My Take On A Spider-Man Reboot

My Take On A Spider-Man Reboot

Hulksta here, read on for my take on a brand new Spider-Man reboot!

By Hulksta - Feb 09, 2015 10:02 PM EST
Filed Under: The Amazing Spider-Man

Before I dive in I want to preface this article by stating that I wrote this being independent from the MCU and from the TASM series. With recent news of Spider-Man joining the MCU I know it would be easy for me to throw a Captain America cameo in but I'm better then that! So Maybe you can tell me in the comments how stupid I am and how you would put an MCU connection in there. Regardless, enjoy!



Kodi-Smitt Mcphee As Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Jeff Bridges As Uncle Ben
Sissy Spacek As Aunt May
Gary Oldman As J. Jonah Jameson
Dan Stevens As Mac Gargan/ The Scorpion
Jeremy Irons As Norman Osborn

Dylan Minnette As Harry Osborn
John Malkovich As Alistar Smythe
Analeigh Christian Tipton As Elizabeth Brant
Chloe Grace Moretz As Mary Jane Watson
Peyton List As Gwen Stacy
Daniel Craig as Captain Stacy
Dave Franco As Eddie Brock
Josh Hutcherson As Flash Thompson

The film opens with a pile of rubble on op of Spider-Man with a room flooding with water. We hear the sounds of nearby pedestrians screaming for their lives! The internal monologue of Peter kicks in, where he pauses on the reason he's amidst the rubble. He then says "Let's rewind."

We cut to Peter walking to school. He's invisible to the world around him. Even his classmates ignore him and even mock him with no regard for him. He's an outcast, a loser, a nobody.

When he arrives at school we see that things are no better for Peter. He's mocked and teased by the school's lead quarterback, Flash Thompson. Flash starts insulting Peter's family and the fact that he lives with his aunt and uncle. Peter can't take it anymore, and clenches his fist. A fellow student intervenes and it's Harry*. Harry tells Flash to back off. He then asks Peter what he did his report on for his Biology class, Peter hands the paper to Harry who looks confused, he remarks that Peter is 'something else'

*For the sake of the story, no one knows that Harry's father is Norman Osborn

Peter and Harry are in class when the teacher reminds them of their trip to Osborn Industries tommorow as a field trip to observe their genetics division. Peter remarks how he would love to meet Norman Osborn, Harry simply remarks, 'he can't be that interesting'.

We later see Peter at home, who is greeted by Aunt May, she's fixed up a sandwich for Ben who is in the garage. She asks Peter to take it to him. As Peter does, we see that Ben is working on the family car. Peter jokes that Ben is always working on the car. Ben retorts that one day Peter might find a beautiful girl to do things like constantly fix a car for. Ben asks how school is and Peter tells him about the trip to Osborn Industries. Ben tosses Peter a magazine with a picture of Osborn on the cover. He says 'if you meet the famous Mr. Osborn, please do me a favour and get his autograph.' Ben then asks if Peter could run to the nearby auto shop to pick up a part for the car.

At the Auto Shop we see a few guys harassing the young girl at the counter, she asks them to either buy the part they need or leave. It's Flash. He keeps asking the girl if she wants to go out with him and she's keep saying no. The girls father comes out telling the boys to leave, which they do. It's only then that they notice Peter standing in the background. Both look dissapointed at Peter's lack of bravery and asertiveness. Peter approaches and asks for the part. The girl hands it to him and he leaves.

We cut to the next day with both Peter and Harry approaching Oscorp. As they enter, countless monitors mention Norman and his contributions to the community. We see him opening a shelter for abused women, and a hospital for children. Peter says 'Is there anything he can't do?'

As they approach the Genetics lab, the teacher asks them to pair up. Harry approaches Peter but the Teacher intervenes, "No way you two are going together" and calls over Gwen Stacy to partner with Peter. Together the two explore the lab together. The scientist approaches one of the holding cells for the spiders and notice one is missing. He writes it down and moves on.

Peter is then bit by the missing spider. He then walks around but notices that he's feeling disoriented and passes out. Gwen yells for help.

