Why Iron Man 3 is the Worst CMB since Spider-Man 3

10 reasons why Iron Man 3 was horrible

Editorial Opinion
By Potterman - Aug 09, 2013 09:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Iron Man 3
Let me start with I am a marvel fan. I love what Marvel has done over the past 5 years. I also love Nolan and his work. There is no bias. With that being said I finally got to watch Iron Man 3 without any hype or preconceived notions. Below is my top 10 reasons why this movie sucked.

1. Mandarin's back story was basically he got mad from being left on the roof waiting
2. Iron Patriot was somehow stopped and controlled with no explanation and no reaction from Stark
3. The Vice President was willing to sell his soul and the country's to repair his daughter's leg on a dangerous and unproven technology that kills as many people as it saves even though he is a millionaire who could easily afford the latest prosthetic tech
4. Somehow 2 parts of the Mark 42 were able to leave the shed but the other parts of the same size got stuck
5. Tony Stark lives in a Malibu mansion that probably cost over 20 million yet he had to announce his address so people knew where he lived
6. There were multiple news copters covering the attack on his
Mansion yet no one seemed to notice him shoot out of the water and survive the attack
7. Mandarin's muscle apparently can attack US soil with a helicopter and escape even though being filmed the entire time
8. The US president can be kidnapped and held on an oil rig just off US soil with no rescue mission by the military
9. Pepper Potts can be saved from Extremis with a simple one liner at the end of the movie
10. Apparently Tony Stark does not need the Arc Reactor and a simple operation removes his shrapnel
Bonus: the mid credits scene was a comedic scene that adds to the ridiculous plot and humor of the movie and does not move the universe forward

I did not mention the criminal twist of Ben Kinglsey being a junkie actor because that's already been done. That is just topping on the cake for a crap sandwich that was Iron Man. 3. Regardless of the money it made. I can come up with another 20 reasons why this movie was just as bad as Green Lantern or Spider-Man 3
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TonyChu - 8/9/2013, 9:43 PM
In the great words of Johny Storm; "Flame On"
TheRaven20 - 8/9/2013, 9:47 PM
#10 is the epitome of why Iron Man 3 is a failure and a slap in the face to the other Iron Mans. Only redeeming thing about this movie was it showed that Tony was more than just a man in a suit which Cap claimed he was, but it was so poorly executed that I could care less.
LEVITIKUZ - 8/9/2013, 9:49 PM
Green Lantern
Ghost Rider 2
Jonah Hex
The Amazing Spider-Man
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
X-Men Origins: Wolverine

All worse than those 2 films you mentioned during 2007-2013.
Minato - 8/9/2013, 10:08 PM
I agree with Levi except ASM
Good points tho and those do bother me
LEVITIKUZ - 8/9/2013, 10:12 PM
I still don't get why the President didn't use the Iron Patriot suit. I mean if that one solider can it's clear others can too.
pesmerga44 - 8/9/2013, 10:28 PM
Almost everyone of these are nitpicks that actually make perfect sense if you think about it logically
1. Your deal I found Killian to be a good villain and I personally loved the change to the Mandarin a amalgamation of the fears of the American public Asian, Middle Eastern, and a cyber terrorist I found that a perfect front to continue heightened war efforts and make him more money.

2. Killian was a genius to he developed a technology to knock out Iron Patriots systems and then control them.

3. Vice President has no idea that the Extremis virus is dangerous to the users the only ones who knew this were the creators and Tony. Killian easily would have shown the Vice President the successful use of Extremis. Also the Vice President could also ,while caring for his daughter, be a greedy power hungry man who wishes to take power for himself. Along with whatever money Killian would throw his way.

4. The pieces of the armor that got through made it through weaker part of the shed thus the other parts needed more time to break the shed or it was meant as a joke for the audience.

5. Tony is angry over one of his best friends in a coma in a hospital due to the Mandarin's attack so he wasn't thinking and just lashed out.

6. The helicopters are fixated on the rubble of the house and the armor was behind them and shot out of the water without them noticing.

7. The surviving helicopter flew off and the news helicopters weren't stupid enough to fly after them in fear of getting shot. Also no military jet or helicopter is going to get off fast enough to find them. The helicopter must have had a take off and landing area a ship of some kind so landed and took off no one to follow them.

8. No way of tracking the Iron Patriot armor so no way for the military to find the president. Some kind of scrambling technology against satellites or radar and the such.

9. This was the wrap up time of the movie they didn't need to go into five minutes of detail to explain how Pepper was cured of the Extremis virus also in the beginning of the movie Tony in one night after [frick]ing her figured out the major issue she was having with Extremis so he probably was able to study and cure Pepper.

10. I feel this was meant to be on the psychology of Tony that he felt protected by it and since he finally felt in control of his own life he felt it was unnecessary. I wasn't the biggest fan of this but it in no way ruined a movie I still found extremely enjoyable and loved watching.

