noahthegrand presents Suicide Squad part 3: Checkmate

noahthegrand presents Suicide Squad part 3: Checkmate

It’s Suicide Squad versus Onslaught featuring Maxwell Lord, Gorilla Grodd, Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Deathstroke, Bronze Tiger, Batman, Joker, Cheetah, Lex Luthor and more!!!!

Editorial Opinion
By noahthegrand - Jan 08, 2019 10:01 PM EST
Filed Under: Suicide Squad
Source: Comic Book Movie

Suicide Squad 3: Checkmate


So my first one was about the inner lives and realities of Supervillains, how they’re people and not just “ MWA HAHAHAA! ” Everyone is the hero of their own story. This was shown through characters like Harley, El Diablo, and Deadshot.


The second was building on the first one, developing the characters, adding new ones, and also doing some stuff with the secrecy of Task Force X, and how something like this would inevitably go wrong eventually.


This third one will bring it all to the grand finale. It will delve deeper into the secrecy of Waller, and task force X, talk about the truth, morality, and also, where you go when it seems like your story is over.


Our casualties last movie were


  • King Shark (killed by Enchantress)

  • Katana ( sacrificed herself killing Enchantress)

  • Clock King (killed by Enchantress)

  • Deadshot( alive but free of the squad)

  • Captain Boomerang ( same, escaped with Deadshot)

  • Enchantress ( the Enchantress entity was destroyed, but June is alive and remembers some of Enchantress’s magic spells)


Our team now is











CAPTAIN BOOMERANG(recaptured in a movie in between these two, then appeared in the legion of doom)









Returning will be








The tone will have a bit of an edge, there’s violence, swearing.


Before I begin, I want to address an elephant in the room. My first Suicide Squad movie was a good, action dark comedy. The second was… not my best work. It’s actually in my opinion the worst film in my dceu. It’s awful for many reasons.


-Enchantress just doesn’t work as a villain.

-count vertigo is there for literally no reason

-I kill off cool and fun characters without a reason. I know it’s a Suicide Squad but I didn’t even have a story reason.

-the Katana subplot is generic

-I spend too much time setting up the third movie with Maxwell Lord

-I for some reason thought getting rid of Harley Quinn was a good idea. It’s not. She really adds a lot to Suicide Squad.

-my inclusion of Vic Sage was to put it gently idiotic

- I put together a yakuza revenge film with a save the world plot and it doesn’t fit together at all.

-I didn’t develop the characters nearly enough. Several of them are barely more than archetypes.

-there’s a minor subplot that is  based around a dick joke, so it’s a bit immature.


So, Suicide Squad 2 is the worst thing I’ve written in this universe.


Every writer has at least one old work that they really, really hate. Suicide Squad 2 is mine, and the reason I took so long to write Suicide Squad 3.


So, much like Cheetah in this film, I plan to redeem myself for all the horrible things I’ve done. Of course, while Cheetah does this by being one of the only people to join Task Force X willingly, I try to redeem myself with this article.




We begin with a voice. Not Amanda Waller’s voice, a man’s voice. Maxwell Lord’s voice.


“After the discovery of Enchantress, we furthered Checkmate’s research into the mystical, which is how we found her.”


We cut to heavily armed soldiers roaming the Irish countryside, discovering a woman huddled over a stream washing bloody clothes. She’s in a long and tattered grey dress. White mist floats off her. Her hands are clawed. She has a long mane of curly white hair with two black strands. She raises her head slowly, and the hair hiding it falls away, and we see her skeletal features, glowing white eyes, and vampire like fangs. As she rises, her dress is burnt away revealing black smoke and white glowing energy that form her comic costume. Her jaws open unnaturally, elongating her face to a horrific degree and making her look more skeletal  as she screams and leaps into the camera at super-speed.


“ Both she and Enchantress are members of a race of beings which evolved alongside human kind. Homo-Magi. Legends call this particular Magi The Silver Banshee. We caught her a few years back,and have been priming her for task force X.”


We see a map of the world in a briefing room featuring points of interest in Blestemat, Romania, Houma, Louisiana, Atlantis, and London, England.


We cut to a gym, and metallic hands lifting weights. We realize this is Metallo. He’s a bit different then last time we saw him. The lower half of his face is now a titanium skull, but the top half remains his only human half. As well as this change, he now seems to have been upgraded as a machine, looking more streamlined and techno-organic. He has tendrils that create something resembling muscles. He is also in ARGUS sweatpants.


“Sergeant John Corbin was experimented on by his own government. He wanted to die, but they wouldn’t let him.”


Corbin, in a rage tosses the weights into a wall. He’s tasered by a shock collar and his green glowing eyes shut off, showing he’s deactivated.


We move to a man in a wheelchair behind a glass cage, deep beneath the earth.  A man with a truly massive head. Like, it’s as big as his whole body is. It’s really big. It’s all strapped down and he’s got tubes and stuff and flexible support beams holding the head up.


“Hector Hammond. He was experimented on by aliens. They destroyed his body, but opened his mind. He’s obsessed with consuming human emotion. Fear, anger, love, doesn’t matter to him, he just wants what’s in your mind, and Amanda Waller has spent years keeping him from ever getting close enough to someone to get what he wants. ”


At this point, we move to Deathstroke battling a small army of hired guns in an ultraviolent slaughter before finally finding and eliminating his target in his ceo desk.


“Slade Wilson was part of a top secret super soldier program, funded by us. He went rogue, became a mercenary. I had thought he would have held a grudge against the ones that made him, but it turns out he doesn’t care as long as he gets paid.”


We cut to a shadowy cage.


“And finally… the gorilla.”


A guard passes the cage, briefly turning to look into the darkness. He stares. He can’t see anything in there. He passes the yellow line on the floor, and a black fur covered arm grabs at him! He screams as other guards activate taser barons and begin to smack the beast back. We hear roars of pain. Grodd backs away in pain, and tear gas is shot at him as he collapses in a fetal position.


“Grodd is part of a race of super intelligent gorillas.” There’s a pause. We hear familiar giggling at this statement.