Peter wakes up in a hospital bed where he's surrounded by Aunt May, Uncle Ben, his teacher, and Gwen. He gets up and Uncle Ben calms him down, he explains that he passed out and that he was rushed here. Gwen is glad Peter is doing well and says that she was worried for him. Captain Stacy comes in, and introduces himself to Peter. He the asks Gwen and the teacher to leave the boy to be with his guardians, both Gwen and the teacher leave. Aunt May comments that she's going to grab a nurse to see if they can get Peter something to eat and drink. Ben looks at Peter and leans in, "I didn't know you started working out" and stops May saying he'll come with her. Peter looks confused, he looks under the hospital gown to see a six-pack. As he starts to panic he grips the bed frame, and when he moves his hand removes the side panel. he starts flailing around. As he hears Ben, May, and the nurse arriving he starts to panic, "just let go, c'mon, let go!" and as he focuses, the panel drops. The three arrive and they see the panel on the floor. May asks what happened, and Peter says "Oh you know, your tax dollars at work"

We cut to Peter at home, now fully recovered. He starts to list all the traits he now has as we cut to him testing himself:
  • Super Strength
  • Agility
  • Can Cling To Walls

As Peter crawls down the roof of the stairway he cheerily drops to the floor. As he does he stops and overhears Ben and May talking about the medical bill they received for the time Peter was in the hospital. May says there is no way they can pay it. Ben comforts her and says he'll find a way. He says "Maybe he can work it off"

Upstairs in his room, Peter looks on at his computer. He's looking for work he can do. On a site is an ad for a local vlog celebrity who invites people to fight him. The video ends with saying "Those who can defeat me get $1,000!" Peter leaves a response to the video asking the fighter if he thinks he has what it takes to take him on. The fighter replies with "Anytime"

Peter realizes that if he's going to be fighting the guy, especially with the world watching, he needs discretion. He decides to make a costume. Cut to Peter trying to make a costume, and failing, he then starts reading up on annealed brass. He starts sketching out web shooters. Realizing he needs canisters for the fluid and has none, he figures the autio shop has the ones he needs.

Peter is back in the auto shop. The father is leaving as Peter is entering. Peter starts grabbing the canisters when Flash and his friends come in. They go up to the girl and begin to harass her, morreso about whether her dad can protect her now. Peter decides it's time to act, he goes up to Flash, grabs him, and throws him back. One of Flash's friends takes a swing at Peter, at this point, Peter can sense the incoming punch and blocks it, he then flips the friend and puts him on the floor. The other is looking at his two friends on the floor and simply runs. Peter then goes up to Flash and says "I think you've been unfriended Flash" and Flash is angry, he gets ready to punch again but once again, Peter grabs his hand, and says "Get out of here loser" as Flash then runs out. Peter then brings up the canisters to the counter, the girl looks respectful of Peter now and simply says "Thanks" with a smile. Peter smiles back and says she should check out Roundhouse Rod's video tonight. She says she will.

Peter goes to a dojo with a video crew and Roundhouse Rod. The guy looks at Peters costume and laughs. Peter is wearing jeans and a red tee. Peter then asks wha the rules are, Rod says there aren't any. He looks at how small Peter is and says "Listen, if you can last a minute, I'll give you $200" and Peter says "Nah man, I'm here for the grand." Rod looks on and just laughs again.

They enter the ring and Rod introduces Peter, when he asks what his name is he says "Spider" and Rod laughs, "Nah man, you aren't a spider, you're a man" and Peter says "How about Spider-Man?" and Rod laughs again "Sure, Spider-Man!"

The two fight and it's not even a fight. Peter dodges all of Rods moves, and hits just as hard as Rod can. While Rod is dazed, he shoots out web from his web shooters and trips him. He looks on and the video crew are all stunned.

Rod is in an office with his producer, producer says he wants to drop Rod and take on Peter for an ongoing show, he offers Peter a regular salary and Peter looks excited. He says he's interested and signs up for the producers show. The producer leaves. As Rod hands Peter the $1,000 he says "There you go freak, now stop being my problem" as Peter leaves he is outside calling Ben for a ride. After he hangs up a man runs out of the dojo. Peter's sense is telling him to beware the guy, but Peter ignores it. The guy asks Peter if he's seen any cops. Peter says no but that he can hear some coming westbound, so the guy runs the other way. Rod comes running out saying he's been robbed blind. He looks to Peter and asks him if he saw the guy, Peter says he ran that way. Rod is angry and claims Peter could have done more, Peter replies with "Stop being my problem."

