How Marvel is going to Crush a DC Movie Universe and it won't be by the quality of the movies

How Marvel is going to Crush a DC Movie Universe and it won't be by the quality of the movies

Editorial Opinion
By tomasocelot - Jun 25, 2013 11:06 AM EST
Filed Under: Other

First off lets start out that as comic book lovers we are in a time that we are lucky to have the opportunity to see our hero's and villain's up on the big screen. But as we all know there are two giants in this universe. Marvel and DC. I will say that I personally I am a obsessed Batman fan. And My favorite Marvel comic character is Cyclops. So I can say that I like both sides equally. I am loyal buyer and will support their projects. But I will say that with the Marvel Properties that their has been a bit of a let down. Probably Marvel's most profitable property The X-Men is stuck at Fox and is being destroyed. Same thing with the Fantastic 4 and Spider-Man. I do have hope for Spider-Man. To me the rest are all lost causes as long as they are ran by Fox. So far DC have given us 3 bad ass Batman movies, and in my opinion put Superman on the map. I am going to say it was not a perfect movie but it showed that to be great you have to have a start. But here is why Marvel is going to win. Iron Man 3 made a boat load of money. And let's be honest that it was probably the weakest of the of the 3. RDJ is awesome the perfect Tony Stark. But a couple of years ago the House of Mouse (for my safety I will refrain from using Disney) bought Marvel Studios. And this is the main reason why every Marvel Property will thrive. As time goes on you will see more of the House of Mouse Logo enter the Marvel Universe. And this will allow parents feel comfortable taking their kids to see Dr. Strange, The Avengers, etc. And the thing is they will be okay if it goes with a Darker Tone because the Mouse is behind it so that means its wholesome. They are PR master's.

The next reason they will win is because of their sheer power. Again the Iron Man and Superman equation. Iron Man made about 800 million plus. Superman I believe as I am writing this has made about $650 million world wide. But did you notice the Movies that came out the week after the movies were released. I couldn't name any of them around Iron Man Release. But Superman had to deal with (Disney) Monster's University, (Paramount Fox) World War Z. Those are big movies and they would eat a lot of Superman's profits. And to me I think its interesting that a Mickey Property is released at this time and a company with whom Mick has a good relationship with releases their blockbuster. Mickey doesn't mind because they know not only will they have huge ticket sales anything those lose to World War Z will be made up in DVD sales and merchandising. My theory is not only will any DC property that is made into a Movie is going to surrounded by other Mega movies. and it won't be by coincidence. I bet if those movies were released two weeks after Superman it would have probably done Iron Man numbers by now.

The House of Mouse is a giant that has a lot of pull in the movie industry. If they really want to bury a movie it has the ability to do so. Another thing DC is struggling with is that WB is in bad shape. Also they have to watch their step in releasing a solo superhero movies. Because if you do you have to make sure the hero can not only stand on its own, but you do want to look like you are coping the Marvel Phases Formula. This will make the audience think that its unoriginal and you are just copying Marvel. Basically to combat the power of the mouse you have to be creative. Instead of giving us a bunch of solo movies just hit us with the Justice League. Then maybe do the solo movies are origin movies to fill in the blanks that the audience will be wondering about. Have the villain be either a new super powered threat or go with Lex Luthor. Stay away from aliens. That's marvel thing. We don't want to see Darkseid if Thanos is already out. WB/DC is going to have a to be creative and really give us something different. I think what they should do is turn the writing and directing over to people who get the characters and want to do something fun. Not just pump out a movie so they can make a boatload of money. Like I said Avengers wasn't that original nor great but it was fun. Any properties coming from WB/DC needs to have a lot of fun and realism mixed into. Especially when it comes down to having Batman in a group of Super Powered people. You have to give him a certain persona that makes the other ones respect him and fear him in a way. It's going to be a battle it always has been. So far Mickey is winning and running away with the fight. DC needs to really step it up and get back into this thing. Because they have to have everyone on their A game because the House of Mouse has the fire power to control it all. So DC better be as prepared as Batman and have the keys to victory already.

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DRMidNite - 6/25/2013, 12:13 PM
Man of Steel, per Box Office Mojo, is sitting right at about 400 million world wide.
gmoney0505 - 6/25/2013, 12:21 PM
Copying Marvel formula. Marvel copied DC by having Avengers in the first place that came after the popularity of Justice League but no one wants to bring that up.
ForeverPowerful - 6/25/2013, 12:45 PM
I started to read this, but then I realized its just a huge, blocky mess. Space it out a bit then you may have my attention.
tonytony - 6/25/2013, 1:03 PM
By bad press. There are reviewers like grace randolph who are still on marvels pay roll but present themselves as neutral to fool general public (i urge all comicbook fans to hold her to account for biased videos (. Also through spin for example Look at wwz which cost more than mos to make and debuted with half as much yet the news is reported as success while mos debuted with twice as much but reported negatively even on here. I read an article called the politics of the box office(google it) and it clearly explained what other studios i can see it and it fricking scares me
FirstAvenger - 6/25/2013, 1:24 PM
paragraphs dude.
LEVITIKUZ - 6/25/2013, 1:28 PM
Who's winning? What do you get if you win?