Maxwell Lord continues.


“He hates humanity, because well… let’s just say that after he was caught by ARGUS  in Central City he was given a very real reason to hate us.”


We cut to where Maxwell Lord is, at a table, across from The Joker.


“All of them have reasons to want to destroy Checkmate, except as far as I know... you. Joker, why are you here?”


Joker stares, then smiles. “For a laugh of course”


We move to a slow motion shot of




I have no picture that shows what I described.





Gorilla Grodd






Silver Banshee


For the initial design something like this but scarier



The second design looks like the comics but more elemental and energy based.I want the white to be more like glowing fog and the black like shadows. It’s her true form like the more powerful Enchantress Form.



a floating Hector Hammond



Maxwell Lord



All walking down a hallway towards the camera.




Rick Flagg

Captain Boomerang

June Moon

Bronze Tiger



We begin in media rez. The team are infiltrating a secret base of some Russian mobsters, taking them out one by one. We get some interpersonal stuff, Flagg trying to keep everyone in line, Bronze Tiger refusing to fight until he is in a state of calm meditation where he can use his “chi” properly, and Cheetah finding Captain Boomerang annoying and just wanting to get the job done, which results in her killing a bunch of mobsters right before May of the other members have a chance to kill them. We get to see the ridiculous outfit June Moon has chosen to wear now that she doesn’t transform anymore, an outfit with an actual witches hat and a cape. The mobsters goal is apparently killing a girl they have locked in a large box. They’re all taken down and the girl is revealed to be Harley Quinn, who is very excited to see her “friends!!!” again. She quickly realizes as they shut the box with her still inside they’re here to kidnap her from her original kidnapping for Amanda Waller.


Meanwhile, Amanda Waller is getting an MRI and has learned she has terminal brain cancer. She only has a few months more to live.


Meanwhile, in Gotham, Deadshot sits in his daughter's home and watches her sleep. The front door opens and his ex wife stumbles in. She threatens to call the police for breaking into the house. He tells her that he has no other choice but to, she should be watching their daughter, not going out partying. She grabs the phone and tells him it’s better than being a killer. Deadshot tells her he never kills in front of his daughter, but how many nights does she have to watch her mom be a drunk! He climbs out onto the fire escape and flees. His daughter wakes up and asks the mother if dad was just here. The mother says no.


The Suicide Squad returns to their new base located in the Grand Canyon National Park after Belle Reve was destroyed. Cheetah gets into her cell, which appears to be full of things she’s smashed and thrown against the walls, the whole cell is a wreck. Cheetah sits on her bed, and into the camera, gives facial expression of hopelessness and regret and lays downs.


Waller speaks to Black Manta in private. She's been reading a lot about him. How many Atlanteans has he killed? Black Manta stares at her with his scarred face. He remains silent. He's been interrogated before. She asks him, if he did manage to finally accomplish his goals, wipe out the entire Atlantean species out of spite, kill Arthur Curry, what would he do next? Does he even have a plan for what to do after? What does he do with all that rage when there's no one left to kill? He tells her that he doesn't want any part of her Suicide Squad. She tells him that in 5 years, she can guarantee his release if he cooperates. He tells her that he can break out faster. She tells him the United Nations have discussed executing him for war crimes after what he pulled(this happened in Aquaman 2, which I have not published yet but will). He tells her he can break out… very fast. She tells him that despite what the US government claims, they see Atlantis as a clear danger to humanity. If he works for her, she’ll put him on the front lines in the eventual Atlantean war.


Rick Flagg stands outside the cell waiting for Waller. He asks her what she thinks she just did. That man is a genocidal maniac. She tells him he's useful, and not to forget who's in charge. Flagg wants to know if he can be trusted.


Waller comments that she doesn’t trust anyone.


Flagg asks her, they already have a crew, why is she bringing so many new players in?


Meanwhile, General Wade Eiling, a minor villain in the first Justice League film, a human willingly working with Starro because he had after witnessing multiple wars decided it would be better if humanity was subjugated by an alien hive mind, is under house arrest in his mansion. We get to see his ankle collar. He’s pouring some wine for himself…. When he freezes. Joker laughs. Hector Hammond demands to feel his pain. Maxwell Lord tells him in time. The whole gang's here in General Eiling’s home. Eiling wants to know what’s going on, Lord tells him they call themselves:




and demands information on the Black Queen. Eiling says he’ll never find the files. Grodd speaks “I want to crush this feeble human now!” Lord tells Grodd to wait and says he doesn’t need the files, and his nose begins to bleed. When it’s over, Lord tells Grodd and Hammond they can take what’s left of his mind. Eiling’s wife enters, and Deathstroke shoots her before she can scream. Joker meanwhile, has been setting up Eiling’s blender this entire time and getting out ingredients to make a milkshake.


Floyd Lawton, aka Deadshot walks away from his daughter’s apartment in his civilian clothes after he was chased out. He does have a gun though. It's late at night in Gotham. Winter is here. It's snowing. A black van passes him. He turns around and watches as it parks in front of the apartment building he just fled from. Armed men in swat gear race out and up into the building. He runs up, fights off one of them on the stairwell. Shoots another as he enters the apartment. A third attacks him with a canister of tear gas as he enters the apartment. Deadshot is blinded and can't shoot for fear of hitting his daughter. He continues to fight, finds a guy attacking him, and they both tumble through the glass window and onto the fire escape. He flips the man off the fire escape with his legs and a passing car hits him. The car stops. A woman runs out. One of the swat people running down the stairs and out of the building shoots her. Deadshot shoots that guy. He races down the fire escape to find a guy carrying his daughter into the car. He shoots the guy in the foot to knock him over and runs to his daughter, only to find a rubber dummy. Behind the building, the armed men escape in a second vehicle with his daughter, and they're revealed to be ARGUS.


