noahthegrand and ILoveStargirl present: Amazing Slingers part 4: The Grand Finale!

noahthegrand and ILoveStargirl present: Amazing Slingers part 4: The Grand Finale!

The grand finale to everything that has been building! The ultimate battle against Gabriel Stacy and the Goblin Nation begins. The ultimate conclusion!

Editorial Opinion
By noahthegrand - May 02, 2019 09:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Spider-Man
Source: Comic Book Movie







In this arc, the entirety of the remaining Slingers and Spectacular Six have gotten together


Peter Parker


Mary Jane Parker


Miles Morales


Sarah Stacy




May Parker




Doc Ock








Harry Osborn


Liz Allen


They’re also in contact with heroes like






Hobie Brown/ The Prowler






and The Defenders, Avengers, and Fantastic Four


As well as Mayor Matt Murdock


Basically, all crime in New York has disappeared, from the biggest supervillains to even minor graffiti. The heroes are helping to clean up after The Goblin Nation, now one of the most powerful criminal empires in history, attacked Parker Industries and Alchamax.


Peter is now out of the job as Donald Menken, with the help of Goblin Nation, has taken over as CEO of Parker Industries, and by extension, the Daily Bugle and Alchemax, which through the manipulations of Gabriel Stacy, came to be owned by Peter Parker.


Normie Osborn has been kidnapped by Karlicuper and The Beast of the Hand possesses Mysterio.


Ana Kravinoff is now missing after going after Gabriel Stacy alone.


Ben Reilly has disappeared to team up with his archenemy the Jackal, an evil version of himself, to find his missing adoptive teen son figure Fabian LeMuerto, son of the Black Tarantula. In return, the Jackal wants help in destroying Goblin Nation so he can retake control over the criminal organizations Gabriel stole from him.


They split off into two teams


Team Normie


And Team Ana


To find their missing fellow heroes




Liz Allen


Harry Osborn


May Parker


Peter Parker


Mary Jane




Miles Morales




Sarah Stacy/Ghost Spider






The remaining heroes on the main teams like




Doc Ock




will be attempting to find out what Gabriel has planned with the help of New York’s other heroes


Team Ana, led by Miles, will go after Hypno Hustler for information, as he’s made a deal to give over information on his fellow criminals to the Slingers previously. He’s hiding out as the New Goblin Nation has ordered all criminals to stop committing crimes until they get the ok from Gabriel Stacy. He also knows that Kraven The Hunter is one of the Ravencroft escapees now working for Gabriel and could be behind Ana’s disappearance.


Team Normie will decide to go after Donald Menken, who they believe works for Gabriel.


Peter calls Anna Maria.


Anna Maria tells Peter that Donald Menkin is by far the worst boss she has ever had. He actually cancelled Christmas. Not just the winter break they get, but the holiday itself is no longer allowed at Parker Industries. And Hanukkah is cancelled too. Kwanzaa is safe, but that might just be because he doesn’t know what Kwanzaa is. Anna will unlock the secret tunnels into Parker Industries so they can get in.


MJ and May distract security by openly trying to break in our front as the rest of them get in through the tunnels and attempt to get to Donald Menken’s office when Goblin Nation members attack and in a worst case scenario, have the new Iron Spider armor painted green and purple. They fight, Liz melts down the suit so it can’t be replicated. They get to his empty office and find the locations of various Goblin Nation bases throughout the city like the now destroyed roller rink Carlie Cooper/ the succubus Karlicuper used to go to and Shadowland.




Donald Menken visits the Daily Bugle, which he now owns, and tells Jameson how much he admired his earlier work. He has “Spider-Man: Threat or Menace” framed on the wall in his home. Jameson is flattered by this. Menken reveals the reason he’s here is that as the media arm of Parker Industries, he thinks that The Daily Bugle should every so often run a mandatory story sent down from their superiors. Jameson, Betty Brant and Robbie discuss it, and tell Menken that that seems unethical. Betty decides they would have to see some examples. Their readers trust them. Menken understands that, the fact that they’re trusted is why Menken wants them to do this. He reveals their first three mandatory stories:








Betty Brant, Jameson, Urich, and Robbie all tell Menken they can’t run these. Menken accuses them of being biased against him and tells them they don’t have a choice!  Either run it, or they’re fired. Betty tells the staff of the Daily Bugle this ultimatum, and the entire staff of the Bugle decides to quit.


Menken decides to bring in a new staff made up of members of the Scrier Cult.


He gets a call that Mary Jane and her “brat kid” are trying to break in and heads back to Parker Industries. Menken leaves to go back and the heroes in his office steal the files on the various Goblin Nation bases and escape. Menken finds out his files are gone and realizes the only way they could have gotten in is if there was a double agent in his company.


Meanwhile Doc Ock, Clash, and Venom will visit Mayor Murdoch to get information on how many prisoners are out of Ravencroft and the Raft and who they are as they can’t use Parker Industries anymore. We will learn that Aaron Davis is out.


Team Ana


Will try to track down Kraven, and team up with Puma. It’s not that difficult to find him, because The Grim Hybrid, Kraven’s two sons merged into a conjoined twin abomination by Calypso’s magic, attacks them. Puma, Sarah, and Kaine battle Grim Hybrid and Sandman, Silk, and Miles fight Kraven. This younger version of Silk plucked from the timeline isn’t the expert fighter the older one was, so she’s hopelessly outmatched against Kraven. Sandman helps to capture Kraven and the Grim Hybrid, and Miles wants to know where Ana is. Kraven doesn’t know or care about his daughter, and is only here to kill Miles for dishonoring his family name by dating his daughter. Kraven reveals secret bombs he set up while stalking them like a predator that turn parts of sandman into glass and he and Grim Hybrid escape. Kraven will fight Puma before eventually having Grim Hybrid knock him down so they can escape. Before leaving Kraven tried one more time to kill Miles, but fails. Sandman reconstituted himself using new sand from nearby.


With team Normie, May begins to feel tired and have chest pains when she uses her powers. She falls over in pain but fortunately Cardiac, a superhero who in his civilian identity is a physician and surgeon was nearby to help as one of the heroes Doc Ock, Clash, and Venom have been in contact with.  MJ and Peter have to leave with Cardiac to take her to the hospital. Harry and Liz tell them that they have to take care of May and the two of them will look for Normie alone. No doctor is able to find out what is wrong, so Peter and MJ call Mr. Fantastic to take a look at her and bring her to the Baxter Building.


Ana Kravinoff meanwhile, is buried alive underneath the destroyed Roller Rink. Her leg is pinned under rubble, and she’s trying to gain back the strength to lift up after her fight with Gabriel to lift the rubble and free herself. Eventually, she’s able to use a metal bar as leverage to free her leg, but she has a new problem, she’s still buried alive.


With team Normie broken up, it’s just Harry and Liz searching for their son alone, and they decide to go through each of The Goblin Nation bases one by one.


Meanwhile, we reveal Peter managed to grab some things from Parker Industries he didn’t want falling into the wrong hands that he wants the Fantastic Four to hold onto until he can get his company back. The most important being a box of Parker Particles as well as a microscopic spider-submarine Peter and Ant-man built together. This submarine is now kept on a microscope slide. Mr. Fantastic can’t figure out what’s wrong, until he does some microscopic scans and discovers the horrifying truth. There is an actively malevolent virus attacking her immune system from inside her body!!!!


Mr. Fantastic tells Peter it’s unlike anything he’s seen, it may not even be from earth. As far as he knows, nothing can stop the virus.


Cardiac tells them he knows what needs to be done. If someone doesn’t shrink to microscopic size and kill the virus inside of the Spider-Sub, Spider-Girl will die!


Mysterio, his body now possessed by the demonic Beast of the Hand, performs a ritual with hand ninjas.  As Mysterio’s ritual is completed, the entire city is suddenly filled with supernatural mist.

Doc Ock, Clash, and Venom realize they’ve just lost they’re connection to everyone. They realize that the signals have all been scrambled. This mist is going to keep anyone in the city from sending any electronic messages.


Outside, none of them can see anything in the fog, it’s too thick. Mayor Murdoch, luckily enough, can use his radar sense to see…


Every criminal in the city has just simultaneously leaped into action! Banks, jewelry stores, museums are being robbed simultaneously by White Rabbit and a gang of d list animal themed villains. Across the city, police stations are being attacked by the Goblin Nation, any hero out in the open, including Jackpot, Cloak and Dagger, Liz and Harry, Team Ana, and the Defenders are suddenly attacked by a combination of undead ninjas and robots!


Sarah tells everyone it's a show of power from her brother, he’s trying to show all the villains they were right to make him their leader and at the same time cripple the city.


Just before the fog came, team Ana had gotten the locations of all the bases from team Normie and had been going to check out the Roller Rink, but instead, they turn around towards The Sanctum Sanctorum as they know this has to be The Beast and they’ll need help to defeat him.


Meanwhile, Ana has realized the pocket she’s in buried beneath the collapsed rink is going to cave in soon. The rubble above her is already cracking. Ana has a theory she may be running out of oxygen too, or maybe she has a concussion, because what appears to be the ghost of her mother is taunting her.  Ana tries to ignore the oxygen deprived hallucination and look for an area to dig herself it from. The only problem is it’s pitch black down here and while she has been trained by her family to hunt in near complete darkness, it’s still difficult. Her hallucination is currently asking Ana why she killed her? Ana tells her mom that she didn’t kill her, she’s just lying like she always does when she wants Ana to do something…. always did when she wanted she means. Ana's mom tells Ana she bumped into her in the fight, she should have had better coordination than that. Ana reminds herself she's hullucinating.


Backstory, Ana got the inhuman power to raise the dead with one touch and re-kill the dead with a second touch but vowed never to use it again when she decided to bring her mother back to life but in a battle against the Slingers bumped into her and caused her to die again.


Outside the Baxter Building, an army of dinosaur-scorpion hybrids attack, outfitted with laser guns. Peter, The Thing, and Human Torch Head out to fight them off as Mr. Fantastic prepares to shrink Cardiac. The magical fog is messing with the Baxter Building technology, so the building is locked down and power is set to the personal generators. If the Scorpion-Dino hybrids get in and destroy the generators, May’s life support will be shut off. Cardiac shrinks down and enters May’s bloodstream in the Spider-Sub. He has to save May, he won’t let his patient die. Mr. Fantastic asks Cardiac what he sees, when the submarine is attacked by symbiotes!!!!


Outside, the villainous Scorpion reveals himself as the mastermind of this plot, and battles Peter Parker. Peter hasn’t been Spider-Man for months, he’s rusty, and Scorpion is beating the heck out of him.



Human Torch joins in th fight against Scorpion, and we get some of the classic Human Torch Peter Parker friendship, with them taking turns insulting Scorpion for deciding to change back to his old costume instead of the more powerful exoskeleton suit he’s usually wearing these days. We will flashback and learn it was an order from Gabriel Stacy, who now that he’s the leader of one of the largest criminal organizations in history, has gotten a bit more eccentric and also, very much into micromanaging all his henchmen. The reason Scorpion was in his old costume was because Gabriel Stacy couldn’t stop remembering Ranjeeta Ratha telling him she thought Scorpion was the deadlier villain. So basically, he’s making Scorpion less effective out of that.


The only ones who aren’t having this are the Hand, who demand respect in their interactions with Gabriel.


Meanwhile, Team Ana makes it to the Sanctum Sanctorum, which is forcefielded. Wong lets them in and we learn that the good doctor is out, battling Mephisto’s daughter  Mephista talongside Loki. However, the Midnight Sons are here:


Agent Toxin




Jennifer Kale






Werewolf By Night


This mystical fog is coming from Shadowland, and to stop it, they must defeat The Beast. Miles will ask about Normie and Ana, and Wong will do a quick spell. Demon magic hides their location, there is no telling if they are alive or dead.


Meanwhile, city hall representatives and law enforcement have barricaded the doors of city hall from the ninja army outside, but ninjas are coming in from the windows, and the mayo is missing. They don’t have anyone giving orders on what to do. Should they call SHIELD? Daredevil arrives as ninjas break through the barriers and he battles The Hand in a hallway fight(it’s a hallway fight because I miss daredevil on Netflix)


Daredevil will lead all of the cops and civil servants down to the basement, and we learn that many of the cops in the area around city hall has been made more militarized by Murdoch’s predecessor Fisk. So, some of them have grenades. Daredevil uses his radar sense to find the weakest point between the basement and the sewers beneath and blow a hole in it. Everyone escapes as ninjas take over city hall.


The hand is with a living version of The Beast helping them on this plane of existence, more powerful than ever and seem to be moving towards an unknown endgame they refer to as

“the time of blood and sacrifice”


In the sewers, Daredevil will end up having to fight and defeat the rat human hybrid Vermin, who recently broke out of Ravencroft.


Eventually, he will make it a nearby police station being kept together by…. Yuri Watanabe!!!


The Midnight sons and team Ana will team up with the Defenders and several other street level heroes, and Miles struggles with the fact Ana is out there somewhere needing help, but right now the city needs him, he hopes that saving the city against The Beast will help to keep her safe.


So, the team ready to fight the Hand in Shadowland is….


Miles Morales


Sarah Stacy








Agent Toxin




Jennifer Kale, a powerful witch




Satana, daughter of Satan


Werewolf by night




Luke Cage


Iron Fist


Jessica Jones


Colleen Wing


Misty Knight






Wraith/ Yuri Watanabe


The only ghost rider in New York is currently with the Avengers who they can’t contact due to the fog.


Meanwhile at the Baxter Building, Scorpion’s new partner Stegron the Dinosaur man is battling The Thing while riding a giant prehistoric Scorpion like a horse.


Cardiac is fighting off the symbiotes, using his powerful pulse staff, and we learn the symbiotes have the same green and red color scheme Lee Price has had ever since he merged with an entire city of Symbiotes back in Maniac-Hatten.


Meanwhile, both Reed and Sue storm will work on keeping May’s life support systems working. She tells Cardiac that Maniac has to be in May’s body somewhere, as the mind connecting the symbiote. These aren’t symbiotes shrunk down, they’re one regular sized symbiote being used by a tiny symbiote host. Cardiac won’t let May die! His brother died even though the pharmaceuticals to save him where available, in this submarine he has everything he needs to save May, and he will not let her die! Cardiac wants Reed Richards to use sonic weapons on May, but it’s too dangerous, the symbiote could kill her if it lashes out at them in her weak state. Sue determines with the medical technology trace Pym Particles in May’s ear, moving towards her brain! That’s where Lee Price is!


Scorpion and Stegron will crash into the Baxter Building before scaling the building on their giant Scorpion! MJ and Sue Storm get laser guns to shoot at the giant Scorpion from the window. Spider-Man manages to knock Scorpion off and fights him solo on one of the lower floors of the Baxter Building! Scorpion taunts Peter about how he's always been second best to his other villains, like Osborn and Octavia’s, but now he’s going to do something neither of them ever could and kill his daughter!!!! Peter’s desire to protect his daughter outway how much out of habit as Spider-Man he is, and he knocks out Scorpion with a powerful punch!!! Human Torch sets the giant monster prehistoric scorpion aflame and Stegron escapes into the fog knowing he’s lost. Scorpion, wakes up and destroys the Baxter Building generators plunging the building into darkness before Peter can web him up! It’s all on Cardiac now, who has made it to May Parker’s brain and is preparing to attack her brain stem, specifically the part of the brain stem that reminds you to breathe!!!! Cardiac’s submarine is destroyed by the symbiote and he’s forced to eject and fight Lee Price on the brain stem!!!


Donald Menken with several corrupt policemen working for the Goblin Nation arrive in the Baxter Building with warrants for May and Mary Jane Parker’s arrest. Menken demands May and MJ both be arrested for trying to break into his building. Mr Fantastic and Sue Storm tell them that May is in the middle of a life threatening operation. Menken tells them she can be operated on in juvenile prison! Human Torch and The Thing, returning into the building now that the fight is over try to stall, the Thing picking up Menken with two fingers by his jacket who claims this is assault. Arrest all of them!


Sue Storm uses the skills she’s learned as a mother to guilt the officers into shame over trying to attack a defenseless little girl that no one except Donald Menken has any proof tried to break into Parker Industries, and asks to see the warrants they claim they have. The officers seem to have misplaced them, and leave. MJ wants Sue to teach her how to do that.


