TDKR will beat The Avengers

TDKR will beat The Avengers

The Avengers vs. TDKR

Editorial Opinion
By TheShadow - Jun 04, 2011 09:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Other

Recently there was a poll posted on what movie you are most excited to see. It was between The Dark Knight Rises and The Avengers, with The Avengers in the lead with about a 200 vote lead. So, I thought I might share a few things.
We all know a big reason people don't like Nolan's Batman is because it does not resemble the comics and will not be featured in the Justice League. But if it was judged as an actual movie, that's different. Marvel is unleashing a lot of movies right now, and in somewhat of a rush. However, Nolan has put time and quality into their movies.
Marvel's films will never be what Nolan has done. The Dark Knight will always be known as the greatest comic book movie of all time. But, it won't be the most comic book acurate. Many people say that without Heath Ledger in TDK, it would of flopped. But one actor never makes a movie, it's a team that makes a movie. Yet when I look at Marvel's movies, I see a sloppy movie, but an entertaining movie.
Now let's movie on to TDKR vs. The Avengers. As far as cineamatography, TDKR will blow The Avengers away. TDKR will definetly have a better script, and a better cast. So if it was movie vs. movie, TDKR wins. The Avengers will be entertaining, but won't equal TDKR. I have talked to many people that are your average movie goers. Over 90 percent of them prefer realistic super heroes. so, I can tell you what will happen. In the end, TDKR will sell more than The Avengers, for one simple reason. The public loves Batman!
However, these will be the two highest selling movies of all time. In the end if you looking at the better movie, TDKR wins. Marvel will never beat Nolan. Mind me, Nolan is the glue that holds DC toegether. No matter what people say, he is one of the greatest directors of our time. And all arguements against that are opinion based.
So yes, a lot of people are excited about The Avengers, but TDKR will be a better movie.Which will sell more? It is honestly hard to tell, and we will have to wait to see.

Thanks and please comment.

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JBatesyFilmreviews - 6/5/2011, 2:39 AM
To be honest mate, it's not people don't like these batman films because of those reasons, people love em' theres a reason they grossed so much money, however Avengers is the most groundbreaking superhero film out there. They haven't got small actors playing the parts to stay in a certain budget like Justice league was going to do, they have created a universe with these different superheroes like iron man that can actually co-exhist and for a comic book fan, thats fricking awesome!!! :P
Hawksblueyes - 6/5/2011, 6:19 AM
First off, Marvel is doing exactly what they want to do with their films. Where everyone is getting that they are being rushed is beyond me. The planning for these films started years ago, just because they fail to inform the public of every little detail does not mean they are making it up as they go along.

Secondly, why the Hell is it so important for any of these films to "beat" the other?" Can nobody on this site enjoy both movies without it having to turn into an argument about which one is better? They are two different beasts, enjoy both for what they are.

Third, whether the Nolanites admit it or not, TDKR will do great (about like any of the other CBMs coming out now) along the line of BB. However, it will not do TDK numbers at the box office. Those numbers were greatly inflated by the fact that Ledger died before filming wrapped. The film had been on every NEWS Show every night for months.

Fourth, Ror's POLL was not which film will "beat" the other film (it seems like many of the CBM users either misread that or fail to understand what they read) it was which film are you most anticipating.

TheShadow - 6/5/2011, 7:17 AM
I agree with you all that The Avengers will be an excelent movie! I just PERSONALLY believe that TDKR will be better. It is an OPINION, but everyone has their own.
The only reason I think TDKR will out sell TDK is because the public was so impressed with TDK they want more.
Heck, I hate that Nolan didn't put his Batman in the DC universe. Byt, I still ebjoy what he is doing.
Batfan8675309 - 6/5/2011, 7:38 AM
Heath Ledger didn't die before TDK was finished filming folks!!! Check your facts! Heath Ledger died filming The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009). When he died his role was recast to Johnny Depp, Jude Law, and Collin Ferrel. And that movie sucked out loud. If his death had a part in the success of TDK then why didn't it help his other movie....?
TDK had it's success because of it's script. The story was taken seriuosly unlit some the the other previous comic book movies which relied on cgi and special effects instead of a good story.( The Hulk, both Fantastic Four 1&2, spiderman 3) Not to mention batman is by far one of the most popular comic book characters of all time.