We cut forward a month. Peter is now on his successful show, he now wears his iconic outfit from the comics on the show. He's doing very well. Ben is suspicious of Peters actions and tries to find out more but Peter pushes him away. He is ready to leave but Ben offers to drop him off at his show. Along the way, Ben mentions to Peter that he's noticing his newfound confidence and that he's a lot stronger then he used to be. He says he heard from the tool shop owner what happened to Flash. He tells Peter that he has to realize that 'with great power comes great responsibility'. Peter brushes this off and walks out.

Inside before he goes on his show the producer mentions how he wants to try getting Peter a float in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Peter is reading an issue of the Daily Bugle where J. Jonah Jameson is writing about how much of a leech Spider-Man is on society. Peter comments to his producer how he should do something about it. The producer laughs and says that with J. Jonah there's no way he'd back down.

As Peter leaves his studio,  he sees through a window what looks like Ben on the ground, he rushes out and sees Ben, bleeding on the ground. Paramedics are putting him in a body bag. Peter starts crying at the sight of Ben dead.  Peter is then brought home and we see May also distraught. The next morning the two are dead silent at the table eatting breakfast. Peter says the police will find out who did this. May can't stand to even talk about Ben and she simply leaves the table. Frustrated, Peter brushes aside an edition of the Daily Bugle. Inside is an ad for a Photographer.

Peter is next at the Daily Bugle office waiting to be interviewed by J. Jonah. At the desk is his secretary, Ms. Brant as it says on her desk. She looks at Peter and smiles. Out of J. Jonah's office comes Eddie, who is holding a checque. He walks by Brants desk and says "Reconsider going out with me now that I'm rich Liz?" She pauses before saying "Keep on dreaming Eddie."

J. Jonah calls in Peter. He's looking at Peters photo before throwing them on his desk, "are you one of those Instagram people? Taking pictures thinking they'll pass as professional?" Peter starts to speak but is cut off, "This publication needs photos that sell. Osborn, he sells. Crime, that sells. You have anything that sells?" Peter takes out one photo of himself as Spider-Man he took. Jonah looks and it and is genuinely shocked. He says "How did you even get this?" and we see a flashback to Peter setting a timer on his camera on some web. "Luck I guess." J. Jonah says "You keep bringing me stuff like this and I'll pay you." Peter gets up and is ready to leave before he says "What about that picture?" Jonah has the pictur of Spider-Man, "Oh I didn't realize I had it. Liz will pay you"

At her desk, Peter is given a checque for $20. He looks at it and is dissapointed. Liz looks at it and asks if anything is wrong, Peter asks about the amount, she says "That's Jonah rate"

Realizing that pictures of himself busting criminals will get him paid, PEter buys a police scanner and begins listening to radio. One officer remarks that there's a hostage situation and that the suspect may be the guy behind the killing of the older gent a few days ago.

Peter puts on his costume and rushes to the scene, when he arrives we see Captain Stacy and the NYPD. Peter slips into the building and webs the hostages away, as he sneaks up on the criminal making his demands, Peter turns him around and it's the man he helped escape. The criminal asks "What are you doing?" and Peter responds, "The right thing" and he webs up the criminal before kicking him  out the window, suspended in a cocoon of web. On it a note:

"From Your Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man!"

We now see a montage of various criminals being stopped by Spider-Man, while at the same time there's headlines calling Spider-Man a criminal. The public is divided. Many believe that Spider-Man is a force for good, while others buy into J. Jonah's smear campaign.

One day, as Peter is giving his pictures to J. Jonah, in walks Norman Osborn with two men on his side. He requests a meeting with J. Jonah. Peter is asked to leave. On his way out he is stopped by Norman who comments on his ability to take pictures of Spider-Man. Peter suggests again that it's just luck. Peter is feeling uneasy about the situation.

Inside his office, Norman introduces J. Jonah to Alistair Smythe and Mac Gargan. Norman has been following Spider-Man's exploits, and wishes to help contribute to apprehending Spider-Man. J. Jonah is interested. Norman explains that one of his top scientists, Smythe, has developed a suit codenamed 'SCORPION'. He's thinking that once Mac has been bonded to the suit, The Bugle can run a campaign promoting The Scorpion as the true hero of New York. Jonah suggests bringing a photographer to record the bonding process, he calls Eddie Brock and tells him to be there.