Cardiac battles Lee Price away from the brain, into the bloodstream, and through the upper layer of skin, until they’re fighting on her forehead! The heat of the UV lamps around May’s body burn away Lee’s symbiote, he attempts to call more of his symbiote from inside her body but Cardiac orders that pym particles be shot at May’s head just before Lee can merge with it! They return to full size and Lee’s symbiote leaps out of May to reconnect with him when Invisible woman creates a forcefield between Lee and his symbiote!


May is safe, will after a few hours of sleep be recovering, and both Lee Price and Mac Gargan have been captured.


Liz Allen and Harry Osborn meanwhile check out one of Gabriel Stacy’s safehouses, believing it could have Normie, but it winds up being at trap, set by…. The Scriar Cult!!!!



The Scrier Cult will basically ignore Liz Allen/ Starblaze, and use some high tech weapons (forcefield shields, laser guns, electric bolos and nets) to attack Harry! Liz is destructed by a Screr cultist who uses a live model decoy of Normie to trick Liz into leaving her husband behind to save him!


By the time it’s revealed to be a trap, the Scrier’s have teleported away with Harry.


Harry will be taken to the Scrier base at Norman Osborn’s old mansion, and we will get some backstory.


Years ago, Norman Osborn joined the Cabal of Scrier in Europe and rose through the ranks, using them for various plots against Spider-Man, while doing this, he gained the trust and friendship of several members, each of them a powerful businessman who’s resources Norman could use, who came to see him as a chosen one that would eventually take over the world, they broke off from the Cabal of Scrier and became The Scrier Cult, leading to Norman Osborn taking over hell and transforming the earth into a post apocalyptic wasteland. This version of the Scrier’s were part of demon Norman’s inner sanctum, his high priests of evil, this group even included one Donald Menken, who had never worshipped Norman like the others, and only joined him for the power and status. Eventually they killed Menken for not being a true believer. When they learned Spider-Man and Loki planned to use the time stone to go back and stop Norman from becoming king of hell, they performed a magic spell so that they could remember everything once the universe was reset, and so that they could continue to plot to take over the world alongside Gabriel Stacy. Menken remembers nothing, but the rest of them do.


They gave Gabriel the money, weapons, and henchmen he needed to fight Spider-Man, all the while attempting to find a way to bring the cryogenically frozen corpse of Norman Osborn back to life. Secretly leeching off of the Beast of the Hand’s power, they now have a way to bring Norman Osborn back to life, but they must destroy Norman Osborn’s greatest weakness to do this…


Harry Osborn!!!


Liz Allen will manage to track her husband down as the Osborn Mansion is listed as one of the bases of Gabriel’s agents, and disrupt the ritual!


In this story, we go into some of Liz’s history. She was driven insane by the Osborn legacy, in many ways it has almost destroyed her family, it temporarily turned one son into a supervillain, it scarred her husbands face, it crippled her other son Stanley, it left her mind destroyed and her locked up in Ravencroft for months slowly healing her psyche, and now it’s taken her company Alchemax, and her husband, and her son. She’s fought to keep her life together, and she won’t lose everything to Norman’s legacy. She battles her way through the base, as she’s confronted with the cultists and their effigies and ceremonial altars to Norman Osborn. As she fights through them, she will begin to see Norman Osborn, and her previous villainous identity the Rose. The evil personality that helped to drive the future version of herself insane, the future version of herself that killed herself to save the world she almost destroyed. She doesn’t want that reality. She ignores the specters of Norman Osborn and The Rose, as well as her mind creating delusions of Gabriel Stacy and the evil version of her son Normie. She fights through them trying to ignore them as she finally makes it to Harry, whose soul is being sucked out back into Norman Osborn, the delusion Norman attacks her, and she tells him he’s dead! He has no power over her! He isn’t real! Norman Osborn punches her across the room and laughs maniacally…. it isn’t a delusion. It’s really him. Norman begins to throw Liz around as he becomes more and more alive again as Harry begins to wither away. He tells her he’s watched her from hell, it felt like an eternity to him down there, eaten by demons again and again, torn apart, and the only respite, the only thing that brought him joy, were those small moment he got to take a look at how his family was falling apart without them, about how easily he could ruin their lives without even being there! Liz begins to power up into her superhuman Starblaze form, flaming and glowing with raw power… and tells Norman to go back to hell!!! She sets him on fire and as he burns up, Harry’s soul returns to his body. She sets the Osborn Mansion ablaze and her and her husband escape as the Scrier Cult races onto the front lawn. She tells them Norman is dead, and he’s never coming back, then with her husband takes them in to the police. She asks the Scrier’s where her son Normie is, and they reveal to her that “the master’s scion” (Gabriel Stacy) has taken Normie as his heir. Liz and Harry realize the only way to find Normie is to find Gabriel, who hasn’t been seen since Menken took over Parker Industries.


Meanwhile, Daredevil tracks down Kaine, wanting to talk to him because he considers Kaine like him in a lot of ways. Basically, Matt Murdock has come close to killing Kingpin many times, but in all the years, no matter how much Wilson Fisk tried to ruin his life, he never did it. He liked to think it was because he was better than Kingpin, and heroes don’t kill people, and part of it was that. Part of it also, was that he knew, if he ever killed Kingpin, every second rate Kingpin in the city would try to take his place. There would be chaos, gang wars, and eventually, whoever became the new Kingpin could be worse in every way. Kingpin always cared about the city in a twisted way. Gabriel Stacy doesn’t care if it lives or dies,


Meanwhile, Doc Ock and Clash will have tracked down the heroes preparing to attack Shadowland and explain a shocking discovery. The mist when it encounters blood reacts like Mysterio’s old hallucination causing fog machines. ( they don’t know it, but since Liz had been injured fighting the Scriers and Ana had a concussion and a head wound, this is what was happening to them.)


Meanwhile, the assault on Shadowland begins, and numerous street level villains like Bullseye, Lady Bullseye, Diamondback, Jigsaw, Tombstone, Davis, The Enforcers, Typhoid Mary, The Hood, Mr. Fear, Vengeance, Mr. Fish, Human Fly, Scarecrow, a new version of the villain the Orb(because the original Orb is too powerful now being a Watcher) and Taskmaster have all been hired by Gabriel Stacy to protect Shadowland. An epic battle begins as it’s slowly revealed that the fog is not only part of Gabriel’s plan to cripple the city, but was also a literal smoke screen to hide that The Hand have kidnapped 666 people to sacrifice to the beast. It’s commented that it makes sense… it’s the number of the beast, and Sarah makes an Iron Maiden joke.


Jennifer Kale thinks that that much blood shed could be used to make the magic mist work on everyone. It could trap the entirety of Manhattan in a nightmare reality, forever.


Meanwhile, Ana is slipping into this nightmare reality, still thinking it’s just a concussion. She comes to a realization after she discovers dripping water, that she was so disoriented by the collapse, and she’s been so out of it in this dark hole, that she’s been digging deeper down without realizing. Her nightmare ghost mom tells her that this is all because she’s been taking days off from training to see that dreadful boy Miles. If she spent more time preparing she never would have lost to Gabriel. Ana’s hallucination ghost mom tells her all of her problems tie back to Miles. All that compassion and love is making her weak! She must not let her mind be clouded by such things! She needs to focus only on her innate predatory nature, she is a weapon, and a weapon can’t function if its thinking about things like love.

Ana is transported into the Silly Symphony The Skeleton Dance Black and White Disney short, except the skeletons are all her mom, the cartoon Black Cats are Felicia Hardy, the Owl and Vulture cartoons are Leonard Owsley and Adrian Toomes, and the dogs are her brother’s Vladimir and Alyosha Kravinoff.


We then reveal Ana is in reality unconscious.


The battle at Shadowland continues as Daredevil fights Bullseye and Lady Bullseye, Kaine fights Taskmaster, Iron fist fights Davos, Sarah Stacy fights Typhoid Mary, Satana fights Vengeance, and more. The Beast of the hand announces the time of Blood and sacrifice has come…


The Midnight Sons lead the charge alongside the Slingers into Shadowland, down the pit, and towards chamber where The Beast is preparing to devour 666 people’s souls. The Midnight Sons plan to exorcise the Beast from Mysterio, but he has to be distracted first. They fight through a ninja army as the mist begins to transform into a hurricane.


Peter Parker, The Human Torch, and May arrive and begin fighting the ninjas!


They make their way down into the bowels of Shadowland, and opening a mysterious door,  arrive in a magical dojo that exists between dimensions, where Mysterio waits, except now, controlled by the beast, the illusions he creates can actually hurt people!!!


All throughout Shadowland people begin fighting not just the villains and ninjas but also Mysterio hullucinations.


Peter Parker, Kaine, Sarah, Daredevil, Man-Thing, Morbius, Satana, and Jennifer Kale make it into the dojo, but the rest of the heroes are left fighting outside. Venom, Werewolf by Night, Agent Toxin, and Sandman find the 666 kidnapped and attempt to get them out of Shadowland.


Mysterio will battle Peter, Daredevil, Kaine, Sarah, Morbius, and Man-Thing will battle Mysterio while Satana and Jennifer Kale attempt to exorcise Mysterio of the Beast.


As this happens, we witness the more personal stakes as Ana, unconscious, dreams of Spider-Man 2099 taking her to the future, a dystopian future where she was driven insane in her quest to kill Gabriel Stacy, pushing her friends away, and when Miles tried to stop her from killing Gabriel, she accidentally killed him during the fight and her mind snapped and she became




Her former friends turned against her trying to avenge Miles, and she ended up killing every hero on earth, hunting them down one by one, her inhuman powers unleashed, allowing her to become the ultimate killing machine!!!


In this world, she’s in her late 30s and dressed in a female version of her father’s costume. Future dream Ana tells Ana there’s only one way to stop her: not waking up.


Jennifer Kale senses that Mysterio is trying to fight back against his demonic possession. That could be why an ancient demon is still dressing in a Mysterio costume and using hallucination causing gas. Daredevil tries to reason with Mysterio, telling him to think about the city, about all the people he’s hurting, and to fight back. It doesn’t work. The Beast actually takes more control over Mysterio. Spider-Man tells Daredevil that won’t work, and begins yelling at Mysterio about how he’s a hack fraud and his schtick is predictable and stolen from better villains!


They successfully pull the Beast out of Mysterio’s body and Quentin Beck tries to punch Peter Parker, who dodged, causing Mysterio to run into a wall and knock himself out.


The send the Beast back to hell after a brief fight with the reptilian demon itself. The Beast tells them that he’s going to take Shadowland to hell with him and that they’ll never escape, and our heroes have it quickly evacuate Shadowland with all the kidnapped, escaping just in time as the entire city block that encompasses Shadowland disappears, along with all the fog in the city.


Ana fights back against her nightmare and wakes up in the rubble, still buried alive, but unharmed. Her concussion is gone. All of her wounds have closed. All of her scars are gone. Scars she’s had for years are completely healed. No more hallucinations. She realizes that the little bit of dripping water has become a full waterfall of water, filling her chamber. Then…. the ceiling collapses. Ana is just barely holding up the mass of bricks, wood, and concrete on her back. If she stops concentrating for just a minute, she will be crushed. Ana uses inner strength as she concentrates inward. Her friends need her. She’s not her mother. She’s not her father. She’s not like them. She lifts up the rubble, and rises out of the destruction, finding herself finally free.


Outside the remains of Shadowland, New Yorkers and the media gather around the heroes who have all just saved the city. Reporters ask what happened and of it will happen again. Peter Parker tells everyone that the mist was created by evil undead ninjas, who are all gone now, so everything’s fine. But the ninjas were working for a guy named Gabriel Stacy, who is still out there. If anyone sees him, Mayor Murdoch has a hotline set up. Also, you should probably run away. Peter also mentions that two friends of his are missing: Ana Kravinoff and Normie Osborn. He tells everyone to call a hotline if you see either of them.


… and also! Peter tells everyone before he forgets, they should all know current Parker Industries CEO Donald Menken works for the Goblin Nation.


Gabriel Stacy is enraged his plans to destroy the city has failed. But no matter, there’s more than one way to skin a spider.


When this storyline is happening, there will be multiple tie ins, one of which chronicling the war between Delvadia and Symkaria.


Felicia has just had her friend Lilly Hollister assassinated and the city square of Symkaria attacked. Delvadia, led by President Roderick Kingsley, has declared war. Now, things are being repaired. The attack was an organized effort to kill the leadership of Symkaria. The Symkarian parliament is speaking to the UN but Delvadia isn’t part of the UN and is notoriously isolationist. Black Cat has decided to go to Delvadia and solve this problem herself. Silver Sable of an alternate pirate universe meets with Felicia. She thanks her for allowing the interdimensional refugees from her water-world like planet to live in Symkaria and offers to help. Their relationship has been antagonistic but she wants to put that aside. She isn’t trying to replace this world’s Sable, who she knows was a friend.


Felicia tells Silver Sable she and her earth 616 counterpart were “More than friends” and her Silver is dead. She won’t let anyone try to replace her. The pirate Silver tells Black Cat she isn’t the ruler of Symkaria, she’s a pirate. The man she loved on her earth, Peter Parker, is dead. She has seen many Peter Parker’s across the multiverse, none are her Parker. But, people were killed by Roderick Kingsley. On her world, Pirates has a code: Death for Death. The people must be avenged.


She and Felicia go to her giant pirate ship The ARC, and Silver reveals it also has helicarrier like abilities. They travel to the waters outside Delvadia and the two sneak in.


They’ll make their way through the militarized nation where Kingsley has left his mark with a North Korea like propaganda machine in favor of himself, taking various disguises and having close calls with the military as they make their way to the capitol. After a battle with some Delvadia Soldiers who now have pumpkin bombs and gliders, Kingsley is finally alerted just who is in his country, and he sends out his secret weapon: Menace!


Silver and Black battle Menace, first believing it to be Lilly, reborn. This is not the case however, as is revealed after a battle. Menace is in actuality Silver Sable of earth 616’s ex husband: The Foreigner!


We reveal Silver Sable of the pirate earth had a similar history with The Foreigner. Kingsley, content he’s outsmarted the heroes with a perfect plan of emotional manipulation, prepares what Mendel Stromm has been working on: a legion of Tri-Sentinels to destroy Symkaria! Sable and Cat manage to defeat Foreigner as the Sentinels take flight. Silver summons the ARC and they get in and take to the sky, firing steampunk weaponry and cannonballs at the Tri-Sentinels! Kingsley, after seeing the destructive power of the ARC, decides to leave Delvadia for the time being in case they come back and attack his castle, sending a message to Silver and Black to taunt them, telling them that they’ve been worthy opponents and their defeat will be great for his public image in Delvadia, as he gets into a submarine. A final Tri Sentinel rams into the ARC and destroys itself to knock out the ARC flight technology. It crashes into the ocean. Silver uses the steampunk technology of the ARC to trace the call from Kingsley, and goes after his submarine. There’s a chase scene and a battle between the vessels at sea, and Black Cat boards the ship, dragging Kingsley aboard. Kingsley tells Black Cat that he’s going to change his ways, he’s never felt this way before about any superhero, even Spider-Man! He, really, truly, hates her, and he wants to be the best arch enemy he can be for her! Kingsley’s goblin glider flies out of the submarine and opens fire on Felicia, Silver tackles Felicia out of the way! Kingsley grabs a pumpkin bomb which is kicked out of his hand by Silver!


Silver leaps at Kingsley, kicking him overboard.  He grabs ahold of several ropes on the deck attached to pulleys, which wrap around him. He jokingly asks Silver if she’s going to make him walk the plank. She tells him this isn’t Pirates of The Caribbean and kicks him overboard. The ropes wrap around him and drag him along the barnacled underside of the ship. Sharks rush towards Kingsley and attack. He’s been Keelhauled.  Felicia asks if he’s dead. Silver tells her she’s not a superhero, she’s a pirate. The deaths are avenged. Felicia can take Delvadia.


Felicia thanks the stoic Silver for the help, and decides that Symkaria isn’t right for her anymore, not after everything that happened. She’ll leave Parliament in charge, she’s going back to New York.




