Noahthegrand and ILoveStargirl’s The Amazing Mary Jane

Noahthegrand and ILoveStargirl’s The Amazing Mary Jane

I return to the Amazing Spider-Man/ Slingers universe I developed with ILoveStargirl for a special return. It’s a Mary Jane story, she’s going to Hollywood. ILoveStargirl has the ideas, I write the stories

Editorial Opinion
By noahthegrand - Oct 08, 2020 12:10 PM EST
Filed Under: Spider-Man
Source: Comic Book Movie

Hi, many readers may remember my old Amazing Spider-Man comics series of plot outlines I wrote in a collaboration with the user ILoveStargirl. Those were a lot of fun to write. Basically it was an alternate version of the comics where Peter and MJ marry and they have a young daughter named May. Also, there is a team of Spider-heroes called The Slingers, and Peter got his identity revealed. We finished up that series a while back but as the user ILoveStargirl’s birthday was coming up, I promised a new article returning to that universe. I had a lot of fun going back to this world after a long time working on other projects and I hope everyone reading enjoys it too. Happy Birthday. 


When we begin, the villainous Karlicuper is summoning Ghost Goblins bear New York Tourist attraction and art installation “The Vessel”. The superhero team the Slingers, featuring Miles Morales, Ana Kravinoff, Sarah Stacy, Kaine, May Parker, and Silk, fighting alongside Peter Parker, Spider-Man himself, battle Karlicuper and the ghost goblins, eventually knocking the villainous ringleader of the ghosts off The Vessel into a giant web they’ve created in the center of the art structure! 

The scene of a defeated Karlicuper morphs into a photograph on the front page of, which Mary Jane, wife of Peter Parker and a hero in her own right, is looking at on her smartphone as the jet she’s in begins its descent into Los Angeles California! MJ will narrate that she’s coming to LA because of her old friend and Secret Hospital Co-Star Maddie Baldwin. Back in the soap opera they both were in “Secret Hospital”, Maddie tried her hand at directing an episode or two for the showrunners and discovered her true calling was not as an actress but as a director. She’s doing great and after a few indie films has gotten her biggest movie yet, a big budget action film based on the story of real life hero Dakota North, a glamourous but tough-as-nails private investigator who opened her own detective agency specializing in high-paying fashion industry cases, using her model connections to her advantage. MJ being a former model as well as trained in self defense by Captain America and thus able to do her own stunts, Maddie thought she would be perfect for the role. MJ auditioned at Maddie’s urging, and got true part. A private jet was sent to pick her up by the studio and is now bringing her to Hollywood for a role MJ thinks could make her a major star. At the airport, we get a cameo from Hollywood’s most famous hero Wonder Man also flying into town. MJ begins her work on set the next day, reuniting with her old friend Maddie as well as some of her old supermodel friends that she suggested for some cameo supermodel roles in some of the scenes of the film. These friends are 

Millie Collins

Toni Turner

Chili Storm (


Jill Jerrold

Meanwhile in The Raft supervillain prison, we meet Mary Jane’s supervillain rival from the Slingers series: Elyse Nelson. At this newest version of the prison, as long as the cells are on, people’s powers are inhibited by an electrical field. 

In the comics Elyse Nelson was a successful model who felt insecure about her looks. Her self-esteem issues would build up until, armed with a straight razor, she went into psychotic rages killing models whom she felt were prettier than her. Dakota North, Mary Jane, and Spider-Man eventually captured her. In our series she returned and became a new Chameleon, a master of disguise who hid her real face behind a mask and plotted to kill Mary Jane as revenge before being defeated again. Now she’s enraged at both the fact that Dakota North is getting a movie and that Mary Jane is starring in it and begins to plot her escape, tearing apart a newspaper photo of Mary Jane as she plots to destroy the movie and violently scar Mary Jane so she can never act again. 


Elyse Nelson will convince her prison psychiatrist to let her have makeup, and combining that with some paper mache skills she learned in the mandatory prison arts and crafts nights create a face mask to disguise herself as one of the guards. She hides under her bed to lure a guard to check her cell then knocks him out, steals his uniform, and escapes! To cause a distraction, she also decides to release four other prisoners from their cells and shut down their power inhibitors:


Powers: superhuman senses, speed, agility, durability, a healing factor and razor sharp claws and fangs.


Powers: enhanced superhuman strength and durability as well as high-leveled endurance.


Powers: telekinetic abilities 

Snake Whip

Powers: has gauntlets with spring loaded omnium cables and adamantium barbs

They were once a villain team called the Femme Fatales and guess who hired them during their first comics appearance to fight Spider-Man? Chameleon! After they all escape from prison, Elyse makes them an offer, claiming to have some hidden large sums of money buried from her previous criminal exploits(she’s lying and she’s broke, but they don’t know that).