With that said I'm not going to say which one,( the avengers or the dark knight rises) will do better because Im going to see both of them anyways. But in my opinion, think the dark knight rises will have much more success and gross income than TDK. But time will tell... Can't wait till next summer!!
Hawksblueyes - 6/5/2011, 8:27 AM
Batfan8675309: Ledger died in Jan of 2008 right after filming TDK.
marvel72 - 6/5/2011, 9:10 AM
batman films need the joker to successful,this film will do between $500-600 million it won't gross a billion like the dark knight did.

heath's death helped that.

both iron man films grossed over $580 & $600 million & he is in the avengers as well.

add all the other characters & you've got a massive hit.

the avengers are gonna own 2012.
TheShadow - 6/5/2011, 9:50 AM
On this site you are well known as a Nolan hater. You are a joke. Iron Man and Thor do not compare to The Dark Knight nor batman Begins. You are desperate ignoring the fact that The Dark Knight is one of the most praised films of all time. Do you want to know why people see Iron Man, and Thor? Because, They saw Batman Begins, and they saw The dark Knight.
Go up to the average movie goer that is not a comic fan, they will say they enjoyed The Dark Knight over any comic movie. And because of this, people want more. The Dark Knight Rises will earn more than you can imagine. the Avengers will flop and be one of the biggest dissapointments of our time.

Next time don't be so desperate defending Marvel.
TheShadow - 6/5/2011, 9:53 AM
nuff said
tehdude - 6/5/2011, 10:32 AM
First of all, obviously you've never seen any of Joss Whedon's stuff. It's just as "complex" as Nolan's work but more fun and light hearted. So... the avengers is gonna be fine. TDKR is got a higher chance of being the biggest dissapoinment of our time (look, i can speak in hyperbole too). second of all, Intruder is right, all this is is the diatribe of an insecure nolan fanboy. seriously dude. and the dark knight is teh suck compared to iron man. you fail.
tehdude - 6/5/2011, 10:53 AM
@Xenix- i know it doesn't suck. just trying to get a rise out of this guy for acting the way he is. i agree, its a good film. i actually liked it. but when he started saying that nobody likes these marvel films like they like TDK and how the avengers is going to flop and be a dissappointment... i just had to, you know? :P but i agree with you.
ComicBrooks - 6/5/2011, 11:40 AM
As far as I see it. Im getting a batman and avengers movie so idk who does better im getting two great movies!
TheShadow - 6/5/2011, 12:42 PM
There's no need to act like a bad@$$. If you actuall read the article I said that the Avengers would be a great movie, but TDKR will be better.

I realize they are an equal on Rotten tomatoes. However, TDK was reconized more with Oscars, ect. Iron man was a great movie, but not better than Iron Man.

To be honest I have a problem with people saying TDK was a bad movie. But I don't mind when their hardcore Marvel fanboys. I appreciate both Marvel and DC, I just don't attck the other.
TheShadow - 6/5/2011, 12:44 PM
Who has mon more film awards, Nolan or Whedon.
Nuff said.
TheShadow - 6/5/2011, 12:45 PM
who has won more film awards, Nolan or Whedon?
TheShadow - 6/5/2011, 12:54 PM
I do agree on a lot of aspects of what you said.
BigK1337 - 6/5/2011, 1:31 PM
Dark Knight Rises or The Avengers?
Simple. Avengers will be the better film.
Why? It is an actual first attempt at making the first super hero crossover film, director is a master at making group related works/ sci-fi stories, the most anticipated movie since 2008, and possibly the biggest movie project to ever been produce from a studio.