Kristy Watson, aka the superhero Jackpot and Mary Jane’s cousin will get a tie in. Kristy has the baseline powers of super strength and enhanced speed and reflexes, but also, due to unstable Pym Particles in her body, she can get different powers in a defense mechanism in a dangerous situation, seemingly at random like a lottery…. or a Jackpot.


Gabriel Stacy is at this moment “talent scouting” for new supervillains to join him in the battle against Peter Parker and all of his allies. He will be visiting an art gallery in SoHo, run by Lisa Molinari aka Coat of Arms. She’s retired from supervillainy and become a painter. Her newest and controversial gallery is entirely inspired by Norman Osborn. Coat of Arms has developed a disturbing fascination with Norman Osborn and his life’s story.


Gabriel very much enjoys her art, and has become a bit more cultured after having researched the art world to prepare for this meeting, offers to give her an opportunity to become art instead of just creating it. He offers her extraterrestrial paint stolen with the help of The group forerly known as The Crime Masters before becoming part of his Goblin Nation.


Now Coat of Arms has the ability to make whatever is painted with them, either exist in reality if they are objects or physically happen if they are events. They disappear when the painter commands it or they wear off on there own accord.

Gabriel Stacy has plans for all the other Spider heroes, so he wants Coat of Arms to attack Kristy.


This will happen, and we get a cool story with Kristy fighting Coat of arms after coat of arms first attempts to kill her. The final battle will be in the art gallery, and Coat of arms brings her paintings to life to fight Kristy, eventually, Kristy will burn the paintings successfully and defeat Coat of Arms. Coat of Arms is taken away by the police, and


Gabriel Stacy, sad that he wasn’t able to purchase any of the art before it went up in flames returns to his home base.


Gabriel Stacy/ Spidercide looks over Mendel Stromm’s newest creation SWISS MISS


A character who originally appeared in the musical “Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark.”


He tells Strong he likes it, very German expressionism inspired.


Now, while all this is happening, we also have a new miniseries. A sequel mini series to SCARLET SPIDER: GUARDIAN OF LAMUERTO


This series is:




Ben Reilly has just lost his adopted son. Fabian has been kidnapped by his evil uncle Maximo. Ben has not yet told the mother of Fabian what has happened. And what’s more, he’s teamed up with his archenemy and evil twin Richard “The Jackal” Fitzgerald. And, Fabian’s mother, the woman he loves, is the leader of a sinister ancient cartel with mystical ties. In fact, his evil twin also had a cartel. Ben is starting to wonder which of them is the evil twin, and this inner conflict working with his evil twin will be one of the large problems Ben Reilly will deal with.


Ben and Richard are in a rental car crossing Texas. As Richard explained, the only way to save Fabian was if they teamed up, but as Richard also explained, Gabriel Stacy took his cartel and all his money, so Ben is paying for the trip. They just left the airport, and are making their way to the Mexican Border. The Black Tarantula Cartel will be monitoring air travel into Middle and South America, they have spies everywhere, so they have to travel by land from Texas to Argentina. Fortunately, Richard still has friends he claims he can trust that they’ll be meeting in Mexico: The Lobo Family.


Ben has fought two of them before when Richard hired them to kill him. Carlos and Esmeralda. According to Richard, they’ll be there, along with their brother Eduardo and their father, who is the leader of the werewolf clan.


Eduardo was brought back to life by the two of them back when Ben and Richard were the same person: The Jackal, in Clone Conspiracy. Neither knows how Carlos came back to life. They go to a gas station, Richard goes to buy snacks, and Ben wishes he had told Marina about what had happened, but tensions were high, and he left immediately with Richard Fitzgerald, who proceeded to destroy his phone so they couldn’t be tracked.


Richard gets back in the car and with the gas filled, they head to the border crossing. Richard explains The Lobo brothers have paid off the crossing guards to let them through. Richard Fitzgerald explains that he and The Lobo’s have both killed for each other, before offering Ben some chips he bought. Ben is uncomfortable with this conversation. Richard reminds him the two of them are the same person, if he should be uncomfortable with anyone, it’s himself. Ben tells Richard they aren’t the same, he’s an evil energy being created from him by a mad scientist. Richard reminds him that he’s made of Ben’s energy, and it’s not evil energy, it’s what Ben considers to be evil about himself. Evil is in the eye of the beholder. The Jackal tells Ben, that in his own eyes, he’s a standout guy. Jackal is very obviously trying to make his counterpart second guess himself. Ben asks Jackal to stop with the act that they’re friends. He’s only going along with what Richard is telling him to do to get Fabian back. Richard agrees, they aren’t friends…. they’re more like brothers.


They get over the border and travel towards Mexico City, a trip that will take them all night. Ben thinks to himself about how The Jackal has ulterior motives. He can tell, because he understands Jackal’s mind because it was his mind during the Clone Conspiracy. Jackal wants to retake The Black Tarantula Cartel, but not just that, he wants something else from Ben Reilly. They stop at a cheap motel for the night, where an RV containing the  serpent society has also stopped for the night. Ben decides to sleep in the car because he doesn’t trust his evil twin. He feels pain in his throat, and realizes Richard is being attacked, since they’re psychically bonded and feel each others pain. He will free Jackal from Anaconda, who was choking him, and end up having to battle the serpent society with his doppelgänger in the hotel until they can escape to the car, leading to a chase.


It’s them vs






King Cobra




Death Adder




Ben leaps onto the roof of the RV and there’s a fight. The rental car is run off the road and explodes. Jackal gets into the RV and battles Kings Cobra for the steering wheel. Ben realizes Richard is trying to kill the serpent society and has to stop him from running the RV off a cliff. Ben saves the serpent society then uses impact webbing to web them all up. We learn that Maximo LaMuerto hired them to kill the two of them. Ben and Jackal argue about how he was trying to kill the serpents. Jackal asks Ben what he’s going to do? Call the police?  Ben does use Anaconda’s phone to call the local police to report the capture of the serpent society. Richard tells him that the Black Tarantula Cartel has spies working in the police, and now the Cartel knows where they are. He just made things worse. Jackal and Scarlet Spider steal the RV and leave the serpents webbed up in the desert.


They by morning finally arrive in Mexico City, where they meet the three Lobo Children, who lead them to their father: Francisco “Lucky” Lobo.


Apparently, the Lobo family has become very wealthy, with their own high rise nightclub, and we learn that they’ve forced all the other gangs out of Mexico City, becoming the only ones available to sell drugs and weapons to a city of 8.9 million people. Apparently, gangs don’t want to have to fight werewolves, and will just back off out of fear. Lucky Lobo, while originally not a mutant with the powers of a werewolf, has become a werewolf through his deal with the same party that brought Carlos back to life.


Lucky will be able to able to charter a drug plane flying down to Argentina to drop them off there. Richard will question how Carlos is alive, and Lucky Lobo will only tell him that science isn’t the only way one can raise the dead.


Ben decides he’s going to try to steal some evidence of crimes off the computer in Lucky Lobo’s office so that he can come back here and take down the Lobo’s after he saves Fabian, but all the information is already missing. Lucky discovers this betrayal, and transforms into an immensely large 15 foot tall, but pot bellied and thick werewolf. This werewolf looks like a man who was once muscular but has gotten a bit fat from wealth. Still, it’s the largest and most dangerous of The Lobo’s. The other three Lobo’s arrive, transform, and try to kill Scarlet Spider in a fight at the open Lobo Nightclub. Scarlet Spider attempts to save civilians and notices Carlos and Lucky have the same glowing brand on their chest. Scarlet Spider recognizes it, but isn’t sure from where. Richard wakes up in pain and realizes his other half has gotten into a fight. He joins the battle, and Lucky reveals, speaking while in werewolf form, he had planned to send the two on a plane with a bomb on it, and for making his job harder, he’s going to bite off Ben’s head. He reveals he’s working for Maximo, who is the one that led him to the one that brought Carlos back to life. They’re saved from the werewolves by Lady Octopus, who breaks through the wall.


Carolyn Trainer is revealed to be dating Ben Rielly’s Doppelganger, and it’s revealed Jackal knew about the betrayal since before he arrived, this was all a setup for the Lobos, and he had been here to steal Lucky Lobo’s information, which he did before Ben, which is why it was missing. He wants control of Mexico City after he gets his Black Tarantula’s back, so he was taking out the competition.  He also had Lady Octopus put bombs in the building, which explode. Jackal and Lady Octopus leave, but Ben refuses to go and saves the unconscious Lobo family, pulling them out of the fire and swinging them to the ground before going to make sure the building is evacuated.


Lady Octopus and Jackal pick him up in the Octojet and promise to go save Fabian now.


Ben realizes that he needs to be careful, because The Jackal always has a second more secret plan beneath his first plan. Richard Fitzgerald has him here for an ulterior motive, he just doesn’t know what it is yet.


He’s taken to Argentina, where Richard Fitzgerald tells him contains the location where The First Black Tarantula originally arrived in The Americas.


Maximo LeMuerto and the Black Tarantulas have tied up Fabian and taken him to the mystics of The Black Tarantula Cartel. He underwent half of the ceremony to have the souls of all previous Black Tarantulas sent into his body but they were interrupted. Now, the ceremony will only work if they do it in the most important place in their history: The Location where the Original Black Tarantula Died!


The first Black Tarantula, a Spanish Explorer who got his powers from a potion given to him by the group that would become the Hand in feudal Japan. A Spanish Explorer who would later come to Argentina searching for a water passage around America, and instead become the greatest warrior and protector of its ancient people, until he died at the age of 93 atop the snow covered Volcano “Lanín” battling Native American Ghost Rider.


Ben thinks about his time shared with his adoptive son training him to use his powers, as well as watching old movies with him and hopes he can save him.


Fabian was really into westerns when he was younger. They watched a few of the old movies together.


Ben thinks about how he’s always considered himself the law man. The drifter who rides into town on a horse with a big white hat to save the day, before moving on to continue his adventures, never staying in the same place long, never settling down. He died a hero. But he was brought back, he went crazy, he became The Jackal. He traded the white hat for a black egyptian mask.


He realized he had been wrong. He tried to become a hero again, but his past haunted him. First, as Alistair Smythe, then, Smythe dies creating something worse: he took Ben Reilly at his lowest moments, an insane mad scientist in a red suit, and created a whole new living being from it.


Ben is afraid that by working with this dark reflection of himself, he could become the worst version of himself.


Ben, Richard, and Lady Octopus arrive on the mountain and make their way to The Shrine of The Black Tarantula.


They begin to fight the Black Tarantulas, and are losing, when the cavalry arrive in the form of Fabian’s mother Mariana and The Red Tarantula cartel! A shootout begins on the mountaintop.


Maximo Lamuerto and his mystics prepare the ceremony to fully transform Fabian into the new Black Tarantula.


Jackal asks Scarlet Spider if he’s sure Marina is on the side of good. Power corrupts after all! Ben tells Jackal to stop, he’s not going to let him ruin his relationships. He has problems with the Red Tarantula Cartel, and he’ll talk to Marina about it after they save Fabian!


Marina and Ben reunite in the shootout on the mountaintop against the Black Tarantulas, and she asks him angrily why he didn’t tell her her son was kidnapped, and what he’s doing with The Jackal. Ben tells her he’s sorry, he thought he could save Fabian, and also… even though she’s been using the organization entirely for good and heroism, he doesn’t like the idea of the two of them leading an organization that makes money from crime. Marina thinks they should talk about this after they save Fabian, and burst into the shrine, Ben battling Maximo in a fist fight. Marina unties Fabian, who joins his adoptive father figure in battling Maximo, who pulls out machetes as he battles them. Maximo is defeated as the Black Tarantulas flee, and Lady Octopus uses three of here tentacles to grab three Black Tarantula mystics. Ben thinks to himself Maximo is a monster, the worst of humanity, the world would be better off if he wasn’t alive… but Maximo is already defeated. It’s not his call to make anymore. It’s up to the law. Maximo grabs a machete off the ground and prepares to stab Fabian in the back because if he doesn’t get what he wants, neither should Marina! A gun is fired, a bullet hitting Maximo, killing him! Both Fabian and Ben look at Marina, she’s holding a gun…. she realizes they’re looking at her, and tells them she didn’t do it.


A tentacle grabs Fabian! Jackal tells the two of they move, Lady Octopus will kill him!


Jackal tells Ben, with Maximo dead, and all his information on the Lobo families operations, it won’t be long until he and Lady Octopus have their own criminal empire. But he still has one weakness…. Ben Reilly!


Jackal tells Ben that he wants them together, back in the same body, a body he will control! The Black Tarantula Mystics, instead of putting the souls of past Black Tarantula’s into Fabian, will put his soul into Ben Reilly! If Ben refuses, Fabian dies!


Jackal tells Ben it’s alright, he’ll only be doing what Marina’s already been doing, just on a larger scale. Gabriel Stacy proved it could be done, organizing the world’s criminal empires under one man. That’s his plan, and then, once he has them all, he’ll use it for good, he’ll rule the world benevolently. Heroes like the Slingers will try to stop him, but he’s been sending out enhanced versions of supervillains for months to find the weak spots of heroes, so he can strike at their hearts and stop anyone who fails to understand his master plan from stopping him.


Ben brings up he’ll have it kill a lot of people to accomplish that goal. Lady Octopus tells Ben he can save one of those lives as a blade pops out of her tentacle towards Fabian.


Marina tells Ben not to do it, the rest of the Red Tarantula cartel is outside. They can stop this. Ben tells Marina it’s alright, and tells the mystics to begin the ritual.


Jackal becomes more visibly an energy being, and begins to merge with Ben.


Ben tells Jackal in their shared mind he won’t let his darker half change who he is, and the Jackal finds in horror he can’t take over Ben, and instead, the two merge fully, not a good and evil half, but someone who can understand their darker half but still be a hero.


Lady Octopus let’s Fabian go, Ben nods to Fabian, and Fabian’s Tarantula arms burst out as he and Ben both attack and defeat Lady Octopus, webbing her up.


Ben and his family reunite.


Later, as they fly away in a jet, Marina tells Ben that when she saw the way her son Fabian looked at her when he thought she had killed Maximo, she realized that she can’t let the Red Tarantulas or the Black Tarantulas change who she is. The Black Tarantulas are defeated. She’s disbanding the Red Tarantulas. There are a few loyalists to her that she thinks will continue to try to serve her even if she tells them to stop, so she has a plan for them too.(this will be a few characters we’ve probably introduced over the course of Ben Rielly’s story, some likable and fun Red Tarantula members.)


These characters will end up legitimized into a private security firm working for Hobbie Brown in the Houston branch of Parker Industries, and can spin off into some new stories about Hobbie Brown aka The Prowler.


We can get a final issue to this miniseries where we get to see the formation of this private security firm when Hobbie Brown and Ben Reilly work with Marina to in her final act as leader of the Red Tarantula gang before she can disband it, stop a new gang made up of the remains of the Black Tarantula Cartel called “La Jauría de Lobo” run by the Lobo family.


We will reveal that the reason for Lucky Lobo’s powers and his sons return to life are a magical ritual done by Karlicuper. The glowing brands are a more demonic looking version of the Goblin Nation Logo.


Marina will end up using a voice modulator and muscle suit to fake being her late husband resurrected to make the Lobos and any other gangsters who want to restart the Black Tarantula Cartel think that he has proclaimed he is the last Black Tarantula and any who try to replace him will die.


Hobbie, Ben, Marina, Fabian, and the group that will become the private security firm manage to capture the Lobo Family, and with their capture, Goblin Nation activity in Texas, middle, and South America is ended. The private security firm is created.


Ben, Marina, and Fabian will plan to settle back into their old lives in Houston before The Jackal changed everything, but first, they need to go to New York to help stop Goblin Nation.


In this next arc, we will be having a Daredevil crossover,







In this arc, we will have multiple mini arcs within the larger story.


We catch up on what Gabriel was doing the past arc, which has basically been courting the world’s super villain organizations. Every evil organization on earth from The Ten Rings to Dracula’s army, has a plan involving New York City. Every super villain has an idea to turn the populace into snakes, or freeze the city with a laser from space. The Goblin Nation has established a new rule: pay the Goblin King, and you get a turn to do whatever you want with the city. Gabriel is sure most of them will lose, or get beaten by the Slingers, but over time, it’s going to wear them down. A few Slingers will die, then a few more, the constant barrage will destroy their tech and their homes and drive their allies from the city, until all of The Slingers are gone, not with a bang, but with a slow and painful demise, watching the city they love be destroyed. And that is Gabriel’s new plan.