Anyway, back with the MJ story, the filming is going well so far, MJ video calls Peter Parker and their daughter May at least once a day. May wants her daughter to be safe while working with The Swingers and she bonds with the director, whose son is the superhero speedball. MJ recalls the bad film sets she had to work on years before and much prefers this set as most of the crew and cast have worked with Maddie Baldwin before and they all seem like long time friends. The real life Dakota North is invited to visit the set one day and seeing MJ dressed in a Dakota North costume is a bit weird but the atmosphere of the set infects her. On the same day, MJ returns to her trailer to find a surprise guest….

her cousin Kristy Watson, the newest version of the superhero Jackpot, whose powers can cause her to temporarily gain the most important and necessary superpower she’ll need for a dangerous moment.  She literally hits the Jackpot, thus the name. Years ago before she got her powers she had bulimia and MJ took care of her, helping her to become a more confident person and eventually a superhero.

The Femme Fatale team, now lead by Elyse Nelson/ the second Chameleon, attack the set. Elyse Nelson is in a chameleon mask and captures MJ and has her brought to the top of the studio water tower. Dakota North and Kristy team up to battle the Femme Fatale’s. Elyse explains her plan to disfigure her nemesis. MJ luckily has some bracelets with hidden web shooters given to her so she jumps off the water tower to Elyse’s shock before bungee cording her way back up to kick Elyse in the face! Elyse is furious, believing MJ was trying to scar her face with the kick. Dakota North battles Snake Whip with martial arts skills. Jackpot gets super strength to fight Knockout and stops the projectile pieces of the set Mindblast is throwing around telekinetically. MJ returns to the set witnessing Kristy protecting the cast and crew, hidden behind some trailers. MJ tells Kristy it’s her they want and she’ll distract them. Kristy tells her she’ll lead the cast and crew out of the film lot to safety. Dakota North knocks Snake Whip out. MJ leads the other villains, including Elyse, on a chase through the film lot. They pass through an old west town and eventually a film set of the moon landing. MJ hides in a miniature city built for a giant monster movie when Elyse arrives and begins to battle her, destroying tiny versions of landmarks as they throw each other through plaster fake buildings. Bloodlust tracks them down and Elyse orders her to scratch MJ’s face. MJ webs up Bloodlust’s claws so Bloodlust tries to kick her. MJ dodges, and notices a giant animatronic version of “Googam, Son of Goom” suspended from the rafters on wires!

MJ webs the on button which activated the animatronic, meant to descend from space into the city in a flashing light show. Instead, it lands on Bloodlust, knocking her out. Unfortunately, with MJ distracted by the spectacle, Elyse brings up a knife to cut off MJ’s bracelet web shooters! MJ prepares for a final confrontation with the knife wielding madwoman, when suddenly the back wall explodes, revealing Kristy and the unconscious Mindblast and Knockout. A piece of shrapnel from the explosion hits Elyse in the face, and looking into the reflective windows of one of the tiny buildings, Elyse pulls off her mask and sees herself as horribly deformed, though we don’t see her face, only the reflection. Elyse screams in horror and runs away. SHIELD comes, the other villains are taken into custody, but Elyse is nowhere to be found. 

On the final day of filming, MJ thinks to herself that though she’s had a good time, she’s happy it’s over because hopefully, it means the end of getting targeted by supervillains… at least until Elyse Nelson returns or someone wants to try and get revenge on Peter Parker by targeting his loved ones. She laughs as she thinks she probably has two weeks at most until another supervillain fight. 

Meanwhile, Mysterio’s robot daughter Misty Beck is spying on the production through drones. Seemingly from blueprints set up on the walls of her lair, Misty Beck plans to attack the movie theatre showing the world premiere of the film. Because of course. Elyse Nelson, Chameleon mask back on, tracks down Misty Beck, revealing she’s planning to attack the premiere too and it’s her who deserves ultimate revenge after what was done to her, so Misty can leave, or get stabbed! Misty tells Chameleon II that she has a better idea, they’re both looking for revenge for something, so why don’t they work together?


We have a story where MJ and her model friends do a photoshoot to promote the upcoming film. Meanwhile, a woman, seemingly Screwball, explains to an online legion of fans while streaming that Mary Jane is trending because of the Dakota North movie and the Femme Fatales fight, so she’s going to highjack her story for a collaboration! Meanwhile, the real Screwball begins to get DMs from her fans that they’re excited for their collaboration. Screwball has no idea what they’re talking about, and soon discovers the sinister truth, someone is trying to steal her brand!

