EDITORIAL: Are We Just Picky Little Bastards?

EDITORIAL: Are We Just Picky Little Bastards?

With the steady flow of complaints concerning our favorite comic book heroes seeming to never end, sometimes I have to ask myself if we are just too picky to enjoy superheroes on screen. Do we have the right to be?

Editorial Opinion
By Hawksblueyes - Jan 18, 2011 01:01 PM EST
Filed Under: Fantasy

They never get it right, do they? Those damn money grubbing studios think they can throw anything on screen that even remotely resembles our heroes and we should all be pleased. That's what it seems like sometimes. We have all thought that the heroes we're seeing have been raped, revamped and re imagined to the point of being unrecognisable, right? Well, let's step back and look at that notion for just a minute.

I have noticed that even those of us that are the staunchest supporters for a costume change (for the sake of argument) in the new Spider-Man film, have at some point, complained about a goofy costume change in yet another movie somewhere along the line. That's right, many who are calling the haters of the current costume change crazy, were themselves, a hater somewhere down the line, maybe it was the updated THOR duds. It could quite possibly be the amalgam of patriotic colors thrown on Steve Rogers in the upcoming Captain America: The First Avenger. For many others it was the simple hue change to the classic blue and red threads worn in Superman Returns. Why is that?

I used to believe I had this problem figured out. For so long that I can't remember, I was sure this selective complaining was in direct relation to which characters were important to us. If Johnny was a Spider-Man fan, he would of course be upset if the studio took too many liberties with Spidey's costume. If He was a Captain America fan, the studio had better make Cap look like he should on film. This was logical to me, understandable even. After all, I have been at least mildly entertained with almost every CBM I have ever watched, regardless of it's problems. It didn't matter to me that Fantastic Four fans hated everything about both Fantastic Four films, since I was not a fan I thought both films captured much of what made the group corny to me from the comics (no I'm not talking about the raping of DOOM, Silver Surfer and Galactus but the group itself.)

And then came the announcement that Marvel Studio's and Paramount Pictures were planning on bringing my 30 year old childhood icons to the big screen. There was going to be a movie made featuring The Avengers. HOLY SHIT!! This is what having high expectations was like. This is what it was like to worry that somebody was going to screw with my childhood heroes. Marvel better not screw this up. They better get the story right. They better not mess with who these characters are. They better get the COSTUMES right. What the Hell? Suddenly I sounded much like everyone else. That's when I figured out the answer was that we complained about the characters near and dear to us and told everybody else that they should be more understanding when it came to characters we didn't selfishly claim as "our favorites".

Yes sir, I had it figured out. That is, I had it figured out until I seen the images of Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man. I hate that outfit. Now, don't get me wrong, I love Spidey but he is not one of my favorite characters. Spider-Man and the HULK are to Marvel, what Supreman and Batman are to DC. They are the mainstays. It doesn't matter that Spidey is not my favorite character, I long ago understood that he is Marvel's icon and I respect him as such.

Anyway, when I first looked at the new Spider-Man outfit, it finally dawned on me how wrong I had been all along. Spidey is nowhere near my favorite character and yet, this "costume change" bothered me. Yes, I know in the name of presenting a character that works on film, liberties must be taken and the changes themselves are not the point of this article.

The point is that all of these characters are important to all of us or none of us would frequent a site called Comic Book Movies.com. All of these characters are a part of our own little fantasy world, were things are as they should be or will quickly be put that way by the hero. When Hollywood places "their" version of "our" heroes on screen, they either hit or miss what we have already deemed (acceptable) in our heads. As with anything else, when dealing with entertainment or fantasy or both, it all comes down to taste. I have always said there is no such thing as bad music, it's all a matter of taste. What I find completely unacceptable, someone else can't do without and vice versa.

