CBM User's Transformers Reviews Compiled

CBM User's Transformers Reviews Compiled

What are the majority of CBM user's saying about Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen? Read on and find out...

Review Opinion
By ComicBookMovie - Jun 29, 2009 12:06 PM EST

Amazing movie special effects, unreal comedy, and edge of your sit action. Shame about the fallen's onscreen time, but he still looked AWS. Each fight was good and there was a storyline which I didn't expect. 9/10

Transformers is a PILE OF POO!

Way too long & too many annoying wisecracking, pointless characters (human and robotic). It's a shame really cuz it could have been so much better.

Transformers 40% Great 60% Crap

I just got back from the first North American public screening of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, and it was a disappointing experience. Lets start. This review contains spoilers.
The Good
- The setup and the first scenes are great.
- Soundwave, whose devices are cool but underused.
- The death of Optimus Prime and his ressurection and merging with parts of Jetfire.
- Sams parents.
- The classic bickering between Megatron and Starscream.
- The scene between Megatron, The Fallen and Starscream on Cybertron is very well animated.
- Devastator is kinda cool.
- Megatron and Starscream retreat, though damaged, I'm glad they're still alive for the next one.
- As bad as this movie was, I think it will make the next that much sweeter.

The Bad
- The direction the film takes after it's first act, when Prime is killed.
- Skids and Mudflap are annoying and not funny. We are stuck with them for a big chunk of this film. The jokes and one-liners and far too many, as if the constant attempt at humor is a way of distracting the audience's attention from the dwindling plot.
- Bumblebee is grossly underused, hoping that he'd not be played off as a puppy dog in this one.
- Optimus Prime isn't in the second act, and though he makes a cool return and kicks ass, it's kind of a Super-Shedder style anti-climax.
- Arcee is not really in this one, much, at all, kinda shitty.
- Too many Autobots are not present for more than a few moments at time, and you're stuck with the ones who talk too much, and one who can't talk but you wish he could so he could tell the twins to shut the hell up!
- The overall plot, which sets itself up to be more than meets the eye, but turns out to be a lot less.
- The characters too silly, the dialogue is brainless. How many times does Sam have to explain that the Decepticons what what's in his mind.
- You expect Ironhide and the Autobots to have more screen time after Prime dies, but instead we go on an annoying journey with Sam an the crew to figure out another plot point that didn't intrigue me.
- The Jetfire character is unfortunately used (like Skids and Mudflap) as comic relief.
- Megatron is not menacing, and the Decepticons in general act more like cartoon characters rather than intimidating foes.

Overall, it's not horrible, and it's actions sequences and special effects are well done. This films suffers from Michael Bayness, which worked for the first film, but goes to show he's got a lot to learn about engaging an audience on more than just a primitive level.

Transformers: ROTF
Was it great? No. But it was good!
Before going into this film, I couldn't help but read different reviews for it and most of them said the same thing: it is not a good film. I am not sure I agree. Don't get me wrong, there was some pretty cheesy and bad things in the film, but I don't think it was as bad as most said. This is one of those films that gets so hyped up that it will never live up to the expectations that are set for it. So, for once, reading the reviews and hearing all the bad news actually help out this time.

When I reviewed the film "Terminator Salvation" a while back, I made a statement that Michael Bay better watch his back to hold on to the king of blowing stuff title...he upped the ante, big time. Within minutes, there is total destruction throughout Shanghai and it doesn't stop until the cheesy sunset kiss between Sam and Mikaela. There is a lot of action in this show, which most people wanted after the lack there of in the first film. There are some great fight scenes, but it still hard to figure out who is who during the battles, especially with the Decepticons, as most of them are all chrome and silvery. That aside, these battle scenes and fight scenes are by far more superior than the first. You can see that the $200 million dollar budget was put to some use. There are a couple of great "real time" transformations that occur and they are spectacular to watch.

Let's talk robots. While we got to see more of them this time around, we have no idea who they are, therefore no connection to them, including the Decepticons. I know who they are because of all the geek background checks I've done. My movie companions kept leaning over and asking "Who is that?" and "Is that a good guy?" Waste of characters to me: Sideswipe, Sideways, Jolt, Sideways, Arcee Twins and even Bumblebee (although he does have one great battle sequence). We have no idea about who they are. Although there was some brief back story on The Fallen, there was still no connection to the character and I was not excited when he...well you know. That should have been the highlight of the show. They also cleared up a few of the voices, Megatron and Starscream in particular; it was much easier to understand, but it also took away from their "badness" if you will. And it seems as though Dr. Claw from "Inspector Gadget" has made a comeback as Soundwave. There is a lot of negativity towards Skids and Mudflap...all of which is deserved. They can easily be compared to Jar Jar Binks of the "Star Wars" series. From the obvious stereo type to the lack luster antics, just a bad addition to the film(s).

Let's talk people now. Although Megan Fox is incredible eye candy, she is useless other wise. It seems as though Michael Bay just said "Just stand there and we'll do the rest." Shia does a decent job as the frantic college kid, but has a few too many "Goonies"-esque speeches, but nothing that gets in the way. Mom and Dad are back and pick up right where they left off with some pretty funny moments, but are borderline over the top, but they also get to have a serious moment as well. The two that stole the show would be John Turturro and Rainn Wilson. Rainn Wilson's minutes on screen are far too short, but he makes the best of what he gets. John Turturro is a genius. His execution and timing are impeccable and you keep asking for more of him, at least I did. His work as the voice of Jetfire was also great; a perfect fit for the character.

As with the first film, the story is a bit weak and lacking in depth and creativity, but it is enough to work with the characters and to be convincing enough to hold your attention. There was entirely too much "comedy relief," most of which was just silly and childish, and overly done with the numerous sexual references (robot testicles anyone?). The love story between Sam and Mikaela just gets in the way of everything and is rather pointless. We know how that storyline will end up, so just skip it.

All the negativity aside, I felt the action made up for what was lacking. I found myself getting into the fights and rooting for Optimus and his multiple butt whoopings he dishes out. The act of bravery that Skids and Mudflap show was a good scene, Jetfire's involvement in the final scenes were also good. Some felt that the 2 hour and 30 mintue run time is too long, but i thought it flowed well and time moved quickly. Even with all it's faults, the first film was still better, but Revenge of the Fallen is an entertaining film. The SFX are amazing, awe-inspiring even. After all, what's better than giant robots beating the crap out of each other? I think I'd skip taking the kids to this one, the numerous sexual references, the cursing and the violence may be a bit much.

ROTF Review
I liked the movie. I really liked how the Transformers had more character and dialogue than the first film. All the new Transformers were awesome. Fight scenes were more gritty and cooler than the first. Story was cool. Visual F/X and CGI were amazing. I really liked the movie....BUT
I hated pretty much all of the actors in this movie, don't get me wrong Megan Fox was fun to watch run in slow motion but then she would open her mouth and ruin it. Shia LaBeouf was alright. Everyone else SUCKED. I think they should have killed off the mom because she was the most annoying thing in the movie. I understand they were going for comic relief but come on....WEED brownies!!!!
Again I liked the movie, it was entertaining and I'm sure I will go see it again. At the same time it was a little disappointing. That's all.

Transformers was great! Don't listen to the nay-sayers!

Everything you heard that was bad with this flick is wrong. There was only one thing stupid but it got passed it and moved on quickly.
For those haters out there that thought transformers fail, just dont get it. The complaint about the twins and wheelie being horrible comic relife needs to grow a since of humor. Neither were over done and can not be compaired to Jar Jar. They were all edgy and got serious when they had to. Ive heard it was dumb how a but load of decepticons just came out of no where, but if you paid attention, there base was close enough for megatron to fly to when he was hurt and there looked to be hundreds of those pods "growing" more badies. Sams mom was a bit over the top, but she made you crack up and I know lots of moms that you just want to punch and put out their misery. The only thing I did really care for was the hot t-2000 that toungs Sam. If you could make your army look like that it would be easy to take over the world until you had to fight John Conner. But hey at least they took out the fat black computer hacker. But Sams new roomate needed to die! he was a punkbitch waste of space. The movie was what ive waited for the last 25 years, Robots kicking the crap out of each other!

ROTF Review

What the Hell! I walked away feeling nothing like I did after the first one. A little disapointed. Great F/X and CGI, Smoking Hot chicks, bad acting, too scripted acting, over drawn out battle scenes (That last battle scene wouldn't end it was like it was stuck in repeat), no new charecter developments. They only give us 4 new autobots. The Twins, Arcee, wheelie and Jetfire. Bull crap. In the final battle scene they drop in 15 decepticons to search for Sam and you only know the names of Ravage, Megatron, Starscream, Fallen, and Devestator. Who were all the rest? And the small US force of 10 men and the "Jordanian" army along with just the twin mini bots, bumblebee, ironhide, arcee, jazz, a remote control car wheelie, Wratchet and Jetfire is going to hold off The 3 most powerful Decepticons Megatron, Devastator and the Fallen along with 12 other decepticons??? And then for what seamed like eternity during the battle Sam gets killed, 3 people attempt to perform CPR, a medical chopper lands to help him, Makaela's crying, parents are crying, and Sam goes to Autobot heaven and then comes back to life. What the hell were the Decepticons doing when all this crap was going down? They can't even bring in a medical chopper to save soldiers when a Blackhawk goes down in Somalia. But hey, my 8 year old son loved it and I guess that's all I care about. The only good thing I took away from the movie was the dream I had about Megan Fox, she might be pregant after that.

