Game of Thrones, Jon Snow Parentage Theories.

Game of Thrones, Jon Snow Parentage Theories.

MANY wonder who is Jon Snow's mother, we all know Jon is the Bastard son of Ned Stark. However after finishing Book 5 "A Dance with Dragons" I started to suspect Jon might not be Ned's son.
WARNING !!! DO NOT READ ARTICLE IF YOU HAVE NOT READ "A Dance with Dragons" !!! IF you enter the article and NOT read Book 5, it is on your call.

By STARKILLER21 - Jun 18, 2012 12:06 AM EST
Filed Under: Game of Thrones

MANY "A Song of Ice & Fire" fans wonder WHO is Jon Snow's mother, after reading "A Dance with Dragons".

I believe that Jon Snow is not the son of Eddard Stark. Instead, he is the son of Prince Rhaegar Targayen and Eddard's sister Lyanna.
Rhaegar and Lyanna disappeared together to the Tower of Joy early in Robert's Rebellion. There, it's believed, Rhaegar leaves a pregnant Lyanna to defend his family's dynasty.

At the end of Robert's Rebellion, about one year later, Eddard and his companions find three of the Kingsguard at the Tower of Joy: Lord Commander Ser Gerold Hightower, Ser Oswell Whent, and Ser Arthur Dayne.
The reasons for their presence and the ensuing fight are unknown, but defending the unborn son of the Heir Apparent would be a good reason to have been posted. The only known survivors of the fight were Eddard himself and Howland Reed. Eddard recalls his sister dying "in a bed of blood," where he made her an unknown promise just before she died.

An image below shows what I think happened in the "Promise me Ned" scene.

If it is true, that makes Jon Snow the second closest in line for the Iron Throne before is his possible half-brother Aegon VI Targaryen whom was revealled to still be alive as Varys replaced infant Aegon VI with a commonors child before "The Mountain" killed his sister, then raped and killed his mother.

If you remember back in Book 1 and Season 1, the Direwolf scene their are only 5 pups that they find then Jon finds the Runt. Which the Runt was abandoned from a distant meaning could Jon Snow be a cousin to the Stark children also "Ghost", has red eyes and the ONLY one who has red eyes while the other Direwolves bare yellow eyes.

Before Jon Snow see's his father for the last time, Ned tells him "You may not have my name, but you have my blood". Which made think what does he mean, Jon is Ned's son and why didn't he say "You may not have my name, but you are my son", maybe because Jon is not Ned's son.

However in Book 3, King Robb legitimized Jon Snow as Jon Stark as his Heir if anything happend to Robb since he believed and most of Westeros that Bran and Rickon are dead. Making him a Stark, however earlier before that when he saved Jeor Mormont from that Wight, Jeor threw a lantern at them and Jon wasn't burned. Meaning he has "Blood of the Dragon".

Whomever ask's Ned who is Jon Snow's mother he quickly says an unknown name or changes the subject. Also if you remember when Robert asked how "Wylla" looked like as she managed to make Ned Stark "forget" his honor, he never described her.

Danerys has 3 Dragons, meaning 1 for each Targaryen, since Danerys fled with Drogon, the Black Dragon their are 2 Dragons left and 2 Targaryens, maybe Aegon will get the Green Dragon "Rhaegal" since the Dragon is named after his father. Jon, I know what happened to Jon on the 5th Book but George RR Martion mentioned Jon could still be alive and will reveal his parentage on the 6th Book. Jon might end up with Viserion" The White Dragon as Jon Snow has a White Direwolf meaning he would end up with a White Dragon.

IF he is the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. Some might say "Either way, Jon will still be a bastard as Rhaegar was already married". That is where you are wrong, if your a fan of the books and pass Book 4, "Aegon the Conquerer" did married both of his sisters and some of Rhaegar's ancestor's married other wives. Could Rhaegar and Lyanna have possibly marry during or after Lyanna's pregnancy.

If this part happens in the future books. Catelyn will bump into Howland Reed and tells her EVERYTHING about "Promise me Ned". Remember Ned told NO ONE about what happened over there, inlcuding not saying anything to his wife.
Howland could tell Catelyn that Jon Snow is NOT Ned's bastard but Lyanna and Rhaegar's son.