Like Levi said much worse Comic Book movies came out between Spider-Man 3 and this movie. You should really change the title of this article to Why I feel Iron Man 3 is the worst CBM since Spider-Man 3 because besides a vocal minority on this sight critics and general audiences liked the movie and did very well.

P.S. Last thing seriously get over this the movie came out over three months ago it has been out of theaters for a while stop your bitching and complaining.
BANE5000 - 8/9/2013, 10:55 PM
Thats why im hoping Thor, Cap and Guardians redeem phase 2 and show how serious the MCU will be leading up to when Age of Ultron hits theaters.
Tainted87 - 8/9/2013, 11:08 PM
Real quality editorial here.
I swear, by the time I finish my penultimate MM reader's manual, no one will read it because they'll be avoiding this section like the plague.

Gonna play around here, try and understand the mind of Potterman...

Ooooo! Blade! One of everyone's favorite CBMs, with not nearly enough to even constitute it being a legitimate adaptation, but who cares - it's a badass movie, right?

Here's 10 reasons why it fails.... according to Potterman's logic and reasoning.

1) Blade, the Daywalker.... doesn't hunt vampires during the day when they're most vulnerable?

2) "Pureblood" vampires are born vampires.... which makes no sense considering vampires don't age. They'd be infants forever. Actually, the wouldn't even get that far, considering a fetus is really just a parasite, the impregnated vampire's body would abort her own baby. Unless that's just one really REALLY tough swimmer, heh.

3) On that note, why exactly is Blade played by Wesley Snipes? Since he's not technically a vampire, I can wrap by brain around some loophole where he ages really slowly, but come on - his mom gave birth to him only a couple decades before the movie takes place. Is immortality a weakness then?

4) Here's a big one - how does one watch the sun rise from Los Angeles?

5) Frost's squeeze kills one of the purebloods needed to complete the ritual. Does this mean she inadvertently allowed Blade to defeat Frost by preventing a full LaMagra transformation? If so, you'd think Frost would've been a bit pissed off.

6) Somehow a child can survive, and without a scratch, after being thrown at least 20 feet through a hot dog stand.

7) Frost listens to annoying music.

8) No one notices Blade beating the shit out of a cop in broad daylight, in the middle of the street?

9) Blade's shades render him impervious to harm.

10) If Frost and others can walk around without burning up while wearing some pretty thick sunblock, why aren't all vampires doing this?


I love Blade, guys. It's been immortalized among my favorite action movies. It's kind of like, no matter how dated, Ghostbusters will always be my favorite movie, or how I'll always be loyal to Star Trek.

Iron Man 3 was fun. Kind of what it was meant to be.
Potterman - 8/9/2013, 11:21 PM

I feel sorry for you. It's called editorial for a reason. I respect your disagreement of my article. But my reasons are plot holes. You're comments are just ridiculous. Number 7 case in point.
Potterman - 8/9/2013, 11:23 PM
And yes Blade is full of plot holes too. Not sure where I said blade was a good movie.
staypuffed - 8/10/2013, 1:14 AM
Iron Man 3 was great. It's a very different sort of Marvel film. I don't understand people who don't like the humour and tone. It's a very different time for Tony! It's a very different story.
superherofan21 - 8/10/2013, 1:16 AM
@LEVIT Agreed for the most part. I honestly don't think TASM deserves to be on the list. It wasn't a bad movie, it just wasn't as good as many people expected and it suffered from too many scenes being cut from the theatrical cut (here's hoping for a director's cut one day). Personally, I liked it, but I can see why others don't. The film can be disliked, but I don't think it deserves to be hated or dubbed "one of the worst CBMs". There are definitely good qualities of that film.
Potterman - 8/10/2013, 1:30 AM

Actually I watched IM3 for the first time last night on a flight. Let me debunk all of your counterpoints.

1. Mandarin is not about money and never has been. Mandarins back story is not explained and its sad since even the critically smashed IM2 explained why Ivan Vango became a villain. It's lazy.

2. So all this time Starks suits are suspetible to hacking? Wouldn't you think the genius playboy would have defensive mechanisms in place for such an event? Considering even the government couldn't take his suits without his support?

3. The VP scene is very lazy. If he is doing it for power then show that. The purposely showed the daughter to explain why he did what he did.

4. The weak parts? So one hand and one foot could break though? But not the exact same hand and foot for the other side? C'mon.

5. The point was that it was assumed Tony Stark lived in secrecy and it wasnt until he gave his adress that he was attacked even though he lived in Malibu and was a millionaire that everyone knew about.

6. The news copters would have an eagle eye view of the entire attack and would see iron man shoot out of the water when he was not even 20 feet away from the shore.