It was a good story concept though and it did leave us with a perfect lead in to a 3rd and final chapter with the Autobots on top, Decepticons low on Energon mounting a one last ditch battle to start the movie with Megatron and many other decepticons getting killed along with some of the old autobots and Optimus and this time decepticons dumped into space. and then the emergence of Unicron which is on a collision coarse with earth, Galvetron is created to go after the Matrix of leadership and a final battle to save the universe in space.

Transformed a good first movie into a TERRIBLE second

I mean wow, really, what can i say about "Revenge of the Fallen?"
This movie is so far into the realm of RIDICULOUSNESS it's sad. First the TWINS which I guess were put in for comic relief,which would have been fine if they didn't take up more screen time than Optimus Prime and their "gangsta rap" style of talking and acting got old real fast. Then there is Sams room mate who is nothing but a crying baby and really pointless in the movie. Hmm what else? Oh there is this girl who tries to get with Sam in college, she's HOT but hey guess what? She is a DECEPTICON!!! Dont get me wrong the special effects are AWESOME,(thats what BAY does best) but i need more than explosions in a movie. There are way to many Autobots and twice as many Decepticons, the story is so muddled and i really didnt see the point of all the "TRANSFORMERS" in the movie and oh yeah JETFIRE is Scottish.. WHO KNEW?

Transformers: Revenge of the Michael Bay

So, Michael Bay brought it this time. As much as he could without completely ignoring the first movie. He definitely took the effort to keep the fans a little happier this time around as well as keeping it entertaining.
This movie does what all good movies do. Entertain you, and does it well. From beginning to end, i was peeled to the screen. Being a transformer fan, I enjoyed a lot of the true transformer references. Energon is back, and Starscream and Megatron are back to the relationship they use to have. Or atleast damn close. Starscream is more of a coward with tron but still, the debate of who's in command is back. I love how Megatron calls out for Starscream when hes wounded like Rocky Balboa calls out for Adrian in the first Rocky. Great moment. Another thing done well is the fact that they bring Optimus Primes Bad Ass factor to a 10.

This movie is a "hard" pg13. Alot more cursing than usual and if these robots were humans, this would be an R rated film. By far the best robot carnage i've ever seen.

There is only one major challenge with this movie. Keeping it interesting from beginning to the end without it feeling like it drags along during dialogue. Some may notice that during some of the dialogue scenes it almost seems the movie bogs down but its easy to explain why. The action scenes are so big that anything next to it in comparison would be boring. They are practicly yelling in any of the dialogue scenes but its just hard to keep the same tone the whole movie in order to keep you, the viewer, happy. So when you go from a heavy robot battle, and Sam on the run, to a conversation which the actors. It can seem boring to some.

So here is the thing, if you go in there with a negative attitude, you can find yourself getting mad at things arn't exactly like the cartoon. Who cares! Sit back and enjoy the show! I like that it is not like the cartoon. Because if he tried to make it like the cartoon, and someone wasn't the right color, or they changed one thing, the whole geek world would of freaked out, and wouldn't of been a mainstream success. Look at what happened to the Watchmen.


Transformers Sucked

This movie was worst than the first, yes it was funny, and the action fight scenes were cool but the plot sucked.
Horrible! The original never was the same (as the cartoons) and they messed up so much from just the first movie to this one.

Transformers 2 = Good Movie

For all the haters. You don't know what you're talking about!
I thought the movie was great. I just got home from watching it and enjoyed. All these super critical people giving it it bad comments well when you get to make your own movie then we will listen to your 2 cents. Im black and I had no problem with skids or mudflaps they were funny as hell to me. I forget what this other guys name is that keeps bashing those to (black) characters sounds to me your jealous or hating pick one. I guess if bay would of put a country robot with a cowboy hat you wouldnt have a issue, you would start your own fanclub over that robot. Anyway no one cares about what you have to say. Ill see it again. Ang if you think about it all you dummies saying how its not for kids if you have Xbox live listen to the way kids talk now, they cuss more than me, so get all your facts straight....very good movie

Best movie ever. Awesome action. I give this movie 5 stars I like at the end when optimis stabes megatron in the eye and stabes the fallen in the head and ripes the fallen up in peaces I also like alot of autobots and decepticons shoting at each other and seeing the matrix of leadership. It was really awesome you have got to see this movie Micheal Bay has pulled it off again

Transformers: the revenge of the fallen
Beware ..spoilers
When i saw the first movie a while back i knew that a sequel was just around the corner. Now i am very pleased to review the second movie. But let's get down to business.
For starters the new movie was longer than the first one which was okay i guess due to the fact that it was filled with action. Two hours and thirty minutes if i am not mistaken.
We had more robots this time with new additions such as the twins, Arcee (all though she appeared very briefly),Whellie, Devastator, Jetfire, the Fallen, Soundwave ( who was voiced once again by Frank Weller, major plus from my point of view)and some unnamed robots.
We also had the chance to see Cybertron which was depicted as a rocky planet instead of the metallic world of the cartoon.
Lets go and examine the good parts of the movie:
The second movie was funnier than the first: the dogs,all the scenes with Sam and his family (with the expection of the finale)and this ''love triangle'' between Sam, Micaela and that decepticon seductress was hilarious! I laughed my brains out!At some points the movie was anticlimactic ( Megatron pushed back as a lackey? entersting! The Fallen as the true ruler of the Decepticons etc. Optimus as a bad ass, cool!!!! The introduction of the Matrix and the whole Human-Transformers past interaction was nice as well. Megan Fox was hotter than ever and Shia was ok! Frank Weller back...super!!!
Let's go and see the bad parts.
The movie was filled with sexism! Whielle making it out on Micaela's leg and Devastator's testicles were...disturbing.
Optimus dies somewhere at the middle of the movie but his death didn't had the impact it needed and at some point in the movie and onwards you had the impression that he was coming back eventually. Jetfire as an original transformer? nyaaah! The Fallen was not menacing enough and we didn't see Unicron at all. The end was cliched.
Generally Bay made a good, entertaining picture but he fails to surpass the first movie, i guess the standarts setted by the Dark knight were to high to reach.
I am looking for the third installment though with hopes.
see ya....

Transformers: Revenge of the fallen 4.Good lord/5 (SPOILER ALERT)
Out of a scale from 1-5 We will go with a 4.Good lord! out of 5
To start out I was very excited to go and see this movie. I even tried not seeing more than the few trailers out there. I wanted to make sure everything was surprise and everything was fresh for me. To start out with the movie it opens to a scene from the first people of earth and how there has been an interaction between the two species before. That was nice but it wasnt the beginning I had hoped for. I wanted to see another glimpse of the past but from cybertron maybe about how the feud between the two races has started. Not how there were ancient transformers autobots/deceptacons/robotic organisms w/e.

So to start out i t was a little eh. As the movie progressed we opened to a scene we all saw in the previews with the gigantic wheel deceptacon tearing his way through some sort of yard. That was a pretty cool scene but as this happens we are introduced to new autobots. Of all the reinforcements that could have came... OF ALL THE AUTOBOTS ON CYBERTRON all they could spare were 3 motor cycles, 2 dumb little guys called mudflap and jerkface, then a really cool autobot whose name i forget. Why did I forget his name? Because he was badass for 10 seconds then we only see glimpses of him.

So now they all team up and go chase after the remaing deceptacons. As they try to take out the wheel guy he transformers and rolls away on his one wheel. Pretty cool until a pretty corny scene with optimus happens where they felt the best way to introduce him was have him drop out of a air craft and come down in parachutes. Its corny and badass at the same time. I'm just glad they didnt make the parachutes the american flag. I would have gotten upset.

Moving right along. The movies story seems to slow down and tries to develope a story. It wasnt until 3/4 of the movie until they finally reveal the plot for this movie. So the entire time this movie is going on I was just in blah mode because i felt this had no point. ANYWAYS.. There are a lot of funny scenes with Sam which are always good. Shia can act his ass off. Megan fox is a fox.. nuff said. But then they introduce a deceptacon which is in the form of a girl. I could have done without it. Out of all the creative things to come up with they pull that one. It just reminded me of the terminator and good lord please dont do that.

I know I am skipping around but im just talking about things I had problems with in the movie so bear with me.

I remember in the first movie the battle between Megatron and Optimus was a pretty badass fight and fairly matched. If you were to ask somenoe who would win between those 2 heads up most people would say optimus but it would be one hell of a fight. So lets say you had optimus vs megatron/starscream/and one random deceptacon.. who would win. 9/10 they would say the 3. Optimus must have done his homework on how to fight because he jumped up about 10 lvls of being a badass in this movie. He takes on whatever people throw at him and keeps on coming. In the first movies he has a rough time with just megatron but this go around he takes all 3 and everytime him and megatron engage megatron gets his oil kicked. Be that as it may.. the fight scene was incredible. It was sort of like batman begins where so much happened in the fight i would need to slow it all down to catch it all.