Unfortunately, being the Kingpin of Crime involves a lot of meetings and paperwork.


He has an early morning meeting with AIM, who want to buy dinosaur-scorpion Hybrid dna from him.


Then he has a meeting with New York’s top gangsters, who are demanding a cut of the profit.


Then he has to meet with his own Goblin Nation because Punisher has been killing some of them. Gabriel tells them to send a tri-sentinel after him. He just has guns. He can’t be that hard to kill.


We get the idea that Spidercide is slowly realizing that running the most powerful criminal empire in history is less fun then Gabriel thought it would be… actually, it's very draining, and very bureaucratic. Gabriel will finally get a moment alone with his Goblin Queen Karlicuper, when his number one enforcer Massacre pops in to tell him he has a walk in meeting. Gabriel tells the henchman to tell whoever it is to make an appointment, and then cut off a limb.


We learn that whoever it is won’t leave. Gabriel goes to see who it is. It’s the Owl. Leland Owlsley has a grievance against the Goblin Nation.


Wilson Fisk is dead, and Leland Owlsley has always been New York’s second most feared gangster! Gabriel… is not sure if that’s true. Leland explains has been a second stringer, working under every single Kingpin New York has ever had. Now, a little boy is going to come in and take the title! He wants reimbursement! He wants payment. He wants the title of Kingpin. Gabriel tells Leland he’s Kingpin because he killed the last Kingpin, and he has the most powerful combination of weapons, Goblin serum, and pure symbiote the world has ever seen! The Owl is a freak who can turn his head 360 degrees! Cool trick, not enough to be Kingpin. Now get out before I let Carnage loose to eat your face!


The Owl leaves.




The hunt for Ana Kravinoff continues.


We get a story where Miles Morales is working with Venom to track down weapons being shipped to The Goblin Nation from outside the city and destroy them when Kate Bishop shows up to tell Miles and Venom she saw Ana Kravinoff before she went missing. We learn Kate Bishop had been fighting The Goblin Nation when she saw Ana Kravinoff rush past on the rooftops. At the time, Kate was too occupied by why Ana who very clearly saw her, didn’t even try to help, but now she thinks she knows why. Kate followed where Ana had been heading after hearing she was missing, and discovered a blown up Roller Rink. It looked like it was a Goblin Nation bases because there were weapons all over it. Kate, Eddie Brock, and Miles head to the Roller Rink. Eddie lets his symbiote come off of him and search through every crack in the wreckage. Several skeletons are found.(Gabriel had previously built a throne made of bones to show he was the Goblin King, but they don’t know that).


Eddie tells Miles the bones might not be hers, and Kate does the same. Miles remembers they had been going to check here before the fog came. Maybe if he had been faster….


We have Gabriel Stacy having to deal with the public now actively protesting Donald Menken being in charge of Parker Industries because he’s working for Gabriel.  Gabriel gets frustrated and just decides to send The Rainbow Goblin Coalition to attack the protesters.


A few Slingers and Spectacular Six members fight them off.




We will have a storyline where we reveal a mystery enemy attacking Miles, Venom, and Kate Bishop is in fact Aaron Davis, who terrified by the months he spent with the Carnage symbiote taking over his body, has decided to kill as many symbiotes as he can using some sonic weapons and a flame thrower.


Miles, Venom, and Kate Bishop will battle him until he retreats, promising Miles that he isn’t going to be able to stop him and that the world would be a better place without symbiotes. Miles, struggling with his seemingly dead girlfriend, and his uncle being like this, will end up kissing Kate and feel guilty about it.


Meanwhile, Gabriel Stacy decides he needs to take the day off, and he, the demonic succubus Karlicuper, and their “child” a brainwashed and robotic Normie Osborn who obeys all of Gabriel’s commands, go to Central Park(of course, first they send Mendel Stromm to terrorize the park so it’s emptied out for them). Gabriel has a nice picnic and they all ride on the Carousel. Gabriel feels happy to finally have a family, and commands his hypnotized slave son to assassinate someone. Who he wants him to assassinate will be revealed in this story:




Meanwhile, Peter Parker is still desperate to find Normie now that he’s saved his daughter May and is working to try and find him, but without Parker Industries, Donald Menken has taken away the Slinger’s base and they don’t have any of the resources they used too. Matt Murdock, the new mayor, is also unable to help because all the police gear and vital medical supplies were stolen during the attacks by The Hand and any new shipments are just intercepted by Goblin Nation. Peter Parker and May Parker will in a father daughter team up head to one of the Goblin Nation bases, and end up battling the Rainbow Goblin Battalion as well as Hydra agents and Arnim Zola. Peter also discovers what seems to be a hypnotism machine. Spider-Man and his daughter have a lot to say about Arnim Zola’s lesser version of MODOK-like appearance. Peter will also wonder what Hydra is doing in New York.


Armin Zola will reveal to them Normie had been here only a few hours ago, and that they’re too late, he’s a loyal agent of the Goblin Nation, before escaping by downloading himself out of his robot body and into a new robot body miles away.


Meanwhile at City Hall, Mayor Murdoch has called Liz Allen and Harry Osborn as their son showed up in his office. Normie reunited with his parents, and explains he barely managed to escape from Gabriel.


The stolen medicine and police gear is returned to Yuri Watanabe, and Spider-Man will get a call from Harry to tell them Normie has returned safe and sound. He’s at city hall with them and Mayor Murdoch. Peter realizes it’s a trap and he attempts to warn them, telling Harry not to trust Normie! He’s been brainwashed! Normie is at the moment explaining how he escaped to his mother, when Murdoch overheard the phone call happening in the hallway with his enhanced hearing, and tackles Liz away from Normie right before Normie tried to stab her with a hardened symbiote spike! Peter, May, and Yuri go to stop Normie.


We now reveal Normie reunited with his parents, is no longer Goblin/ Symbiote hybrid hero The Imp, but is instead, in a more spiky and malicious form: The Thorn! He’s been brainwashed by Gabriel to kill The Mayor and his parents, so that Gabriel can both kill his enemies and claim the city as his own without anyone acting against him politically. Peter, May and Yuri arrive to find police officers trapped in symbiote goop and giant purple and green spikes everywhere!


Daredevil is unconscious and stuck to a wall, they can’t find Liz Allen, and Normie, revealing just how powerful someone combining a symbiote and Goblin Serum can be, is easily beating up his father! May discovers Stanley Osborn and Emily Lyman, the wheelchair bound brother of Normie and his grandmother, trapped in an elevator that stopped between floors when the power shut off. Stanley and Emily are saved and sent out of the building. Peter and Yuri, as Wraith, save Harry from his son. Harry is okay, but he’s broken his arm in the fight and Peter sends him to get people out of the building with Daredevil. Harry protests, but is convinced by his best friend to let him handle Thorn. Peter and Wraith battle Normie, who is constantly shooting symbiote spikes and creating symbiotic weapons and goo. Normie ignores Peter and Wraith and continues to go after his targets, until Liz Allen arrives firing energy at him! She blasts fire at him, telling him she’ll save him from himself even if she has to burn the symbiote off of him. Normie begins to cry about how much it hurts and she stops, terrified she may have hurt her child. Normie knocks her unconscious and prepares to stab her when May aka the preteen Spider-Girl webs him up and leaps out a window with him. May battles him, telling him she knows what it’s like to have her mind taken over. She can help him! Police reinforcements called by Yuri arrive and open fire on Normie, who in his Thorn form, looks like a scary, if very short, symbiote monster, not a little boy. May saves Normie and tries to remind him that they’re friends, he’s turned evil before and she’s never given up on him. Normie spots Emily, Stanley, and his father together, and goes after them. He tosses Stanley and his wheelchair away, May saves Stanley, and goes back to fighting Normie. In the battle, a car is thrown which causes it to explode and set the street ablaze. Normie attacks Daredevil and beats him up, preparing to kill him when May leaps in the way. May gets punched in the face harder than she ever has before, and the little girl begins to cry. Normie sees this, and able to snap out of his brainwashing for just a moment, leaps into the fire. May saves him as Wraith and Spider-Man arrive, but while Normie is alive, his symbiote has been destroyed. Normie is shaken, but seems better. There’s no way of telling if he’s completely cured of brainwashing though. Harry and Liz resolve to take him to Emma Frost, who has worked as a therapist for Harry before, to try and undo what Gabriel did to Normie’s mind. Normie thanks May for saving him, and Peter realizes while they were able to save the day, City Hall is wrecked. Gabriel Stacy continues to destroy the city and they still don’t know what his plan is.


Meanwhile, Mayor Murdoch requests aid from SHIELD, specifically Agent Teresa Parker, Peter Parker’s sister.


Meanwhile, Mary Jane is at home, where Tony Stark has spared some of his old suits to guard her and Peter’s apartment from potential supervillain killers. MJ is right now calling her cousin Kristy. She plans to appear on her Vlog and talk about how Donald Menken took over Parker Industries with help from Goblin Nation. She doesn’t want to be a superhero, and even so physically cannot while they don’t have access to machines at Parker Industries that could build a new Iron Spider suit, but she still wants to help the city however she can as a celebrity. She’s explaining Menken’s ties to the Goblin Nation and how the circumstances of his becoming Parker Industries CEO was probably illegal. Donald Menken, angered by MJ telling the public about his crimes, will distract the Stark suits with the help of Big Wheel, then go to personally threaten her at her home alongside a personal squad of Goblin Nation members, only to find she’s heard them coming and is hiding. Using a frying pan she’s able to knock out several Goblin Nation agents and escape out the fire escape. Menken will threaten to push her out the window, but when the Iron Legion returns he runs away as fast as he can, but not before being literally kicked out of the apartment. He’s apprehended by police, and sits in prison for three hours before making bail and getting off due to lack of evidence(he also paid to have the evidence destroyed) While that may seem like not much time in prison, Menken considers three hours in a prison cell the greatest injustice that has ever happened to him.


Gabriel is having a meeting with White Rabbit, when he’s interrupted by a former master of Crime. They tell him that the Punisher piloted the robot into one of their bases… and killed 18 of his agents. Gabriel snaps at the henchperson and tells him to just shoot Punisher! He doesn’t even have any powers!!!


Also Flash Thompson aka Agent Toxin will be targeted by Aaron Davis/Symbiote Slayer because he’s Carnage’s offspring. Eddie Brock and Anne Weying as Venom and Antidote will team up with him to battle Aaron Davis, preventing him from killing their symbiotes, but he just barely manages to escape.


In our next storyline:




The Connors family will return to New York City after leading the dinosaur people to the Savage Land, as Dr. Connors is looking for his former student Melati Kusuma, aka Komodo, who has taken a villainous turn and is selling designer drugs based on the Lizard Formula, mixed with horrifying real life drug Krokodil. The Slingers and the Parkers have encountered a few of the people who have taken the drug already, which temporarily makes the drug addicts powerful reptile men, but once it wears off scars their skin permanently. Peter Parker and May will go on a hunt through the sewers for Komodos drug lab with the Connors. MJ will remain on the surface and feel a bit left out after her decision to not be Iron-Spider anymore.


They will find Komodo and a fight will begin. Dr Connors will demand answers why Komodo has done this. Komodo explains has no legs when she isn’t in lizard form, but in lizard form she’s powerful and unstoppable. She used to be able to stay a lizard all the time, but for some reason she can’t anymore. The only thing that gets her through her time as a human is opioids. She’s trying to create a permanent version of Connors serum, but she needs money, so she’s selling the lizard serum mixed with Krokodil. During the fight, Billy and Martha will fall into a chemical vat of the drugs and Komodo will use this opportunity to escape.


Dr Connors, May, and Peter get them out, but it’s too late… they’re beginning to shed their skin!


Martha and Billy are taken to the Baxter Building, which they’re using for science stuff until they can get Parker Industries back, where Octavius and Anna Maria run tests as the two begin to change while in a hibernation state. MJ and Peter comfort the worried Connors, who decides to leave to hunt down Komodo himself in a lizard brain rage.


Peter, Anna Maria, and Doc Ock realize that the shock of seeing his family hurt has allowed the Lizard part of Doc Connors brain to take over again, after years of being below the surface, conquered for the time being by the man brain.


Peter goes after the Lizard, and ends up caught in the middle in a fight between him and Komodo at her other drug lab, failing to prevent Dr. Connors from tossing her into a chemical bath.


Martha and Billy come out of their old skin husks, now Billy and Martha have become rabid!


Peter pulls Dr. Connors away from Komodo, who he is trying to drown, and talks some sense into him, reminding him that he was a teacher, and this was one of his students just like he is, allowing Connors to retake control and beat his Lizard Brain once and for all.


Komodo rises from the chemicals, pulling off her husk skin, and revealing she is now similar to The version of the Lizard seen in the comic arc “SHED”

with a long black mane of spike hair and spikes going down her right forearm. She’s become more animalistic now, but with human level intelligence still. She has all the same knowledge, just her Lizard brain has taken over. The Komodo swears vengeance and resolves to turn all the world into Lizard people before escaping into the night. Billy and Martha escape from the Slingers as well.  


Peter Parker, May Parker, Doc Connors, band together to go after the transformed Komodo and stop her, and since she has all the old serums Doc Connors used to work with, try to find a serum she could have to cure Billy and Martha of their feral rage.


MJ meanwhile, decides that while she can’t be a superhero, she can still make a difference. She’s a famous actress with fans around the world. She organizes a charity photo shoot with her old friends from when she was a model to fund rehab for people who took the Krokodil Lizard serum.


Doc Ock and Clash go looking for Billy and Martha in the sewers, eventually finding them and managing to capture them.


Meanwhile, Doc Connors and Peter and May discover Komodo has cleared out her old drug labs, and just in time to watch it all happen, track her to a bank robbery the Slingers were stopping. It’s revealed the robbers are hypnotized, and this is a trap! Komodo has a new power after the chemical spill! She can activate and mind control the primal lizard brains of all mammals!


Miles Morales/ Spider-Man


Ghost Spider



are all transformed into Lizard people!


So, while Doc Connors fight Komodo, Komodo uses her lizard brain powers to turn Peter and May bloodthirsty! We get:


Peter Parker




May Parker




The Slingers


Peter and May are both able to snap out of the hypnotism once they get some distance away from Komodo during the fight,


May opens a fire hydrant on the lizards and Peter sprays them with some old specialty web fluid he had designed to freeze Hydro Man, turning the Slingers into the equivalent of those frozen Iguanas that were falling out of trees in California.


Peter swings the frozen Miles into Komodo, which manages to knock out Komodo temporarily as Miles subconsciously shocks her with a venom blast. The Slingers and Komodo are turned back to normal in a few hours with a newly developed antidote from Doc Connors, and Doc Connors family return to normal as well.


Komodo is put in a rehab program in prison and regrets some of her actions. The Connors say goodbye and return into the sewers, to begin a journey back to the Savage Land where Connors rules the dinosaur people. Connors visits Komodo in prison and forgives her for her actions, offering to work with her to help find a permanent solution to her missing legs.


The Connors family is followed though, stalked, by…. Kraven The Hunter!


In the next story,




Meanwhile, The Owl meets with the biggest gangsters of New York, Hammerhead, Tombstone, Jigsaw, and Diamondback. The Owl is tired of Gabriel Stacy, a newcomer to New York’s criminal circles, and relatively young in his late 20’s compared to the other gangsters, being the one in charge of New York. In the Owl’s  words “Not only does he lack any idea of respect for fellow criminals that Wilson Fisk had, not only is he directly battling law enforcement instead of just paying them off the way any smart crime lord would, but worse than all of that, he’s selling entire city blocks to his supervillain friends instead of giving work to the hardworking crime lord!” The Owl laments that his favorite restaurant is now a secret Latverian outpost and none of the Doom Bots know how to cook!


Hammerhead, Diamondback, Tombstone, and Jigsaw unite under The Owl as they begin their plans to take down The Goblin Nation.


