Koenig's Kid Found Dead

Koenig's Kid Found Dead

The search for Andrew Koenig has come to a tragic end. A very sad day for Chekov and anyone who knows anybody who has battled depression.

By DeathWalker - Feb 25, 2010 07:02 PM EST
Filed Under: Sci-Fi
Source: E!

After a high-profile, weeklong hunt for the former Growing Pains star, Vancouver police announced Thursday that they believe they have found the body of the 41-year-old in the park where he was last seen alive 11 days ago.

The remains were discovered around noon in the expansive Stanley Park. More details are expected to be announced at a 5 p.m. press conference.

Police launched an exhaustive search for the actor-filmmaker on Sunday, when he was reported missing after failing to board his flight back to the U.S.

Koenig, who had a history of depression, was last seen just two days earlier, on Feb. 14.

His disappearance prompted multiple public and heartfelt pleas from his parents, Walter and Judith Koenig, while numerous famous friends sounded the alarm online.

Andrew was best remembered for his role on "Growing Pains," but many Batman fans remember him for his role as the Joker in the "Batman: Dead End" short film.

Sorry if this was second class, but this was my first post and I wanted to post it because I use to battle depression and it isn't fun.....

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DeathWalker - 2/25/2010, 8:00 PM
I never knew Andrew Koenig was The Joker in Batman Dead End till now.
Minotauro - 2/25/2010, 8:01 PM
I guess he didn't get the joke..
Phinehas - 2/25/2010, 8:03 PM
Wow, very too bad.
DeathWalker - 2/25/2010, 8:08 PM
Yeah Depression kicks your ass. I am lucky I have a lot of really good friends who helped me big time.
RockNRollCC - 2/25/2010, 8:12 PM
it was good until AVP came in...
DogsOfWar - 2/25/2010, 8:16 PM
Sad news. Depression is a tough beast to battle. My condolences to his family.

@DeathWalker-keep up the good fight

@Minotauro-poor form dude
DeathWalker - 2/25/2010, 8:18 PM
@ Dogs..........Thanks man appreciate that.
Phinehas - 2/25/2010, 8:18 PM
I know you can't speak for A.Koenig, but why couldn't one turn to parents, friends, or God? It seemed his father Walter (Chekhov from Star Trek) genuinely cared for him. He still got work here and there, obviously. What is it that typically brings one down so low with clinical depression? What did you dwell on in your lowest points? You can speak in generalities so that you don't spill any personal info. Its obvious I don't suffer from it. I just don't know that level of depression where all is hopeless. There's always another sunrise (except of course, for the unforeseen).
DeathWalker - 2/25/2010, 8:28 PM
You think you have no friends or anyone around you that cares even if you do and you ALWAYS see the negative in people and in life. You get lazy and you feel like you are always tired. Some people take drugs to feel better to get out of the funk, but its only a temp feeling. And that just makes things worse. For me it was caused from hurting my lower back. I couldn't do alot of things that I was use to doing and I was taking percs for the pain. I use to be in great shape and for a while I lost it all. I know that sounds petty but it was a way of life for me.

I started drinking and it seemed the whole world was against me especially God. It took a lot of friends and my fiance (now) to get me back to the real world and to start enjoying life again. It has been 2 years and I can never see myself going back into the dark place ever again, but let me tell you this I wouldn't wish anybody to go through that feeling and I feel for Andrew Koenig's family because I know they feel they wished they could have done something more....
Phinehas - 2/25/2010, 8:36 PM
That's pretty rough. Thanks for sharing some of your life in here. That's a bold thing to open up in here and give a little of yourself. I won't abuse your trust. :)
DeathWalker - 2/25/2010, 8:40 PM
Thanks Phinehas, I see people on here like a second family so its cool. Telling a story you always hope someone is listening and if by chance it helps one person then I say tell it like it is especially if it is from the heart.
theartofoneness - 2/25/2010, 8:42 PM
Interesting article, peace to him
Phinehas - 2/25/2010, 8:43 PM
"Telling a story you always hope someone is listening and if by chance it helps one person then I say tell it like it is especially if it is from the heart."