Moving along. We are introduced to the Fallen.. this guy is apparently megatrons boss which i didnt even know megatron had a boss but w/e makes for a good story. you kids who knew that dont jump on me.. i wasnt to keen on the past of all of this. But from what he displayes he is mega powerful and it is said only a prime can kill him. Pretty neat idea. I like it!

Moving on we are introduced to Devastator this big piece of crap looked amazing but they had to take the lowest of autobots... one of the retarded children optimus wouldnt admit to having and have mudflap get sucked up then pound devastators face in. I really hated that. Devastator should have been feared and should have gone with the title.. "If you can read this sign, your dead". but no.. his big ass eats up some sand then goes and plays with a pyramid. Fun...

I felt like this movie was a small way for the Air Force to show off all of the cool toys it had. Example.. I'm going to call this canon/gun the "wtf gun". This thing kills devastator... THATS BS! If its this easy for the humans to kill everything.. who the F needs the autobots. The Humans can kill the transformers better than they can kill one another. Maybe thats not such a good thing.

I felt like this movie didnt have the magic of the first one. In the first movie i would get chills at certain parts due to just how amazing it was. This time around i was searching for it and rarely found it. I got chills in the first movie when starscream tore up some autobots than transformed mid flight and took off leaving the reaming autobots beaten up. AMAZING. I didn't see any real amazing in-battle transformations let alone starscream being the man being a jet n'all. But thats ok.. Just wished it had it for me.

The end fight scene was pretty good. Having optimus use the elder autobot for parts was pretty amazing. But the end happened so quickly i wasnt ready for it. Optimus made the fallen his biotch and that was it.. there was no high intense moment.. There was just optimus wrecking faces and once again beating the tar out of megatron.

This reveiw is very scattered but im typing this as it comes to my mind. Sometimes im remembering things i thought of before but I have already typed past it so forgive me.

All in all I really enjoyed this movie and I could keep this rant going on but I think you guys understand the jyst of what i wanted to express.

All-in-all this movie was action packed and the special effects were amazing. Could have done without the lady deceptacon, mudflap and jerface, devastator playing with a pyramid, the egg like things on cybertron, and the mexican kid who was nothing but an annoyance to me. But I love transformers and ill see it again.

4.Good lord/5

There's more to Transformers that meets the eye
Ok my Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen review in my opinion was that this movie was awesome, if your a transformers fan you'll know that they added a lot of new Autobots and Decepticons in this action packed movie! First off I'm gonna say that I really enjoyed the first Transformers film back in 07, it blew my mind. This movie did the same but it went even further by not introducing all of the Autobots again. From start to finish it was incredible, the CGI effects for the vehicle transformation sequences caught my attention. I really liked how they did the whole Optimus dropping from the plane and transforming in mid-air and back to truck mode when landing. The thing that stuck out the most was that it wasnt all about the humans in this film even though they played a big role in the film, but that the decepticons had more screen time which i liked. One of the cons of the movie was the Twins (Skids and Mudflap), I think that there humor was very comic relief, but at the same time I believe that they did to much, it really wasn't needed, as well as the cussing. My other con would have to be Sam's roommate...not needed he was wining a lot, he tried to be funny but was overall annoying in my opinion. Overall I liked how the Transformers got more screen time, I liked how Megan Fox (Mikaela) had a bigger role in helping Sam, plus she was hella hott. Plus every transformer had there own personality which was good. But was disappointed in the fact that Devastator died in only one hit from the rail gun, plus the Fallen died in a matter of minutes. I would assume he would of had a bigger action scene with Optimus. This film in my opinion was Awesome! the score was also great just like in the previous, this is no doubt the best action film this summer if not the best film of 09.

Transformers 2.. Good, not as good as the first one.. Spoiler Alert
Michael Bay did a good, but some of his cheesy ways came through leading me to believe the talk about him.
Ok, so Transformers 2 was good, not Great. Meghan fox of course was smoking hot, and they did a good job hiding Shia's hand.

-The opening seen was bad ass, Nest and the Autobots really kicked ass.
-Sams family was awesome in coming relief as usual.
-I thought the cube shards were brilliant, although I wish they had saved them for third installment, who knows maybe they will.
-I figured in this movie they would kill Optimus prime off, and they did, I just wish they did it for the entire sequel, and revive him in the third, I think it would have led to great story line, and would have been a little more true to the cartoon.
-I didnt like the fact that megatron was a tank that could fly in this one it was a bit much.
-I also think the Fallen should have had more screen time in the movies.
-The fallens Tv appearance was kinda of silly, I belive it could have been made better.
-Also I think they should have devoted a lot more time to the devastator he was completely bad ass.
-There wasnt substance to this one at all, but they definitely made up for it with killer action.
-Also Optimus' combination with jet fire was semi-cool a bit cheesy. It may have been better if they incorporated Unicron.
-Also why was bonecrusher in the movie, was he killed in the first one.
-Why was a part of devastator in the final battle seen.
-Acree was cool, I wish he was still alive, he was cool.
-Simons is a must in the transformers world.

I could probably go on for the review. I know I had alot of issues with it, but it was really good. I used to hate people who made fun of Michael Bay, but this movie was true to all the haters. The twins were annoying at times, i wish they killed them off. I have no idea what they are going to do for a third movie, but they definitely setup for it. I really love Michael bay, but I think a new vision and direction for the movie would be a good rejuvenation for the serious. I almost with Christoper Nolan had his chance to get a shot at the franchise, I belive his vision would be perfect for this franchise.

Transformers 2 review
short and to the point
I just got back from the midnight release and i plan to go see it again this afternoon. I went in with an open mind and not having read a single post or seen a single trailer. I didnt know who would be in the movie. I was able to fully enjoy this movie and i would recamend that anyone see it. I do get where people are coming from i did have my problems with it. They did aim the characters more at kids but its nice they gave some more adult humor as well. I hated what they did to scarscream. He is my favorite transformer and they made him from a bad ass to a kid who hates the person he works for. The twins were such a waste of time. Like they would be entertaining to watch if it didnt seem like they were taken from the stupid animated series currently out. I did enjoy all the action that was in it and i will not spoil anything but the movie is well worth watching for that. What it needed to do was cut a stuff at the begging with the family and college out. It was ridicules and unneeded.
over all i say if you like action and robots fighting you have got to see and enjoy this great movie.
ps Megan Fox FTW is anyone hotter

Transformers Review from a Movie fan (not fanboy)
There was something missing from this film, and I think I figured it out.
Okay, first thing's first: the movie is good. Not great, and definitely not as good as the first, but good nonetheless.
Now, while watching the movie, I kept feeling like there was something missing. It wasn't something from the ridiculous plot, though it wasn't as bad as some people had made it sound. I realized what it was as I was driving home from the theater- no teamwork. The Autobots in the first film were shown to be a cohesive team working together to take down the Decepticons, and in the sequal it just seemed like ever robot for themselves. For example, in the beginning, Optimus Prime isn't even down there fighting along side his brothers (and sister) in arms, they just drop him in to take down the big guy in 2 seconds. In fact, the Autobots were barely in this movie, not to mention the Fallen, who had probably 9 minutes of screen time. It should have been called "Rise of the Decepticons," because that was all you saw throughout the entire thing. And the twins, good golly miss molly were they awful. And why was Megan Fox reduced to such a stupid and stereotypical role? She showed some balls in the last movie, and here she just provides the screams (though to be fair Shia shares in that).
Another thing: Yes, the action was more comprehensible in the robot on robot fight scenes, but besides the forest scene, the fights all lasted seconds! I'm sorry, but I want to seem the in a knock down, drag out brawl, not punchpunchstabdone. And why was Bumblebee a car the entire movie, with the exception of his one fight scene at the end (which was another pretty good fight scene actually)?
And that brings on my final point of contention with this film (minor spoilers kinda):

The army of Decepticons shambling across the desert in the final act. I saw this, and I thought to myself, "This is going to be badasssss." Wrong. They just march along, getting shot by humans, and the occasional Autobot (and by that I mean Ironhide). And then rather than focusing on more robot on robot fights, it's shot after shot of the humans getting blown out of their boots. WE GET IT! ROBOTS HAVE BETTER FIREPOWER AND THAT SH!T BLOWS HUMANS UP! THANKS! NOW PLEASE, LETS SEE SOME AUTOBOTS FUNK UP SOME DECEPTICONS! That was all I could think while watching that. And Devastator getting taken out in one shot? From a naval ship? Come on, I want to see the robots tear that guy up piece to piece.
So that's my review (read: rant) on Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. There was just no heart. You didn't really care for the Autobots this time around. I felt myself rooting for Starscream to turn around and slap the sh!t outta Megatron, since they got the majority of screen time. Here's hoping 3 is that much better!


Transformers: revenge of the fallen
Full review of transformers 2
WARNING spoilers alert
by dave19 or ps3 username fordy1997
this is my review of transformers 2 revenge of the fallen
i went to see this film the first day it was open i enjoyed it fully and was off my seat when the action parts came on.
though there were better effects than before and awsome fight sequences I think Micheal Bay might off over done the whole explosions, by that i mean he put a few of them in the wrong places.

the storyline altogether i was realy impressed with it began with Sam just wanting a normal life and going to college, but unfortunately things dont quite go the way he wants as an evil decepticon called the fallen is plotting his revenge. the idea of the storyline is good but there were a few important facts that the writer must of forgot about like optimus' brother is megatron not a bunch of autobots that look like the fallen.