Does that mean we are all picky little bastards when it comes to anything CBM related? Yes it does. Does that make us wrong? Not one damn bit IMO. Whats acceptable to me, may not be to you. Something that you love, may look like a waste of film to me. That's just the way it is. It's all a matter of perspective and all of us are right almost all the time. Never let anybody tell you different.
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Hawksblueyes - 1/18/2011, 1:49 PM
selinakyle - 1/18/2011, 1:58 PM
nuck82 - 1/18/2011, 2:03 PM
i like to pick my butt does that count?
marvel72 - 1/18/2011, 2:16 PM
@ hawks

good article,mate.

none of us should just settle for any old shit,slight changes are acceptable.

but not piss takers like fox,everything from the galactus cloud to the rape of deadpool,its just not right.
Armageddon26 - 1/18/2011, 2:16 PM
wait,should i rad the article to comment?
selinakyle - 1/18/2011, 2:24 PM
no..you should scan it before commenting.
DarthGeoffPeterson - 1/18/2011, 2:29 PM
Damn good article, Hawk! I agree 100%. What gets me is they complete lack of respect for individuals who have a different opinion. It's so ridiculous.
MassExecutions - 1/18/2011, 2:55 PM
Good write up, Hawks.

I think its about familiarity and the essence of the character. The more familiar you are with the character the more factors you think contribute to what make the character who he is. For example, Superman has to have the "S". Everybody knows that. But if you've read thousands of Superman comics maybe you realize the "S" needs to be a certain shade of red to reflect the correct color pallet of Superman's world, which helps set the tone of the film. And maybe if everyone was as familiar with Superman as you are they'd realize you are right, it does contribute something. I think this is me and the Spider-Man costume. I'm familiar enough with it to think the arm strips and the style of the belt set him apart from other characters. People who are less familiar just think so long as he's blue and red its fine.
m0th3r - 1/18/2011, 2:56 PM
And we get to vote with out wallets too..if someone makes a really terrible CBM..cough, cough, FF.. then it will be reflected in that...

My concern stems from the fact that if enough terrible movies fail, the funding for good projects may gets some undue discrimination from studio purse string holders...so in that, we should howl to make sure the industry keeps up the standards so we get to continue to have these media outlets available...
chubakka - 1/18/2011, 3:04 PM
Different strokes for different folks! I don't have a problem with people stating their opinion--they are perfectly entitled to do so. What grinds my gears is the whining. It's as if some people feel that the producers are deliberately offending them in some way. Yes things will change and sometimes one may not agree with those changes. But to start cussing and crying like a baby?! Give me a break. The films aren't made for x number of people on this site, they're made for the general public; let's face it no matter how many times the fan boys see CA or TDKR, the studios aren't making any money. It confuses me that these people cannot grasp that concept. All in all, great article!
MIIIK - 1/18/2011, 3:07 PM
Lets all hug now.
manymade1 - 1/18/2011, 3:07 PM
You really opened me on this article. Great Stuff.
nuck82 - 1/18/2011, 3:12 PM
well comic book fans arent the only picky fans out there, everything out there has there hard core fans and want it there way or no way, alot of sport fans are that way. why most people get so picky is when you change things you are messing with peoples childhood memories and some cant take that or dont see why it should change, and 99% of the time us as the fans have no say in what happens, all we can hope for is that someone who cares gets the job, and when that happens we get gold. but people feel like being picky and bitching helps them release there anger over whats wrong, but once again ill leave you with some gold, what i live by " opinons are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink!"

your welcome

road house!
LEEE777 - 1/18/2011, 3:14 PM

We want a proper X-MEN movie... nothing wrong with that lol.

Nice write up dude! ; )
Legendaryssj - 1/18/2011, 3:21 PM
I dont think comic book fans are too picky. I think that its the companies that put in no where near as much money and dedication the fans put into thier favourite chatacters.

If there was a chance for fans to donate money to DC or Marvel and if a character is well known enough and gets enough backing then the comic distributors can add a few million to it and just give fans who donated a mention on the credits.

how many fans would be willing to pay a fair ammount to know they helped bring thier favourite comic character to the big screen and how cool would it be to stay for the credits and geek out when you see your name scroll past.
nuck82 - 1/18/2011, 3:23 PM
id like it if one of you would please me, im just saying it would be nice of you and all
spider1489 - 1/18/2011, 3:23 PM
YUP WE ARE WAY TOO PICKY!! there are some legitiment reasons to complain.. xmen1stclass.. cough ... cough .. cough.. lol but we do complian way too much, but hey that is human nature, we can never be happy.

comicb00kguy - 1/18/2011, 3:26 PM
I'm a picky comic geek who is outspoken about how he wants to see his favorite characters portrayed on screen and in books, and damn proud of it.