Amanda Waller arrives. Deadshot threatens to shoot her for bringing this into his house, she tells him that it won’t help, the men that kidnapped his daughter don’t work for her, and even if they did, shooting her would just be a dead end. He would never find her. Deadshot wants to know who took his daughter. She says an enemy of the United States of America has kidnapped his daughter in an attempt to blackmail him. She wants to stop them, using Task Force X. So, Deadshot puts down his guns, and then Cheetah sneaks up behind him and injects him with a new mini bomb in his neck,


We meet the full team. Black Manta, Captain Boomerang, Bronze Tiger, Cheetah and June Moon. Waller announces there's one more member. Harley Quinn walks in. Captain Boomerang leans in for a hug, she dodges. She looks at June, tells her she looks better and asks why. Everyone gets secondary neck shots.


Waller explains its an update. This will prevent them from being mind controlled. If attempts to prevent a psychic attack fail, you’re immediately killed.


Harley hugs Deadshot and asks how he’s been, he tells her he’s been good and asks how she’s been. She reveals that she dumped Joker for Poison Ivy. He thinks for a moment about the murderous ecoterrorist and decides she’s still a step up from the Joker, so good for her! We reveal the two have a secret handshake.


Captain Boomerang wants to know which country they get to kill people in this time. He’s making a list and wants at least one from every continent.  


Waller reveals it isn’t that kind of mission. This time, they’re protecting someone. She hands everyone files. They open them to reveal ARGUS’s information on LEX LUTHOR.


Lex Luthor(Idris Elba)  is right now asking Mercy Graves ( Charlize Theron) to help him pick out a poster for his upcoming presidential election. She picks this one:



On a plane,


Deadshot asks Flagg what Black Manta is doing here. He seems like a step above the usual. They kill people…. but he kills everyone.


Harley Quinn tries to pick Cheetah’s brain for information on her motives, asking her to sit and telling her this plane is a safe place for her. Captain Boomerang laughs and mentions that normally when they’re all together these planes are the furthest thing from safe. He imitates a plane crashing with his hands. Cheetah is eventually annoyed by Harley to the point she reveals she’s done a lot of bad and this place is her chance to make amends. Harley tells her that this team really isn’t for that. Maybe the Justice League will take her? Harley will then ask Bronze Tiger about what his superpowers are. He remains silent. June Moon tells Harley he’s meditating. Rick Flagg tells Harley she won’t get anything out of him. He keeps his cards close to his chest. We will learn Lex Luthor has been sent threats from the Joker. Specifically this:



Harley laughs, then apologizes. He’s a monster, if he goes after any of you, don’t date him. Still, that’s just funny.


After they touch down in Metropolis at LexCorp Deadshot is surprised. Usually planes he’s on crash.


Deadshot asks Captain Boomerang what Bronze Tiger can do. Captain Boomerang tells him he can turn into a giant tiger. He saw it himself. Deadshot realizes Boomerang is just making stuff up.


Bronze Tiger stops meditating and tells Deadshot if he wants to see what he can do, get over here. He reveals he has large knives that come out of his gauntlets. Flagg tells Tiger to stay down. Bronze Tiger asks Deadshot about the League of Assassins? He works for them doesn’t he?  Deadshot says he did a job for them once. Bronze Tiger tells Deadshot his wife was murdered by the League of Assassins. He can’t kill the one who murdered his wife, but Deadshot is a welcome consolation prize. Lex Luthor arrives and the situation is defused.


Harley reads Luthor’s file. Lex Luthor greets then and thank them for their service. Flagg wants to know if he’s practicing for his campaign rallies. Captain Boomerang realizes Flagg doesn’t like Luthor and is delighted. Harley questions if Luthor really stole forty cakes, mentioning his permanent record from high school is in the ARGUS file. Luthor responds that he did steal forty cakes, he regrets that choice, and he has worked hard to make up for it by saving the world from aliens not once but twice. Rick Flagg comments he really is practicing.


Boomerang comments to Flagg that he's been thinking, Lex Luthor’s running for president right? So, maybe when he gets out, he should try and run too. What does he think? Flagg has a violent reaction to this and they continue without speaking.


They will all end up hiding in various areas during Lex Luthor’s campaign rally, which takes place in a large football stadium, preparing for a potential attack. Luthor is talking about how he runs one of the most powerful companies on earth, he is one of the richest men on earth, and he has saved the world twice before. There are threats all around us and we need defenders to protect us…. So, let’s try for round three!


At this point those Vote for me or I’ll kill you posters fall out of the sky.


Onslaught will attack, using Silver Banshee’s sonic scream to blow their way out of the sewers. Grodd and Hammond begin using their psychic powers to turn the crowd into a mob violently attacking each other. The Suicide Squad will have to fight through this mob in an awesome action sequence.


Deathstroke leaps out of a helicopter and attacks Deadshot. They have a gunfight through the rampaging crowd and the bleachers of the stadium. Deathstroke will comment Deadshot isn’t very effective if you add a bulletproof suit into the mix.


June Moon battles Silver Banshee, who is angry at Moon for being “the slayer of my sister!”


Grodd fights martial arts master Bronze Tiger.


Metallo is going after Lex Luthor and has to be stopped by Rick Flagg, which leads to an interesting fight where Metallo tries to appeal to Rick Flagg and him both being American soldiers used by their bosses who hate Lex Luthor.  


Harley Quinn goes after the Joker, leading to a fight between the two. Harley Quinn would normally very easily defeat the Joker in a fair fight, but Joker has a solid gold machine gun and this isn’t a fair fight.


Captain Boomerang just decides to wildly throw boomerangs.


Cheetah protects Lex Luthor from the mob with Mercy Graves and tries to get him out.


Black Manta joins the fight against Deathstroke with Deadshot.


Hector Hammond, floating through the stadium, has to be stopped before he makes everyone kill each other, and Manta tricks Grodd into tossing him in the air so he can get close to Hammond and shoot him with his heat ray eyes, blowing up the head of the giant headed maniac.


Bronze Tiger is an awesome martial artist and despite being just a man, holds his own against a gorilla. He stops fighting Grodd though when he sees Deathstroke. He attacks, there’s a brief fight, and Deathstroke mentions he never forgets a face. Where does he know Bronze Tiger from? Bronze Tiger reveals Deathstroke murdered his wife.