The fallen himself was a fantastic desighn but seemed extremely weak being in 1 battle and 1 fight and died in it.
the comedy aspect of the film was much better than the 1st and was very clever.

all together through the whole film my personal favourite bits were devastators attack and the shanghai fight, this is because theres a awsome variety of charactors in that scene.
speaking of charactors i had a bit of trouble with whos who because none off them had a full introduction unlike the first film, but luckily for me i had comic book movie to help me out unlike my friends.

i rate this film a brilliant 8/10
when the game

A True Fan's Review of Transformers 2
I'll make this quick & simple.(Yeah right) A bit about me so u know where I'm coming from.I have the entire run of: The Marvel Transformers comics,Dreamwave Comics, All the GI Joe vs Transformers Crossovers.ALL the Transformers U.K. & everything that IDW is putting out, & all the beastwars comics.I have all the American released Tv shows : All 4 seasons of G1, All the Beastwars, Energon, Armada & Cybertron.The Animated movie (duh) I have all the ps1 games, ps2 & ps3...& a cool belt buckle.Ha ha.I know my transformers.(Dont mean 2 sound like Im braggin....Yeah I am! sorry!)
The Movie...Simply put Transformers Rule, humans suck.Oh & the Twins? Sucked.Lets continue stereotyping blacks, thats just great...I mean...Gold tooth? Think Im gonna retch...If I was black I'd b kinda pissed but whatever...Lets continue...I mean it just gets old...Im not a racist, but can we like, evolve a little.Just a tiny bit...

My biggest gripe is the tasteless vulgar crude comedy.Totally uncalled for and unnecessary.All the testicle, scrotum jokes, dogs humping,Wheelie humping Megan's fox, Jetfire farting a chute, Agent Simmons Widescreen g-string jockstrap debut was just gross.I didnt pay 10 bucks 2 c man ass or female ass.If i wanted 2 see any kinda ass, i'd watch porn online for free.

I did love Wheelie, i thought he was awesome, its just the crude comedy..I mean Devastator's scrotum.....Wow.....How avant garde....Im blown away by the originality....

Megan Fox....Whatever...Yes I think she's beautiful & cant wait for Fathom...But like i said...Rather watch free porn than pay 10...I Paid 2 watch Decepticons make scrap outta Auto-Boobs!!!!!

Give me my Transformers.I felt that there wasnt enough robot action for 2 hrs & 30 mins. But thats me.

Im not 1 of these fans that bitch about how "thats not the way its in the comics blah blah"

Im a lover not a hater.

I LOVE both movies! minus the asinine juvinile comedy

I liked some of Sam's humor, i loved his mom! I thought she was funny.Lennox smacking the NSA dude in the head for pulling the chute @ the wrong time, funny...

My fav transformer, 2nd 2 none will always b Soundwave & I LOVED how the portrayed him. a satellite!!! That was the fricking best! He's a communication officer, so that suited him perfect.I originally wanted him as an AWAC, but the satellite idea was superb.

Devastator's role was also perfect, he's a constructicon...So he was remodeling the pyramid, that was his job, the Decepticon's are an army, each soldier has a job 2 do.& if u remember the cartoons all it took was a well placed blow or blast from Prime's blaster 2 dissassemble him.So that rail gun taking him out? Pretty cool.

Soundwave ejects Ravage!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hopefully they wont include any more of this idiotic comedy in the next movie.

other than that? I LOVE my transformers!!! I 4 1 am happy that these movies R being made.

Well, there's more I like 2 say but i wanna keep it short...

Transformers The revenge of the Fallen review
Limited spoilers
When i saw the first movie a while back i knew that a sequel was just around the corner. Now i am very pleased to review the second movie. But let's get down to business.
For starters the new movie was longer than the first one which was okay i guess due to the fact that it was filled with action. Two hours and thirty minutes if i am not mistaken.
We had more robots this time with new additions such as the twins, Arcee (all though she appeared very briefly),Whellie, Devastator, Jetfire, the Fallen, Soundwave ( who was voiced once again by Frank Weller, major plus from my point of view)and some unnamed robots.
We also had the chance to see Cybertron which was depicted as a rocky planet instead of the metallic world of the cartoon.
Lets go and examine the good parts of the movie:
The second movie was funnier than the first: the dogs,all the scenes with Sam and his family (with the expection of the finale)and this ''love triangle'' between Sam, Micaela and that decepticon seductress was hilarious! I laughed my brains out!At some points the movie was anticlimactic ( Megatron pushed back as a lackey? entersting! The Fallen as the true ruler of the Decepticons etc. Optimus as a bad ass, cool!!!! The introduction of the Matrix and the whole Human-Transformers past interaction was nice as well. Megan Fox was hotter than ever and Shia was ok! Frank Weller back...super!!!
Let's go and see the bad parts.
The movie was filled with sexism! Whielle making it out on Micaela's leg and Devastator's testicles were...disturbing.
Optimus dies somewhere at the middle of the movie but his death didn't had the impact it needed and at some point in the movie and onwards you had the impression that he was coming back eventually. Jetfire as an original transformer? nyaaah! The Fallen was not menacing enough and we didn't see Unicron at all. The end was cliched.
In general Bay made a good, entertaining picture but he fails to surpass the first movie, i guess the standarts setted by the Dark knight were to high to reach.
I am looking for the third installment though with hopes.
see ya....

TF2 its no TF1 ... but

Okay ... so as soon as i walked out of the theatre i was like 'kay that was good' ... and then i got home to tell my brother alittle about it ... and realized alot of little things
i mean when your watching the movie there is sooooooOOOOoo much going on ... and sooooooooOoo much to just observe you know so after your still just absorbing the whole thing ... and i totally understand why some people were unhappy i guess ... such as how they just had a bunch of new robots ... its like where did you come from ... they are kinda just there ... literally actually ... surprise ... and wtf is up with all the freaking decepticons they just fell outta the sky lol ... anyways the twins were funny-ish ... but got annoying fast ... sams mom was over the top more so than the first one because i thought she was so funny in the first one .. i think her getting high was unnecessary .. it kinda dragged on around the middle-ish ... and im surprise there wasnt more of a reaction to primes 'death' ... i kinda missed bumblebee in this one ... he was underused ... i dunno if it was because he was in the first one alot ... anddd omg was megatron just a freakin punk in this one .. please he was so bad ass in the first one ... anddd i cant even say he freakin sucked in this one honestly .. butttttttttttttttt there were good things i mean i liked the whole concept of them hunting down decepticons ... i loved all the romantic stuff between sam and mikaela but i think thats just a girl thing .. optimus prime fight before he died i just wanted to stand up and be like 'are you serious' ... that was just bombbbbbbbbbb he was just so bad ass and kicked major ass it was good .. and when bloodly bumblebee had his fight damnnn he killed it ... anddd i liked how there were alot of the same characters from the first movie ... and i liked agent simmons in this one im gald they bought him through ...

there was alot going on ... and there wasnt as much face time or development with all the robots ... but it worth it too see it in theatre ... hell im thinkin about watchin it again ... transformers 2 was good but it didnt have the same impact transformers 1 did ...

My Review of Transformers 2

No heart, just nameless robots killing each other in the distance. Should have been called "Sam and the Transformers.
Well I watched the movie last night and I came out of a bit bummed out, actually alot. I read a bunch of reviews of course before going in but the child in me just could not except that it would suck. And now that child just wants to go home and play with his Toys and forget the whole movie. OK I vented like a little bitch..now this is what bothered me....

First- Why is it that that all the tranformers after battle transform back to vehicles and have no straches, dents and broken windows?

Second- Arcee and Soundwave,,WTF? seriously why even put them in the film if they are just used as background robots..OK it was cool to hear Soundwave again after so many years but come on..he should of came down and kicked some but as well.

Third- I think it was Sideways(the Corvette), he was bad ass in the beginning and then all of a sudden gone, to the background. The fight with Optimus in the forrest very cool but explain to me how a big ass Rig can drive faster then a corvette or any of the other Autobots..total set up to get him killed and then they show up right when he dies.

Forth- Storyline if you can call it storyline. You can care less for most of the characters since they only get a few mins of screen time besides Megatron,Optimus and Starscream. And that whole fantasy humans going to Autobot Heaven was just sad, so sad.. And this whole drama love thing with Sam and he's hot ass Girl(You say it first,,no you say it first)..I thought he was a man now..

Fifth- Bumblebee..I loved him as a kid and even liked him in the first movie.Besides the last fight scene where he finally acts like a bad ass Autobot and takes out two Decepticons at one time he sucked..He became Sam's puppy dog and Sam's well camaro since he was in vehicle mode most of the film.And why did they take his voice again, god how hard is it to let the poor bastard speak..just made him more of a dog..woof woof luv you sammy...

Sixth- The twins, I couldn't get over sponge bob's voice everytime he spoke..kept thinking this is ghetto spongebob(yes I have two boys who love him)
They were funny at times and I liked it when they took on Devastator but the whole gangsta talk was lame so out of place, they are alien why would they talk like that and the gold tooth horrible ..come on. My kids yes will love them and I guess that is why they are there..

