes which I noticed you put a few of on you're new list. Nolans films are widely loved but there are tons of artistic changes. Nobody really seems to care. If the movie is great peole will dismiss artistic changes. So leave those out. Oh and that Magneto complaint you made is majorly you're opinion. I do not agree that was even a change. Oh and the only reason you complain about cameo appearances is because the cameos change from movie to movie or that the character looks different in the next movie when they have a full appearance. You're not complaining the cameos themselves are bad so don't try attacking Fox on that?
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