Goyer? Brainiac? Superman? Hurm...You Don't Say...

Goyer? Brainiac? Superman? Hurm...You Don't Say...

My thoughts on the recent news of David Goyer being hired to pen the upcoming Superman reboot, and what I think should happen in it. This is my first editorial, so be nice.

Editorial Opinion
By InTylerWeTrust - Feb 27, 2010 10:02 PM EST
Filed Under: Superman

So, where to begin? Well, why not start at the beginning? Since the first appearance of Kal-El in Action Comics #1 of June 1938, he has become one of the most world-renowned figures of pop culture. From his name, to his costume, to his origin (wink wink, Goyer), almost everyone knows who this hero is.

In 1978, a man by the name of Richard Donner was tasked with the responsibility of bringing Clark Kent and Superman to life on the big screen. Do you remember who donned the cape? Of course you do, it was an unknown by the name of Christopher Reeve, who has since become synonymous with the character himself, due to his excellent portrayal of the duality of the Man of Steel. As Clark, he was clumsy and unassuming. As Superman, he was strong and confident. Superman of 1978 is now considered by many to be one of the greatest CBM's of all time. The sequel, appropriately titled Superman II, is also considered to be a prime example of the greatness that CBM's can achieve, and is even thought of as an improvement over the classic original.

So, what could go wrong? Well, Superman III and IV. That's what. Even though Reeve still had the suit on, he couldn't save these less-than-stellar sequels from critical and commercial disappointment. The last film, Quest for Peace, would leave the series in a dormant state for almost 20 years. Reeve suffered paralysis in 1995 which made it impossible for him to don the tights again.

For years, the franchise went from director to director, idea to idea, Tim Burton to Bret Ratner, Nicholas Cage to unknown, until, in July 2004, a man already known by CBM fans for his 2 X-Men films, was hired to take on the Man of Steel. This decision would result in one of the most controversial CBM's of recent memory: Superman Returns.

Instead of being a fresh start for this series, Singer's movie would instead continue Donner's vision and ignore the events of Superman III and IV. This Superman left Earth for years after learning of the discovery of his home planet, or what remained of it, Krypton. He returns (get it?) to a planet that is very different to what he left behind. Lex Luthor is a free man, Lois is engaged to Perry White's nephew and has a son (facepalm), and the world (along with Lois) has seemingly moved on. Similar to Reeve's casting, a new unknown by the name of Brandon Routh was cast as the Last Son of Krypton. Routh looked and acted very much like Reeve, which split fans apart. Some were disgusted at his attempt to emulate Reeve and bring nothing new to the table, while others praised his performance and said that he did what he was supposed to do, which was a Reeve impression. Superman Returns made a moderate run at the box office, exceeding its budget by less than 200 million dollars. Warner Bros. was disappointed with this, and although there were still talks of a sequel to Returns at the time, it would eventually be scrapped in favor of a reboot. Routh has consistently expressed his interest in returning (get it?) to the role since then.

And that brings us to the present. This past week, we learned that supposedly David Goyer (the Blade Trilogy, Batman Begins) has signed to write the treatment of the reboot, which will be titled Man of Steel. I'm pleased with the news personally, not so much for Goyer, but for the ball actually rolling on the Superman front. Goyer has proven to be an okay writer in the past, he's very hit and miss. There's Batman Begins, a hit, but he also had help from Christopher Nolan's brother Jonah, and then you also have something like Blade: Trinity or *shudder* Jumper. However, with the announcement from about a week ago that Geoff Johns is now an integral part of DC Entertainment, I highly doubt he won't be involved somehow in the script/story process. And we all know how good a writer Geoff Johns is, so I'm not very worried.

Now, on to my actual thoughts of what should happen in the reboot. Well, thankfully, it seems that what I wanted looks like what we're going to get. Along with the announcement of Goyer, a few points were included as to what direction the reboot will take: Brandon Routh will (unsurprisingly) not be Superman again. And Bryan Singer will (unsurprisingly) not direct again.

And then, we got this lovely bit of info: Brainiac and Lex Luthor will be the villains and the film will not be an origin story, instead it will assume the audience knows who the characters are. BOOYAH! I've been saying for MONTHS that Brainiac and Lex are the right ways to go for the reboot. Brainiac offers both a mental and physical challenge for Superman. He's one of the most intelligent foes in all the DC universe. The double threat, the whole package, unlike certain Superman villains (*cough* Doomsday *cough*). And, despite the hatred of all things Lex right now (due to him being the villain in nearly every film so far), Luthor still is one of the biggest characters in the Superman mythos and the DC universe as a whole. A reboot without Lex would feel incomplete to me.