Seventh and LAst I mean it this time-
The Fallen? The lack of..He is in the movie about ten mins.. if that and then Optimus took him out like any other robot..So crappy last battle should of been Optimus against The Fallen for at least ten mins.
So the name of the film just did not fit..Who got most screen time of course the crying banshee we call SAM..hence the name should of been called.
"Sam and the transformers".

OK OK that being written, now I can go back to work and get myself motivated to watch it again tomorrow with my kids, I'm definitely gonna have some beers before going tomorrow..HAHA

Damn I feel better already.

TF Review by Soundwave 10
I thought this movie was pretty good, but it's not gonna win any awards...
But who cares? It's gonna be the most entertaining movie this year. And for me this movie has the best special effects Ive ever seen in a movie so far. And maybe no movie will have as good affects until the third transformers comes out. And even tho this is a stupid deffence but people go to see the robots not actors and really who cares if MEGAN FOX cant act if your a guy and you complain about her in any movie your gay. And did anyone else get goosbumps at the beggining when Ironhide transformed for the first time or how about when Devastator was forming and i know you had to feel like standing up and going crazy in the theater when optimus fused with jetfire that to me is good film making any of you haters tell me how many times did u feel like that during slumdog millionare ... ya thats what i though. So mabey the twins were a bit stupid and megatron was a complite bitch but dont tell me that the forest fight did not make up for that all i got to say is that i waited three years for yesterday and when i got home from the theater my mother that was sick and tierd of listening to me talk about how exited i was for it askd me well was it worth the wait all i did was smile and sayd yes it was.

TF Racism

I am a very big Transformers fan, but that movie wasn't a TF movie. It was like watching Indy Jones or something...
My biggest prob was the stereotypical racist characters mudflap/skids you gotta be kinding me,first movie that got a pass with jazz's breakdancing and jive talk....but bay just took it to the next level of "clan with a cam". How in the hell does paramount/hasbro let that shit slide......I'm sure it going to make a shit load of money....but does this really need to continue as a clan member bay's stereotyping disasters....I dontt support bay as being director of the next TF films--not with his idealism 1970 all over again! Tyrese come on man! Have some sense and walk away from any bullshit "so called hip one liners."

if you saw the 1st one, and terminator, just go ahead and skip this one... no spoilers... as if you didn't already see it already
And if you believe that teaser, than you are a lost cause...

Transformers is proof that you cannot have too much action in a movie.

the choreography of the fight scenes and the diversity of the action sequences, you basically didn't see the same thing twice. every scene kept you jonesing for more.

This is a good movie for two reasons, it satisfies both fans of the 1st movie and people who didn't watch or like the 1st one, and it just kept getting better. i don't know who could have directed a better transformers movie (maybe zack snyder). this movie didn't over do it with the moving camera, childish jokes, or pointless love story plot, and even if it did, i was too busy being in awe to notice.

jetfire with a cane was a little bit out there, seeing as how he's a robot, but it's all good.

The real star in this one is Optimus. Jesus Christ, if you didn't think a slow-mo walk away with a giant robot would be cool, you were greatly mistaken.

And even without the robots, everyone acts up a small storm in this movie. the human characters give the emotion that the robots aren't able to convey. shia labeouf does his regular smart ass routine, but when he's stuck in the middle of a battlefield, you believe that he's in the middle of a battlefield. he bridges the gap between the robots and the terrain and makes you believe there are thirty of them shooting at each other. watch this movie, and if you did, imax it, it is worth the $8.

The only people who will be giving this movie a bad wrap are the ones who either didn't watch it and decide to judge before they do, and dumbass non-conformists who don't like things with hype, or that other people like.

and i will say this now, as an action movie, this movie easily out did every other movie that has come out thus far, including Star Trek and Watchmen (my two favorite movies before this released)...
Terminator and Wolverine don't even kneel in comparison to this film, and i hope that with the par of movies like transformers, star trek and watchmen, that movies of that low caliber are slowly excised from cinema.

I give this movie an easy 5/5, and my heart sinks for the fact that it will not receive any credit from critics or come award season. oh, and if i'm not mistaken, no black people died! :D

ROTF Review
Bay has outdone himself with putting as many explosions as possible in one movie!!!!!
As much as people have been dissing this movie, I must honestly thank them. I went in expecting crappy dialogue, crappy plot, and overall a crappy movie.
Case in point? This movie exceeded my expectations in every way.
The first thing one must realize is that this is a Michael Bay movie. He has used the same technique with each of his movies. To him, it is not about plot. The goal is action.
This movie had action in spades. The effects have been improved considerably compared to the 2007 blockbuster.
the fights were longer and more developed than ever before.
Yes of course you can expect cheeseball comedy from the get-go. Everything from the brownie to the wrecking balls was cheesy. But that in my opinion made the movie work.
This is Bay's best movie to date and the performances were average. I wanted more character development and interactions between the Transformers. At least the bickering between Megatron and Starscream was improved.
I would give this movie a 7.5 out of 10 because Michael Bay kept me entranced with his awe inspiring action sequences.
This is Wadey, signing off.

Michael Bay’s Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is not “more than meets the eye,”
In a movie completely focused on the visual, Megan Fox’s appearance in the films makes absolute sense. When you talk to anyone about her role in the first movie it’s never about how great of an actress she was but rather how hot she looked standing over that engine.
Michael Bay’s Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is not “more than meets the eye,” it never has been with him. But rather the movie follows an all too familiar “Michael Bay” story arc completely focused on the next big explosion. If the protagonist of this movie was an “explosion” it would win an Oscar. Unfortunately for him it’s a movie about giant alien robots and the struggle between good and evil. So how does the sequel compare against the first effort? The first movie had very little going on; it name dropped, but never really stayed true to the source material. This time around, Bay did a little more research and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is an enjoyable experience but far from outstanding.

Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox return to their lead roles as Sam and Mikaela to represent the human element and is the reason why the Autobots fight the Decepticons, on our behalf. Their onscreen chemistry continues to remain more of the same which was just “blah”. But for some reason people find LaBeouf’s wit humorous and continue to give him work. I just don’t get it, but the people in the theater seemed to. Each idiotic comment which warranted a frown on my behalf was greeted with amusement by everyone else. His comedic relief feels forced, almost rehearsed. But Bay was too busy planning how he was going to throw a car into a building to focus on Shia’s performance.

In a movie completely focused on the visual, Megan Fox’s appearance in the films makes absolute sense. When you talk to anyone about her role in the first movie it’s never about how great of an actress she was but rather how hot she looked standing over that engine. Well we can add to that resume. Now we can say how hot she looked on the motorcycle (you know the one I am talking about...it’s in the trailer). Not to mention the Bay(no pun intended)Watch style of filming. Michael Bay had Megan run towards the camera four times in slow motion in a revealing shirt. But she does have another thing going for her when compared to Shia’s acting ability she is clearly the award winner. Just not outside that circle.

Other notable acting elements in the movie were Captain Lennox played by Josh Duhamel. By far the most interesting character from the first movie but unutilized in the second film. His character had no further development. To our surprise some of the funnier moments from the movie actually came from Julie White as Judy Witwicky. She portrayed a mother who has a hard time letting her son go off to college perfectly. The telling of an embarrassing story about her son and her eating a snail was good stuff. John Turturro returned as “Agent” Simmons. While his character was bearable in the beginning he quickly became a nuisance. But redeemed himself by saving what could have been a disaster when Michael Bay took a huge risk for a laugh. Yes, I am talking about the balls scene. Decepticles anyone?

In regards to the Transformers, Michael Bay came through this time with Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots. He actually earned his prime status in this film by being a formidable foe to the Decepticons. In one scene of the movie he took on three of them with two blades. I wish I could tell you more but there are some really cool parts there. Bumblebee, Sam’s guardian and a scout for the Autobots had his moments too. In one scene he pulled off some Mortal Kombat type of action. Who knew the little guy had it in him? To everyone’s surprise, Megatron and Starscream finally start to have the relationship we were all looking for. You know the one I am talking about where Starscream the coward wants to lead the Decepticons without having to fight Megatron for the number one spot and shies away from any confrontation with him. Those little moments took me back, thanks Michael Bay.

Now for some of the more disappointing moments in Revenge of the Fallen. Michael Bay introduced many new characters from the Transformers vault but failed to develop most of them. Even some of the characters from part one were visible on screen but failed to have any real onscreen presence. They felt like more of an expensive extra standing in the background. The movie focused on a core group of transformers and humans and left everyone else in the dust. This was logically the most ideal thing to do or we would have had another X-Men: The Last Stand on our hands. It’s hard to see a favorite character take the back seat the first time they are introduced in a movie. One of my personal favorites from my childhood, Soundwave was one such casualty.

Unfortunately the new Jar Jar Binks (Skids and Mudflap, known as The Twins) get massive amount of screen time. These two “ghetto” Autobots look and talk like they are straight out of the hood. I was surprised to see that they still had wheels. I would have thought when they transformed they would’ve been up on cinder blocks as Bay finds those types of things funny. But his worst decision was to include a Decepticon that can transform into a human. What is this, Terminator? This made no sense; neither did it even serve to move the story forward. Its presence was completely unnecessary.

