My thoughts on the X-Men Saga

My thoughts on the X-Men Saga

Looking back on the X-Men films we've had and looking forward to the future of these movies

Editorial Opinion
By FilmDork1221 - Jun 03, 2013 07:06 AM EST
Filed Under: X-Men

The X-Men movies, the Marvel/FOX movie franchise that splits people right down the middle, some people think Hugh Jackman brings much needed humanity to Wolverine, some people think this weakens the character, some people think Origins is the worst film, others think Last Stand is, some people love Bryan Singer’s work, some hate his work. In this article I’m going to be giving my own personal views on all five movies that have come out including how I think some could have been improved, plus my expectations for the next two movies.

I think I’ll begin by stating my views on the quality of the movies themselves, (from best to worst)

1) X2
2) X-Men
3) X-Men: First Class
4) X-Men: The Last Stand
5) X-Men Origins: Wolverine

In my mind X2 is a near perfect X-Men film, it improves on the first one, it gives us what we want to see (ie Wolverine’s origin), more depth is given to the characters and we’re given new characters that move the story forward without making us wonder why they are there in the first place. The fight scene between Wolverine and Lady Deathstrike is in my top five greatest fight scenes.

The villain isn’t just a rehash of the first movie, but he’s just as complex and interesting as Magneto and played by the brilliant Brain Cox. Cox plays these villain almost as a loving stepfather who is just trying to make his favourite boy Wolverine join the football team and gets annoyed when he fails, and I love it. The look into Wolverine’s past gives us just enough information while still being fairly mysterious, it also creates a hellish depiction of the room where Wolverine was experimented on which just makes for a gorgeous set. Nightcrawler is just amazing, giving us one of the best opening set pieces I’ve ever seen in an action movie, the choreography, editing, pace is just perfect.

Then we look at how the movie ends. *SPOILER* Over the course of the movie Wolverine has confessed his love for Jean and been rejected in favour of Jean’s current boyfriend Scott, Wolverine has also been confronted with his past and chosen not move on, leaving behind who he was and who Stryker intended him to be and set off to become a new man with his new family, and finally Jean dies saving the rest of the team, leaving both Scott and Wolverine mourning her equally, and in the very last frames of the movie we are given a hint of the Phoenix saga. Interesting points to be picked up on you would think… well I’ll talk about X3 soon.

So yes I love X2, as for the other movies, well I love Bryan Singer’s way of telling these stories, it’s about victims and personal struggles and relationships. He moves the story along at just the right pace to allow time to add not just the big action set pieces but also the quieter moments, either soft like Wolverine and Rouge’s conversation on the train or funny like Wolverine proving he’s not Mystique in disguise by calling Cyclops a dick.

The characters in this movie are good but clearly not as well thought out as in X2, mainly because Singer had to concentrate on introducing these people and didn’t have the time to develop them fully. But none the less all the characters are likeable, I know a lot of people don’t like Hally Berry’s Storm but personally I have no problem with her at all, her calm delivery which people sometimes call wooden I feel gives her a great air of leadership and control. The character I always liked was Cyclops and I always felt he was underused by Singer, he’s meant to be the great leader and Singer portrays him more as a boy scout who the audience laugh at whenever Wolverine makes a joke at his expense. I really wanted to see the scene of him truly taking command and giving Wolverine orders, but he was always sidelined to make room for more scenes with the much cooler Wolverine. I’ll talk more about him when I get to X3.

It’s clear to see that Singer had a clear vision of what these movies should be, and considering what comic book movies had become at the time it’s fair to say it was pretty extraordinary what he achieved despite a rather small budget.

I’m not the biggest fan of First Class mainly because I don’t think it’s anywhere near as tightly paced and envisioned as Singer’s movie. The film moves at 200 miles and hour trying to fit in its witty moments and complex story, introducing Magneto’s origin, a new villain team, the forming of the XMen themselves, Mystique’s confusing and pretty strange origins, the Cold War.