Now, what about characterizations for these 2? Well, I feel that a mix between the Animated Universe Brainiac, where he was a total robot and was connected to the destruction of Krypton, and the Geoff Johns Brainiac, an edgier, scarier, and more powerful version of his organic alien depiction from the past comics. Give Brainiac the connection to Krypton's destruction, the motives (in that he wants to collect all possible data in the universe, destroying planets and civilizations as he travels), and the robotic aspect (you know, infecting machinery and people to create new forms, hacking abilities, etc.) from The Animated Series, and also mix it with an organic element that may allow for more interesting appearances, instead of just being a cold robot. A possible route they may want to take is to have Milton Fine discover a crashed Brainiac on Earth, and Brainiac infects him, taking over his mind and corrupting him. Perhaps they could create a prior connection between Clark and Fine that would give Clark some emotional conflict?

Ah, Lexxy Lexxy, Lex. Mr. Luthor needs a relatively simple characterization to me: anything but a real estate tycoon. I didn't mind Superman Returns, but turning Lex Luthor, one of the most renowned villains of DC, into a petty criminal who wants land is laughable, and facepalmable. For the reboot, Lex needs to be the billionaire. The antithesis of Bruce Wayne, who uses his money for his own gain, and not for justice. The owner of Lexcorp, one of the wealthiest and most powerful companies in the world (did you catch that TDK reference), a designer of weapons and technology. The corrupt businessman who abuses his wealth and power behind the public's eye. The political figure to tie into the president thread later on. The "hero" who believes that Superman is a threat to the world and that he himself is the savior, even though he is blinded by greed, lust, jealousy, and anger. THAT'S the Lex I want to see. How about you?

And hell yes to no origin, which is also something I've been saying for a long time. Everyone knows who Superman is, and we've seen his origin done so many times, it's the wrong move to spend the first half of the movie explaining the origin, and telling us how Clark got there. Personally, I'd like to actually see a short montage beginning with Kal-El's arrival on Earth in Smallville, transitioning to him as a young boy going through "power puberty", to Clark in his teens helping out around the town (saving people from car crashes, fires, all that jazz), Clark as a young man bidding farewell to Ma and Pa Kent and the farm, and finally, Clark walking into the Daily Planet offices for maybe the first time (I don't know, I haven't decided if I want it to be the first time or if he's been there a while, I think I'd prefer if it was his first). Remember in Spider-Man 1, where Peter was drawing up so many variations of his costume? Think of that style, just replace the drawings with Clark's pre-Superman days, and replace the Spidey music with the John Williams theme, and that's essentially the gist of what I'm getting at.

As for story, I do have an outline of my ideal plot-line for the reboot, and here it is:

The film kicks off in space. As a large, dark ship passes by the camera, and on the ship there is a symbol that looks like a very alien-looking "A", the camera enters into the command deck of the vessel. The deck looks out into space, and in the back of the room, a screen rests on the wall. An alien by the name of Kalibak walks around the room, giving orders to the crew to patch him in to Apokolips. The screen in the back of the room lights up and a dark throne with an obviously large humanoid resting on it. His face is concealed by shadows and the lack of high definition of the screen (hehe). In Michael Ironside's voice (my eye might explode from so much winking right now), the figure asks Kalibak if they have detected any anomalies yet. Kalibak responds, telling the figure "Yes, we've detected some seismic activities on the planet nearby, my Lord, but nothing particularly-" until he is cut off by an enormous and violent explosion of the planet. Kalibak, after recovering from the rocking of the ship in response to the explosion, is frustrated at his crew for not being aware of the imminent explosion, but the figure on the throne orders them to silence their tongues, for there is some object shooting rapidly into space away from the planet. The figure commands them to capture the object, and when they do, the object is revealed to be some sort of pod, with 3 electrical diodes on the front. Meanwhile, after the ship departs from the area, nearby, a small, crystalline object is floating in space, where the cries of a small child can be heard, and under the object is the classic Superman S (or in this case, the symbol for Kal-El's family). It stops floating, turns to a very specific direction, and shoots off into space. Roll opening credits.