Ned only said Jon was his Bastard son so newborn Jon wouldn't have been killed since Robert wanted EVERY Targaryen dead, also imagine how Robert would have felt if he discovered the woman he loved, gave a son to another man.
Maybe Ned lied for once in his life to protect his nephew's life and probably keeping Lyanna's "promise".

Ned did what any honorable man would do, sacrifice his good name to protect his family. If I was Ned I would have did the same in a heartbeat, sacrificing my good name to protect my family.

According to the prophecy recounted by Melisandre, after a long summer, Azor Ahai will be reborn amidst smoke and salt wielding the flaming sword Lightbringer to defend the world from R'hllor's nemesis, the Other. While Melisandre is certain Stannis Baratheon is Azor Ahai, others are not so sure.

Here is MY other theory that Jon Snow IS Azor Ahai reborn as "The Prince that is Promised".

1. Back in Book 1 and Season 1, Jon Snow saved Jeor Mormont's life but Jeor threw a Lantern at the Wight but Jon was close to the Wight and wasn't burned.

2. Jon's wounds smoke while Bowen Marsh cries, providing the prophecised salt, and Ser Patrek's bloody, star laden heraldry is in the air above.

3. When Melisandre looks into her fires for Azor Ahai, she sees only things to do with Jon or snow, which he thinks must just be ash but she sees a possible connection to Jon.

4. Jon Snow has a dream where he fights the Others with a red sword burning in his hand.

5. If having the Blood of the Dragon is a prerequisite, if Jon Snow is the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, Jon would satisfy that prerequisite.

6. Jon chose his duty to the Night's Watch over his love for Ygritte. He indirectly caused her death by warning Castle Black of the incoming wildling raid. Similar to Azor Ahai sacrificing Nissa Nissa to complete Lightbringer.


If you have any other questions comment below, I'll do my best to answer them or other CBM members can even answer for me.
I'll post my Project on Tuesday warning it is LONG.
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SirEdwardIV - 6/18/2012, 1:32 AM
I'm not sure if this is the right site for this, and there's a good chance your going to get flack for the plethora of spoilers, but here are a few things:

-Ghost is an albino direwolf, which is why his eyes are red.
-Jon did burn his right-hand when using the lantern to kill the wight. That's why he wears a black glove on it thereafter. And that's also why Jon's POV chapters constantly mention him closing and opening his sword-hand. He flexes it to keep it from becoming taut, but it becomes a habit as the story progresses.
-Having the Blood of the Dragon does not necessarily make you immune to fire or getting burned. This is why Viserys dies from the molten gold, and Danny gets burnt after riding Drogon. George R.R. Martin has said this, in an interview, before.
-The books do not say for certain whether or not Robb legitimized Jon as a Stark. His plan was to make Jon his heir, in the event of an untimely death, but the book never mentions if this actually ends up happening. The Red Wedding takes place before we actually get to see the fruition of this decree.
-Wylla is a real person. If Ned fails to describe her to King Robert, or any other person that asks, it's most likely because he just wants to change the subject. Not because she's not real, and he can't seem to make something up.
-Howland Reed and Catelyn Stark never met in any of the books. The only direct mention of him is in the second book, when he sends Jojen and Meera to live with the Starks. Besides that, Reed has not left the Neck since he and Eddard saved Lyanna.

Besides those things, I agree with most everything you said. You should give credit to the ASOIAF wiki website for the Azor Ahai theories though.
BlackFlash - 6/18/2012, 1:44 AM
I thought I was the only one who had these theories, nice to see i'm not the only one, you've also got a couple in there that I didn't even think of.
STARKILLER21 - 6/18/2012, 1:56 AM
@SirEdwardIV, thanks and I KNOW Catelyn and Howland don't meet but what I meant was IF Howland appears like in Book 6 or possible Book 7 and might bump into "Lady Stoneheart" and tells her everything about Lyanna's final moments and mention "Ned's Promise".
I know I was going thank ASOIAF Wiki, I'll add it later, and I did warn people if they have NOT read Book 5 DON'T ENTER.