Kate Bishop goes to Miles to talk about the kiss when his Spider sense begins to go off, but it’s different then usual, it’s like he’s being compelled towards something. Kate thinks it’s probably a trap, Miles agrees, but if someone is try not to trap him, then that person is probably someone he should be trying to stop. Kate decides to go with him because whatever it isn’t won’t be expecting her.


Ana Kravinoff is meanwhile stalking Gabriel Stacy and learning his movements so she can kill him and not make the same mistakes that led to her buried alive. She wasn’t prepared for him to have a symbiote, and needs to change her tactics. She is sidetracked however, when she smells her father. Her father would never be downwind of her unless it’s on purpose, so it’s probably a trap. She follows the scent to the sewers anyway.


We reveal Kraven has actually been watching Ana, as well as Miles, and he’s using a device from the Goblin Nation to attract Miles attention.


Kraven the Hunter prepares the sewers beneath New York, heading to the deepest regions of the sewers, paying various Moloids from Mole Man’s kingdom beneath New York to help him as he blocks off various exits, builds traps, and digs out collapsed areas, constructing a massive labyrinth, all in the natural habitat of lizard people. Then, he releases Komodo and the Connors family into this area sewers, as his hunt begins. Miles and Kate together, and Ana from a different entrance, enter the sewers and are quickly trapped inside by titanium safe doors that come out of the cement.


Meanwhile, the locations of Gabriel’s secret bases, found in Donald Menken’s office, has been spread around by The Slingers and Spectacular Six to the heroes of New York, and different teams are shutting down bases wherever they can, but are not working at full force because superheroes continue to encounter new supervillain attacks and have to deal with those instead of the real culprit, which in Eddie Brock’s mind, is probably Gabriel’s plan to keep the heroes off his trail. Sandman, Kaine, Ghost Spider/ Sarah Stacy, and Venom are working to take down the Goblin Nation, attacking their safehouses and destroying shipments of weapons being sent into the city for The Goblin Nation to use. Sandman and Venom have a dislike for each other due to the time Venom killed Sandman. Venom feels he has to stop Gabriel because the Carnage symbiote is his responsibility. Sarah and Kaine, while engaged to be married, haven’t had time to think about any of that since Gabriel Stacy began his campaign to destroy the Slingers. Mayor Matt Murdoch has fully embraced the Superheroes of New York to help him fight this new pandemic of Supervillains. A young and inexperienced Silk is doing her best to protect people, was barely able to survive a fight with Gabriel Stacy, and had been going to get some training on how to be a superhero until everything got crazy and  everyone left because of that. So, she’s winging it. The Osborn family has left the city to help Normie recuperate, and Peter has suggested Harry take as much time as they need, because they’re safer as far from Harry’s half brother as possible.


Peter Parker will team up with Silk, and she’ll tell him how weird it is to have travelled through time into this futuristic version of New York. Peter complains she’s making him feel old. Silk also doesn’t know if she should try to reconnect with her family, since in this time period, she’s dead and lived to her late 20’s. Peter thinks she should go for it and see her family. You never know how long you'll have with them. She thanks him for the help, and they stop a car jacker. They go their separate ways.


Miles and Kate Bishop will find The Connors Family and Komodo in the sewers, and learn they’re being hunted by Kraven The Hunter, and his conjoined twin half were-lion monster sons The Grim Hybrid. They will attempt to evade Kraven, their only light from Kate’s Flare arrows, and Kraven will use blow darts to weaken Dr. Connor’s and Miles. Kate was going to  be hit by blow darts but shot them in midair with an arrow. They will attempt to escape by digging their way out of the tunnel system, making it into a subway track, before The Grim Hybrid attacks Komodo with a spear and they battle, causing the tunnel to begin to cave in. Komodo finds she can’t use her lizard brain powers on the Grim Hybrid because it’s more a voodoo zombie than a living mammal. A train is coming, so Miles has to switch the tracks to save it. Kate helps with an electric arrow, they save the train, and get the Connors family onto the moving train’s roof. The Grim Hybrid attempts to derail the train by pulling the tracks out of the ground with his voodoo super strength, but Komodo stops him, stealing one of Kate’s explosive arrows and sacrificing her life to stop The Grim Hybrid.


Kate and Miles get onto the train and escape only for Kraven to arrive on the train and begin beating up Miles, who is drowsy and unable to fight due to the blow dart and him being up for days looking for Ana and fighting the Goblin Nation.  Dr Connors tries to help, but even in Lizard form he’s not as strong as Miles and becomes unconscious. Miles and Kate protect the Connors family until… Ana arrives to help them fight her father! They battle in the subway car. Miles reunites with his girlfriend he thought was dead, and him, Kate, and Ana manage to defeat him with a little help from Billy, who bites Kraven in the shin, and Martha, who punches Kraven in the face for touching her child.


Ana begrudgingly gives Kate her respect because she is honestly blown away for how awesome of an archer she is.


Kraven is captured and sent back to Ravencroft, and Ana realizes she can’t stop Gabriel alone. She after being Solo for the past 3 arcs rejoins the heroes.


Meanwhile, The Owl and his fellow criminals visit The Maggia, which has been undergoing some leadership changes since Gabriel turned the criminal underworld upside down. The new leader… is Herman Schultz, the Shocker. The Owl tells Shocker that while he wears a mask, he’s still a street criminal like the rest of them, and should be against all the big supervillain led organizations like Hydra and AIM stepping on their toes. Shocker tells Owl he doesn’t want the Maggia caught up in anything, and is going to stay neutral. While his lieutenants Tombstone, Hammerhead, Jigsaw, and Diamondback want to wait, The Owl tells them they have no time. The longer they wait the more Goblin Nation changes things permanently, and The Owl begins a gang war!


Goblin Nation bases are attacked. The Slingers and Spectacular Six come together. Kaine wishes he could just let them fight it out, but knows if he does people will be hurt in the crossfire.


Doc Ock protects a family in a car from danger during a drive by attack from the Owl’s forces. Doc Ock realizes he needs to call in a favor from an old friend, and visits The Maggia, and Shocker. We learn from Doc Ock Shocker is far more capable and intelligent than he appears, and doesn’t have the bloodthirsty or narcissistic qualities many other supervillains he used to collaborate with have. He also avoids injuring civilians.  Doc Ock pleads with Shocker, as an old friend, to help end the gang war. Shocker doesn’t want to get involved. After years of hard work, he finally gets big, he finally has respect, does he miss the thrill of the old days, yes, but does he want to go back to that? No. The last time he fought The Slingers, he tripped over a bank vault door and gave himself a concussion. Shocker sends Doc Ock away, but later that night, after visiting a restaurant that is very obviously a secret Latverian outpost and witnessing an attack by Stilt Man on the restaurant and the destruction that comes with that, Shocker decides to offer the services of The Maggia in a temporary truce to help end the gang war.ayor Murdoch and The Slingers don’t like it, but the Maggia is the least of their problems at the moment and have inside information that could help.


Meanwhile, as the gang war goes on, Donald Menken goes to Gabriel to tell him that they are losing money faster than they make it. They’ve lost Delvadia and The Hand and the income they provided. They’re making money selling New York but it’s too slow and Gabriel is taking far too many personal breaks. Gabriel tells Menken he doesn’t care how much money it costs as long as “the people I don’t like go away by dying!” Menken is angered by Gabriel’s recklessness.


Meanwhile, Peter Parker returns home to MJ and Anne Weying. Anne Weying explains that because of MJ, public opinion against Parker Industries and Donald Menken is at an all time low. If they can prove the board of directors at Parker Industries were coerced they can get Parker Industries back.Matt Murdock, She Hulk, and Anne Weying unite as the greatest legal team possible, knowing if they succeed they can strike a huge blow to Gabriel Stacy. We’ll get a storyline where the lawyers work together to gather evidence, battling Massacre, who has been sent out by his half brother Gabriel to destroy evidence and intimidate witnesses. They win the case and Menken is arrested, before being broken out by Goblin Nation. Menkin at this point though, has realized he’s on the losing side.


Menken calls The Owl, promising him weapons and information in exchange for safety.


With Parker Industries back, Peter an entire company at his disposal to organize all the heroes fighting Gabriel without fully knowing what’s going on and get everyone on the same page, as a unified force for taking down Goblin Nation.


While dealing with the gang war Miles will get a call from Hypno Hustler to come to his apartment because he has information on Gabriel Stacy. Miles wants to know why Hypno Hustler can’t come to their usual meet up location. Hustler asks Miles to just “do me a solid.”


Miles heads to Hypno Hustlers home, where he’s packing his bags as he plans to get out of the city for a while. Miles wants to know why, and Hustler explains that one of the heroes is trying to kill him, and this one ain’t a jive turkey like the rest of them! Suddenly, Miles Spider sense alerts him and he tackles Hypno Hustler to the ground as bullets spray through the window. Hypno Hustler tells Miles if he can get him to a police station, he’ll surrender, and he’ll tell everything he knows about Gabriel Stacy to the police. Miles gets Hypno Hustler down the stairs and into the streets, when The Punisher’s battle van crashed into the building!!! The doors burst open to reveal punisher with a gattling gun! Miles webs ahold of Hypno Hustler and they swing into the sky. The punisher grunts and gets out a bazooka from his van. Miles realizes heat seeking missiles are heading his way and webs them up before tossing them into the sky. Miles realizes he’s low on webbing at the worst time any hero has ever been low on webbing, and descends to a rooftop as Punisher leaps out of the roof access point after taking the stairs up, guns out. Punisher tells Miles he’s not going to hurt him. Miles brings up that punisher just shot heat seeking missiles at him, Punisher tells Miles he knew he could take it.


Punisher tried to shoot Hypno hustler and Miles and Hypno leap behind a solar panel. Miles yells out that Hypno Hustler has information that could bring down Gabriel Stacy, Punisher comments he has an easier way to do that, and cocks a gun. Miles tells Hypno Hustler to run away and goes to fight Punisher, and manages to disarm him and web his hands together with the last of his web fluid, but Punisher then headbuts him repeatedly until Miles falls off the building, then gets out some chemical dissolver from his vest with his mouth and melts the web fluid and leaping into the streets to shoot at Hypno Hustler. Hustler uses his sonic guitar to create a shockwave that launches cars into Punisher. Miles gets everyone out of the cars as Punisher shoots Hypno Hustler’s guitar. The chase leads into a tourist gift shop that Punisher kicks Hypno Hustler through the window of. Punisher breaks Hypno Hustlers guitar in half after Hustler throws it at him, then tries to strangle hustler with the cords when Miles punches him in the face, knocking him across the room. Police led by Yuri Watanabe arrive and Punisher escapes out the back of the shop.


Hypno Hustler will meet with Yuri Watanabe and Mayor Murdoch and reveal that Donald Menken is no longer working for Gabriel, and is going over to The Owl’s side. He has some Goblin Nation members he’s paid to work for him now and they’ll be there too.


At this same time Ranjeeta Ratha has returned to a police station filled with superheroes and police officers working in tandem. There’s a lot of tension, no one knows what she’s here to say or do as she’s the leader of an anti-superhero movement.


She tells Mayor Murdoch and Spider-man that she was wrong. There are threats too big for the police to handle alone. Who is responsible for the threats and who is guilty or innocent doesn’t matter when lives are on the line. What matters is doing whatever you can to help people. She offers the backing of all of her supporters in the Goblin-busters anti superhero team to help deal with the danger in this city. All they ask in return is that for the sale of law and order the heroes are all formally deputized. Yuri makes all the Slingers and Spectacular Six honorary deputies.


The Owl meets with Donald Menken and his gang of traitor Goblin Nation members in a construction site late at night. Gabriel gives the Owl weapons and promises information on all of Gabriel’s secret bases. At this moment, Gabriel arrives in full symbiote as Spidercide, and tells Menken despite all the secrecy he knew about this meeting, and thanks him for leading him to his enemy. Gabriel is about to kill The Owl and Menken when… The Punisher comes out of the shadows and opens fire on Spidercide, The Owl, and Donald Menken.


Everyone dives for cover, Gabriel tosses a pumpkin bomb. Punisher dodges and tosses a grenade, blowing up a support beam in the construction site. The Owl begins to fly away and Punisher tosses a sledgehammer he found in the construction site at him while reloading guns, and it hits Owl in the back, causing him to careen out of the sky and  into the city. Punisher resolves to find and kill him later. There’s a bigger fish here right now. Donald Menken is cowardly hiding in a under a plastic table when Gabriel rips it in half and grabs him. Punisher opens fire on them both and Gabriel holds up Menken, using him as a human shield as he’s shot again and again while Gabriel leaps into an armored car, leaving the dead Menken and orders his waiting henchmen to drive him away. Police swarm the scene and while Gabriel and Punisher both escape, The Owl finds himself being hunted by Daredevil.


The Owl tells his oldest opponent that they’ve danced this same dance a thousand times, but this time is different! Soon, Gabriel will be dead at The Punisher’s hands, and Leland Owlsley will be the true Kingpin of Crime! Spider-Man pops up behind The Owl and tells him “You have big shoes to fill… literally. Wilson Fisk had really big feet. Can I say big pants too?” He then punches The Owl unconscious, The Owl’s head spinning a full 360.


Leland is taken away, and The NYPD, The superheroes, The Goblin-Busters, and The Maggia capture Tombstone, Jigsaw, Diamondback, and Hammerhead and take them away as well.


Meanwhile, a squad of SHIELD agents, led by Teresa Parker, and alongside them Captain America, enter the city to help the NYPD and Parker Industries take down Gabriel once and for all. Teresa reunites with Peter at the police station and they hug and try to catch up on how the other has been since they last saw each other several years ago.


Meanwhile, Miles goes to Kate to tell her the kiss was a mistake. She understands. He goes to Ana to tell her he kissed another woman while he thought she was dead and she deserves a better boyfriend. If she wants to still be friends he would be happy, if she hate him he deserves it and he’s sorry. They talk for several hours but they can’t make it work so they break up.


Black Cat returns to New York after years abroad as an international bounty hunter turned Symkarian Politician. She’s ready to find Gabriel Stacy and avenge the lives lost in the Delvadia/ Symkaria war, but all of her old contacts in the city are in prison or working for Goblin Nation. She decides to look into the areas she used to run when she was New York’s Queenpin of Crime, and see if she can convince any of the criminals in the area to work for her. An old enforcer of hers: The Hippo, offers to lead her to the new boss of the area, but it quickly turns out to be a trap when the boss is revealed to be White Rabbit!


Meanwhile, Aaron Davis sends a message to Miles that if he ever needs him, he’ll be there.







We begin with a nice scene from Peter Parker’s childhood, and we get to see how Uncle Ben and Aunt May both taught Peter the importance of family and how they’ll always be there for him. A ten year old Peter is bullied, Uncle Ben picks him up off the ground, Aunt May cleans up a cut on Peter’s knee and Uncle Ben goes to tell the parents of the bullies. Aunt May makes wheat cakes, just a stereotypical supportive family image.


We start the story proper with Black Cat’s storyline, THE MENAGERIE, where we learn that while we haven’t seen many interactions between the two before, off panel, White Rabbit has always hated Black Cat. White Rabbit explains that Felicia always tries to act too big for her own good, dating Spider-Man, and then after he was off the market trying to be so kind of James Bond type with her princess friend. White Rabbit explains that all the time while Black Cat was acting like she was above them, she’s been taking over her old territory, Gabriel Stacy runs the city, and Blackcat may get to be some big time politician in Eastern Europe but White Rabbit and her Menagerie, a group of c and d list animal themed villains, can get rich robbing Jewelry stores and Penthouses all over Black Cat’s old territory. White Rabbit explains that there are so many Supervillains in the city who are just bottom feeding losers! All the for example the Gibbon’s and the Ox’s who have no idea what they’re doing, they just need guidance and direction from a criminal mastermind like herself, and when all the superheroes are obsessing over the big criminals like Gabriel, there’s no one left to stop her!


Black Cat tells White Rabbit she might be overestimating herself.


Black Cat will manage to escape and battle the Menagerie, including Princess Python, while White Rabbit insults and belittles Hippo for not tying the ropes right.


