The Wolfman No Longer Getting A Sequel; Reboot Rumored To Be In The Works!

The Wolfman No Longer Getting A Sequel; Reboot Rumored To Be In The Works!

Apparently, there is no longer a sequel in the works to 2009 movie as the current script is being rewritten as a reboot! Hit the jump for details on both the title, tone and more...

By JoshWilding - Jun 08, 2011 03:06 AM EST
Filed Under: Wolf Man
Source: Moviehole

According to a report over at Moviehole, the sequel to Captain America: The First Avenger director Joe Johnston's The Wolfman will no longer be getting what would have more than likely of been a straight to DVD sequel, but instead a full on reboot from Universal.

Interestingly, the site point out that the new film will more than likely have no connection to the 2009 remake whatsoever, instead sharing far more in common with the original George Waggner movie from way back in 1939! They go on to report that the current Michael Tabb script is being totally rewritten and reworked in order to make it an original piece.

Oh, and the possible title for this new direction in the franchise? Werewolf is said to be a popular choice at the moment.

What do you guys think of this news? Are you pleased that Universal are deciding to give the franchise another chance, or is this a monster which should stay dead? Be sure to share your thoughts in the usual place!

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TopCat89 - 6/8/2011, 3:44 AM
I hate this reboot craze....fair enough a reboot of something released yonks ago maybe worth a watch, but something only released a couple years ago? WHY? If it was shit or didn't gain enough attention, then it's a sign you should stop there....some of these producers are brainless!
Denn1s - 6/8/2011, 3:51 AM
i totally LOVED the 2009 film. why reboot it? leave it at peace...
Ichaos - 6/8/2011, 3:51 AM
If you dont use Wolfman in the title somewhere (Curse of the Wolfman??) its hard to have any connection to the original Universal classic.

I dunno I guess I am old or something but when I was a kid they didnt have so called reboots, we just called them a remake. That or they just kept going making new ones like James Bond.
krypton38 - 6/8/2011, 3:52 AM
I actually enjoyed the last one. I agree with TopCat if it didnt do well then just leave it be for another ten years or so. there will always be remakes in hollywood but this rebootin craze is completey stupid in most cases. some series need a reboot like Star Trek, others don't like Spiderman. now terminator! WTF!
Ichaos - 6/8/2011, 3:56 AM
Hollywood is too afraid anymore to make movies that are orginal. They have to grave rob the past or get something with a definite built in audience.

I didnt hate the 2009 version but I didnt like it and expected more. But if your going to call a movie just werewolf then just make it origninal with all new characters.
Ichaos - 6/8/2011, 3:58 AM
I think some studios execs are the ones that need to be ctl alt deleted if you ask me
GUNSMITH - 6/8/2011, 3:58 AM
ComicsCommando - 6/8/2011, 4:08 AM
A reboot of a reboot? The Wolfman is pretty boring imo, they don't need to make anymore.
ZombieOverEasy - 6/8/2011, 4:30 AM
This actually sounds more like an entirely different movie than it does a reboot, which makes it okay. I'll probably wait for DVD like I did the last one. Am I the only one that found the 2009 remake to be boring as hell?
GUNSMITH - 6/8/2011, 4:34 AM
marvel72 - 6/8/2011, 4:40 AM
wolfman was watchable,but thats about it.

every film nowadays is a reboot,remake prequel.

bout time hollywood started making some original films.
GUNSMITH - 6/8/2011, 4:46 AM
ironpool007 - 6/8/2011, 4:46 AM
The Wolfman wasn't that bad. I mean I'm a big fan of the original and thought the remake was a departure in a lot of ways, but it still stayed true to the basic premise of the original. I was actually looking forward to a sequel with Benicio coming back somehow. When I heard that Universal was doing a direct to DVD sequel, I was kinda bummed because well what major actor From the first one would wanna downgrade like that. Yet, it still meant I'd get a continuation in some form of the first one. But now, I see that likely won't happen. Whatever they do, please bring back Benicio Del Toro. The dude has so much passion and love for the character, that with a better script, I'm sure he could hit it out of the park with a second chance. I mean look at movies like X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Ghost Rider. Granted those two made a ton of more money than The Wolfman, yet they were critically panned by critics and fans a like. Yet, they are still being allowed to continue with the same actors in the form of semi reboots. I'll definitely do a piece on this, because I have ideas for where both a sequel and a reboot could go, but I really think Benicio deserves another crack at the part.
marvel72 - 6/8/2011, 5:06 AM
this is still the best werewolf film & transformation.

AlexDeLarge87 - 6/8/2011, 5:43 AM

The Wolfman had lots of potential and im pretty sure if Mark Romanek would have made it like originally was planned it would have been great!

Hopkins and Del Toro were perfect choices as the father and son but they should have made them both good guys!
It would have been great to see Del Toro change into evil Wolfman which his father Hopkins has to kill to save his son´s soul. That would have been epic!:)
They missed a mother[frick]ing big chance to make a great movie!

If they are going to make another reboot? I say forget it and bring Werewolf Tv-Series to the big screen!
Or remake Stephen King´s Silver Bullet aka The Cycle Of The Werewolf!

Or then again bring The Tomb Of Dracula or Werewolf By Night to the big screen! That would be epic!:)

Shadowelfz - 6/8/2011, 5:49 AM
So they are rebooting a movie that was not unsuccessful after only two years? Man, Holywood has a short attention span.
LordHuck - 6/8/2011, 6:04 AM

The Wolfman had a 150 mil budget and only brought in 142 mil. In what world is that successful?
AlexDeLarge87 - 6/8/2011, 6:05 AM
Stumblin - 6/8/2011, 7:06 AM
I loved The Wolfman, it was like the classic just with better effects.
TheLight - 6/8/2011, 7:46 AM
The Wolfman 2010 remake wasn't that bad. If you want to see a sad excuse of a film in 2010, review "Jonah Hex".
marvel72 - 6/8/2011, 8:09 AM
@ alexdelarge87

that scene in the london tube station,you don't see the werewolf at all.

but still for me the scene that shit me up the most.

also that bit the nightmare within a nightmare scene,when them nazi zombie/wolf looking bastards raid his family home.