Grodd runs rampant with no one to stop him.


Deadshot will discover Maxwell Lord is in the stadium announcer booth. He goes after him demanding to know where his daughter is. Lord claims he didn’t take the daughter, Amanda Waller did, and Waller orders Deadshot to shoot over a communicator. Deadshot hesitates, she says she’ll blow up his head, he prepares to shoot and then Silver Banshee blows up the announcers booth with the sonic scream. Maxwell Lord runs away.


We will reveal Metallo has been upgraded into a more techno organic form with metal tentacles that can transform into blades, shields, axes, wrecking balls, and laser guns. June Moon is distracted from Silver Banshee trying to save her boyfriend Flagg.


Joker runs out of bullets, Harley tries to hit him in the face with a bat, he ducks, knees her in the stomach, manages to lose Harley, and goes after Lex Luthor, tossing poison Joker venom into the hallway Luthor, Mercy, and Cheetah are in.


Captain Boomerang saves them just in time by blowing a hole in the wall with an explosive Boomerang. He asks for a kiss from Cheetah as payment. She isn’t interested. He moves on to Mercy, and Lex Luthor threatens to kill Boomerang. Mercy reminds Lex she doesn’t need anyone to protect her, then threatens Captain Boomerang. Boomerang comments the two of them are perfect for each other.


Captain Boomerang is a bit of a creep to be honest.


Metallo tells Rick Flagg one more time they’re the same and that Onslaught is trying to make Waller pay for her crimes.


Deathstroke beats up Bronze Tiger and leaves him for dead.


Onslaught, minus the now dead Hammond manage to escape in the chaos of the attack and the mission is a failure.


Bronze Tiger is in a stretcher and Deathstroke thinks he’s an idiot for going after Deathstroke alone. Bronze Tiger says Deadshot did the same thing, Deadshot tells him that he had a gun.


Harley tries again to find out what Cheetah’s story is. She asks Harley if she ever shuts up. People are dead and she’s still making jokes. She wants to know about her? Cheetah tells Harley she got angry and ruined her own life. She hurt her friend, and she killed good people because she was angry. Now all she has left is anger! What’s Harley’s problem? What makes her tick?


Haarlem doesn’t respond, this has gotten far too personal for her.


Amanda Waller tell Luthor in private it’s too dangerous with Lord still out there, he needs to stay in the base.


Back at the base, Deadshot demands to know the truth about his daughter. Waller tells him she has his daughter, but he can’t do anything about it. She’ll be released when the mission is complete. This doesn’t sit well with Rick Flagg. Later, Flagg and June are together in a personal living area in the Grand Canyon base, and we learn about how June isn’t here willingly, but because Amanda Waller is “still working” on getting June Moon cleared of the crimes of Enchantress. June is okay with waiting, after what Enchantress did, they were never going to walk off into the sunset, at least she gets to help people. Rick heads to Amanda Waller’s living area where she stays when she’s not at her home in Washington DC.


He’ll question what Metallo said means and Waller will tell him that they both know they have to do bad things to keep the world safe. Some people don’t understand that. Waller then asks Flagg what kind of death he wants to have. Flagg initially thinks it’s a threat, but she tells him it’s just curiosity. Flagg tells her he wants to die on his own terms, fighting for what he believes in.


Flagg will later, go through the files on each member of Onslaught.


Metallo- created by Lex Luthor and the army


Grodd: tortured and studied after his capture


Deathstroke: created by ARGUS


Hammond: imprisoned for years beneath Belle Reve


Silver Banshee: imprisoned by ARGUS


But how did they all get out of ARGUS


Maxwell Lord is apparently still employed as a high ranking ARGUS Agent, in fact, tied with Amanda Waller for the highest ranking ARGUS Agent. They’re both part of two different subgroups of something called “The Checkmate Program”


But what reason does he have to hate Waller?


Meanwhile in the Onslaught’s secret base, Maxwell notices Silver Banshee has had a design change:



Lord asks her what caused the change, she tells him in her thick Irish accent that she is returning to the world of men for the first time in millennia. The fashions have changed. She tells Lord she has grown bored of this conversation, and she will be getting back to work.


Gorilla Grodd argues the mission was a complete failure. They’ve lost Hammond and couldn’t even kill Luthor. Maxwell Lord tells Grodd Hammond will be avenged. Grodd doesn’t care about Hammond and makes that clear. Joker is laughing at all of this and asks Grodd if he can put him in a funny hat. Grodd responds: mind your tongue or lose it...Napier. Joker is shocked then laughs and tells Grodd he is good. He didn’t even remember that bit. Metallo asks Grodd if a banana would calm him down. Grodd tells everyone: he hates bananas.


Deathstroke asks Maxwell to repeat how much money he’s getting for this. Maxwell Lord does, and asks Deathstroke why he wanted to know. Deathstroke comments that it’s so he doesn’t kill everyone and himself…. this is getting annoying. He needs some air. Silver Banshee meanwhile is preparing a scrying bowl in a darkened room, robe over her, hiding her glowing and more powerful energy form. She tells Maxwell Lord that the last person she performed this ritual for was the King Macbeth.


She tells him Luthor has been taken to what you mortals call the Grand Canyon to sit with Amanda Waller in hiding.


Meanwhile Flagg decides to go to Deadshot’s cell and tell him about this. Out of all the prisoners, he trusts Deadshot most. He tells Deadshot if he tries anything he’ll blow up his head. Deadshot thinks that maybe Lord got too close to his prisoners, started visiting their cells at night to have long conversations about who to trust when the prisoner just wants to sleep. Flagg takes the hint and prepares to leave.


Captain Boomerang calls out of his cell that he’ll talk to Flagg! They can be friends! Talk about how all the weird funny s*** they do is just because they want someone, anyone to like them but are terrified to connect to anyone because they're afraid they’ll be abandoned like their father did!


Flagg decides he isn’t going to touch that.