The film works best when focused on the relationship between Charles and Eric, in those scenes I love the film, the Magneto Nazi hunter scenes, the games of chess, exploring Eric’s damaged mind, all fantastic. But when we start getting into the other characters, origins of characters who don’t really need any more backstory like Beast and Mystique, the new team members who we’re never going to see again and are not practically interesting.

The cast is in my mind a little hit and miss, James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender both nail their roles, making both characters so much more interesting and making us truly care about what happens to them, especially Fassbender as Eric whose calm presence and likeable personality only adds to the dread of seeing him finally turn away from his friend, and when he talks about his point of view, it’s tricky not to agree with him in some way. Kevin Bacon is fun but not an overly memorable villain with an rather strange power and a oddly disappearing German accent. The supporting cast are just okay, Jennifer Lawerence is great, Nicolas Hoult is good but I feel he’s miscast, Beast should be a beast and gentle on the inside, as for the rest of the cast, I’m not really surprised we’re not seeing them again in Days of Future Past, they’re not bad, they’re just not that interesting or engaging.

The movie feels like it’s going at 100mph but it still has too much going and ends up having to fit in montages and rushes it’s ending with some rather odd moral choices and dodgy special effects. Not my favourite but there’s a lot to like about it.

And then we get to the shit fest of the XMen movies,beginning with XMen. The Last Stand, quite possibly one of the biggest let downs in movie franchise history. After the brilliant, complex, detailed, layered, emotional X2, we get a lazy, dumb, bland, uninspired mess given to us by one of the most unlikeable directors in Hollywood (and that’s saying something) Brett Ratner.After everything that Singer had worked so hard to develop, characters, relationships, politics that made (mostly) logical sense, Ratner comes in and completely changes the relationship between Rouge and Iceman for no reason other than to write in the character of Shadowcat who serves nothing for the plot, she comes in, her and Iceman have a scene together, Iceman and Rouge break up, they join the final battle together and then Iceman and Rouge are back together by the end. Mystique loses her powers and Magneto leaves her behind, I don’t believe for a second that he would do that to this character who he clearly cares about who just saved him.

Another point, when you’re going to kill off a popular character it’s a tricky thing to do without getting the internet despising you forever, Joss Whedon likes to give his characters either a heroic final moment or a tragic silent passing, either way the death of each of his characters effects the rest of the characters and the story itself. Brett Ratner kills two major characters in this film and each death is handled in the worst way possible, Scott’s death is sudden, unspectacular and no one seems to care, Professor X does a little better getting something of a heroic scene but ultimately fails in his task, his final words are ignored by Phoenix making his sacrifice worthless. The Phoenix itself is also terribly mishandled, she’s meant to be all powerful and can destroy anything in her way, she could destroy entire cities if she wanted, in this movie she destroys a suburban house and a small Island, huh. I don’t think we need to say anything about how pointless Angel is in the movie, why does he wear the suit in the poster if he never wears it in the film?! Oh yeh, remember that Colossus was in this movie, I keep forgetting, did he even get a line?I won’t comment on Juggernaut because, what is there to say that hasn’t been said, he’s just crap.

Ratner completely misses the point of what could have made this story interesting, the relationship between Scott, Wolverine and Jean, Scott doesn’t know that Wolverine really does love Jean, and that final scene when Wolverine is forced to kill her would have been so much more interesting if Scott was forced to accept Jean was gone and allow Wolverine to end the fight.

The other thing that would have made this a more unique and interesting movie would be if Wolverine was not the main character, as much as I love and enjoy Wolverine he’s been the poster boy for four of the five movies that have come out, he has another solo film and will lead Days of Future Past, a break from him would have been good. I would have like to have seen Wolverine treated in a similar way to how Joss Whedon handled the Hulk in Avengers, giving him only two scenes but building them up and making them the best two scenes in the movie. Scott is the one put in the real interesting position at the beginning of the film, trying to carry on and be a rolemodel to the students despite the fact he’s lost his true love, Ratner clearly didn’t like the character and makes him a whiney brat who does nothing but be a dick and then die.

