Remake Pitch - American Werewolf In London

Remake Pitch - American Werewolf In London

Okay guys I know this isn't exactly comic book territory, but you all have good taste here at Comic Book Movie, so read and enjoy!

Editorial Opinion
By TheDpool - Aug 08, 2015 04:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Horror

Now I know American Werewolf in London is a Cult classic, Horror classic and all around classic movie, due to its story, acting and special effects that to this day still beat many a Werewolf transformation scene.

Also I know this isn't comic movie territory but after the Highlander Remake pitch I did a year back recieved good feed back I thought I'd try my hand at another of my favorite movies with a modern touch.

You can see my Highlander remake pitch here -

Cast -

David Kessler - Miles Teller 

This was a quick choice, after I noticed the slightly similarity between Teller and David Naughton, plus his role in '21 And Over' showed me how his comic side plays well when bouncing off others, I can also see Teller playing the role well as a young American man in the UK confused and scared by these events.

Jack Goodman - Evan Peters

I thought of a few actors for this role, but Evan Peters wins due to his comic appeal in 'X-Men Days of Future Past' and the way you feel so sad for him in 'American Horror Story Season 1', he would pull in the comedy elelment needed for the role of Jack as Griffin Dunne did in the original.

Plus I'd love to see Peters approach to playing Jack as he walks Limbo, his character rotting away more and more every time he's seen.

Nurse Alex Price - Sacha Parkinson

I don't know if she's very well known if at all to American audiences, but from what I've seen of her in BBC Three's 'The Crash' and other british stuff she has done, she has a sweetness about her, apart from being gorgeous she's an actress I'd want to see a leading man fall for.

Dr. Hirsch - Sean Pertwee

In my eyes, Pertwee is the king of cool, and that was before 'Gotham', he is a great actor like his father before him (yes I know what I did there) and again it seems I'm casting on how alike these actors look to the original actors, but with Pertwee it is purely because I can see him playing the Doctor so well.
Giving an almost intimedating presence when checking on David and holding his position in the hospital, this is the man for the part.

Story Pitch - 

During the opening credits, Showaddywaddy's 'Under The Moon Of Love' plays as the camera spans the British Cumbrian country, eventually leading to a train that pulls into a train station.
In Carlisle, Cumbria in the United Kingdom, two American friends David and Jack step out of the train station, their luggage loaded in travel bags on their backs, "It's not London but it has more girls than that last place" Jack states as they look around the busy town. David smiles and tells Jack that this is the last of their 'country walks' and then they can do as Jack wants for the rest of their British trip, the camera comes up and we see the two boys walk into a large pub.

In the pub we see Jack awkwardly makes breif conversation with three large men as he gets two beers at the bar, David sits at a table with a large map laid across it, Jack lays his and Davids beer's on the map and as David tells him their route for their last walk.
Jack asks David why he would rather walk the British countryside when they could be out having a good time before they start their new jobs back home in America, David tells Jack that his Uncle had done it and told of amazing views and experiences camping. Jack starts talking to two girls at the table next to them and they tell him of a party that the next night, Jack then gives David an ulternative plan, they go on this walk camp then walk back the next morning and join the girls for the party, but this means cutting out two days of walking and camping to which David tells him they'll have plenty of time to go to parties after they reach the scottish border and back.
Obviously beaten Jack states they'll do what David wants but he has to change plan and agree to going to Edinburgh to experience the night life in the city, David argues that it totally goes over their original plan, but smiles and agrees.
The boys leave Carlisle and walk through country roads, singing and joking around, eventually coming to the fictional cumbrian village of 'Foxbluid' as night falls and it gets dark they take refuge in the local pub 'The Slaughtered Lamb' although Jack is sceptical about going into a pub with such a strange name.

In the pub all the locals appear to be having a good time, laughing and joking, playing pool and getting drunk, as the boys walk in everything goes quiet as all the locals turn and observe the two strangers, David with a smile asks the landlady if they have anything warm to eat and drink, the aged lady says no and in a moment of awkward silence she says she can heat soup and make tea which both David and Jack happily say please to.
The locals seem to warm to David and Jack, telling them jokes until the topic of why they are in the area comes up, one large man seems unhappy with the two camping in the Cumbrian countryside, saying its not safe for two city boys, David tells him of his uncles past trip and the locals look around themselves and the local man defends himself saying "This ain't the place it used to be!".
David assures the locals that their trip so far has been fine, but things seem to get heated when Jack points out the strange smell and then looks up to see a bunch of weird plants pinned to the wall, the locals tells the boys they should leave, the landlady argues that they should stay until her quiet husband tells her to "Shut up, Alec knows best".
David and Jack leave and joke that its probably for the best as they wouldnt want to take part in any inbreeding or sacrafical ceremonies. Back in the pub the locals argue if it was a good idea and suddenly a  spine tinggling wolf's howl is heard in the area, the locals all look down as if ashamed, and David and Jack at first appear scared but hurry along.

