What WB and DC need to do to make a JL film the right way.

I know this isnt generally what my fansite does but this is my oppinion on what I think Warner bros. and DC need to do to pull off a good fan pleasing Justice League film.

Editorial Opinion
By FightmasterNoel - Jun 25, 2012 08:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Justice League

So rumors of a Justice League film being made have been popping up and being squashed,since forever ago. Now some sources (ill let you guys look em up yourselves) are claiming that Warner bros. Is giving a Justice league film yet ANOTHER attempt. After there finacial failure 'Jonah Hex' And there Fanboy failure 'Green lantern' Some would say they should focus on there other projects first. Now given they have had alot of success with there current 'Batman' franchise. Some would also say this is a good thing. Well Im here to give you what I believe is all the ingredients needed to pull this off.

1. Build up

They should not by any means try to make a DC knock off of what Marvel/Disney did with there 'Avengers' film. But I still believe they should not just jump into a JL movie. They should make the GL sequels and in between make Supes,and Wonderwoman films. After those movies,they should make Aquaman. Then and DONT kill me people, go on with the project. Introducing Flash and J'onn J'onzz in the film. After the film they then should remake Bats,and make sequels to the other hero films. Then make a sequel with everyones favorite Bat themed crime fighter included this go around.


Whether you agree with me on the build up or not this is still bound to be another important film changing part. I shall now give off my list of charictoristics needed in actors and actresses playing the various roles.
1. Superman - The actor playing him is going to need a nostalgic 'Christopher Reeve' feel.
2. Wonder woman - The actress needs to A. Be SMOKING HOT! B. Have the right persona. and C. Be an actress with a badass enough rep to make her prowess believable.
3. Green lantern - Again DONT shoot me. I think Ryan Reynolds was NOT the issue in the previous GL film. Therefore he makes a (In my oppinion) Great canidate.
4. Batman - Now whether they throw him in the mix in a Justice league zero build up film,or make a reboot and then toss him in the sequel. The actor needs to be a believable Bruce Wayne AND Batsy. Someone thats like a mix of Micheal Keaton AND Christian Bale.
5. Flash - I think a new player would be quite refreshing.Someone with comedic but still dramatic acting skills.
6. Aquaman - Something along the lines of a badass mix between Tom Cruise and Christopher Reeve with a dash of Sylvestor Stallone. (Thats right I think Aquaman should be the action hero like charector)
7. Jon'n Jon'zz - An actor that that can pull off a IM SMART AND PCYCHIC but dont brag about it and am a team player,persona.

3. Storyline

They need to make a STORY thats by no means a teenage thrill ride like the Avengers. They need to make a mature but still family friendly film.With a villian thats believable to need a WHOLE League of heros to stop.

4. ADs
They need to QUIT advertising it in the form of rumors and start making REAL Ads and put it together already.


They should focus more on Man of Steel and the GL sequels before making a build up and then realeasing a league film,they need to let the Avegers sucess die out a little. Otherwise they look like copycats.

So comment on what You would like to see happen.

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MercMatt - 6/25/2012, 10:57 PM
A Chris Reeve feel??? Why??? He was pretty good in his day, but no. They need to stay away from the Chris Reeve thing. He is not the definitive Superman. In my opinion, we still haven't had a proper, live-action Superman. Hoping Henry Cavil can pull off that untouched feat. But no! No Chris Reeve feel.
Toasty - 6/26/2012, 5:41 AM
Completely disagree with all of section 2, and in fact most of the rest, this is completely wrong how to do a JL build up.

I'd write a list about what's wrong but it would take an hour or so and i'm at work.

My main gripe is section 2 since you completely misunderstand the characters.
EdgyOutsider - 6/26/2012, 6:11 AM
I agree with some of it but not all. Also, The Avengers was not a teenage thrill ride. It is/was a family film, you wanna be able to take your kid to that kind of movie. Hate to bust your balls on that dude.
golden123 - 6/26/2012, 6:51 AM
I need to write a comment that is both critical and assertive but not negative like a troll....
dezdigi - 6/26/2012, 8:19 AM
We need official news and we need it now! I think WB is waiting to see how MOS performs at the box office first.
Gerrit - 6/26/2012, 8:57 AM
I think that WB needs to do the build up 'cause The JL is not the X-Men or FF. They are a special group. If they don't do the build up, a JL movie would just be X-Men movie with different powers. Now, regarding the cast, Reeves Supes is the greatest superhero for me but a version like his wouldn't work in a JL movie and emphasizing hotness in WW isn't in agreement with WW's message IMO. No Aquaman, please ( I'm kidding, I really don't know the character well). MM is a must. The powers pose a problem 'cause the fact that Supes, WW and company have unlimited powers defines them but at the same time I can't and really don't want to see unlimited powers. Flash's ability to "phase" through things is just stupid and that's just one example. It will be hard to do a JL movie. And don't expect a dark JL movie, just thei'r suits and powers already makes it a light movie. If they make a dark JL movie, it will suck. That's not the JL.
95 - 6/26/2012, 9:31 AM
Make good films. Also: Events in one film should have repercussions felt throughout the cinematic universe. Justice League is a crossover event which should only happen when a large threat has built up in the cinematic universe. It has feel natural. So... honestly, DC needs their master architect— their Kevin Feige, if you will.
6of13 - 6/26/2012, 10:26 AM
The first place for DC/WB to start is by looking at the bigger picture rather than single movies and then gauging from those single movies what to do next.
Be bold.
6of13 - 6/26/2012, 10:38 AM
@Epic Totally 100% agree on WB having their version of Kevin Feige. Geoff Johns does not count because he does not carry remotely enough clout to even contend with Feige. The question is WHO?
incrediblesuperbatspider - 6/26/2012, 2:29 PM
No offense man, but I really can't get past the grammar in the editorial, not to mention this like the 235th article this year on what DC and WB "need" to do to make a justice league film.
FightmasterNoel - 6/26/2012, 5:54 PM
@thelizard1 I wasnt saying Avengers wasnt a family friendly film.im saying the JL film needs to be mature but still family friendly. Avengers IS something alot of teen fanboys went wild for. Not that theres anything wrong with that but i think JL should have more of a STORY with action rather than action with a story. Avengers kicked ass and i loved it im not discrediting it AT ALL in this post and @DROMEO None taken. @Brainiac3000 THat Would be intresting.Im glad you people were able to express your oppinions.
Tainted87 - 6/26/2012, 10:31 PM
Justice League needs VILLAINS, not just one, not even just two. As in it should be setting off alarms in the "oh my god there's too many villains, it's going to be Spider-man 3 all over again!" department because of how integrated the villains are in the story.