Nice editorial, my friend.
MANofSHAZAM - 1/18/2011, 3:26 PM
I think this article is plain ridiculous. Stating the obvious. It's all a matter of opinion on whether or not you like the changes, or lack there of, that the film industry has made to comic book movies.
I don't think it makes us "picky little bastards" if we're not satisfied with the changes the industry has made. That seems pretty obvious to me.

The whole "never let anyone tell you different" made me laugh. As if something I love could be tarnished by what someone else says. I spend half my time sticking up for Aquaman.
MANofSHAZAM - 1/18/2011, 3:29 PM
Also... if you don't like something, suck it up and wait a year for the reboot.
continuezero - 1/18/2011, 3:30 PM
The fact that we have been fans for so long and supported the genre for so long is the reason this stuff is even on the big screen. I think that gives us the right to criticise the bad and the good when translated onto the screen.

Just my opinion.
marvel72 - 1/18/2011, 3:30 PM
if its a crime to want the comics i love done correctly,then come & arrest me.

JoshJones - 1/18/2011, 3:33 PM
Yes, most of you are too picky. Does it make you wrong? Of course not. Does it make you annoying and perpetual to the age old comic book nerd stereotype? Very much so.

I'll never understand why it's so hard for some people to simply accept that certain changes will be made(some necessary, some not) in order to adapt our beloved properties to the silver screen. In the end, I believe we should look forward to these projects with an open mind, and just hope the creators of the film tell a good story while remaining faithful to the core elements of what made the characters so great in the first place.

In some cases skepticism is justified, i.e. FOX's continual rape of any and all Marvel brands under their belt, or Hal Jordan's sudden Van Wilderish party boy attitude. When you start whining about stuff like Thor not wearing a helmet or Peter Parker's hair... what the [frick], man? You're just being a dick.
capcyclopsftw - 1/18/2011, 3:36 PM
Not picky....just want proper treatment.

The Avengers with no hank/jan is okay with me but XMEN without CYKE/JEAN is not...my explanation.

The Avengers still is giving me proper treatment of other characters that I love. I would more pissed if they included them and not treated them properly!

XMEN gave us those characters and treated them like SHIT!
EditNinja - 1/18/2011, 3:47 PM
We know comic book movies; we think we know how it should be done but we have no control over any of it. We can only bitch & praise.
flames809 - 1/18/2011, 3:58 PM
I don't give a shit if comic book movies change a little bit or a lot to fit the story there telling or To fit the modern world.
ecksmanfan - 1/18/2011, 4:02 PM
Hawks- Nice write up man. Obviously, opinions are are like assholes, we all have one and regardless of what NUCK says, they all stink. A movie is always the director's and writers' visions of a movie...not ours. That includes comstumes, continuity, backgrounds etc. We may not like it, but that's what we are getting.

Having said that, we as fans DO have the right to complain, as without us....they would have no reason to be making the movie, aside from money that is. We fans are the ones who made these characters popular. we bought the comic books. We bought the lunch boxes. We bought the action figures....long before it was "cool" or "popular." Before Old Navy decided that it was fashionable to wear a Spider Man t-shirt...who was wearing the Spider Man t-shirts?

Do they want to listen to us? not really.
LEEE777 - 1/18/2011, 4:04 PM
Oh btw thumbs up buddy!

And yeah... the Spider-man suit is a total basketball downgrade! ; P
Jables - 1/18/2011, 4:05 PM
It's contributing to the pickyness of the fans by listening to our suggestions on how to make the movies true to the comics, and sometimes that can make it worse
MarkCassidy - 1/18/2011, 4:06 PM
Lmao @ Gusto. I'll write you a Matlock article 2mo dude.

Great article Hawks. And yes, we are all picky little bastards!
CaptainAmerica - 1/18/2011, 4:21 PM
not picky, just little bitches.
nuck82 - 1/18/2011, 4:36 PM
can we just get more super hero porn please, they might be better
Hawksblueyes - 1/18/2011, 4:42 PM
EXACTLY theWorld. =D
deanwilkins - 1/18/2011, 4:59 PM
Sorry, but I don't think you guys have the right to be so picky. Griping about Thor's helmet, or whatever silly things come up. It's not okay.

Certain things do require feedback. For example, X-Men 3, the last Wolverine movie, Elektra... these things require feedback so the studio's can see what we're thinking. But to nitpick is not right.

Good article.
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