After setting up camp a mile outside the village, the boys sit and joke and the locals and then talk about back home, Jack was meant to hook up with a girl the night they left for the UK, all goes quiet after David tells of his recent break up with his girlfriend, the silence is broken by Jack muttering "She had one hell of a big nose though" they both laugh and suddenly a roar as a Werewolf lunges as Jack and slashes at him, David jumps up and runs but at the screams of his best friend he turns around and runs to try and help, he sees the beast gone and Jack lies dead and torn to bits, when the beast jumps back from the darkness and slashes him.
Suddenly gun fire is heard and the locals appear having killed the beast, and looking down at David saddened, David looks over and see's the beast is now an old naked dead man with two bleeding bullet wounds.

David and Jack sit at their camp fire laughing, Jack says "David", David looks at him and Jack is dead and a wolf lunges at him!, David wakes up sweating screaming for Jack, when a nurse rushes in, she tries to calm David but two more nurses come in and so does Dr. Hirsch, they sedate David and Hirsch explains that David must be going through an awful ordeal.
Nurse Alex Price, the first nurse from before, watches other David as he sleeps, another nurse walks by and they talk about how scary it must have been, being attacked by a mad man which is what Jacks death and David's wounds are being stated as, the other nurse states David is quite good looking and Alex claimes its unprofessional.
David wakes the next day calmer, Alex tells him that an American offical is coming to see him, that he has been moved to London, and he has been unconsious for the last week, she then goes on to say how sorry she is for Jack's death. David claims he never knew there were still wolves in Britain and Alex confused says there aren't, David swears to her that it was a wolf that attacked them and is angry that his friends death is being cast off as a mad man attack.
The America Offical (played by David Naughton as a nod to the original) explains to David that Jack's body was taken home and there was a funeral, his family are planning to get over to the UK as soon as they can and that the 'mad man' was arrested and is behind bars.

During the next two days David and Alex begin to flirt and are obviously attracted to each other, Dr. Hirsch talks to two police inspector's and notices something strange in their take on the events, they claim no arrest was made, and for a moment he questions whether David was attacked by a beast until they assure him it didnt.
That night in his hospital room, David turns on the light and is shocked to be confronted by Jack, sporting his slightly rotten slash wounds, David cries out and claims Jack isn't really there but Jack begs David to hear him out, he confirms they were attacked by a Werewolf and since he died and David didn't, David will become a Werewolf on the next full moon, David screams and Jack shouts back "Wake up David your in for a rocky time buddy!", nurses rush in and David is left crying.
David is released from the hospital and after Alex asks where he is going to stay, he is invited to live with her until his parents get to the UK, she takes him on a small tour of London and whilst on the London Eye, David kisses Alex and she makes it clear that she isn't the type to pick up random men but feels a sadness about him and its attracting her towards him more and more, they arrive at her place and proceed to have sex.

Alex leaves to go and get food leaving David to sleep, David can hear music so he gets up and wanders half asleep into the living room, dancing in the living room is a rotting Jack, the two converse about Jack being stuck in Limbo and keeps meeting annoying corpses and all he wants to do is talk with a fellow American, David becomes angry at Jack's precistant claim that David will become a Werewolf and calls Jack "A walking lasagne" Alex walks in and Jack has dissapeared.
David and Alex have dinner when Alex leaves she asks David if he'll be alright spending the rest of the night alone as she goes to work, David says he'll be fine and enjoys the next hour lounging about,

- Cue 'Creedence Clearwater Revival - Bad Moon Rising -

"Jesus christ!" David yells out as he falls to the floor and screams out in pain as he looks up at the window and see's a full moon, his first Werewolf transformation is obviously incredibily painful and he looks in horror as his hands, arms, legs and feat sprout hair and changes into a large wolf like form.
A young couple walk home and enter a sheltered walk way where they kiss, the woman smiles as the man kisses her neck when a wolf howl is heard, they look up and decide to hurry home, as they hurry across a park the howl is louder and seems to be in front of them, they turn and run but the man is grabbed by the leg and holds onto the woman crying for help, she runs scared and she too is grabbed and torn to peices.
A group of junkies all stand in a passage way leading from and alley, they argue other who's turn it is to go and mug someone for money, then one see's something approaching them, he runs and the other three stand and stare at whatever it is, suddenly it runs for them and they run into the alley, ending up in a dead end they are stuck as the thing approaches we see it is the Werewolf which proceeds to run at them and kill them all.
Next is a a business man that gets off a subway train and walks the seemingly quiet tube station, as he walks the narrow corridors he hears a growl, scared he hurries along but as he reaches the esclators he is pounced on by the Werewolf from the top and eaten.