So basically that's the opening scene, and I won't go into that much detail, or this article would never end. This is the basic outline for the whole story:

Introduce Brainiac as being connected to Krypton and its destruction, have Darkseid discover Brainiac partially destroyed after the destruction and rebuild him to be his technological resource and weapon for Apokolips, Brainiac rebels against Darkseid and destroys half of Apokolips in his wake after learning about the Anti-Life Equation, Brainiac travels the galaxy while gathering more information and data about the universe as he goes, he finds Earth and recognizes Supes as the Last Son of Krypton, they eventually duke it out, Brainiac is defeated (but not completely destroyed), ending leaves a cliffhanger foreshadowing Darkseid's invasion of Earth because he is looking for Brainiac since he supposedly has secrets pertaining to the Equation, boom, set up for Justice League right there. I'd like to give a personal "thank you" to CBM user nerosday for helping me create these ideas during a conversation we had on an article about James McTeague and his Superman vision.

It's a tad light on the details between Brainiac's arrival and the final fight, but if they include some of Lex's schemes in there, and have Brainiac take over Milton Fine, possibly teaming with Lex to create Metallo, I think that's enough action and story to fill out the rest of the movie. Along the way there would be little cuts to Apokolips and Darkseid, but not too many, just a few in order to flesh out the story a bit more and provide some allusions to the extraterrestrial elements of the DC Universe (for example, a reference to Oa). With this story, I feel that the reboot would have enough action to satisfy us fans who are desperate to see an ass-kicking Superman, a story that ties various elements of the Superman mythos together, and great villains who are faithful adaptations of the previous versions of the characters we've seen for years.

Now, what about casting? Well, Superman is one of the hardest CBM characters to cast. The actor needs to have the right presence, range, and look/physique to be the Man of Steel. Personally, I'd opt for another unknown, if only because I can't think of anyone who fits all that that I know of. But, I don't want to leave you hangin' with another Question Mark as in my Invaders cast, so I'll just give out a possibility: Ryan McPartlin. He even tested for the role way back when. Yes, I have criticized him in regards to Captain America, and I still stand by that, because the only way I would want McPartlin is if he takes more acting lessons (which I found out he actually does do) or shows more range and dramatic talent in his performances. So far on Chuck, he's been decent with his expanded, more leader-like role, but not something I feel is particularly exemplary. So, if he improved his acting or showed me that he actually does have a lot of potential in him, he’d have my support. He also has a great look for the role. Superman’s look is a classic aspect of his character: the square jaw, jet-black hair, and imposing height/figure. McPartlin has the jaw, most definitely, his hair can be dyed, and he has a good frame to pack some good muscle on. He also has the ideal Superman height, at 6’3”. So, McPartlin, show me you’ve got the chops, and I’m behind you for this McPart.

Of course, what would a good Superman film be without his legendary love, Lois Lane (that’s a lot of L’s)? For this role, you need an actress who has spunk, personality, beauty, etc. and while I have been campaigning for Michelle Monaghan as Lois for a while, there is this one choice which has been creeping into my brain as of late, and I absolutely love it. Now, this actress is also on Chuck, which McPartlin is on as well. Not only that, but she plays his love interest. Obviously, if McPartlin was cast as Superman, this actress would be out of the question for Lois, and vice versa. She portrays Chuck’s sister Ellie, Sarah Lancaster. On Chuck, Lancaster has spunk and a very fun personality, two absolutely necessary for Lois. I love the warm presence and aura she brings to the scenes that she is in, unlike Bosworth who was a cold bitch 24/7. Her relationship with the character Morgan reminds me of Lois’s relationship with Clark, in that Lois is often putting him down, but sometimes she does display genuine affection for him (example: Ellie helps out Morgan from getting fired by saying he assisted her in buying a bunch of items at his store, even though he did nothing). So, Lancaster is excellent at giving her usually strong-willed character a sensitive and caring side. I feel that Lois should have a certain beauty to her that isn’t your typical Megan Fox “hotnezz”, I mean, Superman could have almost ANY girl he wants, and he picks Lois. Lancaster really doesn’t take the best pictures, but they don’t do her justice. On Chuck, and in motion, I find Lancaster to be enchanting and gorgeous, absolutely beautiful. She’s not “hot,” but she is beautiful.