Fogs - 6/8/2011, 8:16 AM
I hate the word reboot so much I turn my computer off then on. I don't reset it anymore just to protest.
AlexDeLarge87 - 6/8/2011, 8:17 AM
marvel72@ Its creepy i know!;) The most terrifying threat is the threat you dont/cant see or a threat which surprises you with very vicious and violent way!;D lol

TheLight@ Right about that. Jonah Hex and Rise Of Cobra are definitely most sadest shit what i have seen in long time.
BassHorseX - 6/8/2011, 8:55 AM
I hate reboots. I'm gonna go reboot my robot that rebuilds r**bok boots.
naterator - 6/8/2011, 9:59 AM
face it.....creative minds in hollywood are dead....rebooting is all they know now. pure laziness.
Rhys - 6/8/2011, 10:06 AM

Shadowelfz - 6/8/2011, 12:21 PM
LordHuck- I stand corrected. Making less than production costs could not qualify as a success. I must have been thinking of another film. Thanks for pointing that out.

Even still, rebooting a reboot after only two years seems like a little much.
GreenieGobbie - 6/8/2011, 12:54 PM
Why reboot/remake anything at all? Hollywood is seriously losing it's creditability.

Although there are movies I don't mind being rebooted, like the Spider-Man series, but there's just those other movies that necessarily don't need it (The Nightmare on Elm Street 2010 remake anyone?).

Oh yeah, it's all about the money. Hollywood doesn't give a crap about the fans.
skullboy - 6/8/2011, 1:06 PM
What? God, no reboot. The movie wasn't that bad, and I wasn't all for a straight to video sequel either. Just go do that damn Creature From The Black Lagoon remake that they promised us.
jjmeylar - 6/8/2011, 1:10 PM
Pitty. I loved that movie.
krypton38 - 6/8/2011, 5:45 PM
@GreenieGobbie - let me get this think it's ok to reboot the Spiderman series but it was a bad idea to reboot the Nightmare on Elm Street series? Are you serious? While Spiderman 3 wasn't great and had many weak points it was far from terrible. I still think they should have made the 4th one. Who knows it could've been as good as part two. On the other hand how many of the Nightmare films can you think of that were really good? While I'm a fan of all those films, apart from the first film, which is a classic, I don't think you could actually call any of them 'good films'. They descended into shit. Do you know what you are talking about?
branandrews1 - 6/8/2011, 6:17 PM
Really there rebooting it again already
NeoBaggins - 6/8/2011, 7:17 PM
The movie wasn't that bad. Hell, a lot of the trendy-to-hate movies arn't as bad as people say. I think people just like biching in large groups because it's comfortable. To feel a part of something. You would swear that Spider-man3 and X-men3 ruined both franchises with a single film. It's cliche. The Wolfman knocked a few mutha[frick]as heads off and did what Warewolves do. What else did they want to see him do, show you his tits?
GreenieGobbie - 6/8/2011, 9:59 PM
@krypton38 Looks like I struck a nerve. I like Spider-Man 1 & 2, but Spider-Man 3 was horrible, but that's not why I think the series should go reboot (in fact that never crossed my mind to begin with). In fact I wanted the series to end there plain and simple. 4th one would be overdoing it. At first I was shocked that they were rebooting the series, because no matter how bad Spidey 3 was, the first two would always be superior films imo. But once I thought it over, I think it was a great idea to start fresh, to do it differently, and actually stick some what more closely to the comics (not saying the original series didn't, well they kinda screwed it up, but nothing major). For example I always thought Gwen should've been Peter's first love in the movies, but MJ was just fine anyways. I'm not like those people who just say reboot this or reboot that, and don't reboot this or that. That never crosses my mind. Right now they're thinking of rebooting Batman after The Dark Knight Rises, and I think that's a horrible idea, because you know why? They already did it perfect, why fix something that wasn't broken? So I'm not looking forward to that. I just want to see the characters done justice on screen, and if they can't then just let it be. Like I said, I am perfectly fine with the Raimi Spidey films being the only Spidey series (even though at some points they could've done a lot better, but overall it's enjoyable series at best), even if they made a 4th one, because I would still see it. But since they're rebooting it there are so many things they can explore from Spidey's early years for a new generation. I felt like the Raimi series ended good where they left at. To be honest I can't see the story going anywhere else after that, but that doesn't mean the series needed to be rebooted. But it's Hollywood for ya, they always need to keep beating the dead horse until it bleeds and dry. Goes the same with the Nightmare series. One or three were good enough. Now I never said The Nightmare on Elm Street films were great, but that didn't mean they should go into remaking it. They overkilled it (which we both can agree on), even with the remade version, like Lions Gate did to the Saw movies. It just didn't need to be done. Sure, they restarted it to start fresh just like the Spidey reboot, but they were reusing so much out of the previous movies, it wasn't like they were trying to be original but instead bring back what made the other movies so crappy. And some of them weren't crap, but they didn't need to reuse the same scenes to create a movie. Sure we might be getting an origin story for the Spidey reboot, but after all that it's going to be completely different than the first movie. There are much more opportunities for this new Spidey series, and as for the Nightmare series, not so much. So yeah I know what I'm talking about, and if I jumbled a few sentences here and there and don't make sense, that's just me and my opinion. Idk what you got against me dude.
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