How I Would Handle Incredible Hulk 2

How I Would Handle Incredible Hulk 2

Ever since Incredible Hulk came out, I have been desperately awaiting the day a sequel would be announced, but as more films are announced for Phase 3, it looks less and less likely that it will ever happen. This is how I would handle a would be Incredible Hulk Sequel.

Editorial Opinion
By gamecreatorjj - Mar 15, 2014 02:03 PM EST
Filed Under: Hulk

The first thing that comes to mind, when talking about another MCU Hulk movie, is the cast. It's quite odd to have both Ruffalo and Norton cast as Bruce Banner, and so it's hard to choose which tone the film should choose: Incredible Hulk Sequel or Avengers Spin off? I say both. Create a film that keeps both Banners in continuity, while at the same time, explaining the difference between Norton's and Ruffalo's Banners.

The film would largely consist of Ruffalo's Banner now working for SHIELD's gamma division. A place where Gamma related villains, such as Gremlin and Abomination, are stored, and Gamma related heroes can work. People like Rick Jones, Doc Sampson, She-Hulk,Betty Ross and Samuel Sterns can be introduced as key members in the Gamma division. Everything is well and good, except that General Thunderbolt Ross has been put in charge of this small organization, for his "success" in dealing with Blonksy. Banner is told that he been brought in to deal with "Red," another Hulk like beast who has been terrorizing their Bunker, SHIELD feels like a member of the GAMMA division is responsible for "Red," so they need an outside opinion to solve the mystery.

Eventually, Ross would leave the Bunker for an "emergency," and low and behold, Red shows up. Bruce and Sampson go to investigate, but before Bruce reveals, he physically can't get angry enough to transform, so Doc give him a drug that could force him to transform. Red wipes the floor with both of them,all the while asking where Blonsky is. He flees the scene. At this point Bruce begins to discover that Ross is Red. Just as Bruce and the group are ready to confront Ross about this, Ross is killed by Red. Bruce takes the drug again, and fights Red once more. Red defeats all of them, except for Sterns.

Just before Red kills Banner, he-Hulk manages to fire a heavy sedative into Red, forcing back into human form. This is where it is revealed, Red is actually Edward Norton's Bruce Banner. This where Bruce (who still can't become the Hulk, and has no drug to induce himself) begins to demand answers. Sterns and Banner 2 explain: Banner 2 comes from an alternate universe where Betty died from internal injuries shortly after Harlem. This Bruce 2 became so enraged after her death, that he became the "World Breaker Hulk." As his Hulk persona took over him more and more, Bruce 2 became redder and redder. He was forced off the planet by the Avengers, but came back in World War Hulk fashion. Sterns came into contact with him while looking through parallel universes for a better version of the Hulk, Bruce 2 agreed on the condition that he could kill Blonsky and Ross all over again.

Bruce 2 becomes Red, and in effort to force Bruce to become just like Red, kills Betty. Bruce becomes the Hulk, and is becoming more and more enraged as he keeps missing hit on Red, all the while, Red is taunting him, making in worse. Hulk manages to overcome Red, but the Leader escapes with Abomination and Gremlin. It all ends, with the Hulk going "gray" as his soul died with Betty.
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kong - 3/15/2014, 2:36 PM
two words......

PLANET HULK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
superherofan21 - 3/15/2014, 3:02 PM
Um.... It's an interesting idea.... I'll give you that... Not sure how to respond to your idea of having both Ruffalo and Norton in it. I really don't think that would work...
CapsShield - 3/15/2014, 3:36 PM
Interesting idea!