That brings us to Superman’s arch-nemesis, Lex Luthor. There are a lot of actors I can see as great LL’s. Eric Bana, Ralph Fiennes, Viggo Mortensen, Colm Feore, Jason Isaacs, even Daniel Day-Lewis (even though he’d never take the role). But, there can only be one, and I’d personally go for Paul Bettany. Yes, Paul Bettany. I believe that he is a very underrated actor, and has shown range and dramatic talent with several of his great performances. Master and Commander: the Far Side of the World, Gangster No. 1, Wimbledon, A Beautiful Mind, and Creation all show his ability to be emotionally engaging and to play various characters of very different personalities. He has an air of intelligence and high-class about him that makes him perfect for the depiction of Lex I described: a brilliant man who thinks very highly of himself. Bettany would flesh out the duality between the “public Lex,” a man who is humble and well-mannered, and his personality that is hidden from the eyes of the people, a mastermind who stops at nothing and no one to accomplish what he sees needs to be done. If you want to gauge his villainy, check out Firewall. The movie itself isn’t that good, but Bettany shows a great villainy that is cunning, calm, and cold (three C’s in a row, weird), just like how Lex should be. I also feel that Lex should be a bit older than Superman, but not too old. Late 30’s to early 40’s would be ideal IMO. Bettany is 38, so that’s just about right. He’s also 6’3”, matching him with Superman, who is also 6’3”.

Last will be Brainiac, and I think most should know who I want for this role, and if not, I’ll say it again: Hugo Weaving. Hellz yeah, Hugo Weaving. He’s absolutely perfect for this part. Phenomenal actor, and looks like an actual alien. His voice is a real selling point for me. It’s commanding, intelligent, and very robotic. Perfect for Brainiac. If you’ve seen the Matrix films, you’d know that Weaving can be a damn good villain, hell, Agent Smith as a character is similar to Brainiac anyway. They have a dislike for humans, can control other bodies, and can be viewed as a sort of computer virus that infects everything (as seen in Matrix Revolutions). Brainiac doesn’t give a shit about human life, he’d eradicate it in an instant for all he cares, and Smith has a similar philosophy, viewing humanity as a disease. Weaving portrayed all of this excellently with a great villainous touch. He was born to play Brainiac.

So yeah, I think that about wraps up my editorial on Goyer’s involvement with the reboot, what direction I think it should go in, and who I think should or could play a few main characters. I hope you enjoyed my first editorial :)

Also, JJ Abrams FTW ;)

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InTylerWeTrust - 2/27/2010, 10:47 PM
Fist Block!
SHHH - 2/27/2010, 10:54 PM
Great editoral...Finally one worth debating on..And yes to Nolans creative team Goyer and Jonah Nolan..This is the best thing to happen for a DC movie Brainiac and Luthor Great villian choices!
ElBicho - 2/27/2010, 10:54 PM
Awesome stuff Tyler!!!

I like the references to other DC characters to start setting up the Justice League.

I keep getting this vision of Supes and Bats cameos in each others movies...
InTylerWeTrust - 2/27/2010, 11:07 PM
SHHH: Thanks man. I support the Nolans being the "godfathers" of the reboot, I just don't feel like he should direct it, more like make sure that the movies are taken seriously. Yep, a Brainiac and Lex team up is CBM gold.

ElBicho: Thanks, I'd actually like to see a Bruce Wayne cameo in the reboot, perhaps an interaction with Lex at Lexcorp over business? I know I'd jizz if that happened :)
peterparker420 - 2/27/2010, 11:09 PM
TYLER- Me any you spent many hours DEBATING
Superman Returns LOL. And we both see each
others point of view on the matter..So
I shall spare you,(this time). LOL
OK, now I liked that fact that you said
things on both sides of the topic, The
Good and Bad things about Superman Returns.
Very well worded and thought out perfectly
given points to BOTH sides of How people
FELT (or took away from) Superman Returns.
I AGREE that a movie without LEX would be
just wrong.( even if I argrued with you I
wanted *cough* doomsday *cough*) I think
BRAINIAC would be a GREAT villan..If they
went with Geoff Johns version. Again
I agree NO ORIGIN for superman..If if they
wanted to do that, just put the ORIGIN story
did it in Spidey 2,and 3). AWESOME EDITORIAL!