Very true. Keep up the good and true fight!
DeathWalker - 2/25/2010, 8:44 PM
BTW thank you CBM for cleaning up the article and adding the pic and making it nicer. Sorry again. Kudos
CarnageNeverFails - 2/25/2010, 8:45 PM
@rocknroll, Areyou serious? "It was good until AVP came in? Wow, i know this is opinion but being a huge fan of sandy, predator and aliens. AVP was a huge waste of money, time and life. Dead End on the other hand was phenominal and i enjoyed that 8 minute movie more than the whole AVP series of movies. At least sandy got the predators and aliens right... unlike Anderson
DeathWalker - 2/25/2010, 8:48 PM
Thanks again Phinehas.
InFamouslyCool - 2/25/2010, 9:02 PM

..you're the joke. pathetic loser.
EditNinja - 2/25/2010, 9:36 PM
Yeah, I'd rather remember his excellent depiction of the Joker in Batman: Dead End before thinking of him as 'Walter Koenig's kid'. He was great in that.
Rest In Peace.
Nightwing09 - 2/25/2010, 9:57 PM
R.I.P Man
CorndogBurglar - 2/25/2010, 10:06 PM
@ mintauro

seriusly, man? you're the worst kind of asshole. go [frick] yourself you goddamn prick.
Ugh - 2/25/2010, 10:25 PM
Everybody@ Chill out on the Minotauro hate. Comments like that come from two kinds of people: those who haven't gone through it and don't know the gravity of their words; or those who have gone through this pain themselves and see something funny in such a humor-less situation. As a dude whos going through something similar (Deathwalker@ one of the best ways I heard someone describing their own pain, man); humor, even the bad taste kind, gives me the chuckle I need to take the edge off. Either way, via con dios Andy.
OverCross - 2/25/2010, 10:25 PM
I enjoyed him as The Joker

Rest. In. Peace.
JediJoker515 - 2/25/2010, 10:43 PM
Aw man, this is so sad, RIP Andy. I know what depression is like, and it's so sad when people can't find their way back. If it wasn't for my family I wouldn't have been able to battle my depression. My condolences to his family, and again RIP
NERO - 2/25/2010, 10:53 PM
That's just horrible, my deepest sympathies to Mr. Koenig and family.
KiddSoul - 2/25/2010, 11:37 PM
@Deathwalker: Thats very personal to share man. That is apart of reality.Some of my closest friends battled with depression and suicide.

Glad I was there to help them see that life is good without judging or criticizing them. Peace. :)

Andrew Koenig R.I.P...

@Minotauro: You so foul!
GuyFawkes - 2/26/2010, 1:03 AM
Too bad, RIP Andrew...
TheZoan - 2/26/2010, 1:44 AM
Thanx Deathwalker, you helping alot of us. Depression is a debilitating disease. It can bring down the best of us. It is something quite demonic i'd say. Even if you have everything & the whole world's good to you, once depression sets in it all goes down. Thanx for this post. It may save some lives.
DeathWalker - 2/26/2010, 3:00 AM
@ UGH it was a little hard to write, but it helps to describe what its like so you know that there is A LOT of great stuff in this world and that there are A LOT of people who care for you even for people like Minotauro.

@ JediJoker515 stay strong and always think positive and on this site look at all the boobs that pop up. Isn't that something that keeps you smiling (o:

@ TheZoan........Whoa. Heavy words my friend, but so VERY true. You got exactly why I did this post. I never saw myself to do an article on here, but when I heard how Andrew died I had something inside tell me to do it. Please if you ever need anything give me a shout out at [email protected] Depression sucks @ss big time but waking up knowing that there are people that truly care and that there is so much more to life is so worth getting up everyday and noticing the little things in life (a kid smiling, LEEE being over dramatic with things, Teabag posting some of the most beautiful pics, Grif being Grif,)LOL........Life can be so great and fun if you really open your eyes and let the right feelings in.