Deadshot chokes Flagg with a pillow and steals the tablet that controls who gets blown up from him after hitting his head against a bar to knock him out. Deadshot deactivates his bomb. Captain Boomerang asks Deadshot to free him, Deadshot ignores this, and goes to free Harley instead. He tells Harley that Waller kidnapped his daughter and he needs help to find her. He deactivated her bomb and they try to escape when Cheetah is released by Waller and sent in to stop them. They just barely manage to escape Cheetah by getting on a plane and flying out of the base, but Cheetah holds on to the wing of the plane and tries to crash them before she’s finally knocked off. She lands in the desert below and is okay.


At this point, Harley and Deadshot discover the plane has been hacked into and is bringing them somewhere. They will be brought to the base of Onslaught, where the villains wait for them.


Maxwell Lord will explain that he wants to help Deadshot find his daughter. Amanda Waller has taken things from all of them. He has the tech available to remove the bombs from their necks now and a physician on hand. We reveal Gorilla Grodd in a surgeon’s uniform. He greets everyone “Hello damn dirty humans!”


On a beach in Miami, Deathstroke’s friend and ally Wintergreen(basically his Afred) presents him with a phone which turns out to be a call with Amanda Waller. She tells Slade she wants to make a deal with him.


Waller tells Slade she’s going to send Deathstroke ten times what Maxwell Lord paid to kill her if he instead kills Lord. Slade says he doesn’t run his business like that. She mentions him making that deal with Red Hood in Gotham.


Deathstroke tells Waller that that’s just a rumor. Quitting a job because your target paid you more is just bad business. It evaporates trust between the employee and employer. He let Red Hood go because he was part of the League of Assassins. It wasn’t a money thing, it was a union thing.


The call ends.


Meanwhile, Deadshot talks to Harley, who asks him how long they should wait before they betray Onslaught. Deadshot tells her they aren’t going to. They’re going to save his daughter.


Meanwhile, Waller sends


Captain Boomerang




Black Manta


Bronze Tiger


on a mission to Gotham City. The location Deadshot and Harley’s gps trackers last placed them at.


June Moon is also coming, taking Rick Flagg’s place as team leader, as he’s in big trouble with Waller.


They will head to Gotham, searching the abandoned Amusement Mile Theme Park, a location which holds one of Joker’s safehouses. They find evidence Onslaught was there, but are gone now. At this point, Batman arrives and the heroes are ordered by Waller to retreat. Captain Boomerang tried to throw boomerangs, Batman dodges all of them and comes at Captain Boomerang with a boot to the face. Cheetah attacks Batman, slicing him up until he shoots bear spray out of his gauntlet and into her face. Black Manta fights Batman while Bronze Tiger gets the getaway van and crashes it into Batman, knocking him over. They get into the van, and Batman gets up and calls the Batmobile to him. A chase begins through the streets as June Moon prepares a complex and difficult teleportation spell.


Batman leaps into the roof as the AI controlled Batmobile rams them from behind. Bronze Tiger leaps into the roof and fights Batman, knocking him off of the van as they teleport away.


Batman calls Waller. She answers. He tells her Gotham belongs to him, and to stay out of his city.


She asks “Bruce Wayne” if he’s going to stop her.


Batman tells Waller that he will try, but doesn’t need to stop her. What she has with the Squad will never be sustainable. Someday soon it’s going to come crashing down, and when it does… he’s coming after her directly. Waller, on her office, looks over the reports saying she has a month to live, and tells Batman she doubts he’ll get that chance before ending the call.


The Squad make get on a plane and head back to the base.


Meanwhile, Amanda Waller is mad at Rick Flagg for causing Harley and Deadshot to escape and turn off their bombs. She is distracted though by a new problem:


Lex Luthor will become indignant at having to stay in the base and leave in his private plane with Mercy. Flagg demands Waller tell him the truth. He wants to know why Lord is after her. Amanda Waller tells Flagg that information is above his pay grade. She does have one secret to tell him though...


Waller reveals in Flagg’s last mission in the Army before she recruited him, the back of his neck was grazed by a bullet. It seemed miraculous that he wasn’t paralyzed, all he needed was stitches. We reveal in flashback Deathstroke shot that bullet, and that the medic stitching up Flagg inserted one of the tiny bombs into Flagg’s own neck! Waller repeats her mantra: Never Trust Anyone.


She sends him and the Suicide Squad after him in a separate plane after Luthor’s, meanwhile, Gorilla Grodd has used his mind control power to get everyone on his team into the base except for Banshee and Deathstroke. The ARGUS agents are now working for Grodd.


They go after Amanda Waller, who gets into a safe room and prepares all the bases defenses. She calls Rick Flagg to turn the Squad around. He prepares to, when Lex Luthor’s plane is blown up by Deathstroke using a missile launcher from the desert below. Luthor left his super suit in Metropolis, so Mercy Graves who is a cyborg, grabs onto Luthor to protect him and prepares her thrusters… when Silver Banshee attacks her from behind! They begin to fight, Flagg knows they have or save Luthor, and opens the back of their plane, telling the Suicide Squad



June Moon

Black Manta

Captain Boomerang

Bronze Tiger


To save Luthor.


They have to jump out of a perfectly good plane into a plane that’s on fire and about to crash. Black Manta and June Moon can fly, none of the others can though.


They do the insane stunt, fight Silver Banshee, and manage to escape with Luthor and Mercy when June prepares a complex and very difficult teleportation spell that she doesn’t use often to get back to the base. Silver Banshee is left in the plane as it crashes and explodes.


Meanwhile, Harley pairs off with Joker,  and attacks him, telling him this is for breaking her heart… and some of her bones!


Grodd tells Lord what’s happening, but Lord decides it doesn’t matter, they keep the squad occupied, he gets Waller alone.


The Suicide Squad  return to the base as all hell is breaking loose. Luthor and Mercy get out of harm's way.