THANK GOD..NO..*cough* Brandon Routh *cough*
SHHH - 2/27/2010, 11:20 PM
You right about Goyer hit and miss remember The Unborn..Chris Nolan needs to be the one hand picking the Director..
InTylerWeTrust - 2/27/2010, 11:22 PM
pete: Haha, thanks. I didn't want this to turn into a Routh-fest, so I kept it at a minimum. "People were split on his performance. Next?" is what I wanted to do regarding him. Since he won't come back (which has been pretty obvious for a while), I didn't bother going in to how I personally felt about him, because it doesn't matter anymore.

I just don't like Doomsday. He's one note. I wouldn't mind him as much if it weren't for everyone saying that he should be the villain in the reboot. For one, he isn't a strong enough villain. Two, what kind of ass backwards logic is it to kill the title character off in the first movie that is supposed to reestablish him as THE premiere hero? The audience wouldn't have time to connect and feel the impact of his death, it would mean nothing. I would like to see a Death of Superman story eventually, but no way should it be done before a Justice League film, let alone a reboot.

The Geoff Johns version does kick ass.

Thank God no *cough* Tom Welling *cough* Sorry, had to do it :)

SHHH: Yeah, me too. Though, with Johns heading up DCE, I have faith in him to make sure the right Superman movie is produced.

On a side note, I was planning on including some casting ideas, but I felt it was long enough already, but now that it's up, it doesn't seem as long as I thought. I'll probably update it right now with some casting.
peterparker420 - 2/28/2010, 12:01 AM
I really only want Doomsday so that they(writers) could
end the "Returns Arc" with the death of superman
(Routh), and Start fresh with the Reboot with a CLEAR
Slate. But after reading you're outline I must say
I agree with alot of it. I'm sorry I just have to say:
How is Doomsday not strong enough? I mean he KILLED
superman for crying out loud! LOL
but if you mean "character wise" then I would agree,
the isn't alot to him, in terms of story I mean.
So I say.. YES to LEX and BRAINIAC!
NERO - 2/28/2010, 12:07 AM
lol,,, Tyler this is why I love ya buddy. I had damn near the same idea for linking Darkseid, Brainiac, and the Anti-Life as a reason for him coming to Earth in JLA, it just makes perfect sense. You need a tremendous threat to justify the formation of the League... No bigger threat than the invasion of Earth by Apokolips. Love it great stuff man.

We differ on the intro of Brainiac to Apokolips, I always thought it would be cool to repeat the opening sequence we all know the pod flying from the dying Krypton, seeing it fly toward a welcoming blue world (New Genesis but everyone would think it was Earth) only to whip passed to head for the hellish surface of Apok. The pod crashes before a dark tower and we see the pod covered in the massive shadow of Darksied and when it is opened rather than baby Kal-El we are confronted by the a small monstrous the diode eyed black shining amorphous tentacled biomechanical "child" releases a organic/electronic cry and reaches out for its new "father."

I like the idea of using the animated origins of Brainiac the fact that he and Superman are children of Jor-El. One the biological child, one the intellectual child designed as a master control unit for Krypton. They are in unsaid way brothers born of the same father, but raised in the antithesis of each other. Brainiac seeking control and order of the chaos of organic forms is repulsed by the final plans of Darkseid to seek out the Anti-Life Equation after at long last Brainiac solves its riddle and as it negates Brainiac own view, he decides to flee. This prompts Darkseid to find him on Earth in JLA.

Most of it was laid out in "James McTeigue Thinks The Next Superman Movie Needs To Be Darker" last August.
InTylerWeTrust - 2/28/2010, 12:17 AM
pete: Yeah, character wise is what I meant.

nero: Dude, I think I remember that conversation we had on that article! I knew I got the inspiration from someone here! Sorry, I'll give you credit for inspiring me, I'm editing the article as we speak to include some casting.

That's actually a really cool way to intro Brainiac as well. Love it man!

I too love the TAS origin because it does give Brainiac and Superman a weird bond that could make for some emotional drama. Brainiac could offer Superman the chance to discover his past, learn about his heritage and culture, but, in typical hero fashion, he refuses in order to save the people of Earth.

