Interview with a Vampire.... Or well, a Soon-to-be Vampire.

Interview with a Vampire....  Or well, a Soon-to-be Vampire.

See what Sam Worthington has to say about Clash, and a little on Avatar.

By blankofthedead - Feb 18, 2010 10:02 AM EST
Filed Under: Horror

So as i know many of you are sick of Avatar, but I'm sure most of you aren't sick of it's star Sam Worthignton, as 0he is a popular fan cast for Cap and the bad ass lead actor in Clash of The Titans.

Collider provided a nice little interview with the actor who seems to be shooting for the stars.

Did you know the original movie or did you avoid it like Mads did?

Worthington: Mads hasn’t seen it. I don’t think he avoided it. I don’t think he knew that it existed.

But he could have seen it if he wanted to.

Worthington: Yeah, yeah, yeah, but he just didn’t… that’s just Mads. He only watches movies that he’s in. (laughter)

Were you familiar with it as a kid?

Worthington: No, I watched it before I started to familiarize myself. I got about halfway through it and nodded off a bit (laughter). I think it’s a bit corny. The messages aren’t kind of relative to now. I think the performances are a bit tame, and they’re stop-motion, which is good. Harryhausen, for what he did and how he did it-I read a book on him-it’s quite incredible, but the only reason… it’s not “Casablanca,” to be honest. It’s worthy of a remake, especially with the technology we have nowadays to rev it up a bit, to turn it up to 11.

You’re no stranger to action, but this is different for you or are you using some of the same skills you used for those other movies?

Worthington: Oh, running and yelling and falling over and getting bashed up? (laughs) They’re the same skills. To be honest with you, I thought this would be quite easy, but a.) learning how to hold a sword and shield is a whole new different skill set to learn and b.) it’s a lot harder than “Terminator.” Louis, you’ve seen his movies, he knows action. He’s got three or four cameras rolling all the time, continually moving so he’s covering it from every different angle, as much as he possibly can, because he’s a very visceral director that way. But he throws us in the deep end and I’m with the Journeymen, we’re a very competitive bunch of boys. It’s like the United Nations with us. You’ve got Mads from Denmark, Liam Cunningham from Ireland, I’m Australian, then you’ve got the Frenchman, and we’re all very competitive for our country to be top dog. We all push each other and a couple few bumps and bruises, but yes, it’s very physical. It surprised me.

You look like you have a lot of cuts… what are you shooting today?

Worthington: Today, I don’t know what they’re doing on first (unit). I’m bouncing between units, so I’ve just come from riding the motorized gimble which will be the flying horse, coming in to take on the Kraken, so we’re kind of getting towards the end of the journey, and obviously, he’s collecting wounds along the way, which I kind of think…. I hate it when you see that guy get that one little mark. I’m covered in them, the more the merrier for me.

This is just a bit of the interview. to read the full thing click

I don't know about anyone else but I think we have the next Bruce Willis on our hands. He is an increasingly favored action star. I hope he doesn't ruin this fan following he has by doing what Gerard Buttler did, which is The Ugly Truth and P.S. I Love You. I understand actors wanting to prove their talents in many genres but lets hope Sammy stays on this path enough to keep kicking ass and taking names for at least a few more movies.

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Shaman - 2/18/2010, 11:01 AM
I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [frick]ING TIRED OF SAM WORTHINGTON!!! NO, i am not being sarcastic. He is nothing more than decent. Saying he's the flavor of the month is the same as if "vanilla" was the ice cream flavor of the month just because most people eat it out of a lack of selections. HEEEEEEE is TAME!!! Gerard Butler is ten times the actor Sam is.
blankofthedead - 2/18/2010, 11:29 AM
I thin hes still young and capable. I wasnt so much comparing his acting skills to Butlers, just his status as an action film star. I think hes good and will definitely get better. When clash comes out i think you guys might have a better view of him.
Dmon - 2/18/2010, 11:53 AM
He is no Buttler or Willis. Also I liked The Ugly Truth it was funny. But I think Clash will be good I cant wait.
ThoroughbredSteele0 - 2/18/2010, 11:55 AM
I've only seen him in terminator, so I'll wait until after clash of the titans before I start hatin on him. but thus far I am unimpressed.
OhioJones - 2/18/2010, 11:58 AM
Don't kid yourself, Gerard Butler started out as a heartthrob. If anyone's the "next Bruce Willis," its Gerry. Both started with romantic/dramatic (Moonlighting/Dear Franky) roles and transitioned to action, and both have done mixed roles since then. Worthington broke out as an action star and hasn't done anything else since.