As much of a DC fanboy I am, Marvel seriously is bringing us one huge movie compare to Dc.
AC1 - 6/5/2011, 3:57 PM
Umm... why is the teaser a Superman logo? Just asking, I mean, I can't believe no one else has... this article has nothing to do with Superman. That logo's pretty misleading.

Anyhoo... You can't really compare them, because really, as much as it pains me to admit it, TDK is NOT a comic book movie. It's a film based on comic book characters, but it's too different to the comic continuity it's based on to be classed as a true CBM. It's like my third favourite film in the world, but it cant be compared to movies by companies like Marvel Studios.
I agree that I preferred TDK to all of Marvel's films, with Thor coming in a close second and Iron Man a close third, but Marvel make movies that are very comic book-ish.

TDKR will probably be the better movie, but Avengers is the only true CBM out of the 2. Plus TDKR has an advantage because Batman is much more well known than any member of the Avengers, the only one almost as well known to a general audience is Hulk.

To say TDKR will do better than Avengers is one thing, and is actually quite likely. But in no way will Avengers "flop", they'd have to recast every single role to be played by Lindsay Lohan for it to do badly. After all the positive reviews, reception, and tonnes of cash, all marvel's other movies have raked in, Avengers cant be a failure. I mean hell, everyone's enjoyed at least one Marvel Studios Movie, and obviously you'd want to see how that character develops. Avengers would bring in the fans of all those characters, and give TDKR a run for its money.

TDKR wont beat TDK at the box office, it'll come close, but it won't. And I don't think Avengers will be far behind.
FEJ - 6/5/2011, 4:24 PM
Hope Avengers doesn't turn out to be too many chiefs not enough indians. There has never been a movie with so many A list heroes.
JediJoker515 - 6/5/2011, 9:12 PM
wiLco - 6/6/2011, 1:36 AM
I don't know how you can say Iron Man and Dark Knight are comparable just because they both have a 94% rating on rottentomatoes. The rating is only there to indicate whether a critic liked it or not. The "average rating" is where someone can really dissect whether or not the movie was amazing or not.

Iron Man has an average rating of 7.6, whereas Dark Knight's is at 8.4. 0.1 of a difference is huge for this particular rating, and it really reflects in both movies. For instance, Iron Man has some really amazing scenes, but after watching it over and over again, I find myself skipping a lot of the scenes, whereas in the Dark Knight I can watch it from beginning to end.

Also, since you claim to say that Nolan's films are good only because of actors, how is it that he could think of such imaginary stuff such as Memento or Inception?
ThreeBigTacos - 6/6/2011, 8:20 AM
TheShadow: can you suck off Nolan any harder? He's a good director, yes, but cmon dude, he's not GOD. Marvel hasn't rushed any movies, this has all been planned out years ago, and further more, Heath Ledger did improve Dark Knight's income. You don't know how many people came in to my theater asking for 'the movie Heath Ledger is in' not even mentioning its a Batman movie.