Thanks again man. You rock :)
NERO - 2/28/2010, 12:38 AM
lol, no. It wasn't all my idea, man. We were both throwing alot of stuff around on that thread. It was all good stuff.
InTylerWeTrust - 2/28/2010, 12:44 AM
Yeah, that was a good conversation. Did you expect me to give you ALL the credit? Get real... :)
NERO - 2/28/2010, 12:46 AM
InTylerWeTrust - 2/28/2010, 3:11 AM
Haha, thanks tea :)

Article updated with some casting for Superman, Lois, Lex, and Brainiac.
Hawksblueyes - 2/28/2010, 9:15 AM
Awsome article Tyler. Theres really nothing I could attempt to add here outside of your absolutely spot on as far as I'm concerned.
peterparker420 - 2/28/2010, 9:35 AM
I took a look back and saw some casting!
I must say..AWESOME! The pics you used are
GREAT all from Geoff Johns story with art
by Gary Frank! The first pic up there
of Brainiac (next to Lex), THAT'S THE BRAINIAC
I want to see!..again man great job!
AshleyWilliams - 2/28/2010, 9:56 AM
I agree 100%
Awesome cast and Story!
I'm very glad that my Lex choice is well recieved! It's my first casting choice that caught on!
Mcpartlin is an Amazing choice!
I beg to differ on Lancaster though,She IS hot! She's also My choice for Lois!Great minds Man!
Weaving is Brainaic indeed!
JJ Abrams is the director for Superman!
Two thumbs up!
DogsOfWar - 2/28/2010, 10:12 AM
Well thought out article Tyler, you make some great points.

I just want to make sure I'm reading this correctly, everything up there is for one movie? Darkseid, Kalibak, Lex, Metallo & Braniac all in one movie? That's a lot of villains plus you are basically talking a Braniac origin story set on Apokolips, Lex scheming in the background, and Darkseid plotting invasion of the Earth.

When does Superman get some screen time? I really like your ideas but it seems a little daunting for ONE movie.

I agree with you about Doomsday. There is no way he should be in the first couple of these movies. The greatest thing about his role is being the conduit for Superman's death which triggered new emotions, characters and storylines for the comics to build on.
InTylerWeTrust - 2/28/2010, 11:01 AM
Hawks: Thanks

pete: Yeah, I love Frank's artwork.

Night: Hehe, thanks man :)

Dogs: Well, Darkseid and Kalibak would be very much in the shadows, Kalibak is basically just a cameo, and they'd only have a couple of scenes at the most. Metallo is just a maybe, I wouldn't definitely have him in there, in fact, I probably wouldn't. Brainiac's origin wouldn't be fully shown in detail, more like he tells Superman near the end, perhaps when Superman finds out that Milton Fine is Brainiac. I don't think it would be a big problem. But thanks anyway man.
TANKGIRL - 2/28/2010, 1:32 PM
InTylerWeTrust82 great job as always
KeithM - 2/28/2010, 7:22 PM
Agree very much with your characterisations - they're 'authentic' and that's what we need. I have no real opinion on who could be cast at this point (open mind and all that so I don't get too invested in anyone in particular) and I'm easy on the story - as long as it's smart AND fun.

An interesting, balanced and knowledgeable article. :thup:
AshleyWilliams - 2/28/2010, 8:34 PM
@Tyler-I'm just glad that FINALLY one of my choices caught on.You,Josh,LEEE,TheHawk,Shaman,DDD,etc,etc,You all are trend setters!
JoshWilding - 2/28/2010, 8:38 PM
Brilliant article TYLER! (and deserving of the main page IMO!) I admit I'm not the biggest Superman fan/expert but I agree with pretty much everything you say here! Your casting choices are especially brilliant - I still want McPartlin for Cap but I wouldnt be at all upset of he were to be cast as Superman instead (as long as we get a good alternative Cap choice!) And hell yeah to JJ Abrams! :)
InTylerWeTrust - 2/28/2010, 8:51 PM
Tank: Thanks

FF: Cool, I appreciate it, especially coming from you :)

Keith: Thanks bro, I'm not particularly invested in any particular actor/actress, because there are a lot of people I can see doing a good job for these parts, except Superman, but as long as it isn't Welling, I'm pretty much set :)