Also, don't knock the romantic comedies. They're a nerd's friend. Knowing them and liking them has gotten me laid more times than I can count.
Shaman - 2/18/2010, 12:03 PM
Blank- That's what we said for Avatar, why do we have to keep saying that for every film he puts out? We've been waiting to see what hollywood is buzing about in regards to Wortington but there was literally nothing noticeable. We saw him directed by two different directors yet, he's still vanilla. I highly doubt he'll taste better next time.

Look, i'm not saying he's horrendous. But he really is nothing to be yelling off roof tops about. Can we ditch the overhype for once??? I still have an after taste from avatar.

OhioJones- AMEN to that!!! I'm probably the biggest heterosexual fan of "Devil Wears Prada"!!! I could watch it once a week!!!
blankofthedead - 2/18/2010, 5:12 PM
@Ohio Jones. I'll "kid myself" all i want. Thats why its called an OPINION. And I'm not knocking all romcoms. But The Ugly Truth was terrible and I'm knocking THAT one. I think Worthington is gonna kick ass in clash, he didnt at all do bad in either avatar or terminator. He didnt dazzle but he didnt dissapoint either, not to me anyway.
flames809 - 2/18/2010, 8:45 PM
blank- your right he didnt dissapoint in both movies he did. but dude he aint the next bruce willis or butler and dude every single actor does romance movie which is not bad is good to see actors in different types of movies.
OhioJones - 2/18/2010, 11:17 PM
@ blank - No he didn't disappoint or dazzle. Bruce Willis did dazzle audiences when he went from a TV comedy actor in Moonlighting to the Bruce Willis we know and love in Die Hard. Depending on what you consider to be his "breakout role" (the movie that got Hollywood and movie fans attention), Butler went from Phantom of the Opera or Dear Frankie (his first leading roles in mainstream Hollywood flicks) to 300, where he too dazzled us all. Both also returned to doing comedies as well as other genres and continue to do all types of roles. Worthington has been doing big budget action film after big budget action film since Terminator and is kinda pidgeonholing himself into those roles unless he finds a good role outside the genre. He has more in common with Stallone than Willis.

You're entitled to your opinion, but I'm calling out a serious flaw in your opinion if you compare these three actors and think Worthington has more in common with Willis than Butler does.
Shaman - 2/19/2010, 12:44 PM
Yet again, i'll have to agree with OhioJones. Sorry, Anil. I know you don't need my support and all, but Butler at least DID dazzle us. Maybe not you but the majority at least. Something Worthington has yet to do. I'm just personally tired of hearing he's Hollywood's next Jesus or something. He's nothing of the sort until i see a miracle.
blankofthedead - 2/19/2010, 5:30 PM
Considering i dont consider willis hollywoods old jesus, i wouldnt sit into that category. I think theyre all solid action stars, and in age order from oldest (best) to youngest(worst) But hes got potential so you guys can get all ur panties out of a twist and take or leave my opinion.
OhioJones - 2/23/2010, 10:27 PM
Then what in Zeus' beard were you hoping to accomplish by saying Worthington was the next Bruce Willis? I never said Worthington was a bad actor or that I don't like him. I was merely pointing out the contradiction of hoping he doesn't "pull a Butler" after comparing him to someone whose career path is pretty similar to Butler's.
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