TITANS Premiere Gives Hope For The Rest Of The Season

TITANS Premiere Gives Hope For The Rest Of The Season

The long-awaited 'Titans' show is here and it delivers a surprisingly good premiere, while there are definitely some issues, the bad doesn't outweigh the good and has me excited for the rest of the season!

Review Opinion
By aliharris - Oct 12, 2018 08:10 PM EST
Filed Under: Titans
For those who haven't watched the premiere, be advised that there will be minor spoilers and so avoiding this review would be a good idea until you have watched the episode. 

Well, it's finally here. Titans has been rather controversial among fans due to the trailers and promotion pictures being rather dark and broody. However, the premiere actually works pretty well and that's mainly due to the way the characters have been handled. The first episode primarily focuses on Dick and Raven, we get some Starfire as well and we have a brief introduction to Beast Boy. So, here's my review for the premiere of the long-awaited Titans show.

One of the biggest concerns I had when watching this episode was Starfire. I think it's clear that Starfire has been the biggest source of controversy among people mainly because the appearance of the character is not all too similar to the comics. However, I won't talk about that too much for now, I think it's more important to talk about the actress and whether or not she does a good job. For the most part Anna Diop does a pretty good job actually, as someone who hasn't watched anything from her previous work I was pretty impressed and having watched her take on the character in this episode, I can honestly say I can get used to this take of the character. I have a few issues with the character for sure but I didn't hate her. However, I also don't like her as much as I wanted to which is a shame because I'm a huge fan of the Teen Titans/TItans comics. She was the weaker link in the episode but the actress does a good job with what she was given. The problem is just the writing for the character and the take they've decided to go with for her look. 

Image result for Starfire titans

The premiere mainly focuses on the Raven and Dick Grayson and this is when the episode does well for me. Brenton Thwaites and Teagan Croft do really well as their character and they're even better when they're actually together in the episode. Dick Grayson is rather troubled because of his issues with Batman and we can see him struggle throughout the entire episode. This take on Robin is violent, dark and rather reckless but I can see that this character will develop into the Dick Grayson we all know from the comics. On the other hand, Raven is a troubled young girl who pretty much doesn't know anything about her life, she suffers a pretty major loss in this episode and I won't spoil considering the episode only came out today. Throughout the episode you can see that Dick will definitely act as a mentor/guardian for Raven and potentially the rest of the team once they join forces.
Image result for Titans tv series

The pacing for the first episode is pretty good considering a pilot usually has a fair bit of information to throw at the audience, it wasn't slow but it wasn't fast either. The episode gives a fair idea as to what you can expect from the rest of the season and honestly I'm pretty excited. However, my issue with the episode was more towards Teagan Croft in certain scenes. Her acting was mediocre in certain scenes, if not less. It's mainly when the character is "crying" that Teagan seems to struggle to convey the emotions her character is feeling, it wasn't a huge issue but it was still noticeable so I'm hoping this doesn't continue throughout the season. My other issue with the episode was that at times certain scenes looked too dark for me to see properly. I understand the show is going for a darker mood but making scenes so dark that it's a rather hard to see what's happening is just bad. 

The show divides the time mainly between Raven and Dick Grayson but there's a scene with Starfire in which she's looking for a guy called Konstantin Kovar. For those who don't know, Konstantin Kovar was a villain on season 5 of Arrow but this will be a different take on the character. In the comics the son of Konstantin Kovar, Leonid Kovar develops powers after a spaceship crash that he was involved in. Leonid Kovar develops a superhero name 'Red Star' after he joins the Teen Titans in the 1980s, however his involvement wasn't too large on the team. It will be interesting to see if they do something similar on the show and perhaps give us Red Star as a member through the season. 

Image result for Red Star DC

The action and choreography in the episode were great, there wasn't too much action as the episode mainly focuses on introducing us to the lives of each character but when there were fight sequences, they were handled really well. The standout fight sequence was obviously Robin against the criminals in some sort of alleyway and it is so brutal. This is when the show really shows how dark it is and honestly I loved it. There was a point when Robin rubs the face of a criminal on the glass of a car window that he broke and it was hard to watch. The fight sequences are obviously very different from Arrow considering Titans is rated R. The fight sequences are quite different than the ones on Daredevil as well in terms of the style. As impressive as the fight sequences were, I couldn't help feel that something was missing, maybe I just wanted to see more but I'm sure we'll get more epic sequences as the season goes on. 