Night: Hehe, thanks :P

Josh: Well, like I said, I'd only want McPartlin if he showed me that he does have what it takes, he's been decent, but perhaps he does have potential? Who knows? But thanks man, I was kind of wondering if this was going to get Main, because lately a lot of editorials have, but I doubt it, probably too late now anyway.
Shaman - 3/1/2010, 1:59 PM
Awesome job, Tyler!!! Lord have mercy!!! You went all out!!! I agree with the story and especially your villain casting. I don't know a thing about your Lois pic so i can't really comment but you already know my own favorite(Anne Hathaway). And McPartlin might be a better fit for Supes than Cap but he still has something about him that... i dunno... makes me believe there's someone better out there. But he'd certainly be a decent choice to concider. One word for your article... EPIC!
InTylerWeTrust - 3/1/2010, 2:13 PM
Shaman: Ha, thanks man. Lancaster is on Chuck with McPartlin, she really reminds me of Lois, but she isn't as sarcastic as Erica Durance. Anne would be an excellent Lois as well.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm sure there is someone out there better than McPartlin, for Cap and Supes, but he's just decent enough that I can see him growing in to the role. But thanks anyway :)
kyle - 3/1/2010, 4:31 PM
i loved superman's 1/2 and i loved superman returns. yeah it felt that lex luthor shudnt have been the villian, but oh well. he's still one of the best comicbook villians of all time! brainiac needed to be in this movie, n im glad nolans and goyer r all attached to this. cant wait to see their story!
jaysin420 - 3/1/2010, 5:49 PM
Lol Weaving does have a giant alien-like forehead. Great article, I really like the story and the casting looks good.

Great choice for Lois and I'd take either Bettany or Bana as Lex. I have no clue about Superman though, I think they should go with an unknown (That looks and acts like Routh lol).

I agree with you on pretty much everything except the origin thing but I get why you and most everyone else don't want it.

Honestly for myself I'd rather watch more action than another origin (Superman 1 nailed it) but I think people that aren't fans might be confused (especially after Returns).

Plus every great CBM I can think of had an origin story involved but maybe I'm forgetting something.

Anyway, awesome article.
GreenSuperBatLantern - 3/2/2010, 5:04 AM
OMG This article Was Amazing And
Let Me say that Your Choice for LEX IS GENIUS!!!!
(Dont quite agree with Brainiac)

That Said I totally have an idea for you

No specifics now. ( I have to crash soon)

But In between Brainiac getting to earth and Fighting Superman at the end

How about if at Some Point Lex and Brainiac set in Motion The Wheels For Doomsdays Arrival in the Next Movie ala Justice LEague !?


GreenSuperBatLantern - 3/2/2010, 5:09 AM
Okay. Thought Myself and Hugo for Brainiac With the Right Costume would rock the [frick]ing house.
His Voice Would BE perfect
and He has the Perfect Countenance lol

Especially if You look at the Pics of Brainiac From the Old Superman Cartoon :)

I agree He Should Be Cyborgish
not Androidish

P.s.- OH! Another Idea!
Instead of Doomsday being prepped for the next film
Brainiac could help Lex prep the Tech for say
Word. :D
mykanmur - 3/10/2010, 6:31 PM
I like your treatment. You might have enough material to do two movies - which is what ended up happening with the Donner films. I agree with taking a different perspective of the beginning of Kal-El's destiny by having Darkseid withnessing the destruction of Krypton, and watching the baby's ship take off. Perhaps do a flashback montage during the beginning credits like Superman II to cover Clark's growing up and moving to Metropolis - that will remedy the need that some fans might have for having an origin story.

As for the story, it's good to sow the seeds for future stories (it justifies making sequels) - in particular the Justice League payoff (which featuring Darkseid and Apokolips is THE BEST way to go - that's how I'm executing my Wonder Woman script). I like the Metallo angle, but I'm thinking that should be reserved for the sequel. And as for the Apokolips sequences - I'd not include those for fear of cluttering the story. You have enough alien stuff with Brainiac himself. Brainiac is already sharing the screen with Lex - give him some room to shine. Why not replace the Apokolips flashes with Intergang - which is a more earthly tie-in to Apokolips?

Overall, I like your approach.
LP4 - 4/9/2010, 2:53 AM
They better follow through with this damn reboot. Superman is by far my top #1 superhero and he deserves a better movie...he deserved THE BEST AND MOST EPIC OF ALL COMIC BOOK FILMS but instead he got one of the worst treatments ever- "Superman Returns". DC/WB has knack for not following through with their promises in terms of films ie- Wonder Woman, Teen Titans, Flash (many, many times over)

I just want this Superman Reboot to actually HAPPEN.
Optimus83 - 9/1/2013, 4:11 PM
Cool Lois Lane. ...
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