Ugh - 2/26/2010, 3:31 AM
DeathWalker@ I know, man. It feels like you might lessen yourself in discussing what afflicts you, when getting some of this stuff off your back might get you through it. What gets me through the endless misery that seems to be my life is the kind words of family, the funny remarks of friends, and a punching dummy I call Bob. Hitting things helps me vent. And quick side note, I find it funny some profound stuff coming from a dude with avatar like yours. I still gotta tell people at work I'm not cruising porn/sexy singles sites because of that thing. I'm not asking you to change it. I just think its funny. Hehehe.
DeathWalker - 2/26/2010, 4:18 AM
Hey Ugh never judge a book by its cover right? LOL I am sorry about the Avatar (a little), but the little things keep me going. Just kidding.

BTW can I borrow Bob?
MarkCassidy - 2/26/2010, 5:32 AM
Damn, was hoping he just took a bit of time out from stuff. R.I.P
DeathWalker - 2/26/2010, 6:38 AM
LOL @ teabag. So thats the reason about the Smallville comments? Wow that does suck for you I wasn't that bad as you but i screwed up my lower back pretty bad and was screwed up for a year or so. It does suck and Kudos to you for getting back on your feet.
Shaman - 2/26/2010, 6:53 AM
Come back to us soon Andy. Now you know the truth and i'm sure you're eager to come back ;)

DeathWalker- Beautiful gesture and comments!

TheZoan/Ugh/DeathWalker- You know, most people that do feel depressed are actually shutting themselves off from everything around them. They do it deliberately but not for kicks. They do it because they feel like they don't quite "fit" in life's equation. And so they take themselves out of the equation. But the truth is that without knowing, they chose to go to one end of the curb while most people are in the middle. But what if you examine what's at the opposite end? The people who are at the other end are the enlightened ones. And it's as easy to go to that end as it was for you to go to yours. What people don't realise is that they see the enlightened ones as being unattainable lighthouses when in reality, all they are is there own flashlight only they seem to shine brighter than everyone else. They have become so sure of their own light that they start lighting the way for everyone around them. The "truth" is that EVERYONE is there own flashlight but everyone has the choice to shine bright enough for everyone to see, spend life in the middle thinking that their flashlight will never be a lighthouse or... shut their light off. There is a higher truth out there that goes beyond "flashlights and lighthouse" but it isn't anyone's place to tell you what that is. As a Shaman, i learned very early that everyone must walk their own path and find the truth for themselves. So just use your flashlights ;) No one is doomed to darkness regardless how they perceive life around them. The only person with their finger on your lightswitch is yourselves.
TheGerman - 2/26/2010, 7:25 AM
HI this is the first time i post ( im following since Spidey 1 or x-men)

I just wanna say Andrew Koenig R.I.P...

@ deadwalker great article and great inside view i had my troubbles with depressions too so i really apreaciated...

btw. please forgive me my crappy english
comicb00kguy - 2/26/2010, 7:53 AM
When he didn't turn up in a day or two, I had a bad feeling that we'd be seeing this story. The tragic thing here is that this guy had the means to afford some good psychiatric care that could have helped him beat that depression. My condolences and prayers go out to the Koenig family and his friends.

DeathWalker: thanks for sharing that personal testimonial. Nobody can really understand what some people in the world are going through like someone who's walked in those shoes himself. I'm glad you're doing better. Sounds like you're lucky enough to have a really good woman and a great circle of true friends.
DeathWalker - 2/26/2010, 8:06 AM
@SHAMAN thanks and you yourself did a very nice job on your own comments and it was very nice written and it hit a nice spot in me. Very nice work Bro.

@ The German first welcome aboard and thank you. I am happy this helped you it is the main reason why i posted this. Keep strong and like Shaman said look for a brighter light, there is one ALWAYS there you just have to want to see it.
DeathWalker - 2/26/2010, 8:09 AM
@ necrosage it was my pleasure....

@ comicguy I really do have a great woman and I really wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her. She is my savior (and she is hot too so I win double points)thanks for caring dude.
TheGerman - 2/26/2010, 8:14 AM
@DeathWalker thx for the welcome Dude
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