One of the Transformers that everyone was pumped up to see in action was Devastator. This Decepticon served one purpose and that was to uncover an ancient artifact. This “balls” to the wall character was a huge disappointment from Michael Bay. Here I was, expecting an epic battle between Devastator and the Autobots, but sadly I was mistaken. Devastator was taken down by a classified human weapon. One shot, one kill. What a waste.

Ultimately, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is an enjoyable movie experience but fails to be truly great. The movie suffers from the lack of story and a massive amount of cheesy one-liners. It’s primarily geared to be pleasing to the eye, so if you are looking for a well developed story, Michael Bay is not your man. But if you want to see explosions, gun fights, spitting Decepticons and hot women, he delivers flawlessly. While I can appreciate Michael Bay’s visual sense and fast pace action, I would like to see what little story there is not completely wasted on how Sam Witwicky wants a normal life. Spend a little more time on making the divide between the Decepticons and Autobots prevalent. If people complain that the movie is too long and the additional story would just make it worse, cut down on all those transformations that take 30 or more seconds to complete. I think we spent a full half hour watching them change back and forth.

And another thing I’m still trying to figure out. Two years have passed within the Transformers movies…why can’t Bumblebee talk yet?

Review Found at @ http://www.rawcritics.com/reviews/sci-fi/transformers-revenge-fallen

Transformers Revenge of the Fallen
Possibly greatest movie of all time.... we will see in the upcoming third installement
Transformers ROTF is by far my most anticipated film of my youthful life. After viewing the 2007 blockbuster prequel on multiple occasions, I was immediately captivated by the rich and bold detailed characters. Now the sequel has arrived with more dialoque from both an array of new decepticons and autobots. Modern and humurous storyline add to key environments that only furhter support the ever present chaos. I thoroughly enjoyed the Dark Knight, but it does not even compare to the innocence of Transformers Rotf.



when i first heard of this film back in 2005 when i saw the first one i never seen the cartoon or any other means. I liked the first one. but it lacked action. The second film gave me the action i craved. I enjoyed the second film, it had alot of action,megan fox

Transformers 2 ROTF
I thought the movie was awesome with the exception of these few things. The College Roommate Jesus Christ, he was the most annoying thing in the whole damn movie. Also could of done without the whole Fed guy stepping in and shutting down NEST, they could written something else for that.

I liked the fact the it was all about the Transformers, and not alot of human screen time. Thats what FANS WANT and not the critics. All in all it was a good movie, best SFX in the bizz!!

Transformers 2: Not at it's cracked up to be!!!
What you should absolutely know about ROTF.
I know from the headline, it makes it seem like i'll be slamming the WHOLE movie, but I won't; only most of it!!!
Something you should know outright is that Michael Bay is why this movie is bad, and yet at the same time he's what makes it work, but i'll explain that later :)
It's been 2 years since the first film, and the Autobots have since formed an alliance with the U.S. military in order to find and destroy the remaining Decepticons left throughout the world.
During one of these missions, Optimus Prime encounters a decepticon claiming that the earth is not a world that they are to control, and that The Fallen will return. Now, no one knows who or what The Fallen is, except the decepticons. The Fallen is the TRUE leader of the decepticons, and has secretly been pulling the strings. Megatron is nothing more then a loyal servant of The Fallen's who has failed over and over again. The Fallen has been biding his time on Cybertron, waiting for someone to permanently remove the one thing that can stand in his way and defeat him: a Prime. Optimus Prime to be more precise. The Fallen himself is a prime, being one of the 13 original primes, the 13 original transformers who would later go on to form the autobots and decepticons. Megatron, being the ultimate decepticon next to The Fallen, has been at the bottom of the sea for 2 years, so The Fallen can do nothing but sit and wait for something to happen. Meanwhile, Sam is getting ready for college. While he's packing he finds a small shard of the Allspark, which somehow got caught in his sweater while he was shoving it into Megatron's spark. As soon as he touches the piece, he sees the face of a transformer he hasn't seen before and markings in an ancient language he doesn't understand. What he doesn't know is that he's just seen the face of The Fallen, and those markings? An ancient Cybertronian language that when translated, points the way to the ever legendary Matrix of Leadership AND a weapon The Fallen has been trying to get to for many, many years, a Sun Harvester.
Sam drops the piece and it ends up buring through the floor of his bedroom and into the kitchen, which causes one of the funniest scenes in the whole movie. And Megan Fox? She's still looking super slutty and the absolute definition of trailer park trash throughout the ENTIRE MOVIE. She literally looks like she's sleepwalking though the film, which is incredibly dissappointing and ruins the story, which is also crap on it's own. Anyway, the decepticons somehow find out that Sam has seen the location of the sun harvester and go after him in force. What we also find out is that a shard of the Allspark can actually bring a transformer back to life, so Soundwave, a massive G1 fan favorite that's been acting as a massive sateilite to be the decepticons communications expert, expells Ravage to find one of the few remaining shards of the cube, which the military has locked away in a "secured" bunker, which you know is not. The decepticons grand plan is to bring Megatron back to life so he can defeat Optimus Prime for good, and in one of the most harrowing scenes to be put on film, they succeed. This is one of those scenes where you know not everyone going into that forrest is walking out, or rolling, or however they get around. A comforting note is that it takes 3 decepticons to bring Optimus down, which of course has Megs himself delivering the killing shot to Prime, but it is nonetheless an incredibly heroic last stand that makes you feel the only emotion there is in the whole movie. I know there have been reviews saying that Sam's parents were a huge waste of time and that the characters of Simmons and Leo, as well as Wheelie, Skids, and Mudflap should have been left out of the movie. That is WRONG. These are the characters that make the movie BEARABLE. There is one thing that Michael Bay does understand, and that's if you have WAY TOO MUCH of one thing in a movie, you lose your target audience. He breaks up the insane amount of action (which there is a ton of, but it's mostly good) with very necessary comedy. I won't go into detail but Sam's mom damn near stole the whole movie. The characters of Wheelie and the "twins", Skids and Mudflap have gone under fire as rough around the edges and rascist, but once you see them and get used to their brand of comedy, you'll immediately understand why they are in the movie. Again ROTF see's a wonderful job from Shia, but it's not a departure at all from what he'd done in the first film. I still don't understand AT ALL why Megan Fox is in any of these movies. People say she's hott, but dumb unattractive people aren't hott. People say she's a good actress? People that say that are the people that think Friday The 13th movies have wonderful acting; those people are also known as morons. What it all comes down to is that this movie is bad. Bad script, bad acting, bad editing. This movie without the action, just the story on it's own is only a 2 star flick. Add in the very intense Michael Bay action and it only gets bumped up to a 3 star flick. What would I give it you ask? It's a 3 star flick. The story almost gives you a headache if you really try to think about it. It doesn't make sense and it's incomprehensible. I'm sure you've caught that I said it doesn't make sense AND it's incomprehensible, because it is. There are some movies that have things happen and you just go "uh, ok." This is not one of those flicks. In this movie, there will be more then a few things that make you go "uh, wait a minute, um, how does that work?" And you won't be wondering about the robots either. There are still things about this flick that I think about and it makes me CRINGE. Ultimately, Michael Bay has a big laugh on all of us. His entire defense on things in this movie with no explanation (and there are a number of them) is that "it's just a movie", as if you can just through crap in a movie that you know doesn't make sense and just sit back and say "Wait! It's a fantasy world! This stuff happens!" There are no answers to what will undoubtedly make you angry during this movie, and there's a huge lesson right there. You can't have things in your movie that the audience won't understand, because then they won't enjoy it as much. Don't go to see this movie if you want deep, moving scenes or a story that makes sense. Go back and watch the first one over again. If you want amazing action that will literally make it hard to breathe in some spots, see this one. It's a popcorn movie, and i'm pretty sure Michael Bay already knew that. He has no talent for good emotional scenes and absolutely no taste in music when it comes to the songs he's chosen to have playing in the background of some scenes. But you know what? With all the absolutely horrible things wrong with this movie, i'm STILL gonna go back and see it again, which shows I have an unhealthy love-hate relationship with Michael Bay. Again, he ruins this movie and still saves it. A Paradox!!! What does this say about me?

Transformers for people who aren't jerks
i don't see any reason why anyone would give this movie a bad wrap, besides the fact that most of those people are watching it to give it a bad wrap...
if you saw the 1st one, and terminator, just go ahead and skip this one... no spoilers... as if you didn't already see it already
And if you believe that teaser, than you are a lost cause...

Transformers is proof that you cannot have too much action in a movie.

the choreography of the fight scenes and the diversity of the action sequences, you basically didn't see the same thing twice. every scene kept you jonesing for more.

This is a good movie for two reasons, it satisfies both fans of the 1st movie and people who didn't watch or like the 1st one, and it just kept getting better. i don't know who could have directed a better transformers movie (maybe zack snyder). this movie didn't over do it with the moving camera, childish jokes, or pointless love story plot, and even if it did, i was too busy being in awe to notice.

jetfire with a cane was a little bit out there, seeing as how he's a robot, but it's all good.

The real star in this one is Optimus. Jesus Christ, if you didn't think a slow-mo walk away with a giant robot would be cool, you were greatly mistaken.

And even without the robots, everyone acts up a small storm in this movie. the human characters give the emotion that the robots aren't able to convey. shia labeouf does his regular smart ass routine, but when he's stuck in the middle of a battlefield, you believe that he's in the middle of a battlefield. he bridges the gap between the robots and the terrain and makes you believe there are thirty of them shooting at each other. watch this movie, and if you did, imax it, it is worth the $8.