While promoting the film MJ is convinced by the film's advertising team to create some social media accounts. Most of them will be handled by hired professionals who know how to get followers but every once in a while she sends some pictures from the set of the film. The goal is to be as relatable as possible to as many as possible and that by letting people into her personal life, millions of strangers will feel like her closest friends and want to see her movie! MJ goes out to dinner with her friends, upon earlier marketing suggestions takes some pictures of her food. She’s getting a lot of likes. This is fun. #blessed. It’s like constant support telling you you’re doing great. Anyway, the restaurant is taken hostage by the new Screwball imposter who reveals her plan to kill MJ, live-streaming on MJ’s own phone, then highjacking all of her followers to get clout! MJ can’t believe this is actually happening. The true Screwball, enraged, appears with her own livestream to call out the imposter for identity theft and also murder! The real Screwball doesn’t murder because it’s immoral and this imposter is responsible for past stories where Screwball was overly malicious. The imposter explains she’s “Screw-Ball” not “Screwball”. They’re nothing alike! Screwball is old news! Screw-ball is what the fans want. The two villains point their cameras at each other. MJ still can’t believe this is happening. Screwball calls Screw-ball a murderous psycho witch without an original bone in her body! Screw-ball tells Screwball’s livestream to subscribe to her and pay for her Patreon for exclusive content! Screwball leaps to attack! MJ decides to join in, realizing someone is going to get hurt if these two are left to their own devices. Screwball is glad, asking MJ if she’s ready for a collaboration to catch this criminal? MJ questions Screwball, isn’t she wanted for a bunch of crimes? Screwball says yes, but they were fun crimes. Screwball promises to tag MJ as they double up to take down Screw-Ball. Screw-Ball asks her fans to vote on who they want to win, her or snoozeball? Screwball is horrified to discover that she’s lost by a few votes, the top comment being that “Screwball 2 is hotter”. Eventually, MJ throws Screw-Ball’s phone into the villains face, shattering it and knocking Screwball out! With Screw-Ball offline, viewers begin to flock to Screwball, doubling her numbers. Screwball takes a selfie with the unconscious Screw-Ball and asks MJ for her username so she can tag her. MJ uses her web shooters bracelets to web Screwball to the floor as police arrive. Police arrive as Screwball sets up a crowdfunding website to get her fans to help her make bail on her phone. The two Screwballs are taken away, Screw-Ball asking MJ if she could at least have a cameo in her movie? MJ says no. The next day, MJ tells her fans she’s taking a break from social media for a little while and shuts down her account. 


The world premiere of the film will be in Los Angeles, California, but after that will be a New York premiere in which MJ will return to her hometown and reunite with Peter and May. At least, that’s what she thought, because at the world premiere, May and Peter surprise MJ by revealing they flew to LA to be with her at the premiere. MJ reunites with them while filled with joy. Kristy is also there. 

Meanwhile, Chameleon and Mysteria prepare for their master plan. Mysteria is a true sorcerer unlike her father, making her a magical robot. She wants revenge for her father’s defeat and humiliation over and over again at the hands of the Spider-Man family, culminating in the People VS Mysterio storyline in our articles. 

As the audience fills the theatre and the film begins, we see pretty much the whole cast including MJ’s old model friends are all in the theatre. Maddie Baldwin is running late, nervous about if people will like her film. Elyse Nelson, disguised as a fan, comes up to Maddie Baldwin in the hallway outside the theatre room with a pen and paper, then stabs Maddie with the tranquilizer needle hidden in the pen. She ties Maddie up and locks her in a broom closet. Maddie switches into a janitor costume found in the closet and heads to the basement to distribute a purse full of magical artifacts around the basement. As the movie continues, we see a shot of MJ doing some wire fu as she jumps out of a speeding car. MJ realizes Maddie still isn’t in her seat and decides to get up to go look for her in the lobby. On the screen, MJ as Dakota North tells her father it doesn’t matter if he disapproves, she’s a private investigator and people need her help! MJ in the lobby of the theater is unable to find Maddie, or even any employees. MJ looks behind the popcorn counter, discovering the cashiers tied up and gagged! MJ unties them, and they explain a crazy woman with a knife in a strange mask tied them up then ran up to the projector booth! MJ tells them to evacuate the theater, and as she runs up the stairs, we reveal the two employees are under hypnosis. MJ races up towards the projection booth, but is stopped as Maddie Baldwin stumbles towards her from above. MJ asks her if she’s okay and the movie director explains that Elyse drugged her and ran down to the basement. MJ tells Maddie she’ll get her out of the building but Maddie refuses, it’s her movie, they should go down to the basement together. Meanwhile Peter notices MJ has been gone a while and prepares to go look. Kristy tells Peter he and May should enjoy the movie, she’ll go look for MJ. Meanwhile on screen Dakota North is in Paris, the Eiffel Tower behind her. Meanwhile in the projection booth Maddie just came from, the film reel for Dakota North has been replaced with a near identical one… but with a very different ending. On screen, the movie morphs into a black and white spiral, hypnotizing the audience in a trance. Down in the basement MJ is hit over the back of the head by Maddie, really Elyse, as she witnesses Mysteria performing a summoning spell in the basement! MJ awakens, tied to a column in the basement! Mysteria explains that for revenge for her father’s humiliation, she’s going to open a portal to “The Dark Dimension” right under the theater, sending everyone watching the movie into the domain of the dread Dormammu! She shows MJ with magic that everyone in the theater is hypnotized, so even if she tried to warn them it wouldn’t work! MJ asks why she isn’t hypnotized like everyone else. Elyse explains that while Mysteria is okay just getting rid of her enemies, she wants to gloat. MJ deserves to know and understand she can’t do anything to save her friends and family! MJ asks Elyse why she’s doing this? Elyse pulls off her chameleon mask, revealing her face, screaming that MJ and the brat Kristy destroyed her face! She’s hideously deformed! We reveal Elyse’s face, a small, barely visible scar next to Elyse’s eye. Elyse looks down toward the reflecting magical energy of the growing portal, seeing a mangled monster in her reflection. MJ tells Elyse she’s sick, and she can get her help if she turns herself in. Elyse thinks for a moment, then tells MJ no! She deserves her vengeance! 