Later, at Norman's lab, we see Allistair and Norman getting ready. Jonah asks Mac why he would take on such a gig, he says, "the money". Alistair states that the suit utilizes his most important tech in a way that' forward thinking and will work well against Spider-Man's known abilities. As the bonding process begins, Jonah sees a file the explains how previous test subjects have gone insane. He approaches Norman and asks if it's safe, Norman claims, "100%"

We cut to Spider-Man on the top of  building with his homework. When he realizes he has Chemistry in 20 minutes, he starts swinging, he comments on how well things are going, he comments: "Could things be looking up for me?" but before he can do anything else, his web breaks and he falls onto a lower buildings rooftop. He's approached by Scorpion who says he's going to break Spider-Man into two, Spider-Man jokes that he's filling the quota for costumed people in the city. He then tries to web up Scorpion but Scorpion uses his tail to cut the web. He then tries to stab Spider-Man with it but he grabs the tail and flips Scorpion over. They get into a fist fight, with Gargan proving that he has more fighting experience.

The fight spills into the street with Spider-Man trying to stop Scorpion. As the two fight, Peter hears civilians rooting for Scorpion.

"Go Scorpion!"
"You got him Scorpion!"

Peter realizes he's being villainized. In his moment of pause, Scorpion aprays an acid that hits Peter's shoulder. Peter realizes this is one fight he won't win. He then leaves the scene with Scorpion coaxing him on.

At home, Peter is treating his wound. He turns on the TV and it's J. Jonah, Norman Osborn, and Scorpion. A reporter is asking them how the response has been with crowds cheering on Scorpion. Peter gets frustrated and runs downstairs. Aunt May is watching the same thing. She asks Peter what's bothering him, and he says "school stuff". She comments on how things were before, when they talked more. Peter gives in, and starts talking about Scorpion. Masking the fight, instead commenting on how he doesn't trust this new Scorpion figure. May comments that she doesn't either. That he may seem heroic, but there may be more to him then what the public sees. Peter reaches a realization.

He goes back upstairs and looks up Gargan. He's a convicted criminal. Convicted of bank robbery. He prints these off. As Spider-Man he swings around to various other media outlets and drops off the evidence. The next day, various outlets are reporting on how Gargan is a criminal and this causes an extreme backlash. Gargan meanwhile is trying to have the suit removed, but due to prolonged exposure, he's now permenately grafted to the suit itself. Angry, he sets his sights on Jonah.

J. Jonah is in his office when Spider-Man arrives. He tells Jonah he's a force for good, Jonah refuses to believe him. He tells Spider-Man he shouldn't have to hide behind a mask to do good. Spider-Man refuses to take off his mask. The two continue to argue when the building alarms go off. Gargan has arrived.

Gargan is now dispatching of the security guards and cops. He has fallen from the good graces of the public and wants Jonah's blood. Peter swings in and kicks Gargan through some floor boards into the basement of The Bugle. As they battle, Gargan gains the upper hand by spraying acid on the support beams. A large secion falls on Spider-Man. The room begins to fill with water. We're now at the beginning of the film.

Peter thinks of the people who rely on him, both as Spider-Man and as Peter. He thinks of Aunt May, and the Daily Bugle staff. He lifts the rubble through a large show of strength. He can hear the screams of various Bugle staff as Gargan destroys on his warpath towards Jonah. Peter rushes.

Gargan is approaching Jonah when Peter kicks him aside, Gargan comments on how resilient Spider-Man is. Taking two beatings from him. Peter comments on how he's a fast learner. He runs towards Gargan, dodging the stabs of his tail. He then slides underneath Scorpion, using his strength, he pulls on Scorpions tail, removing it entirely. He then knocks out Gargan.