The only people who will be giving this movie a bad wrap are the ones who either didn't watch it and decide to judge before they do, and dumbass non-conformists who don't like things with hype, or that other people like.

and i will say this now, as an action movie, this movie easily out did every other movie that has come out thus far, including Star Trek and Watchmen (my two favorite movies before this released)...
Terminator and Wolverine don't even kneel in comparison to this film, and i hope that with the par of movies like transformers, star trek and watchmen, that movies of that low caliber are slowly excised from cinema.

I give this movie an easy 5/5, and my heart sinks for the fact that it will not receive any credit from critics or come award season. oh, and if i'm not mistaken, no black people died! :D

Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen (RacerX Review)
Don't listen to the negative reviews this is not to be missed.
So I saw Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen and I have to say I thought it was amazing! It was just as good as the first if not better. There are a lot of people out there that will tell you otherwise but you can just chalk it up to the fact that they are idiots.

The fact of the matter is many people on this site have complained that the movie lacked story, emotion, and added racism and unnecessary comedy. I'm here to set the record straight.

First off let's address the bullshit racist comments. I didn't think that twins were racist at all. Big deal they sounded like Chris Tucker if he was a robot, who cares. Chris Tucker is funny why not emulate him, and how the hell can a robot be racist anyway, it's a damn robot that is it's race. Besides those obvious facts I saw the movie in a Baltimore City IMAX which was filled predominately black people and not a damn one didn't laugh their asses off at the twins. The twins do what they are supposed to do, provide comic relief and they did a good job.

Second I don't understand how anyone can say that the movie had no storyline or emotions. The story was obvious, Boy and robots search for Energon source on earth must find before evil robots! There are other obstacles and events that happen along the way but I don't want to spoil it for readers. Plus who says their isn't any emotion, their was a ton of emotion. In fact I thought that when Sam was telling his father and mother to run and get away from the danger and Sam's father practically in tears is screaming "Your my son, I'm not leaving without you" is a very touching moment. In fact because of the sheer fact that the movie is so action packed and you don't expect that type of scene I thought it made it that much more powerful. Not too mention the scene with Megan Fox telling Sam she loves him. So I don't see where this movie is lacking any emotion.

The fact of the matter is there are a lot of people on this site who are expecting way too much from their movies. This was a great film with a great story, tons of action and emotion. Was it the Shawshenk Redemption, No. Was it entertaining and worth my time and money, ABSO-FRIGGIN-LUTELY. So seriously guys lighten up I mean it's a movie about giant fighting robots for crying out loud.

Anyway if I had to rate it I would say 5 out of 5 Stars easy. Go see this movie!

"Grif" Reviews Transformers ROTF
movie starts out with a flashback narrated by optimus. it shows the fallen on earth thousands of years ago.

then optimus does more narration where he talks about how the transformers battle in the first movie is top secret and nobody believes it. he then goes on to talk about how the autobots have since then been working with the humans. a military group called nest. going around the planet moping up decepticons.

we now see a battle scene where they take down a giant decepticon.

then we go to sams home where he is about to leave for college and his mom is breaking down over and over...... about his little baby boots from when he was young.

then the dogs hump.

the we see sam drop a small piece of the all spark in the house and transformers come to life in the kitchen.

more dog humping.

bumblebee destroys the house and the small transformers. and still does not talk.

lame skinny dipping joke.

fox undressing in back yard.

bumblebee cry's?

we see soundwave in space as a satellite. he sounds more like dr claw from inspector gadget than soundwave.

we meet the twins. and they are annoying as hell.

sam goes to college and meets lame and annoying hacker roomates. who happen to be transformer conspiracy buffs.

sams mom gets high at a weed bake sale. very stupid lame scene.

sams mom while high makes slutty comments.

sound wave drops ravage from space onto the arctic? where he spits out a bunch of ball bearings that become transformers that come together to become a really stupid looking robot.

ravage does some cool action.

at college sam gets nearly raped by a decepticon chick.

decepticons dive down from a cargo ship to bring megatron back to life. cool scene.

megatron wakes up travels to the surface then take out a submarine. then flys to cybertron where he meets star scream and the fallen. both star scream and megatron have new voices. its a sell out move. because they could not be understood in the first movie.

sam breaks down at college.

bullshit mouse trap scene where wheelie curses all of the time for no reason.

sams room has posters of badboys 2 cloverfield and so fourth.

the feamle decepticon rapes sam and has a tail come out of the bottom of her skirt. and then her mouth like a whip. a very very stupid scene.

then she chases him into a library where she sheds her holographic skin and looks like a terminator.

sam fox and idiot hacker friend escape in a car. they get picked up by a transformer helicopter then get dropped like a thousand feet through a wherehouse ceiling hit the ground and live through it. by air bags........

in the wherehouse starscream megatron and others are waiting for them.

megatron smacks sam across the building and he just gets up like it was nothing.

then sam gets interrogated in a strange matrix rip off scene.

bumblebee and prime come in and rescue him in a boring but ok slow motion attack.

right after megatron fights prime in the woods. cool fight. but during it keeps cutting to sam looking at it.

then the helicopter transformer and star scream join in.

the helicopter transformer gets owned by prime and prime gets owned by megatron and dies. nobody cares it means nothing. i felt nothing as he died.

now megatron kicks around starscream on a rooftop.

more lame jokes from the mother.

aircraft carrier sinks.

the fallen makes a worldwide broadcast for humanity to turn in sam.

more useless screen time from the twins.

primes body gets dropped off by a helicopter at nest.

we now see john tuturro working in a meet market. he tells some lame jokes.

he shows sam and wheelie some pictures and wheelie says he knows who can translate them.

gay scene occurs that puts batman and robin to shame.

lame taser jokes.

we now meet jetfire who is a decepticon defector. he shows them a movie of a transformers battle on earth thousands of years ago.

small car chase happens.

more jokes.

twins being lame get broken up by bumblebee.

in a desert temple sam breaks the matrix. good job pal. he sweeps it into a bag.

nest arrives in egypt where sam is with primes body and the transformers in tow.

star scream attacks.

hacker guy gets tasered again....

devastator shows up.

sam and fox hide while the decepticons search for them.

they get found blown up and then live through it somehow...

devastator sucks in sand and everything else including one of the twins. the twin lives and then the twins attack devastator.

bumblebee fights a decepticon.

ravage jumps into the fight and gets picked up by bumblebee who rips the skeleton? out of ravage and then whips the other decepticon with it. after throwing the body.

a good momment between sam and his parrents.

nest is knee deep in decepticons.

devastator starts to climb the pyramid.

nest calls in reinforcments including many f16s and hovercraft carrying men and tanks.

devastator ripps the top of the pyramid apart.

jetfire joins the battle and trashes a decepticon. then scorpinock joins in and fatally wounds him.

devastator has huge wrecking balls....

a missile destroyer off the coast launches missiles that own devastator.

large airstrike by f16s and b1 bombers.

megatron gets owned by nest.sam gets nearly killed by a explosion. but he really just goes to autobot heaven? then wakes up.

the matrix reforms.

sam puts the matrix into prime and prime wakes up.

the fallen shows up and starts attacking nest.

the fallen messes with the energy collector in the pyramid.

nest attacks him and he uses his power to magically lift all of the nest vehicles into air then drops them onto the pyramid.

jetfire and prime merge into some kind of armor suit.

prime takes off like superman.

the fallen magically lifts up dbris to take out incoming aircraft.

prime fights megatron and owns him. then he fights the fallen and owns him even harder.

starsream gets the hell out of dodge.

prime and sam walk on a aircraft carrier.

roll credits.

Everything Wrong With TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN In 20 Minutes

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LEEE777 - 6/29/2009, 12:12 PM
Damn, that's a big article! ; D

All in all, ROTF was TEN times the movie WOLVERINES BORIGINS was! ; )
LEEE777 - 6/29/2009, 12:16 PM
Damn, you gotta watch this, its friggin' funny!

: D
MarkCassidy - 6/29/2009, 12:23 PM
Leee, your sick in the head mate! Or maybe i missed the bit in Wolverine when Sabertooth farted out a parachute and Wolverine humped Kaylas leg!

Its crazy how divided the fans are over this. It was the same with Watchmen..although comparing those 2 movies is sort of like comparing TDk and FF.

Lee that is some funny shit! lol, pretty much sums up the movie!
KeepItReal - 6/29/2009, 12:23 PM
looooong article... I didnt expect much of ROTF... so Im not disappointed. I wanted to be entertained and I was. Megan made sure not to expect much from the movie with her "witty" statement of "stay home..." so really. She did more in the 1st movie than this one. I was embarrassed for her. In the first movie she helped out. She got in the truck drove bumblebee whe he was hurt. Something at least. Here she brought nothing to the table. Didnt even pick up a rock or a gun.. I went in for laughs and it delivered.
LEEE777 - 6/29/2009, 12:27 PM
'Im gonna shoot that WOLVERINE!!!'

Bman @ : D
KeepItReal - 6/29/2009, 12:27 PM
Hey LEEE.."you gotta watch this, its friggin' funny" heheh...