Black Cat attacks White Rabbit and tries to tune out the near constant barrage of insults from her. She explains in her inner monologue the origin of White Rabbit and how she was born to rich parents who gave her everything she ever wanted, but it bored her, and the only things that would excite her were the book Alice in Wonderland, and committing crimes. She defeats White Rabbit, who bites her tongue while being punched, bad finds it swollen in her mouth so she’s unable to talk. Black Cat is exhausted and not ready to fight the rest of the Menagerie. She tells them White Rabbit is out, she’s in charge now. It’s their day off. They’ve made enough money. Go home and drink some hot chocolate or something. Felicia picks up White Rabbit and carries her to the police.


Meanwhile with Spidercide aka Gabriel Stacy aka The Goblin King, he’s enraged, but not towards others like usually, towards himself.  He lost The Hand, he lost Delvadia, he lost The Black Tarantula Cartel, the man in charge of their finances, Donald Menken, betrayed him and died, and the entire city of New York is against him now! And worse than that, he hasn’t killed a superhero! Silk is alive again, so he’s negative one death. Queen Cat doesn’t count because that was Kingsley, not him,  and their “son” Normie, betrayed him and Karlicuper and went back to his real family instead of killing them like they told him too!


Gabriel has also, very recently, learned Ana Kravinoff is alive.




Spidergirl and her Amazing Friends


We will get to see May Parker in her middle school, in class with Normie Osborn. The deal with her parents is that after school and on weekends she fights crime with the Slingers. She’ll stop a bank robbery after school while also texting her friend Valeria Richards, and get invited to a sleepover at the Baxter Building,


May will go there on the night of  and Valaria will introduce her to Katie Power of the power pack, who has energy powers. They hit it off immediately. Katie thinks May is really cool and May is enthralled by Katie’s Power Pack stories. After some sleepover stuff and watching a movie. Valaria will show off her father’s laboratory to the scientifically minded May. After a series of comical accidents they end up falling into the Fantasticar flying into the air. Valaria takes control of the vehicle and brings them down, and we learn she’s never driven it before, but her intelligence is greater than her fathers so she learns really fast, when a giant egg shaped craft flies past them. Katie recognizes it as Nanny and Orphan Maker’s ship from the times the Power Pack fought them. Nanny sends Orphan-Maker down to kidnap a mutant child from an apartment building. Katie Power tells everyone Nanny uses her “Pixie Dust” to turn mutant children into her “Lost Boys (and Girls)” and to avoid it.


Meanwhile, Ben Grimm arrives at Valeria's Room with popcorn for the kids only to find them missing.


Meanwhile, Orphan Maker steals the glow in the dark pink mutant baby from its crib and prepares to be beamed up into Nanny’s egg shaped ship when the preteen heroes arrive. They work together to web up Orphan-Maker and shut down his suit, May admires the glow in the dark baby, but a tractor beam gets the baby and May and beams them up. Valaria gets into the Fantasticar and chases after it with Katie Power.


Inside, May lays eyes on Nanny for the first time and immediately bursts out laughing before remembering to avoid Nanny’s energy blasts. May can’t stop making puns about how Nanny ruined an EGGcelent sleepover but this is certainly an EGGciting turn of events and the parents of this baby obviously want their kid back so they’ll have to make an EGGxit. Katie blasts a hole in the ship and Nanny comments: “EGGsplosive!” May tells her that was a good one, she’s still a baby kidnapping Supervillain, but that was a good one.


Nanny prepares to launch her child hypnotizing Pixie Dust when May creates a wall of web to separate her and her friends. Spider Girl passes the mutant baby off to Valeria.  The egg ship begins to crash and Katie uses her energy powers to try and slow the descent while May creates a web parachute and attaches it to the ship. They land in Central Park as the X-men arrive. Katie fist bumps Wolverine as Valaria tells Storm the apartment number of the baby.


Meanwhile, Johnny and Ben are looking through the Baxter Building for the kids, discovering the lab doors open. Ben hopes the Negative Zone portal didn’t open as they discover the girls near the Fantasticar launch pad. Valaria tells them May and Katie really wanted to see it, and Johnny tells them to just be careful not to scratch it.


Meanwhile, Teresa Parker has called a briefing for the Slingers and explains to Peter and the rest of the Spider heroes(and Johnny Storm, who is at this briefing because he was just with Peter fighting crime ) that Gabriel Stacy has been literally selling usage of gang territories in NYC to organizations like HYDRA and others around the world. Supervillains from around the world have been arriving in the city the past few days and they have intel there’s going to be some kind of auction. If everyone attacks in a raid, evidence could be destroyed, so they’re sending a select inconspicuous few in to take evidence first.  Johnny whispers to Peter about why he never told him about his beautiful sister. Teresa explains she will be leading the team, Peter Parker and Captain America will be coming, as well as Miles, due to his skills with invisibility. After they get the evidence they need, then the rest of them can raid the place. Johnny volunteers himself to help with investigating. He and Teresa an be partners. Teresa comments that his powers are literally setting himself on fire, she doubts he would be helpful with espionage.


Meanwhile, MJ gets a call from Tony Stark. He tells her that originally, it was believed the last Iron Spider suit was destroyed, but he’s found an experimental suit that was gathering dust in a storage facility on Long Island. Does she want him to send it over?


The mission meanwhile begins, a hotel, convention center, and ballroom rented out by Gabriel. Teresa Parker entering the ballroom disguised as Madame Masque(the real Madame Masque was captured entering the city a few days prior) We get to see villains from across the Marvel Universe, Stegron and Sauron debating methods of turning people into dinosaurs, The Mad Thinker, The Wizard, and The Leader with a three person chess board, The Red Ghost and his three super apes at the bar.


Outside, Miles is invisible in the parking lot disabling all the vehicles for when the bad guys attempt  to escape the raid, and we see him pass Big Wheel’s Big Wheel.


Peter and Captain America crawl through the air vents. Spider-Man asks Cap if he should have let him go in front. He usually goes through air vents alone and he doesn’t know if it’s rude to-


Cap interrupts to tell Spider-Man he’s fine. Freedom doesn’t care who goes through the air vent first.


Teresa, disguised as Madame Masque ends up dancing with Baron Von Strucker as he admits his admiration for her grace in the ballroom floor. Teresa thinks about how bad Von Strucker’s breath smells. Von Strucker brings up that it has been many years since he has danced with a woman so beautiful when Johnny Storm takes her from Von Strucker in a fake eyepatch. Johnny Storm tells Teresa he got the fake eyepatch idea from Wolverine. He does this when he’s in Madripoor. Teresa brings up Wolverine isn’t a celebrity and tells him to leave before someone realizes who he is. Johnny tells her he had something important to say, one of Red Ghost’s super apes was in the parking lot really drunk and told him which hotel room Gabriel Stacy is staying in. Teresa sends the information to Captain America and Spider-Man and the two realize they must turn around in the air vents.


Spider-Man tells Cap he needs advice. Cap tells him to shoot. Peter brings up its weird having people look up to him. He told Miles a joke the other day and Miles though he was being serious.


Cap brings up when he said “Freedom doesn’t care who goes first in the air vent first” he had been joking.


They get into Gabriel’s room.


Peter discovers a map of the city, revealing concrete evidence Gabriel Stacy is using his power as the Goblin King to cut up and auction off entire blocks of New York City to Supervillains, dictators, and evil organizations. Peter realizes the block his and MJ’s apartment is on was just sold to Dracula.


Captain America finds a ledger and takes it for evidence. Downstairs, the auction is beginning, but Gabriel Stacy hasn’t shown up yet. Everyone is wondering where he is, when Gabriel's voice comes on over speakers.


Gabriel explains someone here is not who they claim. Someone here is spying on them all. Teresa stares at Johnny in his eyepatch. Gabriel reveals that the interloper is none other than: Wolverine!


Wolverine in an eyepatch, aka the mysterious Madripoor man known only as “Patch” stands up and unsheathes his claws. The Slingers, The Spectacular Six, and a series of SHIELD agents burst through the windows.Teresa as Madame Masque joins the fight. A doombot attacks her from behind and Johnny melts it.  Captain America and Spiderman escape with the ledger. After the raid, villains from AIM, HYDRA, DRACULA, THE SERPENT SOCIETY, THE HAND, THE SECRET EMPIRE, THE CRIME MASTERS, THE HELLFIRE CLUB, and more are arrested and prosecuted using evidence from the ledger.


Johnny Storm asks Teresa on a date, and she accepts. He promises to pick her up in the Fantasticar.


Captain America talks to Peter. He tells Peter that people look up to him now. That’s not a bad thing, that’s a responsibility. Give them time, they’ll get used to you again, and you’ll get used to them.


Next, we get a lighthearted date night storyline with Teresa Parker and Johnny Storm. Teresa has refused the Fantasticar and wants a more reserved first date, explaining she’s a superspy and she can lose her job if she attracts too much attention to herself. She picks a small but nice restaurant, but it goes wrong when people begin to recognize Johnny Storm as celebrity superhero the human torch. Johnny seems to love the spotlight and begins joking around with the paparazzi, but it’s revealed to be him distracting them so Teresa can get out. They leave the restaurant, Teresa hiding her face behind a menu, and end up getting 1 dollar pizza and eating on a rooftop when Jester and Screwball arrive for their prank web show. They attack with gimmicky weaponry and balloons filled with paint, live streaming. Screwball is overjoyed with her date night with Jester having been at the same restaurant The Human Torch dines at and Jester attempts to spray the torch with flame retardant foam while the two dodge his fireballs. Teresa realizes they’re live-streaming and punches the camera, destroying it. There’s a rooftop fight between the super villain live-streamers and Johnny and Teresa with Screwball at the same time trying to convince Human Torch to give her his agents number so they can do cross promotion of their brands. The two defeat Jester and Screwball and leave them wrapped in a melted metal pipe for the police.


Teresa enjoyed the date, but quickly learns she’s been fired from SHIELD. Screwball’s video caught her face for an extended amount of time, and it already has millions of views. Teresa leaves, Johnny feels bad, and we reveal all of this is a story he’s telling to MJ while waiting for Peter to get home. He wants to try and find a way to make it up to Teresa.


Later, Johnny arrives at Teresa’s hotel room to apologize. She forgives him, but she needs to start looking for work. SHIELD was her way of helping people, and now she can’t do that. Johnny thinks she can, and presents The Iron Spider suit to her.






In hell, Loki is doing the same thing he’s been doing for months, just barely holding together the fabric of space and time. Since Mephisto has been erased from existence, he has been single handedly been preventing all of Mephisto’s changes to space-time over the years from all being undone at once and destroying reality. Instead, he has been attempting to subtly and very slowly untie the gordian knots of pure reality Mephisto's deals over the years have created in the way time should be. This hasn’t been easy though, due to a certain team of web slinging heroes messing with time by bringing Silk back to their future and undoing the destruction of Earth 666. Right now, he’s carefully fixing the continuity problems One More Day could cause, using Mephisto’s power to change reality to give every strange plot hole it could create a logical reason, while not messing up the mortal Peter Parker, who Loki considers a friend’s  life.


Karlicuper meanwhile, after learning Ana Kravinoff is alive, is fed up with Gabriel’s inability to successfully murder a superhero, and has returned home to hell to do things her own way. We will see that Loki found Hell too gloomy and has given it a Hawaiian style makeover, complete with palm trees and tiki bars. She heads to the prison of souls, where entities that have attempted to usurp Loki’s rule of his own personal kingdom are  held for eternity. She frees Mephisto’s daughter, and her childhood best friend: Mephista!


 Mephista wants revenge on Spider-Man for indirectly causing her father's death. But first she and Karlicuper go to beat up Loki and steal Mephisto’s power from him. Loki escapes just barely and heads to the Slingers, teleporting Kaine, Sarah, Silk, Miles, and May Parker away into a pocket universe for a moment, and when they return to reality… it’s very different. It’s late at night. New York is filled with crumbling buildings, graffiti is everywhere, there’s garbage and wrecked cars. It looks like New York in the movie Escape From New York.  Kaine notices first that the police station that should be where they are on 21st street is an empty abandoned building. They fight a gang robbing an old man, but when Kaine’s mask is pulled off, the gang members are horrified and run away in terror. Kaine, Sarah, and Miles discuss what’s going on and decide it’s probably an alternate reality. They need to be careful. Silk takes some initiative asks the old man who the first president was, and who the mayor of New York is. The man gives George Washington as first president, and points out that they haven’t had a mayor since Kaine killed him, before asking if he’s allowed to go home. Kaine tells him to go, and tells Miles he travelled the multiverse with Spider Gwen as a Web Warrior a few years ago, and while it isn’t common, there are a few realities where Peter Parker is evil. This is probably one of them and they should get out fast. Kaine references a reality where Spider-Man was a Turkish Gangster with bushy eyebrows, which is a real thing, look up 3 dev Adam. It’s this Turkish movie from the 70’s about Captain America teaming up with a famous Turkish wrestler to defeat an evil Spider-Man. It’s really weird and might be the first feature film Spider-Man appeared in.


None of them have the technology to travel dimensions on them so they head to the address of Madam Web, a location that in every reality, whether it has a Madam Web or not, has a secret communicator buried beneath it to call the Master Weaver. They pass some graffiti of “Beware The Wolf Spider” along the way, before finally getting in contact with earth 001, and learning that this is their reality… Earth 616. Before they can learn anymore, the communicator is destroyed as a Spider-man like figure in brown and black with a Armored exoskeleton that features large spider like limbs bursts through the walls laughing maniacally. He battles all of them, and May rips off his mask to reveal an evil Peter Parker, who calls her a little brat and tosses her aside. May runs away in shock and right into her mother MJ, who is now on a bulletproof vest covered in belts and pouches with a giant gun. MJ seems to have some sort of ptsd flashback and opens fire not on just Wolf-Spider but all the spiders.. He reattaches his mask and attacks like a ferocious animal before being pulled back seconds before he can reach her by Silk and Miles. MJ realizes there’s too many of them, she can’t beat them all, and runs into a large armored truck and May stows away on it, following MJ back to her base in an abandoned Subway tunnel.


Meanwhile, Wolf-Spider is attacked by Sarah, and rips off her mask, demanding to know who she is and why she’s dared to wear a cheap imitation of  the garb of the wolf spider! He’s shocked to see it’s Gwen, and as Kaine, mask torn open in the fight runs at him, Wolf Spider realizes he looks just like him, and smashes the ceiling to escape with an unconscious Sarah.


May reveals herself in MJ’s base and demands to know what’s going on and why her mother was fighting her father. MJ opens fire, believing anything May says to be lies, and that she’s working for Wolf Spider. They battle.


MJ doesn’t know what May is talking about, May claims she’s from another dimension, she doesn’t understand any of this, MJ thinks that other dimensions don’t exist, but is seemingly swayed when May explains her parents in that other dimension are MJ and Peter. However, she snaps out of it and tries to kill May again, telling her there’s no reality where her and that monster could feel anything other than hatred for each other.


Meanwhile, Wolf Spider examines Sarah in his lab while she’s unconscious and discovers a wedding ring. He brings out a chained up EMPATHOID. A villain from Spectacular Spider-Man #6 who could drain people’s emotions. He determines that Sarah feels great joy when she sees a face identical to Wolf Spider’s. Wolf Spider remembers his doppelgänger he saw in the fight, and begins to feel a burning rage. Another version of him, another version of Gwen!


May and MJ continue to fight, and May eventually manages to knock her mother out. She webs her mom up and begins to root through her secret base, discovering a series of War Journals.


We cut back to a version of 70’s era Marvel comics:


Peter Parker is battling the Green Goblin after he’s just killed Gwen. But here’s the difference, instead of dying by his own glider, Peter hits Norman in the wrong spot, just a bit too hard, and Norman is dead. Peter is horrified by what he’s done. When Mary Jane tried to comfort him after Gwen’s death, he brushes her aside and is angry she even brought it up.