Bronze Tiger is attacked by Deadshot, and a fight between the two begins. Bronze Tiger thinks Deadshot is nothing but a league of assassins killer, Deadshot tells Tiger he’s only doing this to save his daughter, who is alive and needs help, unlike Tiger’s wife, who has been dead for years. Bronze Tiger tosses him through some walls and keeps him in close enough range he can’t use his guns. Eventually, Deadshot shoots Bronze Tiger and Heads to the prison area, where his daughter is in a cell. They reunite, and he tells her he’s going to get her out of this. Lord and Gorilla Grodd arrive and remind Deadshot he’s here to kill Waller. Deadshot has what he came here for and wants to leave. Lord tries to convince Deadshot, doesn’t he want revenge? Doesn’t he want to get even with the witch who has made his life hell? Deadshot is happy to know Lord will kill her. He just wants to get his daughter out of here. Lord tells Zoe, (daughter of Deadshot) to run away.  Zoe does.


He causes Deadshot to have a seizure, then leaves Grodd to take over. Lord reminds Deadshot that his neck bomb also prevented him from telepathic attack. He needs to get Waller. He holds his head. He’s getting a splitting headache. He wipes the blood coming from his nose.


Grodd goes through Deadshot’s memories, torturing him. Humans are such savage creatures. So vindictive. He asks if Deadshot believes himself a righteous warrior as Lord does, or does he rationalize himself like Slade Wilson? Anything for money? Who does the frail hairless human blame for his misfortune. In the past, Deadshot is caught by Batman in front of his daughter. He aims his gun at Batman’s head. His daughter steps in the way. “You have the shot human… take it. But you’re daughter is here....  You don’t want her to see this… I see...but, if you don’t shoot ping human, you goes to prison. You never see your dear pup again!”


In reality, Deadshot is aiming a gun at himself, as his real daughter returns to try and save her father, Deadshot snaps out of it, and puts his hand over his daughter's eyes before he opens fire on Gorilla Grodd, and grabs his daughter and runs.


Maxwell Lord makes it to outside Waller’s safe room, when Rick Flagg stops him at gunpoint.


Maxwell Lord senses something in Flagg’s mind… questions and uncertainty. He asks Flagg, he wants to see what she did? Here: Lord’s nose begins to bleed and Rick Flagg spasms. Flagg see’s in flashback, children in hospital gowns, an orphanages worth of them, a child that will grow up to become Count Vertigo, a child that will become Brick. A child drawing a bullseye again and again, repeating the word: bang. This child will become Onomatopoeia.


A child version of Maxwell Lord is given blood transfusions by doctors as a younger Amanda watches. The doctors explain there are side effects: Intense Migraines, blood vessels are bursting constantly from the strain. Waller tells him to continue anyway. Maxwell Lord trains with guns on an indoor shooting range alongside other children. His nose begins to bleed, and all the children are on the ground screaming. Waller arrives in a hazmat suit to talk to him. He tells her in a rage that he wants to go home. Waller tells him this is his home. He and his dad live here now. His father works for Waller now.


Years later, a young adult Maxwell Lord, in black ops uniform, leads a version of the Suicide Squad.


Psycho Pirate



Solomon Grundy



Icicle Senior



Emerald Empress



We will learn as they fight Communists that Maxwell Lord was the Rock Flagg stand-in of this team, being the team leader that works directly for Amanda Waller.


We will cut forward again to


Amanda Waller

General Lane

General Eiling

Dr. Rex Tyler, the former Hourman of the Justice Society

Professor Anthony Ivo

Dr. Emil Hamilton


General Lane is discussing how they’ve killed all the aliens in the desert crash and taken their weapons to study.


Ivo confirms work on the Omac Project is going well


Emil Hamilton can say the same for Project Cadmus


Amanda Waller announces that the Suicide Squad has just succeeded in assassinating Queen Bee(plot of our first movie)


Eiling asks if Luthor has been approached yet.


Waller confirms he’s a viable candidate for Checkmate, but he refuses to answer any of her calls.


Dr. Rex Tyler states that Luthor is a lost cause, he has a new choice for Checkmate:


Maxwell Lord is brought in, after a vote, Waller being the only one voting against him, he’s confirmed as a new member of Checkmate. He will be given full access to the resources of ARGUS to protect the world however he sees fit.


Maxwell Lord smiles.


Flagg wakes up on the ground as everything is in chaos.


ARGUS agents attack him and he fights them off.


Joker manages to knockout Harley as they fight in the medical room and escapes.


Joker discovers the injection device for the neck bombs and takes it.


Mercy locks Luthor in an office and goes out to kill ARGUS agents being mind controlled by Gorilla Grodd to find Luthor.


Joker reveals he’s in the office chair and questions if Luthor thinks the doors are open now for any supervillain to run for President?


Joker reveals to Lex Luthor that he has a reason for being herikr all  the others. See, the government has done him wrong too….


In 2018 America’s top of the line all star comedians were all put on commemorative stamps! But did he get a stamp? No. So that is why…. he wants Luthor to give him a stamp when elected. A nice one. Embroidered in gold. Fail to do this, and Joker will murder one person for every non joker comedian stamp sold! Luthor questions, this must be a joke correct?


Joker asks if he looks like he’s joking.


Lex Luthor grabs a concealed gun out of his jacket and Joker lunges, disarming him and injecting him with bombs. Joker tells him he wants his stamps!


Harley shoots Joker in the knee from behind. Harley apologizes to “Mistah L” and tells him to get out of here, explaining she wants to break a few of Mistah J’s bones for payback. Joker looks up as Harley reveals her giant mallet.


Meanwhile, Bronze Tiger gets up, using his chi and some flexing to heal his injuries and pop out the bullet Deadshot left in him.


Meanwhile, Cheetah, Captain Boomerang, and Black Manta are both attacked by Metallo. They fight him as he blows open the roof and the fight moves out into the Grand Canyon.


Deadshot runs with his daughter towards the runways for the planes within the base, when Deathstroke attacks, telling Deadshot he has orders from Lord.


Harley and Captain Boomerang fight Gorilla Grodd.


June Moon and Rick Flagg see Deathstroke, Deadshot, and Zoe. Deadshot tells them he can handle this. Get Zoe out of this.