As Gargan lays on the floor, Jonah and the other Bugle staff approach Peter. They begin to cheer for him. Even Jonah looks amazed slightly. As Spider-Man leaves, he turns over his shoulder and says "Robbie, front page tommorow: Spider-Man assaults Bugle Building"

Peter (wearing his costume under his clothes) is back home with Aunt May, who is setting the table. Peter asks who's coming over, May comments, "Anna Watson and her niece, she's staying with Anna and I thought it would be a good time to meet." Peter runs upstairs and changes out of his costume and back into his clothes. Not realizing he is still wearing his web shooter, he hears the doorbell ring and May asks if he can grab it. As he rushes down he goes to open the door. It's the girl from the auto shop, and she says "Face it tiger, you hit the jackpot"

As the film ends, Peter contemplates his present and future. He talks about how he believes how his presence bringing about Scorpion wasn't a coincidence, and that more 'costumed freaks' are due to show up.

While he's speaking we see shots of Eddie back at the Bugle, he is comparing a shot of the Bugle staff taken where you can see a healing cut on Peter's arm with a picture from Peter's fight with Scorpion where he had a cut in the same spot.

We then cut to Osborn Industries. On monitors is various video and images. Peter's fight with Rod, Peter throwing down Flash Thompson in the Auto Shop. Harry comes in and approaches his father. Norman asks Harry what he remembers from their field trip. Harry responds that Peter was bit by a spider and passed out. The camera pans out as we see into  Alistair Smythe's lab. Various pieces of equipment tied to Doctor Octopus, Vulture's wings, and even what will become the Goblin Glider. Norman tells Harry to leave, as Norman enters Smythe's lab, Smythe approaches Norman and asks:

"Can we confirm it's the boy?"
"Yes. Prepare the robotics Smythe; Peter is now property of Osborn Industries"
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PrinceAwesome - 2/9/2015, 11:06 PM
And this is why the fans are not the ones making the movies.
GoldenMan - 2/9/2015, 11:46 PM
Solid effort, loved the homage to the classic cover with Spidey lifting the rubble surrounded by water!
kong - 2/10/2015, 4:37 AM
I haven't read it yet but the cast looks great so thumbs for that. And @PrinceAwesome says that on evey article like this.
kong - 2/10/2015, 5:05 AM
This is actually VERY good. Very original and portrays Scorpion in a very cool way.

The only problem I have is with Peter finding out who Gargan is. If Norman Osborn was gonna use an ex-con for SCORPIONS he sure as hell would make sure that Gargan's criminal records were erased from online. Also if he was some hero, then someone would've probably already looked up Mac Gargan's name and found out what Peter did.

An alternative is this: Peter sees Gargan on the TV and finds him familiar. He goes upstairs to his room and begins to look through his pictures as Spider-Man. In one of them that JJJ threw away, he sees himself (as Spidey) capturing Gargan who has robbed a store or something. He then realizes that Gargan is an ex-con and they used him because he had a vendetta against Spider-Man. Then Spidey goes around and gives media outlets a paper that has the picture of Spidey fighting Gargan next to a picture of Gargan on the news. At the bottom it's signed "Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!"
ThedamnBatman - 2/10/2015, 6:06 AM
I really think we should move away even in fan stories now how Peter got his powers, that is done and is permanently fixed in peoples brains.

Love the cast, except Peter Parker,he's a good actor, but I don't think he looks anything like Peter.

If you drop the origin part, I really enjoyed reading what otherwise was a very interesting concept.

Nice write up
Hulksta - 2/10/2015, 7:53 AM
@MrNiklander Some of it is inevitable, there's probably a bit of Raimi Spidey in there somewhere. Still, at end of the day this would stand on it's own.

Thanks @KingNTheKong I had a bit of difficulty trying to bridge to that revelation. Your idea is great and makes a bit more sense in the digital age really.

@AXE I hate origin stories myself personally. I think they sort of take away from the story. Maybe if Kevin Feige were to adapt my pitch he could get a better writer then myself to write out Peters damn origin haha
MikeZ - 2/10/2015, 11:47 AM
Hmm. I actually had Kodi for Peter Parker at one point. Thing is, he doesn't have the right look as far as I'm concerned. Also, I'm not too thrilled with your JJJ (Gary Oldman is more suitable for Alistair Smythe), the Osborns (besides Irons already doing a CBM, he's too old for the role!), Mary Jane Watson, and Flash (he's a 6-footer, while Hutcherson is 5' 7"). Other than that, it's alright.

Now, would you do the honor and check out my fancast for Spider-Man that I also did?
PrinceAwesome - 2/10/2015, 7:25 PM

I give credit where it is due.
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