@BlackFlash, also glad I am not the only one on the site that suspected Jon Snow's parentage.
terpforlyfe - 6/18/2012, 4:55 AM
Jon Snow was burnt by the fire fighting with the wight and has a burned sword hand that he continually flexes so he does not have blood of the dragon in that respect, but I agree he is a Stark/Targaryen. He is most likely the Prince that was Promised, not Aegon because he is the Ice to accompany Danys Fire. The Song of Fire and Ice I believe is the story of Fire-Dany and Ice-Jon and eventually I believe they will marry once Melisandre ressurects Jon in Book 6. Danys dream in the House of the Undying obviously shows Jon being born and being held by Rhaegar. Dany is clearly going to be Azor reborn as she fits all of the requirements.
CoK, pg. 527. Dany sees Rhaegar and Elia standing over their newborn son Aegon. Rhaegar says that Aegon is the ‘prince that was promised,’ and his is the ‘song of ice and fire.’ Then, he enigmatically adds, ‘There must be one more...the dragon has three heads.’ The first two heads are evidently Rhaenys and Aegon. It’s possible that in whatever prophecy Rhaegar read, he thought that he needed to father a child off a Stark to produce the third head and the ‘song of ice and fire.’

Some secrets are safer kept hidden. So secrets are too dangerous to share, even with those you love and trust. {Ned thought}
--GoT, pg. 357.....fear of Robert's wrath

“Never ask me about Jon,” he said, cold as ice. “He is my blood, and that is all you need to know.”
--GoT, pg. 65

“King,” croaked the raven. The bird flapped across the air to land on Mormont’s shoulder. “King,” it said again, strutting back and forth.
“He likes that word,” Jon said, smiling.
“An easy word to say. An easy word to like.”
“King,” the bird said again.
“I think he means for you to have a crown, my lord.”
“The realm has three kings already, and that’s two too many for my liking.” Mormont striked the raven under the beak with his finger, but all the while his eyes never left Jon Snow.
--CoK, pg. 105

CoK, pg. 746. Ygritte tells Jon a story about Bael the Bard. Bael picked a blue winter rose from Winterfell’s greenhouse unasked; a year later, he returned the son he fathered off Lord Stark’s daughter in payment for that rose.
A blue flower grew from a chink in a wall of ice, and filled the air with sweetness.
--CoK, pg. 707

STARKILLER21 - 6/18/2012, 4:37 PM
@terpforlyfe, like nowtheresaBATman said, I enjoyed your comment.

@nowtheresaBATman, thanks and I'm glad people like my theories and I hope George RR Martin writes Melisandre to ressurects Jon. If not, I will go to his place and demand him to write Melisandre ressurects Jon.

I heard a rumor that George RR Martin will reveal Jon's parentage in Book 6 "Wind in the Winter".
terpforlyfe - 6/18/2012, 6:01 PM
Sorry guys, but Angelfire has had these theories for a lone time.

I expect to see Howland Reed play a significant part in the revealing of the history of Jon. In SofS pgs 338-343 Meera tells Bran the story of a small mystery knight (The Knight of the Laughing Tree) that by all appearances seems to be Howland, assisted by the "quiet wolf" - aka Eddard Stark in getting revenge on the Frey squires that ganged up on him and suddenly disappears the morning of the final tourney to the dismay of the King who wants this knight unmasked. That is the same tourney that Rhaegar wins and gives Lyanna a blue rose and names her the queen of love and beauty over his own wife, starting the love affair between Lyanna and Rhaegar. Strange how Sansa found herself in the same situation with Loras Tyrell when he gave her the Red rose, maybe coincidence, but R.R. doesn't just drop irrelevant info like that.
Howland is the only living person who knows what truly happened when Ned killed Ser Arthur Dayne and the "promise" was asked of Ned by Lyanna. It seems very odd that a man as greatly trusted as Reed is to Ned would never come to Winterfell or be seen after the Tower of Joy incident. It is even stranger still that Ned would journey back to Starfall to return "Dawn" after he killed Ser Arthur Dayne unless there is more to the story than has been revealed.