Even the final climax is a disappointment, Ratner is given a massive budget, gives Magneto an army of mutants who the XMen must fight off, and he still mucks it up, I think we saw maybe four powers used by Magneto’s army of about one hundred mutants, whats the point in having lots of mutants if not of them seem to have any powers, watching our heroes just punch these guys one after another gets very boring very quickly.
I will say there are a few things I like about this movie however, Kelsey Grammer as Beast is just perfect, 100% perfect, although how he’s managed to get a job in the White House could have done with a little more of an explanation. Seeing Iceman turning into ice while fight Pyro was pretty cool, the special effects are great, erm, Wolverine still looks cool. No I’m done those are my only good points.

Well after that rant you might think there couldn’t be a movie I think is worse, but let’s face it, there is nothing what so ever right about XMen Origins. Wolverine. Nothing is done right, nothing is done well, no character is interesting, all the characters are idiots, the fight scenes are disappointing, the drama is lame, the comedy is embarrassing, the plot is rushed, the side characters are pointless. This movie very nearly killed the Xmen movies for good, the only reason it didn’t is because we can pretend we’re Wolverine and forget all about it.

Let’s start with the story, I’ll sum up, Wolverine joins a team of assassins, lead by a now American William Stryker, but leaves because being an assassin means killing, he falls in love with a girl but his brother Victor kills her, he teams up with Styker to go after him and Stryker gives him his Adamantium skeleton, he waits until Wolverine is indestructible and decides to kill him, Wolverine escapes and meets up with other characters, fights them, wins, rinse and repeat until he finds Stryker and Victor, turns out his girlfriend is alive and was part of a plan and only pretended to love Wolverine, but she really does love him and Wolverine believes her despite she could very easily be lying again, Wolverine kills a hate fuelling depiction of Deadpool and is shot in the head by Stryker and loses his memory. Oh and his girlfriend dies again. This plot is lazy, dumb, lacking in any kind of focus and all around shite.

My issues with this movie, Wolverine is not interesting, this was our chance to see another side of Wolverine, the man with a memory, with relationships, instead we get the exact same character we’ve seen in the other movies, but slightly dumber.

Stryker is played as a villain, I’m going to come back to this but in X2 Stryker was the bad guy but you understood where he was coming from, Brain Cox played it brilliantly and there did seem to be a genuine care and interest in Wolverine, maybe more about him being a weapon but he really did want him on his side, in this movie Stryker stabs a guy with a sword, evil for the sake of evil is not interesting.

The filler, halfway through the film Wolverine gets his proper claws and is on his own for a good chunk of the movie, so he goes to a new mutant we met earlier, engages in a boring fight, wins, learns he needs to talk to another mutant, fights him, wins, learns where Stryker is, this is boring. At least when he fights Victor there is drama and passion behind it, when he fights the Blob you’re just waiting for the fight to be over so we can get back to the story.

Deadpool… What the hell… Ryan Reynolds was great, easily the best part of the film, but when Deadpool reappears in the finale it is just insulting, fans have waited to see the Merc with a Mouth for so long, so why shut the mouth?! Why does he shoot lasers from his eyes? Why can he teleport? Why would he have swords put into his arms, what was wrong with carrying them?
Now I’m going to talk about how I think this movie could have been better, These are just a few ideas I had which I think would have made for a more structured and interesting movie.

My first changes would go to Stryker, it does bother me that he’s gone from British Brain Cox to American Danny Huston, who really plays this as a one dimensional bad guy general, he’s a great actor but clearly he just didn’t care here. So I’m going to recast the role, I would have liked to have seen John Simm as Stryker, you may know Simm from Doctor Who where he played the Master, the reason I choose him is not only because he’s British, but he would add a similar charm with underlying rage which worked so well in X2. This relationship between Logan and Stryker is interesting, a father figure to a lost soul like Wolverine. I would have liked to see Stryker given a real arc, at the start of the film he could honestly want to help Wolverine and mutants and over the course of the film meets more and more powerful mutants which scare him, one of the mutants swears he’ll kill Stryker (Sabretooth?) and Stryker forces Wolverine into the WeaponX programme which damages Logan’s brain erasing his memory, Wolverine escapes and in his berserker rage beats up Stryker. This creates Stryker’s hatred for all mutants.