The next day, David wakes up naked in a park, a group of children laugh at him as he stands up and their mothers rush over calling him names for being naked infront of children, David embaressed runs off, we then see him walking through London city with a news paper covering his privates, he tries to board a bus but isn't allowed on due to having no money and being naked.
Back at the hospital, Dr. Hirsch questions Alex about David's current where abouts and she tells him that David is staying with her, Hirsch berates her for her unprofessional behaviour allowing David to come home with her, and when she asks of its importance, Hirsh shows her a news paper stating multiple murders the night before.
Alex rushes home and finds David lively and happyier than he has been for the last few days, they decide to go out and enjoy the day together, mean while Dr. Hirsch has left London on a train and is heading for Foxbluid, David and alex are sat outside a restaurant when a posh woman's dog barks like crazy at David, the woman looks at the dog and does nothing about the barking, the dog continues to bark and David snarls at it, sending the dog whimpering behind its owner and leaving Alex shocked.
David and Alex are then seen walking through London and David see's a news report on a tv in a store window, the report is on the murders and when Alex comments that they are all in her area, David realises Jack was right and he is now a Werewolf. 

Dr. Hirsch arrives in a rental car in Foxbluid, and recieves unwelcoming looks from the locals as he walks into The Slaughtered Lamb pub, inside a few locals sit, Hirsch asks for a coke and when the landylady returns he makes small talk eventually bringing up 'The two American boy's' all the locals look over to him.
The large local from before tells Hirsch that there were no American's there, but hirsch states news reports made it clear they were only a mile out of the village, the local becomes hostille and forces Hirsch to leave, outside a local from the night David and Jack had been there walks over to Hirsch's car and makes it obvious that the whole village know what happened and that for years the village has been plauged by Werewolves, but it has gone unnoticed by outsiders due to the locals covering up 'their business', Hirsch rushes back to london.
Back in London David and Alex talk about David's return to the U.S. but David seems off, Alex puts Davids mood down to not wanting to leave her and she proposes that she take time off work and come with him, but David says he needs some time alone and leaves to go on a walk, while out walking a gruesomely rotten Jack appeares again to David with a welcoming "Hey David".

david and Jack walk and talk, freaking people out along the way as all they see and hear is David who appeares to be talking to himself, Jack scalds David for not killing himself like he had told him to do to save innocent lives from being at risk, but then compliments him on his dining choice, David tells him that he has no memory as the Werewolf and Jack tells him its no excuse.
It gets late and they walk into a snooker hall, Jack goes on to say it'll be hard for David to kill himself but its the right thing to do, David finally agree's with this but asks how he should do it, suddenly from the shadows of the dark snooker hall, the victims of Davids Werewolf appear and suggest ideas.
As the victims get angry and scald David for killing them, but Jack defends David saying Werewolf or not he is still his best friend, the two have a moment as they talk about Jacks funeral and how they have been friends for years, suddenly David starts to transform to the horror of everyone in the snooker hall, Jack continues to talk to him, telling him to be brave.

David in Werewolf form kills everyone in the snooker hall, Dr. Hirsch has met with Alex and tell's her that something isn't right and needs to see David right now, Alex tells him that David had went out hours ago and she too is worried.
The Werewolf runs through the streets of London scaring people and attacking groups, causing havoc, armed police arrive and the Werewolf attacks them killing some, cars crash and people flood the streets running to escape attack, Hirsch and Alex arrive in Hirsch's car and Alex runs towards a group of onlookers, she then see's the Werewolf back into a large alley way, as the police line up to shoot the Werewolf, Alex fights past a shop keeper and rushes through the back of the shop and into the alley way, the Werewolf approaches her, cornering her as she cries and sobs for David.
She looks the werewolf in the eye and says "Please David.... I know it's you, I love you.... David I love you!" the Werewolf seems calm but then lunges to attack her just as the police shoot, killing the wolf.

Alex sits crying as the naked retransformed David lies dead, she holds his hand as Dr. Hirsch is allowed to approach her, the shocked onlookers watch, unseen to all is Jack who appears unrotten, he walks up to the dead David and say "Thank you David, lets hope I see you when I get to where ever I'm going"

- The Temptations - Earth Angel plays as the camera spans out, over the crowd and up above the London city skyline to the night sky, the credits roll as we see the full moon.

So what do you guys and girls think?
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TheSuperguy - 8/9/2015, 1:14 AM
Love seeing horror articles on this site. I've always said that comics and horror are two fandoms that go hand in hand...
turdfergusonshat - 8/13/2015, 1:31 PM
Didn't read, because nobody should propose remaking one of the few perfect movies.
TheDpool - 8/21/2015, 9:25 AM
@turdfergusonshat well thanks for taking your time to comment on something you didn't read. :)
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