I can't possibly imagine that R.R. would kill off Jon in book 6, with so many possibilities and as much backstory that has been devoted to him. I believe that Melissandre told Jon about the "daggars in the dark" to build his trust after she heals him after his "death" By doing that, she would effectively null and void Jon's oath the the Nights Watch as his "I will live and die at my post" would have been realized and reborn Jon Stark as Robb's legitimization of Jon as his successor as King upon his demise. Robb's command to his bannermen to affix their seal attesting the legitimization of Jon was before they reached the Green Fork prior to the Red Wedding would make sense that Ravens were sent detailing this decree before he was Killed by the Freys.(pg 636 SofS) It would be hard to imagine that Robb would not have sent word to the wall notifying Jon of these wishes and possibly Melissandre already knows of this. Stannis legitimizing Jon, no thanks, but his "brother" and closest friend growing up honoring him with this wish, I can't believe he would decline.

I don't see Jon forgoing the "old gods" in lieu of R'hollor however and that poses a small problem there.
STARKILLER21 - 6/18/2012, 10:02 PM
@terpforlyfe, another good point, on

Showed me a bit more info, thanks again for showing it.
If you want check out my "Robert's Rebellion" Fancast I made a while back, you'll like it.
STARKILLER21 - 6/21/2012, 4:58 AM
Thanks brett, in 2-3 years time, we will know Jon's fate will Melisandre revive Jon or will he stay dead and his parentage will never be revealed.
However I doubt it as GRRM confirmed in a interview that Jon's parentage will be revealed in the 6th Book.
slsmile10 - 7/7/2012, 12:09 AM
@terpforlyfe I logged in just to debunk this ridiculous notion about Targaryens and getting burnt. GRRM said and I quote "Lastly, some fans are reading too much into the scene in GAME OF THRONES where the dragons are born -- which is to say, it was never the case that all Targaryens are immune to all fire at all times."
He repeated it again where he said it was a magical event meaning if Dany gets tossed in a fire again without the Mirri Maz Durr dying for her, MMD's blood magic, Dany would get burned to death.

ADWD SPOILERS: Dany gets hit with Drogon's fire but she ducks and avoids the direct hit however her hair gets burned off and the palms of her hands get burnt. If she had gotten a direct hit on her face/body, she would have burnt on her face/body.

See: Aerion Targaryen who died by wildfire, the Targaryens who burned at Summerhall and yes, they were all blood of the dragon too.

I'm quoting someone else on Dany's ADWD moment (SPOILERS):

Dany wasn't injured by Drogon's flames in ADWD because she ducked underneath them and dodged them. She isn't damaged by the "furnace wind" that Drogon blows, but Quentyn Martell equally withstands a "furnace wind" that Rhaegal unleashed.

The only difference is, Dany was able to dodge Drogon's flame (I think the "furnace wind" is a warm-up before fire is actually unleashed; it serves the same function for both dragons), while Quentyn was hit head-on when Rhaegal unleashed his fire.

If Dany had taken Drogon's fire head-on instead of ducking it, she would have been incinerated. Only Dany's hair gets burned in the fighting pit, and it doesn't take much for that to happen, and it doesn't necessarily mean that other parts of her would have burned.

Whereas her clothing burned off in the funeral pyre, her tunic isn't singed at all from the fighting pit. Why? Because she didn't get close enough to the fire for her clothing (or any other part of her, except her hair) to burn. So I don't see how anyone can make any claim that the fighting pit constitutes another "fireproof" moment when 1. her hands were burned just by touching the spear, and 2. her clothing (and thus her body) shows no evidence of being in contact with the actual fire. If her clothing had been singed or burned off but she herself was unscathed, you might have a point. But that wasn't the case.

So again, Dany is not fireproof. And the author himself said several times that Dany and Targs are not immune to fire. He said that Dany's pyre moment was a one time event and that it won't likely happen again. And then he shows that several other true Targs died by burning/fire (Aerion, the Targs who burned at Summerhall the day Rhaegar was born).
STARKILLER21 - 7/11/2012, 11:11 PM
@slsmile10, you do have a point, Dany is not completely immune to Fire as her hair was burned by Drogon.