The Dark Knight is a great movie, but I prefere to watch Iron Man because I like the light-heartedness more. Actually scratch that, beneath the surface, Iron Man can be considered to have a dark undertone as well.
TheShadow - 6/6/2011, 11:14 AM
If TDK did not have Ledger, it would have done the same. People do not say Ledger, they say Joker. They liked the movie because fo Joker, not Ledger. And it did nor un on him alone, every actor hade a stellar prefromance.
The Joker had a huge part in the movie, and he is an epic character. But that is not why people see the movie, they go to it to see Batman fight the villain. Just like they go to see Iron Man, even if Iron Man has Sh*t villains(So far).
The love people had for The Dark Knight makes them want more. Which, is exactly why TDKR will do better than The Avengers. Nolan is and amazing director, and makes good films.
If you compare TDK to Marvel films in general TDK always wins. Every poll and most every person will back that. The fact is, people love DC characters more than Marvel. The ONLY REASON Marvel movies sell is because there are no DC movies out, and they are entertaining movie. Every fanboy will see them, that's just the way it is, I will see them. And this entertainment value,and the cast and crew, is exactly why The Avengers will do good. Not, because it is better than TDK. that is why, they will have very close sales.
TheShadow - 6/6/2011, 11:17 AM
And you have no idea how many people still back Ledger and will see TDKR. TDK sucess only HELPS TDKR, that's what you don't realize.
ThreeBigTacos - 6/6/2011, 11:38 AM
Shadow: if we're playing by that rule, then all the people that back up the super stars in Avengers will make it a huge sucess
Cartoon - 6/6/2011, 11:45 AM
@TheShadow I don't think you could've written a worse article. I get that you love Nolan and TDK, but your entire arguement is one based on your own opinions. "Nolan is the greatest director of our times and all arguments against that are opinion based." No shit. ALL "greatest ever" arguments are opinions, including yours. "Nolan is the glue that holds DC together." Nolan's making one more movie for DC and producing another. That's not exactly being the glue for all of DC. If you said that he's Batman's glue, that would've been true. And simply saying that one script that you haven't read is better than another script you haven't read is idiotic. Your entire argument is flawed by your love of Nolan, your assumptions of what TDKR is going to be, and your ignorance of how Marvel's been building their cinematic universe. And saying that one movie's gonna beat another is just asinine. One comes out in May, the other in September. They're not going to be put head to head, so neither will beat the other. It's that simple.
wiLco - 6/7/2011, 2:07 AM
I could care less about this argument with DC vs Marvel. In general, I think Marvel has more interesting and well known characters. But the fact of the matter is that TDK stands on its on its own as not only one of the greatest comic book movies ever made, but one of the greatest movies ever made in it self. I don't think I can say that with any Marvel movie that has been released thus far. Just because Marvel's been "building their cinematic universe" means what exactly? More is better?

Cartoon - 6/7/2011, 9:23 PM
I wasn't arguing DC vs Marvel, I was stating that the article was terribly written. I am by no means a TDK hater, I love that movie. A matter of fact, I didn't bash that movie at all in my comment. Personally, I can't wait to see both movies, The Avengers a little bit more tbh. TDKR will be awesome, no doubt about it, but The Avengers is doing something NOBODY's ever done before, bringing together a huge ensemble cast from different movies. As far as your comment "I think Marvel has more interesting and well know characters," the characters Marvel owns aren't all the huge names like the X-Men, Spider-Man, and Fantastic Four, but a few big ones and some lesser knowns (e.g., Thor, Hawkeye, Black Widow). I think that DC actually owns all the more familiar heroes like Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, but they are infinately less interesting (save Batman) than Marvel's characters.

All in all, I think that you misunderstood my first comment and overreacted. I'm not a Nolan hater nor a blind Marvel fanboy. I will acknowledge that TDK was an amazing piece of cinema, but I personally cannot wait to see how Marvel Studios' cinematic universe plays out when Avengers hits next year.
GoblinBomber - 6/10/2011, 8:16 AM
everyone knows the dkr is going to be amazing. no one doubts that. but the avengers has so much more potential than the dark knight. because what will come out of another good batman movie? another batman movie. and what will come out of a good avengers movie? a whole bunch of other movies with heroes colliding with one another. i honestly think dc is just waiting to see if marvel can pull off a grouped hero movie. in my opinion i think avengers will be better. just because its something we've never seen in a movie before
Fogs - 10/7/2011, 6:44 AM
I don't think the grossing will be a good parameter. If it was Avatar would be the best movie EVER.

They'll be both probably really good but for very different reasons.
Fogs - 10/7/2011, 6:52 AM
I almost agree with the line "Dark Knight will always be known as the greatest comic book movie of all time. But, it won't be the most comic book acurate"

I don't know it TDK is the greatest CBM because the greatest COMIC BOOK MOVIE title requires certain Comic Book elements.

I agree, though, that AS A MOVIE (story, cinematography, etc) it is. But it would be SO MUCH BETTER if the Batman, the main and most important character was the Batman we know from the Comics. That's actually my only issue with Nolan's work.
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