Also the fans? Lets be honest, Marvel and DC fans get nothing for the success of anything either company did.

Sure DC isn't doing much but DC showed the world CBMs can work, CBMs can be dark, characters who have a bad film history can find success, CBMs can gross a billion, CBMs can win Oscars & CBMs can be taken seriously.

If you a Marvel fan or DC fan and just gloat about who's better, they don't care what you think. What are you doing? If you have to find happiness in the success of a certain CBM company and hate and troll on the other, your the loser because you have no life.

Debating CBMs is like debating Tupac and Biggie or Magic and Bird or UNC and Duke.
McNyagano - 6/25/2013, 2:03 PM
Brainiac13 - 6/25/2013, 2:21 PM
What a [frick]ing mess of an article!!

How can someone take you serious with a block of words...without paragraphs!!!

Just reading the title.....Marvel is way ahead 9 movies to 1!

Marvel are doing a fantastic job! You should give them credit!

Its because of them WB are taking their fingers out of their asses!!

Brainiac13 - 6/25/2013, 2:59 PM

You related to KryptionAbominationClone?
pesmerga44 - 6/25/2013, 2:59 PM

Are you seriously saying there is a conspiracy by Marvel studios get over that MOS didn't get a good critical response that is utterly childish. I am sorry that MOS didn't get rave reviews from critics I liked it better then the critics were saying but I don't blame them and call them Marvel puppets or something. If this was the reverse and MOS got great reviews you would be singing a completely different tune.
Brainiac13 - 6/25/2013, 3:01 PM
Instead of KAC its MAC! LOL!
Minato - 6/25/2013, 3:12 PM
I want to read it but because it wasnt broken down into paragraphs I really cant get into it.

Marvel + Disney = Win
DC - Legendary = Lose

Nuff said
Brainiac13 - 6/25/2013, 3:21 PM

I love my avatar and my user name.....I don't think I'll be able to top it!

Maybe Brainiac3001 or something similar! LOL!
tonytony - 6/25/2013, 3:59 PM
@pesmerga stop bitching and google it up yourself
Brainiac13 - 6/25/2013, 4:11 PM

ruadh - 6/25/2013, 5:27 PM
I can't even read the article. It's late in the day, I'm tired, and it just looks like a lot of work with no paragraph breaks.
NovaCorpsFan - 6/25/2013, 5:43 PM
Lol, that pic is awesome... Yeah, I-I didn't read it.
pesmerga44 - 6/25/2013, 10:42 PM

Dude Grace Randolph worked on Marvel's website I remember her show she isn't someone like Roger Ebert who was working for a newspaper and wrote on movies. So what, the way your talking she was some big movie critic for some major newspaper and Marvel or Disney paid her off. She worked at Marvel on their web series who gives a flying [frick] if she didn't write good reviews about MOS so she probably has a biad towards Marvel or a shocker she just didn't like MOS. You know what I heard people don't have to like the same movies you like what a shocker.

Get over it dude so what that MOS didn't get great reviews you liked it has made or should make enough money to warrant a sequel stop crying like a bitch and saying how it is some conspiracy by Marvel to discredit DC go get a life.

Also on this whole thing about the politics of hollywood your an idiot if you don't think WB one of the largest movie producing companies isn't doing the same things as everyone else. I remember reading something along the same lines you were talking about how they put out budgets that are actually way over what they really spent or how studios are stealing ideas for movies from people who pitch the movie so they don't have to pay for script rights. Ya sorry WB is probably doing the exact samething you don't get as large as them without doing backdoor shady things.
tonytony - 6/26/2013, 12:43 AM
@pesmerga grace randolph has no business doing reviews for dc products as she is being paid by marvel. The only reason i looked this up is because she was so biased it became unprofessional. I genuinely knew nothing about her relationship with marvel. But because she was so anti-dc i started looking her up.

Secondly people on this website and indeed grace randolph was trying to spin mos box office negatively while hyping up wwz box office although it cost more and will finish with half as much.
These are the facts. Again i urge anyone reading this to please google it yourself The reason this is done is to give people the impression that it is failing so people dont see it and then it actually fails. But in reality its a huge success but lots of people are desperate to derail it.

Anyone reading this should google "the politics of the box office" and then tell me if what the author said about how other studios will attack mos to mos (mos was the example used in article) isnt happening right now.
pesmerga44 - 6/26/2013, 1:27 AM

Actually she was fired from Marvel a while ago they have an article on it with a simple google search so there goes your whole marvel conspiracy right there.