I hope Jon is revived in Book 6 by Melisandre as GRRM "said" Jon's parentage is revealed in that Book.
Most of the fans are still pissed for what he did to Jon.
Besides if Jon if truly Lyanna and Rhaegar's son it would be cool if he meets Aegon VI his possible half-brother. Which Aegon will despise Jon as he and Lyanna are the reason he was exiled and caused his sister, mother and their own father's death. I think if Jon is a Stark/Targaryen that should be the good way to introduce the 2 brothers to one another.
terpforlyfe - 7/26/2012, 6:39 PM
My question about Dany is how was she unburnt when she placed the dragons eggs on the brazier? Her servant was. She had no effect from scalding hot bath water. She was born of smoke and salt at Dragonstone and has awoken stone dragons so pardon me if I call bullshit. Regardless of what RR might have said to dissuade people she survived Drogos pyre. She obviously has some magic imparted to her after entering the tent and losing her baby. Every magic has its toll and maybe she is becoming less immune to the fire as she embraces it. She is Azor Azai reborn and has powers just like Beric Dondarrion, Stannis with his shadow baby, Pyat Pree once the dragons were born , Robert Strong (aka The Mountain after being resurrected by Qyburn),Cold Hands (Benjen?), and hopefully soon, Jon when Melisandre steps in. Maybe she sees her chance to win back the favor of the Westerosi and help the Nights Watch throw back the Others. That would fit the scenario to bring the light(fire of dragon flames) to drive the others and their darkness back with Aegon and Jon riding their too fittingly suited dragons. Dany rides Drogon, Black like her brothers sigil, Jon on Viserion , the White Dragon much like Ghost I'm sure Jon could even learn to Warg into the Dragon to establish his initail control, Aegon could possibly ride on Rhaegal but doubtful as I see him as an outsider at the beginning distracting the emergence of Dany playing with Jon Connington on the eastern shore. So here we go.....Jon eventually marries Dany his Aunt who can not bear children of her own (Jon refuses to father a bastard, O.K. done)but can become rightful King and Dany can be his Queen ending the misunderstood animosity between Stark/Targaryens, defeating the Others and reuinting the 7 kingdoms in peace. Maybe they forego the claim to the Iron throne and let Aegon take it so he can continue the legacy since he has no issue with parenthood. HMMMM maybe Arya????? to reuinte the houses and seal the peace N and S.

Arya warging should come into more play in the next book as well as Bran hones his new found skills. What about Rickon??he obviously has the skills as well. Thoughts?
STARKILLER21 - 7/27/2012, 1:31 PM
@terpforlyfe you make a good point, but their is possibility that Jon might not be a true bastard as Rhaegar and Lyanna could have married when they ran off together. Because Aegon The First of his name married both of his sisters and many of Rhaegar's ancestors married others as well.
So Jon MIGHT not be a bastard at all, have you checked my Robert's Rebellion Fancast yet terpforlyfe, if not check it out.
struthion - 10/27/2012, 9:42 PM
I'm not %100 sold on the Lyanna/Rhaegar parentage theory. He gets Ghost, which doesn't make sense if he's just a cousin to the other Stark kids.

That said, there are more than enough hints that Jon isn't Ned's son. But if Ned "adopted" him to protect him, wouldn't he have been better off pretending that he was the son of one of his bannermen, or some other commoner? He could provide for his future, like Gendry, and he wouldn;t have to go through the stigma of being a bastard. Besides, raising him as a noble and keeping his mother's identity secret is bound to raise more dangerous questions. He might look like a Stark, but there seem to be enough Starks around to warrant separate family lines, like the Karstarks.
GoTGeek - 11/18/2012, 1:01 PM
A friend's theory is that Jon Snow is the love child of Lyanna Stark & Robert Baratheon. It explains Jon's dark hair. (If he was Rhaegar's, wouldn't he have silver hair?) Also, his marriage to Daenarys would unite the Starks, Targaryens, and Baratheons, and he could still be Azor Ahai....
pyromancer - 3/15/2013, 10:13 PM
Sorry if i am wrong but didn't Arya meet a kid who said he was Jon's milk brother, and that the kid knew Jon's mother. Plus, judging by the hair color he cannot be a Targaryan, as so far every bastard or child in this book has inherited the hair color. I think he is Ned Stark's son. As far as the secret Ned guarded was that Lyanna also loved Rhaegar and not Robert.
MegaforceBlack - 9/18/2013, 9:57 AM

Remember that Robb, Sansa, Bran, and Rickon have Tully like features. Jon and Arya are closer in resemblance. It could be that the Stark genes were dominant when it comes to Jon's hair color.
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