7. Not sure in what universe a helicopter could evade radar and the cameras and the other current gen technology.

8. You honestly believe the president isn't tracked every second of every day with the most sophiscated satellites and tracking tech? If we can track teenagers on probation I'm sure the secret service can track the president.

9. Yes it's wrap up time but its so lazy. The arc reactor is vital to Iron man in both previous movies. Yet a simple operation at the end is all he needs to save him? If that's the case why didn't they do that after he escaped Afghanistan in IM1?

10. It's a comedic scene with no purpose other than to make people laugh. The mid credit scenes are supposed to advance and expand the universe while connecting all the other movies. It's like they finished the movie and said screw it lets have Hulk fall asleep.

Potterman - 8/10/2013, 1:50 AM
Also removing the arc reactor so easily totally invalidates IM2 and the whole toxicity that was killing him. All this time he could remove the reactor and sharpnel with a simple operation yet had to suffer through the entire movie and almost die? WTF. LAZY writing and a shame.
SwordBrothers - 8/10/2013, 2:39 AM
I think he got Extremis at the end.
Potterman - 8/10/2013, 3:27 AM

That would validate ut
Potterman - 8/10/2013, 3:32 AM

Lets see if they incorporate that into Avengers 2
Potterman - 8/10/2013, 3:38 AM
Pepper Potts survives a 300 foot fall into fire yet Mandarin's number 1 dies from a simple blast in the chest? Also the 20 other suits don't attack Pepper? Only 1 of them even when he can't tell Jarvis not to? Speaking of the suits it seems that there was a massive difference in quality between the suits even though they should all be made from the same material? Tony miraculously happens to arrrive in Tennessee on the same day and the same exact time Someone else is meeting Chad Davis' mom? II can go on and on.
maninfinesuit - 8/10/2013, 3:47 AM
Personally, I find that if we leave suspension of disbelief in place and still dock points for general plot or character silliness, The Dark Knight Rises wins over Iron Man 3 for worst recent comic book movie every time.
Potterman - 8/10/2013, 3:52 AM

After watching TDKR for the 3rd time I agree that the plot holes are just as bad. Very dissapointed in the last Batman.
Starkasm - 8/10/2013, 4:00 AM
If you payed attention you'd know that it wasnt a "simple surgery" to take the arc reactor out. He used the perfected extremis formula on himself and on pepper. You remember him saying throughout the course of the film him being the only one able to perfect the formula?

Also you'd know that AIM was the company the government was using so they'd have their play with the suit if you payed attention. Meaning they could change the bio signature needed to operate the suit.

Do you seriously think Killian would go "hey this only works 50% of the time, can you risk your career and freedom for us?"

Your other points are just nit picking. This was a solid film. I cant remember the last time I was so surprised in a film from a twist. The trailers were brilliant, never lead you to believe killian would be anything but a lacky.
kinghulk - 8/10/2013, 4:03 AM
the only thing i didnt like is the inconsistancy with how the hell u kill those extremis soldiers. brant seems to die from beeing electocuted ok fair enought, savin take a repulsor the the head but survives but then dies from being uni beamed in the chest area ok.

but then killian survives an explosion while being trapped in the mark 42, but then we are made to belive that he died when pepper shots him with a repulsor. see thats just stupid, so he had better not actually be dead
Chevelle - 8/10/2013, 5:53 AM
Life must suck when you have to pick apart every movie, instead of enjoying it for what it is. Yeah there have been bad cbm that have come out. But the point of these movies are for entertainment values. Oh no its different source material, lets have a fit. It was a solid entertain movie.
Potterman - 8/10/2013, 6:16 AM

Did you even read my article? Mandarin was simply one mistake in a pile of mistakes. You say nothing else yet 8 of my 10 points have nothing to do with the mandarin. Also dont tell me how i felt about IM2 or 3 or any other movie because you dont know me. for all you know i might think IM2 is the greatest movie ever.all I said is IM3 is a huge disappointment and in my opinion just as bad as Spider-Man 3. You shouldn't force shitty movies down people's throats. I feel sorry that you enjoy such shitty ass writing and storytelling. You should be ashamed that you enjoyed such a worthless movie. But you know what? You enjoyed it and I'm glad. That's what movies are all about. One glove doesn't fit all. Stop being so angry that I didn't enjoy it. I don't hate you for your positive opinion on IM3
Potterman - 8/10/2013, 6:20 AM

Life must suck when you have to defend a movie you obviously enjoyed. Is this Nazi Germany? Do I need to enjoy everything Marvel crams down my throat? i thought the movie sucked. Get over it. It has a million plot holes and I just did not enjoy anything about it. The action was lame the humor was bad and the story telling was atrocious. That's my opinion. I don't hate you for not liking whatever it is you don't enjoy or find entertaining. I'm not sure but I don't see anywhere that I pick apart every movie. All I said was I was very disappointed with IM3 and in my eyes it's bad.
Potterman - 8/10/2013, 6:39 AM