Also who cares that one person reviewing the movie or some people on this website are trying to spin the box office numbers WHO [frick]ING CARES. Sorry is this a site that is almost purely for CBM fanboys to come to this isn't Boxofficemojo or IMDB where your joe and jill movie goer are a lot more likely to go to. People who aren't complete fanboys who hate MOS just because it isn't their movie can see the numbers which make MOS a very good reboot origin movie sure though it is pretty disheartening to see such a huge drop off over the second weekend. That really isn't spinning it is just truth. Does this make MOS a terrible movie no just not a masterpiece that some are calling it and we will have to see how it holds up over the summer.

Again stop taking this as some kind of conspiracy by Marvel to attack DC that is you being a whiney fanboy who can't take his movie isn't getting the reviews he wants it to be getting or isn't making as much money as you think it should make.
Luminus - 6/26/2013, 1:30 AM
I would have read the article, had it actually been structured coherently. Why do people still write articles/posts with no paragraph breaks? It's the friggin Great Wall of China in here.
pesmerga44 - 6/26/2013, 1:33 AM

This is the only article I can find that talks about MOS and it really isn't attacking the film it is just going over how studios see their films achieving that if they don't make as much as their predecessor before it then it is a by third parties or the studios a flop. MOS did well above the original estimates hooray for it read the article and stop taking it like some kinda attack on the movie.
tomasocelot - 6/26/2013, 9:12 AM
sorry for the great wall of china. My computer was showing the article differently.
SageMode - 6/26/2013, 9:17 AM

What does that have to do with the movies? Lol
tonytony - 6/26/2013, 2:52 PM
@pesmerga the article doesnt attack mos but rather it points out how rival studios through mediums like gracec randolph for example will attack the movie. And so far it has proved right.
pesmerga44 - 6/26/2013, 4:38 PM

Again you delusional whiny little fanboy Grace Randolph hasn't worked for Marvel for over two years so get over it that some chick on the internet that makes her own blog doesn't like your movie you are such a [frick]ing idiot.

WAH WAH some random chick who used to work at Marvel but doesn't anymore doesn't like my movie. Huh it must mean Marvel is paying her to discredit my movie oh no that means because a random woman on the internet doesn't like it the movie will be ruined. Damn you Marvel there in the history of the internet ever been people that just bad mouth anything because they don't like the movie you must have paid her. This also must mean Marvel is part of the illuminati and the Masons and are controlling everything from the shadows to bring down poor little WB the good movie company that has never done anything bad ever.

Conspiracies are the only reason MOS isn't making a billion dollars every day and isn't considered the greatest movie that man has ever created and we should just never make anymore movies ever because one woman on the internet didn't like my movie.
tonytony - 6/26/2013, 5:00 PM
@pesmerga you are a [frick]ing tosspot. get it you are one of these dickbags who cant bear anyone questioning the credibility of quite possibly the worst reviewer on the internet. Honestly no point responding to me going forward i have no interest in exchanging discussions with a useless troll headed puberscent [frick]bag.

Any normal person who looks at how wwz result have been described but also compared it to how the same people have reported mos despite mos being basically twice as much should question things.

Like i said no need to respond or engage with me as i dont speak to idiots.
LoudNoises - 6/26/2013, 7:19 PM
I went and watched the Man of Steel with a girl and she walked out thinking it was stupid and she even considers herself to be DC girl. On the other hand she absolutely loved Ironman 3. While I can't possibly make any certain predictions based on the opinions of one person, it did give me the feeling that Marvel has cracked the code to delivering comic book movies that are appreciated by a much larger audience. Humor is the key to taking these characters off the page and making them work in a way that doesn't alienate the audience. More so than staying true to their comic roots as demonstrated my Ironman 3. That's why we are seeing Marvel hire directors like Jon Favreau, Anthony Russo and Joe Russo, James Gunn and Edgar Wright. These guys have a background in comedy. The action is always going to be there but getting people who really understand how to make people laugh is central to their success.

But I appreciate the direction DC seems to be taking which is the exact opposite. The Dark Knight and Man of Steel are much darker and try to treat themselves as more than just comic books. I realize a lot of comic fans take offense to this but it has never bothered me for some reason. Probably because the changes that made usually seem justified to me. I get chills down my spine when I see Batman yelling as he struggles to fight Bane or losing his self control when the Joker has the upper hand. When Superman is forced to make the ultimate decision and kill Zod and you see him absolutely lose his shit and scream in despair. Some people would say these movies take themselves too seriously. Well all I can say is that it's a good thing I'm not in charge of making these movies because it would be my goal to make people cry more than it would be to make them laugh, lol.
tonytony - 6/26/2013, 11:50 PM
@loudnoises i think disney are clever with release dates. They usually have two weeks without major competition which gived them time to dominate well. I think if mos had been put out in the same time as im3 and had two weeks by itself it would have shot at billion. Def the thing about women and children is important too. However im glad dc is making their movies differently to marvel. The success of dark knight and now mos combined with failure of green lantern suggests to me that no need to go marvel route and turn it all to comedy.
Brainiac13 - 6/27/2013, 2:38 AM
LoudNoises & tonytony

I agree with you guys but a balance is needed for certain characters!