Overall, I was pretty impressed with the premiere and it has me excited for the rest of the season. Sure, I had a few issues with the premiere but nothing that took away from the story or the overall show. I do hope they improve the look they decided on for Starfire and that Teagan's acting gets better. I do understand why they only briefly showed Beast Boy as it would've been too crammed but I am hoping they show us more of him in the next episode as he is one of my favourite characters from the Teen Titans comics. If they decide on giving us Red Star as a team member than I do hope he doesn't stick around for too long as there are other characters that I would like to see on the team instead. For now, the premiere did a good job introducing us to Raven, Robin and Starfire so I am excited to see what the show has in store for us. I ended up giving this episode a 7.5/10 which is a pretty good score for a pilot and I can see the show getting better. 

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AnthonyVonGeek - 10/12/2018, 8:35 PM
Watched the first 20 minutes before work earlier and was pleasantly surprised with it. Gonna finish it tonight and watch the second episode. Can’t wait to finish it. 👍
MrCamw1 - 10/12/2018, 8:51 PM
Would you say the app us worth the price? I am interested to watch Titans whether good or bad but not a fan of buying another subscription service on tip of the ones i have now.
GhostDog - 10/12/2018, 8:55 PM
@MrCamw1 - app is worth it for everything else alone. Comics, old animated shows and movies.

And Young Justice of course which is coming haha.
aliharris - 10/12/2018, 9:42 PM
@MrCamw1 - The thing is if you’re someone who’s into comics or trying to get into comics then the price is worth it. If you’re someone who’ll be watching the shows on the streaming service only then no.
Humperdink - 10/12/2018, 11:39 PM
@MrCamw1 -

If you have the disposable cash and the patience to wait for these episodes, the other new shows next year, PLUS you've missed a lot of the DC animated movies and shows then YES. It's worth it. They also have digital comic books up for you to read as well which is kinda cool.

An alternative (assuming again you have patience) is to wait until middle-or-so of next year when they have more original content then subscribe and watch it. I think that Doom Patrol might be a surprise hit, and of course new Young Justice will be up.

Either way, I don't think it's going to be a waste of money in the long run. Even the Harley Quinn show looks promising.
GhostDog - 10/12/2018, 8:54 PM
6.5/10. It was fine. Potential to get better. Reminds me of when I used to watch the CW shows. Its basically that but darker. Its a little campy in tone, even the so called mature aspects. Although, I cant imagine I'll stick around if the camp gets mpre excessive. Actors are committed. There was more good than bad, enough to make me want to tune in again.
Batman5 - 10/12/2018, 8:54 PM
I’m surprisingly hearing mostly good things, will deff be watching soon!
Menks123 - 10/12/2018, 8:55 PM
Probably going to watch this tomorrow. Hope for the best, but some of the dialogue seems to be a little meh from the trailers.

Off topic:

Avengers wrapped

TheIronDuck - 10/12/2018, 8:55 PM
I was so disappointed to find out this wasn't going to be bingeable. I was going to give it a chance over the weekend but I don't think I care enough for 9 weeks.
ArthurFleck - 10/12/2018, 9:21 PM
I'm gonna be blunt, this first episode was a flaming hot piece of trash. I'm not one to get won over just from excessive violence, and that's pretty much all this show has going for it in this first episode. The acting was god awful even compared to the CW shows, the writing was absolutely ham fisted and cringe, the blueish muted colors overwhelming every shot and every scene was lifeless and boring, the pacing was slow and dull, and the plot was unfocused and just lazy, felt like the first episode was fab fiction written in a day, and my god the worst offender was the complete bastardization of these beloved characters.

Only good things in the show was the actress who played Starfire. While she didnt get a chance to actually play Starfire but rather a completely new character with a somewhat similar power set, the character she was playing I actually enjoyed how she played it, though the story and scenes she was in were painfully stupid and completely not a Starfire story arc. I'm sorry, when she murdered that dude after the fight scene in the hotel my heart checked out of this show completely. By the time she burned those 3 mobsters alive I was about to turn this trash off. But she as an actress did a good job, but she 100% isnt Starfire.