Thanks again for showing me the way! gg
LEEE777 - 6/29/2009, 12:31 PM
Keep @ ; )

LEEE777 - 6/29/2009, 12:33 PM
ROR @ Just admit it! WOLVIE blew chunks!

All we can hope for is a better sequel! ; )

ROR @ Thanx, i think its a great trailer for ROTF lol!
MarkCassidy - 6/29/2009, 12:36 PM
It wasnt great, but i certainly enjoyed it more than watching Sams mother get stoned and jump on peoples backs.
LEEE777 - 6/29/2009, 12:41 PM
The problem is, an i think you'll even agree will me on this one! These movies, be it WOLVERINE, or ROTF or whatever, shouldn't be just okay or good movies, they should be AWESOME with all the Millions studios put in 'em!!! Its just a crying shame they ain't because in the long run its us lot that suffer for it! I dunno, maybe its just me but nothing has surpassed WATCHMEN or even been on the same playing field! Maybe WATCHMEN has spoiled me lol!

Still ROTF was a great rollercoaster ride! ; )
superdog - 6/29/2009, 12:42 PM
All those reviews and none of them mine. That's bullsht and unprofessional
theeambassador - 6/29/2009, 12:42 PM
it's surprising that no one gives a shit about character development, just robots [frick]ing each other up. if character development weren't important, we'd be watching gobots and not giving a [frick].so [frick] this movie, it [frick]ing sucks, not only as a transformers movie, but as a movie period.thats my opinion.robots beating each other up...[frick], thats like saying batman forever was as good as the dark knight because they both had batman in them.
LEEE777 - 6/29/2009, 12:49 PM
Well they have said TRANSFORMERS 3 will be darker! ; )
Osiris - 6/29/2009, 12:56 PM
@LEEE@ Wolverine wasn't horrible but it wasn't great either and I will admit that ROTF was better.
KeepItReal - 6/29/2009, 12:59 PM
why was it necessary to put Megan Fox face first in that guys (Alex I think) crotch after the explosion? Why does she let them use her like that? It wasnt funny and just stupid. In the whole movie she was holding everyones hand just about except Shia's, her boyfriend! She brought nothing to the movie... at all...

Havent seen Wolverine yet... eeeek! cant make comparisons...
LEEE777 - 6/29/2009, 1:02 PM
Keep @ Hope you um,,,, enjoy it lol! ; D

Osiris even the CGI in WOLVERINE was horrible? But yeah both movies could've been better!

KEV @ Your just picky! : D
IronManJr - 6/29/2009, 1:03 PM
hi.. just a new guy here in the posting-comments section.. but i've been checking cbm.com for upcoming movies and forums ever since..

for me.. the movie ain't bad at all.. overall the movie's awesome!
i dunno 'bout which part of pg13 the other guys don't understand. sure skids and mudflap were annoying.. but they're there for the kids to laugh at..

i read negative comments most of the time, that it's just a popcorn movie. but even so, there's no such thing as a perfect movie. we fans can all imagine the movie as how we see it fit, but at the end of the day, a little understanding about how the people's vision who made this movie possible would've helped the us better appreciate the movie.
selinakyle - 6/29/2009, 1:03 PM
everybody and their mama had a review.
Stumblin - 6/29/2009, 1:04 PM
I see Transformers like Demolition Man, not exactly an Oscar winning performances, but it's entertaining and fun.

If I want deep emotions and that crap, I'd watch Angels and Demons.
theeambassador - 6/29/2009, 1:04 PM
darker how. in outer space? this series buried itself in it's family friendly, slapstick niche. it made a shitload of money so all they have to in the next one is put more anonymous robots in to blow up and collect the paycheck. jetfire was scottish, wheelie was a gangster from them 1930's and the twins...is this what hollywood still thinks of my people? c'mon g.i.joe you've gott...what's the [frick]ing point, that thing is going to blow.
MisterNiceGuy - 6/29/2009, 1:06 PM
i think dispite its flaws this movie was still awesome and one of the most entertaining films i have seen in a long time.
Osiris - 6/29/2009, 1:07 PM
Anyone who thinks Transformers needs more of an In depth plot has never seen the original Transformers show, that show was so void of plot it's not funny.

Also Bay pulls his source material right from the 80's cartoon he was quoted on that, in episode 2 of season 2 Megatron makes a huge device that will suck energy from the sun to create Energon but if he does this it will destroy the Earth... hmmm that sounds pretty familiar to me.

These movies are what they are meant to be robots kicking the crap out of each other, which is what the show was about so really Bay is making these movies just like the source material, void of plot and robots trashing each other.

KeepItReal - 6/29/2009, 1:08 PM
stumblin... "If I want deep emotions and that crap, I'd watch Angels and Demons."

Man, no! say it aint so..lol.. that movie sucked so bad... deep emotions? they barely scratched the surface. It was horrible! imo ;p

Ironman Jr... welcome..=)
superdog - 6/29/2009, 1:08 PM
hey ror looks like were not the only ones anymore who think the humor in this movie wasnt funny. ive said it before and ill say it again, humping dogs, things farting and calling people pussy are funny, but in a jack black movie, not a transformers movie.
LEEE777 - 6/29/2009, 1:09 PM

IronManJr @ Welcome man! An your right!
LEEE777 - 6/29/2009, 1:11 PM
The humor in WOLVERINE was funnier! : D

I was laughing all though that how sh!te it all was!
Kajun - 6/29/2009, 1:15 PM
This is my first post! I read on here 2 or 3 times daily. I love the site and have been trying to register for a while. I think my confirmation email got lost in cyber space a few times.

Anyway, I liked the movie. imo, it wasn't as good as the first. It was still entertaining, but I think they tried to hard to introduce too many robots...especially on the Decepticon side of things. I wasn't too mad at the Twins, but they were over used. The computer guy was pointless and so was the girl robot. She was nice to look at though.

What up Ror. I always read your posts. GUNSMITH, Leeee, & Shaman as well.
IronManJr - 6/29/2009, 1:20 PM
LEEE & KIR @ thanks for the warm welcome.. =)

naaah.. wolverine? i'm a bit disappointed in the movie, though.. but it was good! rotf and wolvie origins, better than terminator salvation!
theeambassador - 6/29/2009, 1:23 PM
there's a difference between plot and storytelling. between characterizations and character development.if you watched the cartoon the way the stories were told you came to give a shit about the characters,it's why you watched,and osiris,you're quoting the same michael bay who said megatron wouldn't be in the movie?i wasn't looking for anything shakespearean,just a good transformers movie,and after the dark knight and watchmen, there's no excuse for this shit.
MarkCassidy - 6/29/2009, 1:26 PM
Amen brother!

Hey Kajun, nice to have you on board. I felt the same way about ROTF, when the Transformers were on screen(mines Car Car Binks) it was great, when the humans were, i wanted to throw things.
IronManJr - 6/29/2009, 1:30 PM

moving forward! T3 unicron and primus!
theeambassador - 6/29/2009, 1:35 PM
unicron and primus? no [frick]ing way! the stories been splintered to shit as it is
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 6/29/2009, 1:36 PM
My quick thoughts on this: I hate Bay, I thought the twins were too much, the mum getting stoned was not needed, the female "terminator" was a stupid idea, Bumblebee being reduced to a whimpering lap dog was wrong, Sams heavenly vision was too far fetched and the main villain was pretty much a cameo able to make Venom feel good about his screen time. I even got sick of seeing Fox run in slow motion! I know!

The thing is, despite all this I really liked the movie! Maybe it was because all the reviews lowered my expectations, I don't know. To compare it to the 1st I'd say the good bits are better but the bad bits are worse. Prime actually kicking ass for once and Starscream sucking Megatrons ass were nicely in-line with the cartoons and Bumblebee managed to redeem himself at the end. Bay actually did well in giving Transformers real personalities, he just concentrated on the wrong ones and put in too much "humour".
superdog - 6/29/2009, 2:35 PM
i actually liked wolvie better as well. that will piss lee777 off. glad im not the only one who thought the "humor" in this was way over the top. i almost walked out fo the movie. thankfully the last half was mostly action
LEEE777 - 6/29/2009, 3:05 PM
Superdog @ That's cool lol! Different ppl different tastes!

LMFAO @ Teabag, dude that was funny sh!t!

IronMan @ your welcome fella! But TERMINATOR was wayyyyy better than WOLVIE! I loved T4!
adamant877 - 6/29/2009, 3:52 PM
Ror: Here's one on ya... I totally agree.
I liked as much as I could of the movie, the special effects were AWESOME! The scenes with Optimus Prime were incredible, and the action was beautiful... But Fox's acting was ATROCIOUS! (*Her plastic lips were more distracting to me than the digital effects, and less believable.) The Whitwicky family needed to be ommitted from the script entirely! There was way too much "schmaltzy" romance and poorly placed comedy. Couple that with my earlier complaints about the unnecessary language and sexually suggestive material (I have two young boys, and as a father, this aspect of the movie dissapointed me more than any of the rest), and I would have to give the movie about a 6 out of 10. The only saving graces (obviously) were the visual effects components of the film, and the introduction (though sometimes poorly implemented) of new characters.

("X-Men Origins: Wolverine" was MUUUUCH better! Sorry LEEE.)
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