Batman movie would look stupid with IM3 level of comedy or any comedy it would be like watching Batman & Robin all over again!

Green Lantern tried to be like IM but failed (Humor, music and style)....yes script was bad.

I am happy for the Marvel formula but IM3 was way to much of a comedy!

Rest of the movies had perfect balance!

I want DC to continue the formula they have chosen with MOS with all the characters.

If we had the same style from both...we would get bored!

I'm off to watch MOS now!


Thank you for breaking up The Great Wall of China......will get to read it later!
CPBuff22 - 6/27/2013, 1:27 PM
"Copying Marvel formula. Marvel copied DC by having Avengers in the first place that came after the popularity of Justice League but no one wants to bring that up."

Lets bring up the fact that the Justice League started because individual titles were not selling and DC was loosing ground to an upstart Marvel. The "team up" was used to save on cost of printing multiple titles while trying to draw readers of one character into reading about all of them.

Marvel then did copy that formula with The Fantastic Four not The Avengers.

So by cause and affect. Yes Marvel copied DC in making a Superteam (not Avengers) but Marvel also caused DC to make the Justice League in the first place.

Thus this entire point is moot.
SouthyIrish1938 - 9/6/2013, 11:03 AM
First things first. Anybody that thinks Marvel hasn't been ripping of D.C. 'Everything' for the past 50 years, is in denial. Marvel ha this tremendous advantage of creating a line of heroes 20+ years after DC created theirs, that are still outselling Marvels by the by. Marvel created a huge fan base in the realm of FILM, not books. Granted, they had a tremendous fan base before Marvel studious began making 6 films a year, but the people that would've otherwise known nothing about these characters are now "comic fans".... It's absurd. Not to mention that there's only one in five o these films that are actually watchable. I have watched and read interviews with Stan lee nonchalantly talking about how marvel used DC as a kind of case study, whatever worked for them they copied. Everything from monster stories to westerns, they followed DC's market. It wasn't until the early 60's that they started their blatant character infringements. Thor lol.... Marvel needed a champion that was not of this world, but fought for it nonetheless. So they gave him the strength and endurance if superman, unquestionable power. And what's supermans only weakness aside from kryptonute? Magic! What is Thor made up of entirely, magic! Then we have Bruce Wayne, a billionaire playboy that uses his brilliant mind and unlimited resources to right wrongs. Do I need to say who his counterpart is? Palmer, "the atom" used his genius to imbue himself with the ability to shrink or grow bigger yada yada yada...does the name Henry Pym ring any bells. Mr. Fantastic "borrowed" the powers of elongated man, Dr. Strange is Dr. Fate, Bucky turned Winter Soldier is Dick Grayson/Robin turned night wing or more probably Jason Todd turned Red Hood...Stan lee has admitted that the Avengers were only tried because of the success of the Justice Society. Then we come to the early 90's and Marvel created Deadpool. He's a 6'4 mercenary that uses extensive martial arts training mixed with the use of bladed weapons and automatic weapons. A tracker, and master tactician. He wears a mask that covers his whole face in a two tone color scheme. Oh, almost forgot! His name is Wade Wilson. More than a decade before deadpool, DC created a mercenary, nicknamed the terminator. This character is about 6'4, a master of all martial arts, uses bladed weapons (most favorably a sword) and a vast array of automatic weapons. He typically has a shell belt of ammunition across his chest whilst also wearing a two-toned mask. Ah, and his name, Slade Wilson. All Marvel did was copy an already existing successful character, copy him almost exactly and give him a few more powers lol... How deadpool ever came to be in a comic is unknown to me, if there was ever a blatant and outright case of copyright infringement. And the Sentry! Flying round with a huge 'S' on his chest lol, it's ridiculous. For every 10 mainstream characters that Marvel has, at least 3 of them have been ripped off of D.C....I say this with the fullest of confidences. And some of you might be saying, it's BS and Marvel is the best ya da yada some research and then try saying that same thing again...I have only mentioned a few of the most blatant cases. Check em' for yourself...
SouthyIrish1938 - 9/6/2013, 11:09 AM
Justice league was facing noooooo real competition when they were created.saying that Dc helped create the avengers out of competition is ridiculous, Justice SOCIETY as it was calle then was created with virtually no competition...Marvel created the Avengers to boost their sales, as DC was outselling them in every market. Monsters, westerns, etc. Marvel did nothing until DC did it first....
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