Then the only other positive I can say is the cgi was pretty impressive.

This show is boring, uninspired, pointlessly dark and violent just for the sake of it, poorly written, tragically misguided, souless, cringey schlock. And when a bad movie like Punisher War Zone does excessive violence better, then you just missed on all fronts.

Granted this is just the first episode and every show takes a few episodes or seasons to pick up steam and gel and find what works for them, it's going to be a struggle for me to convince myself to even check out episode 2.

I give this first episode a pitiful 3/10.

When it comes to TITANS episode 1, I just dont give a Fleck.
rabid - 10/12/2018, 9:22 PM
I'm about to watch it in a moment. But I've been hearing good things all day from friends who saw it.
Ronan3Accuser - 10/12/2018, 9:28 PM
I’m waiting to see if they change up the format. Once people find out about not being able to watch complete seasons subscriptions might dip. Your move DC.

aliharris - 10/12/2018, 9:45 PM
@Ronan3Accuser - That’s true, it is a bit of an issue that they’re not making the season bingeable but I think they’ll change it around for season 2. Remember it’s still early in the DC streaming universe so it definitely will improve.
Ronan3Accuser - 10/12/2018, 9:48 PM
@aliharris - I mean Hulu is like that, but it’s Hulu.
TheIronDuck - 10/12/2018, 9:59 PM
@Ronan3Accuser - at least we know Hulu learns from its mistakes as is evident by Runaways season 2 being bingeable.
Ronan3Accuser - 10/12/2018, 10:11 PM
@TheIronDuck - Didn’t know this season was. That’s cool. One season was enough for me though.
Jmellox81 - 10/12/2018, 10:15 PM
I thought it was supposed to be on Netflix?... I’m looking and i don’t see it..
rabid - 10/12/2018, 11:07 PM
@Jmellox81 - It's on DC Universe.
MrDandy - 10/12/2018, 11:39 PM
@Jmellox81 - Only on Netflix outside the US
rabid - 10/12/2018, 11:06 PM
Goddamn! That was really good. I was expecting something tweeny, but they really did that right for the adults. And surprise! There turned out to be a really good reason Starfire looked like a hooker.
Snowbirdd - 10/13/2018, 12:50 AM
OK so I really hope that this "Starfire" is just undercover in a human disguise or something because if not, I'd find it very hard to believe that this is indeed Starfire, the alien from another planet, because what the hEcK. Like she's almost to Fant4stic levels where the story would've worked if it were a completely new character/property. (Yes I had to bring back Fan4stic)

Some dialogue is indeed cringe worthy but it's whatever, Raven's actress ain't too good but the rest of the acting is alright (The bus scene with Raven is terrible omg "SLUT!" lmaoo, Dick's actor is a tad bit bland but I have a suspicion that he opens up once the rest of the team comes into play. Starfire's actress does a good job tho.

the violence really is over done. Dick Grayson doesn't shoot anyone but he STABS two people in the neck..I was willing to buy that he's an angry young man trying to set his own path away from Batman but finds himself seeing traits of Bats within himself--BUT seeing that fight scene in all it's entirety was really pushing it. Starfire kills a dude for no reason too which took me off guard.

One more thing that's weird to me is the portrayal of the powers, Ravens is strange and undefined, "She's weird" Like Maria Hill said. And the version of Starfire that I know best are the animated versions where she shoots green bolts instead of actual fire, give me a second while I go google how it looks in the comics---I'm back, and i've learned that how her powers look is really just based on the artist but they are more energy blasts then actual fireballs as seen on the show when she burns 3 people alive :/ (She also laughs to herself after burning these people that she can't even remember...)

They better do some INTENSE positive character building for all of them or I think i'm gonna have to join @Nomis and burn this show alive :/

But on the real, I feel if this show doesn't find it's footing and delivers a lack luster, dark and gloomy, heartless first season, not unlike BVS, DC will can it due to the negative press
Snowbirdd - 10/13/2018, 12:54 AM
@Snowbirdd - Alss I think they wrote themselves into a hole by having Beast Boy be naked whenever he transforms back to human instead of just starting him out with some suit that morphs with his altered DNA.
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