So what about Iron Man 2 and the connection to the TIH movie? In the background is the Culver University stuff on the news. Also, in The Avengers, SHIELD's files on Banner/Hulk are all images from TIH. So how would that be explained?
gamecreatorjj - 3/15/2014, 3:45 PM
@Capsheild, Ruffalo's hulk still went through all the events of Incredible Hulk, but as if Betty lived. They live the same lives up to that point.
Bearjew - 3/15/2014, 3:56 PM
I agree. This one should introduce Rick Jones and reintroduce Ty Burrell's Doc Sampson (it would make sense for SHIELD to hire him as he knows top secret information. Then Jennifer Walters who is the Hulk's cousin and attorney will become She-Hulk by injecting herself with the Hulk's blood and undergoing the Gamma Rays to help him defeat the Red Hulk. Third movie should be the Leader who starts World War Hulk in which mutated convicts who have been tested on by SHIELD are released from "The Cube" such as Mr. Hyde, The Absorbing Man, The Abomination, the Radioactive Man, the U-Foes etc. And also mutated by accident are Doc Sampson who becomes a green haired gamma version of Captain America (sort of) Rick Jones is turned into A-Bomb (permanently) and Glenn Talbot is transformed into a permanent version of a Gray Hulk but retains his human intelligence, he is used as the main physical enemy to the Hulk and his friends and becomes an ally to the Leader. So the third movie would basically be the Hulk vs the Leader and Gray Hulk aka Glenn Talbot and before hand the Hulk beats the Absorbing Man and the U-Foes. And in separate locations: Doc Sampson and A-Bomb vs the Abomination, Mr Hyde and a few others. Then She Hulk and SHIELD versus the threat of the Leader's gamma bomb and those guarding it: Radioactive Man, Wendigo and Flux.
CharlesLord - 3/15/2014, 4:39 PM
nice effort but i just dont wanna see red hulk in a movie. At least not as Ross. I think a more organic way to intro Rulk is to have it be someone who was affected by the destruction in harlem. Have a scientist that had his home or somethin destroyed volunteer to help with clean up. From there he gets in good with Ross and then plants the idea of using the hulks blood with extremis maybe and volunteers for that experiement too, creating Red Hulk
gamecreatorjj - 3/15/2014, 5:08 PM
@charles if you had read the article, I never suggested Ross Would be Rulk.
gamecreatorjj - 3/15/2014, 6:09 PM
@Rulk I really like that idea. I feel that word work better for how Streamlined the MCU is. My idea is a little more out there, and might be harder to grasp for general audiences.
MightyZeus - 3/15/2014, 6:12 PM
Good effort but i think it would be interesting to bring back "The Leader" and also the inclusion of Doc Samson and Rick Jones should be introduced. A Red Hulk for the villain would be great but only if it's the basis of a revenge story line.
CharlesLord - 3/15/2014, 6:12 PM
@gamecreator just in general man. I see you tease it being ross. Meh, im just not crazy about rulk being in a movie
Lhornbk - 3/15/2014, 7:24 PM
Wtf? No, no, no, no! This sounds even dumber than Ang Lee's Hulk.
Darkknight2149 - 3/15/2014, 8:09 PM
Ummmm...OK. You realize Mark Ruffalo and Ed Norton were playing the exact same character, right? Also, The Incredible Hulk (2008) is confirmed to be 100% canon in the MCU (so you're right about that). Recasting an actor doesn't need to be explained and isn't considered a continuity error. To the characters in the movies, there is absolutely no difference between Norton or Ruffalo. Norton was actually set to play the Hulk in The Avengers but there was a disagreement between him and Marvel. But Ruffalo's role as the Hulk, doesn't need to be explained any more than Maggie Gyllenhaal needs to be explained in The Dark Knight or George Clooney in Batman & Robin or Don Cheadle in Iron Man 2 and 3 or whoever they cast as Red Skull (Hugo Weaving doesn't want to return), ETC.
Darkknight2149 - 3/15/2014, 8:13 PM
The only reason the Hulk itself was redesigned was because Marvel decided to play with the idea of using motion capture to make The CGI Hulk actually look like the actor (something fans asked for before the Avengers was even announced). Because fans reactions were positive toward the motion capture, I wouldn't be surprised if it is used again in Avengers: Age Of Ultron and future Hulk sequels.
Darkknight2149 - 3/15/2014, 8:26 PM
As for what happened to the Leader and the Abonination:

In the comic prequel to the Avengers movie, Sterns (fully transformed) was found by Black Widow. Showing the ability to read her mind (to an extent). He ends up pissing her off and she shoots him in the leg. She is apprehended by SHIELD and labeled "Project: Mr. Blue." What happens to him after that is unknown, but it is speculated by a lot of Marvel fans that he is the mysterious Clairvoyant in Agents Of SHIELD.

It is revealed in Marvel One Shots and in Agents Of SHIELD that the Abomination is being held by SHIELD in a Cryo-cell in Alaska.
gamecreatorjj - 3/15/2014, 11:52 PM
@darkknigth19 I know it's not a continuity error! It's an idea of how I would do things.

One of the producers said regarding the ending to TIH (before the avengers) that if there was a Hulk sequel, then the end meant Banner was good, but if they skip straight to avenegrds, the end meant Banner was evil.

That playing up with origins of the creation of Red Hulk, and the fact that Norton and Ruffalo look nothing a like.

Do you remember when Red Hulk first showed up? Everyone was clammering to find out who it was, and then it was revealed that is General Ross. That didn't make a lot of sense when it was revealed, and I was ultimately left unsatisfied. Using a dark Banner was my way of tying everything up in neat little bow, while paying homage to the people behind the original Hulk TV show, The Incredible Hulk, and of course Jeph Loeb.
gamecreatorjj - 3/16/2014, 12:00 AM
@Lhornbk here's a little incite onto how I like my Hulk stories, I actually like Ang Lee's Hulk movie. It's not the Hulk movie I wanted at the time, but I've come to respect it so much more, now that I better understand Bruce's character and his relationship with the Hulk.
BaronZemo - 3/16/2014, 3:20 AM
No, because it is well known that the events at Harlem happened in the same universe as the rest of the movies. Even Ruffalo's Bruce Banner mentioned it in the Avengers.
Darkknight2149 - 3/16/2014, 11:00 AM
A lot of other people try to act like TIH is only semi-canon and try to come up with story theorys on why he looks different in Avengers, so you can understand why I thought you were doing the same.
gamecreatorjj - 3/16/2014, 11:47 AM
@BaronZemo jeebus, Harlem still happened in both universes, but in ruffalo's betty lived, in norton's betty died.
ruadh - 3/16/2014, 12:05 PM
"One of the producers said regarding the ending to TIH (before the avengers) that if there was a Hulk sequel, then the end meant Banner was good, but if they skip straight to avenegrds, the end meant Banner was evil."

That was the thinking in 2008, but by the time they actually started doing Avengers, they'd rethought that concept.

The weirdest part of this article, to me, is how "would" is lower case in the title, but "Handle" is upper case. I feel "handling", or jerking off, is definitely a solid way to sum up this editorial.
gamecreatorjj - 3/16/2014, 12:49 PM
@ruadh How rude! haha, but really thanks for telling me about that formatting mistake, I'll be sure to fix that!
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