Deadshot and Deathstroke shoot at each other at the same time, and the bullets hit each other in the air. They run at each other and a gun fu battle begins. It’s epic, it’s awesome, they’re running up walls and chasing each other through the various planes and crates stored in the area the planes are kept when they aren’t flying out of the base. It’s cat and mouse combined with awesome fighting, and when Deathstroke’s bullets run out, there are grenades being used to blow up planes Deadshot is hiding under plus Deathstroke's titanium bo staff  and sword. Deadshot is when he gets a chance to leaping onto crates and firing his wrist mounted guns at Deathstroke.


The fight against Grodd isn’t going well. Harley has been turned by Grodd against Captain Boomerang.


Bronze Tiger arrives and asks Harley, she wants to know what he can do….


He transforms into a Were-Tiger!!  



Harley is snapped out of the mind control by this amazing sight.


The ceiling collapses on Grodd as he’s tossed into it, burying him alive. We here his voice beneath. “Stupid humans”


Meanwhile, Cheetah and Manta are fighting Metallo in the Grand Canyon above the base. Cheetah has a machine gun and shoots Metallo in the head, but he keeps going. Black Manta cries out that they have to attack the heart. His chest is now open, and his kryptonite heart is shooting lasers at them. Cheetah races at him, manages to dodge attacks, and while is Manta distracting him, Manta is hit and flies across the desert onto rocks and over a cliff. He falls down the canyon, and it’s left ambiguous if he lived or died. There was a river at the bottom.  Cheetah manages to hit the kryptonite out of his chest and Metallo shuts off and falls to the ground.


Deadshot and Deathstroke fight continues when Bronze Tiger arrives as a Tiger person and attacks. Deathstroke gets beat up, but manages to shoot Bronze Tiger in the heart. Bronze Tiger throws him across the airfield.


Deadshot checks on Bronze Tiger as he bleeds out. Bronze Tiger tells Deadshot… his wife’s name was Myoshi. Deadshot tells Bronze Tiger that Deathstroke attacked him in front of his daughter. He’s going to avenge Myoshi.


Deathstroke walls slowly towards Deadshot and the dead Bronze Tiger before being shot about eight times point blank in his bulletproof mask before it finally cracks and falls off him. Deathstroke will catch up Deadshot and stab him through the stomach with his sword, lifting him in the air as it comes out the other side. But, Deadshot isn’t dead, he shoots Deathstroke in the head and they both fall over. The two lay bleeding on the floor.


Deadshot is laying next to Deathstroke by the planes, slowly trying to pull out the sword. Deathstroke, laying next to him, comments


“I’m not dead… also, #%$& you.”


Deadshot groans and aims his wrist cannon, shooting Deathstroke in the side,


“You gonna shoot the disabled war veteran again hero?”


“I’m not a hero.”


Deadshot does shoot him again, then gets the sword out and attempts to crawl away.


Deathstroke calls Deadshot a p$&@%.


Deadshot get up and limps in the direction June and Flagg left in, shooting Deathstroke again….


Captain Boomerang meanwhile, gets a message from Waller over his communication device: Don’t let Deadshot leave.


June and Rick Flagg try to get out with Zoey, when Waller contacts them. Get Zoey back in her cell and come save her or she blows off both of their heads. Lord is almost into the safe room.


Deadshot is approached by Boomerang who, prepares to toss a boomerang at him, but can’t do it.


Captain Boomerang tells Deadshot to pour some warm beer out of a can on his grave when he’s gone, and tell people when they ask that everyone liked me! And play AC/ DC at my funer- his head explodes.


Deadshot tells Captain Boomerang he always liked him


Waller waits in the safe room watching everything on the monitors. Maxwell Lord enters. He tells her that this is what he wanted. Her and him together at last. “You were like a mother to me do you know that? And all you wanted was to make me a weapon!”


Amanda Waller responds: “I’ve done a lot of bad things, but everything I’ve done I’ve done to keep my country safe. I regret nothing”


Lord laughs. “Children! Innocent children! Are they just more pawns in your game? You ruined my life!”


“And I saved millions more. You were never a child Maxwell. You were an experiment. ”


Lord cries out in anger as his nose begins to bleed. Waller convulses and falls back into a wall.


“Give me something Waller! Realize you created a monster! Have a redemption before I kill you where you realize your mistakes! Say sorry for playing these games with peoples lives! Be a good person for once!”


Waller speaks “Experiment’s over. Checkmate.”


The back of Amanda Waller’s neck begins to blink red… and then she explodes, consuming Maxwell Lord with her.


Rick Flagg looks at the bomb tablet in his hands. The activator for his own bomb is locked. The remnants of the squad all end up in the same hallway.




Harley Quinn


June Moon




Rick Flagg


Flagg looks down again. A new name has popped up, one that wasn’t there before.


“She’s dead.” He turns towards his squad. He deactivates their bombs. “Waller’s dead, which means I’m in charge, and I decide… Task Force X is being retired. You’re free to go. Do what you want with your freedom. Make good choices… or I will find you.”


Rick Flagg tells Deadshot the location of his daughter. He has to hurry though, the base is going to explode.


Deadshot find his daughter. He grabs her and they run towards the hanger where the planes are, but he’s lost in all the halls. He can’t find it.


Deathstroke steps into the hallway and pulls out his sword. Deadshot tells him it’s over, Waller killed herself and Lord. His contract is through. Deathstroke puts his sword away and turns in the other direction. Deathstroke yells at Deadshot and his daughter as he runs off that the whole place is going under any second now. Turn right and you should get back to the planes.


Suddenly, the base begins to explode. Deadshot runs with his daughter, but she trips as the ceiling begins to fall. Before it can crush her… Cheetah leaps over her and holds up the ceiling. She tells Deadshot to get out while he still can. Deadshot prepares to run away, it looks like we’re going to kill Cheetah off. Deadshot shoots the ceiling on strategic places allowing Cheetah to escape.