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KoonEl - 6/3/2013, 9:04 AM
You make some good points, but Brian Cox was not playing British in X2. He just has a different sounding voice. He was supposed to be American as far as I can tell.

X3 would not have been hated as much if they hadn't killed off the Professor (sort of) and Cyclops and Jean. That was way too much for me at least. I personally loved the way Magneto left Mystique behind, and I think that it suited his character perfectly.

Origins I must be one of the few who actually liked that film. I didn't care for Deadpool's change or Gambit, but other than that I really liked it. It still had its flaws, but it was a fun popcorn flick. The worst of the series in terms of quality cinema, but better than X3 for me because I didn't walk out of the theater disappointed.
Odin - 6/3/2013, 10:41 AM
You write very wisely; you make actual good points and analysis about the movies and characters, you also express perfectly on why people are so disappointed on Last Stand and Origins. This might be the best X-Men editioral I have seen on this site; effective stuff instead of just frivolous misuse of word rape and endless demands of beheading of Singer.
Personally I'm very excited about X-Men:Days Of Future Past.
THIS - 6/3/2013, 10:44 AM
I like all of them. Only thing I don't like is how they handled Deadpool.
TheSuperguy - 6/3/2013, 11:06 AM
Do you work for a newspaper or something, cuz this is one well written article! If I had to rate the X-flicks, they would be:

1: X-Men: First Class
2: X2
3: X-Men
4: X-Men: The Last Stand
5: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

I love all the X-Men movies, even the bad ones. In my opinion, they're all fun flicks and I enjoyed at least a part of each one. I'm looking forward to The Wolverine, and to me, it looks like it will start the official Wolverine film series. DOFP looks like it has the potential to be awesome and the best X-film so far. I hope they have cameos by Gambit and especially Deadpool, and do the characters justice. Plus, if Deadpool is received well in DOFP, maybe Fox will finally greenlight a solo movie.
MrCameron - 6/3/2013, 4:44 PM


Excellent editorial good sir. I think Odin pretty much summed up my thoughts.
MrCBM56 - 6/3/2013, 7:06 PM
I love all x-men films. They really started the modern era of super hero movies. With out x-men we would not have the dark knight or the avengers.
GuardianDevil - 6/3/2013, 8:38 PM
X2 and First Class were great.

X-Men was good.

X3 was average.

Origins was pure crap.
fortycals - 6/4/2013, 4:46 AM
Good article. My feelings match yours almost to a t. My only difference is I still don't put X3 in the crap catagory. It wasn't as good as X1/2 or first class, but still good and watchable. The killing of scott and proff x did bother me a bit, but it was advertised as the last xmen movie, so I expect death for some. I'm not a comic purist so the changes didn't bother me. My biggest problem with last stand is I wanted more. That's more of my problem than the movie itself.
sikwon - 6/4/2013, 5:18 AM
I love the XMen. Wolcerine is by far my favorite character and i really like Jackman as an actor but seriously... none of these movies were good. They hod moments of being good. Parts that were good. But the movies werent good. Take Deathstryke for example. Part of what makes her a good vilan for wolverine is the history they sher, the revenge factor. In X2 shes nothing but a hot, silent henchman. Hell her fighting wolverine isnt even her decision! Stryker is controling her mind. In terms of X2 wolverine literaly killed an innocent mutant being used as a weapon against her will just like the weapon X program used wolverine. Irony and a slap in the face to wolverines moral code (oh, wait he hadent been to japan yet, my bad) and half of the entire them of wolverines character "experementation on mutants". Ya, deathsryke was literaly murdered while some one else controled her mind. The entire franchise is filled with examples like that. Not just butchering source and character (all cbms do ot and thats fine) but missing its own themes and not following its own laid out course.
sikwon - 6/4/2013, 5:38 AM
Cyclops is another example. He wasnt just a boyscout, that would have just annoying. He wasnt just a weak character with zero leadership skills, that would have just been an example of them not understanding the character. No, the worst part was that his ONLY purpose in the XMen movies was to be Jeans boyfriend so that Wolverine couldent have her and we get the "logan cant be with the woman he loves" element. It was a complete waste of a very strong, complex character. And an extremely underdeveloped love triangle between logan, scott and jean. And last time i read an xmen comic, im fairly sure that Bobby Drake is funny and immature. Not the brooding angst filled teen we get. I understand they used him to draw the homosexuality discrimination/mutant descriminatiin parallels but it was a diservice to the character. His name and powers are the only things that he has from his comic source.
FilmDork1221 - 6/4/2013, 11:09 AM
Thank you all so much for your lovely comments... nice to see a lack of hateful comments on this site... will be putting more articles soon :)
PiereDevon - 6/4/2013, 3:31 PM
I am still lost on how people loved X2 & Xmen 1 but think this movie is goin to suck. Do they not know that Singer was the director ? 0_o
LFANCH - 6/5/2013, 10:33 AM
Good article. Another thing that bothered me about wolverine was the inexcusably bad CGI. There are shots that have no business looking bad that do. Things that don't require special effects at all have them in origins.
MarvelGurl - 7/11/2013, 12:42 PM
Great article! All your points I can hardly disagree with. Here's my rankings:

1. X-Men First Class

-This is where I became a fan of all things Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy. I've seen McAvoy in stuff before but never really appreciated him. All the best scenes were the ones containing these two. The female parts were horribly written. How do I know this? Because Rose Byrne and Jennifer Lawrence are not that horrible of actresses. I hope Singer can do a better job with Lawrence's Mystique, because she's easily one of the most dangerous characters of the Marvel Universe and she just rubbed me off the wrong way in Vaughn's movie. I have to disagree I think Nicholas Hoult was well casted as Beast. All in all Beast is just a humble, gentle guy who got the short end of the stick mutation wise. Then he had his dick moments in First Class which if you have watched Skins UK you would know that Hoult nails perfectly lol.

2. X-Men

-This was my number 1 before First Class came out. X-Men is hands down my favorite superheroes in the Marvel Universe so I was just ecstatic when this movie was made. It's also my number two because Rogue is my favorite XMen character and was prominently featured in the film compared to the cartoons.

3. X-Men 2

I should probably watch it again and it's probably because I'm not Jean Grey's, or Scott Summers' biggest fans, but I didn't love this movie as much as everyone else claims it's the best one. Wolverine is easily my least favorite character of the XMen and I only tolerate the obsession of making him central to every movie because Hugh Jackman plays him. However, I agree let character take the back burner. Sheesh Hugh has been playing this character for the last 13 years straight I'm sure his body would love a break.

4. I'm just going to put The Wolverine here cause it looks badass.

-If I had to like Wolverine for any reason it's his Japan background. The trailers and what appears to be the concept of the movie looks very very interesting.

5. Wolverine Origins

-Just no. From the slo-mo of the helicopter explosion to the crappy casting that was Taylor Kitsch. To alluding Scott, and Emma Frost...seriously what timeline were they working off of?! The only great parts was any scene with Liev and Hugh...and then Deadpool.

6. X-Men 3

-Filmmakers should not kill main characters if their name is not Joss Whedon, lol. I agree it takes a special kind of person to be able to do it, be hated for only like a small amount of time, but then it's actually ok. Yes, I hated Joss Whedon and his Buffy when they killed Angel in the season 2 finale. He ended up making it up to me in season 3 though lol. How the eff do you just off Cyclops, and Professor X like they are two bit characters?! Granted Professor X dies like how many times in comics and graphic novels, but still?! Really?! Man the only thing Ratner did right was cast Kelsey Grammar.

Off the top of my head I know Brett Ratner from the Rush Hour films and those in my opinion are great, funny, buddy cop movies. However, does he have experience outside of comedy? With large ensembles??

This is the issue with films like XMen, Fantastic Four, Justice League, The Avengers, etc. It's an ensemble film that requires that a director be experienced with handling a large group of characters and making them interesting. I say keep Singer, and Whedon and get someone else of their caliber to shoot the others...dare I say it? JJ Abrahms? I'm interested in seeing him helm a Marvel or DC movie.
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