This “What If” version of Peter goes on to battle Man Wolf, as he did in issue 124 shortly after the death of Gwen, and not knowing he’s John Jameson, believing him to be just a savage monster, kills him. From then on, J J Jameson hounds Spider-Man more than ever, determined to discover his secret identity. Peter will spiral towards insanity battling the Kangaroo in issue 126, who he doesn’t kill, and Mysterio and Doc Ock will be hired by Jameson to kill Spider-Man and find his identity. Mysterio tried to drive Spider-Man insane and torments him over Gwen’s death and John Jameson’s. Peter kills Mysterio and is unmasked by Doc Ock in front of the world as an unhinged mad man. Peter escapes, but is now a fugitive, and when he returns home, Aunt May has a heart attack when she turns on the tv and learns the news. He attempts to save her but cannot as a swat team bursts in. Peter swears vengeance on the world that has wronged him, rebrands himself something more powerful, more deadly, a true predator…. THE WOLF SPIDER! He tracks down Doc Ock in a new costume to get revenge on him for causing the death of his aunt, but at this point, a new Sinister Six has been formed by Jameson to capture Peter Parker. Now, Jameson has realized Peter is nothing more than an angry kid who needs help, and organizes the Sinister Six:


Doc Ock



Kraven the Hunter


Scorpion taking Mysterio’s place


They  will go after Wolf-Spider, who kills them all in a rooftop battle on the Daily Bugle. Jameson will then attempt to talk Peter down, but Peter thinks Jameson has always hated him, refuses to listen, and in a fit of rage tosses Jameson off the building. Police attack, and he kills them and escapes.


Taking the technology used by Doc Ock and Scorpion, he constructs a new and more powerful Wolf Spider exoskeleton, which he will use to gain vengeance against the world that allowed Uncle Ben, Captain Stacy, Gwen, and his Aunt May to die! Superheroes like The Avengers and the Fantastic Four go after Peter Parker, but by claiming the technology of his old enemies like Doc Ock and the Green Goblin, as well as developing new technology with his genius intellect, he becomes impossible to capture, and succeeds in killing Iron Man, the Human Torch,  Mr. Fantastic, Iceman, Beast, Jean Grey, Nick Fury, and Captain America. No matter how hard the heroes try to capture him, he always manages to escape, becoming a white whale to some, and the most deadly serial killer in New York history. He kills Rhino, Shocker, Kangaroo, Chameleon, Kingpin, Hydro Man, Tombstone, Hammerhead, Black Cat, Alistair Smythe, Molten Man, Hobbie Brown, who becomes a hero to try to stop Peter, and the Kravinoff family, including Ana, who come to avenge the deaths of Kraven and Chameleon. He either destroys Green Goblin’s old bases or repurposes them for his own use, and MJ, feeling responsible for not being able to help Peter in a New York City that has become a place of fear and destruction, vows to stop him by any means necessary.


The remaining Slingers are recovering when May returns to them with the War journals and they look through them. Kaine realizes that’s why Wolf Spider kidnapped Sarah, because she’s identical to Gwen. May is shaken up by all of this, and wants to see her real parents again. Kaine speaks to Miles in private about how he isn’t sure they exist anymore. This is earth 616. Silk thinks they should try to find Loki, he’s connected to all this. Miles thinks they should go after Wolf Spider. They don’t leave Slingers behind. Miles also doesn’t understand why Loki would do something like this, he considers Peter Parker a friend. Kaine thinks that of course he would do something like this, he’s a villain, he probably thinks this is helping Peter. The Slingers decide to look into old bases of Doc Ock, and discover that the home base of The Slingers I’m in this reality Wolf-Spiders base of operations. They attack, Wolf Spider fights Kaine, attempting to kill him. Kaine mocks Wolf Spider, who tells him he has no idea what he’s been through! May fights her father and attempts to tell Wolf-Spider about the other world. They save Sarah and escape, leaving Wolf Spider in his destroyed base. He isn’t the problem, the problem is that the world has been changed, and they need to find Loki. Wolf Spider, having never believed in the multiverse theory before, decides May must have been telling the truth, it’s the only explanation. Wolf Spider thinks to himself that it couldn’t be clones, it has to be another reality, because he killed Professor Warren. Sarah meanwhile, is acting distant to Kaine and he doesn’t know why.


Kaine deals with the weirdness of fighting this evil Peter, since he’s always looked up to Peter Parker. Loki will arrive, having found the Slingers, and explain to them that Karlicuper and Mephista changed reality. All the powers he had as king of hell are gone, Mephista has them. He has no way to stop her though, she has all the power of Mephisto. The Slingers rest and recuperate with Loki, fearful they won’t be able to get out of the nightmarish reality they’re now stuck in. Wolf Spider tracks them to their place of rest, and finds May specifically to tell his daughter that he believes her. He wants her to lead him to MJ so the two of them can convince her together. May goes off on her own in secret with Wolf Spider and leads him to MJ ‘s bass, where he web’s May to the wall and attacks Mary Jane and destroys the base. Mary Jane is visibly filled with fear and hatred by the very concept of Spiders. He locks both MJ and May up in two different cells in an area where MJ built potential prison cells for if she was ever able to capture Peter.


Wolf Spider leaves. The Ptsd addled survivalist version of MJ tells May she should kill her for this! May once again tries to convince her mother she’s from another dimension where her and Peter love each other, and brings up that despite what MJ says about wanting to kill dad, she built cells to keep him alive. And he didn’t kill her either. Maybe she’s trying to stop Peter now because she still cares about the young Peter she knew and wants to try and save him. MJ tells May both her and Peter are too far gone to ever be saved, and asks May if this other world where her life wasn’t ruined by spiders really exists. May tells her it did, and her and her friends are trying to bring it back, but they don’t know how. MJ tells May she’ll join her. The two work together and escape.


Meanwhile, Wolf Spider confronts The Slingers and tells them he has May hostage. He explains he’s deduced that if May is his and MJ’s daughter, that means the world they’re trying to remake is one where Gwen is dead. He refuses to live in that world. He wants the power to travel the multiverse, and he wants Loki to give it to him. He’s going to find a world where Gwen lived. Loki tries to explain he doesn’t have the power to do that. He’s been weakened by his fight with Mephista. Wolf Spider doesn’t care, and shows off a detonator that will blow up the location May is being held. May and MJ appear behind him, a fight begins, MJ is fighting Wolf-Spider, and with the help of the Slingers pulls apart his exosuit spider legs. Sarah tells MJ to kill Wolf-Spider while she has the chance, this is what she’s been waiting for! MJ prepares to but hesitates. Kaine tackles Sarah and kicks her to the floor. What’s happening? Sarah is not Sarah, she’s Mephista! Mephista reveals she has wanted to create the ultimate destruction of Peter Parker by having his legacy destroyed and the woman who in the true earth 616 loved him killing him! Kaine demands to know where Sarah is, Mephista laughs and tells them it doesn’t matter. She’s going to reset the universe to a few hours before, but this time, Loki won’t be able to save any of them! Loki takes Miles aside as the rest of The Slingers try in vain to battle the mystically powered daughter of Mephisto. He explains that Mephisto’s tampering with reality and the Slingers subsequent actions like bringing Silk back and earth 666 back combined had basically destroyed reality. After Mephisto’s death, there was an entire universe of unclaimed cosmic power. Loki explains he took that power, and has been trying to hold reality all together using the power he took from Mephisto. However, now Mephista has that power, and she is not trying to hold reality together, in fact, she doesn’t even know about the cracks. If she changes reality one more time; everything will be unmade. The reality of the universe that is 616 will be unmade.


Loki tries to think of something to do, but even the god of mischief has no lies that can stop what now transpires.


Meanwhile, Kaine demands to know where Sarah is and Mephista tells him she doesn’t exist in this reality. She replaced her when Loki saved everyone. Loki overhears and is shocked someone tricked him. Mephista blasts a beam of energy, aimed right at Spider-girl. MJ leaps in the way. Wolf-Spider witnesses what has happened and leaps at Mephista, enraged. Mephista bemoans that the Slingers have ruined everything with their presence! He still cares about MJ. She announces she’s going to fix things, this time no Slingers, no one to ruin her world! She teleports away, Wolf Spider still clutching onto her, and reality is unmade. Before teleporting away, Wolf Spider spots May yelling “Dad!” Loki realizes he’s out of time with no tricks or lies to use, and leaps into Wolf-Spiders back.


Mephista is destroyed by her power exploding outward from her body, it launches into Wolf-Spider, who is still shocked by MJ’s death. Loki floats through nothingness behind him. Wolf Spider asks Loki what’s he’s doing here.


Loki says he’s here to defeat him with the truth! He uses his illusions to showcase some moments of Peter’s life with MJ, May, and himself.We begin to see his supporting cast, then the Slingers, then some of Spider-man’s greatest moments. Then we see tragedies, losses. Loki tells Wolf-Spider he’s always admired his universes Peter Parker for his resilience and ability to always bounce back. His unwavering sense of right and wrong. Loki states he would never tell Parker any of this, and if he did it would ruin his credibility as a god, and a villainous mischief maker, but a man who can always find what’s right and responsible is someone he wishes, at times, he could be. That is the truth.


The villainous Wolf-Spider realizes he now has the power to remake reality, and remembers something he hasn’t thought about in years: with great power comes great responsibility.


Earth 616 is back to normal. No one remembers anything. Peter and MJ are happy, waking up May, who remembers nothing from the corrupted reality.  Sarah and Kaine remember nothing waking up. Karlicuper wakes up, ready for a master plan to destroy Spider-Man with the help of… she can’t remember.


Loki checks in on reality. It’s been completely fixed. It’s strange, could it have repaired itself, like a bone mending put back into place? Loki realizes he’s saved reality! His months of hard work have paid off!  Loki is seemingly back to his old ways as well, remembering nothing, but we see he still does admire Earth 616 Peter Parker.


Meanwhile Gabriel speaks to Dr. Tramma. She’s prepared a powerful laser for him, designed to pierce molten people’s skin.


We will also get a story where Phil Urich aka Spider-Goblin will make the decision to retire his Spider-Goblin title after confusion from the people of New York due to him fighting against the Goblin Nation, as well as an intervention about the name from Norah Winters. He will take up the title of THE GRASSHOPPER, a newly available superhero identity after its previous users death. He will end up fighting Goblin Nation, earning the nickname “Crashhopper” for his impulsive attitude and accidental property damage.


He will soon learn that The Grasshopper title has a reputation among heroes as having a death curse. Phil learns all previous Grasshoppers have died almost immediately and must try to beat the death curse, eventually changing his official name to Crashhopper to beat the curse after several near fatal brushes with death, including a piano almost falling on him. He triumphantly survives his first day as The Crashhopper. It’s not the best hero name, but at least he’s not cursed.




Julia Carpenter, former Spider Woman turned new Madame Web will have a vision of the future: The Sisterhood of The Wasp, the sinister cult that battled Anya Corazón will kidnap her daughter Rachael, as well as Jessica Drew’s son Gerry with the help of Karlicuper and The Spider-Queen. What they do with these three will have massive repercussions.


Meanwhile, Yuri as Wraith is going after Hammerhead, who following the recent gangwar with Gabriel Stacy and The Owl, has decided to get out of the city with his gang until all the Goblin Nation stuff blows over. May Parker aka Spider-Girl spots the car chase going on between the two and joins Wraith to assist her and they capture Hammerhead. Julia Carpenter arrives to ask them for help.


She explains that sinister forces are gathering to upset the balance in the Web of Life. Their enemies include Karlicuper, who as Carlie Cooper worked under Yuri at the NYPD. Also, she believes that the sisterhood needs May as well for their master plan. If they succeed, the entire world could be changed irreversibly. May offers to help fight the Sisterhood of Wasps, Yuri thinks that’s a bad idea, the Sisterhood wants her, they need to keep her as far away from this as possible. Yuri and Julia go find Jessica Drew, and May, Rachael, and Gerry are sent to a Parker Industries safehouse. Rachael doesn’t think this is necessary and benign a bit older than May hates having to protect these younger kids. May claims she’s the one protecting them, as the only one with superpowers. The two young girls are shocked to see to see see Gerry crawling up a wall.


Meanwhile, Karlicuper arrives at the secret base of the Sisterhood of the Wasp to help with their new plan, the Sisterhood which is now being led by Camilla Black, aka the Black Scorpion, who has converted to their cult beliefs. At her side, The Queen.


Meanwhile, Julia, Yuri, and Jessica go looking for someone who has experience with the Sisterhood: Anya Corazón and she agrees to help them.


Anya Corazón doesn’t understand why The Queen would be working with the Sisterhood of Wasp. The Sisterhood is an ancient society that has always been dedicated to destroying Spider-Totems, it doesn’t make sense they would be working with someone who gets her power from the Spider totems.


Meanwhile, a ritual is being done by the Sisterhood of the Wasp. Karlicuper is present as Camilla Black, now a Wasp priestess, questions The Queen's loyalties. The Queen promises to forsake the Spider-Totem’s.


The Spider-Queen is transformed by a dark ritual using Karlicuper’s magical abilities. She has abandoned the spiders to gain more power.  She has been transformed into…. The Wasp-Queen!!


She is sent by Camilla Black to find “The Three Scions.” The prophecy tells that if the next generation of Spiders are eliminated, they can reshape the web of life and death, transforming it into… the hive of life and death!


The Wasp Queen goes to attack the Parker Industries safehouse, testing her new abilities such as flight, control over bees and wasps, and stingers as she does so, and will battle May Parker as she attempts to get Gerry and the unpowered Rachael out of the safehouse. Wasp Queen tells May about how Wasps eat Spiders as they fight, Wasp Queen transforming into a giant humanoid Wasp the same way she could become a spider monster before, and The Wasp Queen, while injured by her battle with May, manages to kidnap Baby Gerry. May shoots a spider slayer onto Wasp Queen, who notices, but leaves it because she wants May to come to the Sisterhood base.


Yuri, Julia, Jessica, and Anya arrive just after the battle, and Jessica desperately wants her baby back. May wants to go to make up for not saving Gerry, Anya thinks they’ll need all the help they can get against the Sisterhood.Yuri agrees, and if they’re hunting Wasps, they need a hunter. Ana Kravinoff is called in.


Julia and Yuri stay with Rachael to guard her and Anya, Jessica, May,and Ana follow the Spider tracer.


There’s a battle on two fronts as while they attack The Sisterhood base, Wasp-Queen goes after Rachel with the help of Karlicuper.


Wraith battles Karlicuper while Wasp-Queen and Julia have a mental battle on the astral plane since they’re both connected to the web of life, battling on the web of life, which Julia discovers to have a weak spot where Wasp-Queen’s area of the web of life is. We learn that the individual strands of the web of life are formed from the lives of  people with Spider Powers. The Sisterhood’s plan is apparently to take the future of the Web of Life and Death, those that will inherit it, and transform them all into Wasp creatures, which will allow them to enter the Web of Life, take over, and create a sinister Hive of Life and Death, where Wasp-Queen believes will allow her to take over the world.


Yuri while fighting asks Karlicuper, all those cases she solved, finding out The Superior Spider-Man wasn’t Peter Parker, did she find that out on her own or have help from her demon cronies? Yuri tells Karlicuper she trusted her as a cop and as a friend, and knowing now who she was, she’s going to enjoy putting her in a cell.


As they fight, the enraged Yuri asks Karlicuper if she was ever a good cop, or if all of it was just an act? Karlicuper tells Yuri that every day when she got off work, she would ask Mephisto if she could set all of the self righteous fools around her on fire. He always said no, but Mephisto isn’t here anymore! Karlicuper fires demonic fire out of her fists at Yuri, who leaps out of the way! Wraith fires her ribbons at Karlicuper and attempts to snuff out the flame, but Karlicuper burns through them, then kidnaps Rachel and flies into the night before a magic spell the Sisterhood perform teleports her and Wasp-Queen away.


We reveal the spider tracer May put on Wasp-Queen is now in the heart of the Sisterhoods base, where Karlicuper returns after the teleportation. She helps Camilla Black in a mystical ritual where dozens of Sisters transformed into Wasp-People! It’s a trap!


Karlicuper locks Rachael up and goes Camilla Black and they complain about their respective boyfriends. Camilla talks about how Scorpion never stops complaining. Also, online gambling addiction. Karlicuper tells Camilla Black that her boyfriend is always talking about his father, and if you bring up his sister, or even worse, his mother, Gabriel gets very weird and starts using some strange terms. He said that Gwen Stacy was the forge to create the sword of the Goblin empire. She doesn’t know if that was sexist or he was trying to be poetic?


An alarm sounds, the Spiders are here!


May, Jessica, Ana, and Anya burst in to the base, a secret temple of the Wasp in the wilderness outside NYC.