They make it to a plane the rest of the Squad is in, along with Luthor and  Mercy and fly out of the base just in time as everything collapses, tumbling into the Grand Canyon. The plane is hit by a debris and crashes into the side of the canyon, flipping multiple times before Deadshot can just barely land it, crashing into the wreckage of the base. Luthor, this being his second plane crash of the day,  does not appreciate Deadshot’s saving of everyone’s lives.


An ash covered Maxwell Lord crawls out of the rubble, holding a gash on his head. He’s lost his jacket and his right side of his body has burns all over, but it’ll heal. He thinks he’s broken his ankle though. Lord looks up to find Deadshot in front of him. Deadshot questions Lord on his plans. Get revenge on the squad? Lord tells him no. The only one he wanted to kill today was Waller. The others were just collateral. Deadshot comments Lord killed his friends. Lord asks Deadshot if he plans to kill him in retaliation? Deadshot tells him no, and tosses away his gun. Zoe is watching. Deadshot says he won’t in front of his daughter. Deadshot punches Maxwell Lord in the face, knocking him unconscious. Deadshot races away with his daughter as ARGUS arrives to search the scene.


Lex Luthor and Mercy get to ARGUS.


June Moon and Rick Flagg walk through the desert. Harley told Flagg about the technology Lord had to remove the bombs. The sun is setting and June and Flagg both realize it’s actually happening. They’re walking off into the sunset.


The End


The Survivors:




Harley Quinn


June Moon


Rick Flagg






Maxwell Lord




The dead or missing in action:


Hector Hammond


Bronze Tiger


Captain Boomerang


Silver Banshee




Black Manta


Gorilla Grodd


Amanda Waller


End Credits scene:


Talia Al Ghul explains. One billion dollars have been offered to anyone who can get a vial of the Lazarus compound. Her spies tell her that those who have taken the offer up are




Harley Quinn


Black Spider




Killer Croc


She asks Deathstroke what he thinks of that, and he responds. It sounds like a Suicide mission.


The End?" />" />" />" />" />" />" />" />" />" />" />" />" />" />" />" />" />" />" />" />" />" />" />
SUICIDE SQUAD Star Scott Eastwood Talks Future Superhero Roles And #ReleaseTheAyerCut Support (Exclusive)

SUICIDE SQUAD Star Scott Eastwood Talks Future Superhero Roles And #ReleaseTheAyerCut Support (Exclusive)

SUICIDE SQUAD Director David Ayer Shares Script Pages Revealing More Of The Ayer Cut's Original Ending
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SUICIDE SQUAD Director David Ayer Shares Script Pages Revealing More Of The Ayer Cut's Original Ending

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noahthegrand - 1/9/2019, 12:00 PM
Here’s Suicide Squad 1:

Here’s Suicide Squad 2:

(Which I might be a bit too hard on in this article it’s just the story I wish I could rewrite the most)

Please hit the like button and tell me what you think in the comments!

@CaptainWagner - @FlixMentallo21 -

@staysickness - @MrPagBrewster -

@MNLawyer - @Cjosh -

@CaptainShazam - @dethpillow -

@Starman - @JaredRWebb12 - @ChrisRed -

@aresww3 - @BloodyBed - @SimplyAz -

@TheRealTomServo - @DaLaBrAcK -

@CultofKekistan - @TheRose -

@ThouBear8 - @CicadasAmongMen -

@BlackSpiderman - @ILoveStargirl - @Velvet -

@TheDayman -

@CaptainWagner -

@ILoveStargirl - @FlixMentallo21 - @BakugoValentine - @IChangedMyName -

@dethpillow -@brodie999 -

Upcoming articles will include

Aquaman 2, a sequel to an Aquaman article I wrote long before the first trailer for the new movie even came out

THE NEW GODS: an adaptation of Jack Kirby’s epic universe

And possibly others like


The Flash(which would feature Gorilla Grodd)

My own version of the Wonder Woman franchise

And so much more!

brodie999 - 1/9/2019, 1:39 PM
@noahthegrand - Thanks for tagging me in. I made some edits on my Quicksilver article during the past few months. And I replied to your new comment on the Iron Man 3, AOU and Infinity War article. Please check it out and let me know of my thoughts about Fox announcements at D23 Expo this year?
brodie999 - 1/11/2019, 9:57 PM
@noahthegrand - Thanks for tagging me in, Noah!! Could you please return the favour by signing my petition to make a DC Vs. Marvel animated film based on the JLA/Avengers comics? Would you like to see WB and Disney come together for this fantastic collaboration?
noahthegrand - 1/13/2019, 1:09 AM
@brodie999 - I signed it!
brodie999 - 1/13/2019, 1:13 AM
@noahthegrand - Thanks! Now please tag in as many people as you can, so they can sign it too! We need all the help we can get to making the biggest superhero crossover film in history a reality.
noahthegrand - 1/9/2019, 12:02 PM
I will also be writing the grand finale to my Amazing Slingers storyline and publishing very soon!
FlixMentallo21 - 1/9/2019, 2:01 PM
Woof. Poor Grodd. T’was(n’t) beauty killed the beast.

Seems like Hector Hammond was a bit headstrong....

Well, Ms. Waller, that’s certainly one way to beat cancer....

I do like how Deadshot was developed.

(OT, did you give Valentia a look?)
noahthegrand - 1/9/2019, 2:08 PM
@FlixMentallo21 - I’m going to later today actually. I’ll comment and tell you what I think!. Been busy writing this and another article I have planned for next week.
noahthegrand - 1/9/2019, 2:18 PM
@FlixMentallo21 - one thing I’ve enjoyed writing these Suicide Squad articles is that I can keep things on their toes and keep things from ever getting too repetitive due to these characters being all on different areas in the spectrum of good and evil. Anyway, im glad you enjoyed this one!
FlixMentallo21 - 1/9/2019, 2:31 PM
@noahthegrand - Sorry about the puns in my earlier comment, BTW.
noahthegrand - 1/9/2019, 2:36 PM
@FlixMentallo21 - lol. Don’t worry, they’re great.
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