Oh you're so witty dude. Instead of bashing me with no logical support why don't you explain why my points are wrong? Apparently your attention is so good that I missed the explanations for all the plot holes in this movie. Please enlighten. I'm waiting.
McNyagano - 8/10/2013, 7:20 AM
This article

gmoney0505 - 8/10/2013, 7:36 AM
I give IM3 shit for being a shitty superhero movie and more like a comedy but it is not the worse comic book movie since Spider-Man 3. Its one of the worse but the worse.
gmoney0505 - 8/10/2013, 7:36 AM
*but not
Lhornbk - 8/10/2013, 7:52 AM
*Yawn* more fanboy whining *yawn*

You didn't like the movie. Fine. But why is it necessary to attempt to convince everyone else that it was bad? It made way too much money for Marvel to care what your opinion is. All comic book movies have plot holes, they're based on comics for goodness sakes. I guarantee that I could take whatever your favorite comic book movie is and nitpick it to death. You want a plot hole? How about the fact that arc reactors and extremis don't even exist? There's a plot hole for you, lol.

I'm not gonna bother to answer each point, it wouldn't convince you anyway. @SotoJuiceMan is probably right, you hated the Mandarin twist and so just looked for other faults to nitpick. I will answer your bonus point though. Since when does the after-credits scene always have to move the universe forward? I never heard Marvel or Whedon or anyone else say that. This one tied the movie up and was funny, that's good enough for me (and by showing a continuing connection between Stark & Banner, it could be said to move the universe forward a little.) It's been said that Iron Man 3 & the next Thor movie would basically be stand alone movies, and that the Winter Soldier will lead into the next Avengers. So get over it already, and if these movies are so bad, stop watching them.
McNyagano - 8/10/2013, 7:56 AM
1) There is no Mandrin. PERIOD! Killian's experiments with Maya Hansen's Extremis were killing subjects spectacularly. The explosion created did enormous personal and property damage.

To cover up the accidents, Killian created the Mandarin to make the explosions appear planned and part of a larger agenda. Mandarin simply spouted political rhetoric to make it sound like there was a point to what he was doing. The idea was that the Mandarin was such a big, random threat that people would pursue him the way they did bin Laden. This would help keep Extremis under wraps while Killian perfected it.

2) Iron Patriot was re-branded by AIM. Who owns that company...oh wait... that's right Aldrich Killian. AIM retrofitted Iron Patriot's software. They set up a disable temperature that shut down the armour. Since it was now AIM software, Killian and co. knew how to control it.

3) You have no evidence to support that accusation. The Vp had no idea that extremis was unstable, all he wanted was to get his daughter/granddaughter cured.

4)Nit-pick but anyhow, when Tony was testing the Mk 42, which pieces came to him first?? oh that's right, the glove and the boot. So the movie sucked because the glove and boot arrived first when Tony was held captive?? lol xD come on dude

5)So what?? Did you even watch the previous movies?? Tony's arrogance is TOTALLY within the character. His best-friend was put in a comma, mind you, the person who he known for years, he's angry.

6)Yeah because news helicopters are gonna stick around when a terrorist is attacking a 20 million dollar masion *rolls eyes*

7) what?! lol xD Please be more specific

8)This movie is called IRON MAN 3 not Let's save The President. Use your imagination dude. The VP ignores Rhodey's call about using the IP as a trojan horse to get into Air Force 1,as far as people are concerned, the president is safe with the Iron Patriot.

9)Did you want another 15-20 minutes showing Pepper was cured?? Tony is a genius level intellect, use your common sense. He fixed it, that's all that needs to be said. I guess you also wanted to see how he built all those 40+ armours right?

10) Yeah because Tony Stark did not get rid of the arc reactor in the comics.....oh wait...HE DID. Tony realises it's the man that makes the suit. he knows all of his suits can power up on their own since they use their own arc reactors.

The point of Bruce appearing in the end-credits is that in the beginning of the film, we hear Tony talking/narrating "Well let me start from the beginning", that wasn't for us but him talking to Bruce about the events of IM3. So basically Bruce was listening to Tony's story.

The problem here is people wants everything answered and shown on-screen. Peopel have forgotten to use their imagination to fill in the gaps. That is why this movie gets ripped apart by nit-pickers because they're too lazy to think of an answer.
Lhornbk - 8/10/2013, 8:18 AM
@TeeKay, thank you. Very good job of answering this idiot.
CPBuff22 - 8/10/2013, 8:19 AM
And then Man Of Steel came along and trumped Iron Man 3. Fairly disappointing summer for Super Hero movies. Thank god Wolverine improved leaps and bounds over XMO Wolverine. Now I am hoping Thor can deliver.
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