Kristy leaps into the basement! Elyse rushes towards the young hero, knife in hand, yelling at Kristy for mutilating her! Kristy’s skin turns metal and the knife shatters against it! Throughout all this, MJ has been slowly trying to untie the ropes around her. Mysteria summons green fog and Kristy develops X-Ray vision. But, with her X-Ray vision comes her losing the metal skin because she can only have one power at a time. Elyse punches Kristy to the ground as the portal expands and Dormammu’s Mindless Ones begin to crawl out into the basement! 

Elyse grabs a shard of her broke. knife to stab Kristy when MJ webs her hand to the wall, telling Elyse to stay away from her cousin! Mindless Ones begin to grab at Mysteria as she zaps then away with bolts of energy, but more and more are coming through! Four mindless ones grab the floating Mysteria by the legs to pull her down through the portal! She cries for help as she descends into the dark dimension! MJ fires a web line into Mysteria, pulling her up as Mysteria kicks the monsters away! MJ demands to know how to shut off the hypnosis as Kristy begins firing at the Mindless One army climbing into our world with energy blasts! Mysteria tells her it’s in the projection booth and that she made a horrible mistake. If too many mindless ones come through, the portal will continue to grow and consume the earth. After her fight with the creatures she’s injured and no longer strong enough to fight them back and close it! MJ rushes to the projection booth and shuts off the film! The audience awakens as Mindless Ones storm the theater, having risen up the stairs and into the lobby! MJ, Peter, May, and others battle the monsters! Civilians like MJ’s model friends grab whatever weapons they can, chairs, brooms, a popcorn machine on wheels, a samurai sword from a display of movie props in the lobby, and attack the monsters! They fight the mindless army back into the portal, giving Mysteria an opportunity to close the portal! Elyse swears furth vengeance as police take her and Mysteria away. MJ tells Kristy she did great, without her she never could have gotten to the projection booth, and she deserves to be a part of “The Slingers”. Maddie is found in the broom closet, and asking MJ what everyone thought of the movie, she tells Maddie everyone loved it. The movie does get great reviews in the following weeks as it sweeps theaters around the world. MJ returns to New York with her family. 

For our finale to the storyline, we end with a nice date night out for Peter and MJ. It’s a welcome break, at least until Peter recognizes two supervillains having dinner at the same restaurant, a few tables down. Blindside and Commanda. Blindside can temporarily blind you by touching you, Commanda has a suit of armor that grants her several powers. Having not even started dinner yet MJ is disappointed the date is ending so soon but then, Peter, realizing the villains don’t seem to have noticed them yet and only seem to be eating, realizes they could just have the date and then follow the two. So Peter and MJ have the date, doing their best to hide behind menus and duck if the villains look in their direction. The villains get up to leave and we reveal their date at the restaurant was so they could hide out from police after a bank robbery, and now Blindside is going to bring his girlfriend to a jewelry store so she can pick out an anniversary present for them to steal. Peter and MJ arrive and battle the villains, MJ using a modified version of The Iron Spider suit she used for crime fighting in our original series. They defeat the villains, having a great time as they do so, go web swinging through the city together, and we end the story with recreation of the iconic upside down kiss except this time Mary Jane is upside down

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ILoveStargirl - 10/8/2020, 2:59 PM
Thanks fella! What a great birthday present, indeed!
FlixMentallo21 - 10/11/2020, 6:16 PM
*Insert applause montage.* Nice job!
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