Don't start with Darkseid. The best villain to connect at least half of the Justice League is Brainiac. Present Brainiac like the Borg from Star Trek, but in a much more subtle fashion. Gorilla Grodd is also essential because of how outrageous it would be to have a talking simian - but how freaking creepy that would be as well. Brainiac would eventually be "influencing" Grodd through nanites in the brain, similar to how we saw Cheetah affect Wonder Woman in "Doom". Ares is equally important, but not in the capacity you may assume. Ares would be a Darth Vader type character who has assumed a mortal form to walk among Man's World. He sees his allies as tools to aid in his conquest to bring chaos all over the world. Obviously, last but not least, Lex Luthor would have to be involved as a man who wields vast political power as well as control over the markets. He'd butt heads frequently with Ares.
jasonrage - 6/29/2012, 7:21 AM
Every amazing story for the JLA, whether, comics, cartoon or tv show, revolved around stopping Darkseid from turning earth into another Apokolypse and enslaving the human race. I think it would work if each individual heroes movie has a after credits clip of Darkeid preparing for war against earth. Then the JLA movie could show Darkseid invading earth and the 7 originating JLA members come together to fight and defeat him. If its done right and with respect to the characters and respect to the fans, it could be a great movie.
comiccow6 - 7/4/2012, 6:06 AM
I agree that they should build up. Don't do Darkseid, and do the Injustice League! Bring back some great villains, make a threat no single hero can stop!
DrivenStryker - 9/28/2012, 2:03 PM

"They need to make a STORY thats by no means a teenage thrill ride like the Avengers."

I disagree with that statement. Don't get me wrong though, I greatly enjoyed TDKR more than the Avengers, yet Avengers is still a kick ass movie, that is not at all a "teenage thrill ride", it was more of a light hearted with shades of dark tones to it (come on now, the scene w/ how Loki was in threatening Black Widow, is kind of startling and dark) that was a very straight forward with a LOT of AWESOME action sequences (favorite part was when Thor and Hulk faced each other) and is in fact a marketing genius in connecting the Iron Man, Thor, Capt. America movies then making them as one (they kind of did a slight reboot with the Hulk) where now it has become I believe now the 3rd most grossing movie of all time ("Titanic" 2nd, then of course "Avatar" 1st) and they will be doing that all over again in making those stand alone sequels (Iron Man, Thor, Capt. America, and other newly developed Marvel movies) then combining them again in Avengers 2, which may in fact, I am just guessing, maybe would finally dismantle "Titanic" at least, that movie has been around for a very long time.

Those numbers would be a hell lot different if Heath Ledger was still alive though, in reprising his role as the Joker, where Christopher Nolan would of been able to continue his original vision of TDK sequel, and not having that f*cking cowardly bastard involved at the Aurora Co, shootings. That intended movie, would of most likely done better at the box office than the Avengers, in my opinion. That being said, the "Avengers" is far from, again a "teenage thrill ride" it is just not as gritty with real emotional grip compared to TDKR.

*sidenote* I would love to see a JLA movie, as long as it is done right, and they should still keep Ryan Reynolds as the GL, because lets be honest here, RR is a very good upstanding actor that got screwed by the people who produced the GL. They should keep him and I can't wait to see, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, taking up the black cowl as the Dark Knight and last but not least in this comment, WB should give full reign to Christopher Nolan with their DC characters, as long as he agrees to do so, since I can somehow see him not really be interested in this very time consuming project and I would love to see more of his new original film content, like "Inception", "The Prestige" ect. Where he would call the shots and when they should release the JLA movie, by making sure they take their time in doing it right, because that is what Marvel did, they took their time (they had this all planned out with the first Iron Man movie) and a gamble I might add , in creating an awesome well-made movie w/ a marketing genius strategy.
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