Julia Carpenter tells Wraith the evil plan. Wraith understands none of it and thinks it sounds like a bad fantasy story. What she does know is if it’s true, then May is next and is going into a trap!


May, Anya, Jessica, and Ana attack, battling “the drones” of the Sisterhood. May finds Rachael and Gerry and attempts to save them. May continually saves Rachael from Wasp monsters until one comes up behind May and prepares to sting her…. When Rachael slams it down with a chair she grabbed, saving May. The two run with baby Gerry when Wasp-Queen arrives and battles May, and we learn that since now she can control Wasps instead of Spiders, her working with the Sisterhood of Wasps has allowed her to completely take over the organization. Karlicuper magic spell has allowed the sting of a wasp human hybrid to transform you into a Wasp human hybrid. Camilla Black believes she’s the leader, but the magic being used by Karlicuper to turn her agents into Wasp people is also allowing Wasp-Queen to dominate their minds!!! Wasp-Queen plans to sting Gerry, Rachael, and May, when Wraith and Julia arrive!


May tells all of them that Karlicuper’s magic powers are creating the Wasp hybrids. We discover Karlicuper and Camilla Black in the heart of the Wasp temple doing the ritual that allows their troops to remain Wasp monsters. It is revealed to involve a mystical circle of fire and as long as Karlicuper uses her demon powers to keep the flame lit everyone stays Wasp Monsters. Our heroes battle Karlicuper, Camilla Black, and the drones.


Wraith and Ana battle Karlicuper.


Anya and Julia battle Camilla Black.


Wasp-Queen bursts in the room and Jessica battles her.


May meanwhile, leads Rachael, carrying Gerry, out of the building.


Ana grabs ahold of Karlicuper by the wings, and somehow, her wings age and crumble to dust. Ana is shocked and has no idea how that happened. The shock causes Karlicuper to be unable to continue with her fire powers. The drones as well as Wasp-Queen turn back to normal. Wasp Queen though realizes she still retains a portion of her new wasp based powers, since she was the first and the Queen of the drones.


The heroes defeat the villains, Wraith triumphantly knocks out Karlicuper.


Rachael and May have become friends through this experience, Jessica gets Gerry back, Julia reunites with her daughter.


Karlicuper, Camilla Black, and Jessica are locked away and sent to prison.


There is a two issue arc where Mendel Stromm constructs the robotic menace Swiss Miss (who is making a comics debut after first appearing in hit broadway musical Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark. ) Swiss Miss is originally constructed to be controlled by Stromm, and in her first appearance battles and nearly defeats the Superior Six, but as AI often do, she goes rogue. The Superior Six must protect Stromm from his own creation in its second appearance, ending with Swiss Miss shut down and Stromm in prison.


Gabriel, meanwhile,  tells Massacre that they need to break Karlicuper out of prison immediately. Massacre break the bad news to him, they no longer have the resources necessary to enact a prison break of that level. She’s in a maximum security supervillain prison. They’ve lost the Sisterhood of Wasps, and the Masters of Crime is in shambles. Superheroes have taken apart their organization. The world’s criminal communities no longer support his rule over New York. Gabriel decides that's fine, he’ll break her out himself. Massacre tells him that the prison she’s in has sonic cannons, and every guard has a mech suit. Attacking alone, or even with a small group, he would die. Gabriel is made sad by the realization he won’t be able to get Karlicuper out of prison, but more than that, he’s made angry.


Harry and Liz are at home. They’ve been fighting Gabriel Stacy’s forces for weeks, and now they need to just lay down and go to sleep. They both fall asleep on their couch, and Gabriel enters after blowing up a wall! Liz Allen fires up, Harry calls his Goblin Glider to him, and a battle begins. Liz fires fire at Gabriel, and his symbiote begins to burn. Gabriel is losing! Gabriel reveals a high tech laser gun, the same laser designed to pierce molten skin!


Liz Allen is shot, Harry tries to save her but it’s too late. She tells him Harry to go get that…... (a series of Deadpool faces cover that word)


Harry leaps at Gabriel, they both smash each other against the walls, and Harry even seems to be winning, but, he stops short of killing Gabriel. He’s a hero, and heroes don’t kill. Gabriel stabs him with a Carnage blade, and proceeds to beat him mercilessly. Gabriel lifts Harry up by the neck. Harry looks to the still alive Liz.


Harry Osborn tells Gabriel he’ll lose, just like dad lost.


Gabriel stabs Harry and tosses him to the floor. Harry begins to crawl towards Liz, Spidercide stomps on him. Harry struggles, but gets back up. He continues the crawl. Gabriel stomps on him again! Harry gets up again, and finally making it to Liz, and they kiss. Gabriel shoots a spike through them both, and Harry and Liz Allen are both dead.


Gabriel grows wings out of his symbiote and flies off into the night.


The Slingers are planning a raid on one of the few Goblin Nation bases left in the city. They still haven’t found Gabriel, and Sarah is worried even if they defeat Goblin Nation, the Goblin King himself will still be able to escape and go into hiding, and then they’ll just have to wait for him. They can’t let Gabriel disappear.


Yuri Watanabe arrives. She just got back from Harry and Liz’s apartment uptown.


We cut to the funeral, it’s been a couple weeks. Normie and Stanley are staying home with their grandmother. Their grandmother didn’t think coming would be healthy for them after everything.


Peter knows Gabriel did this to get to him. He knows this is his fault.


The heroes in NYC have been targeting the remaining Goblin Nation bases. The organization is except for a few holdouts, defeated. Gabriel is missing, he’s gone back into hiding.


Peter is still thinking about what he could have done differently, how he could have stopped Gabriel, every other hero in the Slingers and Spectacular Six are thinking the same thing.


After the service, Kaine speaks to the Slingers and Peter.


Kaine tells them, he’s tired of this! They beat Gabriel again and again and he always comes back! How many more people does he have to kill before we stop him permanently? How many of our friends? Peter tells Kaine that isn’t how they do things. Kaine tells him that if Sarah dies, then it’s his fault for not killing Gabriel when they had a chance. Harry and Liz died because of “no one dies”. How is “no one dies” working for us right now?


Peter tells Kaine he’s sorry.


Meanwhile, Ana has been trying to figure out how she woke up without any scars or injuries after being buried alive, and how she destroyed Karlicuper’s wings. Come to think of it, she hasn’t been injured recently at all. Originally, she believed her inhuman power was to bring dead people back to life( a power she doesn’t use anymore because she kills anyone she brings back to life if she touches them again and accidentally killed her mother.) When she brings someone back to life, their  injuries heal. Maybe this is an extension of her powers, and she somehow can also heal her own injuries now? But if she has other unrevealed powers, what are they? She is also considering bringing Harry and Liz back, but she knows from experience with both her parents it can only lead to pain.


Normie Osborn sits on a rooftop sad and alone. Kaine swings by with a paper bag. He got the kid food. Normie says he isn’t hungry. Kaine puts the food aside. Kaine tells Normie he doesn’t know what he’s going through, but he knows what it’s like to be… rough around the edges. Normie lets the Thorn symbiote envelope him and tells Kaine he’s right, he doesn’t know what he’s going through. Kaine sits down next to Normie: “I’m sad too.”


They sit in silence. Kaine tells Normie his Aunt Sarah made the food. Normie asks Kaine to pass the bag to him.


MJ will find Ana and ask what’s wrong, and she explains she has a problem, and she needs to deal with it alone so no one else is hurt.


MJ tells Ana, Peter used to think he had to do everything on his own, that he couldn’t ask for help, that it was his obligation to do everything alone, because involving others could get them hurt, but what he didn’t understand was, she always knew he was Spiderman, from that first night when she saw him crawl out the window next door to her. It was her choice to be with him, and to help him do the things that he does every day. You can’t survive alone. No matter what happens, they’re behind Ana, because she’s part of their family.


A few days later, after everyone has mourned, there’s a team meeting.


Miles tells everyone that they have to do this together, all of them, at once, against Gabriel Stacy.


Kaine mentions Gabriel is still in hiding. They have no idea where he is. Sarah tells Kaine that they have to draw Gabriel out. They need to get married.


Hours later, a venue has been prepared. Reed Richards obtained use of the the church that he and Sue Storm were married in. There wasn’t enough time to get a priest, but fortunately Doctor Curt Connors, still in humanoid lizard form, was able to get himself ordained online.


Spider-Gwen arrives from her dimension at the last minute to be one of Sarah’s bridesmaid, along with Mary Jane, Ana Kravinoff, and Silk.


Peter is Kaine’s best man.


Sarah has for obvious reasons, no one to walk her down the aisle. Doc Ock volunteers to do it.


The ceremony begins, May and Normie are flower children. They give their vows, this wedding may be a sting operation, but at the same time, Sarah can’t wait a second more to marry Kaine. Kaine talks about how you never know what’s going to happen, where life is going to take you, and you shouldn’t waste time, because its precious and you only get so much. He loves Sarah, and he wants to spend the rest of his life with her.


They both take their rings, and they prepare to kiss as Gabriel Stacy flies through the stained glass window screaming like a maniac.


Kaine kisses Sarah, and the two leap towards Gabriel!


Gabriel tells them all that all of them are tied down by their connections to others, “you’re held back by the “family” they care so deeply for. You’re held from greatness, from power! Immortality! You can hurt a man with a family, make him suffer, you can break him… but me… you cannot break me!!! I will never stop, until everyone you all love are dead!!!”


Sarah realizes Gabriel sounds different. He tells her it’s the cost of power. The Symbiote is bonded to Kasady’s dna. To get the power he needed to kill them all, he had to make a deal. Youth for being unstoppable!


Gabriel recedes his symbiote mask, revealing of them all how much his new power has aged him, making him appear older and older until his face is virtually indistinguishable from Norman Osborn in his mid 50’s!!!


Peter fights Gabriel through the battlefield. Gabriel tells him that he’ll never stop! He is Spidercide, and he brings death to spiders and their allies everywhere! Peter asks Gabriel if he really just stole the name of a Miles Warren lackey. Gabriel tells Peter it doesn’t matter who had the name before, it’s his now! Part of the grand Osborn Legacy! Peter tells Gabriel his father was exposed to chemicals that drive him crazy, Gabriel was born with the same chemical imbalance in his brain. Gabriel tells Spider-Man not to say it like it’s a bad thing, he was born to be a god among men! Peter swings into Gabriel, kicking him in the face, Gabriel grabs him and tosses him into a building, flying after him. Peter leaps out, telling him this is for Gabriel’s brother, Harry Osborn! He punishes Gabriel in the face and knocks him into the street below. Normie aka The Thorn attacks. The two of them are both powered by both symbiotes and Goblin Serum. Normie fires his thorns into Gabriel who howls in pain. Thorn creates long thorn-whips out of his symbiote and  maneuvers Gabriel into position, and leaps out of the way, telling him this is for his parents as Aaron Davis the Symbiote Slayer opens fire with a sonic cannon on Gabriel. The carnage symbiote begin to flee as Kate Bishop fires flaming arrows at the ground around Gabriel! Gabriel shoots a spike at Aaron Davis, who dodged it, leaping to the floor. Gabriel, no longer being hit by a sonic blast, attacks Aaron, preparing to smash him into the earth, when Miles leaps in the way and stop him! Miles Frits Gabriel with a venom blast, which stops him in his tracks! Gabriel falls to the floor, symbiote steaming. Miles turns away… and Gabriel fires a massive spike at his back! Aaron leaps in the way, impaling himself to save his nephew. Gabriel, symbiote falling apart around him, laughs at Miles! Uncle Aaron tells Miles not to let this change him. Gabriel coaxes his symbiote to repair itself by taking from his own life force. His symbiote replenished, Gabriel forms a battle axe and attacks Miles, who punches Gabriel back with the force to knock him a city block! Sarah orders everyone to destroy the symbiote. It’s the only thing keeping them from stopping him. Ana leaps into action and begins to fight Gabriel. Gabriel mocks her. Every time they’ve fought he’s left her half dead! What makes her think this will be any different! Ana tells him, this time she has help! Kate Bishop fires an exploding arrow at Gabriel, as his symbiote attempts to reform, Ana leaps into it, letting loose her inhuman powers, and aging the Carnage symbiote, decaying it, until death! Sarah attacks Gabriel, now only armed with his Goblin armor and a bag of pumpkin bombs. Sarah attacks, telling Gabriel that Liz and their brother Harry were proof he’s wrong, what he wants isn’t the Osborn Destiny. Gabriel reveals his sword and attacks Sarah, asking her what the Osborn destiny is then? Spider-Gwen and Kaine leaps out from behind and kick Gabriel simultaneously! May Parker webs up Gabriel’s arms! Gabriel summons his final escape plan, his Goblin glider, from a nearby building, and leaps into it, ready to escape! Silk, Sarah, and Ana punch Gabriel simultaniously! Peter leaps after Gabriel, and they have a fight, and it is personal. This is the person Gabriel has wanted to kill for years, the person he was born to kill! But, Spider-Man won’t stop making fun of Gabriel. It fills him with rage and leaves him vulnerable to an attack from Ana, knocking him into a brick wall. Ana prepares to kill Gabriel, but stops to look on in shock as arriving from all directions:









Ben Reilly

Red Tarantula

Black Cat

Silver Sable



Doc Ock







Luke Cage

Iron Fist

Moon Knight

Jessica Jones

Captain America


Captain Marvel

Iron Man



Kate Bishop

Ghost Rider

The Lizard


Teresa Parker

Human Torch

Mr. Fantastic

Invisible Woman

The Thing




Jean Grey









Kitty Pryde

Emma Frost


All stand around Gabriel Stacy, surrounding him.


Ana tells Gabriel: He’s lost. Let’s end this now. Gabriel agrees… let’s end this now!!!!


Gabriel’s glider flies through the air towards Ana, she leaps into the air, flipping over it!!!!


Gabriel’s energy glider rams into him, impaling against the wall!!!!


The heroes all look towards him.


Gabriel Stacy is dead.




Gabriel Stacy is dead by his own glider’s blade. He had always wanted to be like his father, and now he is.


Gabriel’s body is taken away from the scene, characters reunite with each other after a long and difficult battle, for some of them, maybe the most difficult they’ve ever faced. Peter finds MJ, and they find May and Normie. Our heroes begin to clean up the area and put out fires, helping the first responders. Jean Grey uses her psychic powers to find anyone trapped in the wreckage and free them.


Kaine and Sarah find each other, and in the aftermath of the massive battle reunite. It’s finally over.


Ana finds Miles. He tells her even though they aren’t together anymore, if she needs anything, all of them are here for her. She’s part of the Slingers, part of the family. Speaking of which, Miles decides to go home and see his family, including his father, who has only recently learned of Aaron’s death.


Anna Maria reunites with Doc Ock. Phil Urich goes to his uncle Ben Urich and friend Norah Winters.


Parker Industries aids the city in helping rebuild after the battle.


Mayor Murdoch speaks to the city, telling them that New York’s heroes have risen to the occasion and saved the city once again.


Sarah and Kaine in the days that follow learn Sarah is Normie and Stanley’s legal guardian in the will of their parents.


Weeks later, the city is safe, until… Karlicuper breaks out of prison. At Parker Industries, our heroes, including Peter Parker, unite.Karlicuper doesn’t have wings, but she has a strange new power. She seems to be summoning ghost goblins. Everyone needs to be careful. MJ kisses Peter for good luck and tells May and Normie to watch eachothers backs. She leaves for an important meeting for a new starring role in a film. Our heroes rush out to save the day again, like they always will.



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ILoveStargirl - 5/3/2019, 2:01 PM
Gabriel Stacy's death really made my day!!!

noahthegrand - 5/5/2019, 7:27 AM
@CaptainWagner -

@ILoveStargirl - @FlixMentallo21 - @BakugoValentine - @IChangedMyName -

@dethpillow -@brodie999 -

Here it is. The Grand Finale!
brodie999 - 5/5/2019, 10:09 PM
@noahthegrand - Thanks for tagging me in!! Could you please do the same for me by posting a comment in what would've been if Avengers: Endgame had 5 post-credits scenes?
noahthegrand - 5/8/2019, 1:15 PM
@brodie999 - just did!
ILoveStargirl - 5/10/2019, 8:23 PM
There is nothing but extensive and pure unadultered awesomeness from beginning to end, fella.
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